THE LOOK OF LOVE: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

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Burt Bacharach noted for creating beautiful music that were placed into movie themes pretty much like Alfie raindrops keep falling on my head now you know okay and one of the latest song that he did with witches which became very popular was that's what friends are for yes he is the composer I should be around 90 already 90 years old but he is very well noted also for this song the look of love because he seems to describe as James Bond in one of the scenes sees a very beautiful woman and envisions that that was the look of love if you will try to study the lyrics it will say that the look of love maybe in the shimmering of the eyes Hawaii says that when you're in love your eyes just sparkles but they also further on sales say that is it in the way that words can describe that that is the look of love so last week we already started with the love chapter in first Corinthians chapter 13 and I have entitled our conversation today the look of love because last week we said that Paul is saying that all of the gifts no matter how huge how important whether you have the number one gift of all we've been shunned that even the most priceless of gift is pointless without love it is not whether you have the most expensive one it is not whether you have the best one it is not whether you have the number one gift of all even if you have all the gifts Paul is saying that if it is done without love you amount to nothing any action that you do any act any of the spiritual gift that you have is the pointless it is nothing without love if everything that I have is going to be measured alongside this love don't you think it is important for us to know how this love looks like so that when I encounter it I will then know that hey that's love I will be able to recognize what this love is all about first Corinthians chapter 13 starting with verse 4 on to verse 7 describes that love as Paul continues to describe this very important measure of our life we will be able to understand that love is defined differently in the Bible it has given so many differentiation the Greeks have definite definition for each kind of love the Bible reads shares with us the term filos which is brotherly love that means that is your love for one another and there is also eros which is sexual love it is a description of love that is said to be romantic and then there's a gap in love the love that is associated with God this is the love that is not that is not easily given because it is a committed love that you give that when you give this kind of love this is the love that can only translate because you have the love of the Father because after all it is God who has given the complete definition of love when he gave his one only Son it is only that that emptiness of yourself that agape love is the love that is being described in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 so today allow me to be able to describe to you the look of love but more than it being a description we will understand today that love is action more than intention that love is more than a thought it is much more than a feeling it is it is much more than a kilig and you know I found a translation for kilig odo kilig is now in the in the dictionary killing another word it's not a direct word but a phrase is a quiver in the liver whoa I'm Sookie leg I have a quiver in my liver it's so profound it's so intelligent when you say when you feel in love you say that you have a quiver in your liver did you ever feel that it's like nonny in acute liver oh it's like the quivering because the liver used to be what the innermost being was all about during the olden times so I think that's a very wise translation it is more than that when Paul describes what love is all about we will be able to understand that it is more than intention it is more than a desire to love it is more than an emotion it is more than a feeling it is an action so turn your Bibles with me first Corinthians chapter 13 and we will go on and see what this love that Paul is talking about because after today we will not only learn how to love how to live but we will learn how to love and that love will be an abundant kind of love that is D geared towards action more than intention so before that I will ask you to do something okay you will make two lists one is your love strengths and the other one will be your love weaknesses so that we will be able to assess at the end of this conversation how loving we are because remember Jesus Christ admonished these people what did Jesus tell his people that they may know that you are my disciples because you love one another let's go Paul starts off with describing love with two positive by positive words love is patient and love is kind at the onset when you read it they're like descriptive words adjectives if you must but what Paul is saying here in the Greek are all action words everything that we are going to describe today are all action words Paul is using action words to describe what love is all about just brought to prove a point that love is indeed action it is not measured by the way it looks by by its high by its way it is not described as its color or its how it looks like if it's a circle or it is not the way Paul describes love Paul describes love using verbs and a short English session what are verbs young people action words verbs are action words it is a very important part of a sentence the verb signals an action an occurrence or a state of being whether it is mental you say I say this I thought that I know this those are the mental states or it can be physical I will run to you I hear the song I am speaking now so those are the physical and it can be mechanical or action or it can be verbs bus today verbs are always expressing an activity it can be a state of being you say I am here Biba you are there are please be with me that is the state of being the word be but all of this in the shape or expresses an activity there is an action attached to it and that is what the words that are used by Paul to describe what love is all about so if we're going to paraphrase it the first to state phrases the dimensions are actually this love acts patiently love acts kindly they are acts that are done and this is how Paul describes what love is all about and moving forward every word that is attached to love is all about action when love is patient what does that mean you know the other the other definition of patient in this were in this race is long-suffering but it's a wonder why Paul describes it as long-suffering us being patient because Paul is saying here that in the mids of life you will always encounter adversity because even Jesus Christ warned us right when he said in this life you will experience troubles and it's not only trouble that he said you will experience many troubles and you need patients to be able to live that through but it is easy to go through adversities it is easy to go through trouble if there are people alongside you but also in this life you will encounter difficult people and that is what Paul is saying here that love is summoned is called as you face difficult people in difficult adversities it is easier to go through life of adversities rather than go through life with difficult people right but as you grow as you grow and live your life you will definitely definitely meet difficult people and how do you go through life that way you summon love Paul is saying love acts patiently through the difficulty of life you summon it is only love that will make it easier for you to go through life and so he says love is patient it will bear it will it will patiently go through life with you it will make you like it will make life easier because there is the presence of love and then he goes on to say love is kind you know Mark Twain won a very very good author said the kindness is the language that the Deaf can hear and the blind can read kindness is a language that is so universal that even the Deaf and the blind will be able to understand it and what is kindness kindness is the little acts of love that you do to other people a pat on the shoulder a gentle smile a please and excuse me right giving up a seat on the MRT at peak hours helping someone carry their bags opening the door for someone love is kind it does not bear you to be it does not give you difficulty but it gives you kindness and kindness is something that is universal it does not have to be translated unlike the language the the eloquent language that the Corinthian church were having then at that time the Corinthians were so became so proud of whatever gifts they had that they forgot to be kind they were now the meaning people who did not have the same gifts that they had is that how we are today kindness is something that is given it doesn't even cost anything right it does not cost anything to be kind it does not cost anything to help someone cross the street it doesn't appear it does not it does not cost anything to give up a seat it does not cost anything to help someone carry a bag kindness is a universal language that everyone will understand even if there are no words that are mentioned two positive things that Paul describes love to be it's the act of being patient and it's an act of being kind and then he continues on with the love nots eight things that love is not I was wondering how come there are only two positives and eight negatives FIBA Market eight because people have a penchant of an understanding love on the negative note that we understand love for what it is not that's why Paul is already warning this is love what love is not we have a tendency to do what love is not instead of doing what love is so for us to be able to understand it better man just loves to do what is not supposed to be done the things that are supposed to be so Paul describes love on the negative note then he says love does not envy it does not boast it is not proud three words related to one another that says of what love is not supposed to be love does not envy do you know that Envy is such poison I can destroy relationships that's why police say love does not envy it is so easy to be jealous or to be envious of something that you do not have because there are so many things that we do not have in life there is always someone who is going to be better still just just plan not even do it just plan for something there is already someone who is planning something to be done better someone looks better than you someone dresses better than you someone is richer than you it is so easy to be envious you know Joseph was thrown into the well because his brothers envied him they were jealous of him even Jesus Christ was sent to the cross why because the religious leaders were envious they were envious of where Jesus was that Jesus was becoming so popular but as you grow towards age you will know that the moment you step out into the world there is always someone who is better than you and what is your reaction going to be you get envious to the point that you will kill bad-mouth speak evil of someone it is so easy to be envious because there is always someone who is going to do something much much better than we are love dictates that it is not envious and then Paul continues love does not boast do you know that the word for boast here literal windbag and he went back humbug sepegal Oh humbug Dylan my abang humbug someone pegannon oh you are so full of yourself someone who boasts draws attention to himself i me and myself people who are boastful wants to be the center of attraction you know what's the sign of this he's always speaking about himself watch and listen listen to our conversation our conversations full of I ha no oh no oh it is so easy to brag to be boastful about things that we've accomplished finicky rapper nothin after all right but police say love does not boast why because the love that God gave the example of love is not drawn towards himself God Jesus would have been able to boast his God after all but you know Jesus never bragged about his his God ship what was so wonderful about Christ was the fact that he did not he knew when to keep quiet it is not his greatness that was spoken but it was his quietness that determined his greatness you know most of the very good very smart very rich people I know at the simplest the most quiet of all people because they know there's nothing to boast about their stillness and their quietness speaks of their greatness and that's what Jesus said as an example he did not have to pronounce on the on the city square he did not have to pronounce in the temple when he could have because it's true he was God after all but he did not do that he deemed it necessary to keep quiet and let the people know of his greatness and that is the example that we should have because love does not boast and Paul continues love is not proud mr. Barrie what's the difference it seems similar they are similar boasting is palabos pride is going in you fill yourself with how good I am I'm so good I'm so great I'm so beautiful I'm so smart I'm so intelligent I have a PhD pride is something that is inward it is so inward that you become arrogant if there is nobody who will be able to measure up to you love and boasting and pride cannot go together because love is thinking of others love is always putting the other person first how can you do that when you're so proud when you're so good and smart and beautiful all along a beautiful but there is always someone who is even more beautiful than you and they say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder : Peleg and Engel necessarily deeper entangle necessarily but Paul admit admonishes love is not proud if we measure ourselves against the love of God no Papa anibus accrues a wooden Abajo have you carried your cross just today without complain Paul says love is not proud and love does not dishonor others in other translation it says rude you know love it has good manners and right Conda it does not like to dishonor anyone we honor we give honor to the person that we love it is never rude we don't answer back in Vienna in banaba Rio I think Mihama goal of us a mile not it's alive we do not question because we love them said love is not self-seeking because as I mentioned earlier love is Pallavas love is conducted for others it is not love that is inward this is in regards with love being self self-sacrificing you do not seek what is important in you you do not you are not the center of everything you do not say it's either my way or the highway no because Jesus never got his way also had he done the cross would not have happened but he chose to give because his love was not self-seeking he chose rather to give of himself for us love that not does not seek what is important to me he anima enough young people lend me your ears something Angela that's why your parents us we do not we do not do not do not allow you to go into exclusive relationships yet what age is that what is the young people's age 12 13 14 15 mins and a 30 self-seeking panini bar it's because of this when you're young everything is still towards you why do you defy your parents you see but I love her she's my life and mommy says no no not yet not yet no she's just my world I will give I will give I will give what I will give my allowance I will buy something for her that's not selfish because I'm thinking of her no you're selfish because you are not thinking of what your parents are telling you and when that time comes when you can say oh hi mommy oh hi daddy I will follow then you are able to prove that maybe just maybe you are not self-seeking any longer because it is not after what you want that you are after but it is it but instead you are obeying your parents love is not self-seeking you do not desire everything that is good for you that is what I want I want I want I want bottom body I don't love him anymore I don't love my mommy because did not buy me candy everything is self-seeking when you're young but as you mature this loves this love grows as well so don't hurry take your time and joy love is not self-seeking and love is not easily angered and it keeps no record of wrongs all of us have sensitivities there is just this button that just tell it gonna knock over giggle it just angers us right what is that sensitivity or behind map or on a boat on well on an elaborate show you everything now on you get easily angered but that's not love keeping no record of wrongs is a long-term thing you are not easily angered you don't get easily irritated with something that they do instead you always give the benefit of the doubt love does not keep a record of wrongs you don't do not have a calendar on May 22 eating Dino a moussaka I'm stuck it's a cap but it does not keep a record of wrongs love is juicy it chooses what it keeps it keeps on things that are delightful that are beautiful something that will make you grow in that love if you're angry for the right reason what is wrong is keeping that anger because you know vamp up anger it turns to hate Hindi but every time you see that person that you're angry with a young animal shog you know an animal do you know that it is easier to love them to end to be angry it takes more energy to be angry and more wrinkles the Llewelyn put a lifeline better on anger lines and damage it does a forehead than in your eyes love does not easily anger and it does not keep a record of wrongs you seek the right the beautiful in a person that's what loved us love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth we never look for something wrong that a person does it pains us everything every time there is news of a person falling of a brethren sinning because we think of what is the journey that person has gone through before he fell or before that problem arises or tire by young tire or Nana comely palak Bonita in a nap in a vanilla bean / even know love does not delight in evil but it rejoices in the truth but we love hearing gossip that's why I fab Lloyd's are all over there bestsellers bad news fake news that's what sells good news are placed somewhere down in the back of a newspaper and in small fonts but believers we Christian that's what makes us different we do not revel in evil we do not revel in what is wrong with the light and rejoice in the truth and even that even if that wrong thing is proven right we we ache for that person as much as possible I owe nothing that back number going to tow a Muhammad link Malita or a Muhammad Nabeel Eva we never should be delighted in anything that is evil this is where Paul brings us love always protects always trusts always hopes always perseveres how is our love list coming along are able to list down your strengths and your weaknesses are we weak in thinking evil of others are we strong in the lighting in the truth that we can control anyone who is wrong and tell them this is the truth but here love is so consistent yes ma petite always it protects you know the word that is used here it's like a roof over your head you will never get hurt by the heat of the Sun you will never get hurt by the race of by the strong rains love always protects it will care for you and watch over you that's the love of God right we say that his banner over me is love that is the protection that God gives us and that is the love that you should be able to extend that love protects love always trusts we always give the benefit that there is something that is good and beautiful love hopes love looks for a few looks towards the future Indian when you're when your life is so difficult gain eternal oh hey Babu hi here up no Manito no it hopes is hopeful always because our love is based on the love of God and that love when you base it upon God's love is always hopeful there is always a beautiful future and love always perseveres it always keeps on trying moving that love proving in action because love is an action all of these words that Paul has mentioned are all acts when you protect you put a roof over the head of the person you wrap them with protection always maha kapatid always love is very consistent for all of us because love is an action more than an intention the descriptions given by Paul are all verbs they're all actions for us acts that we should do to be able to prove that yes I know what love is I know that this is love love is patient love is kind love is humble it does not envy it does not boast it is not proud love hopes it trusts it perseveres I hate is such a strong word but indeed sister berry right now I hate my husband statement Alana I did but I hate my mom she's not allowing me to go to the party such strong words that we use but do you know that we've watered down the meaning of love but I can say I love I love my husband I love pastor Joey and I love chocolate chip cookies at the same time is that the kind of love that we have I love my cat I love my dog and I love my mom we've watered down love so much and the hate has become worth two cents it is so easy to say it but if we are a cut above the rest we are different but most Meralco must upon least anathan if you have more on the love strengths wow you're such a loving person but if you have more of the love weaknesses you know what you do try yourself close to the cross try yourself close to Jesus because truth be told in the modeling work Mahalo it's not easy to love most specially loving difficult people it's easy to love our friends but to love our enemies as God calls us to do that's not easy that's the love that we have to emulate that's the love that we should have the Jesus kind of love and you will only we will only be able to love if we have Jesus in our hearts it is the love of Christ in us that propels us to love one another it is only with the love of God that we can love one another how different are we from the world how different are we from those people that we meet on the streets muhabba must loving pasilla chaos a Mahayana Nandita Salam but I want to believe that we know that with Christ's love in us we can love it is only then that we can love so what do we do I have an assignment for you what are your strengths where are you at which of this quality stand out that are your greatest needs encircled three of them and pray about them if we draw ourselves towards God if we draw ourself closer to Jesus then and only then will we be able to measure up to the call of Paul that love is action more than intention it is not just a thought it is not just a quiver in the liver but it is an action that needs to be done so this is what I want you to do also it's not the love month but for us it is love month every month right so this is what I'd like you to do let's read first Corinthians 13 every day for the rest of the month until such time that we will know it's almost going to be tattooed on our hearts that we will be able to understand how it is to love because the look of love is when you act the love that you have [Music] again your faithless friend don't you ever tire of even what a fool I've been I guess I should pray but what can I say oh we had snow a hundred times I've cost you pay will forgive me sound so empty when I never change yet you stay and say you love me still forgiving me time and time again it's your stuff never let go of me I don't understand how you can tell [Music] how I feel [Music]
Channel: WIN-SQ
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Id: Wh1F_VpVArI
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Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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