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just a short drive away i'm not sure what i'm talking about i'm gonna have to work on this one [Music] hey guys so we're here in nashville tennessee i am training out of crossfit east nashville it's going to be my new home um for the season of 2021 so today we have some rowing i have some push press some deadlifts i think we also have split jack recoveries and then we're gonna have like a whole bunch of other training gear like honestly i've just briefly looked at it um and skimmed over it so it's just gonna be a full day of training and um yeah getting after it that was like you know accessory but like huh like my heart rate was still through the roof which put me in a deficit for the next piece and i was like i shouldn't be earning as much but these guys just like freaking all right take next what's up okay yeah and i'm like guys i'm still coughing my heart rate is still at 170 beats per minute i need to rest so we're about two and a bit weeks away from the open so right now especially where tear is we're actually just trying to find out where she is actually fitness-wise um and what i mean by fitness-wise i'm actually considering a lot of things of what crossfit will throw at us in the open okay so i have a great gauge of where she is in a rowing capacity and actually in her bike interval work and even for her running for that matter even though we haven't done much i'm very conscious of them but what i'm trying to talk about here is fitness wise for the crossfits crossfit requirements for the open so we're starting to implement a lot more burpees a lot more thrusters a lot more intervals on the rower and obviously working on pull up rigs we haven't actually had a chance to to use the pull-up rig a lot uh in our time in south korea so having having this space now and having this rig in front of us here we're going to utilize a lot of that we also want to work more on the dumbbells we haven't had access to uh the typical style head dumbbells like the rogue style dumbbells so having that again we're going to utilize that a lot the next two weeks people have asked about the taper will we have a taper for the open no we won't have a taper for the open tier is just going to roll through this first open and prepare herself for the second part of the open fortunately she's created a great foundation or a base fitness level that i'm very confident that she'll get through the top 10 and that we can start prioritizing or preparing ourselves for the second stage of the open we haven't been in that format before so testing ourselves in that will be a lot of fun and a lot of work in between that but hopefully you can sit back and enjoy this reel [Applause] yeah everything are textures [Music] what we're looking for here is more towards the damper setting essentially depending on the workout depending on the distance we will then manipulate the damper setting so for instance if we're doing anything around that 1000 meter mark or that realm uh we would then increase the damper setting higher so that we can create more tension or make or more resistance for each stroke therefore we can apply more force however if we start going beyond that 1k mark we then start lowering that damper and and we start looking around the four to five five range on the damper setting for for my for the athletes sorry we actually dive deeper into when we start looking at the drag factor the drag factor for us is very important because it allows us to have a consistent setting no matter where we are in the world so the concept too has a little a setting or a feature in there for you to test out your damper setting or your damper factor and we utilize that no matter where we are one of those things is like often people ask me you know like what do i think about during workouts like that where you know i'm not having to just keep telling myself like you you can do this like just keep going but so i don't zone out and then before i know it i'm well you know below my pace i'm meant to hold or you know i'm i'm going too slow so um something like that for me is focusing on technique also thinking about making sure that i'm focusing on my breathing keeping my heart rate low so that um you know the technique is effortless the effort is that much easier and um you know i think just going through the motions the more reps you do the better you get at it and uh i know for something like that it was a lot lower lower heart rate and i actually found that i was getting a little hungry because i had a small breakfast this morning so um now i'm actually having a protein bar before i do my next piece just to get that energy back in um but yeah that was a really nice way to start the the morning session get the blood flowing through the body get that heart rate up a little bit and uh i'm ready for the next [Music] sleep with the lights on i'm coming heavy with the fight song [Music] you [Music] i would definitely squat more than what i pressed but it would be close the reason i say that squatting would probably uh yeah because we're constantly doing a lot more squats like you know um oh that's a good question actually we definitely would squat more because we use our legs a lot more but um you're like we're constantly squatting and pressing like every day throughout the whole week so um there's just a lot of movements that require squats but then but then there's a lot of movements that require press i'm putting it out to you guys do you guys squat more or press more earlier i mentioned that in south korea we didn't do too much of pull-ups or any gymnastic style movements and what i mean by that is that we just solely focused on the bobsled training regime so we did a lot of squatting we did a lot of like typical bench press you know the the functional stuff you'd find in a global gym setting when we could get there during warranty so i think what we're finding ourselves now or what we're finding ourselves now is just trying to adapt and then get back into the swing of things for across the seas one of the reasons why we don't specifically tell you guys what we're specifically doing is because there are proven members that pay for this programming and so we want to respect them and you know what they get so um you know we obviously you you get to see what kind of movements we're doing but not so much the actual workout so uh you know we're keeping it a little quiet but um i'm i'm excited to get into this find that intensity and get that open burn [Music] flu season i'm sick i choose sneezing to keep on rhyming i find any breezes yeah don't diss me that's treason me and my ears trying to find eating till then we keep rolling up trees young dante keep slaying these demons [Music] hey [Applause] oh yeah yo let's do this let me offer my condolences [Music]
Channel: Tia-Clair Toomey & Shane Orr
Views: 70,434
Rating: 4.9652376 out of 5
Keywords: crossfit
Id: b09gxYYanjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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