The Lore Explorer Plays Echoes Of The Eye! - Ep1(Spoilers)

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hello everyone i am the lore explorer and this is outer wild echoes of the eye it is finally time here we are on september 28th just a few hours before release date i got the game a bit early and here i am diving into it with you guys i haven't looked at any spoilers i've avoided all of them all i've seen the trailer so let's get into it and of course we're headed right to the museum right away but instead of just taking the long walk of shame we're just gonna hop into our spacesuit here and hop on over let's see i want to get it in the map mode pretty soon see if there's anything obviously new uh oh what's this what this what this looks like a new probe i didn't know they'd actually have a uh whole little orbit line for it apparently it's in a polar orbit which is really cool so let's see what this new i want to see i want to see ah so cool so cool much wow all right all right i want to see one thing too did they get rid of the other yeah there used to be a poster of uh the orbital pro cannon here the radio tower here on timber hearth was built to receive transmissions from our deep space satellite and to this day still houses the first ever photos taken of the entire solar system these photos were made possible by the deep space satellite's unusual vertical orbit that carries it high above and below the plane of the solar system thanks to a recent upgrade the deep space satellite is now responsible for generating the real-time solar system map used by our newest astronauts that's awesome i always wondered how they did that i was thinking it was like a calculation they had running or something that's really cool i want to see if these guys have anything new to say [Music] hey i was just about to come find you look look you've got to see this that's new i think i'm just about to come find you they used to be closed probably should have started with that now they're open we're not sure why they opened no one actually saw it happen yeah i did someone should tell gabriel or maybe rebic oh stars this is so exciting it's making my stomach hurt i think they have something else to say maybe it's not at this time all right so all right well i think since it's on timber hearth we're gonna head right over to that deep space receiver ah we're gonna have to find out where it's at there it is found it and i think there's a little cabin over here too now so maybe we'll check that out first first i don't know if i identified signal huh [Music] deep space radio huh maybe that's how i find it oh look it has a little chair with a note i won't read that note a little makeshift bench i like it i like it a bunch of marshmallows oh i get to light the campfire how nice i like that reed despite my checking on them at least a thousand times over the images are still not ready to print over in the radio tower well it's like they say a watch center a watch satellite never transmits data that's a little joke for you journal no one says that i think they should though someday i'll have to study the mechanics of how time manages to slow to a syrupy crawl whenever i'm anticipating something in the meantime i've turned to gabriel a resident expert in leisurely wilding away time while away hours or they hours who recommends the following gabbro's three full few steps for dozing off one light a nice cozy campfire and get comfortable two gaze deeply into the serene warmth and three let time begin to slip away as you allow the flames to lull you into a peaceful slumber if gabriel knew i'd take a note they'd probably think i'd finally crack but i refuse to accept sass from an astronaut who deliberately burns their marshmallows oh that's an insult he deliberately will they deliberately burn their marshmallows that's questionable all right let's see what this has to say satellite angle 248 degrees okay i don't see anything new here it's pretty close up all right what you got what you got what you got for me oh we got a printer it looks like different colors maybe not i don't know so angle 350 degrees which looks pretty standard oh here's a quarter i want to look at these whoa yeah i love it gabriel looking good buddy all right angle 40 degrees like it like it hmm i'm confused though because one planet there's the hourglass twins there's all the planets are here so what is that why is it so small all right let me see if i missed no see that one's timber and then we only have the five here is it no that's something new i wonder what the heck it is and we're recording uh-huh it's been two days since the launch of the deep space satellite and i'm about to view the first batch of photos let's record the show that on this historic day outer wilds ventures has ah they're printing they're printing here they come stars above will you look at that there's brittle hollow and look look there that's hollow's lantern there's giant steep and in the quantum moon i'm speechless completely speechless could've told me every single astral body in our magnificent solar system looking stunning from every angle in each of these three images and in color no less now this is art i could stare at these photos forever doesn't timber hearth look tiny fro oh hold on what is that that can't be right that's i mean that's not even possible am i interpreting this photo correctly what's even stranger is it doesn't show up in either of the other photos just this one well there must have been an equipment malfunction i suppose only sensible explanation for this i'll radio gabbro and ask them to go examine the satellite's lens for defects and i guess that's what we see here so yeah question is what the dip and dots is that guys all right so we're off to find this satellite i guess can i walk onto it now maybe my controller's just messed up gabro here checking in on the deep space satellite per ground control request to check out a possible equipment problem seahorn fells i do too work you know i wouldn't mind being a satellite it's peaceful out here among the distant stars and the very soft velvety darkness but it's yawn awfully nice for naps too dot oh right the lens all right little satellite let's see what the trouble is huh everything looks a-okay ground control no duster scratches on the lens and no evidence of sparking or violent explosions guess that rolls out an equipment malfunction after all hear that pal you're in great shape keep up the good work out here oh it's nice that gabra talks to the probes like their peoples signal identified deep space satellite but then when i do that still unknown all right but there's an unknown one way out so i think we found what we need to find as you can tell i'm smooth with a spaceship i might be better with a shuttle than i am on the spaceship please help me a few loops ago cyclone came by and tossed me up yeah i know i know uh no no no no no i found something please please please yes yes yes yes uh i found one no no okay this one i found a photo of you [Music] without a probe nice did i look busy in it i hope i look busy must have been from the time horn fell sent me to check okay it was horror files check on the deep space satellite they thought old spacey might be malfunctioning but i couldn't find a single single thing wrong with it which is probably how it got a shot of my beautiful bee helmeted face come to think of it i always thought it was kind of sweet that the best way to find old spacey is just to use the map that's generated by the satellite itself isn't it like it's inviting us to visit good old deep space satellite always making sure we know where we're going uh [Music] that's hilarious i have a map question mark exclamation point um old spacey i really want to say that but i need to know why hortonville said you out there don't know horn falls probably told me why but horn falls tells me lots of things and sometimes i tune out or pretend there's a signal interference and i can't hear them best guess is that's the best guess says the deep space satellite must have sent timber earth some weird pictures but like what's considered weird for a satellite you know i don't know what's considered weird for a space alien i'd have to guess uh you anyway if you ever want to visit old spacey fastest way is to jump into your ship and use your solar system map to lock onto the satellite same as you would any astral body i tried that and it didn't much work for me so i figure we're just gonna head out to the deep space satellite and see what's there since last loop i got stuck at the uh i just got stuck so we're just gonna head back see what we see figured i wouldn't make you watch the whole dip dang do am i supposed to just look at the sun the whole time is that it is that it yes that's it how do i what do i can i just get my ship and follow it where's my ship there it is guys i found it that's it there it is does it disappear when i turn around are you quantum can i lock on you are you just gonna disappear now that you're not in front of the sun should i just meditate and go there when i know it's there or am i gonna make it i'm gonna make it if i reposition myself it's still in front of the sun we're gonna go into the sun so we know how fast we're going but we're heading this anomaly boys let's see what happens boys and girls and everybody let's just say everybody like i always do hello everyone let's go everyone get in losers we're going to the anomaly i'm too excited right now is it what is oh that's the sun station that's great ah we're here we're at the thing this is not okay is that an opening do i fly out there what is happening what what is what the heck is this [Music] not enough light [Music] i guess this is what's making this dark do i get out of my ship okay guys buckle up indeed okay my ship's drifting but i'm just gonna get out i hope i don't die where the heck am i what is this place what is this where are you okay my flashlight's not working now there must be a different button okay it is working it's just really really not powerful enough okay okay [Music] these look like stars i don't know if i want to get under this definitely stars it's so dark this definitely is not nomine this is not harthian this is completely new species it has to be this has to be an ancient specie ancient as all can be [Music] i should have used a camera you guys see me just like my mouth is open just like what what is this what's happening is the supernova still going to get me [Music] ah jeez all right there's a lot of boxes here but here's an entrance see if there's anything special on the other side no i'm trying to be as thorough as i can bear with me ah i didn't expect that to even pop up so this is a new language that's unknown i definitely see some antler symbolism like some uh speculated awesome awesome can't read it unknown language i like that okay this was in the dlc get ready for some spin whopping or maybe it's not activated yet there it goes oh it was light activated [Music] okay just a little more all right that sounded good ah i didn't all right we did the dang thing dang but is this a like one symbol it definitely is one symbol i don't see what it makes oh i didn't mean to do that duh all right let's just get out of here we'll have to come back to that when i have mods and stuff okay everything is light based which makes things hard because you kind of have to ah i'm on a raft i'm on a raft i'm on a rap holy crap guys it's ah this is like brittle hollow this is like what brittle hollow is supposed to be except it had a molten core what is that though that's probably the solar system guys guys i guess i can no i should stay on the raft i should stay on the raft i think can i move it is that how you use the wrap heck yeah that's how you use the raft oh this is brilliant was there can i go up brilliant freaking brilliant oh i want to go up and see see if i even can because i mean yeah automatically you're going to want to go down but there might be something hidden all right we'll have to try another time guys we're doing it we're freaking doing it she's gonna pull me up heck yeah it is all right all right we got some degradation here what that that whole thing is rotating i wonder if that's like creating power or what's happening here tides are or well not even tides like it's a river around the whole waterfalls up there oh my gosh look at these old saggy trees how much gravity 1.3 can i fly up there going to run out at jetpack fuel i'm going to pop back down i just want to see out this window because that's definitely the sun right i mean it looks like the sun ah that's so cool you see like red green and blue but i wonder if the rest of the solar system is out there like i'm i mean i know it is but i can't see any of it is time no time can't be frozen in here i'm just not seeing any there one is i wasn't seeing any supernovas this is mind-blowing uh those all night moby is digital on twitter we're sharing like pictures little little teases and uh one of them was just like mind blown basically and dip dang do was that right all right i think i lost my way and jumped up from somewhere but i don't remember where here it is look at that light shining up into the sky like a beacon right to me saying hey idiot this is where you are or you're supposed to be uh where do i find their language i'm sure there's a place where you'll be able to unlock it ship log updated love it now if i could only get to my ship ever again oh guys i'm exploring so much right now oh this is so cool i'm not gonna lie i would what was that i was a tiny bit worried like i said that it would just whoa whoa i'm dead i imagine or not so we just got flooded i don't even know if i can make it back up i'm definitely not exploring whatever i was just exploring i wonder if i should try to make it onto that i made it i made it go that way go just a little bit that way come on let me make it i don't know what's up here if it's gonna flood again that was cool just standing there and then boom man what this what is this just a water well or is it flooded too nope oh nope oh gosh i hope there's no ah i hope there's no sea monsters what this what you pick up lantern yes please wait dear people we were right guys antler symbology or symbolism i think someone corrected me thank you for doing that i look like a fool okay so do they all need two lanterns so this one has three candles but it says it's already holding lantern already holding lantern let's put them all upright and we can take better stock of things all right there's three candles in there four candles in that one oh i ring the planet what what has this civilization been through all right at one point they used just regular canoes they didn't have the light travel dang there's a lot of candles in that one can i light these they're just fishing in this one and they have the instrument in this one but one thing i've noticed is they're alone in all of them um see what the ground shaped like i don't know what to do with the lanterns here oh wait a minute tricky tricky tricky tricky whoa what the flip and flop what are you people like so cool all right so we got some dealer dear people here or antlered people at least they got a good fashion sense they got a bunch of jewelry i wonder if that's light based or what that is they all have whatever that is his face in the center oh it's the gong thing dang ding dang okay can i drain this do i need to bring a lantern down here when it's dry what is going on down there all right um i don't even know if i'll be able to drop a lantern down here no okay what the heck is going on somebody help me because i can't figure this out ring planet is awesome though i wonder if the other ones are like that too no not that one not that one not that one not that one only that one all right let me uh reset things here for a second get a drink all right so i'm just about out of fuel and i realized just realized one thing i haven't done yet is try to check my map unable to pinpoint location that is interesting that is very interesting in my opinion all right let's see what we see from here there's a little shack there's some stuff running down that got destroyed whatever that is there's still stuff up there though i wonder if you can get out there and whatever that is there's just so much going on here it's so overwhelming because i don't want to run out of fuel i didn't bring my ship into this plate i don't think you can bring i don't know if you can bring your ship in here you know what i mean looks like frogger come on get up there go that way here you go up at all because this looks like an interesting place but i don't know if i'll be able to get into it there is a door down here interesting nice unlocked it i'm a smart boy and the was wide open okay not so smart i wonder what that is because that's a light above it oh is everything oh for a second it looked like it was like dr uh draining oh that looks like a projector so they had a projector oh it sounds like the sun is still going to blow up so we're still trapped in the time loop even though we're not able to pinpoint it in space beautiful love it i like new artwork i want to see if we can watch it through the window okay this was the place i was right yeah that's a nice decoration up there on the top there does it be man that's crazy i wonder if this this is how they make it invisible whatever this apparatus is because i could not tell you what this is but i do want to watch the supernova from here [Music] oh you can see other planets i think that's a planet anyway i'm out of fuel dang it i should still be able to see it maybe it doesn't reach us here actually we would be pretty far away away i'm guessing even though we enter real close to the sun yeah that's the other planets getting engulfed what huh that was different very strange very strange i'm not sure how making it here it seems like we were connected to something in this building first very interesting [Music] gosh guys this is like there's so much going on here it's so hard to even like try to focus on one thing jeez well everyone i think that served as a pretty good introduction to echoes of the eye you guys can make a decision whether or not this is right for you i think it's awesome i'm super excited to keep getting into it thank you so much for watching if you want to get more content like this be sure to subscribe like the channel and of course if you really like it and you really want to support me here you can become a member of the channel which always leads me to the special thank you to them you guys make it possible for all this awesome stuff to happen for me to get a copy of echoes of the eye a few hours early you guys are making this happen and i can't thank you enough thank you so much and as always this is the lore explorer diving deep into the lore so you don't have to
Channel: The Lore Explorer
Views: 16,004
Rating: 4.8963165 out of 5
Keywords: Outer Wilds, Echoes of the eye, dlc, expansion, video games, the lore explorer
Id: nVqBNbq4OlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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