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playing the game a Dusty trip is kind of like discovering you have a long lost cousin they look familiar but something doesn't feel right and that's because this is a game that has been remade many times the cool thing about this game is that it is H completely unplayable you have road to gry the long drive this is the Roblox version but it's also a game on Steam you also have an okay car I've played some of these games not all but this one is new the premise is simple we need to drive on the road and go far you're GNA go [Music] far the only problem is our car is busted I mean look at this hun of junk it looks miserable we can't drive this there's no engine we got to open this game different what the freak is this the first step was to build the car so I got the pieces and I got to work first things first we put on the doors we don't want to fall out bro what is what there we go there we got it I threw on some doors I threw on the wheels one of the wheels kept getting stuck under the map I don't know what that was about I think it's done can I drive this look at that huh huh all right let's go um no I don't think it works actually what is down here whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa nice I slapped in the engine the lights the bumper is roof rack where does it go oh wait bumper threw a bunch of things that I found into the trunk and I was ready to go we put that in the trunk for safekeeping looks like the sun's going down we should probably get going huh guys I'm filling the car all right calm down calm down guys adios home I'm off on my Advent wait I'm off on my adventure Drive yeah okay how do I turn the the lights on hey there we go let's go we're hurting [Music] business wait whoa whoa who's that what Hey listen man did you kill me dude stop what is this give me this I'm stealing this stay right stay where you are don't hey hey hey hey hey all right we got to go we got to go we got to go go close the door close the door close close it no they're going to kill me they they're TR to get it no dude oh no no no no no the car's driving away the car is driving away no no no no no no no come back please stop stop stop stop stop no no I'm out of stamina come back car stop please get in we're in we're in we're in okay after running into the mole people at the gas station I decided to get back on the road Road and stay focused my journey was simply just beginning and that's when my car broke down wait the engine died no no no no wait wait wait wait my car is vaping what's going on here nah dude nah I don't know how to fix the car she'll be fine yep yep she's going don't worry she's going hey boys the sun's coming up what is that oh no way dude one of those guys hold on hey you I got a phone to pick no no no no no no no no no the door the door fall they stole my door hey hey man I don't want problems you have what's mine it's rightfully mine you know it is let's negotiate all right you look like you need a dentist you need to see a dentist well lucky for you I have a friend who is a dentist just let me have it man what is your problem get off what are you even going to do with it at this point it was getting out of hand so I decided to lure him away extremely far way too far bar from the car and then Sprint away as fast as I could luckily it worked I put the door back in the car I got in the car I drove away we made it all right hey we survived okay yeah that's a problem that's a problem we're running out of oil too so we need some oil hey who is in there stop I'm going to let you out but you be nice all right no they're not going to be nice buddy okay okay all right I can see you're upset come here give me out I got it I got it holy crap look I got two things whoa whoa whoa whoa I can fly with this thing dude yo do we even need the car anymore dude I can just fly bro I nailed it holy [Music] crap oh no I broke it well it was fun while it lasted boys my car then proceeded to break down multiple times before I was able to get to another garage this car is terrible and as soon as I see a new engine I'm grabbing it and putting it in the car please God all right I'm out of gas already car is going to break down again in like 3 seconds hello boys I require gas hello it is me again you're not going to be very happy about this but I I just need I really need to get in there wait what is this I need that I need that all right hold on hold on yes I got it I got it I got it got it why is the car getting pushed away by the oil come on man I can't weigh that much you got any engines in there dude TNT yo I need that hold hold hold on hold on drop it I just realized have gas diesel and oil and water all in this that can't be right all right well let's just see what happens you know maybe the car will be fine I have no idea yep all right all right yep okay the car is broken on the bright side I manage to get these guys to not chase me every two seconds so that's cool that's cool yeah no no no no no no come on wake me up wake me up ins wake up wake me up no what's wrong there's diesel in the engine dump that out yeah dump it dump it okay we need oil now what is this dude how do you tell what's inside the red thing until you pour it in and get it wrong okay wait this this is this has got to be right why is there gas oil and water in this thing yes yes it's oil the oil is working come on yes we are back I've never been so happy to get this stupid rust bucket [Music] running so the car broke down and the engine is no longer running that part is normal however I'm still going 60 M an hour or at least it says that I am I don't know if that's right a look at that Sunrise it is beautiful isn't it I got to get to the end of this road there's something very wrong with the car guys it's just not working anymore is this this the end of our journey is this where we die I don't know what's wrong with this stupid car we're picking up speed it's working kind of we're going 80 mph right now this is crazy oh oh oh it's on fire it's all right we'll Coast we're coasting we're coasting I think we're good we need to get to that location right there we made it we made it we made it oh yeah that's a problem that's a problem of course of course you're in here and you're screaming look at that engine get me to me yes yes that's different that's new that's new boys new engine let's go so I did end up finding that great engine and I was really excited to be able to use it the only problem is I ran out of gas as soon as I got here and there was no gas in there and the closest house was like a quarter mile walk back so unfortunately I think this is where our journey ends but to be fair the only thing ahead of us was probably more empty buildings with screaming neighbors and a bunch of random props so really were we missing that much I don't know [Music] not give
Channel: Sketch
Views: 677,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sk3tch, sketch, sketch roblox, roblox, a dusty trip roblox, roblox a dusty trip, a dusty trip
Id: fVMp86LmUl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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