The Long Drive But TOTAL CHAOS Happens Every 30 Seconds...

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we got a line of mutants on us it's raining poop and there's UFOs in the sky right now so we got 17 more seconds of like a super [Music] Sandstorm all right folks we're back here in the long drive except for chaos is going to happen every 30 seconds now you're probably confused when I say that just think that GTA chaos mod but it's been made for the long drive oh my goodness I've got a rusty turd of a bug here all right so I think the objective is to see how far we can make it uh I've only turned it on briefly just to make sure it worked so I haven't seen all the effects I think there's 30 different ones all right so we got oil in there hold let's check our gas levels okay I definitely want to put some fuel in there this is a poopy vehicle to start with oh my goodness I'm probably screwed so yeah I'm going to have to actually try to stop and run around around and get gas to continue our journey I'm hoping none of these effects are like an instakill uh but we're about to figure it out so let me pull out to the road here and we will start the chaos by the way we still have traffic on I also have the weather on too I still have yet to really experience anything with this mod where is that what the a fury just crashed on the back side of the house okay and let's get moving all right chaos mod is going to start in 3 2 1 I've clicked it so yeah you can see up there uh 31 effects have been loaded uh they go every 30 seconds I don't know if they last for 30 seconds or how this works you know what honestly does kind of look like the GTA uh UI one of the chaos mods that I used uh not too long ago so I'm excited what are we going to get what's going to be the first effect here I'm honestly kind of terrified like what if it's like a super Sandstorm or something like that could be a thing or what if your vehicle just explodes here we go first effect it is spam spamming light oh oh that's easy okay so it's just spamming the lights no we're good I mean this would be a lot more distracting if it was like night uh oh my goodness it looks like we have some sort of electrical like issue with our vehicle all right this is fine all right 10 seconds until the next effect uh oh my goodness are we going to be able to survive it and what is it going to be it is I think that's a sand oh no no no no it's a sandst that's okay I was almost right uh I don't know if it is it strong or is it wait actually all the sandstorms are kind of strong uh I cannot see a thing all right so we got 17 more seconds of like a super Sandstorm right now doesn't seem to be blowing the vehicle around it just made visibility uh really tough by the way there are AI traffic cars so there's a chance this might get us killed here okay here we go next one we have oh my goodness wait oh my uh this was like two effects that shouldn't be close together it blew away all the parts on my vehicle in the sandstorm um what does that mean do I spawn in another uhoh uhoh we're sliding at what point I thought the sand storm's supposed to disappear why am I sliding oh okay we definitely cannot get out and stand up oh my goodness this is not good okay come on Sandstorm go away I wonder if it's just permanently on us right now I got a wobbly head what does that mean uh is my huh uh do I dare get out if I get out I think I'm going to die all right we're going to stand oh oh oh what the heck okay my character oh I'm every time I walk yep I my head dips I this is infuriating hey taxi can I get a ride from you it's going to take me a second to get over there because I bouncing right now uh hello uh yes can you please take me to the next stop I need an adult does this affect their vehicles also that guy is's green uh uh-oh where' the road go oh well that's not bad because the AI I'm pretty sure knows where the road is and by the way you are driving way too fast in the sandstorm is the sandstorm per freeze uhoh no I'm frozen wait what's this mean uh wait what uh Mona's Invasion oh no that must be a bunch of uh the zombies appearing wait exit vehicle no why does it seem like this is am I flying right now uhoh I think there's a chance of okay I was flying uh I didn't expect the sandstorm to last this long like I feel like there might be an end to it but I can't see it also I hate that it says uh it's like the little mutant invasion I haven't seen any mutants though you know if they're trying to stand up in the sandstorm there's a chance they blew off oh wait I thought I heard talking is that talking or is that this that might be just be the wind oh my goodness I got wait randomized vehicle okay there's the road again okay uh I swear I'm hearing oh my goodness we almost got hit my car okay hey hey I need a pick up here I need a pickup so there's a randomized vehicle conditions I don't know what that means I don't know if it affects the AI vehicles but we don't have a vehicle anymore because the game took it away so uh this is what we have to go with I'm hoping the sandstorm disappears I might disable it here in a second just so I can nope it's exit vehicle again okay disable um why do I feel like we're stuck in a sand all right let's let the AI drive for a second we'll reenable it I'm just worried that we're stuck in permanent Sandstorm conditions like we're going to drive out of this at some point right no not going to lie this is pretty incredible looking all I'm going to reenable uh can we please get the sandstorm to go away like I am really afraid for my driver it looks like it might be clearing up oh my goodness uh no May maybe hold on I think it started I'm seeing clearings now I think we're finally getting out of this thing uh you can definitely see the sky a little bit more it's just massive like these are super sandstorms uh I like that that was the effect I kind of called that one uh the only effect that I saw earlier there was a raining poop one oh great now I can't see from the next I mean it doesn't matter I'm not driving so we got 5 Seconds of not being able to see he oh that's back hey look we're out of the sandstorm oh my goodness that they is massive oh uhoh okay uh so if they can get me to a stop I'll try to get another vehicle here or I can I think I do have the spawner enabled I could spawn in a vehicle cuz I kind of feel like it's not as fair when I'm just running with the AI here all right so we got drop all car parts yeah it's not affecting the AI hey Mr Taxi you got somebody raging is that Sandstorm chasing us it kind of looks like it is okay hey can you pull over real quick I need you to hey pull over hey hey stopping car there you go stop the car stop the oh my goodness we just got ran into is this person Road raging at us what is going on she is yellow oh my goodness okay come on I I want to get off the ride stop the vehicle stop I cannot jump out of this okay which way do I need to look to get him the what the did it just it spawn rabbits on top of us oh my goodness okay what is even happening right now the sandstorm looks like it's chasing us like it doesn't seem to be getting smaller does it okay I need you to stop this vehicle let me out let me out okay okay okay I'm going to spawn in a vehicle I'm going disable I feel like I get a small break here because I need to be in a vehicle cuz I think I'm not going to see all the effects here this is insane I love this okay I've got all I did was open the door of the fury so I had to spawn in a vehicle here because obviously I think it's better that we're in one uh all right so we're good to go all right so we are about to reenable the chaos mod uh what are we going to get next you know the drop ball car parts is kind of funny it is a little annoying when you're trying to do the challenge and stick with your vehicle though also please tell me there's an effect with the UFOs like there needs to be a UFO Invasion and it should be just like a th000 UFOs to show up uh I'm kind of hoping that's a thing all right here we go next effect what is it what it what was that oh no it's a sandstorm again no no no no no go go go go go go go go go go oh we're going to have to drive through like a mile of Sandstorm okay I could deal without this one I wonder if you could I don't think you can and on the GTA one you can go in and turn off certain effects I wonder if that's an option it might not be but okay we got to race out of the sandstorm here I feel like we're beating it because it's forming on us right now uhoh I having okay the road's to the right okay pay attention to it here comes the next effect that was exit vehicle it just killed us okay so what happens now I think it's over like uh what do we last according my recording software I've been going for about a little over 9 minutes okay so 9 minutes is our time to beat here I don't even want to fuel this thing up because I know it's going to happen like I'm going to die immediately uh so let's just hop into this all right let's see if we can make it further I want to see what the other effects are all right here we go chaos mod is enabled please no Sandstorm here I don't want the immediate Sandstorm this is fine okay here we go we are 8 seconds away uh should I slow down I'm going to slow down a little bit I don't feel like you want to be going too fast just in case you get exit vehicle I want to see that's why I didn't fuel it up that's exactly why I didn't do that on can we steer it back y this thing still moves wait what how am I still driving right now I mean I'm slow but I'm confused uh all right we got 7 Seconds oh I'm starting to slow down now all right let's pull off the road I want to get hit by traffic here okay stop what's going to happen here H oh no it's rabbits I don't have a weapon I do not have a weapon okay get to the middle of the vehicle no no back seat back seat uh middle back seat oh man okay I wouldn't wouldn't mind a sandstorm right now because it might blow away the the rabbits oh this one's coming after us oh I look terrified in there wait what's he doing he's kind of slow oh jeez oh jeez all right here we go 5 seconds until the next effect uh what is it going to be I want a Carl one can we get a Carl did I just die oh no it's super fov oh my goodness that is oh that's awful looking oh yeah the field of view is definitely screwed up so is my head it's it's backwards right now uh okay look forward oh man that is actually kind of disorienting okay here we go two one what are we getting is there one that repairs your vehicle uh where did the road go honestly that one's not too bad okay I think we need to get out is my oh my fov is still screwed up wait what is it no maybe it's not hold on that here no it's back to normal uh I think we got to stay in the vehicle yeah there's rabbits chasing us right now okay uh stay away buddies why do they seem slow uh uhoh there's another one coming from the left okay I need the effect that puts all my car parts back on um come on here we go oh you didn't need that fuel did you oh it just emptied my fuel tank well I guess jok's on you I don't need fuel right now I don't even have an engine this rabbit this is the slowest Pursuit I think I've ever seen like it is trying to catch us right now and it is just not happening what is going on there little buddy come on you got this you got this uh-oh oh he might actually have this this is a big bunny by the way it's like it's growing wait oh a good effect would be super bunny IES like they're the size of like Godzilla wait UFOs there is a UFO one wait where are they though oh I'm waiting for it uh come on just die rabbit oh my goodness what is happening okay he's dead okay I need to get out for this one where are the UFOs huh I don't like that there's a Effect called UFOs but I have yet to see a single UFO is it supposed to be night for this one where's the effect I got so excited I see you and I yet to see one uh two times speed oh okay let's uh let's take off running here you know what's weird the AI traffic has disappeared too yeah the UFO one's kind of heartbreak oh there they are there's one uh it said UFOs though implying really it's raining poop right now um oh wait here they come there are a ton of UFOs coming right now oh oh oh no dude it just spawned in oh no we've got a line of mutants on us it's raining poop and there's UFOs in the sky right now oh jeez uh come pick me up please I need an adult I need an adult right now wait they're dying I think some the Pooh is actually killing them okay run run run run run run run run run by the way there's still UFOs showing up I've got one mutant still chasing me down the road is this enough uh okay no chaos oh we have a meta no chaos for 80 something seconds oh my goodness it does give you breaks okay if you would just stop following me I'd much appreciate that cuz I would love to just get into a car oh here we go hey hey hey hey come on come on cop pick me up pick me up come on let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in let me in okay come on man all right let's go hit it light it let's go why are you not driving fast fast come on man it's also weird the cops are blue I uh-oh who oh he's distracted now all right so we get 50 seconds a piece oh the cop's not driving because the UFOs are passing over it killed the engine all right is that it I think that's it with UFOs so he should fire up any moment and we've got a ride now feel like we dodged a bullet there all right we got 35 seconds a piece here okay so we got an effect called hamb bre well I don't think I can experience this one because obviously I'm not controlling this wait if I hit it what happened wait does it just not work I don't know if I can hit the handbrake with the AI okay well I think we uh we dodged one there this is good uh What the heck no this isn't distracting at all watch out for the PO man he even looks confused he looks slightly concerned Why are we picking up speed is this making him go faster what is happening right now oh my good that is that is so annoying actually you can stop game uh please oh okay there's super fov all right so look at our timer we are equal to the time that we had before so we have made it further in the chaos mod which is great uh and you know it's always kind of good when you get the ones that aren't too severe like super fov it's annoying but at least we're not dying uh well I say that this guy is flying right now please tell me you can make these Corners oh my goodness if something happens to the car here we are so okay vehicle lights okay got another one so it's just the lights spamming on the vehicle but I'm not in the driver's seat so I don't think it's actually affecting us woo thank we found a way to dodge some of these just ride with the AI all right here we go one and and uh just the essentials oh so it strips off like all the doors and stuff so you get to keep your engine that's way better than losing all your parts not bad all right next effect is good to go uh it's vehicle lights again okay we're starting to get kind of Lucky okay next effect is super fo I feel like we broke something I feel like the they're starting to repeat themselves like we got oh that was a wait that was a stop back actually no don't stop there wasn't a vehicle there that I could see all right keep driving man you're making me look good you're doing my job for me okay here we go and handbrake yeah we're in the infinite Loop now it's starting to repeat so it's been handbreak super fob vehicle lights uh okay I think we might have broken it finally there's a chance that we are going to survive I'm going to get him to stop the car right stop the car hit the brakes I don't know what hr's doing right now okay woo all right thanks for the ride buddy uh you can go ahead yo just just go you you don't have to wait for me why are you just staring that's weird oh no it finally switches when I jump out of the car to the freaking rabbits okay we're good okay we go and spawn random whoa dude that's what I'm talking about spawn wait does it run is the question uh oh okay now that that's a cool effect that's one that actually benefits the player uh so we have a a van now perfect timbuk says it's I'm going to lose all my parts here in 8 seconds like I feel like that's what the game is going to do to me okay 4 3 2 1 handbreak I still don't understand what hand's doing oh does it just engage it yeah I think it just engages the handbrake like it's not super bad but no it's fine okay here we go next effect is vehicle lights well you know I feel like we've actually done a good job here today especially on the second run uh there are some really Deadly Ones like of course to exit the vehicle Sandstorm we haven't gotten in a while but uh I think we have done it here with the chaos mod we're going to let one more hit us here we got uh 10 seconds uh let's see what it is and is it a repeat repeat blind well I guess that's a good way to end the video
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 177,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chaos mod, long drive chaos mod, the long drive, the long drive mods, the long drive gameplay, camodo gaming, the long drive turbo, the long drive update, the long drive truck, the long drive game, the long drive secrets, new car survival game, car survival game, my summer car, the long drive camodo gaming, the long drive new car, beamng drive, the long drive karl, cat, cat videos, the long drive cat, the long drive dingus cat, dingus cat
Id: IdN98WD_-GA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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