Baby Creates New Recipes | Yummy Food for Kids | Learn Food | Nursery Rhymes | Kids Songs | BabyBus

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baby bust click here to subscribe wow they all look so delicious [Music] [Music] oh something is in my drink [Music] ours too this is so fun dad timmy's playing around oh [Music] well i think he's creating new recipes new recipes yeah [Music] look this is cookie yogurt this is lollipop yogurt and this is [Laughter] you can try and create more recipes wow i want to try some too no problem [Music] little chefs are you ready to make some delicious food [Music] make a pizza all together put on some cheese and sausages [Music] let's make a hamburger all together put a patty and some lettuce [Music] [Music] let's make ice cream all together put some crispy cookies we add some lemon juice it'll be even better [Music] yummy yummy let's have a bite [Music] [Music] let's make apple juice all together it'll be sweet and smells so good [Music] yummy yummy yummy let's drink some it's sweet [Music] what did you add to the juice there was some green fruit this is bitter melon [Laughter] please keep an eye on my candy i'll be right back okay oh no someone took mimi's candy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] who is it come on he'll take the candy from the candy basket let's see if we can find any clue oh [Music] what's this this way let's go [Music] oh who is it is it you who me yes yeah not me [Music] who [Music] who took the candy from the candy basket [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come [Music] who is it is it you who me yes yes me it's you hey [Music] [Music] it's an earthquake maybe teammates come here do you know what to do during an earthquake yes [Music] big earthquake shaking shaking big earthquake oh dangerous shaking shaking dangerous stay calm please hide somewhere and crouch down hold on tight with your hands you must do this to be safe big earthquake shaking shaking big earthquake dangerous shaking shaking dangerous stay calm please careful of windows and shelves please stay in a safe place you must do this to be saved [Music] big earthquake shaking shaking big earthquake dangerous shaking shaking dangerous stay calm please wait until the shaking stops do not use the elevator you must do this to be safe big earthquake shaking shaking big earthquake dangerous shaking shaking dangerous stay calmly you don't need to cry and shout just wait for help to come you must do this to be safe [Music] [Applause] is everyone okay thank you firefighter elephant you're welcome you did a great job today when there's an earthquake we need to protect ourselves you're right [Music] kids we will have a party today party yeah we should go shopping for the party first then let's go now okay okay we're going shopping i want cookies let's go shopping let's go shopping let's go shopping [Music] oh mimi it's dangerous to run with your cart let's go shopping let's go shopping let's go shopping at the market looking here and there with a shopping cart be careful and walk slowly yes [Music] oh don't climb up on it timmy i'll get them for you let's go shopping let's go shopping let's go shopping at the market [Music] adults can get them for you let's go [Music] you should go with an adult stay together let's go shopping let's go shopping let's go shopping at the market to see amazing toys remember to go together yes [Music] you did many dangerous things at the market we will be careful from now on dad kids don't forget to be careful when you go to the market [Music] bye there are stairs that move by themselves do you know what it is stairs that move by themselves [Music] ah i know it's an escalator you are right let's take the escalator okay [Music] a long escalator in the shopping mall so busy going up and down holding mom's hand tight and standing in a line please keep standing in the safety line please don't run please don't jump be careful when you take the escalator along the escalator in the shopping mall so busy going please keep standing in the safety line please don't run please don't jump be careful when you take the escalator mom i want some toys a long escalator in the shopping mall so busy going up and down holding mom's hand tight and standing in my line please keep standing in the safety line please don't run please don't jump be careful when you take the escarator [Music] wow it's a toy train said [Music] it's so funny [Music] beautiful beach shining shining sun wow [Music] take your swim vest [Music] big white wings don't worry baby i know you can do it hold my hand come with me don't be afraid beautiful beach little animals stay away from it be careful be careful you could get colorful toys [Music] look it's your daddy [Music] let's throw a surprise party for mommy yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you [Music] timmy let's decorate the room with it okay oh [Music] one more yellow balloon [Music] here's a yellow bowler for you uh-huh [Music] this one's for mommy all right [Music] [Music] wow happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you [Applause] i love you honey [Laughter] i will be back soon don't open the door to strangers okay don't worry mom hey little rabbit open the door please knock knock knock knock let me come in no no no no i will not i won't open it until my mom's here [Music] [Applause] hey little rabbit open my door please knock knock knock knock let me come in [Music] until my mom's here [Music] hey little rabbit open the door please knock knock knock knock let me come in [Music] no no no no i will not babysit [Music] my little rabbit open the door [Music] please yes yes yes yes right away i will open it hello i'm kiki i am a magician today look these are my magic tools [Music] a magician in a repair shop and he can change [Music] [Music] [Music] huge tires [Music] a magician in a repair [Music] [Music] [Music] the green car won the first prize the ambulance came in second and the fire truck came in third congratulations green car you are the winner [Music] danger is coming [Music] wow [Music] safety wristband spit spin spin hey nobody's in danger anymore i don't like it that was really close you should not stick your head out like that [Music] thank you so much you're welcome it's dangerous to stick your head and hands out of the car [Music] let's take a look at some other safety tips when you're in the car today we will go to the amusement park great buckle up now let's go [Music] the wheels on the car go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the car go round and round to the amusement park [Music] the kid in the car presses the window switch windows switch windows switch the kid in the car presses the window switch he sticks his hand out the kid in the car tries to pick up his toy pick up his toy pick up his toy the kid in the car tries to pick up his toy he takes off his belt [Music] dad in the car sees him stops the car stops the car stops the car says to him it's so dangerous [Music] nice and straight nice and straight that kid in the car sits up nice and straight putting his seatbelt on [Music] enjoy his happy ride the wheels on the car go round and round round and round round and round the wheels on the car go round dad we are almost there wow look there's a ferris wheel yeah [Music] and remember to fasten your seat belt in addition to cars do you know how to safely take a bus wait [Music] let me show you when you get on the bus you should line up and not push others when you're on the bus don't run around stay seated don't stand by the door you could get hurt [Music] when you get off wait until the bus stops [Music] thanks now i know what to do you're welcome kids do you remember the safety tips we've learned today [Applause] great you've learned about safety wow [Music] oh no they've got a magic potion [Music] [Music] i want to eat ice cream okay [Music] huh stop safety wristbands spin spin spin [Music] nobody's in danger i don't like it oh sweetie are you okay i'm fine mommy thank you so much you're welcome we'll tell you how to safely cross the street what should i do let's take a look huh [Music] [Music] you may not go at the red light and you may go at the green light but please be careful at all times let's cross this street oh my friends e-i-e-i-o walk hand in hand with an adult e-i-e-i-o see the traffic light the green lights on check your left check your right no cars coming go stop at red and go at green e-i-e-i-o [Music] let's cross [Music] the street now stop at red and go angry [Music] [Music] see the traffic light the green lights on check your left check your right no cars coming go stop at red and go and green [Music] always keep an eye on the traffic light and cross the street when no cars are coming i'll keep it in mind got it i need to hold my mom's hand and keep watching the traffic lights do you know any other safety tips when you cross the street [Music] let's take a look use the crosswalk when you cross the street don't mess around or play with toys [Applause] when there's no crosswalk or traffic lights find an overpass or an underground tunnel nearby and use it to cross the street thanks now i know how to safely cross the street you're welcome kids do you remember what we've learned today great you've learned about safety yay oh no they've got a magic potion wow [Music] danger is coming here [Music] wristbands speed are you all right i'm fine nobody's in danger ugh i don't like it don't stand on the slide like that it's dangerous yeah and you should always be careful what should i do let's take a look [Music] kids let's play on the slide that doesn't look fun at all look at me [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm going down the slide i want to [Music] it's so fun it's so fun yeah yeah [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] great and you know what there are some other rules to follow when you play on the playground let's take a look when you play on the trampoline line up and don't push others try to keep your balance when jumping don't mess around and make sure to keep a safe distance between yourself and others when you play on the seesaw hold on tight with both hands until the season completely stops when you play in the sand don't throw sand at others [Music] and be careful not to rub your face with your hands [Music] do you remember what we've learned today [Applause] great you've learned about safety wow [Music] wow [Music] yay we've got a bottle of magic potions oh no they've got a magic potion [Music] is wow [Music] hooray [Music] passing tall mountains and deep valleys hooray hurry let's fly high higher [Music] it's falling down [Music] [Music] don't worry [Music] [Music] i need your help got it fire truck fire truck go go go fire truck fire truck go go go the ladder is ready for you thank you helicopter helicopter go go go helicopter helicopter go go thank you helicopter [Music] my kids [Music] [Music] [Laughter] look i brought a lot of food wow donut sandwiches and lollipops [Music] wow i want to have some right now wait till we arrive at the park for picnic let's get going okay [Music] a donut is falling down and rolling around the donut on the ground isn't okay to eat the yummy yummy doughnut i want to eat it what do we do donut on the ground is it okay to eat [Music] is it okay to eat the yummy sandwich i want to eat it what do we did the sandwich on the ground is it okay to eat come on eat it okay oh don't eat it [Music] yummy lollipop i want to read it what do we list the lollipop [Music] where is [Music] [Music] i feel sick in my tummy [Music] you should not eat food dropped on the ground when the food falls on the ground should not eat candy [Music] mommy where is the bus [Music] it's coming okay [Music] room here comes the bus room room here comes the bus take a seat the bus is moving okay [Music] let's ride the bus it's so much fun wow [Music] don't push others line up please okay [Music] [Music] okay timmy we're getting off soon [Music] [Music] hold on please wait until the bus stops [Music] ready [Music] bye bye [Music] timmy do you like riding the bus yeah i want to do it again room room [Music] [Laughter] wow such a cool sand table yeah i made some magic chocolate balls magic chocolate balls [Music] try them [Music] wow we shrink it's amazing yeah i can show you something more amazing let's go into the sand table wow great wow [Music] look we're smaller than the toys [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] huh here are three surprise eggs [Music] open them and find what are inside okay three little children with three eggs steam train popped out from one egg one child gets on the train now and the train says choo-choo let's go steam train goals team train goals slowly through the large field steam train goals steam train goes slowly through the green woods [Music] two little children with two eggs electric train popped up from one egg one child gets on the train now and the train says let's go electric train electric train quickly goes through the large field electric train electric train quickly goes through the green woods [Music] one little child with one egg high-speed train popped up from the egg the child gets on the train now and the train says choo-choo let's go train high speed train runs very fast through the large field high speed train high speed train runs very fast [Music] i had so much fun yeah thank you for today guys you're welcome let's go play on the slide yeah [Music] that doesn't look fun at all i have an idea [Music] let's go down this line how cool can i be lying down on the slide sliding like blind man watch me going down shoe shoe it's not fun enough what should i do yeah yeah let's go down the slide let's go down the slide how cool can i be standing up on the slide sliding like superman watch me going down shoe shoot this is dangerous yeah yeah let's go down the slide [Music] let's go down the slide how cool can i be sitting straight on the slide going down slowly this is so much fun shoot that hurts be careful when you go down the slide yeah yeah let's go down the slide let's go down the slide oh yeah [Music] it's going to rain i need to hurry [Music] oh [Music] no [Music] are you okay i can't start my engine what can i do i won't be able to deliver my cargo on time don't worry i'll help you i can deliver your cargo wow thank you steam train [Music] i'm steam trained let's hit the road i'm running fast on the railroad [Music] a strong wind's blowing i'm not scared i keep running brave steam train not afraid of strong wind i'm steam train let's hit the road i'm running fast on the railroad [Music] suddenly boom boom it's thundering i'm not scared i keep running brave steam train i'm not afraid of thunder [Music] suddenly drip drip the rain's pouring down i'm not scared i keep running brave steam train [Music] i'm not afraid of heavy rain i'm steam let's hit the road i'm running fast on the railroad [Music] suddenly they stopped the strong wind and rain see the sunshine and rainbow i feel so great [Music] i made it yeah you did great steam train you delivered your cargo on time even in bad weather of course i'm brave steam train i can solve any problems [Music] i'm gonna do something nobody's watching me careful careful [Music] careful careful [Music] oh no no i'm in trouble [Music] [Music] public manner [Music] think again you should think of others too nobody's watching me tiptoe oh no no i'm in trouble [Music] always remember public manner the public places [Music] you should be [Music] why should we have good manners in public [Laughter] if someone has bad manners in public you will feel uncomfortable and upset won't you that's why we all should have good manners in public places it will make our world a better place for everyone [Music] good morning kiki good morning huh what are you holding kiki it's an apple sapling how about planting it with me good then we'll have tasty apples later on [Music] but how do we plant it hmm don't worry kiki we can help you plant your apple saplings [Music] [Music] hurry hurry grow up fast [Music] water truck with a long hose spray spray water on it the sapling grows tall tall tall hurry hurry show your blossoms [Music] truck crane reach out your long arm shake shake shake [Music] many apples sweet and crispy enjoy them everyone [Music] kiki it's so sweet thanks to our vehicle friends we can enjoy tasty apples thank you [Music] [Applause] up running so fast [Music] two tigers two tigers running so fast running so fast one of them has no ears one of them has no tail it's so strange it's so strange [Music] [Music] oh let me do it again [Music] two tigers two tigers running so fast running so fast one of them has no ears it's so strange it's so strange [Music] right [Music] don't worry you can do it two tigers two tigers running so fast running so fast one of them has no ears one of them has no tail it's so strange it's so strange [Music] [Music] [Music] run run [Music] two faster running so fast running so fast one of them has no ears one of them has no tail one of them has no ears one of them has no doubt it's so strange [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] sure but we are not playing at home today daddy packed lots of yummy food wow let's go on a picnic [Music] [Music] [Applause] picnic picnic what to eat what to eat what to eat i'll have a pudding cake yummy yummy yummy [Applause] picnic what to eat what to eat what to eat a piece of strawberry cake yummy yummy yummy [Music] what to eat what to eat what to eat i'll have a pudding cake yummy yummy yummy [Music] a piece of strawberry cake yummy yummy yummy [Music] now one by one one by one pieces of cake on their backs come on let's go [Music] ants ants marching now one by one one by one pieces of cake on their backs come on let's go [Music] let me see it honey honey stay calm please stay calm stay calm just use the handkerchief and say bye bye little ant [Music] honey honey don't scratch it don't scratch it don't scratch it put on the ointment you won't itch anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] be careful not to spill your food or the ants might come back right good job mimi
Channel: BabyBus - Nursery Rhymes
Views: 1,865,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: for kids, panda, giant panda, baby bus, nursery rhymes, kids song, toddler songs, vehicle for kids, babybus, kiki and miu miu, baby bus song, baby panda, baby cartoon, baby songs, car song, babybus cartoon, animation for kids, children songs, kids songs, babies songs, babies videos, kids cartoon, babybus english, new recipe song, babybus recipe song, babybus food song, baby creates new recipes, yummy food for kids
Id: POFtQrWsldI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 5sec (3905 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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