A Brief History Of The Nomai Timeline

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hello everyone i am the lore explorer and this is outer wild the open world exploration game focusing on the mystery of an ancient race of aliens called the nomine i thought it would be nice to dedicate a video to the timeline of the nomi and some of the major events that happened to them this video will consist entirely of spoilers so if you haven't played the game already yourself i suggest clicking off the video now the nomi were originally a nomadic species comprised of many separate clans of nomi all out independently exploring the universe every 10 years all of the nomad clans came together at something they called the festival there they would share all of the discoveries they've made in the last decade this was very important to the nomi as the core philosophy of the nomi was to seek out the unknown and to observe them to understand them on the way to this event the clan leader eskel was shown something even more exciting than the festival their vessel received a very unique signal that looks eerily like an eye and if the readings were right it's older than the universe itself esquill immediately orders his crew to warp the vessel to the source of this signal felix the nomad in charge of communications ask for a second to send a message to inform the other know my clans where they are going but eskel realizes how significant this signal is knowing it may disappear just as quickly as it showed up they didn't spare the time for the message though esker was right about the significance that choice proved to be a bad one the nominee fell into a trap the trap of dark bramble the mysterious signal they received bounced through dark bramble in its many dimensions so when the nomi followed it they found themselves inside a multi-dimensional maze the vines on dark brambles sprang to action jumping at the vessel and started to tear it apart the nomi on board quickly found themselves inside of a dying vessel with instruments failing one by one everyone on board rushed to the emergency scape ships but dark bramble had no intentions of letting the nomi leave as the third escape ship launched the vessel succumbed to the damage done by brambles branches this meant the nominee on escape pod 4 were stuck deep inside dark bramble's maze the nominee on escape ship 3 weren't so lucky either even on their flight out of dark bramble the vines were not so keen on letting them go the thrusters on escape pod 3 were damaged leaving the nomi stranded in whatever node they were stuck in escort was amongst this group and tried to lead them back to the vessel safely since all of the oxygen was leaking from the escape pod but unfortunately nomi again fell victim to the signal duplication phenomenon present in dark bramble we find these nomi surrounding a seed emitting the vessel's signal but the opening was too small for the nomit to enter or have came through though even if they made it back to the vessel they still would have succumbed to the lack of oxygen present on bramble as we find even skeletons here the other two escape pods managed to escape dark bramble and crash landed on separate planets this was the welcoming gift the nomi received from their new home half of eskel's clan perished in their maiden voyage to the outer wild solar system the vessel destroyed didn't just mean that no my lost their home it also housed all their technology as well the nominee survived would have to start from scratch the nominee on escape ship one found themselves on brittle hollow while the second escape ship wound up on ember twin trapped on separate planets the two groups of nomi were left with one option survive they weren't able to communicate with each other so their respective groups were on their own and they were up to the task both groups of nomi found a good location to construct settlements the no maya and ember twin chose the site of the sunless city out of necessity it was the only cave system large enough to house them the nominee on brittle hollow had a few more options but they knew ultimately they needed to harness the power of the black hole below to start out with though they were only able to construct the temporary city see the surface of brittle hollow was being bombarded by its moon with lava rocks the nominee had a rough time traversing the planet with this happening but after a short time in the temporary city nomi discovered something amazing the crust of brittle hollow had intrinsic gravitational properties the nomine were able to take advantage of this and invent gravity crystals with the crystals they were able to construct a giant pathway underneath brittle hollow's surface that was able to take them to the most stable location on the planet just under its north pole with the gravity crystals the nomi constructed an enormous vertical city that used the power of the black hole below all of the technology on the vessel was lost the nominees still carry that knowledge with them they were able to make a simpler version of the advanced warp core used to power their old vessel their craftiness turned out to be invaluable they combine the gravity crystals and warp cores to recreate space travel a ship is built along with a giant gravity cannon designed to launch the ship at great speeds the ship would again use gravity crystals to land itself when prompted at another planet the birth of the new my shuttle is an important step in the know my timeline without them who knows if the two separate groups of nomi would ever have met again but soon after reinvention of space flight they were able to reunite with each other if that never happened we basically just wouldn't have a game from here nothing is exactly set in stone as a lot happens around the same time this would have been a hell of a lot easier if the nominee just dated their buildings but after the nomi reunited their collective focus quickly shifted to the mysterious moon that seems to disappear the gnome i noticed pretty quickly it actually moves to other planets when not being observed but sometimes it does just seem to disappear completely the nominee very much want to land on this mysterious moon and to do so they will need to develop a system that can track this teleportation apparently chert and nomi agree the pole of ember twin is the best place for such astronomical observations they built the quantum moon locator on the south pole of emerald twin i'd even bet they tried to land at this point but more study of the strange moon would be needed before that could happen as the studies were taking place for the moon the nominee and the haying city were having a bit of a problem the city planner forgot to add guardrails and um there's a black hole just kicking it down there this definitely presents an issue for them every now and then no my slips and falls through the black hole below they'd let him get teleported across the solar system into deep space just outside of the white hole the nomy likely had to keep flying out there to rescue their friends they decided to construct a building that would rescue the nomi for them when anoma falls through the black hole they'll arrive outside the white hole just in front of a building designed to teleport them back to brittle hollow they named this building the white hole station instead of you know just building railings these bros decided to make a whole rotating teleporter building in space he's gotta love it by now the study of the quantum moon had been completed a few towers are constructed with the purpose of passing on that knowledge to other noma the tower of quantum trials on giant's deep and the tower of quantum knowledge on brittle hollow the quantum shrine on the quantum moon was likely constructed at this time as well so they discovered that the moon sometimes orbits the eye of the universe though you can't use this moon to reach the eye this makes the gnome i think the eye is in a distant orbit around their very own solar system this makes the nomad turn their attention back to the reason they came to the solar system in the first place an eye signal locator was constructed on brittles hollow's north pole but this one was pretty unique after a failed attempt on the outer rock the gnome i really wanted to make this one work so this locator could lock onto multiple planets at once and accurately depict all of them in their orbits but when they tried to target the eye the locator malfunctioned and showed them every possible location the eye could be in simultaneously the nomi were sort of at a loss for what to do next but while all of this was happening other nomad were studying something that may just help a few know my on another part of brittle hollow notice that no my using the white hole station were arriving at brittle hollow before they left the whitehole station pi poke and clary decided to go to the whitehole station to ensure the readings were correct they did a few tests that backed up their initial observation so they moved their studies to the ember twins high energy lab there they recreated an isolated version of the warped pores they used to teleport they started by ensuring the results they got were being consistent some of the nomi remained skeptical so a test was advised to try and make the effect visible to the naked eye they would use all the power of the sunless city to try and increase the negative time interval this increased the effects so much no one could remain skeptical as they could see it with their own eyes the nomi just essentially discovered time travel that's the last piece the gnome i needed to visually search for the eye of the universe in theory in practice they needed multiple buildings constructed some new advanced technologies a probe to send out to look for the eye and a giant orbital cannon to launch it from so all of the nomi turned their attention to what they called the ash twin project a myriad of new buildings and advanced technology the nomi started by building warp towers connecting ash twin to all of the other planets allowing quick travel as well as allowing them to deliver vital material as quickly as possible on giant steep work on a device allowing memories to be stored and sent back in time began and know my name phlox got to work carving the statues to do the job on another island construction of the orbital probe cannon took place they probably built a sun station here as well which planned to blow up the sun as a power source for the whole thing on brittle hollow a new task was given to the black hole forge their current warp cores weren't able to withstand the power needed for the memory transfer so the know my poke took on the monumental task of recreating her mentor's old technology this task weighed heavy on her but she knew she had the support of her clan behind her on ash twin a special chamber was needed to house all the important components of the aston project these parts needed to survive the supernova for long enough to do what they had to do to achieve this they had to excavate the core of the ash twin then they would encase it in a dense material mined on timber hearth i'm dark bramble nothing happened because that place is scary eventually all of these projects came together one by one and the ash twin project in all of its confusing glory was ready to test but when the nominee fired the sun station it did not have the intended effect the sun barely responded to the attempt at making it go supernova by now the ash twin project is the majority of the no my society with it having failed the nominee are at a loss for what to do they can't even begin to think of another way to produce the power needed for the ash twin project most of the morale was gone people began questioning this search for the eye why waste all of our resources when we could be trying to recreate the vessel and just leave this place but out of nowhere a new mystery arrives in the solar system an interstellar comet comes out of nowhere the curious gnome i couldn't help but be captivated by this new arrival poke pie and clary bore to know my shuttle on ash twin and set out to this stellar interloper the three nominee landed on the tail end of the comet which left the shuttle at risk of freezing clary offered to stay behind to prevent this from happening then they saw it the shuttle's equipment is picking up a strange energy reading coming from underneath the surface but pie and poke aren't put off if anything that makes them even more intrusted in the mystery that playing out in front of them the two nomi found a crack in the surface of the ice allowing them to enter the interior of the comet they set up a few plants on the inside of the interloper to refill their oxygen now inside the comet they figured they should take more energy readings poke realizes whatever is giving out this energy may be dangerous the two of them call clary to give her an update their signal will likely be lost if they go any further so don't worry if you can't get a hold of us we will be right back and off they went sliding down the slopes of ice likely brought back good memories of unadulterated fun but this was a serious mission the two nomi found a crevice leading to the core of the interloper when they enter they are met with something odd the source of the energy readings are coming from some spherical stone casing or rather what's inside it some strange form of matter and to top it off the casing is under tons of pressure and the pressure was rising as they approached the sun as soon as they saw this encasement both noma realized not only are they in danger the entire solar system is threatened right now pi thinking quickly bravely offers to stay behind as poke runs to warn the other nomi every second and every bit of information could help the gnome i survive this poke initially resists but she ends up leaving her friend behind but tragically she doesn't make it far the encasement ruptures and the exotic matter held within coded the solar system with no warning every nomad fell dead where they stood poke made it about 15 feet before she died if there is any silver lining they likely died instantly we find some still sleeping in their weirdly stone beds thinking back on the nominees timeline in our solar system is sad they had pretty bad luck from the start but when you think about it it's really a good life lesson no matter how many hardships the universe throws at you it's always worth it to keep fighting for your dreams because even this isn't the end of the know my story during poke pie and clary's flight to the interloper another shuttle flight was happening unknown my name solonum flew to the quantum moon at this time as well but really that's a whole nother video which i've actually already made if you're interested in solomon's journey and seeing what the nomad accomplished through perseverance check out the video here so you guys may have noticed a new intro here on the channel an awesome subscriber made a few pieces of fan art i want to give a huge shout out and thank you to alexi rival it was very nice of you and i think they were very well done but for now this is a lore explorer diving deep into the story so you don't have to i hope you guys enjoyed this video and though it is a bit sad it's something that i think really does deserve covered and thought about because the gnome i really did put a lot of effort into what they achieved and it it came out worth it so thanks for watching and i hope to see you guys in the next one you
Channel: The Lore Explorer
Views: 40,552
Rating: 4.9339852 out of 5
Keywords: Nomai timeline, Outer Wilds, nomai, lore
Id: yZSjE2gxuq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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