Gon vs Kurapika - A Thematic Breakdown

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[Music] oh well I guess this concept really came full circle now didn't it Shaymin never got more mileage out of it anyway please bear with me while I reference the clip again Mitch so punish me oh yeah well she already tasted at the conclusion of the 2011 anime Hunter hunter resolved the plot thread that had to find its narrative from the very beginning gone found his father as if that wasn't significant enough he parted ways with Kilauea the boy who had stood beside him for the majority of that time his journey was essentially over and for a subsection of the fanbase their journey was to yet the story continues the current arc puts Korra pika in the spotlight and although this isn't his first time carrying the plot it is the first time he has done so completely disconnected from gone for those who considered gongs adventure to be the essence of Hunter hunter this course of events feels underwhelming Korra pikas tail is both structurally anthem attica Lee at odds with Dawn's so it's understandable why someone might not find the same value in one as they do the other Dawn's abilities are honed gradually and careful consideration is given to the environments that shape his progress his battles tend to be less grand in scale but this allows him to more naturally adjust to his skill set there are no shortcuts everything is earned Korra pikas strengths however are born from the restrictions he places on himself he gets to fight high-level men users with fancy techniques of his own despite his inexperience but it drains him he seeks only efficiency unable to find value on the path to his goal and as a result his efforts come up short one character achieves within his limits the other limits what he can achieve if gone represents hunter hunters defining thesis Korra pika embodies its antithesis and while this might divide opinions on varying sections of the series the contrast adds weight to its overall message gongs darkness resonates stronger through its parallels to Korra pika and the latter's light shines brighter due to influence from the former to that end the manga continuing past Gaughan's meeting with Jing just further reinforces its core ideology because if the good ending exists in the detours what does that leave for the true ending desire is a key component of hunter hunter as it is for many other action-adventure titles without something to experience there'd be no reason to explore without something to fight for characters would stagnate and in a setting where escalation is the name of the game those who stagnate get left behind even kahlĂșa someone who lacked a concrete end goal had a friend he could aspire to defend and enjoy the journey with friendship a humble desire is the driving force that pushes him to become stronger friendship doesn't require a grand resolution it acts as a building block to other opportunities and at the same time it offers a broader contentment than those opportunities ever could every adventure will have its lulls every battle before and after but those empty moments can be filled by the presence of others this applies to gone as much as it does kilowatt because even though he wanted to find his father he didn't prioritize that ambition over the safety of his friends he possesses a purpose without letting itch possess him a statement that holds less true for his scarlet eyed counterpart the double-edged nature of karapa cos desire is a focal point of the york new city arc his clash with Vogon leaves him disgusted by the blood on his hands a small bitter taste of that greater ambition not a useless kill by any means but far from a valiant one either Cora pica sought to annihilate the Phantom troupe and he wanted to do so independently but after the chaotic events on the night of September 3rd that wunt was abruptly ripped away this left him broken confused aimless but a meeting with friends brought him joy if given the chance they could have carried him through that emptiness but unfortunately this brief time the light would not last the corpses were fakes now confronted by conflicting interests Cora pica accepted outside help with the hope of keeping said helpers safe in the heat of battle however his tunnel vision regarding the troupe put Gon and Killua in harm's way he over indulged in his desire and that forced him to compromise on it to save his friends he had to let crow low ask as for the troupe they sought to settle the score after ovo's death but in the background the survival of the spider was vital despite their business with the auction having concluded they remained in york-new to find the chain user a decision that cost them another member the only thing that stopped them from losing anyone else was Paco notas willingness to compromise on the troops Vendetta and because she did so her comrades survived just like Korra pica their success was undercut even Hisoka who double-crossed both sides to fight CRO lo loses his payoff the only ones that come out unscathed are gon and killua who set aside their pursuit of greed Island to aid Korra pika where everyone else received some form of narrative punishment gon and killua are rewarded not only do they manage to protect karappa cos mental and physical well-being but their ability to play the game isn't hindered at all because they didn't fixate on their primary goal they were the only ones who sacrificed nothing yet when gon is on the brink of death during the election Korra pika isn't around to return the favor we're Gold's influence had changed Korra pika for the better shown through his willingness to work with others even after the Orkney debacle the latter had affected Gaughan's mind for the worse gon learned about the restraint and valve system from Korra pika and then walking that path despite multiple warnings against it he nearly died an outcome which further reinforces the destructive nature of such a mindset vive Monsieur Le Conway Karima yo gotti fukushima-1 I go [Music] what Emily ruled by vengeance the young boy resolved to throw his future away channeling all the strength he could ever attain for a brief unsustainable tantrum men restrictions allow characters to boost their power by limiting their options but the narrow focus enables only a fleeting power these conditions undermine the core appeal of what is supposed to be a flexible personal system because men allows hunters the freedom to explore and express their individuality it also allows them to willingly undercut that freedom the basics that lead to power can be skipped to make the training faster but in turn the utility and success of that ability will also be diminished gone may have gotten revenge but it didn't bring him happiness it just tacked on a physical price to the guilt he was already burdened with gone could only be rescued from his despair by the strong support network he had created along the way but without such a safety net in place he wouldn't have survived though Korra pika as inton such a drastic action this is the end result of his line of thinking and if he returns to his bad habit of cutting off his allies there will be no one to save him people are always striving for more replacing the goals they achieve with new ones and it is because these motivations can be so fickle and disposable that they should not be revered above all else the various story arcs in Hunter hunter reflect this with conclusions that could in many ways be considered anticlimactic the exam introduces a tournament bracket only to jump ahead after a single match and explain the rest through flashback the zoldak family seems to be a typical rescue mission until the supposed captors just let Kela leave heavens arena is ripe with initially unexplored concepts floor masters battle Olympia but after Gaughan's duel with Hisoka the boys move on korra pikas dramatic death game against the Phantom troupe leads to a stalemate both sides living to fight another day chimera ant sees the main antagonist slowly poisoned to death with a catharsis of Gaughan's revenge against Peto undercut through the inversion of the two's moral dynam greed island might appear to contradict this with its more traditional setup and payoff but as a game designed by Jing it naturally enforces his ideology the most again through may have metagaming his way to the top by monopolizing key cards and killing players but gongs group actually explored the world as it was constructed thus gaining the knowledge to accurately answer the final quiz desire may have propelled gun through forward but only so far when faced with an adversary less gripped by greed someone who possessed ambition yet still took the time to admire their surroundings he failed greed Islands conclusiveness works because its entire premise is a detour it is primarily a training arc with only a tangential connection between the protagonists in the main villain for how directly connected to Jing the game is one might think it would give gone a clue to his father's location but it doesn't it transports gone to kite for yet another detour and when gone does eventually find Jing it's by coincidence the fated meeting hundreds of chapters in the making just sort of happens it's not even going biggest concern at that moment he's more overwhelmed by the situation with kite and so the true catharsis of the encounter winds up disconnected from its first impression once again the anticlimax fuels the notion that the destination isn't the biggest reward Jing's motivation is to grasp what's not in front of him which means that his target is forever moving forever changing as a hunter he exists to hunt even if a point of satisfaction is reached life goes on the weight of that journey will fade as its conclusion falls further into the past and so the cycle must begin anew a desire for evolution breeds personal growth yet it likewise means people will never be wholly satisfied with what they have the solution isn't to have zero goals at all but to look beyond that narrow scope the setting doesn't revolve around any one person there's an entire world of possibilities to explore so no one should act as if their own perspective and aims transcend all dwelling on the past might lead to stagnation but focusing only on the future Rob's the present of its meaning living in the moment making the most of the detours overcoming the obstacles along the way that's what truly gives the adventure value because the top of the mountain isn't the end it's a brand new beginning so for now just enjoy the view
Channel: Mathwiz
Views: 67,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2VuFv3Pur7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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