The Logo Design Process From Start To Finish #3

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hello everyone long time no see thank you everyone for your support I am really happy for coming back and I am willing to keep on the weekly uploads this video is another full logo design process that will show you the steps of designing a logo for a real estate agency so make sure to watch to the end of the video and don't forget to leave a like and ask me anything in the comment section have a nice watching I received a new mail it's from a client he needs a logo for his new business it's the Canadian real estate agency and it's called home target before jumping into the design process you need to understand more your clients business and manage to know his expectations that will help you make sure your client will get what he needs and get you out of the endless revisions so you either make an interview of your client or send him a creative brief questionnaire in my case I send him a PDF file that include multiple questions to collect the needed information the questions will be almost about what is the project and what the business is all about what is the target audience what is the message and what does the logo need to communicate where and how the logo will be used and to be in the same phase with the client and to reduce my design exploration I ask my client if there is any restrictions and obligations or if there is any recommendations for the logo elements the client need the logo to be simple and clean and he wants it to reflect the business activity so after collecting the needed information about the business and defining the clients expectations I turn to the mind mapping phase where I take the main keywords and I try to extract other related words to it after listing all the extracted keywords I try to combine it together to form some good words associations I turned to the sketching phase I will try to put on paper all the ideas that came to my mind based on the previous words associations many of you asked me how I put my sketches into illustrator it is really a simple thing to do after finishing your sketching you can simply take a photo with your phone then you have to send it to your PC and then you can simply drag it to illustrator or you can go to file then click on place and then select your photo then click here on place and finally place it by clicking on the canvas I will place it up here then I'll decrease its opacity a little then I'll go to object lock then I click on selection now the photo is locked with the canvas in my design process I did you ties all the chosen sketches but for this video I will only demonstrate the execution of this concept only which is the best one okay to make the house icon select the rectangle tool hold shift and drag to make a square now to make the tip of the house select the add Anchor Point tool then click here in the middle of the square to add a new anchor point with the direct selection tool select the new point and drag it up a little select the two bottom anchor points and drag it up a little bit okay now swap the fill and Stroke and then increase the stroke size to 20 points I think it needs to be a little bit thicker I'll drag the live widgets to make all the corners a little bit rounded I'll shrink it a little bit then with the ellipse tool I make a little circle in the center now I will make the stem and feather of the arrow with the pen tool make a straight line from the center of the circle to the left here with the eyedropper I copy the thickness of the stroke I'll move the circle and the line a little bit down and then I select the line with the house stroke then I increase the size a little then I go to object and I click on expand and then I press ok this will transform the path into a shape now I hold out and I drag this line a little bit up and then I hold shift and select the house icon and from the Pathfinder I click on - front with the pen tool and starting from here I all trace the half of the arrows feather now I hold out and drag it down to duplicate it then I go to object transform then I click on reflect with the horizontal option selected I press ok now I select the two parts and from the Pathfinder I press on unite I'll move this a little bit to the right then with the direct selection tool I select this two left anchor points and move it a little to the right to make the feather shorter finally I unite the arrow and the circle together and this is pretty much our logo okay now I am going to try some color variations I select the house shape double click on the fill color and I will set a blue color I duplicate the logo and I repeat this process to try multiple colors this blue is a little bit boring the yellow looks so bright with the simple lines I think the red is the best one it looks professional and in the same time it reflect the business location which is Canada I'll move this logos to the left and I duplicate it and I will try to reverse the colors just for the sake of exploration after all I decided to go with this color okay this is our logo and it's time to experiment some fonts I'll write the name of the agency which is poem target then I change the font to sense Seraph Juan now I change the word target weight to light just to add some contrast to the text I try to balance the word with the icon and then I duplicate the logo and I try a different font now I duplicate everything and then I select the logo names and I go to character panel and I click on the all caps option just to see the logo with the uppercase text I just wanted to make it short for the video but in reality you have to explore as possible as you can from sketching to the colors explorations to the fonts variations okay I think this is the font that I will go with and this is our final logo thank you for watching if you want to get notified on every upload just activate the bell icon or follow me in my facebook profile you will find the link in the description see you in another video you
Channel: Mohamed Achraf
Views: 272,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logo design process, logo design, process, logo, how to design a logo, the logo design process, logo design process tutorial, logo design process video, my logo design process, adobe illuustrator tutorial, illustrator tutorial, sketching, typography, color theory, illustrator, logo design tutorial, graphic design, mohamed achraf
Id: YptdpKXf7Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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