The Lore Explorer Plays Echoes Of The Eye - Ep 4

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hello everyone i am the lore explorer and this is outer wilds echoes of the eye i'm not exactly sure what episode it was i was finally able to take a break from recording and editing and all that to relax think about what i did and then now i'm hopping back down into it so we're gonna check the computer log as always well i guess this is the one to check but it dang it all right so shrouded woodlands we unlocked i think and i'm sure there's more to explore all over the place let's get back to it i was told in between up forgot the market i was told in between episodes that i accidentally didn't finish one reel and it makes sense because the slide i stopped watching on was this slide except the border so i thought it was the end slide but it was not apparently so we're gonna have to go back to that found a raft oh i have something else marked it wasn't a stranger how did i not notice that no don't hit the rock go that way oh this is it crap slow down oh is there more than one no okay i don't think i've been here when it hasn't been crushed probably gonna be crushed soon working lamp love it need it gotta have it interesting hidden something underground in the big tower and i actually i think i think i found the cave there but it was it like it was after this thing fell so it's useless what light is is it that that light huh i never noticed that light up there ah crap i think the damn broke i wonder what happens when we're inside if the dam breaks is the water coming i think maybe if we remove this one yeah it opens if you remove the one with the ring planet it opens and there are probably more dead people down here and for them i think i need the artifact and i could sleep here and it'll take me somewhere else or it's a dream i'm not exactly sure yet but uh i don't want to do that just yet it feels like that's progressing i want to [Music] take a lamp yeah i think it might be that building yes i need to watch this one i apologize profusely for stopping see it it was this slide except the border wasn't there and i guess i just wasn't paying attention so again this is how i imagine the no my if they made it to the eye except well this is how i imagine the know my traveling space in one of my earlier videos it's so cool to see him like that scanning the eye so this might be like a premonition like they scan it and boom they see that it might destroy everything and it might destroy them and they get scared and then yeah okay that makes sense and that makes them upset okay so okay okay wait so they worshipped it first then saw that and they come to our system yeah see all right i already knew they came to our system though huh so they they found the eye at their home planet noticed it went to see it got there scanned it realized it was gonna destroy everything then turned against it screw it i could jump off crap maybe i should have jumped off this is it secret cave entrance this has to be it come on yep yep yep yep yep yep yep be what i want it to be man they tricked us with the uh trailer cause we all thought it was like all underground and technically it's really not yes yes i like how the underground passage leads you up this is the one place i couldn't get in this place and i bet it's important what do we got what do we oh there's more oh there's more all right what do we got here oh a new reel yes huh beautiful but what's strange is it looks like they have their home planet on like every single important mural i guess it's not too strange oh this one's about the deer people it looks like i might have to take it somewhere else but the roof is looks important what can i interact with these or i mean they all look powered up i wonder if it's just meant to be like a map i'm sure i'll figure it out as of now i need to you i think it's that building i should probably go down the steps though because i don't want to die all right what okay we gotta either first person or third person view here first person view baby all right are those different towers yep three different towers this is what i thought or what i knew i didn't see the beginning slide again there it is okay yep all right i didn't well i guess it's it makes sense they did this all willingly and knowingly how else would they get down there like that but it's interesting to see all right now well there's other places we need to explore of course but what i think we need to do is go to each of those places with the artifact take a little nappy nap there and i think each of those places will take us to a different area maybe or maybe the same area and we have to do different things or that's definitely what we have to do i just know there's more places that i haven't explored yet there's one place i don't even know exactly where it is it's like up on one of these ridges that i haven't been to all right everybody i flubbed up i found a new place uh found a bunch of new stuff it was really cool i'll i'll go back and try to show it all but i found an elevator as well and i just started going down now so let's get into it geez super dark what the heck okay i found a shortcut i found me a shortcut and i wonder if it can go up or if that was just there because i can be down oops yeah there is no up all right i found a shortcut which is very useful no yes yes yes ha ha [Music] now i just have to try to make it to the middle one with this minuscule amount of fuel oh this looks doable with that i'm gonna try to just jump but yes i think that's where i need to make it and it's cool because now we have a shortcut right back to the footage i lost right when i run out of fuel suckers i'm here already don't die oh i could have died that would have been so mad another eye church the last one was burned down this one's still intact but let's see what's here oh i'm excited what is this is this one of their staffs that's one of their staffs it was like it was computerized too like the no my staffs i'm pretty sure they were able to scan stuff boy is that broken they do not like that was it broken in the trailer i don't think it was broken in the trailer but this was definitely it i wonder if there's some echoes in time gonna be happening i went in this as blind as can be guys oh i don't know how to solve these yet all right let's see what this is going underground i hope this doesn't get destroyed all right so we got a lantern and a projector which is good i think they're oh we got an artifact too okay i think there are two [Music] is that the side i couldn't explore is this just more stuff or i could explore wait i'm confused alright let's see if there's a downstairs sure is and hector howdy we got some projector rails we got two projector that's the one i need that's going to show me how to use the artifact third reel that's the last one i need i think after this also have seen them all then i can get on with it not that i want to get on with it i want this to last for ding dang ever and i know that's just unfair to ask if i'm right this one should just be uh quick showing or them showing them closing the third seal and that's that all right all right this one is like all destroyed that is our origin story this is uh premonition and then them coming to the eye and maybe our solar system as well after i'll have to watch them all again and this is the instructions on how to use the artifact holy crap okay this might be the room we were just in all right so four of them leave a fifth comes in showing a projection there's like dragonflies flying through the screen so in the projection they're showing a projection there's dragonflies flying through it's a serene little town and they seem sad so this is probably what they lost and then the fire got it so i learned that this isn't anything like this isn't a work track test or anything like that or whatever it's called this is uh burn damage to the reels so this is all just damage all just lost footage gone we can never see it probably uh i wonder if the projector is playing these sounds oh it's showing you how to light the fire huh please don't be behind me well everyone i think there's only one thing to do left take these artifacts go to those places and get transported or have a dream or i don't know what's up oh a theory's ruminating guys a theory is happening those guys aren't dead when we go to sleep at the fire and we get transported to that serene location that's what those guys might be experiencing just to guess i don't know we'll have to think about it more as for now meditate until next loop i'll see you guys in a minute all right we actually found a shortcut and that's what led leads us right to the lost footage so it's kind of perfect and i like it i already called it down here and messed something up well not really messed something up the the screen was blinking black and i didn't want you guys to see that i don't want you to experience that so i kind of went back down and take two take three really because i lost the footage initially but check this out we are inside this was like on the dam this is the dam is this we're under the dam and damn our entire solar system you can see it all it's lovely and look they had a little watching area look ashtray i think probably some drinks vosses or vases however you pronounce it face fawz and little tables but that's not all we have this another floor and look like what what what is this and then of course this is awesome but then screens they got a bunch of screens down here i'm thinking that maybe a mirror but i'm not sure but what is this like this is obviously the panels we see maybe on the other side it may be right there but look if it's in front of the sun if it's receiving stuff from the sun it seems it it's able to shoot out the black like this maybe this is what we see when we're outside of when we're looking at it if it's connect or if it's harnessing the sun is that a correct interpretation let me know what you guys think in the comments because i don't know exactly how to interpret this i'm i i've seen this shield and it would make sense if like they have a screen out there and they're taking the sunlight and converting that into that black orb that we see uh guys i just came back here to watch the supernova but i think it's following the sun it's as the sun gets more and more red this is this is filling up and progressing further and further down so look maybe this is like the supernova range and okay that was the this that was the dam but i think we're snug into the wall so we're safe here i'm waiting out there waiting out the loop i'll update you as it goes this is no longer like dissipating this u this was an animation before i like how it's a classic loading symbol i'm not sure if we should be insulted that our planets aren't here another thing we must consider is is it really charging from the sun i mean it looks like it's depicting that but is it just moving away from the sun wow what just happened okay what does it mean though probably doesn't mean supernova i wonder if the stranger is just staying here long enough to collect the power from the supernova because it knows what's coming that would actually make me kind of sad i mean the the reels kind of projections kind of uh hinted that they knew what was happening they had a premonition of what might happen or something along those lines all right there's one more place the game's telling me there's more to explore before we try to advance so let's go there what is this a light huh i wonder if that lights up when the little meter we watched just got or fills that's all right we can bump against the walls i'm trying to hug as much as i can to the right because there's a there's a fork to pass off to the right that's really hard to get to up here or maybe not really hard but hard so let's slow down a bit white water rafting baby don't fall all right slow down come on yeah i think this is it down just in case don't miss it yes more to explore welcome to lore i'm gonna find you click clock and click a clock and click a clocker quit being so slow what is this oh trailer bells are ring-a-ding-ding in my head oh what is that probably their containers all right how do i get up from here that was sketch why'd i do that i made it maybe this is where the artifacts were made i saw the sign okay that looks like a raft that's a closed door uh this doesn't look too good oh that looks nice oh come on how do i get into there i think we just got in yes all right let's see ooh new slide rail yeah that's new heck yeah that's new awesome being all sneaky i like that this is what was more to explore alright what is oh this is a stranger this is the outside what okay it's been hit by something all right we're definitely gonna have to go find that all right it seems like there's a door over there that's not open but that might be just to the outside and we know that this is for over there so let's do it all right where's the ring planet give me a lantern this might not be a good time we might be flooding soon but i think i'm oh this place is into the wall i wonder how long we have to doze off for oh yeah oh yeah they're all gone i think right now i'm still sleeping i think but i'm not sure all right where is this thing there has to be something following me i can hear it are they these things whoa okay we're in the thick of it now we've seen this before but it's just so beautiful oh i like that you have to search out for the next candle and your light lights it all right here's the totems we keep seeing in the films is that is that a tree or a creepy thing i lit the way we're doing it we're progressing i hope this isn't the last one and like i'm gonna end the whole game up or down oh at once give me no i can't take it yeah i try to set the artifact down in this place where something's probably going to snap my neck if i don't have this thing but i want it i want to pick it up do i go up or down how far up do you go looks like pretty far how far down pretty far up it is anything following me you gonna open okay jeez i can tell this is gonna be a handful do i have to look out that way something just opened hmm i hear scuttling [Music] was that from the outside world oh no oh tricky tricky outer wilds this has to be a dream or physics bending what's that sound see this is one of most tents not when i'm surrounded by dead bodies when i don't know what the heck's gonna happen uh oh come on give me a hand that'll pull me in there like i'm not you can hide this i'm not hiding it at all if something's gonna come get me it's gonna come get me i'm not shying away nothing we're going at this full force um guys i don't see any other x uh it's moving oh geez i'm trying to just get a better view down there they're just watching a movie this is the last movie they watched before they came down here so creepy and this is where i came from right is this the room can we talk to them i don't know how we know their language now we're going up uh so we know they're here or they're playing really good tricks on us or this is all a dream although i will say that uh uh okay right through a pole is this the one i went to last time though i forget if i went up or down oh wait is that the dining room thing oh i forgot i don't have a jet pack so you don't die if you die let's try again see how long you have to sleep all right just a few seconds [Music] is this the new time loop question mark question mark i'm real freaked out known there might be antler folk here let's just try to go all the way to the bottom this is the same thing i keep doing uh i feel like that's a music change i keep wanting to get distracted by that ring planet okay this is where i was let's try to go right no we can't i can see them well i can see their shadow through here but not them are those spears i don't like the signs of weapons those look like weapons to me all right i'm going in circles oh i thought maybe that's what was triggering that won't be friends oh loop is coming to an end it's a chair i think that's what we're supposed to take that ass i don't know how it's moving like that but i'll take it classic misdirection but can we not enter then we might as well explore as much as we can now that we're here what the heck something oh i lit them what if that opened something yep all right that's the end of the loop babies we're gonna have to come back and i think we're gonna go with the first one this time and not come to this one because they are different locations clear as day well thanks everyone for watching hope to see you in the next one as always a special thank you to the members here on the channel and this is the lore explorer just so excited keep diving into it
Channel: The Lore Explorer
Views: 6,253
Rating: 4.9657145 out of 5
Keywords: the lore explorer, lore, dlc, echoes of the eye, outer wilds
Id: rF-4lUFV74I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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