The Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, & the lost Son pt1

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good morning good morning everyone happy sabbath happy sabbath everyone i'm glad to see each of you today i have wonderful news please listen to me jesus is here amen can you say it out loud jesus is here with us at the victoria seventh day adventist church and i want to welcome jesus as well as each of you today and everyone that is watching for home today it feels like the fall has arrived in victoria bc it's feeling wonderful we've had a wonderful summer and now we can feel the difference of the colors coming in as you go for your walks you can see that too well today we have a really good program and i want to start with some announcements today okay so today we have a church picnic after our worship i hope you remember to bring your lunch with you remember that while we fellowship to remember the healthy measures as per the confidence as well and health ministry as well so please remember to be careful as we talk and if you want to use your mask you're very welcome is recommended you're looking to do some exercise tonight we have some time to do it welcome to everyone to come in today and and and and do a little bit of workout tonight at 7 30 right here in this gym also we tomorrow we have an open house and i wanted to show you this this is what our children learn from year zero okay what a wonderful pledge is to have this for the rest of your life no matter what you do you will do your best because jesus loves you this is what we introduce our children with the adventurer club please come bring your neighbors your children your nephews your grandchildren join our clubs as well as our pathfinders club great way for bringing your good characters for life tomorrow we have an open house right here at lcs we are doing an open house for any newcomers as well for the school please come in and and get to know us if you have a talent you want to join us and feel younger join our clubs okay so for this wednesday we have the project meeting um at 7 00 pm is via zoom so please check your emails pastor kosovan is always sending that link for you to join us and it's going to be about christian witnessing cradle roll sub school is always hit at 10 o'clock as well as a primary with ill deco right here at lcs we have a new pastor in the vc conference is our ministerial director i just had a chance to meet him quickly he said just call me peter don't worry about the last name so very friendly thank you pastor peter so welcome to victoria's seventh day adventist church we're happy to see uh his wife middleslav and jonathan is your name yes and his and their son so welcome please enjoy our program and remember that jesus is here with us with you take him wherever you go i want to invite the praise thing to come forward oh yes i invite you to stand up for this first song and feel free to let the spirit move you in whatever way he will as we sing praise to the lord in the great christian tradition of call and response hail jesus you're my king your love frees me to sing [Music] hail jesus you're my law hail jesus you're my law i will obey your word i will obey your word i want to see your kingdom come i want to see your kingdom i didn't know how to use my hair and i did just what it says [Music] [Music] to the cross you had to go glory glory to the lamb [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and proclaim that jesus reigns hail hill i know judah how powerful you are how wonderful you are praise the lord feel free to be seated if you like there are so many names that are attributed to our lord jesus christ and here's one of them right here a name of strength and power and might [Music] you're the lion of judah the lamb who was slain you ascended to heaven and evermore will reign at the end of the age when the earth you reclaim you will gather the nations before you and the dream we need a clicker frank you're clicking for us thank you and the eyes of all men will be fixed on the lamb who was crucified [Music] for with wisdom and mercy and justice he reigns at the father's side [Music] [Music] oh and the earth will reply you shall reign as the king of all kings and the lord of all lords [Music] there's a shield in our hand and a sword at our side there's a fire in our spirit that cannot be denied as the father has told us for these you have died for the nations that gather before you and the years of all men need to hear of the lamb who was crucified who descended to hell yet was raised up to reign at the father's side and the angels will cry hail the lamb who was slain for the world rule in power and the earth will reply you shall reign as the king of all kings and the lord of all lords and the angels will cry held [Music] and the earth will reply you shall reign as the king of all kings and the lord of all lord [Music] yes lord we praise you let us let you be let you truly be the lord of our life in every way and in order to have that happen we need to let him truly be the lord of our life and to reign in our hearts and be willing to let him change us by his power [Music] lord i come to you let my heart be changed renewed flowing from your grace that i found in you lord i've come to know the weaknesses i see in me will be stripped away for the power of your love hold me close let your loves around me [Music] bring me near draw me to your side [Music] and i will soar with you your spirit leads me on in the power of your life [Music] lord unveil my eyes let me see your face to face the knowledge of your love as you live in me lord renew my mind as your will unfolds in my life in living every day in the power of your love hold me close let your love surround me [Music] bring me near draw me to your side and as and i will soar with you your spirit leads me on in the power of your life and i will sow with you your spirit leads me on in the power of your life today's tithes and offering goes to world budget and the general conference will ask the deacon indigenous to come forward and receive these offerings as we sing our next song [Music] holy words long preserved for our walk in this world they resound with god's own heart oh let the ancient words impart words of life words of hope give us strength help us cope [Music] ancient words changing me and changing you we have come with open hearts oh let the ancient words empire [Music] holy words of our faith handed down to this age came to us to sacrifice oh heed the faithful words of christ holy words long preserved for our walk in this world they resound with god's own heart oh let the ancient words impart ancient words ever true changing me and changing you we have come with open hearts oh let the ancient words impart we have come with open hearts oh let the ancient words impart [Music] now is the time for ultra prayer i invite you to stand with us as we sing draw me near we ask the lord to draw near to us today stand with us as we sing our prayer song i am thine oh lord i have heard thy voice [Music] i am thine oh lord i have heard thy voice and it told my love to me but i long to rise in the arms of faith and be closer drawn to thee draw me here [Music] nearer blessed lord to the cross where thou hast died from me nearer nearer restless lord to thy precious bleeding sight consecrates me now to thy service lord by the power of grace divine may my soul look up with a steadfast hope and my will be lost in life [Music] lord to the cross where thou hast died draw me nearer near [Music] draw me nearer nearer blessed lord to thy precious bleeding side else do mean go on please borrow our heads of her gracious heavenly father we just want to thank you lord for all the blessings that you blessed to bless us with this past week we want to thank you for every breath we want to thank you for every heartbeat lord for without your power and your presence lord we would just cease to exist we want to thank you above all for the blood that was shed upon calvary's tree that we might have hope lord that we might have a new life but without this lord there would be no reason for our existence and we realize also lord that where's meant that there are many needs here present this morning that we all have a a personal need lord we have a a need of our family we have a worldwide needs lord we we can't help but see all the suffering lord there's there's much suffering going on there's floods on one side and fires on the other side there's pestilences and plagues there's unrest lord there's social unrest political unrest the whole world lord is coming apart because it's a whole world lord in rebellion against you and and we understand lord that these things are to take place because you've given us the holy word lord the ancient words that we're just singing about and and because of this lord we have this hope and when we see all these things coming about us lord we realize that jesus is coming again and we thank you for these precious promises lord and it is our prayer lord this morning that our hearts should be softened and subdued by the presence of the holy angels and your holy spirit lord we pray that we be able to hear hear your voice this morning lord through pastor peter as he opens up the word of life to us and help us lord to realize our condition before you lord and that we all have sinned and come short of the glory of god that there is an ongoing work for each and every one of us here this morning lord that we have a personal work to do in our own lives we have a better work to do lord in representing you to a fallen world lord represent a loving god for he's been misrepresented lord by many many people that profess to be followers of you but may not be one of us lord may we properly reveal you to our neighbors and and to our fellow co-workers we ask now lord for your blessing and nothing in our hands we bring lord simply to thy cross we cling bless us now we pray in jesus name amen good morning morning kids i was asked to use just seven minutes to do this but i will try not to do that more in more than 30 minutes okay anyway this is the sermon for the kids and then our ceremony well i want brandon and jen especially pay attention to this because i think this is a story about my life i've never shared this with you i can't remember well anyways i grew up in a small village in guatemala it's called la pampa and my dad used to say school is for the rich people and he says that my my grandpa used to say school is for rich and for lazy people which is not true for me okay i always encourage my kids that when they grow up i wanted them to go to the university but anyways my dad sent us to school you
Channel: Church in Victoria
Views: 59
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: td_-i5Z8ghg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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