The Lord My Healer, Part 10

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Exodus 15:26 has been our our main text the latter part of it says the Lord revealed himself and said I am the lord that healeth thee this is one of those great compound names redemptive names Jehovah Rapha and this is the I am saying I am this when Moses met the Lord in the burning bush he said to who will I say has sent me he said you tell them I am well I am what well it's it's too big to say in short sentence but among other things he am our healer amen and nobody has a right to take the great I am and make it I was or I used to be hmm well the Lord you know he used to heal but oh no no the I am is the I am always will be the I am and he said I am the lord that heals you praise God others say I Jehovah am healing you complete Jewish says I am Adonai your healer complete English says I'm the Lord your God I cure your diseases TeV that the English version says I am the Lord the one who heals you said out loud tell the Lord you you believe this say you are the Lord who heals me thank you lord thank you lord we looked at a Psalm 103 some 103 1 through 5 it said bless the Lord O my soul and all that's within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits there's more than one benefit to being born again being saved being redeemed and he mentions the top two benefits in the next verse and then goes on from there benefit number one who forgives all your iniquities now almost any church in the country you die stop and ask people attending there they believe that they believe it unequivocally they believe it without exception the Lord forgives all your iniquities what about the rest of the verse who heals all all you lost 90% of nuts maybe he will maybe he won't you just never know sometimes he says yes sometimes he says no sometimes he says wait a while but that's not what this says and that's one of the reasons there's difficulty receiving in the area of healing it's because people don't believe the same way they believe about forgiveness but is this true is it not is he still the Lord who forgives all our iniquities is he still the Lord who heals all our diseases come on the sense that personally he forgives all my iniquities and he heals all my diseases all all means the same in both places in the in the same verse we also saw in previous studies Jesus was ministering in Luke 5 and they came in brought a man let him down before Jesus and Jesus told them and he said your sins are forgiven and both the people got all upset the religious leaders who is this that forgives sin you know when Jesus was ministering they they didn't have any trouble believing he could heal because they were seeing it but they didn't believe he could forgive now years later people have got it turned around they believe you can forgive but they don't believe you can heal I believe the art could always do both I mean if God has always done both still does both somebody say both both both both and he said when they said who can forgive sins but God alone verse 22 Luke 5:22 when Jesus perceived their thoughts he said what reason you in your hearts whether is easier to say your sins be forgiven you are to say rise up and walk which one is easier forgiveness of sin our healings and miracles I'm glad I didn't say which ones harder he said that you may know the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins he said I say to you arise take up your couch and go to your house and he did thank you lord revealing that from the Lord's perspective which should be our perspective there's no more difficulty receiving a healing than there is receiving forgiveness one is just as easy as the other both of them have been bought and provided in the same redemption can you say Amen and so we need is mine renewal and faith comes by hearing let's look in Isaiah 53 again Isaiah 53 and he begins talking in verse one about this but for times sake we'll skip down to verse well let's start in verse one and I'm reading Young's literal translation if we can put that one up on this whose given credence to that which we heard the arm of Jehovah on whom has it been revealed now the arm of Jehovah refers to the power the mighty power of God you know do you see references in the Bible talking about the hand of God even see references tell about the finger of God the Bible said that when Jesus was ministering and demons were cast out it was done by the finger of God dealing with demons only takes finger power from God's perspective Jesus said shut up and come out of them and the Holy Ghost went the devil ain't all he cracked this effort to be compared to God he's a great big zero he's been brought to naught but then the Bible talks about the hand of the Lord coming on but the scripture says when God raised Jesus from the dead it took the exceeding greatness of his power I mean he pushed up his sleeve and it took the mighty arm of God to raised Jesus from the dead not the same as raising Lazarus from the dead not at all to be compared why why because when he raised him from the dead he raised all of us from the dead to free from sins never to die again we had an experience at all yet but we're about to it's already been done how many believe it's already been done it's already been done and this is the thing I believe we should emphasize today that it's already been done notice first - yeah he comes up as a tender plant before him as a root out of dry ground he has no form the honor when we observe him nor appearance when we desire him he is despised and left of men a man of pains and acquainted with this with sickness as and as one hiding the face from us he is despised we esteemed him not surely our sicknesses he has borne somebody say has borne and our pains he has carried them is this past tense our sicknesses he has borne so what's he going to do about our sicknesses he doesn't need to do anything more about our sicknesses because he has done what else does he need to do about our sins he has done it right our sicknesses he has borne our pains he has carried them we've esteemed him plagued smitten of God and afflicted he's pierced for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace is on him and by his bruise there is healing to us hallelujah now in Matthew most people know it but in Matthew 8 16 and 17 Matthew 8 16 and 17 this is the Spirit of God through Matthew quoting Isaiah when even was come they brought to him many that were possessed with the devils and he cast out the spirits with his word healed all that were sick how many then it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying himself took took our infirmities and bare our we'd say bore our sicknesses what else does he need to do about it what else does he need to do first Peter 2:24 anybody know this one first Peter 2:24 who his own self what bear nice past tense our sin in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness but by whose stripes ye were healed yes are there a lot of people in the world that are not saved they're not born again what else does Jesus need to do to save them what else does he need to do you know so many times people are praying and pleading lord please save my brother save my sister please save my relative please my friend please save my neighbor what else does he need to do to save them that's really prey in the wrong direction the Bible tells us pray that the Lord send forth laborers into the harvest what people need to see they need to be enlightened to see their need of him and they need to see what has already been done at the cross and to receive what's already been bought and paid for is it true or not begging God to save them is acting like he hasn't done it acting like Jesus hasn't done what needs to be done for them to be saved and the same thing can be so with healing see so there's always this danger of walking by sight isn't it all well I don't care how long you fought with the Lord we live in this world we've got a physical body what we see in Phil can pull on you're so strong and then you're your bait your believing is based on what you're seeing and feeling instead of what he said now last Sunday we touched on this and I want to expand a little bit so that many times people will say you know I'm gonna go to the doctor and get the test results agree with me that I'll get a good report why see you don't believe you're healed yet come on can you see this and and and people put more stock in the test results than they do the Bible that's just a fact come on now with me or not so no that's that's going the wrong direction going the wrong direction you need to believe you're healed no matter what you see no matter what you feel right and with the word of God and power God working in your life at some point these things will line up with it but if you're not going to believe anything's done until you get the good test result and the good report then there's no faith involved you're not in faith and here's another one thank y'all for praying I feel better just keep believing with me that the Lord will finish the work just keep living with me that the Lord will continue the work and finish the work well when are you gonna believe it's finished said no faith there at all believe with me I should not try to believe with you that the Lord will one day finish the work because we read that he said it is finished and he said that before he went to the grave before he was three days and nights in the heart of the earth before he was raised from the dead you talk about faith you talk about well if he could say it is finished before he went to the heart of the earth why can't we say it is finished before we get the report oh come on somebody say it is finished it is finished what else does the Lord need to do to heal you not a thing we need to receive it we need to receive what's already been done these verses are not promises these are not promises to heal us people say I know the Lord promised to heal me no he didn't he told you you are healed that he took took our infirmities he bore our sicknesses he carried our pains that none of that is a promise that's not a promise of something he's going to do in the future it's not a statement of a process that's going on it is a past tense accomplishment with present tense results oh somebody say past tense past past tense how many believe Jesus says every day always already done everything that we'll ever need to be done for everybody on the planet to be saved to be born again to go to heaven and if they say they're waiting on him to do something they're telling something wrong it's simply not true the only reason you and I didn't get saved a year before we did was because we didn't receive it a year before we did because it was available the year before and he come on can you see this and the year before and the year before the reason people push everything off into the future tense is because they walk in my side they're not gonna believe anything it's happened until they see it until they feel it and that's no faith at all faith is the substance of things hoped for are expected and the evidence of things not seen we don't look at the things that are seen but the things that are not seen because the things that are seen are temporary temporal things that are not seen are eternal for we walk by faith not by sight hallelujah so I need to believe I'm forgiven and righteous before I look righteous before I feel forgive come on if you don't you're gonna be in a mess you're gonna be in trouble and it works six which one's easier which one's easier I need to believe I'm healed before I look healed before I feel healed before I got any reports telling me I'm healed so now we don't need to agree with you about the test results you didn't believe the Bible right now and no we don't need to agree with you that the Lord will finish the work because he has already before you were born finished the work the issue is on the receiving end because it has been provided Sayla I'm pausing for a fact you look at the sink in just a little bit more come on quote the Bible with me said out loud he took my infirmities he bore my sicknesses he carried my pains and by His stripes I was healed we're just as healed as we are forgive all happened at the same place somebody say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord oh man we're making progress we're making progress go with me to Matthew 14 please Matthew 14 and 22 this is immediately following the feeding of the multitudes the multiplication of the little boy's lunch the loaves and fishes and the thousands of people being supernaturally fed from it soon as that was done straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship and to go before him to the other side while he sent the multitudes away they might have thought this was a little bit strange because crowds still there and father said he he constrained him so he had to tell him not want you to go I want you to go now cuz they're like well we were just way don't you know go now constrained them together verse 23 and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up into a mountain apart to pray Jesus did a lot of praying sometimes to pray all night long if he needed to pray we need to pray right and when the evening was come he was there alone keep going but the ship was now in the midst of the sea now it's actually we'd call it a big lake sieve Galilee and they're in the middle of it tossed with the waves for the wind was contrary so the wind had kicked up and this this body of water has gotten disturbed waves are kicking up and it's in the middle of the night and verse 25 in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to the from where he was praying on the shore walking all we'd say the lake walking on the lake now you know a lot of folks that don't believe in God they have trouble with this they go oh it's another it's another metaphor it's enough it's a nice system it's a figure no no if it's a if it's a parable the Bible says it's a parable if it says it happened it happened and if you don't believe it could happen and you don't believe in God you don't believe God can do a miracle you just don't believe in him you're not a believer he said he said he went to him walking on the sea walking on the lake yeah yeah you can say Wow Wow in the fourth watch of the night now this is the wee hours of the morning what 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. Jesus went to them walking on the lake because she didn't get it first time did I hear him right yeah walking on the lake not swimming not walking around the lake not walking on the specially placed rocks walking on the lake and when the disciples saw him walking on the lake they were troubled the other members dark and it's windy and the waves are crashing they said it's a spirit sometimes let's say it's a ghost and they cried out for fear they were traumatized they know they'd seen something probably what I've said together do you see that yes do you see it yeah we all see it what is that you laughing when's the last time in the middle of the night you saw a man walking across the surface of a body of water it's easy to sit here and think oh yeah I'd be cool with it yeah are you are now they didn't have the benefit of reading about it later this is happening real time it scared there man they think they didn't figure it was a man because men can't do this can they this got to be an apparition there's got to be a ghost or something and straightway Jesus spoke to them they needed to hear something right now he said be of good cheer now that's old English that's King James you know we might say today it's alright relax cheer up it's me be not afraid hallelujah actually the put the amplified version of that up if you would he instantly he spoke to them and he said take courage I am now we know who it is well on the water I am stop being afraid now this is a good translation of fear not I think we've heard fear not so many times so that just kind of goes past us no stop when the Lord says fear not he wants you to stop it it's not just a you know encouragement it's a command it's an instruction they were fearing he wants them to stop fear is a bad thing he said stop being afraid and Peter answered him lord if it is you so they still are not quite sure what cause he's standing on the water talking to him and it's dark and stormy he said if it is you command me to come to you on the water and Jesus said oh no no no no no no Peter see I'm the son of God I can do this but don't try this at home boy why would I say that because that's how much of the religious world leaves the implication that everything that Jesus did that was miraculous he did it as God and it's not true it's not true he did it as a man he did it as a man Philippians says he emptied himself he laid aside his mighty weight and power and glory and became like other men well what other men you know can do this we know of at least one other man who was definitely not perfect right so no this is not just something he's doing as god this is something that men can do by faith in the Spirit of God in fact everything he did in ministry he said if you believe on me the works I do you'll do also did he say it or not and greater works than these the enemy has convinced people that they can't do anything have anything that they see Jesus doing and the opposite is true he said so he said if that's you command me to come jesus said come so Peter got out of the boat he's got some courage and he did what come on help me out he did what anybody believed the Bible in here this morning he he did what walked around the water swam in the water now he walked on the water this is a miracle of the power of God why are we talking about it what's this got to do with healing a lot there are situations where nothing less than a miracle of God will get you through you need a miracle of God's healing power in your body or elsewise your life's gonna be cut short which you know Dynes not the worst thing that ever happened to a Christian hmm oh no you slip out of your body your angel is there you go to be with Jesus you see your family and friends is there and feel sorry for the rest of the folks are still on the planet and wouldn't come back if you could but you were robbed of years you could have had on the earth in the service of the Lord that would have resulted in you being helped and blessing to people and getting reward you don't want to leave early you don't want to be robbed life is short enough as it is you don't want to be robbed and don't have to be robbed of the years that would make up a full life with long life he'll satisfy me come on say that live with long life he will satisfy me and show me his salvation well in order for that to be true you're gonna have to be spared from accidents crime stuff that would take you out early and if something happens to your body disease was you got to be healed or even if the disease didn't kill you immediately if it was bad enough he'd shorten your life healings got to be a part of this long life thing it takes that to make it all the way to make it all the way thank you Lord for he what else does the Lord need to do to heal us hmm well read the rest of this now he said if that's you bid me command me to come and Jesus had come come and put yourself in the place the boats Rocking the wind's blowing waves the slapping in the face you see looks like the form of a man out there not too far away you can hear his voice that's familiar but man this is strange Peter crawls out of the boat he puts his foot on the the waves that are rocking and moving and wonder of wonders his foot does not sink glory to God so he goes ahead and gets the other foot out hallelujah what we're seeing is a manifestation of the power of God a manifestation of the power of God when did this manifestation of the power of God begin when when did it show up when he stepped out of the boat it was available as soon as Jesus spoke the word come but it didn't manifest until he stepped out of the boat come on can you see this what if Peter hadn't stepped out of the boat no power would have been manifested no miracle power would have been manifested it was meant is it a coincidence that it manifested the exact same time Peters foot touched the water no that's how it works faith without action is dead the the the word must be mixed with faith are no powers manifested it's available it's there but it's not manifested so he steps out of the boat the power is being manifested supernaturally he is doing something that's defying natural laws now this is not just for us to aspire to walk on physical water I believe if we needed to it could happen but day to day that's not really what we need but it represents a whole lot of other things too are there situations where we need a miracle of God we need the power of God manifested to keep us from being overwhelmed to keep us from sinking and drowning to keep us from being defeated there are situations where if you don't have a miracle of God you're you're a goner it can be that way with disease and problems and so what many have have done is they beg God to heal them millions are doing this please God heal me others are adamant so I just believe God's gonna heal me in his own good time and in his own good way well that's like that's like people not born again saying I believe God's gonna save me in his own good time in his own good way well that's not how it works he doesn't need to do anything else to save us or healers and I don't know why it's taking so long when's God gonna heal me why is it taking so long why is it taking so long why does it take you know Lord hurry up hurry up hurry up wrong thinking wrong believing when was the power manifested come on help me out when he stepped out of the boat that's when miracle power manifested not before and he walked on the water to go to Jesus but when he saw the wind boisterous we put the amplified it back up please when he perceived and felt the strong wind he was frightened and what happened he began to sink hold on something's happening to the power of God it begins to fade and when did this change when he started looking at something else oh come on can you see this razor he started looking at the natural what he could see and what he could feel and when he started looking at that the power of God stopped manifesting and he began to sink there's confusion in these areas people say what does it take so long you know I they prayed for me and I felt better and then I got better and then I got worse and I got a little better and then I got a little worse then they got better then I got worse and I just keep getting worse and why does it take so long because on-again off-again on-again off-again not God but our faith brother Hagin used to say frequently keep the switch of faith turned on said out loud keep the switch of faith turned on well if you can turn it on you can turn it off God's not doing partial healings with me ghosts are doing partial healing healing a little bit and go oh you know that's enough that's enough for now you need to wait a while you'll appreciate it more no when you release faith and you act faith the power of God manifest but the enemy will do his best to distract you and get you get your focus off of God off of what he said and back on to what you feel and what you see and if you take your focus off of God and His Word and back on what you feel and see you turn the switch of faith off and the power stops manifesting that's why some progress and then it quits and then if you get stirred up again and get your eyes off of that and get you you focus back on him and turn the switch your faith back on see some improvement but then the enemy will do is he's a master of distractions isn't he feelings and thoughts and this and that and what other people are saying and doing and if he goes hey hey hey over here over here over here over here over here and if you do you just reached over and turn the switch off is that God's fault and this is why it can take so long a little better a little worse a little better a lot worse a little better worse worse on-again-off-again can you see this friend that's what James is talking about put it up on the scripture whew with James one holds place here we're not done James 1 and verse 5 I believe it is if you like wisdom let him ask of God that gives to all men liberally and upbraideth and what will happen shall be given him verse 6 but let him ask in faith what not nothing wavering now notice the word wavering what's the root word wave does this remind you of anything and in case it didn't you didn't make the connection read the rest of the verse for he that wave for if is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed what does that mean the the wave is being moved by the wind makes it unstable verse 7 let not that man think that he shall receive what anything of the Lord now this business doesn't mean that if you waver the Lord gets upset with you and goes I'm not messing with you anymore you're not gonna get anything that's not what's going on go back to you to the text here in Matthew 14 Matthew 14 what happened who initiated the manifestation of the power of God Peter did when he stepped out of the boat when he acted in faith what the Lord told him a miracle began to work would could that miracle have worked all the way from him to Jesus and to the boat but it didn't Peter came up short now a lot of people have done this with healing they came up short died young and and don't judge if if there's a friend of yours a family don't be mad at them until you've been there you imagine what you'd say and do but you can get tired you can get tired of pain of symptoms and in heaven can just get to looking so good that you just want to get out of here you just don't want to fool with it anymore and unless you've been there you can say you think you know what you do but tell you there it's just talk but what we should not do is believe a lie and say it wasn't God's will to heal and we don't know why God took so long or whine this is one that no no no when he stepped out in faith the power of God manifested and as long as he was focused on Jesus and thinking about that word come he was walking on the water come on can you see that and you sir as you're having a miracle working in your life what's the enemy gonna do hey hey hey hey hey hey look over here look over here oh man look that's a big wave oh man if you feel like when you feel that wind and so what did he do when he perceived and felt that he turned around he thought ha ha ha and when he looked at that fear came in him but when the fear comes in the faith goes out and when you stop looking at the Lord and his word and your faith goes out the power stops working was it the Lord that turned the power off no who initiated the manifestation of the power Peter did who turned it off Peter did when when when did that change that hasn't changed that's still how it works today it works the same way and you finances you can come here hear me shout and wave my arms about hundredfold you can get all pumped and stoked and flip the switch of faith on and you're you're expecting and and then you get a bad report and some extra bills and buy wings Steve you don't watch what you're doing you're going honest don't know about all this stuff and there was something working hmm Sunday afternoon and Monday angels were working and things were going and you know that once they stopped at all no no no not again why what happened they turned the switch off reckon they'll turn it back on I don't know last time they did this it was six months [Laughter] we're so close I know I know I see hundredfold right over there but can't we tell them no we can't tell what the Lord requires faith that's one gain if they have to see it then it's not and then maybe you come back next Sunday near about 100 fold turn the switch over gonna do it they're gonna do it yeah here we go [Applause] switch your faith back up now am I making this up what is wavering what is wavering what did Peter waver is that what happened to him yeah he was focused on the Lord focused on what he said and as long as he was doing that he was above it it wasn't sinking down in it it wasn't overcoming him he wasn't going to perish he wasn't gonna drown it's taking a miracle but it's happening now the wind was just as strong when he's walking on the water as when he looked at it seconds later come on can you see this the waves were doing the same thing when he's walking on the water as a few seconds later when he looked at him so it wasn't the wind and waves that put him under they were doing that before it was taking your eyes off the author and finisher taking our eyes and mind off of what he said come and the moment you get to looking at the bad report you get to looking at the bad test you get to looking at how you feel and how you hurt what happens fear comes in whatever you look at and focus on you open your spirit up to and it'll come in you and if we're full of fear and anxiety and worry it's our fault because of what we're looking at and the good news is you can look away I said you can look away yeah I know it's there I know it can be terribly distracting but can you turn your face away and focus on him can you do it can you do it and begin to call your body what he calls it and begin to say I believe I have received amen and as you do that what you just do you turn the switch back on power up against the manifest again he begins to see now what if you mess up and you looking at the wrong thing and the power stops manifesting and you start sinking and you know you're not in effect don't play games don't play games I remember the man with the lunatics son he said lord I believe help my unbelief asks if you're getting the Jim asked for mercy I had cry out for mercy he cried out lord save me why he's about to trace back to drown any things he's going down how many know without the power of God how long does it take to go down in the water bloop without the power of God holding you up how long does it take to go down well with a killer disease working against your body without the power of God how long does it take for you to go down we can't afford to look at think about the symptoms the bad reports we can't afford to focus on that and Jesus instantly reached out his hand and caught him glory to God and held him this is not because of Peters faith he's got the switch turned off and Jesus is holding him this is a mercy save he's holding him and he said to him o ye of little faith why did you doubt now don't look at this the wrong way what does it mean little faith his faith he came up short of transversing the distance between him and Jesus why because his faith was short can you see that if he'd had kept his faith going he could have made it all the way but his faith was too little to finish the trip kid he had enough faith to start the trip but he ran out of faith halfway there see things are not just according to the will of God they're according to our faith they're not just according to the power of God what God can do it's according to our faith little faith ran short but the Lord in his mercy spared him why did you doubt shows his faith was reasonable his doubt was not his doubt was unreasonable that's what he's saying what reason did you have you could say with the wind well it was blowing like that for you got out of the boat come on can you see that well it was the ways were the ways we're kicking like that before you ever set one foot out of the boat it's not reasonable to doubt somebody to say doubt is unreasonable what about faith we got the most solid thing in the world is that right reason to believe the one who created the heavens and the earth gave us a word the one who created our body gave us a word didn't he he took my infirmities he bore my sicknesses he carried my pains my stripes I was healed hallelujah and I received that I don't have to feel it I believe I receive that and I called my body what he says it is come on can you say Amen and I don't just do it when I feel better or look better I'm gonna keep the switch of faith turned on hallelujah and that will keep the power of God working till I complete my journey from point A to point B if you mess up find yourself in a bad shape cry out lord save me but get that switch back on get that switch back on and keep it on how does faith talk faith talks positive faith is not talking about trying to get God to finish something faith is not just focusing on when I feel better and look better faith is calling those things that be not as though they were just like Abraham did amen faith is making plans to live a full life is that right full life and when I say full don't just mean full length of days I mean full ability not restricted not limited not hindered but can do everything we need to do for as long as we need to do it in this life until us and the Lord get good and ready for us to go not before or somebody say glory to God glory to God glory to God hallelujah go to Roman's 4 please and I think we'll close with this thanks be to God somebody say past tense past past tense does this help you today I tell you there were years I didn't understand what I'm sharing with you right now and it troubled me and it bothered me but it was a great answer the day the Lord helped me to see this that people say you know you see in individuals there were good people and you knew they knew some things about healing and miracles and faith and and they had some results but then later on they went down quick and it just you think man people said well they didn't have faith well it's obvious they had faith and some other things come on can you see that even in previous manifestations of their healing but I don't care if it's you or me or Peter you can be having a miracle and you can turn and focus on the wrong thing and turn your faith off and I mean when it's the only thing between you and drowning is the power God holding you up how long does it take to drown how long does it take to go down if the power God's not in manifestation can you see that so no how many understand no judging at all no trying to fill hard on this right yeah but you ain't there so quit talking so big show us something where you are right now right and you know and like we said you know if you did go early well I think the worst thing that ever happened you're saved right but we don't have to be robbed of our days either we got a job to do there's a reason why we're here we need to finish our work we need to run our whole race finish our whole course that's the will of God in Romans are you there the fourth chapter Romans four and we'll look at 18 Tom might Abraham we've seen this before I want to go over it again well back up to verse 17 as it is written I've made you God told Abram I've made you of what I'm soon going to know I'm in the process of making you no no no I have made you a father of many nations at this point they had no child of their own but this is how God functions if God had to wait to see it before he believed there wouldn't be no planets there wouldn't be no me in you before him whom he believed even God who quickens the dead and does what calls those things which be not as though they're about to be as though they were were who against hope or expectation believed in expectation that he might become experienced the father of many nations according that which was spoken so shall thy seed be keep going and being not weak in faith he what how did he avoid what happened to Peter how was he not how did he not get weak in faith because he wouldn't consider consider means to look at to focus on to think about he wouldn't let himself and he wouldn't let other people pull him into talking about how old he is and how old Sarah is how she couldn't conceive when she was a young woman he just he wouldn't he wouldn't focus on it he wouldn't consider that and by refusing to look at the wind and the waves and his body and her body he stayed strong and didn't weaken didn't turn off the switch of faith considered not so much they considered not consider not consider not can you make a good confession in the morning and consider your symptoms the rest of the day and stay in faith you cannot you cannot well the power of God be manifested in that situation it will not can you make a good confession and call your bills paid and then worry about them the rest of the day you can't that's not faith that's not how it works that's where the good fight of faith comes in you're not fighting trying to get God to do something what do you fighting casting down imaginations see this imaginations and thoughts you're not gonna make it this is worse you're getting worse you're not going to come out I mean those are the thoughts you gotta fight you're not gonna be able to pay your bills you can't look at that and entertain that you can't just sit in your chair and start crying over that or elsewise you're going under you have turned off the switch of faith you got to resist that you got to stand against that you gotta say oh yes oh yes we're coming out you want you see we have received right I call every bill paid I call every need Mette I called my immune system strong I called my body healed you've got to resist all the stuff that will come against your mind verse 20 he staggered not that's the same word his waiver that's the same Greek word for waiver he wavered not he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to God being fully persuaded that what God had promised he was able also to perform how did he avoid getting weak he refused to look at that other stuff how did he get strong he every morning noon and night he just kept focusing on what God told him I have made you the father it didn't look like it it didn't feel like it it seemed impossible but friend God does miracles hallelujah and when you need to you can walk on the water can you say Amen and you can walk on the water all the way till Jesus you get arm-in-arm with him and get safe on the shore you can but you can't look at the problems you can't think about you can't talk about it you can't focus but you got to keep your eyes on him you got to look unto Jesus you got to consider him you got to keep talking about what he told you what he said I mean you couldn't say it too much he took my infirmities he bore my sicknesses he carried my pains by His stripes I was healed hallelujah and you can emphasize every word by His stripes I was healed by His stripes I was he you by his stripes ah was he by his stripes ah you see what this is do it for you I was healed by His stripes I was here by his stripes I was here then you hit all of them by his stripes I was he'll then amigo yeah but you obviously never mind you shut up shut up I can't afford to turn this power off because that's the only thing keeping me from seeking right now I can't afford to look at that no Jesus me and you me and you i'ma coming to you I'm coming all the way we're doing this hallelujah praise God stand on your feet if you would
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 676
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: YS9UL3mfAjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 24sec (3804 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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