THE LINUX APPS THAT WILL REPLACE MY MAC APPS | I list the apps I will be using on this channel.

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so I'm always going to be open to app suggestions that you guys have for me I want I honestly want to hear as many suggestions as you can come up with on applications to try for this [Music] channel so this is a project experiment or what have you for me to try to see if I can go all in on Linux for everything I do and for someone who edits video for a living who who does a t of Photography and then also dabbles in graphic design dabbles in audio recording and things like that going all in on Linux has not seemed like an easy thing to do in the past that's probably a misconception and that's what this channel is going to do is prove that wrong to myself and prove that wrong to a lot of people who may think that so that being said I want to talk about the applications that I know I'm going to use which are the most popular ones the ones that you probably already know and the ones that have a lot of YouTube channels out there already but I'm going to go through those and that way you can kind of see if there's something you know of that I haven't mentioned yet and then we can experiment together and learn all this together like I said before in the previous video I'm a professional video editor so I edit video on a daily basis for work right now my work station my editing workstation at work is all Adobe so Adobe Premiere after effects that whole thing I've in the past I've used used Avid I've used all versions of Final Cut Pro and and some resolve mostly resolve at home I never really use resolve in the professional setting but I have have used resolve at home and actually resolve is my daily driver in terms of editing videos for my photography YouTube channel so for the past years it's been all DiVinci resolve for my personal editing projects before that I was Final Cut Pro 10 before that it was Final Cut Pro 7 and whatnot so that being said I'll start off with the video editing application I know I'm going to use in terms of the free and open source option and that's Kaden live this should be no surprise to anyone because uh this is extremely popular and a lot of people already use it and have make make videos in all the time the thing for me is like I said with a lot of the with few exceptions all the software is really new to me so you're going to watch me learn everything about these apps including um Kaden live now I did mention in my introduction video is that I'm not guaranteed that I'm going to stick with free open source software 100% of the time so that being said to make this transition from Mac to Linux I'm going to dabble in some proprietary software mostly in the video editing space so resolve runs on Linux and light works runs on Linux so two editing applications that are crossplatform platform I can't run resolve on the system I bought on the Linux system I bought so I'm going to run light works on it here and there Kaden live is the one I really want to get to know and become really fluent in um from my early exper experiments it looks pretty amazing and I'm really excited to to get to know that so Kaden live is my VI will be my video editor or that's my goal is to make Kaden live my video editor the other important apps on my Macintosh are photo editing related and for that I'm going to most likely lean on dark table uh I know there are other applications and I know like can edit photos and we're going to talk about and stuff too but dark table is going to be the app I lean on most for photo editing on Linux and I've started to toy around with it and so far I'm really really excited and really really happy with the possibilities and so much so that I I could see me adopting dark table as my main editor on my Mac as well so we have Kaden live for video Dark table for photo uh library and photo editing now what do I do mostly after that well I make thumbnails for my YouTube channels and I do some dabble in some graphic design and whatnot so between and inkscape I don't know why I don't have a uh shortcut down there but between and inkscape I will fill that void so inkscape will be uh an app for my vector vector based projects and anything else that I want to do in terms of graphic design this is me playing around with my logos for this channel which I'm still not completely completely completely happy with I'm getting there but inkscape will be my my solution for graphic design and again like the other ones I'm really impressed so far it's been really really fun to use I'm only a few weeks into using all this so I'm still super super new as as you watch me use it you're going to see going to see me stumble try to find things that's going to be part of the fun of this Channel and uh I'm always looking for tips and tricks I will look out videos but if you guys if you guys ever see me doing something you have a tip or trick please let me know let me open just to make sure that I I thought I had the two version 2.99 on here but I guess not either way yeah so is uh is something that I will use as well as my photo editor kind of like my Photoshop replacement so to speak or most recently my Affinity photo replacement because I was using the Affinity products on my Mac and was enjoying them for for a while but I never updated them to the latest versions and then they got bought out bought out by canva and it seems that my days with affinity the Affinity products are probably done so inkscape and and these apps are coming to the rescue and perfect timing I have blender installed blender doesn't replace anything cuz blender's been my 3D app of choice for 20 years um because I haven't between two things I haven't found a need for anything more for what I do I'm not a a super Advanced 3D modeler or anything like that also the capabilities blender have grown so much that I can't see me needing anything more than blender ever uh so blender is will be my 3D application of choice my Motion Graphics a lot of my Motion Graphics will be built in blender um title cards some things like that but blender is an amazing program you you guys already know about blender again like I said it's not replacing anything because blender's been in every computer I've owned for the past 20 years I've used blender now with video editing and and uh graphic design motion graphic design and and short film projects things like that I have projects where I want to do special effects and and things there's that aspect and there's also the motion graphic design aspect for a while I was after effects after effects is obviously a very popular tool on the PC and Mac side uh I have a long history with After Effects so I know that very well I've used Fusion more recently just really starting to learn Fusion I'm not an expert by any means not even close so I don't know for sure how I'm going to replace all that but it's going to be a combination of all these things and this app called Natron or nron or nron I can't I don't know how to pronounce it but Natron is uh looks like it's a good compositor could be a good tool to build bu some effects in maybe some Ocean Graphics too but it seems like a really cool tool I'm super super new to it so I actually don't know the limitations or capabilities of it but that app will be something I experiment with on this channel this app scribus my pronunciation is probably off will be my page layout software I don't need this a ton but one of my goals for this Channel and for my photography is to create some little Zen or magazines I love Zen and I would love to create a Zen for this channel I just think it'd be fun and it'd be kind of a cool thing to to be able to or for you guys to order and we can I can write some cool little articles in there maybe you guys can contribute we we'll we'll play around with that that's that's a goal for this Channel and this app will hopefully help me lay out those kinds of projects beyond that I have a lot of other things installed I don't I haven't landed on some of the solutions like I haven't landed on what's going to replace logic pro for me logic pro is my main audio editor on Mac I have ardor installed 8.4 so I I was toying around with that I am looking at other options that look does look like there's a handful of other options but those apps that I mentioned Kaden live inkscape oh yeah there I did I did Skip One and that's cre now C would be a digital art tool digital painting tool I didn't remember mention it because it's not really replacing anything because I is in terms of actually like digital painting and whatnot I dabble at best so like I will I will learn this and see what I can do with it um but I'm I'm completely new to that in general so that will be something that out of the gate I don't do a ton of videos on but that is installed and I will be experimenting with that beyond that let me make sure I didn't miss anything here I have some apps that I uh will use to consume soft consume art can listen to music to watch videos we'll talk about those too because I think those are an important part of this aspect I mean of the of of you know being an artist on Linux uh we'll talk about some of these other apps that I decided not to talk about in this video later on but we we have Kaden live we have dark table blender inkscape Natron cre and scribus so those are the key ones I'm going to be uh utilizing on this channel and libbre office for any random uh any random thing that I need for for an office type Suite beyond that like I've I've already um uh have been using obsidian for uh my um my main digital notebook so to speak uh obsidian's great but I also will use um a Vim setup for just for just my my normal text editor I might transition from obsidian to just a pure vim and markdown based workflow I'm still toying with that doesn't necessarily tied with being the an artist but it is tied with uh Linux and and free open source software and all that so I've been I've been touring around with those ideas too so we're going to we're going to dabble into some of that on this channel as well but um since we're here and I haven't done this yet I should do the you know every Linux Channel needs to show you the Neo fetch page like I said in the past video I don't remember the name of the little computer I bought on Amazon to run Linux on but I'll put it in the description so basically it's just a cheap little like Mac Mini style computer um that came with a a flavor of Windows that I stripped the windows off installed Linux Mint and it's running on that and running pretty great it has some limitations because the um limited video card but it's fine we're going to we're going to create a whole bunch of cool stuff on it and this is these are the the general specs of of the OS and the computer so you can take a look but that's it I just wanted to show you some of the apps I already downloaded and I've toed around with some of the apps I'm thinking about doing more deep Dives on in with this channel so I want your feedback what do you think about some of these apps what do you think are some good Alternatives especially for video and audio because I think some of the other ones are pretty locked in I think they're like the lead clear leaders of the pack in those categories but for video and audio I think maybe there's could be some debate on what to use on Linux for video editing and audio editing and creation and all this stuff so really want your guys' input so leave it in the comments and I should have said this in my intro video but even though I have used Linux in the past I'm considering myself a pretty a pretty new user so I'm just consider me a newbie give me some slack if I use the wrong term say something wrong um do something that you would do a lot quicker you know give me some tips I'm here to learn as well so that's it for now guys I appreciate everyone of you I invite you to subscribe and like the video if you haven't done so yet and keep an eye on the channel there's going to be a lot of cool and fun videos to come really soon [Music]
Channel: Linux Creative Project
Views: 9,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, linux mint, ubuntu, blender 3d, blender 4.1, gimp, Gimp 2.10, Gimp 2.99, Kdenlive, krita, inkskape, open source, foss, arch linux, ardour, scribus, blender, motion graphics, video editing on linux, video editing, video production
Id: BreZO9jwaP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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