The Life Of Kurapika (Hunter × Hunter)

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this video was made in collaboration with the hunter hunter wiki for more information check out the link in the description the life of kurapika hunter hunter kurapika is the last survivor of the kurta clan he's a blacklist hunter and the current leader of the organization founded by light noshrat he's also a member of the zodiacs with the code name rat his goal is to avenge his clan and recover the remaining scarlet eyes he takes the role of main protagonists in the york new city and succession contest arcs welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of karapika before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos background kurapiga was born to the kurta clan in a secluded forest in the luxo province as a child he almost fell from a cliff but was saved by his best friend pyro while he was unharmed his friend pyro had harmed both his legs and eyes their condition worsening every day kurapika felt responsible for the incident and resolved to leave the forest and search the outside world for a doctor who could cure pyro kurapika thus approached the kurta clan's elder several times to request to go to the outside world but he was constantly refused this sparked a long lasting debate between the two with krapika perceiving the kurd to clans fear of the outside world as unreasonable and backward after one such argument he talked to pyro and discovered that the people outside of the kurta clan don't have scarlet eyes which caused their clan to be persecuted at some point karapikan pyro saved a female outsider called sheila as thanks she gave them a book about the adventures of the d hunter in the outside world which they read together their desire to visit the outside world becoming stronger after sheila left kurapika realized that the kurdiclan's elder had stolen the book and confronted him about it having an argument again the clan elder finally allowed kurapika to take the test to go to the outside world studying hard and passing all of the tests successfully the elder gave him his last test to go shopping in the outside world with a partner without revealing their scarlet eyes kurapika chose pyro as his partner the elder had them put drops in their eyes which would cause their eyes to remain red for days if they change color during the test during the journey kurapika vowed to himself to find a way to cure pyro so that they would be able to explore the outside world together while buying groceries kurapika and pyro were bullied and nearly swindled by three thugs kurapika managed to maintain his calm only thanks to his friend the other people at the supermarket took their side and chased the thugs away after the boys completed their shopping they were approached by the trio again this time they mocked pyro's condition making kuropika furious his eyes turned scarlet and he single-handedly beat them up the thugs revealed that the elder had paid them to rile him up pyro had them report that they've failed having recognized them as kurta the people who had previously defended them turned violent and frightened on the way back kurapika noticed that his eyes had gone back to their normal color with pyro disclosing that the previous day he had heard that the elder planned to cheat and so had swapped the drops for his eye medicine having passed the test kurapika was granted unrestricted permission to go to the outside world before leaving kurapika promised pyro that he would return with the doctor and that they would one day go to the outside world together pyro had him also promised to have fun and enjoy himself while outside having adventures just like the hunter they read about in sheila's book six weeks later while kodapka was away the kurta clan was approached by the phantom troop and massacred their eyes sold on the black market the news reported the death of all 128 members of the kurta clan and of scores of dead bodies with eyes gouged out in their wake as the last surviving member of his clan kurapika vowed to gain back all of the stolen eyes of his people and to arrest all of the members of the troop hunter exam arc corapiga makes his first appearance onboard a ship that goes from whale island to the testing site of the 287th hunter exam he gone and lyorio are the only three candidates unaffected by a storm the night before when the captain announces an even fiercer one is approaching the three are the only candidates not to leave the boat he initially refuses to answer the captain's question about his motives but when he reveals that he's an examiner karapika replies that he's the last of the kurta and wants to capture the phantom troop when leorio objects he doesn't need to become a hunter to do so kurapika condescendingly explains a license facilitates the acquisition of information when leorio answers the captain that he's attracted by the material possessions provided by being a hunter kurapika remarks that money can't buy class the two quarrel over their different opinions and decide to end it with a fight out on the deck while another storm is raging when they're about to start a crew member is knocked off the deck by a piece of wood broken off from a yard leorio immediately rushes to help him followed shortly by kurapika but they fail to catch him gohan jumps overboard and grabs him while the two catch him by his legs they both reprimand gone for his recklessness then apologize to and make up with each other seeing that the captain laughs and decides to take the trio to the port nearest the exam hall zabon city once they dock the captain tells gohan to head for a lone tree up a hill and gon decides to follow his advice instead of taking the bus to zaban city karapika decides to follow him interested in what he may do liario later rejoins them in what seems like an abandoned town kurapika and gon hear people around them an old lady also an examiner asks them a question which they only have five seconds to answer while korapika and leorio scuffle over the prospect of one causing the other to fail another applicant takes the test in their place while lyario protests the unreasonableness of the question kurapika hears the applicant they let pass scream and understands how to pass the test but the screener silences him and after karapika agrees to it poses them her question getting annoyed leorio picks up a wooden stick and attacks her but is blocked by kurapika who explains to him that they've passed because keeping silent is the correct answer to this question the old lady then tells them to go to the house in the forest to find a couple who will be their navigators if they consider the trio qualified corapiga and liario laugh at gon when he states he can't find an answer to the question but become pensive when he suggests that they might one day be faced with a similar choice the three then take the path opened by the screener four hours later upon entering the house they see a wounded man lying on the floor and a woman being held captive by a kiriko the monster flees as soon as it sees them telling leorio to take care of the husband kurapika and go and chase after it and korapka is impressed by gone's vision in the darkness and shocked by his ignorance about magical beasts gohan clubs the creature and forces it to let go of the wife korapika catches her and notices the strange tattoos on her hands and face laerio then shows up and says there's nothing to worry about the husband korapka hits him in the face with his wooden sword and it turns out this lyorio is a ketiko in disguise but kurapika claims he didn't know and that he hit him because he thought he was left injured after the monster runs away he asks the wife who she really is ready for combat after gone is able to tell the two nearly identical kidko apart they reveal to be the navigators and that the couple they saved are the two children the daughter states that kurapika passed the test thanks to his vast knowledge and deduction skills which allowed him to recognize the chastity symbols on her body and understand that she couldn't have been a husband the two kirikos and the husband and wife who are actually their son and daughter then explain to the trio that they've qualified for the next test the kiriko fly all three of them to the exam hall when they arrive in zaban city one of the kirikou takes them to the secret entrance of the exam hall kurapika and leorio start a debate over why one would become a hunter with kurapaka stressing the nobility of securing order and they both ask go on what being a hunter means to him before he can reply they reach the site of the first test a large tunnel kurapika leorio and gohan see a lot of experts tonpa nicknamed rookie crusher offers each of them a can of his laxative spiked drink but kurapika pours it on the floor after gon claims it has a bad taste first phase the examiner satots then appears and tells the candidates to follow him through the tunnel he walks faster and faster but kurapika has little problem keeping up with him while running he reveals to leorio the story about the stolen scarlet eyes of his people and his determination to retrieve them and capture the phantom troop the marathon finally ends when they reach the milsi wetlands also known as the swindler swamp satots warns them of the dangers and tells them to follow him through the swamp in another marathon on the way kurapika layario and a number of other candidates are attacked by hisaka a man notorious for his bloodthirstiness all of them are killed in a short time except for him lyorio and cherry examining number 76 after a while karapiko returns and sees gon kneeling there with a shocked expression on his face while running together to the site of the second phase the visca forest preserve gone tells him about what happened to him and leorio second phase at the site of the second phase two gourmet hunters menchie and buhari appear the second phase starts with buhara asking them to cook roast pork even though the kind of pig that they need to catch the great stamp is the most dangerous pig in the world korapika his three friends and many other contestants have little difficulties passing the test after they discover that these pigs have a spot of weakness on their foreheads however the next test proves to be a real problem as the other examiner menchie asks them to make sushi when the second phase is on the verge of having no qualifier chairman netaro of the hunter association arrives in an airship criticizes menchie for losing her temper as an examiner and tells her to give them another test which she herself has to take this time around menchie asks them to cook boiled spider eagle eggs which hang from strong strings connected to two sides of a deep ravine even though they have to jump into a ravine to find the egg kurapika and 41 other examinees pass the test and are subsequently taken to the site of the third phase in the chairman's airship third phase the third phase of the hunter exam starts atop the trick tower which has numerous passages and they have 72 hours to get to the bottom of it alive korapika leorio kilau and gon are forced to form a team of five with tonpa to pass through the first door they advance using the majority rule several times on the way and the road leads them to a platform set up in the middle of a bottomless abyss where they have to participate in a best-of-five series consisting of five no holds barred one-on-one matches against a team of five long-term prisoners tonpa is the first to fight and he deliberately forfeits the match to undermine his teammates the third match is kurapikas and his opponent is majitani an imposter with a spider tattoo on his back who brags about his fake phantom troop membership to kurapika enraged his eyes turned scarlet and he knocks majitani down with a single punch however the match is still going on because he refuses to kill his opponent who seems to be unconscious seeing that laerio steps in and makes a bet that manjitani is still alive and pretends to drop him into the abyss majitani is so scared that he stops playing possum and admits defeat the score is now 2-1 in favor of kuropaka's team but they've lost 40 hours due to betting laerio's own match is the fourth and he loses it after a rock paper scissors game along with a bet of 10 hours on the gender of his opponent lerout with the score being 2-2 kilowatt quickly kills his opponent jonas the dissector in the last match putting it to 3-2 in their favor but kuropika's team now have less than 10 hours to reach the bottom as they advance they have to use the majority rule some more times and face many other obstacles such as electric quizzes a multiple choice labyrinth minecamps go etc thanks to a brilliant idea of goins in choosing ways they managed to reach the bottom of the tower with just 30 seconds left thus qualifying them for the fourth phase fourth phase during the fourth phase the remaining examinees are taken to zebel island to take part in a seven-day manhunt amongst themselves to capture each other's number badges korapika's designated target is tonpa who in turn has layorio as his target after leorio's tricked by ton bonsami and loses his badge kurapika appears knocks tonfa down and asks leorio to team up with him to which leo agrees they take the badges number 16 and number 118 from tonpa and sami even though kurapika already has six points from his own and tonpa's badges he still helps leorio find his target ponzu examining number 246 as they're looking for the target they again encounter hisoka who tells them to give them their badges if they want to live korapika says that he'll give him the badge number 118 which only means one point to them as for the other three badges they'll fight with their lives to protect them hisoka agrees lets them go and takes the badge number 118. at the end of the sixth day he and lyorio meet gon and tell gon about ponzu gon helps them find her by tracking the smell of the medicine that she uses to defend herself finally they find ponzu but together with her they're trapped in a cave full of snakes whose owner bourbon examinee number 103 is already dead due to anaphylactic shock caused by her bees thanks to gohn's bravery and ability to hold his breath for an extended period of time all of them are able to get out of this situation by using a soporific gas of ponzus to make the snake sleep with this kurapika and his two friends qualify for the next and also the last phase the final phase the final phase of the hunter exam is an elimination tournament with a twist the winner of the match will be removed from the list and receive his very own hunter license and the loser will be given more chances depending on their placement in the bracket korapika's first fight is against hisaka after fighting for a while hisuka whispers something to him and quits the match allowing him to become a licensed hunter when ilumi zoldick wants to go murder gon kurapika leorio hanzo and some examiners block his way later he also requests that the hunter association examine the nature of kilauea's act of murder against another contestant bodaro during the final phase and has a brief argument with pokel who wins by default thanks tequila's disqualification but they make up with each other after the exams ended he then decides to go with gon and liario to kukuru mountain to rescue kilwa from the control of his family zoldick family arc korapika leorio and gon arrive at the entrance of the zoldic estate the testing gate on cuckoo mountain on a tour bus they tell the old gatekeeper zebro that their kilo is friends but he says he can't let them enter until they can at least push open the first testing door which weighs four tons because going into the estate via any other way will result in them getting killed by the huge guard dog named mike the trio then accepts zebra's invitation to stay in his house to train using his heavy equipment after 20 days they're all able to open a testing door and head for the zoldic residence without any problem until they're stopped at another gate by a female attendant named canary she beats gonop to prevent them from advancing but thanks to gone's insistence she becomes more and more reluctant to block their path and finally asks them to save kilua kikio zoldik then appears with her son kalito knocks canary unconscious and tells them to leave shortly after she and kaluto leave canary regains consciousness and says she's going to lead them to the attendance room while staying in the servants room they're forced into playing a guessing game with some of the butlers of the family which they managed to win kilauea at last arrives and leaves the zoldic estate with them kurapika then tells his three friends what hisako whispered to him during the final phase he would wait for karapika in york new city where the largest auction in the world takes place on september 1st to tell him some interesting things about the phantom troupe it's six months away until that day so kurapika says goodbye to his friends after telling them that he's going to look for some work as a hunter and arranges to meet up with them later in york new city in september heaven's arena arc at some point after part in company with his friends kurapika succeeds in finding an agency specializing in providing rich and famous people with bodyguards and hirelings however he's immediately told that despite his hunter license he's not qualified for such work the agent says that his hunter exam isn't finished during gone and kilo's training in the heavens arena it's revealed by wing that kuropika learned nen after the hunter exam york news city arc kurapika learns nan in six months and looks for a customer who has strong connections with the auction in york new city at the beginning of august he appears at the mansion of a collector who collects body parts to apply for a job as a bodyguard in the mansion he mates five other people three of them hunters themselves melody bass shachimono basho and squala a man shows up on the screen in the hall where they're waiting and tells him that if they want the job they at least have to get out of the mansion alive as he finishes a group of 11 people who wear black hooded robes and masks and are armed with guns and swords suddenly appears and attacks them using his dowsing chain kurapika blocks a number of bullets fired at him and jumps onto a chandelier to avoid the sword users and observe the situation noticing that tochino is the only person who's not being attacked he jumps down puts a knife at tochino's throat and orders him to stop the attackers in three seconds totino obeys and makes him all disappear and tells them that he's a hunter ordered by the owner of the mansion to test them and that they can get out of the mansion now korapika suspects that he's trying to confuse them using his dowsing chain again he discovers that squala is another infiltrator which is further confirmed by melodies bases and basho's techniques he and three other genuine applicants thus pass the test after each of them completes another mission of finding a rare body part they are all officially hired by the man who was on the screen previously dalzolne in new york new city korapika in the company's first task is to guard their boss on a journey to york new city where they'll be participating in the mafia community's underground auction the boss turns out to be neo-nostrad the daughter of the nostrad clan's leader they arrive in york new city on september 1st and on the night of that day the underground auction is attacked by the phantom troop who wants to steal all the auction items some of kodopika's comrades and many clients from the mafia are slaughtered by the troop however having been warned about a possible attack via neon's predictions one of the shadow beasts a group of the best 10 men users within the mafia has already removed all the items from the vault believing that the phantom troop has stolen them the mafia organizations in york new city give chase and karapika is instructed to join them the phantom troupe decides to confront the mafia in the hopes of luring out the shadow beasts to question them about the auction items one member of the troop uvogin is an extremely strong enhancer he single-handedly massacres a large number of armed mafia gangsters seeing the spider tattoo on uvogin's back korapika flies into a rage despite his comrade's discouragement he goes forward takes advantage of the situation to capture uvogin using his chain jail then leaves on a car with his comrades the troop immediately chases after him but the pursuit is halted by the arrival of the rest of the shadow beasts back at their headquarters dalzolne tries to torture uvogin to force information about the items from him despite being impervious to these attempts thanks to his strong enhancement aura uvogin reveals that the shadowbeast took the items away he also suggests that since the spiders couldn't steal anything if they're to release him immediately he'll spare their lives kurapika questions uvagin about his comrades on hearing that they were killed according to the spider's plan kurapika hits him in a rage managing to damage his nose and lips slightly after karapika has left to meet up with hisaka dalzolnay calls members of the mafia in to take uvagin into custody shortly afterward the phantom troop arrive dressed as mafia members they kill dalzolne cure uvogin's paralysis and free him his furious shout upon release is heard by melody allowing kodaka's teammates time to escape finding no one uvogin swears to hunt down the chain user kurapika meanwhile at the pre-arranged rendezvous karapika meets up with hisaka who tells him about his secret purpose of joining the phantom troupe and offers the team up with him kurapika tells hisoka to meet again the next day september 3rd at the same time meeting up with melody and the rest later he suggests that they get neon to contact her father and ask for his advice light no shred promotes karapika to team leader and makes arrangements to meet them later meanwhile uvogin has managed to track them down kurapika stays behind to confront him after agreeing to go to a place far from the city where they can fight freely uvagin and kuropika face off in an end battle he manages to capture uvogin and deprive him of his nen after questioning him fruitlessly he's forced to kill uvogin korapika's defeat of uvogin makes him the main target of the phantom troop who begins to actively search for him on september 3rd they catch gone in kilauea one of them pakunoda has the ability of mind reading through touching since neither gon nor kilauea knows the chain guy or chain user is kurapika pakanoda assumes that they have nothing to do with him shortly afterward kilowatt realizes that kurapika is the one the trooper searching for but luckily he and gohan managed to escape at night before being questioned by her again just before gon and kilau are captured korapika meets with light nostrad he learns that the ten mafia dons have hired a group of professional assassins to eliminate the phantom troop and that light wants him to join the assassination team after meeting up with the assassins in the auction building on the night of september 3rd he's told that neon has slipped away from her guards to attend the rescheduled auction herself using his net ability he manages to find her whereabouts the auction building is once again attacked by the troop in revenge for uvogin and most of the hired assassins and 2000 mafia gangsters protecting it are killed quickly the phantom troop fakes their own deaths creating copies of all of the items and continue the auction using the fakes kurapika arrives just in time to see the fake corpses and win the last item a pair of fake scarlet eyes the next day september 4th kurapika meets with gon kilauea and lyorio again he tells them about the secrets of his nan abilities and his connection with hisaka knowing that they're true friends now that gon and kilauea have learned his abilities they realize the threat pakunota poses he then receives a message from hisaka saying that the bodies are fakes kurapika decides to keep chasing after the phantom troop alone but lyorio kilauea and gon want to help him while following the phantom troop gon and kilauea are again captured pakinoda questions them again and finds out who kurapika is with the help of leorio and melody korapka manages to capture chrolo lucille for before pakinota could reveal what she's found out when pakinota comes with gonankila to meet him for a hostage exchange kurapika uses his judgment chain to forbid crolo from using then or communicating with the other phantom troop members and also to forbid pakinota from revealing what she knows about him after the exchange kurapika collapses from exhaustion due to his continual use of his scarlet eyes once he recovers he leaves york new city to continue his search for the scarlet eyes greed island arc after kilauea returns to greed island he informs kurapika of the possibility that the judgment chain on crolo was removed however kurapika assures kilauea that it's still staying in crolo's body after that he has a short conversation with light nostrad who is in a state of great confusion due to the loss of his daughter's prophetic ability 13th hunter chairman election arc kurapika is one of the absentees during the first four rounds of the election he hasn't visited the hospital where goen's being given intensive care treatment and is not available on phone either which makes leoria wonder what he may be doing after the events regarding the election and gone's recovery liario tries to call him again koropika is seen in a church making a funeral for his murdered comrades ignoring all incoming calls he managed to find several of their stolen scarlet eyes looking more than ever determined to avenge them dark continent expedition arc mizaisam approaches kurapika and requests that he accompany them to the dark continent which karappaka initially refuses mizaistam asks krapika about his progress retrieving the scarlet eyes enraged kurapika warns mizai stum to choose his words wisely mizaistam then reveals he's identified the owner of a large number of scarlet eyes that was uploaded in the darknet site six months ago and offers to share this information in exchange for karapika joining the zodiacs and spending two months on a ship before reaching the dark continent mizeistan points to karapika that figuring out the person's identity was only by mere chance after performing background checks on a vip for the dark continent trip and that it would be impossible for karapika to know from the video alone kurapika then asks if that person will be on board to which mizaistam refuses to answer korapika decides to join the zodiacs on the trip since his main priority is to recover his brethren's eyes he asks about the owner's identity and as mazaistam spells the owner's name he shows kuropika a picture of kakkin's fourth prince suridne kokoro later karapika is seen back in the church staring at the remains of his brethren recalling all of the people he had threatened coaxed and paid off to get them back he addresses his childhood friend pyro about the prospect of his journey finally beginning after he should reclaim the last of the eyes from the last monster wondering where she should go after that since he has no home to return to or anybody to welcome him back on route to the hunter association's headquarters he talks to leorio on the phone who demands to know his email address instead of answering karapika says misai informed him of gohan's situation and offers his help but leorio assures him that goen's already fine after the call ends korapika thinks leorio would have no problem getting accustomed to his new status since he's not the bashful type mizai's thumb also notes that liario seems to have a lot of faith in him which karapika doubts since he believes his abilities wouldn't be of much help in the upcoming mission karapika thanks mizaistam for the news about the kakian prince and mizaistam assures him in return that he can prioritize his own business on board but warns him that dark rumors surround suryadnik and that he should be careful and aim for an amicable solution korapika merely replies he knows how to deal with the likes of him when mizaistan asks garappaka what he'll do with the prince after getting the eyes back karapika assures him that he'll yield to most demands as long as he reclaims his brethren mizaisan presents the possibility of the prince refusing to hand him the eyes which angers kurapika who then recounts the story of the two men who claim they would rather die than give them up but ultimately renounced without dying he assures misai's summit will be the same for the prince although mizaistam is still doubtful liario greets korapika as he arrives at the headquarters stating that the mission seems tougher than expected and wonders about his opinion on it karapika is already aware of the mission's premise about traveling to primeval continent however he isn't worried shortly after cheadle assigns karapika the codename rat and leads the two into the zodiac's meeting room she starts explaining about v6 the six countries representing each of the continents who all tried except kakin to explore the dark continent in the past and have failed the five threats the reasons behind v5's failures cheadle surmises that the difficulty level of all five ranges from b plus to a whereas the chimera ants most were ranked b she explains their mission is to overcome any of the five threats and return with something beneficial to mankind all while supervising and escorting beyond to the pretend new continent mentioning also they haven't reached a consensus on whether they should take beyond to the dark continent or not since there are pros and cons on both sides of the argument at this point cheadle asks if there are any questions and karappago raises a hand and says he has a few his first being the number of allies beyond has within the association much to everyone's shock kante asks him how he would know the existence of allies in the first place which surprises kurapika as he thought it was obvious it's clear that beyond was waiting for his father's death and had been making preparations all along while being confident in his ability to control a project of this scale even under confinement and since he was the one who turned himself in it's clear involving the association is also part of his plan in order to pull the strings beyond needed both a competent right-hand man and a substantial group of followers which chelo recognizes as paristan and the temp hunters kurapika reflects that everything up to the election makes sense and ponders his next question before getting interrupted by mizaistam who asked for a talk outside the room mizaistan reveals to karapika that he and cheadle have already begun an internal investigation about the matter and that they reach the same conclusion that there's a mole among the zodiacs and since no one has direct connections to beyond all zodiacs are considered suspects he continues to explain that the former chairman had appointed paristan as the vice chairman for entertainment while refusing to listen to any objections mizeisteam voices his concern that periston might be the red herring to cover for the real spy he admits to karapika that part of the reason he was chosen to join the zodiacs was that he's an outsider and therefore unrelated to either side misaisdam then demands that kurapika keeps the existence of a mole in the zodiacs a secret and kurapika agrees karapika later apologizes to the rest of the zodiacs for making accusations without having a grasp on the complicated situation within the association and states that he's willing to use his connections with outlaws to offer information about beyond and kakian that government sources could never provide cheetah later signs him to the information team with mizaisan pyon and sacho in preparation for the voyage to the dark continent through a flashback karapika watches a video recording of the candidates during the final test of the 289th hunter exam he uses his dowsing chain to determine liars and eliminate spies from infiltrating the association while listening to their q a session he passes one applicant and disqualifies two others the first for hiding important information and the second knew her for mixing lies with some truth kurapika didn't expect many spies to have survived the psychological test of the first round outsmarting both the thermography and lie detector procedures mizaistam who's in the same room providing assistance is impressed by karapika's ability as he was overly modest about it kurapika suggests not overestimating it since the abilities mechanism is still unclear to him korapka then offers his own interpretation he can unconsciously perceive my new changes in the target that would otherwise go unnoticed by using the chain as a medium but normally he would need to be directly in front of the subject korapika then explains that the ability can only see through trained liars meaning if a spy wanted to hide any clues to his identity he could have somebody erase or alter his memories that way since the target doesn't know he's lying the chain would most likely stay still while mizaistan moles is over kurapika inquires whether there's anyone in the higher ranks of the hunter association capable of doing so if they were on the enemy's side they could easily pass all the tests after reflecting some mizeistem concludes he doesn't deem it possible he tells kurapika there shouldn't be anyone in the zodiacs with the ability in question he then proceeds to explain why he can't be completely sure in the past there were three factions among the zodiacs corresponding to their political orientation in normal missions the members of each faction often worked together so cheedle bottabai and ginta who alongside mizaistam were a part of a moderate conservative faction supporting balance can be counted out and since they'll be split up into specialized teams during the dark continent voyage all zodiacs agreed to share information on their abilities kurapika asks if it will have to do the same and mizai some reassures him of the opposite having been aware of his situation from meliorio and since they'll be split into specialized teams during the dark continent voyage all zodiacs agreed to share information on their abilities kurapika asks if he'll have to do the same and mizaisam reassures him of the opposite having been aware of his situation from lyorio he promises to not press for any details or divulge whatever he hears regarding his ability in return he won't be able to share with him everyone's abilities kurapika is relieved and realizes it's thanks to leorio's intervention that things are going smoothly for him mizaisam admits he's been a huge help to the association as well continuing on with his rationale mizei some sums up that to their current knowledge none of the zodiacs can alter memories and they probably don't know anyone who can do it since he had examined the detailed history of all the past hunts for all members korapika objects that a person with that ability could have been given top secret missions or worked outside the association but according to mizeistum the results of the hunter exam ruled out this possibility in fact if there were a mole of that caliber within the association their party must have taken measures to ensure the passage of top-rated personnel such as muhir the mercenary and yundei the biochemist mizaisam even admits that he had considered yoonde as a mediator between the science and flora fauna teams to the point where he doubted the machines when yundei failed the first test mizaistom still acknowledges the possibility of those two being as mere decoys to distract them from an evil to distract them from even more powerful spies but what really worries him is paristan's quiet and quick departure after the election as only the existence of an ally of the zodiac side would justify it kuropaka then activates emperor time offering his help to test the members in secret as the zodiacs minus the newborn rat share information about their abilities korapika watches them through a video camera he passes kansai and three others immediately after his dousing change starts to swing indicating that saiyu is the informant succession contest ark afterwards kurapika and mizaistom watched the recording of the latter's conversation with beyond at the end of the recording karapika states that beyond has been telling the truth mizai some concludes that paristan is the mastermind conspired with saiyu and the one plotting to free beyond karapika suggests they leave beyond alone until landing since he's not hiding any ulterior motives mizai stem remains skeptical as paristan and sayu might still encourage him even if beyond didn't plan to escape before landing korapika explains why it's unlikely beyond's contract with kakin includes taking civilians to the new continent as he wishes to highlight hoikoro's achievement so he won't be causing any problems on route and in the worst case scenario of him escaping v5 might turn the ship around even if it means breaking ties with kakin all of which contradicts beyond's initial decision of announcing a truce and letting himself be captured consequently it would be unwise for them to do anything about saiyu in the meantime mizai some agrees but says he'd rather avoid sitting idly while paristan and his spy are plotting korapika is then given permission to watch the part of the recording where sayo explains about his nen ability three monkeys he concludes that saiyu was much more stable during his explanation contrary to his proclaimed worry on the reverse side the remaining zodiacs were obviously nervous about the risk of the spy learning about their abilities yet still desiring to trust the others which in turn affected their body language all stereotypical behavior of the innocent korapika surmises that sayo is telling the truth about his ability and he's also on beyond side he then proposes keeping tabs on sayu in secret to uncover his plans while gathering evidence mizai some agrees it's safer than tailing him at all times even if it means leaving him free to act korabika states that knowing saiyu's ability enables them to narrow down possible escape plans however if they were to restrain him too soon paristan may arrange something else kurapika expects them to escape right after the festival on the new continent therefore the best course of action would be to arrest saiyu right before landing without beyond noticing ideally with some kind of proof to support their claim in the off chance of failing to do so mizai some will have to admit that he acted on his own in league with the newcomer much to karapika's dismay misaisdam confirms his suspicions stating he'll also be criticized after speaking of resolve when in reality he might be working behind their backs to identify the culprit some of the zodiacs might even change their approach to the mission if they find out that mizai sam's means were based on a farce later kurapika answers a phone call from linsen who tells them that six of kakin princes are hiring bodyguards to eliminate risk factors aboard the ship none of their identities are shown only each prince's respective salary kurabika hires izunavi hanzo basho melody and biski kruger whom was recommended to him by kilaua so that the six of them can apply to all offers and he can get closer to his main target suridne kokoro after a brief clash with biski he remembers kilauea's advice and pacifies her with flattering looking at the six offers he tries to deduce which of the anonymous employers could be prince hulkenberg who appears to have a close relationship with srijnich again i'm sorry if i'm pronouncing that name wrong it's so weird in hopes of finding his client he singles out two offers that state the prince will personally conduct the interview as it shows signs of maturity and confidence one has the highest pay as a result of one up in competition and the other's pain never changes karapika surmises hulkenberg is most likely the latter as it signifies his strong self-esteem and self-control he sends his request and heads to a hotel managed by hoikiro where he's surprised to discover that his employer is in fact queen oito mother of 14th prince wobble the queen reveals the reason it was decided the offers had to be anonymous was to fend off assassins from infiltrating the popular prince's security holkenberg figured this much and didn't put up a post on the other hand queen oito is looking for guards that would try to contact hulkenberg seeing most of them are either assassins or fake followers which would simplify a give and take relationship the assassins will get to wait for their chance while protecting them and the followers plotting to manipulate hulkenberg can learn his weaknesses queen oito explains that pro guards only specialize in protecting dignitaries and aren't trained in proactively killing someone before she reveals the black whale voyage will turn into a war due to the rules of kakin's succession as enforced by nasubi when prince hulkenberg becomes the next king and if this succession battle becomes public he'll be the one to suffer the most damage for that reason she hopes to buy hers and wobble safety by blackmailing hulkenberg with his participation she tells kurapika if he accepts the job she'll give 10 times the promised pay provided he can get them off the ship alive and if he leaves now he'll still be paid the promise fee if he keeps this conversation confidential koropika agrees to protect her so far as his terms are respected oyto agrees and tells him about the gap in status between higher and lower wives after reminiscing about her past life she lets kurapika hold her daughter some time later kurapika boards the ship with oito and wobble he repeats the security measures before thinking to himself that the battle strength of his side is weak especially since some hunters may be spies he has a phone conversation with mizeistom during which the latter informs him of the conditions of the three lower decks leading kurapika to think the meeting of the zodiacs will be called off he warns oito that if something unexpected happens they may be able to flee to the lower decks escaping the succession war while he contacts the system control room he's startled by aura radiating off of wobble's cradle one of oito's bodyguards is found dead in a toilet all blood drained out of him korapika inspects the body and concludes the culprit may have used nen however the bodyguards who aren't hunters have never heard of it while the hunters don't say anything he later confronts them about their silence causing them to reply they're surprised he disclosed the information from their conversation karapika gleans he's the only one who knows about the succession war meaning paristan may be unaware of it as well when the corpses of four more bodyguards are found kurapika conjures his dousing chain and pointing a gun at his colleagues states he'll shoot them if they lie the assistants and hunters are revealed to be innocent but the other two guards admit each of them is working for a higher ranking queen they're tied to their chairs before they continue their confession from what they say kurapika confirms wobble has received a nen ability which is probably triggered by her self-defense instinct kurapika deduces wobble sense woody's malice and killed him however he has trouble accepting wobble could have learned nen in one month but bill tells him it would be possible with parasitic type men at that point the nen beasts of multiple princes swarmed the room kurapika quickly contacts melody and biski the latter tells him that there were nene beasts in their quarters but only the hunters were able to see them leading her to believe that it's a parasitic type ability koropika has bill tell him everything he knows about that type of nen and later accepts to reveal his agenda to improve cooperation when sired stabs curtain and the two restrained bodyguards to death korapika prepares to fight him to take him alive korapika manages to subdue seyer and asks bill if he's one of the important people mentioned bill claims that curtin was more important due to his transformation skills so karapika then tries to interrogate sired on his nen type and ability but to no avail although bill first is against such a personal question karapika convinces him due to the situation at hand and reveals sire's n-type and a brief explanation of his nan ability karapika uses his index finger's ability to steal sire's net ability while forcing him to go into a state similar to zetsu with siren's power stolen and ara drained the nen beast that was manipulating him escapes while karapika summons a nen dolphin that equips the power and gives a little more detailed explanation of sire's nen ability no longer of use and to use less energy the stealth dolphin is put on standby regaining consciousness and now restrained sired explains what happened to him and before being taken away by the kakian empire army for questioning explains his nan ability to greater detail to karapka with only kuropika and bill left to protect prince wobble korapiko inquires what options they now have now that curtain's dead bill expounds that they have to either ask pariston hill or harder still beyond netaro to leave the black whale the two review their options with corapica refusing to use sire's ability due to the lack of information on the other princes when vincent arrives he immediately kills one of oyto's attendants with the excuse of acting in self-defense which leads karapika to realize he's not there as a spy but as an assassin korapika considers attacking vincent but quickly gives up when he surmises even an attack of self-defense would be held against him due to prince benjamin's influence he raises his hands and declares vinton as the biggest threat to wobble's life the hitman replies by asking him to quote unquote cooperate by which he implies he wants the two hunters help in murdering oito and wobble leading kurapika to insult him mentally removing his contact lenses he turns to the queen and asks if he trusts him when wobble reaches her hand towards him oito declares that she has utmost faith in him korapika then stabs her with steel chain transferring little eye to her as bill attacks vincent kuropika steals the latter's ability and restrains his hand he accuses vincent of wanting to kill wobble which vincent denies but oyto promises she'll testify against him noticing his earpiece kurapika states he has an ability that can force him to tell the truth defeated vincent commits suicide by drinking poison hidden in one of his back teeth korapika calmly states that it couldn't be avoided and points the earpiece to an agitated bill crushing it only after giving anyone who might be overhearing misleading information korapika wonders if he should wait until the next banquet and have oyto use little eye on prince mariam's hamster but due to the backlash of emperor time he quickly realizes it's an impossible plan thus he explains little eye to the queen and instructs her to use it on a fly or mosquito he then declines the dolphin-like construct which asks him if it should equip vincent's ability he orders bill to search the room and shimano to answer the phone the maid informs him that there are three princes wishing to speak to him prince benjamin prince zhang li and prince tubepa since speaking with any of them first would be interpreted as an act of disrespect towards the others who'd also believe him to be allied with the first prince he spoke to and not replying would be a declaration of war karapika reflects on his next move while benjamin's new envoy arrives confident that benjamin believes him to be a manipulator he decides to speak to him and asks bill to keep watch on bobby mina with gyo but he's surprised when he discovers shimano has connected him with zhang lei at the prince's request kurapika explains he decided to answer him because he would be the most open to discussion but refuses to disclose any more particulars as they're likely to be related to the reason he was called nen after oito and wobble are allowed to come along korapika accepts to meet the prince in 15 minutes he finds out benjamin has hung up but tubepeppa is still waiting her guard mower offers to exchange information regarding nen beasts when the bodyguard declares he's about to come over kurapika replies that they have a private soldier of the first prince in front of the door but letting mara in but not to him may have consequences they agree to meet in one hour korapika then interrogates shimano about her disobedience finding her explanation zhang lei being likely more open to discussion than benjamin whose soldier they have killed and who is unlikely to be on the phone himself convincing he consults her about the best course of action to take with bobby mina to which she replies they have to let him or they'll be detained by the army which would allow benjamin to kill oicho and wobble with newfound respect for her kurapika contacts benjamin's private soldier and informs him they're going to meet zhang lay bobby miner resolves to wait in the room together with bill kurapika oito and wobble thus reach zhang lei who offers them bottles of water to drink korapika immediately begins his explanation which is partially directed at oito who's able to see zhang lei's sacred beast declaring the next piece of information could potentially affect the outcome of the succession war he asks zhang lei if he intends to continue their conversation with the bodyguards kovintoba and slaka who are spies sent by other queens and princes in the room the prince pretends not to mind but points out korapika likely has an appointment with either dubepa or benjamin afterward and gives oyto two of his own bodyguards sakata and hashito under queen unmann's orders slaka goes with them too on the intercom kurapika quickly checks on bill and after entering updates him with the number of enemies in their midst kurapika starts to get nervous due to emperor time's lifespan shaving condition since he can't have oyto use sire's ability in order to have shimano and bill search the room for bugs korapika proposes the other bodyguards and bill follows him in the bedroom this results in a brief argument with bobby maina which is won by kurapika when he states he's doing it for the queen's peace of mind as people were killed in the hall korapika begins his explanation about nen and the guardian spirit beast protecting the princes but is shocked to spot a cockroach on the ceiling as he wonders what to do with it oyto orders the bodyguards to catch it korapika summons bill and shimano and orders the former to catch it with nen allegedly in order to prove the truthfulness of what he told the guards bill and oito understand his plan which leads to its success while bill pretends to send out his aura the queen utilizes little eye through karapika's dolphin construct karappaka then resumes his lecture asking baby mayana for confirmation he then proposes to teach nen to all bodyguards within two weeks stating the princes will decide if they should participate or not to himself he notes bomimayna's refined n and speculates the soldier already knows that it was oyto who gained control of the roach an hour later korapika sees oito turn the page of her notebook from which she infers she finished investigating the first prince however he worries about his remaining stamina as his eyes have been scarlet for about three hours the queen suddenly screams that momozay is being murdered in the next room to save appearances in front of bobby mina kurapika pretends she only had a nightmare but she knocks his hand away and insists on checking kurapika tasks bill with it as the prince's corpse is taken away from her room korapika reflects the accident is worrying as the timing seems suspect sakita interrupts his musings by demanding to know why momozay's beasts fail to protect her kurapika replies her unusual sleeping pattern may be related and that both things were probably consequences of the said beast being one of the two that attacked the other bodyguards despite acknowledging her mental state kurapika reasons that he has to ask the queen to keep using little i when bobby meina asks oito why she screamed kurapika realizes he knew about the queen all along and is surprised when he withdraws with the other guards and removes his n oyto agrees to keep spying on the princes but specifies she's doing it for her daughter and not kurapika as she takes notes bill informs kurapika some princes have already accepted his offer but there are two problems the first is the number of bodyguards and kuropika suggests they limit them to two per prince due to the fatigue caused by his scarlet eyes kurapika passes out before he can hear the second nine hours later he regains consciousness bill who hid his fainting fit from the other bodyguards tells him oyto passed out when he did korapika grows horrified at the thought that emperor time has remained active for that long and questions its limit he then asks the queen to resume her surveillance from the fourth prince instead of the 12th oito becomes suspicious of his motives but kuropika explains that it's the best move as the first prince and probably the second have nen users among their guards and their allies with the third while they know nothing about the third karapika then kneels in front of her swearing again her and wobble's lives are his priority when wobble reaches for him he lets her touch his fingers oito thus agrees but mere moments later she screams in terror kurapika passes her shout off as a nightmare to dismiss the guards who came running and she tells him that a woman who karapaka speculates to be srinich's spirit guardian beasts killed the cockroach kurapika's ability is thus dispelled but the fatigue caused by the prolonged use of his scarlet eyes doesn't decrease when oito asks him to teach her nen kurapika apologizes as lending her inability had the side effect of opening her or notes not much later at 9 00 am the lessons begin after all the participants have gathered around him kurapka with his back to oito's quarters draws a line on the ground with white adhesive tape demanding that no one crosses it lest they be forced to leave or he'll use force without warning miuhan immediately steps on it causing karappaka to ask his name and affiliation dropping the tape he states that will be muhan's final warning miohan pretends not to have noticed and apologizes but threatens karapika and indirectly asks him if he was simply planning on stalling them the hunter promises once again they'll all learn nen in two weeks he then retorts that if all muhan can do is speak in a provocative manner it says a lot about his prince causing the guard to lose his cool kurapika immediately draws his gun but don jin holds back his fellow bodyguard and apologizes on their behalf kuropika suggests everyone state their name and affiliation he subsequently repeats the purpose of the meetings ensuring that even though there will be differences in individual proficiency everyone will learn nan in the promised time to make the lessons go smoothly he asks if anyone can already use nen bellarante and furykov raise their hands and koropko nominates them supervisors an unknown ability suddenly attacks and kills barrigan with sakita shooting the white snakes that crawl out of his clothes korapika notices zhang lei's guards use nine millimeter bullets which are hard to defend against even with gyo thinking he should also expect .45 caliber and hk handguns he quickly deduces the attacker isn't a guardian spirit beast but an assassin in their midst he forbids his students from using firearms no matter the circumstances he gives everyone 15 minutes to decide if they want to continue and heads to oito's room he uses his dousing chain to ask bill and shimano if there are users of silent majority earning a negative response in both cases he explains to her that due to the usage of conjuration in the ability it can't be wobble's guardian spirit beast which leads him to speculate that due to the complex system of vows and limitations that must be in place it's possible that if one prince dropped out of the succession war all nine beasts would disappear when he goes back to the hall nobody has withdrawn he begins his lesson and has belarante and furykov check on everyone's aura flow kurapika confronts schedule and yuhirai about their copious aura output unattainable for a real beginner for safety and secrecy reasons he agrees to speak with one of them at the end of the lecture sakata insists on participating using his superior experience and the deal with prince zhang lay as leverage korapika is reluctant but yuhirai gives his consent stating prince hawkenberg would do anything to put a stop to the succession war yuhirai explains about his strange mark which kurapika suspects to be the work of a soliciting type manipulation ability the two convened that it's related to the prince's nan beast and that it serves as a symbol of unity expressing a contradiction inside hulkenberg he wants to put an end to the monarchy and the fastest way would be to win the succession contest but he refuses to participate however his guardian beast wants to fight kurapika tests yuhirai determining he's not fully awakened to nen and warns him that if hulkenberg really wants everyone to be the same the limitations that are probably in place risk being severe and affecting everyone who bears his mark he manages to convince him queen oito wants to escape the contest too adding that the lower princes must band together or they'll be killed off one by one he then resolves to contact each of them via the hunter association kurapika returns to room 1014 unable to return to his real body hanzo enlists his help due to clearance issues kurapika replies that the most he can do is ask hulkenberg's guards to contact room 1013 for him but he'll be able to do so only the following day shimano informs karapika that the captain of the guards of prince mariam is on the phone and would like to speak to him kurapika attempts to convince verge the room he's in has been isolated due to inendability but the bodyguard ignores him and requests that he investigate about the identity of momozay's killer when karapika reveals he already knows who the culprit is verge initially pretends to be accommodating accepting to open the door to a hunter association member in exchange for the information but then asserts that he's not convinced by the rumors spreading about nen which seemed too convenient for the hunters still hoping to form an alliance kurapika tells him that the killer was tufti and how he carried out the murder virgie states that kurapika's explanation has only strengthened his belief that the hunter association intends to weaken kakin from the inside and hangs up kurapika relays his impressions to hanzo and asks him to stay in room 1013. he warns the ninja that verge might suspect the presence of a mole in their myths since he didn't inquire about his sources when hanzo asks him what he ought to do karapika tells him to prioritize finding information on how to ensure prince mariam's safety when hanzo leaves with bobby minus consent kurapika answers sakata's question about room 1013 adding that he suspects the nen beast of the 13th prince to be involved meanwhile he wonders about bobby mine's conduct at 10 am of the following day the lessons resume but muhan is killed by silent majority as soon as he steps onto the toilet while giving dispositions to everyone else in the room kurapika surmises the user can see and control the snakes from afar which lightly makes them a manipulator satovi and mar accused karapika's faction of being responsible for the attacks and of using the lectures as bait the rat acknowledges that the circumstantial evidence might be enough to indict all of them which could result in oito and wobble being imprisoned separately but laurenti comes to karapika's aid and insists that if the lectures stop the real culprit will get away and everyone will lose their chance to study the other prince's defense kurapika asks to speak to the hunter in private and thanks him belarante requests to talk to bill for 10 minutes so as to make his report to room 1013 without seeming to talk to himself over the next few days the lectures continue without the user of silent majority making another move on friday he feels an incredibly powerful aura but he resolves to keep his calm so as not to weaken his own men the morning after the banquet during one of the lectures kurapika and bill feel the rumbling aura surge again they conclude it comes from an odd numbered room korapika assures sakada that its signature is different from the one of princhang lei's guardian spirit beast and that therefore it's unlikely that it belongs to him from the way it swells before disappearing abruptly korapika estimates that it's an emission ability which might be able to go through walls sakata then says that quarapika's students are starting to have doubts about the training due to repeating the same exercise over and over korapika replies that he'll start the next stage the following day and performs the water divination test as a specialist in front of them after explaining its purpose he points latiolus as his most advanced disciple to provoke some of the other bodyguards into being competitive he states that one's nen's category should never be revealed and that the screenings will be conducted in a separate room and witnessed only by bill and him when maura satobi and danjin object karapika justifies his decision with the requirements of the training the risk he took by showing his own nen type and his camp's wish for a stalemate which means that he has no intention of gathering intelligence to hurt the higher ranked princes once again he adds that if they cannot accept his conditions they can drop off the training you know my way of the highway bud one by one kurapika invites ladiolis maur yuri and satobi into the main bedroom there contrary to what he told them he doesn't have them perform water divination but after receiving their consent he forces their aura nodes open with stealth dolphin and briefly gives them bill's eregaron ability he then enforces a gag order preventing anyone from disclosing what transpired until every one of his students has supposedly taken the test lest the training be cancelled when the lesson ends he thanks bill for revealing his ability and when the latter calls himself a coward for choosing room 1014 to guard because he believed he could avoid major fights and for resolving to stay out of shame kurapika points out that cowards don't steal themselves as he did hashito approaches him demanding to be taught in right away in return for allowing temptory to be awakened last korapika accepts but warns hashito that since he hasn't taken the training he'll be too exhausted to even move for a while afterward at 11 30 of the following day the rumbling aura can be felt again and kuropika observes that the intervals between one surge and the next are 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Channel: The Amagi
Views: 292,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kurapika, Kurta, Blacklist, Light, Nostrade, Zodiacs, Rat, Scarlet Eyes, Pairo, Gon Freecss, Hunter x Hunter, hxh, Ging, Zoldyck, Heavens Arena, Greed Island, Kite, Killua, Killua Zoldyck, Silva, Kikyo, Hunter, HunterxHunter, HXH, Alluka Zoldyck, Illumi, Exam, Zaban, Satotz, Leorio, Netero, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, vs, fight, Hisoka, Feitan, Kuroro Lucifer, Kaito, Meruem, Knuckle, Machi
Id: igYjVgnJSFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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