Stowaway (1936)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] nope I know all right how do I know [Applause] as magistrate of this village it is my duty to warn you that hi Chung the Bandit is on his way here thank you for telling us shall I pack no but we are missionaries Providence sent us here to fight evil not flee from it will you allow me to take little ching-ching out of harm's way Barbara will remain here with us and I wish you would not refer to her as ching-ching mr. Cruikshank you may do as you wish with your own life but Ching Barbara is a child her honorable parents were my friends I know but they did not desert their post and danger threatened no and they were killed please Alfred I have decided [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're seeing the Codel to rely upon our jewelry sure - Lila quitting most honourable son hello greetings changing may your shadow lengthen always in the Sun of happiness thank you may the bird of prosperity continued nest in your rooftop King Tommen shall hi Joba ha ha I hope you will always remember the same Allah wise men I will because you're talking to me it was a great privilege to instruct the daughter of my friends your honorable father and mother friendship is a tree of shelter from the rains of trouble yes and so it is my wish to protect you from trouble but may be here very soon what kind of trouble Batman they will be looting and destruction oh I have arranged for Chang to take you to the home of my honourable brother and Shanghai Shanghai oh that's wonderful I remember all the beautiful stories my daddy was just tell me about it but I'm afraid I'll have to ask mr. Cruikshank for his permission you know he's awfully strict with me don't worry about that my little one I will satisfactorily explain for you okay well oh thank you most honorable son though [Applause] won't you Allah well I've on one goodbye my little friend I shall see you very soon and until then the memory of you will bloom like a flower in the garden of my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] Jenny how about you [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I call you man where you going [Music] [Music] [Music] I know you're hungry but stop barking your stomach is no where's a chair it is the ideal aisle [Laughter] [Music] okay I guess you went for breakfast that's what you want isn't it hey hey you eat my Puerto Plata sarcoma joke i yo put out [Music] dig in what he didn't wanna tell me will [Music] miyaji quinoa why'd you quit okay why walk some who says one cannot eat go but one cannot eat without it [Music] li gong-gong from the mill yoga qlg try to chew [Music] come on mr. wolf will find something to eat [Music] [Applause] [Music] No is there anyone here is speaking which I want to buy something they new puts oh but the witty watch look I want to buy a dragon's head head I can't imagine why any possibility me likee by one pcs dragon head itch on benefits it will put only viewbot rookie dragon head see is there anyone around here I can understand English I can't miss it oh hello there you wouldn't by any chance be able to understand Chinese to top wish Anson your Maggie koloko can you ask him how much he wants for this tosod Chen how cool or not touching up so good huh no no no like will new keeping woman Michael run so hey I'm gonna do it come you Tina what's wrong now look oh yeah okay $5 hey Lu says all things have two prices one for the foolish you know you look so young but you talk so old how come in the junk Sancho no I mean how come you oh well I guess we don't talk the same language in more ways than one you've been so nice to me I'd like to buy you something what shall indeed come on what would you like a what I should do for my dog he's awful hungry you'll never get ahead in life if you go around asking for bones look do you think your mother would mind if you join us in the soup bone I haven't got any mother well your father family I have many families I have picked up Jenny who's change he buttered from sanchow a man you ran away with my money Oh lady in distress just my special would you come along with us for lunch then you can tell me all about it thank you but I couldn't make me lunch why not [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's all Greek to me Chinese well you go ahead and order for mr. Wu and your uncle Tommy all right why y'all noon I for my part okay want to go he won a night in Cathedral parish young cachito only one a night Kate wishes honey will those things cost lon have you got enough money too much so I'm told the only 210 T Puerto I told him to make it two syllables [Music] you can cook on it no I'm just here for today my boat sails tonight no no just traveling around no place in particular you must be an awesome - unfortunately not I mean you don't like a southern mother well it seems that we get along better with a couple of thousand miles between us so there they are and Here I am everybody's happy [Music] you certainly are extravagant change [Music] that means you're pretty nice right if you're stravagant - thank you I promise to pick up some friends here before I drive them back to the boat I'm gonna get you straight enough will you wait so Moses raisins is like real many talked about it but you presented that looks quite a conversation it didn't he I don't know money does matter [Music] hey Darla Dora Colonel have you been drinking for me reparative a suit Sona brandy yes master relax Baggins of your era Spectre and bring it with a speed of an antelope we perish we yes master Black Label all on right not for me do these old ears hear right could it be possible at Thomas the pride of the Randalls used a drink right my boy Are you ill it's that Colonel I'm still under the spell of a good woman Oh [Music] tell me tell me now where did you find this good woman I didn't know there were any more left well come on outside I'll introduce you but remember I saw her first well what about us can't we go - sure come on it'll do you good your revelation lifts this girl has led a very sheltered life why my good colors if I ever said anything faint blush on the cheek next time she stood Joe I still and Donna must say yes yes hey why don't scroll the way and maybe she down fella what's funny well at least she left in the car sometimes they don't even do that he must be around someplace oh come on let's go on when you find it just yell because we'll be at the bar now let her go that better fish in the sea you know this reminds me of an experience I had in Kansas City I met this little lady very fine better than you want to be same [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's like a lullaby mm-hmm a Chinese lullaby oh there you are mr. Randall sir there's a Lord Fauntleroy the way anything that I want to talk to no please sir please say your car now we must get it aboard at once oh the captain's holding up the boat sir all on account of you Atkins you're a heedless thoughtless butterfly no consideration for others no I thought so colonel this man's been drinking now please sir please we must hurry sir not be shear Oh steady engine steady no no Tommy we mustn't be too harsh with him I have an awkward rank it's a madness in the blood if I can walk for myself oh yeah you'll be all right but you mustn't shout like that sure you sober enough to drive [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I could have sworn I had something better to stow away oh there if there's anybody down here let's find them you're such the other sex go to you'll check the on the cloud [Music] good we found a stowaway in the hole sir but he got away sir very well Jenkins spreader general alarm we seem to have stowaways aboard at once sir right there aesculus yes missus you were told about four stowaways before we sailed I did sir well if we find one you would be out of a job you can come back for these things in a half an hour do it yes Missy I'd mind you he was only 12 Richard spoke up as quick as a flash and what do you think he said Susan he said you may use my bicycle Geraldine I love sport but I love the principles of manhood more yeah I'm afraid I'm boring you oh I'm sorry mrs. hope but you see what you told me that story three times and you've told I tell it not because Richard happens to be my son I tell it merely because I believe that you with his future wife might be interested apparently I was mistaken mark my word Susan the time will come when you'll be just as devoted to Richard but I am devoted to him only only you have a peculiar way of demonstrating your devotion come out of there or I'll blow you well I'll be oh poor little thing with Friday she's frightened us what's your name Chinese or American what American it's Tyra stood but in Chinese it's tempting what are you doing here hiding hiding why the man should have watch a story well are you I I guess so but you still wait say how did you ever get on this ship anyway I don't know I've never heard of such a thing in all my life I can't understand it neither can i oh please don't be unpleasant she didn't mean to be did you do no I didn't what's all this about found the stowaways then well what is he it's a she sir it's this child here what you I guess stole she doesn't even know how she got aboard well what am I gonna do with you young lady I'll look after him don't be absurd or he won't be any trouble well that's fine Miss Parker I'll bring her up to my quarters after lunch you will have a talk with her and see what she's returned to her people now you can return to your post now Jenkins I said see you later stowaway captain can we put this animal in the kennel they'll take good care of it you'll give it a big good order captain why of course I will yeah don't you worry I'll take care of it there's no answer it's a him I've never had breasts like this the ship store is full of them all you have to do is get this one dirty and we'll find you another one do you think your mother will like me better now that I look so beautiful mrs. hope isn't my mother no well that is not yet Hey yes I see don't you think it's about time we turned the child over to the captain after all charity it has its limits what did you really man you said you didn't know how you got on this ship you must know but I don't honestly the last thing I remember is that I fell asleep in uncle Tommy's car uncle Tommy Tommy who Randall Tommy Randall howdy Randall well your uncle tell me as I bought this ship I might have known you were his knees he's a problem child too I'll take your turn ching-ching considering his reputation you better turn her over to the captain very well well it seems off but with mr. Randall nothing surprises me good morning captain good morning engines we'd like to see mr. Randall - Randall still asleep sir well it's about time you got up - Randall never gets up until tools up well I'm sorry but this is important so you better call mr. Randall will be very annoyed well supposing you tell him others if any pretty young lady wants to see him if I know Tommy Randall never get him my pills I'm afraid it will so what should we see here things I did your pardon sir I beg your pardon sir your way oh I'm sorry sir but there's a young lady to steal huh the young lady to see you sir I think it's rather urgent oh that's bad she's very beautiful sir oh that's not so bad she has a child with us up oh that is bad she also has the captain with the sir he insists on seeing you oh that's very bad yeah yeah well sir what's that your checkbook sir I don't know what your game is young lady but it won't work I never saw you before in my life besides I have witnesses to a compromise whereabouts for the past 27 years - Randall Oh Tommy ching-ching please friggin hell all these are huh quite awake it Schanke what are you doing on this boat I'm a stowaway but I didn't mean to be I just waited in your automobile like you said but I went out and look for you well you see after blouse started to rain so I got in the back and put the cover down oh you poor kid I'm awfully sorry but I like penis toe ankle Tommy this is Susan Parker for this man he's my best friend - how do you do how do you do don't you think she's pregnant she's magnificent oh thank you charming little niece you had mr. Randall I'm just pretending Oh what but aren't you the child's uncle no we met in Shanghai yesterday for the first time Oh ching-ching you told me tell us if children I was just scared and I knew uncle Tommy would help me oh you know I will I'm sorry captain to have caused all this trouble but I'll accept full responsibility I'll be only too glad to pay for a passage I'll have to communicate with her people and what she tells me she has no people in fact captain she has all the earmarks of a wait but she must have someone she didn't live in China by herself I don't the crook shanks but people can't stay here who are the Crookshanks dear they're missionaries in sanchow make a note of that name and get in touch with them through the American Consul yes in the meantime captain aleck after and this time I really mean it I've been trying to think the best taco would be better company for the child oh he's good company too well now the Navy you had better go in this Parker you can collar Susan like I do can't you Susan well I suppose so well I'll see you later then ching-ching and I hope you too Susan Thank You Tommy goodbye darling goodbye uncle Tommy goodbye uncle Tommy Uncle Tom's Cabin [Music] I can't understand it I didn't understand water your gross neglect of your duties the most beautiful girl in the world is on the ship and you never told me men have been court-martial for less taking your pardons of you don't usually have to be told where she I don't notice that you met her mother in the dining room on Monday night I did on the half a little I I didn't you didn't let me have it Atkins you emptied a bottle of champagne in her lap now now come come Atkins you can do better than that you're not even trying I thought it was rather good sir perhaps you can suggest something else that I can imitate better let me seem sleepy not 10:00 yet the shank of the evening you'll never be popular you fold up by the epidemic begin your partner's off but I think it's customary for looking children to retire rather early is it really your bedtime changing that can prepare Miss ching-ching for them me well I'm sure I don't know anything about undressing children I've never done anything back there always has to be the first time for everything so this is video good Tommy I can understand the same oh thank you of it [Music] now you close your eyes Atkins a lullaby from is changing oh what a lullaby you know a vocal Mickey Finn so I can't sing a lullaby Atkins you're one of the most untalented persons I've ever met you can't do imitations you can't sing how do you ever entertain your friends I can try sir very well start crooning 1 2 lullaby baby on the treetop 4 lullaby baby on the treetop Oh Louise please you'll give her nightmares perhaps you could do better yourself sir rock-a-bye baby oh I guess I'm not in very good voice tonight I know a lullaby below me you sing me I'll teach it to you hmm things have come to a pretty fast when a baby has to sing a selflessly sit down Atkins very well ching-ching go ahead [Music] my love my precious sleepyhead you mustn't play pick'm good night my love little better goodnight your panty be a common today my button sleep tight my love good night my love god bless you [Music] tonight yeah I didn't make any noise [Music] she sleep not yet [Music] whether you should be good night darling good night Aunt Susan good night uncle Tommy [Music] you've been very sweet to that child mr. Randol good night good night don't tell me you would have bet a 10 o'clock to cry let me see you to your stateroom but it's only four doors away dad you better let me come with you you can't tell you might be somebody you know footpads thugs people like that it's not safer girl be alone after dark on the ocean [Music] beautiful yes beautiful it's so peaceful peaceful to it's really almost overdone isn't it light on the water stars and sky music they might have at least had the decency to won't miss the music yes everything is here including you and me taking all together that spells romance not for me why not man stakes - okay - here yes but not the right - you see I'm engaged Oh [Music] - Richard hope mrs. hope son you know yes I know he's meeting the boat at Bangkok would it be married there mm-hmm and why Bangkok well he lives there he's with an exporting firm exporting what ivory Apes peacocks things like that he came out here two years ago and he's worked very hard you mean to say you've been engaged for two years and you haven't seen him in all that time oh you Latins well the hot-blooded race you are well Richard isn't quite like that anyway we've known each other since we were children well I must say it all sounds very lyrical may not be exactly America me of course I've never been engaged not definitely that is but if I were to be I'm not sure that Lee is right I seem to recall something in the newspapers millionaire playboy sued for breach of promise I practically won that suit she only got $10,000 for kids you've been counting on fifty $10,000 more than Richard earns in a year oh well you shouldn't be so narrow after all I can't help it if I've been cursed with well not that it isn't as nice a curse as anyone could ask for you ever worked for a living funny you know work but most people do I'll work of course of course I worked my father and well why should I take a job away from someone else who needs it I sacrifice myself for the good of humanity Dean do you know what you are no but I have an uneasy feeling you're about to tell me you're a museum piece mm-hmm you should be in a glass case in an exhibit of the terrible 20s with a cocktail shaker in your hand and your shirtfront scrawled with chorus girls telephone numbers and a label playboy BC before the crash farmer habited Broadway now extinct you don't exactly pull your punches do you but a pleasure to know that at the moment I feel about that high and six years old you should grow up that should I've been trying to tell you oh but forget it at least forget it for now I'm really not a reformer always anyway beneath that too smooth exterior beats a heart of gold I think it's beating awfully fast right now goodnight singing no one here but you and me and the China Sea but it's a love song just doesn't fit the occasion it's alright it's only a popular song besides you didn't write the words and I'm warning you if you don't sing it I will win my love the title goodnight my love my moment it was heavenly me Edward heavenly to hold you again star bar has promised to meet us too till then my nan oh we're easel new day we'll see [Music] we'll have to Levi my love would not long remember that mom sweetheart [Applause] good night good night and good night to you too good night [Music] see that this is sent at once this would be nice for the little girl do you like that changing alright we'll take that too I could call me when I get bigger than a merry man like you I can too darling when you grow up there aren't gonna be any men like him he's a dying race the last of the easy spenders nice Jade bracelet for the lady no thank you what a perfect piece of jade good it's all yours wrap it up and send it to the steamer with the rest of the facts Tommy I couldn't accept it to good people and they take anything choose the pages right hey I get the changing said it's alright not even for tainting alright but you're being very silly you know we're going now she gets Tony Ken didn't you you said it we're going to a show Oh beautiful magnificent come in mother Richard why did you cable me where's Susan she's not ill is she would you go up on deck and call Miss Parker yes Missy no Richard she's not here why did you send for me after all it's not exactly an expensive trip I know I know dear but frankly the situation was more than I could cope with alone hmm heavens mother don't build it out did you ever hear the man named Tommy Randall Randall well names familiar it should be it's been in the papers often enough well what about him he's on this boat what's that got to do with Susan well Richard your mother's a woman of the world you realize that and she can tell we can tell what Kevin's mother we're not getting anyplace mind you I'm not saying there's been anything wrong between them but oh so that's it is it do you mean to say that I've flown here just to be told that soothers having a harmless little ship flirtation maybe huh and it may not after all Richard student Abed a headstrong young woman well marriage will straighten her out just wait'll she hears I'm the new assistant manager the bangkok branch JB JB Bradley I mean everybody calls him JB gave me the promotion as a wedding present just my boy an assistant manager why Richard it seems only yesterday that you were in curl well it just shows what hard work determination come in - sorry miss we have kosher sign sure yes miss Lee thank you you see she's with Randall now I knew I was writing cabling you a mother's instinct never fails what do you think I should do the first thing to do is to find her I get my hat [Applause] I've been a lessee money to run a chapter he plays on Broadway [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] alright alright alright - Kuan Fung Yahweh Joyce you come that's a lowly light healer can get by since Angela Hong Kong she take a science hey ji Bing Crosby ladies and gentlemen one of our young and matures will now give you imitation of Bing Crosby [Applause] [Music] please blend your little with who Martin Lee land of ray of chair to my island that song from Sun will unwrap I learned lots of them but of a dumb bunny pillow oh but our body Bo body I could find a lighting your boobie boobie boo [Music] [Applause] alright alright alright kahala mall ramp in why hangover beanhori solid Hong Hong Hong Shi kou Zhong's of you camping goes on Ella he wants the people in the audience to get up and give imitations he says there's a prize of Kenya one where are you going if I kept in you one the night you buy some presents for you and uncle Tommy ching-ching no oh let her go nothing can happen to her oh no what can I do for you you don't give me the 21 you likee singsong I will have you don't start ringing that bill I think that's why the other gentleman flip you know American song yes I do it's called Nakata SM ILP all a professor play dakara SM ILP it's something may upset you fold ever let it get you down [Music] and I just keep your chin up and give it a try and you'll find something in the sky [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye-bye [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] really [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow it was feared of ol Sir Walter Raleigh coming out of me do you wait here darling I'll come back for you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh never can tell might be more water farther on Richard this is a surprise yeah just a surprise for me to tell me and mr. Ana this is used to help and this is Miss ching-ching do it tada I never thought I'd see you here evidently not weren't you surprised to see him hardly I sent for him that's marvelous I love surprises and usually I never get them Susan I think your friends will excuse you I'm sorry I must be going now you'll be awfully careful ever wanted oh you'd be perfectly all right I'm sorry if I that's all right The Barking thing [Music] like a don't you call it that I don't see how anybody could have fun with that mr. hope I'm afraid fun isn't everything changing come on we're gonna have a good time come on how does it feel like you see one night BC Peppa Street this way please let me see that one [Music] not bad [Music] precious little thank you thank you sir come on Jing Zi what sign it I am deal with data Kyle I can Louis I know you don't do it that way thank you [Applause] [Music] I'll take Jane where do we go from here hey would you come from ching ching ching ching [Music] take her shoe on Tula Chingy King watch and he did wait wait give me a chance to explain it wishes but please there would be no prisoners so Sun lo says good old Sun lo always brightening the corner where he isn't well it's been fun up till now but it won't be so funny if we missed that boat I bet they have a movie pretty man we must be here he'd be here but now we've got to get out of here well I guess we'll have to start a rebellion pardon me would any of you gentlemen be interested in getting out of this Jail I said would you speak to them changing tell them about the great outside world ask them how they'd like to see it again mimin funky woman capital to chain your mama woman bullion your coochie for money you need to charge a jelly well they're not interested they say they like it here oh that's absurd where's their spirit ask him are they men or are they mice mimics run high swab tell me when she lost you mice well it lad sergeant caused you so much trouble captain now see here son I mean they're lenient with you but there's a limit to everything and this time you will respect everyone for this child I wouldn't be here I never should have left her winner you should have known that I'm outraged taking a child of that age out at night and city like Hong Kong anything could happen [Music] [Music] matter taxi fare I hold it on you colonel don't tell me you've been robbed again clean Miss Parker Miss Parker here they go [Music] [Music] I didn't have a card in my hand I Trump do they should've seen his face it was on a redouble night they played on a bridge in Bangkok yeah great bridge top we call a bridge board well you're really very fortunate moving in our crowd only last week JB JB Bradley I mean said to me dick calls me dick for short Dicky said I'm sure your missus gonna like it here you will too I know I will tell her about the house Richard oh yes but of course just a description of it doesn't do it justice it's absolutely Marvin lots of closet space fully equipped laundry you'd be surprised it's just as good as any house in any American suburb and row me too I'll show you kind of l-shape our own mother strong are they yes oh you think you'd be better off in this one Bangkok is a very romantic city oh there are a lot of old temples and places like that our colony doesn't bother the native things we have our own little Center to find substantial people to bridge and tennis you get to know your opponents as well you can tell the band's every move is gonna make that must be darling you should be taking a nap you and your dolls I know you guys can punch your hand I have something for you all right Susan where did that come from uncle Tommy oh why I asked you not to buy it look about me a bracelet - why that must have cost $300 I saw the price tag $300 he wouldn't have spent that much money if he hadn't told you what interested I don't think I need even answer that well of course you'll return it won't you Susan certainly I asked mr. Randall not to buy it but he should I get back my bracelet - no darling us I think better go take your nap we'll play or something huh all right still you might have met it as a wedding present yes in that case there'd be no harm and you're keeping it after all it did cost quite a lot well my boy be happy with a girl like that sometimes I wonder of course I will mother why do you say that oh I don't know Susan seems to have changed a great deal lately well she'll be all right after we're married [Music] well it's about time we declared an armistice I've been feeling terrible too well this is very pretty but of course I can't accept it hmm take back your baubles is that it listen Susan I think you're being buried was it as bad as all that don't you like me anymore that has nothing to do with it well don't you not particularly you know what you tell me keep your chin up and you will king as Sun lo says the strongest man in the world cannot lift a heavy heart why is your heart heavy you know that mr. hope Susan's gonna marry him Oh she'll have mrs. hope for a mother-in-law it'll serve it right too oh no nobody should have mrs. hope for a mother-in-law ah there you are young lady just the one I want to see I've got a surprise for you as none shall men's to a squirrel so they surprised when Murray says it right oh darling you're going to leave the ship at Singapore what now supposing you run down below and start to get ready then when you come back I'll tell you the rest of the surprise you want to give uncle Tommy a surprise too just to make him feel better he's been in the doghouse what is all this I just received this Wireless from Shanghai [Music] what's the concert gonna do with it well there's a missionary home for goes and shanghai he'll probably see what she's placed in it home for girls I mean great uniforms and pigtails ching-ching was never meant for that I know oh man but I'm afraid it's about all that can be done for her Oh captain wait this may sound crazy but why can't I adopt her now see here son you're a bachelor and quite a bachelor why no court turn the child over to you you mean it would make a difference if I remarried I don't naturally it's a horrible step well I don't think you need worry old man you haven't got time now [Applause] excuse me have you seen ching-ching yes do you know where she is yes would you mind telling me she's below getting ready to leave the ship at the next stop and they're putting her in a home for girls she'll be marching in lockstep and eating gruel within a week I hope you like it Oh Tommy tears won't help oh but you only something can be done this can't happen - changing I don't know wait a minute you're gonna marry old sourpuss aren't you I thank you up I'm sorry no offense man look I tried to adopt changing but they wouldn't let me because I'm unmarried but you're getting married you could adopt her Richard might you don't want her to go to an institution do you of course not well then listen I've gone completely soft about that kid incredible I know but true I wish you'd adopt her let me pay for upbringing until I can take her myself and that'll be as quick as I can get to the states and come back with a wife would you do it it wouldn't be for long you may not believe it but they're quite a few girls back home will be willing to marry me at least there used to be it's not for me it's for ching-ching I'll do it I knew you would ask me to you Susan find me sir Susan dear I'm awfully sorry if I know I do in speaking of that bracelet as I did imagine my becoming so upset over a man thinking oh I was a little upset myself I'm sorry that's better everything's alright now here we are the three happy hopes here we go mother was a little weepy when you stalked out like that somehow she got the idea you'd prefer her not to live with us why whatever could have given her that idea I don't know I told her we couldn't get along without her didn't that mother yes you did son well I I don't suppose we could now that's awfully sweet of you Susan heaven protect us all from interfering mothers-in-law but I always say goodness I was married myself once and I know what I'm talking about not that mr. hopes mother didn't mean well but then you know young love we do know that way Richard yes just one thing what is it well I want to adopt little ching-ching as soon as we're married what who ever heard of such a thing oh but if I don't go put her in an institution well that's what institutions are for Richard please I'm sure Richard doesn't wanna start his married life the ready-made family especially but the child called ching-ching but it won't be for long just until mr. Randall gets back Randall what's he got to do with it well you see it's a favor to him he wants to adopt her as soon as he can and when he gets back to the states to his family why he'll arrange to take her why should i do mr. Randall a favor well I indeed but it isn't for him it's for the little girl think of the future don't meddle with other people's destinies my dear forget about this child she got along before she met you when she get along after she leaves you from your mind completely please mrs. Hope don't you think Richard and I should settle this by ourselves after all it concerns us anything the concerns Richard concerns me I think mother's right Susan you do yes your mother's right and I'm wrong well yes that is I think you're mistaken so do I I've been mistaken about you and me now Susan listen marriage is for two people I'm breaking our engagement Richard she'll come back meanwhile you wait the man should always wait otherwise he's weak [Music] changing change a fire for Tommy the captain says I have to go oh no you don't know didn't you say that she could be adopted by someone who's well yes I did going to be here she is now sure not now tell her Susan miss Parker's getting married and she's gonna adopt ching-ching oh but I'm not going to be married what oh but you said hey I think we better go now darling oh just a minute this isn't really goodbye I'll come back for you real soon and in the meantime you won't cry will you no Tommy but remember one one minute away is is a center to the hopeful I'll remember changing goodbye sweet [Music] if you ever come back again you will forget to come and see me will you I'll be in your fan assignment Shanghai oh sure we're looking on won't we oh yes we will maybe we'll have some more fun like we had we might even go back to jail again yeah well I think that better run along now before I really cry goodbye [Applause] we can't let this happen to her look Susan I've got an idea please don't say no to hear me out I know exactly what you think of me but that isn't important now listen marry me please don't misunderstand you wouldn't have to put up with me it'd just be a marriage in name only soon as we dock in San Francisco you'll go right to Reno and get a divorce my lawyers will take care of everything I wish you would for changing it's the only way you'd really do that for her I'd do anything in the world for her so would I and you will hey bring her back what's that we're getting married we want to adopt her darling we're going back aboard ship again for as much as Susan Parker and Thomas Randall have consented together in holy wedlock and have witnessed the same before this company and thereto have given and pledged their troth each to the other and have declared the same by giving and receiving a ring and by joining hands I pronounce that they are man and wife I mean all happiness my dear good luck my boy thank you twice pledge to seek love sports bride and groom for their happiness this is congratulations mr. and I'll congratulate much majority well thank you I wish you happiness mister thank you captain I guess the sailors not as good as City Hall's there'll be some necessary formalities about the child of course I'll have my lawyer take care of that Susan why did you do this young man you're talking to my wife Richard dear and you told me to wait are you really enjoying my parents now we're the best you've got Darla Solo says a child without parents is like a ship without a rudder non-lawyer ever say anything about little girls going to sleep oh yeah he said sleep without dreams is given the children for the incense and old men for their wisdom well off you go then I'm almost too excited to sleep but I'll try goodnight can I dance too good night honey good night darling but I'm not your uncle anymore what are you then can't you keys I know you're my father now like dad [Music] well here you are I did the stewardess movie things mm-hmm she said mrs. hope almost bitter okay no all right I just want to say that if there was anything you wanted me to do it then credibility to the situation I'll be glad to do it you know people will talk whatever we want sharks cars well I guess I'll be off I don't know how to thank you I'll try to make things as easy for you as possible I'm cabling my lawyers tonight and you can go director Reno as soon as the boat docks everything's been arranged you're very thoughtful well not at all oh you like Reno it's a fascinating place fresh air and horseback riding a lot of nice emotional people oh this is the address you go to thank you you're really wonderful I suppose you know that well the moment I don't feel very wonderful well you must know I don't feel so good myself good night good night Tommy [Music] Hey [Music] begging your pardon sir where should I lay out your pyjamas this evening where you laid them last night oh I'm so sorry [Music] come in Susan why didn't you warn me we're going to do this I didn't have time and it's hard it's too late now well it's hardly funny is it not to me well tell me one thing you don't love him do you tell you no I don't but even if I did it would make any difference yes it would listen darling I've been a worm I know that now but I've had an understanding with mother you can have your way from now on always it if you'll tell me there's a chance I know Richard it wouldn't work you know it wouldn't you can be nice you're nice now but please Susan oh no really I'm too confused to talk about it I'm even too upset to think about it I'll follow I'll follow you until you say yes oh no Richard I'd rather you didn't you better lock this one Nevermore when Moe in four suddenly life turns out to be one never knows the moment then right before your eyes someone occupied your embrace someday how can you find too hard someday hey baby time for the future Oh one never knows that's not the way [Music] and then [Music] does one [Music] now you stay in here and I'll wait out in the courtroom oh yeah now you mustn't be nervous when your case is called I've placed you right at the beginning of today's calendar and meanwhile you can wait here I taught the kind of you jet you see this is my first divorcing I'm a little jittery there's a little strange at first but they all get used to it you know like influenza come right in here please darling I'm so glad to see you oh this is a surprise but I don't understand well you see I thought I might want another divorce sometime and have sort of curious to see how they made him Oh judge booth this is mr. Randall the husband I presume yes this is my daughter your daughter adopted Oh how are you young lady fine thank you the great one you love is better for the health and medicine well I declare that sounds like a Chinese proverb Oh judge you haven't heard anything yet well well well come over here and talk to me I I tried to stay away then I found I couldn't I had to see you again suppose you and I have our talk in the other room will you excuse us for a few moments oh but would it be proper I mean are being left alone together now oh it's quite customary you're looking very well I haven't added drink in six weeks that's wonderful no it isn't it's terrible still I'll get along it does show you what the influence of a good woman can do oh really who is she changing I told you once I'd do anything in the world for her you've proven that honestly you wouldn't know me I'm a changed man I may not be any better but at least I'm different I'm so glad you know you were right about Reno it's a fascinating place so charming enough Susan darling Oh Tommy please do we have to go through with this Richard is waiting in the courtroom to marry me he's going to take me back to the Orient with him oh I see well I guess that's that didn't I'm sorry sorry your than I can say everyone rise hee-hee-hee the district court of the county of Washington of Nevada is now in session the Honorable JD bull judge presiding we see the case case of Randall vs. Randall any witnesses for plaintiff down your honor the case is uncontested in that case the court would like to call a witness of its own what your honor the case is uncontested I said the court will call a witness of its own miss Barbara Randall please your honor we don't want her mixed up in this the witness will take the stand the defendant will please be seated raise your right hand please uh I think we can dispense with the oath yes your honor now miss Randall ching-ching judge thank you now ching-ching plaintiff alleges general incompatibility have you ever noticed any evidence of such a condition existing between the parties to this action to my knowledge the contestant in this action had manifested nothing but the most harmonious cordial and friendly feelings toward each other but Your Honor I object well young man why I'm engaged to the plaintiff engaged to a married woman this Court recognizes no such engagement now ching-ching have either of the parties in this action ever evidenced by that conduct any proper legal ground for divorce utterly no ground for disturbing the marital status of the contestants and it's most irregular your honor the child plainly doesn't know what she is saying oh yes she does tell the court isn't this divorce action the result of two grown-up people behaving like stubborn children refusing the breakdown admit that they're in love with each other the allegations of the complaint insofar as it refers to oh yes insofar as it refers to macaroni macaroni there see your honor the child is obviously been coached I was not I just forgot what the judge told me to say it's counsel in the meeting that the witness is lying wrongful charges just that have you any witnesses to disprove her testimony why do you wish testify that this child was lying why no of course not then you admit that you love mrs. Randall she knows I do I knew mrs. Randall do you wish to attack this child's veracity no certainly not then you admit that you love your husband well yes I do then what's all this nonsense about the Boston I take your child and go home both of you where you belong Your Honor what about me my advice to you young man is to stop tampering with the affections of married women well we didn't didn't we you bet we did judge you're simply stravagant my mom is like the song to my dad he's safe and strong that we have them all you know that's what I want for Christmas that my don't be made of rags fireman hats of paper beds just on the reading test that's what I want for Christmas it's a happy holiday every heart is like moon day for Sandy Claws your kind I'm sure too young and Noble rich and for goodness sake do away with tummy aches give out blocked up lucky break that's what I want for Christmas yes that's what I want for Christmas I don't want that's what I want [Music] everywhere that's what I want when the Vegas my house quiet as a mouse but in my dreams I seem to see that never forgive me boys never fight that's what I want yes that's what I want [Music] you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Classic Film Channel
Views: 743,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stowaway, Stowaway (1936), Stowaway (film), Stowaway Shirley Temple, Stowaway 1936, shirley temple movies, shirley temple, movies, classic movies, classic films, free classic movies, free movies, free
Id: 7oQyOwsHOXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 24sec (5004 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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