Journey Back in Time to the City of David

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hello there welcome to the City of David are you also stuck at home don't worry today we have a special surprise for you today we're bringing ancient Jerusalem to you to your home would you like to see it come with me come on let's go ah you see like any other place in the world everything's locked but don't worry that's why we're here [Music] wow what a view Jerusalem really does have Malians surrounding it you know people sometimes mistake and think they're gonna find the ancient city within the walls of the old city people expect to go into the old city walk a few floors down and find the ancient city but now where does Jerusalem start here where we're standing outside the walls of the city to the City of David a city that was forgotten and lost in time and we are now rediscovering and the borders of the city are just here below me one Valley to the east the famous keed Rhone Valley and also in the West the deep Turo pean valley both valleys that meet at a distance of a 5-minute walk from here not far a place called the shaloha pool don't worry we'll get there we are standing at one of the highest points in the city and you could see the ancient city just here behind me to the east of us we could see Mount of Olives and on top of it you could see the ancient if you look closely underneath the houses you'll notice these black square holes carved in the mountain do you know what they are would you like to guess these are the most ancient Jewish burial grounds in the world from about 3,000 years ago and to the south of us we could see the mountain ridge where the British Commissioner's Palace used to be and today it's where the UN headquarters sit for the west of us mount of Zion and the old city walls if you'll notice just behind the walls you could see the houses of the Jewish quarter to the north of us as we said the Temple Mount which is built on top of Mount Moriah yes the same Mount Moriah that Abraham came to with his son Isaac do you know that 3,000 years ago the same view we're seeing right now King David saw he could get up every morning with his coffee walk out to the porch and see this beautiful scenery do you want to see where he lived let's imagine ourselves as a resident of the city 3,000 years ago I gets a chance actually go and visit King David's Palace come let me show you it's time to head down into the palace come follow me let's go we are now sitting in the palace in 2005 dr. Eilat Mazar dug here and she found these massive walls she dated them to 3,000 years ago because of the things she found in between the stones she said I found King David's Palace not everybody agrees with her but think about it there are massive walls creating a corner these walls were very tall they were created here 3,000 years ago who lived here 3,000 years ago King David you're still having trouble imagining this as the palace well you could see this beautiful capital stone this is also an ancient stone that tells us this structure not only was a public building it was also a royal building and you know it may be this structure still needs to be dug more to understand it better but I'd like to share with you something that's not disputable you know this book the Bible according to the Bible 2600 years ago 400 years after King David lived here there was another King who lived here he was King David's great great great great great guy great guy grandson his name was King Zedekiah and you know Kings don't live alone in the palace they have their wives they have ministers advisors servants Butler's soldiers I'd like to read one verse from the Bible before I read it I'd like to tell you a short story during the time of King Zedekiah there was a prophet here his name was Jeremiah and he was prophesizing the destruction of the city King didn't like what he hears it's not good for business he tells four of his ministers take Jeremiah throw him into a pit the names of the four of ministers are mentioned in the first verse in chapter 38 in the Book of Jeremiah then chef Otte of the son of mutton and Gedaliah the son of Pasha and you are the son of Shalom yeah and POSCO the son of melea heard the words that Jeremiah spoken to all the people saying and the story continues now why did I just read out these four ancient Hebrew names because a Latin Mazar the archeologists found where we're sitting this little round thing this little round thing is called a seal its purpose is to close letters yes if you receive letters in ancient time in order to open it you have to break the seal but before you break it you're probably gonna look real close to see who sent the letter because people back then had rings on their hands and they printed their name on the seal and if you look closely you could see Hebrew letters and what is the name on the seal well one seal has the name Yahoo halasana Shalom young another seal has a named Bell Yahoo son of Pascal the exact names we read just now in the Bible are found here where I'm sitting could you believe it so we visited the king's palace we know where the ministers went to work but where did they live let me show you hey there so we just came down from the palace into the ancient neighborhood even though we came down we're still on the upper parts of the city welcome to Uptown Jerusalem the place where the ministers lived where the rich people lived take a look here behind me we could see the remnants of an ancient house from the first Temple period the family living in this house was a very wealthy family how do we know it because of this small room you see the small room could you guess what it was well it wasn't a wine cellar there wasn't a safer fault it was a bathroom a private bathroom back then - go do your business you'd have to go outside the walls of the city there is no sewage in the city this family had their own private bathroom and if you look closely right over here in the corner you can see a square stone with a round hole in it what is it it's a toilet one of the most ancient toilets in the country archaeologists dug underneath the toilet and found some Reza do pun intended the last person who set on this toilet 2600 years ago sends us a very warm regards the archaeologists learnt from analyzing this bathroom a little bit about the diet of the person who lived here back then one piece of information was super interesting archaeologists found here the remainings of raw meat meat that wasn't cooked what is a rich person doing eating raw meat well let's think about it what's happening here in the city 2600 years ago it's being destroyed by the Babylonians maybe somebody's hiding in this bathroom the little amount of meat they managed to salvage for themselves they couldn't cook because if they would start a fire the Babylonians would discover them isn't this amazing that we could see the story of Jerusalem's destruction not only through the layer of ash that archaeologists found here from 26 hundred years ago but also through a little toilet in a private bathroom you should know that if you come here during the summer you'll get a chance to see a light show which is projected on the findings right over here behind me it's called the Hallelujah show it's beautiful I recommend it in any case we've seen the Palace above us we've seen the ancient neighborhood we've seen even what people ate but what the big drink where did they get their water from for that we need to go on a short journey downtown we're gonna leave Uptown Jerusalem and head underground or the water tunnels let's go we're heading down down through the luscious pathways of the residential area in the City of David like any other resident who wouldn't live here three thousand years ago but the truth is I'm missing something on my sholder bucket what you gonna do they had no faucets back then to get water they need to go down to the nihon spring that's where we're going let's go and see it we're heading down now through the most ancient tunnel dug by man in Jerusalem almost 4000 years ago this is a thousand years before King David and you can see over here on the walls the markings of the people who actually carved this tunnels did you see how deep that was were now at the famous Warren's shaft discovered by Charles Warren 150 years ago back then the people who were in control the Middle East were the Turks Queen Victoria Saint Charles Warren over here to Jerusalem it's for the city but also to spy Charles Warren starts to dig in all kinds of places in the city one day he decides to head down to the spring itself he heads down to the geekland spring and finds an opening to a tunnel he walks inside and starts crawling through it but bad luck for him the water starts rising he tries to find a way out and suddenly he notices that the flame in his candle is flickering he realizes that there is some kind of air passageway he looks to the left he sees nothing he looks to the right he sees nothing he looks up and sees the shaft he climbs up and continues on through the entire tunnel when he comes out of the tunnel he finds himself outside of the walls of the old city and he realizes something that nobody realized before him the ancient city the place where Jerusalem began wasn't where the old city is it's underneath his feet because he found the tunnel which led people to the water thousands of years ago Charles Warren wasn't only an explorer he was also a biblical scholar and he's reminded of a very famous story in the book of Samuel when King David is standing in front of his soldiers telling them that the only way to capture the city is by finding the secret passageway underground did we just find that secret passageway you know this wasn't only a way down to the water this was also way up for King David soldiers to conquer the city you know Charles Warren was not the only explored to come to Jerusalem there were many who came here some of them even forgotten some of their equipment you don't believe me take a look up there you could see buckets that were left here in those buckets there more than 100 years old not bad huh we just came out of the tunnel and down into the pool this is where people came to collect water thousands of years ago the same water King David drank from you know King David had injury he wanted to build the first temple but he never fulfilled that dream the person who did fulfill it was his son King Solomon his story starts here when he was anointed the story in the Bible tells us that King Solomon came down here as a child with the priest and the priest poured oil on his head and the entire nation yelled long live King Solomon the Bible tells us that this event took place in the gijón spring which is just on the other side of that wall the water in this pool came from the geekcon spring but as you could see today there's no water the pools empty where did the water go well the story is that about two hundred years after King Solomon there was another King living here in the city his name was King Hezekiah king hezekiah needed to prepare for war against the Assyrian Empire now King Hezekiah did not like the fact that the water is located outside the city he wanted to bring the water back inside he decides to carve a new tunnel when water starts flowing through this new tunnel this pool empties and for the past twenty seven hundred years there has been no water in this pool where did the water go where is the water flowing today let me show you come with me we're heading down to the water we're heading down to Hezekiah stop do you know that before King Hezekiah that one is another people who tried to protect the water the Canaanites they lived here about 4000 years ago and they built here a massive fortress that protected the water take a look these stones weigh thousands of tons don't ask me how they put them one on top of the other I have no idea but like I said before it's time to head to the water let's go [Music] all right we've reached the keyhole spring right here underneath my feet and also you could see the entrance to the Hezekiah tunnel would you come and visit here you will have an option to walk inside but just remember one important thing bring with you flashlights [Music] alright let's head out so we're back in the light you know 2700 years ago when this tunnel was actually dug two groups of people dug from both sides the fascinating thing is they managed to meet each other in the middle that meeting point is documented in an exciting piece of text from 2700 years ago known as the silo on tablet and now we are almost at the silo on Poole you could see the water let's go see the actual port we're standing at the entrance of the dry tunnel which is near the entrance to the wet tunnel let's go inside and take a look follow me you know the purpose of the wet tunnel was that water flowing from outside the city back in the city that way people had what to drink the tunnel that were walking through which is a much more ancient tunnel had water flowing through it as an interrogation system the water that would flow here which she's out of openings into the fields that way Jerusalem three thousand years ago did have agriculture that's it we've arrived at the end of the tour the meeting point between the two valleys but he drove Valley in the east the Tyrolean Valley in the West we are now at the meeting point the famous silo um Poole the poor we see around us was built here about two thousand years ago by King Herod and this throws us to a whole different story which we will tell you when you come and visit what we saw today is only a small fragment of what ancient Jerusalem and the city of David has to offer we hope that in better days you get a chance to come and visit and hear all the stories we haven't told you yet we want to wish you good health please take care of yourselves and we hope to see very soon
Channel: City of David
Views: 457,648
Rating: 4.7903633 out of 5
Id: ylJgDl4EMEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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