Are We The Same Hearthian every time we wake up at the campfire?(Spoilers!)

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hello everyone i am the lore explorer and this is outer wild today we are going to talk about something i've touched upon in other videos but i never really dedicated time to discuss the issue even in-game characters debate this so i'm not exactly sure what took me so long to talk about it other than how complicated it is so today we will be asking the question are we the same harthian every time we wake up at the campfire in other words is sending our memories back in time the same thing is sending ourselves back in time honestly i do understand why the widely accepted answer is yes because from our perspective that's exactly what we see we wake up we venture out die and then we wake up in the exact same place we did before as if it were all just a dream and nothing happened plus the gnome i thought the same thing they'd say things like well we can just shut down the atp after we find the coordinates so they clearly felt that even if it were a copy or something it's effectively the same thing and again from their perspective that may be true especially since they'd only experienced death once and in a predetermined way the supernova but in this video we are going to take a look at this philosophically but more importantly from a third party's perspective such as the eye of the universe which i have chose for a reason imagine just living your life tomorrow is your first solo launching your spaceship so you spent most of the day impressing micah with the rc ship we head down to the campfire to sleep and everything is normal yet when you wake up you remember ramming into a comet going a bit faster than you thought you were no big deal pre-flight nerves you're super cautious for the next five harthian days and still the sun blows up and devours your entire solar system you wake up at home again and try to tell your friends you plead with him to believe you horn fails how this statue is so weird it's taking all my memories and i keep dying wait no you guys are dying too the sun is going to explode in five days we have to do something you'd likely just have your spaceship keys taken from you due to insanity but jokes on them you'll get them back in five days anyway now even if it's not that dramatic i personally believe the very basis of the idea to be life-changing you'd obviously have different beliefs feelings and outlook on life all of it all of it different and to drive this point home depending on how we die we wake up in different states of panic so from the very second we wake up different that's just sort of my semantic point maybe a better title of this video would be my views on the overarching structure of the outer wild universe or rather multiverse depending on whether you're a puny being or an omnipresent all-encompassing quantum object entangled with a puny being there are a few things about the structure of the universe we are just shown one of those things is the eye of the universe the source of all quantum uncertainty at this particular location time has no meaning and we know the eye of the universe exists in at least three universes ours the one before ours and the one after it's likely this is actually an infinite amount of universes but it's easier to just imagine with the three of them so from the eyes perspective where time has no meaning all of this is happening at the same time if we want to make a static image we can look at the eye as the center and then we'd have the three universes around it all simultaneously in existence so describe it simply from the eyes perspective we have a quantum multiverse another thing we are shown about the structure of the universe is they are actually connected by the eye if we are at the ice planet and we shoot our little scout into the eye it ends up in the next universe 14.3 billion years later still puttering along as if it were built yesterday from our initial perspective it just disappeared but of course from the eyes perspective it got transported from our universe to the next so hopefully by now you guys realize why i want to look at the black hole duplication phenomenon through the viewpoint of the eye from our viewpoint it seems like time travel no question go to the hel shoot something into the black hole it exits the connected white hole milliseconds before but i believe if we account for the structure of the universe there is a more likely explanation of what's happening here let's do a thought experiment of what this might look like from the eye so we are at the hel in our universe self is also at the atl in their universe you're both experimenting essentially shooting your probes back and forth milliseconds apart the eye is keeping an eye on things it knows those objects aren't quantum they can only exist in one location in time and space it also knows what your future should be since it's happening all at once through the eye it should be an even trade of probes no big deal both universes can move on but if we go ahead and remove the warp core we create a problem from our perspective we now have two probes space-time shatters because nothing caused it to appear in the first place but to the eye of the universe our universe has two probes while self's universe has zero so the eye watches in horror as space time begins to stretch and wobble eventually it tears trying to open a path in space time to return the object to its correct location suffix universe also likely gets consumed in this as well like i said the initial argument was cause and effect being ignored is what caused space-time to be destroyed and from our perspective it sort of makes sense the know my hand wave it by saying cause and effect must be a little bit different than they thought and that we understand and again it sort of makes sense when the time interval was only a millisecond but from here we can go even further forget the hel when it's millisecond interval let's head to the atp for its 22 minute interval if we jump into the black hole there from our perspective we get sent back in time to where we work 22 minutes prior it's the exact same result as sending our memories back aha this proves it the nominee were right sending our memories back in time is essentially sending ourselves back in time but if that's the case then how do you explain this no but in all seriousness it makes no sense we aren't a quantum being we can only exist in one point in time in space and we're standing right here not there let's take a look at this again though from the eyes perspective we wake up in the village near the campfire we head to the atp and wait inside until the black hole core activates we jump into the atp and it sends us through to another universe 22 minutes in the past this universe already has a version of us there this completely separate version of us just waking up at the campfire at the same time that we got sent through this is what actually causes the duplication so to us it would just seem like a copy the universe hasn't exploded yet so it can't be cause and effect that's the issue here the issue is at least from the i in times perspective our original universe no longer has an us and this other universe now has two of us but the eye knows not all hope is lost there is still one more natural path through time and space for this to be reverted as long as the extra leaves the universe through the black hole nothing is left in time and space where it shouldn't be but if we don't jump into the black hole to travel that natural past through time and space time and space shatters trying to open that path back up where it shouldn't be so to state it simply it's not only time travel from our perspective it's also dimensional travel from the eyes perspective rather than cause and effect causing problems every time we use a black hole what breaks space time is an object being where it's not supposed to be in space-time and having no natural way back to its correct location so after going through all of that i understand it's simple to just say dude that's way too convoluted it's simpler to just say we get sent back in time you're thinking way too much about this and yeah that may be true i feel like i'm trying to be the doctor really from a non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of timey-wimey's stuff but honestly all of these things we are shown about the universe it makes more sense to judge things by how the eye of the universe would see them the more i think about it the more meaning i see in the name the dove chose for the eye plus once i started looking at things from this perspective the game made more sense to me the gnome i were right they could have shut down the atp no problem space-time wouldn't shatter since there would be no thing in space-time looking for a path to where it needs to be the coordinates already existed before the time loop the nominee just didn't know them just as the ones and zeroes that make up a future program on the internet already exists within our computers right now i also want to address something i've said in the past because it falls under the same vein of logic trying to make the argument that the eye of the universe had sentience i said something along the lines of the i chose the exact right time to start the time loop now i see why that's confusing it's poorly worded and it should have been elaborated on so let's look at this from the eyes perspective it wouldn't be looking at when to start the nine million three hundred and eighteen thousand and fifty four loop that was up to the nomi the eye would be looking at when to reveal itself to the atp so the correct being is where it needed to be if we look at how the atp and statues work whoever is closest to the statue would be caught in a loop memory is intact our friend howe was standing next to the statue just before us since they didn't sync with it we know the statue wasn't active as hal stood next to it the probe hadn't found the eye yet still moments later right after we get our launch codes the statue does activate and syncs with us when we are alone so obviously the probe found the eye right as we were talking to horn fells the probe sent the coordinates to the atp activating the statues so now again with context the i chose the exact moment it needed to to initiate the loop from our perspective as the player character this is obviously important so we can figure out the mystery but i feel like that statement shouldn't have been condensed to one sentence and hopefully now it makes sense that i've elaborated on it i'm not sure how many people are actually convinced with this video a new harthian from another universe each time we wake up that means we really die each time our universe is doomed in all but the last loop it's much too cynical most people are probably more willing to accept things that face value but as i started studying the universe of outer wilds became clear to me just like our universe there is more than this universe than meets the eye and that explains why it doesn't really appeal to most people's standard five senses or maybe i'm just an insane dude looking way too into things but for now this is lore explorer going to continue to look way too deep into things and share it with you guys so you don't have to so i hope you guys really enjoyed the video and even if you didn't agree with me you got a good look in how deep the lore explorer actually delves into things so thanks for everybody for watching if you want to be sure to keep up with my other videos make sure to subscribe and hit the bell to be notified when a video comes out or you can join the lore explorer discord which you can find in the description below and i update manually as each video comes out
Channel: The Lore Explorer
Views: 26,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lore explorer, lore discussion, eye of the universe, atp, outer wilds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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