The Long Drive Starting House Special - Tips, Tricks and Secrets

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so is that all of the kitchen cupboard no Digby no it is not because also here in the kitchen there is a little bit of a secret so if you crouch down low and you come over here behind your stove you will find an access panel that leads to the chimney alongside the house yeah down here inside your chimney you will find [Music] [Applause] the duties of his office [Music] oh no well hey everybody thanks stopping by I am Digby and today we are back in the long drive for a combination of a special and a well basically an informational Guide to the starter house now I've actually been toying with the idea of doing like a full-on guide to the starter house for a while now because there's a lot of like little secrets and tips and tricks and things that well I mean new players will definitely miss but even some long-term players might not know about like for example that you actually get a choice of two different vehicles to start your run with there's food all over the place there's everything you need I believe to completely clean whichever vehicle you choose to go with and yeah there's like a complete collection of all the well I always call them keychains in the videos but like the dangly objects there's uh blow up doll companion there's an animal companion and the best bit is apart from the randomness of well basically the two vehicles you get to pick from everything else well actually hold that thought because I think the animal companion is also randomized but yeah other than that everything I show you is going to be in the same spot every time it'll always be there and once you know where it all is you can actually get off to an incredibly great start so I'm gonna let the computer actually pick one at random we'll just flip through these for a couple of seconds and okay that one let's go okay here we are in the house and it would appear that our secondary vehicle is going to be the motorcycle okay perfect now we've got the random companion is always over here on the bed in this case we've got Jeff um hello Jeff okay I can't quite reach Jeff without jumping up on the bed but I'm not gonna do that yeah let's take a look at well actually we'll start you with the secondary vehicle because the secondary vehicle is either going to be a motorcycle or a moped and you will know immediately based on which motor you get here on the kitchen table now the rest of the vehicle is located oh I say the rest of it the main body of the vehicle is always out behind your little building here or your starter house I guess but yeah all the bits and Bobs you need to make that motorcycle complete are going to be located here for example the gas tank is always going to be under the kitchen sink one of the saddlebags is always going to be over here the other saddlebag will be out here in the main garage on the floor and if you get a moped you actually will get a moped Basket in that location instead rabbits be quiet the headlight is going to be I think it's over here on the Outhouse yeah Okay so we've got the headlight we can put on the motorcycle like so and oh you know what let's just do everything while we're right here and then we'll put saddlebag 2 on rabbit shut up I haven't gotten to the different Weaponry you have available here okay saddlebag two can't stand that up yet and then yeah you're gonna get like one room here in the kitchen oh actually you know oh hi go away please go away go away go away do not make me get the freaking BB gun out can I just beat you with the door a little bit nope he's gonna come in okay how about you kill yourself on that door then thank you yeah you're gonna get a motorcycle rim here in the kitchen there's another one oh that one's down in the basement actually so yeah we will be looking at this stuff in depth in a minute but let me just grab this motorcycle rim okay motorcycle rim motorcycle rim and then under here should be motorcycle time number one and motorcycle tire number two oh you know what we forgot hold that thought I goofed up there's a part missing yeah the speedo is actually going to be in the garage on the shelves should be right over here okay let me just pop you down open the door and there's the speedo you know what else you've got Digby you forgot the two mirrors I'm trying to remember where those are one of them's upstairs over the top of the garage and the other one I believe is in here maybe where are you oh no it's downstairs in the basement hold that thought I'm thinking of something else entirely uh mirror where'd you go oh there you are right there yes it's always going to be over here in the corner okay attach you mirror number two oops and there is a door you can use to get into the upstairs right here number two is over here in this corner so there we go we now have a complete 100 ready to go motorcycle the only thing it isn't is properly repaired however I'm not going to be taking the motorcycle so I don't care now next thing we can look at now that we got the motorcycle out of the way is the dangly things so dangly thing number one is your poop keychain which is going to be under here okay Digby stop calling them key chains they're dangly things and you actually have a real poop that always spawns under your bed too for you know reasons and like I said propane tanks always here feather dust is always here the clock there's always bread right here in fact let's start collecting the food here and yeah there's gonna be like three full packs of cigarettes you can get oh dangly thing number two before I get distracted is right here in the corner behind the stove now this is the lipstick keychain or lipstick dangly thing and as far as I know the only place it ever spawns is right there in that corner now there is a Fred dangly thing out here hanging under the steps so let's grab Fred we'll put Fred in whoops yeah don't get stuck on the door Digby I'll put Fred in here so Fred you go there and then the pine tree is out here hanging on the Shelf the pine tree can go there the octopus is always over here on the floor under the back Shelf so octopus you can come out and join the collection and then the last one I say last one I'm pretty sure you can't get the back keychain here anymore because they change that to make it like a thing that flies around the haunted houses so it's not technically a keychain it's an animal that becomes a keychain once it dies anyway the other keychain is up here in the Attic and you have to go all the way across you can actually see it hanging there in the window Digby don't do that that's very very dumb so keychain right there now I'm just going to take the shortcut down and actually let's get a little bit lower and boom there we go complete collection of dangly things Sun's the bat oh actually while we're at it why don't we do oh you know what let's just actually now move to a full in-depth guide on each room individually because I think that'll probably be a little bit easier so you're always going to get a bucket of water over here in the corner which is good because you always start off hungry and thirsty okay there we go and as previously mentioned the kitchen will always contain a sponge it will always contain a chorizo a loaf of bread the roll that was over there on the stove you're going to get a car stereo a bottle of alcohol and oh you know what let's just eat the bread yeah you're gonna get a music box which is basically junk and I don't think we need the car radio you get a TV and a computer which is I've mentioned in previous episodes we can turn on we can use and yeah you can actually use it to do basic programming print guys I can't remember if I have to do quotes print hi oh no well apparently I'm printing he and then we'll do run there you go okay so yeah you've got a computer and a TV you can play with oh actually I need to how do you disconnect I can't remember that's not how you disconnect there we go okay yes the left Mouse button again so yeah you get the computer and the thing to play with you also get this feather duster now a thing you might not know about the feather duster is you can actually use it to get rid of cobwebs come on everybody let's clean up the house let's go like that and yeah I don't think getting rid of cobwebs is of any like practical use however it is a cool thing you can do and a thing you might not have known you can do so is that all of the kitchen covered no Digby no it is not because also here in the kitchen there is a little bit of a secret so if you crouch down low and you come over here behind your stove you will find an access panel that leads to the chimney alongside the house yeah down here inside your chimney you will find a fully loaded revolver okay now the second weapon you can get is the one everybody knows about in the garage on the counter it's the BB gun and it's useless now there's also BB's here in the garage and in fact there's I think two or three different sets of BBS here and about but yeah you also get another crappy pack of cigarettes which is what two in fact there's a third pack if you look over here on the windowsill now I do know some people actually use the smoking mechanic I don't think I ever have you know what let's try it okay how about we how do I get rid of the stupid cigarette fun hourly Bill oh thank you Google okay yes drop the stupid thing put it over here I don't want it in fact can we stub it out no I cannot yes I don't want to put it on I want to drop it I will just leave it smoldering over there okay now also out in the garage you will find a can with two gallons of gas in it which is nice the other can Will have water in it I believe which is also nice and we will have there's a can over here with some oil in and it's sitting on top of a barrel with even more oil in it so once you get your car fixed up you can actually refill all of that sorry about that motorcycle just drove by um you will also get the fly swatter which I have beaten a rabbit to death with previously but it takes bloody forever so as far as I know apart from whacking a few random things around like so this thing is pretty much bloody useless so we'll add you to the useless pile now also we're going to get one hubcab which we'll put over by the car we're gonna get one rim one tire oh hello I did not mean to put that on and then on the Shelf we've got the two keychains we've already grabbed there'll be a bottle of alcohol I think all the bottles are alcohol actually yep that one's alcohol one can of random paint you're gonna get one piece of rebar a flashlight a random magazine and I've always kind of wondered if maybe is that the same girl I wonder it looks like her in the face I don't know if this is somebody the devs are just like hot on or if it's somebody's actual girlfriend but yeah I think that's her in all of the pictures that's probably her in all the magazines as well okay so where were we yes rebar you're gonna get a thing of Spritz which we're gonna put over here we're gonna get a thing well a thing of I'm going to get a brush which is Handy and then down below you will have two dumbbells and a gold bar which are absolute garbage okay I did some organizing while I was waiting for the sun to get a little bit higher so let's put the cleaning supplies out here magazine I'll just stick you off to the side and the only other thing I think I forgot to mention in here is the binoculars because yeah you are definitely going to want to start the game with binoculars so we're just going to put those right into slot one and be done with it now let's go upstairs and take a look around up there okay there's all kinds of good stuff you can miss up here so you've got the first trophy which I don't actually know what this one is representing it's to somebody called Stark Panzer and I'm assuming it's an award for achieving something because this one here is the well I always call it the Grail in my run yeah this is the celebratory cup for however folks or whatever anyway he was the first guy to actually complete the map from start to finish you will also appear find a bottle of Spritz over here in the corner which we can send down that way and there should be a bucket with I think a liter of water yeah there's another liter of water up here and even more importantly over on the side though is you will find the not a snake so I'm going to put the not a snake in slot two we're gonna grab this sponge over here in the corner as well and send that down hello to the cleaning supply department and we already got the keychain out of the window the only other real thing up here is the katana which unless you're a you know dingbat goopers like me it will be leaning up against the wall right there so Katana you're gonna be my no I want to go to the number four slot and I want to put that in slot three yeah I think I'll just bring the gun with me and use the katana as my main go-to weapon but if you want to bring the trophies with you just as a little fun thing to do oh do not forget as well also up above the rafters is a big old slab of bacon and another chorizo I cannot believe I almost forgot those in my guide to all the crap in the starter house that would have been a really bad oversight all right so down here in the basement you're going to get a barrel of alcohol a piece of rebar a female companion should you choose to oh you know what I forgot this is also where the Cockroach dangly thing is so as I was saying down here female companion thing of alcohol another piece of rebar if you need rebar um there's also a thing of diesel in here and another can of random paint so there's the diesel there's the random paint okay we got a couple of really gruesome shades of green in the start now if you decide you want to use the BB gun in addition to the 200 BBS you get in here there's another two packs of 200 outside as well so let's go do the outside yeah all of these crates are empty and I think all the bottles are as well apart from that crate over there which if you break this one open you should get there it is right there yeah I was going to say you should get the second package of BBS and the third one well BB's or pellets I guess that depends on where you grew up we always call them BBS when I was a kid and then yeah the third one is over here on the well now down inside the well is the magical flying Harry Potter broom should you decide you want that also so yeah we'll come back to that in one second let me just put these away okay getting the broom out of the well is not that difficult but it's not that easy either the basic trick I found that works the best is to just grab it pick it up above your head a little bit and walk into it until you can sit and then just try and point upwards as best you can and eventually you will end up out so quickly off the broom okay now I don't know if you want to count this as a third vehicular option but it is definitely a thing that is available for you should you want it and just so you can see what I was talking about yeah see all these crates are empty these three over here are empty pretty sure the bottles are empty as well so yeah nothing in any of that and I think the only thing we've got left to look at is there's going to be a truck tire there always and there should be a barrel of water here and another big barrel of water right there and since they added trucks to the game you can get trucks to actually spawn in here at the beginning so it is a legitimate tactic if you get a truck to like bring the bottles of water with you oh and the most important thing we can't forget out here in the mailbox you will find a letter from your mother inviting you please come visit me love Mom now there are actually a couple of cool things about this letter you might not have realized so let me get inside where we can look at it properly okay so as I was about to say if you look at this thing you will see there is a map drawn on it of how to get to Mom's house and it is essentially a straight line with 1000 kilometers 2 000 kilometers I hear you still out there why are you bugging me I'm trying to show off the mom letter [Applause] okay anyway map showing distance three thousand kilometers yada yada now another thing about this that's kind of interesting is over on the side here all that writing and stuff it's basically some kind of government guide to motorcycles and vehicles and yeah it's all written in Hungarian now there is one other thing that's kind of cool about this letter yeah way down here at the bottom it's actually got a YouTube channel and it says gaming I can't actually read that because I don't speak Hungarian I'm assuming it's some Hungarian player or it's one of the devs or something but yeah you get a map you get some like government regulations on motorcycles and stuff and you also get the letter from your mom oh so I've done a little bit of organizing let's have a quick recap of all the things you're going to be able to get at the house now you're going to have a choice of a couple of pallets which as we know do now have physics lock you're going to get your optional secondary vehicle which will always be either the motorcycle or the moped and everything you need to put it together and get it running but we'll actually get to that in a minute when we do the car and then yeah you're gonna get this big old Tire you're going to get oh don't forget this uh a whole bunch of water in the sink you can go for too yeah you're gonna get a lot of water and I've actually been drinking out of that one so yeah we got 63 liters of water you've got some fun stuff should you choose to want it like the broom propane tank if you want to blow anything up and yeah stuff like the flashlight you've got your letter from Mom you've got the two statues now for weapons you're gonna have the katana the pistol fully loaded and the BB gun with 200 400 600 pellets in it we're gonna get a pair of binoculars we're going to get a siphon we're going to have a choice of companions we can bring both of them with us actually if we want but yeah we can have the inflatable lady we can have Jeff there's going to be a whole bunch of junk and cigarettes and crap you don't need and I mean if you do want the alarm clock I'm pretty sure you can attach it to your dashboard but I mean it's an option and then yeah you've got a computer you can play with you've got a ton of food car radio full collection of dangly objects and then of course we have everything you need to fix up your random vehicle and get it in ship shape [Music] [Music] thank you okay we got 40 liters of water we can bring with us yeah we'll pop that in there 40 liters of water and three liters of oil and we did have the option of actually repainting this car but quite frankly I don't think I've ever seen one spawning gasoline green so yeah I'm gonna keep that okay then we can load up all our food and I know we don't have a lot of food left at the moment whoops actually I need that uh hood back over there Digby yeah we don't have a lot of food left at the moment but that's only because I've been here in the house to like got three or four days now I think I've been staying here so yeah you're gonna get at least five or six days worth of food you can bring with you to start with and then of course we're going to need our dangly things and then we're going to need our traveling companions so yes you can come with me I will let you sit in the back I will call you Miss Daisy and then we can drive Miss Daisy and of course we gotta have Jeff here in the front so yeah Jeff you come along with me my fateful little traveling companion I'm gonna put you right in the front yeah stay there and then we can arm ourselves up with a spare pistol probably a smart thing to bring and you know what I'm not even gonna bother with the BB gun but yeah we'll grab the two trophies just because it's always kind of fun to see if you can get a trophy from one end of the map to the other and I mean I haven't done it yet but so far my main run we are still carrying around the original Grail that we got in the starter house so yeah we'll throw in a couple of trophies for fun we'll definitely bring our mom letter uh you know what flashlight in case we get stuck out in the dark somewhere no I didn't want to sit on the bed I wanted to yes get up I wanted to actually turn that off and then put it in here okay so drop you there we go okay is there anything else we want need or desire you know what yes there is the Harry Potter broom God forbid I try and go anywhere and not have a broom with me so we're gonna pop that open yeah watch your head Jeff I'm coming through and this might be a little bit awkward I'll drop that in there shut the door shut the hood okay here we go we have got a 100 Mint Condition car with four absolutely perfect tires we've got two and a half liters of gas in it it's got full oil full coolant and we've got a few days worth of food we got a metric ton of water we got spare oil we got flashlight we got some fun stuff we got our companions we've got our dangly bits oh you know what we might even actually bring the rebar too in case we decide we need to use that for something later and because we've got them left over why don't we also grab the eight things of Spritz yeah we got eight spread slapped we got a brush left oh my God we have got so much stuff and we haven't even backed out of the damn garage yet and then yeah we'll bring along the Deb's girlfriend who of the hell that is because who knows it might get lonely on the road ah and just for fun I mounted the clock on the dash but yeah that is like everything I know about the starter house and all the different items you can get in it and all of its various secrets and yeah if you're an inexperienced player hopefully this guide helped you a lot and if you're a long-term player hopefully you learned something you didn't know and on that note as always I have a Digby I thank you guys for stopping by I really hope you guys enjoyed this kind of in-depth look at to start a house thing in the long drive and yeah we will resume our normal Run next week and I hope to see you there [Music] thank you
Channel: Digby C. Ceasar
Views: 59,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Digby, Digbycceasar, The Long Drive, The Long Drive game, long drive, long drive game, driving, driving game, let's play, game play, walkthrough, challenge, Jalopy, My Summer Car, road trip, road trip game, post apocalypse, aliens, UFO, silly, funny, giant, zombie, rabbits, new update, #thelongdrive, chaos, christine, 58 Plymouth Fury
Id: Be_3IrZ06e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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