after 10+ years: I FINALLY SWITCH TO LINUX #reaction #linux #vs #windows

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hi I'm crazy jum Viper and in today's video we are going to talk about computers we're going to talk about Windows we're going to talk about Linux we are going to talk about Windows 11 and Windows 10 so this is my old computer my old laptop I have it for four years now I will put some of the specs on the screen right now so that you have some sort of idea roughly what sort of range this computer is and this one to be honest with you I changed the ram I upgraded it to 64 gab of RAM and I've used this mainly primarily for work and for some light gaming like pubg and I must say this laptop is one of my alltime favorites this laptop was always running super stable I never had any problems Windows 10 was always running perfectly and 4 weeks ago the laptop actually broke and fortunately for me I had a backup which is this one here this is a Alienware M18 and I bought this computer in October of 2023 this one is a total Beast it is I will put some of the specs here so that you know what we're talking about this one is crazy it's really potent it has a lot of computing power and the hardware is you know the latest basically what you could get in 2023 so really good machine but you know before I was buying the computer I was researching ing Windows 11 how people liked it whether I should upgrade it I mean I had the upgrade notifications on my Windows 10 system for quite some time and I always was like okay I'm super happy with Windows 10 and also the recommendations on the internet where you know if you can just stay with Windows 10 it's going to be just fine but I was like okay it's not going to be super terrible so I might as well with the new computer take the chance you know it's at least it's a really good computer Compu and if I don't like it I will find a way to make it work anyways and so I bought this computer in October of 2023 so what's really important for me is you know that a system runs stable that it's easy to use intuitive that it's fast it's for me really important that the operating system is smooth it's fast and that I don't have any major bugs so today with the knowledge that I have I would not buy a laptop like this again I would not buy a laptop that runs windows 11 I really don't like it and I will give you a couple of reasons why so first of all when you work with this it's actually really slow if we go for example to the filing system here and I want to just get some information so I do the right clip thing you see have you noticed here how all of these they were basically needing to load for some time let's try this again [Music] you see that how here in the bottom that this dropped down it was kind of it needed some time to actually load all of these icons and there is better days and there is worse days and also I don't like that they actually changed it I'm a huge fan of keeping things simple and not changing running systems I was so used to this drop down here why do you have to do this there is so many different things in my opinion that could have been changed and still I I think 90% of Windows 11 is still Windows 10 basically when I looked at the file manager when I look at device manager like all of the things the registry everything that is some sort of hidden behind all of the UI stuff is basically still the same and another thing that I really don't like about this laptop here you have probably seen me in the last videos that I was actually using my smartphone to record the audio and obviously this sucks because I have this really cool and powerful and awesome microphone right here which allows me to record a lot better audio than of course with this microphone for my smartphone this computer here for €3,500 is not able to work with this microphone I'm really pissed to the people who built this laptop that this doesn't work now you see here that this is not a Windows PC this here is is actually a Linux PC and I like to learn more about Linux I'm not a pro on it and so I want to at least spend a couple of months from now on to use Linux and just to see how I like it but unfortunately to this day I have not been able to install any Linux Dr on my Alienware M18 and the last thing that I want to address is I really hated the support of Alienware of D in particular the people that I talked to I had multiple conversations with a d customer support with a technical support explaining them the stuff and the solution basically for them was I have to send this laptop from here where I live back to Europe and then they are going to take a look there but you know I need this laptop for work just you know your average customer frustration support you know no human beings just endless conversations with some AIS and I had a really bad experience with this and I now reached a point where I'm basically saying okay you know what Windows was nice but I think in order for me to evolve I have to try something new so moving forward I think I want to try Linux and I want to see where this will take me I have already spent the last couple of days with Linux and I must say there were moments ask my girlfriend where I was really frustrated I think in the beginning if you learn something new it's always challenging and it's always hard but now that I have already spent a couple of days and that I've already edited my first YouTube video on Linux which I thought was not possible a week ago I feel actually quite accomplished and I feel quite optimistic that Linux is something that I want to try and that I want to keep using and I'm really excited where this road will lead me and I'm willing to to take my chances here so I'm really excited to announce that from now on I'm using Linux and uh yeah I guess that's it for the video what do you think about my story what do you think about Linux what do you think about Windows 10 versus Windows 11 what are your thoughts on the matter do you like Windows 11 do you like Windows 10 what are your thoughts I'm really curious to hear what you guys have to say and if you made it so far into the video then I really thank you guys so much for watching that you take the time off your days to watch my videos it really means the well to me and with this being said said I hope I'll see you on the next one goodbye [Music]
Channel: crazygermanviper
Views: 6,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f8c-fl9cD-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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