Poor Little Rich Girl (1936)

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[Music] you [Music] why he'd anymore at them but definitely spinach is very rich in vitamins I might say this cutting me rich and very good for you miss Barbara's you don't I couldn't say offhand miss Barbara that you must eat some more of your spirits I know I have but you see your Lance calls are so many vitamins and you must have them all right [Music] my goodness that was an awful big vitamin have you finished miss darling but definitely [Music] the third sneeze let me see your tongue I'm afraid you'll have to go to bed I'm not sick I feel fine oh color she's perfectly well that's me there's nothing to be alarmed add perhaps not but I'm responsible for the child come idea [Music] child slaves and you think the world was coming to an end what he can't be he leave her under when she's a perfectly normal healthy child the way they carry only a you think she was meter blasts something ought to be done more in common how mr. Barry can stand that female is beyond me Haley you can't expect a widower man as busy as mr. Barry is to notice everything that's going on with the house better do you know it just seems to be a slight cold that mr. Barry always wants us to notify him just got a message remains hold me child until maybe just got a message from valleys hold the child a deal ok I'll see that he gets the message you know I miss various yeah he's on with the house Holdings ever we got to get in touch with him right away your daughter seriously oh well I'll go with the show and pick him up you falling for the meantime and I'm on the way of work [Music] thank you ladies ready for the opening of the exhibit at 2:15 yes mr. berry [Music] I help seems I can't go anywhere do anything without very making trouble for me I hate that man he causes me more sleepless night it was nice what do they do players like tumble and you in doing something everything but there are they awake half the night thinking up new ideas the next morning I find the bearings natto and beaten me to them he's taught me in a thousand ways I wish he drowned his own soap set but I shouldn't be boring you with my truck haha that's all right you in this business yes and I'm with the pet company I'd be I'm sorry you just like to spell a battery though he's really not a bad start are you doing slightly my barber cuts his hair maybe I could bribe him to cut his throat Oh mr. Barry did you think she'll be all right no let me see yeah she'll do very nicely thank you mr. Barry that's just what I thought well of all of our trick letting me talk my head off about telling another example of bearing covenants I suppose [Music] was she burning about I keep her awake night mr. Barry it's apparent you wanted home right away Barbara's very Oh [Music] with a very good reason why I am [Music] you're the only friend I've ever had [Music] am I gonna have trouble with you I really ought to you'll have me away but [Music] [Music] how you feeling honey I wouldn't know how to feel any better well you'll read to me from this oh right which one is it to me it's the one for Betty runs away from New York and the Fatima I need to Tony with the organ-grinder and his nothing Betsy where was two years old and her mother died because the family was poor Betsy couldn't stay at home so she was sent to an often asylum which was an ugly red brick building far far away from where Betsy used to live it is I'm where Betsy used to live a young man came dancing round the corner in a green coat and pump right into him excuse me said the young man I'm always bumping into people that's why they call me puddin head so Mary couldn't play that afternoon she had less enough to draw wait what happened after bet he met puddin head oh excuse me why I must have skipped a page how is she the doctor with he and he said there isn't the slightest thing the matter with her now mr. berry she's perfectly all right come on just get Tenakee every time a child sneeze is Collinses right I want every precaution taken of course I know it's none of my business mr. berry but did you ever stop to consider and the constant piling up of precautions and attentions was bad for the child why she's pampered and watched over and baby to death would you mind if I'd offer a suggestion no go ahead if I were you I'd tell Barbara to school I should be with other children well there may be something in that perhaps schools the thing for tell calendar wish to speak to her I'll ask her about it I know what Collins will say Collins are we thin no hello sweet Danny why don't we always have to play alone why can't I play with other children I mean how would you like to go to school yeah I get that fellow yes mr. Barry Oh Collins I'm sending Barbara to school up in the Adirondacks the school her mother used to go through I'd like to bury the child much too young for a summer camp didn't they kill you Cullen though we said no I've owned it following your instructions mr. Barry I'm sorry if you feel that nonsense she needs the companionship of other children get in touch with the forest grove school and make arrangements for her entrance right away I kept all the detail yes sir Barry you wanted to listen to the changes being made on your radio all the problems are now oh yeah [Music] why [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] marry [Music] and now the berry baritone who sing that new hit tune when I'm with you every street I walk becomes a lair I can't see this [Music] you're seven one with you I'll sing a love song there's music in the breeze this come you are different the world is lovely one winner [Applause] no daddy this house wouldn't be so lonesome if you stay home once in a while I stayed home all the time there wouldn't be any house - no daddy I don't think that some I've got my own voice what hidden an ordinary day it comes a holiday when I'm with you I am what I don't wanna play I [Music] and every night I pray the normal when I [Music] are you gonna be in school with me nobody I'm going to take the publication's vacation it's a breath dear it means getting away from people you've been with every day and seeing new faces you really become another person on a vacation what person are you gonna do oh just another person it's going to school a vacation hardly just the opposite you think Collins is strict wait till you get to school there'll be no running to would wonder to your daddy do just what you're told I don't think I'm gonna like school the ID tapes nope you with me no my dear you're not allowed to have dogs from school no no indeed that's all right darling we'd better get started come on yeah goodbye to Nobby are they expecting you at school this evening no I told them we'd be out sometime this week really better wire them you're arriving in to have a car meet you I don't mean station you're gonna be very happy it's collages Rita maybe maybe I sure you're going to be happy I'll get them spend every weekend [Music] goodbye sweetheart oh sorry I can't I'm a true business appointment already if I'm always running away from you doesn't well I'll make up for Saturday and Sunday off spend every minute with you we'll have lots of fun take good care of a column yep [Music] oh it's waiting for a penny I want to be wait well I hadn't a penny I had the penny all right now here [Music] on this side is a weight 58 pounds on this side is your fortune what a pain it says you're going away on a long trip I'm going to meet a lot of strange people what is Micra she come I did [Music] [Music] Oh God I must have dropped this no got out of the car keep an eye on her I'll be back in a minute yes ma'am [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] journey group was widened in Jackson Lee all by yourself I need that's where that's a mighty pretty name did you ever have a vacation oh yes missus laughs lots of the off you don't have too many of them I'll bet they're more fun than going to school I never had a vacation but I'm thinking about how to dress brother all right Little Miss you just wait right here I'll come back it was a lady a little girl with deed they went we didn't come back the Train dear was take done go alright moving identified no your pocketbook no laundry marks nothing well you better call up the Bureau of missing persons have a general description set up [Music] [Music] I don't you are you Tony that's right I'm doing here is my middle name you wanna come back are you very nice a little bumpy no you go home with your mom huh I have no mouth oh that's too bad let me go home look to your papa okay what's your name Betty where I used to live in the orphanage they were made to me I'll be me and now I'm on a vacation huh I wanna do faces your face doesn't look very new well it's a good enough for me goodbye [Music] [Music] [Applause] why you chase me for I'm Betsy where I'd have to live in the orphanage but they were awful mean to me and now I'm on a vacation I know I know you told me that and you don't like my face [Music] [Music] mama maybe she's hungry I go get it come you stay my house tonight [Music] it's on the spot here they're good [Music] [Music] thank baby disruption we are dementia cotton and I would be what's the matter [Music] you eat the first [Music] so little and so soon maybe we cheaper yes are you crazy what do you want to do you want to good weekend for the kid not having children you have already six with a monkey then I take her to the policeman in the morning you come out [Music] bambina wait [Music] so Hachi maybe we cheap [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] exactly comes in handy preventing why you never can tell what somebody allows you to play a benefit oh don't forget we've got another radio edition tomorrow you know this radio record is a lot tougher than orful used to be remember when we got married no and don't remind me and by the way I'm getting tired of these radio auditions we don't land a sponsor soon I'm going home to my mother well that's better than bringing the old bed legs here I'm only kidding you know honey I'm working on a step that's gonna dad bill Robinson talking himself watched it I can't see anybody tie then [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's a kid Jerry Jerry are you the one that was answering my steps Tony who is he he's an orphan I just shoot run away and she followed me here Jerry she's a natural okay did you ever see a better bet oh she's part of alright kid Dolan Dolan and Dolan Hey what's your name thank you where are you couldn't head half a he's putting head come on what is all about don't you see that kid there's a novelty just what we need for the egg what's the matter you crazy what do you know about the child all there is to know she ran away from an orphan asylum open asylum your aunt did you notice her hand well they don't manicure him it off in a solemn well I don't know friend of mine got a tear cutting sing-sing you're always making mountains out of mothballs supposedly his story does turn out to be a phony all right so we believed it we fed it took good care of her and put on the air they can't hang it for that Jenny they can try wait a minute I want the police department Bureau of missing persons Bureau of missing persons is anybody missing Oh thousands of people that's very interesting did anybody report a kid missing by the name of the Betsy where Jimmy oh no record oh no no I don't want to make a report no thanks well if I should ever lose a kid by that name I'll let you know what oh wise guy Aang you better turn her in anyway I tell you it's okay [Music] whoa wait a minute listen sweetheart remember your Bonnie Dolan the radio star don't use your real name around here don't even think but just forget that your Betsy where are you playing me game yeah that's it a game will you play along with it mm-hmm I love game alright now don't forget Betsy my name's Bonnie Dolan where Dolan Dolan and Dolan we have an appointment here with Dan ward of the warden wallets advertising agency oh yes for an audition room B to your right please hello mr. one hello miss one yeah this is my wife Jerry and this is the our kid Bonnie Dolan and we got a man and we got an egg I'm asking you don't ask me show me listen to me my passionate appeal but told me to make hearts loop-de-loop never ever so with the one you why didn't I I saw them love with him by the way Cuban and a willing heart will hear you if you move a little closer thank you Predaking little hand that's fine now look into his eyes [Music] [Music] but if it all turns out to be your love is a blessing to me I [Music] Oh you repeated my heart it turns out only a beautiful dream [Music] not bad I'll be right out I have a client who might be interested you wait here [Music] sure I guess he's gone to the next room to applaud Margit there's a Dan listen I've got the greatest act that's ever been offered to radio it's no Youth Dan mr. Peck just won't go on the air wait a minute I know he won't go for girls and I know we won't go for crewmen but he'll go for this but you said we were good never pay any attention to what he says maybe we were too good oh this client of mine yeah then I was telling you about yet we'll see you this afternoon yeah we're good God for good but couldn't you be there at 3:00 can we be there at 3:00 can we be there at 3:00 we'll be there in five minutes to 3:00 good afternoon textile company I don't care how good they are I tell you I don't bought a radio show but mr. Peck if you'd only give them an audition it was the most unusual a mr. Peck they'll be up here in a few moments Oh mr. barrier the berry soup company is here says he has an appointment you know what that young upstart wants telephoned me this morning said he wanted to see me I have no idea when I have he wants me to buy him out buy him out i mr. Peck the berry Phil I know he's been selling soap but he's been spending 11 cents on ballyhoo or everything assente be sold but think of shale the figures it takes no genius to offer five dollar bills for for a did do a volume of business but the day of reckoning is always around the corner and it's caught up with Barry July so I shine it yeah sure i man you stay coach well well if it isn't text back let the tech want you to go right in that's my new way to the old man listen why'd you like to have lunch with your boss wait my god sure we're gonna hand buy out the whole shebang Thomas last legs and tackle probably be glad to tell us all what's funny about that yes sir I'll tell him but detect once to know what's delaying you your boy can't wait see you later yeah mr. Peck yes mr. berry just what can I do for you today well pecked I understand that this place is going to going to pot hey now I might consider taking it off your hands Rick do I understand you just saying you understand me to say that I'll buy you out how much have you the colossal insolence to suggest that I sell my business to you why not you've been losing money for the past two years you're practically broke get out get out before I kick you out okay all right gather that he doesn't want to sell is that your impression - definitely well today bother no boss how about the day provinces oh I couldn't possibly oh come on be a spot you leavin with me aren't you when will it be Oh Friday at 1:00 fine that does that way they mob they didn't need one of our competitors as far as I'm concerned he has no competition [Music] [Music] so we got me wet all and Dolan and Dolan the baby goes tag oh yes Dolan Dolan and Dolan in which one are you I'm the one in the middle medallion baby at the moment what are you waiting her Alden darling don't do that be good little girl and sit down over there I want to talk to put in a minute I wish you'd do me a favor and stop worrying you're beginning to look terrible oh why wouldn't I I dozed off this morning at 3:30 and slept like a log till 4:00 you'll get nothing to worry about the way you're acting you'd think we were kidnappers that's what I'm afraid the judge will think we get a nice fair trial we may get off with life hello how'd you get in here hi I'm Bonnie Dylan a big radio star you know Dolan Dolan and Dolan and are we good ah so they sent you in here to soften me up today a young lady you're wasting your time now get out of here why have you got so many doors to keep out Newton is it one door won't stop but they are open nothing to do with you now get along with you what do you want me to go alone tell me a story I don't know any stories you know you remind me of all mr. spindle shanks hmm mr. spindle shanks he's the old grouch in the bed sofware stories who helps Betsy when she's hungry okay they're not hungry are you no I just had lunch and I did something bad - why'd you do well we had spinach and while Jimmy wasn't looking I put mine on his plate no no no that is wrong now you should have eaten your spinach it's good for you oh I heard we're going I'm going to get along why instead for me - I didn't say anything of the kind all I said was it spinning food good for you come back here sit down [Applause] come on where rectification do you know something I didn't think I was gonna like you at first huh but I like you now okay here here yes your eyebrows are so nice and ragged all right hey don't show your thing all right mm-hm hey sing a song for me all right bye you borrow bellies every booster Carrie Starbird I hey what's the matter why'd you learn that trash on the radio I heard it on the radio ah radio got to be our log interested arm figure you know how to play piggy back there Jim J no I got think I go down huh now I put my arms around your neck like this now go like this ride a cock-horse to Banbury cross to see a fine lady upon a white horse rings on her fingers and dump on their toes she shall have music wherever she goes now you run around it around while you sing it take my leg huh write a fat arse to bend every card to see your fine lady part of my car don't bet on her toes she could have music write that down concerning conference write a horse to banbury cross you always tell people to get out I do when I'm engaged in important business yeah right a horse to banbury Virginia fine lady are not by ours so I supposed to keep me waiting I'm a salad Oh where's the charm good haven't you haven't forgotten she was just here [Music] so you thought you tricked me into going on the air did you yeah you deliberately sent this child to influence me well I let you know we didn't work as a matter of fact I made up my mind a long time ago to go on the air yeah but she had nothing to do with it nothing whatever she didn't influence me the slightest now understand that oh yes oh cool now you will arrange for time on the air at once I want these folks to start on a series of 15-minute programs five nights a week starting tomorrow night tomorrow night but but meant to Peck I couldn't possibly do that and make it possible didn't I tell you all we needed was a break 13 weeks on the dotted line oh it's wonderful Jimmy I hope we click oh I will knock them dead but we have to kill people oh we won't kill him we'll just lay them Oh they'll be on in a few minutes and if you want to see a radio show that'll make you look fit oh they they can't be that good all right I'll listen I'll tell you about it at lunch tomorrow good bye Ginsberg stupid or only just a moment now my dear I remember that there are a lot of people out there and then you mustn't be nervous you mustn't be afraid afraid of what well that's just it my dear there's nothing to be afraid of really but this is all going to be new to you do you want me to be a freak yeah heavens no darling that's why I'm telling you if I do get afraid it'll be on account of you're talking so much energy baby you're do you're right my dear hey you're perfect let have less chatter tonight we are inaugurating the peg so power over the federal Broadcasting System and so it is with great pleasure that I present Dolan Dolan and Dolan with Donald Hastings Orchestra [Music] hello [Music] yes [Music] I'll be right over Oh how he's only gonna listen to a radio program but I guess I'm not missing anything every become I can't see the Sun so we're out [Music] you're the seven wonders [Music] let me make [Music] I want your cheeks to be rosy your lips like the color darling the way that people will say that why but you looking I want a sturdy and masculine she darling the way that people will say that you know what a gorgeous thing if you want to be like I want you to be [Music] [Applause] it'll keep you kind and healthy and what it did for Popeye it will do for you [Music] if you lock the PMT for when every operator then you will need everybody [Music] don't have a kid anybody about me [Music] [Music] I'm not [Music] we know the Beanery we positively refuse to budge you know we don't believe [Music] have to do with children shouldn't be yes ma'am are you about to be in the even yarrow yes sir yes ma'am I will tell all the kitchens and nation who sent me to see you about it children have to do what they are told children good these are very bold are you will be a meanie when your own so [Music] [Applause] and you didn't hear our broadcast last night no I I was called away before it started how does it blow over Oh beautifully the child in the ex Martha my pigtailed did you we developing imaginable I'm gravy about it yes you want to take my youngster he's away at school now I'm going up there tomorrow and spend the weekend with it I believe I have a picture living you know you had all right I guess I left it in another suit however I'll bring it along next time next time Oh haven't I told you you were having dinner with me tonight I'm going to be home listening to our radio broadcast and we'll both listen while we're having cocktails and then we're out to dinner are you okay any chance giving me what's known with the Russian no no I'm doing this for my insomnia you see you've turned the tables on me how are you I mean now you're keeping me awake [Music] in the last night's premia Dolan Dolan and Dolan z-- radioactive to be sock entertainment yeah so is this oh you're always belittling and you can heat that stuff in the ashcan we're on top of the world now baby people don't walk on top of the world and Don Stark that's just the place to wear them feet don't slip so easy oh she did swell Dolan Dolan and Dolan are you happy with it darling mm-hmm why couldn't she sneeze get the doctor quick hey we gotta put in a bed maybe we should get a Saluki huh how about cuz uncut and ashame hey what is this well the only time to get down to the broadcasting stations bigshot well I have time to go down and see Tony and the kids so we'll pick up on the way up hello hello what's your name funny Dylan go on don't give me that you don't belong to those folks what's your real name you like peppermint candy walk down to the corner with me and I'll buy you some hey where you going with that kid I'm just taking her down the street to buy her some candy yeah well if anybody's gonna buy a candy it'll be me I was just trying to be friendly cute little chick ain't ya [Music] oh I'm I'm sorry I got tangled in a deal for another taxi you're drowning your own stuff that's yet afraid I can't afford to drown out you know you look very lovely tonight have a cocktail it'll help sustain the illusion and I met all the program the Bonnie goes on again after the drug this meditation and now ladies and gentlemen America's newest sweetheart of the air little Bonnie Dolan will sing her own version of when I am with you merry holiday Cammi didn't you wonder how boys it's just like barbers how if I didn't know my child's that's cool it I'd swear it all children voices doubt about a light cuz there's that slight difference it makes Bonnie stand out and a proud father probably wouldn't even notice that damn [Music] it is proper are you losing your mind that Bonnie Dolan but I tell you what's my daughter where you thought I think [Music] look you're just making a complete idiot of yourself that's settled eight eight six three two I will not be quiet or you must be crazy I know the challenge I know her parents I tell you I'm her parent hello Richard Berry toppings you have my daughter over there the little girl singing on the petcock hold her I'll be right over operator give me the fire scroll school apparently yes click oh this is Columbus eight five one four why do I have to marry your girl like this good night dad you have to who's that you're going to why I wouldn't marry you you will marry me if I want you to hello this is Richard Berry talking I is my daughter Barbara there no mr. Berry we're waiting for her haven't you received a wire from a nurse no mr. Barry shall we should never go to the school come on and were you good we can't really played him didn't we come on darling great little truth with that kid just like a father I caught all she knows but she was six months old the name of the Act was Dolan and Dolan then she used a mr. Richard Berry just phone said bunny Dolan is his daughter and what's us to hold her here he was very excited Barry huh yeah trying to put something over on me again the nerve but what else did he say that's all except that he was on his way over good I'll tell that cheap upstart just for he gets off trying to steal my Calot Daisy I sue him I'm here you get your wife and child and get them out of here yes sir Barry let's get out of here don't ask me questions where we going [Music] honey tell us the truth do you know mr. berry you won't be angry if I kill you no sweetheart mr. berries my daddy didn't I tell you you didn't jump out of a hat didn't I tell you they'd catch up with us what do we do now there's only one thing to do take it at the apartment telephone dial where she is and then duck like a taxi taxi oh I should have known better than listen to you there's nothing to be afraid of all we've got to do it Oh and now a nice kid you have there yeah oh yeah [Music] Maxie we've got to go something's come up and we've got to go right away can I go with you oh no no you stay here I don't wanna stay here all alone honey do it's a big favor stay right here listen sweetie you stay here we'll call your daddy and you'll come for you in a few minutes oh yes we play with your toys goodbye darling why am I putting him [Music] a fine cotton or story if she's your daughter what's she doing here he's here Radio performer no no no but I have no time to explain now where is he he's gone and don't any of you tell him where she is can't you see that I'm telling you the truth yeah yeah it's for you Richard yeah what's the number of the house yes what floor and the parlor floor the first door to your left I know where she is she's all alone great kappa she Rita your daughter you know what I've been telling you for the past half-hour you're crazy old Buzzard you know we're a couple of heels running out on the kid like this I know honey but yeah in a couple of dances world they're bound to get us I guess you're right everybody knows Dolan and Dolan they know we had the kid too of course and if we run away it'll look worse come on let's go back and face it come on now be a nice little girl I'll buy your pretty present if you tell me who your father is I won't kill you I don't like you yeah better tell I don't you're coming with me where you going that [Music] how'd you get brought you here David with Collins what happened to her I don't know she lost her person went away so I thought I'd go on a vacation I found Tony and then mr. and miss Pudd'nhead Bonnie what are they doing they're my friends they're my best friends they save me from that bad man she told us you ran away from an orphan asylum what do we mean to it and we believed it didn't you tell us that Bonnie yes I did but I wasn't telling a lie I would just play any game they played with me see I've never had so much fun in my whole life but I'm glad to be back with you daddy oh I'll Suze I'm afraid I put you through a lot of bother you need to hold those people any longer wait a minute wait am i coming on this I've got a contract you know what that contracts worth listen you two you've been battling around trying to buy each other out why don't you merge the two companies then between you you can force the neck of the whole nation that's a thought Margaret him never I don't know what that means but if why don't you do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Classic Film Channel
Views: 1,075,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Poor Little Rich Girl (1936), Poor Little Rich Girl, Poor Little Rich Girl 1936, Poor Little Rich Girl Shirley Temple, Shirley Temple, Shirley Temple movies, Shirley Temple full movies, classic movies
Id: 1-KIi_LKH6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 23sec (4583 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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