The Eye Of The Universe And Its Mechanics Explained - Outer Wilds Ending Explained

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Great video. Left my thoughts in the comments there. :)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BlindeyeInsight 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Didn’t know we could jump into that ash twin black hole!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Curtmister25 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Excellently put together video.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheSauceBoy 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone I am the lower Explorer and this is the outer wilds today we are going to do an in-depth explanation of the quantum black hole eye theory and its mechanics then we are going to connect most of them to the other mechanics seen throughout the game I'll need to be thorough as most of the terminology should let us piece it together well together so let's start at the high energy lab the experiment here has some interesting results if you're willing to destroy the universe itself that is powering it up and creating a white black hole combo lets us play around a bit shooting our scout through the black hole causes the same Scout to come out of the white hole before it even enters the black hole if we interrupt this process and look at the new Scout we see is a source of a very bad result the fabric of space-time gets destroyed the reason for this is causality is broken since a scout never entered the black hole to begin with nothing caused it to exit the white hole that is simply not possible and the result is space-time being broken next let's move on to the ash twin projects new little paradox if we jump into the black hole at the ash twin products we die but we also get expelled from the white hole 22 minutes before we entered just like at the ATL with the scouts the result is the original player character waking up the night before his first launch and a copy of us which was sent in back twenty two minutes from when we died which means he starts to loop at the eight TP since that happens to be 22 minutes before we died they both arrive at the same time but I think the main thing to focus on here is the black white hole combos can change the past and as long as that change always happens each loop after the original cause it's fine with our copy here if we don't jump through the black hole spacetime is destroyed but not till it is impossible for us to cause the copy in the first place basically we are making a promise with the universe a promise that we will jump into this black hole and cause the copy to be made in the first place if we break that promise boom now let's talk about the quantum objects in the game these objects exist in every possible state they can exist in when we a conscious observer observe such an object we collapse it down into a single possible state as long as we are observing them it's pretty simple for this game anyway talk about how we can entangle with these objects we are able to stand on a quantum objects that we are observing if we then stop observing that object we entangle with it this allows us to become one with the object enabling us to intellibid along with it as it moves along through its locations finally we can take a look at the quantum moon visiting each version of the Moon we see it has traits from the planet in orbit even if the original planet isn't in that state anymore brambles moon for example is an icy one even though most of that ice has been broken up but the quantum moon isn't the only place we can find this quantum smoke when we teleport to the eye and look down the planet below is surrounded by this smoke on every side leaving only the South Pole available for landing since the North Pole has the eye itself now I know that was pretty thorough but to explain what's happening at the eye I need to use almost all of those terms so I need to make sure that we were on the same page now that we are we can talk about what we know about the eye from the story it was originally found via signal the gnome I received that signal revealed it to be older than the universe we are currently in we know the signal it gives off now is a quantum one and looking down on it it seems to be sucking in the quantum smoke we saw around the quantum moons we also see a pattern around the eye that doesn't seem to move it waves in an with a smoke but that's it I think these may be what the eye uses to extract power from the universe it was here before the Big Bang so it should have been able to collect all of that energy and any leftover since then if we follow this logic the eye has been collecting the quantum smoke which is nothing more than storing quantum data or quantum possibilities and it's been collecting energy since the beginning of the universe including when the Big Bang was around so what we have here if left to its own devices isn't all-knowing since it sucked up every quantum possibility and all-powerful blackhole but what can a blackhole do on its own not much unless someone came to entangle with it if someone visited the eye a conscious observer that's exactly what the eye needs but for two reasons sure the I need someone to observe it someone to collapse the innumerable possibilities that's been collecting since the beginning of the universe and the second and in my opinion most important may answer the question on how the I knew to call out see the eye has done this before it had to to create our universe it has to have already entangled with someone a previous observer and that observer had to go through roughly the same events we had when it entangled with the eye on its original journey and at that point the I got access to its consciousness and there is evidence for that coming up the I needed this to happen I'll explain why soon now that we've talked about the eye and what we know about it we can look at the events in game for support then I knew exactly one to call out to the no mine and then it stopped calling the ice at dormant for roughly two hundred thousand years and then let the probe find it right when we sync with our memory statue this can't be a coincidence I suggest the previous conscious observer set this in motion or at least the I did using their conscious as whoever that was would have been through this forty point three billion years ago when it found the ID during its original journey if you were following the logic it makes total sense the eye would know when to call out and when to hide and want to shell itself to the know my probe with all of this in mind let's visit the eye and see if my observations hold up when we get to the planet we can head towards the signal once we reach the equator below the quantum smoke lightning starts crashing down around us there has to be a huge amount of energy flowing through the quantum smoke for this to happen energy the eye can collect and look at that it's sending down trees and rocks it has to be storing that information that makes up these trees somewhere as well once we make it through the storm we are met with the source of the quantum signal to me this looks like nothing more than a black hole sucking in quantum matter only leaving regular matter in the universe alone and jumping in leads us to some strange place but this is definitely the smoke we've seen coming in from above the eye all of the quantum possibilities from the beginning of our universe or maybe even older all collected and confined to one area and we just entered it as soon as we touch this smoke we find ourselves at the artheon Museum the quantum smoke around us changing the reality just like with them quantum moons except this time we are entangled with the eye and not the moon since we are entangled the eye now has access to our conscious that's how we can see the museum around us and that's why I think it can access our consciousness as well as the previous observers the eye using the previous observer and now your consciousness is able to communicate with you here it shows you the entire universe and and splendour this suggests it really does know everything in the universe and still using this smoke the eye shows you the fate of the universe you're currently in but very fittingly as our stars slowly fade out new lights soon appear in the distance moving towards them we arrive in the ancient Glade a place we've read about in a poem I'm not quite sure why but the eye shows us a copy of ourselves from what we have seen this should cause a problem but it seems to be the work of the smoke and not real our copy turns to a tree and the tree soon gets younger suggesting time is not linear here soon enough it turns to a campfire which we have come to find comfort in and it turns out esker joins us soon after the eye is using the smoke around us to show us a way to find all of our friends I think it's worth noting I think their songs are probably what allows us to bring the information they've learned throughout their lives here each being live is a song holding all of the character and experience they'd be use to craft that song and as we find each of their instruments we notice they are in environments to reflect the ones each traveller was exploring riebeck has a love for know my we find his banjo and know my runes tert loved watching the stars and his Bongo orbits a star which is surrounded by many others I believe their songs bring this information here once we collect all of our friends we can play the song that we brought here from the memory of them the song starts to play and smoke from the campfire starts to coalesce but look what it's collecting into it's a smoke the eyes been collecting since the beginning of our universe the quantum smoke all begins to flash as images start to appear it shows us some of what it's been storing some of it we don't recognize at all but some of the things we can pick out our and anglerfish trees I know my shuttle and I know my itself I'll try to explain this in a little bit here to collapse these innumerable quantum possibilities we have to enter the smoke ball like we did with the AI jumping into it the ground we are on begins to expand and so do your friends the quantum smoke holding all of the possibilities condemned into a singularity we then see that same smoke expand and explode into a brilliant white light this is what I believe to be the quantum black holes quantum white hole mathematically the Big Bang and the white hole are the same thing something that expels all matter it holds out equally and we are surely witnessing the Big Bang after credits roll the next thing we see is a slide from fourteen point three billion years later letting us know even though we didn't save our solar system and all of our friends we saved the universe but really that's not where it ends remember going through a black hole and changing the past is a promise with the universe in this universe there has to exist a species capable of finding the eye and one that can get there and enter the eye without those two things the promise could never be fulfilled the eye does know all of the possibilities allowing for that to happen but it doesn't know which of those possibilities needs to be a certainty for the promise to be fulfilled this means we were needed not only to observe it but to show the eye which of the innumerable possibilities needed to be certain it doesn't matter the exact detail specifically as long as the bug creatures or whomever can reach the eye they can fulfill the promise we made with the universe because we are entangled with the eye we specifically aren't being sent back the entire universe is and it's being sent back to a state where only atoms exist anyway from there any of the quantum possibilities can naturally occur but think about it with the numeral possibilities what are the chances the new universe would contain an intelligent species capable of finding the I near the end of the universe and on top of that a species who can later travel to the eye with that knowledge and then collapse those possibilities the chances that this scenario would naturally occur would be innumerably low I propose that with our consciousness the I learned which few possibilities needed to be a reality for the promise to be filled and that means that we would be the one who sends out the signal for the next species to find the I since we know when it occur just as I proposed the last one did for us do you see how this is all just a cycle acting exactly how the ATP would on an immense scale just with the quantum possibilities involved and how the I would need to call out in order to fulfill the promise it made with the universe how it showed the innumerable possibilities yet the ones we recognize are integral to finding then arriving at the I allowing the promise to be fulfilled if you see the connections as I do I'd like to mention the seem I see present here only through knowledge and study of the universe are we able to truly understand the challenges around us the challenges that we see every day like disappearing and reappearing stones or black holes that seemed to teleport us back in time it also touches how on every choice is as important as the universe itself in the scale of things it may make you feel insignificant your home journey was to save the ones you loved how asker feldspar yet we failed that mission but each of the choices we made along the way ultimately stave the universe and without those choices even an all-knowing all-powerful being is useless the eye is as useless as can be without a marshmallow roasting maverick what I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments below if you have any questions feel free to ask but for now this is the lore Explorer just trying to pick up where the gnome I left off I hope you enjoyed the video and if you agree with the theory maybe share it with your friends so they can understand the universe just a little bit better
Channel: The Lore Explorer
Views: 86,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: In depth discusiion, lore, outer wilds, theory, Eye Of The Universe, outer wilds ending explained, outer wilds ending, eye of the universe explained, explanation of the eye of the universe
Id: gwHNtyG9504
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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