The Life of Vision: A Vision of Hope (MCU Recap/Explained)

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a character that always gets skipped over in the MCU its vision he's one of the most powerful Avengers without a doubt but never seems to get the credit he deserves in this video I'm going to shine some light on his character and explain his inception to his demise I'm going to take a look at his entire story in the MCU going through both the films and the comics that expand on the film franchise although vision was first introduced in age of Ultron his origin dates back much further than that his story starts with Tony Stark's childhood and his Butler Edwin Jarvis he was huge in Tony's childhood essentially raising him while his parents weren't around and was very supportive to Tony when his parents were killed when Jarvis died this inspired who need to make an AI system that controlled his mansion it was almost like a digital Butler paying homage to the man that helped raise them the AI system Jarvis however stood for just a rather very intelligent system after Tony was kidnapped and began making his Iron Man suits he incorporated Jarvis into each suit as someone he could talk to you when helped him through his missions being the interface of the suits service could tell him the suit system status power four hundred percent capacity how about tell him about atmospheric and environmental conditions and give him details and strategy to help him in a fight Jarvis helped tony through many fights against whiplash Justin hammers drones and Ultra Killian and his forces and during the events of the Avengers Jarvis of course helped Tony and all of the Avengers in the Battle of New York during the Chitauri invasion Jarvis also played a huge part in the battle of Sudan that took place in the very beginning of age of Ultron on Black Widows orders Jarvis located each team member from their different locations around the world and reassembled the Avengers so clearly the offenders and Jarvis have been through a lot and even more so with Tony and the AI systems Fairlight rymus pulse might as well but their journey came to an end in the events of age of Ultron the Chitauri invasion and made Tony very paranoid about another attack coming to earth because of this he believed that Earth had to have a defense system in case there was another attack on the planet in the battle of Sudan they had gotten their hands on Loki's scepter which encased the mine stone one of the six Infinity stones Tony worked with Bruce Banner and together they created the Ultron program a global peacekeeping initiative to ensure that they were ready for any galactic threats that came their way the two left jarvis alone with the Ultron program leaving Jarvis to run sentient integration trials between himself and the new AI system but something went very wrong so I'm not certain what triggered nourishment where's your body What's Wrong Locke Jarvis out of the mainframe and tried to kill Jarvis Ultron gave himself a body and took an army with him challenging the Avengers Ultron went on a rampage and meanwhile everyone thought that Jarvis was dead including Tony but Jarvis actually survived Ultron's attack Jarvis secretly went into hiding by spreading his memory around the internet to avoid detection he then went on to ensure that Ultron could not access nuclear launch codes by constantly changing them Tony eventually realized this and managed to recover Jarvis after the Battle of Sudan we were introduced to the regeneration cradle which healed jaquez injury that he sustained during the battle the crater was a piece of technology that could essentially create synthetic tissue Ultron plan to use this device to create an unstoppable synthetic body and using Loki's scepter he put a dr. Helen show under his control he had her used the cradle to create a synthetic body mix it with vibranium the metal that Captain America shield was made of and what what Conda uses for almost everything and the final touch to Ultron's new body was adding the mind stone Ultron was in the middle of uploading his mind to the body when he was forced to flee due to the Avengers coming after him The Avengers successfully took his new body and Tony convinced banner that instead of destroying the body they should put it to good use they plan to upload the recently discovered Jarvis to the new body but Captain America Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch all protested which led to a fight during the fight however Thor who had seen a vision sent lightning from his hammer into the cradle the electricity sped up the development process and vision was born one thing cool is that the actor who plays vision is the same person who had been doing Jarvis his voice since 2008 so it's cool that they brought him into the project the way that they did anyway when he was born vision was confused and went after Thor but ultimately he calmed down when he saw his reflection he realized that he was a living being and apologized for his actions to the Avengers present the Avengers were skeptical of him and asked if he was on their side to which vision answer that it wasn't that simple but ultimately he realized that Ultron was a threat against life so he had to be destroyed while talking to the Avengers he gave himself a cape revealing one of his many powers in this body he was a perfect hybrid between organic and inorganic material he had superhuman strength superhuman durability allowing him to withstand attacks of immense force with no visible damage had density manipulation due to the mine stone in his head allowing him to not only control his density in but allowed him to face through solid objects he could also fly at very high speeds could shoot out energy blasts strong the power of the mind stone could generate synthetic materials such as his cave which is again because of the mine stone he had a genius-level intellect and he was an expert combatant allowing him to stand toe-to-toe in a close quarter fight against even the most expert fighters but one of the most impressive things about him was that he was one of the few worthy of picking up mule near Thor's hammer so there may be no way to make you trust me but we need to go after being skeptical this is what made the Avengers know that they could trust them right vision was a huge help in the battle of sokovia against Ultron and his army and all the Avengers agreed that without vision they probably would have lost the fight vision worked with Thor even using his hammer it's terribly well-balanced well if there's too much way to lose power on this wake he also had a one-on-one talk with Ultron and pleaded with him to stop this only to get attacked by Ultron while talking to him vision took the opportunity to hack into Ultron's programming and he disabled his ability to enter the internet doing this ensured that Ultron would not be able to escape by transferring his mind through the web and would be forced to stay in fight doing this however incapacitated vision rendering him unconscious at the end of the fight vision knocked ultron down shooting him with an energy blast from the mine stone and was then joined by thor hitting him with lightning and iron man hitting him with his cosmic blasts weakening Ultron significantly as Iron Man and Thor destroyed the falling city vision flew to scarlet witch's aid taking her in his arms and flying both of them out of danger Ultron managed to escape putting himself in one final drones that was part of his army and vision confronted him one more time that's--you AI systems discussed the flaws of humans humans are odd they think order and chaos are somehow opposites in try to control what won't they both agreed humans were doomed but vision said to Ultron that a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts and said that it was a privilege to be among them after Ultron said that he was unbarring Li naive vision responded saying well I was born yesterday he then destroyed the last remnants of Ultron ending the fight vision was officially recruited to the Avengers and he along with Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch war machine and Falcon all began their training at the New Avengers facility vision struggled with many things in his training most of all not understanding the mine stone in his head and therefore being afraid of it and its power he also struggled with learning deeper human meanings and when it was appropriate or not appropriate to do certain things wanted to help the vision a lot with this and that you became close and one day he faced through the wall interrupting a conversation between Wanda and Steve Hayes we talked about this yes but the door was open so I assumed after an incident where Wanda killed a lot of people the Avengers were split into half siding with Iron Man and the sokovia accords which allowed them to be regulated by the government and the other half siding with Captain America who did not agree with the Accords vaison sided with the accords and on Tony's orders he stayed with Wanda and the facility both he and Tony not wanting her to hurt anyone else he tried to calm her by cooking her a meal but this failed as he had never eaten food before in my defense I I haven't actually ever eaten anything before small vision had evolved past his Anatomy and developed an understanding of emotions when it came to Wanda and he told her that he just wanted the world to look fondly at her the way that he did Captain America later sent hawkeye to rescue Wanda from her confinement and vision easily dodged Hawkeye's attacks and subdued him but much to vision tour Wanda used her own powers to control the mine stone and forest vision to face making him free Barton despite vision trying to reason with the person who made him more human than anyone else to use their powers to slam him through the facility and deep underground allowing Wanda and Hawkeye to escape vision showed up at the fight between the split Avengers and drew a line trying to separate them he tried to reason with cap but it was no use he joined Iron Man's side and fighting cap side including fighting Wanda fight Wanda was hurt by war machine and vision stopped fighting to go to her aid he was so distracted by her that he didn't even see war machine getting pursued by Falcon when war machines revisión back to the fight he ordered him to knock Falcon out of the sky his precision was supposed to be perfect and not have any flaws but his human emotions got in the way of his perfection and instead of hitting Falcon he hit war machine and crippling him from the waist down vision arrived to Tony holding a very injured Rhodey horrified at what he had done he started questioning himself more than ever about what he was and how this accident could have happened I came distracted neither did I vision went to see Rhodey after his injury feeling awful about what he had done while Tony went after cap and Bucky vision stayed behind fearful that he could make another fatal mistake vision sat alone trying to figure out more about himself and how to move forward he knew his feelings for Wanda were a distraction but they were also one of the things that gave him the most joy ultimately his love for her overpowered a sense of responsibility and he let his human emotions take over vision was devastated when Wanda was locked up with the rest of Captain America's team but cap broke into the facility and freed them all when she was asked where she wanted to be dropped off she responded saying that she had to meet up with an old friend vision and Wanda wanted to have a discreet relationship with no one bothering them so they went to Scotland and spent two years there vision however had to live a double life after giving stark his word that he would still be an Avenger and he went back and forth between Scotland and the Avengers facility during this time his relationship with Wanda moved forward a great deal in the two years that they spent together the two had fallen in love after a while however the monsoon and visions had began to hurt every so often but one night it was really bad he told Wanda that it was speaking to him but he didn't know what it was saying he had Wanda use her powers to feel it but she told him that all she felt was him I just feel you when the two went on a walk visions humans odd came out more than ever telling Wanda that he wanted to stay with her and never go back to the Avengers you can't start your I'll to give it to you vision no longer seemed like an AI system what sounded incredibly human stuttering and not being able to get his words out when he was telling Wanda how he fell I don't know I but because you know what I'm just gonna speak for myself I I I think I think he then begged wanted to stay and forget about her duties and promises that she had made they were interrupted however when they saw that there was an attack on New York and they found out what the stone was warning them about vision told her that he had to leave and as she protested they were attacked by Corvus glaive and Proxima midnight who were part of tanis's Blackwater they were after the mine stone and visions had for their master and Corvus glaive put a scepter in deficients head trying to extract the stone but was stopped by Wanda glaives blade however it stopped a vision from being able to face when clave got him away from Wanda he told vision that if he gave them the stone then they would let Wanda live witch got vision angry and he went after glaive harder than ever Wanda refused to leave vision side but eventually the two were outmatched and Captain America Black Widow and Falcon came to the rescue after they drove the black water members off they all agreed that they had to protect the vision and the mine stone at all costs but vision spoke up and said that they had to destroy the stone Wanda immediately protested and told them that they were not having this conversation not wanting to lose the love of her life that's too high a price Captain America protested as well but vision pointed out that seventy years before this he laid down his life to save millions of people and asked how this was different Bruce Banner then spoke up saying that it was different because vision might have a choice banner pointed out that visions mind was made up of many things Jarvis Ultron Tony Banner himself and the mind stone all of them mixed together and learning from each other he said that vision isn't the mind stone there's still a lot of fishing left perhaps even the best parts they decided that the only place they could remove the stone without killing vision was for kondeh there they use their technology to remove the stone but it wasn't easy can you do it yes but there are more than 2 trillion neurons here one misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures what day noses army arrived vision once again said that they had to destroy the stone but the others once again protested vision get your ass back on the table mod we weren't holding off the adventures president bought Cherie as much time as possible fighting Dennis's army in Wakanda and Wanda stayed with a vision and Cherie ready to destroy the stone as soon as it was out efficient during the fight however Wanda looked out the window and saw that the Avengers forces were falling back and she left her position to help in the fight with her gone the black order moved in on vision she's a new field take it Corvus glaive went after vision and vision fought back and the two ended up in the battlefield Hulk and Captain America came to his rescue and when cap was held down by clav vision saved cap by stabbing glaive through the chest the same way they glaive it onto him and Scotland their victory of beating the Black Order was short-lived however when Thanos arrived shaking Wanda vision and the rest of the Avengers to their core while the Avengers tried to hold him off unsuccessfully vision told Wanda to destroy the stone but Wanda told him that she could not do it we vision told the love of his life that it wasn't fair and then it shouldn't have to be her but ultimately it had to be vision told her it was all right and said that she could never hurt him he then said that he just felt her I just feel you the same thing that she had said to him back in Scotland just feel you vision braced himself as the one and only person he loved took his life ensuring the safety of the galaxy vision was ready for this this is what he was meant to do it was why he was born and his last words he struggled to tell Wanda that he loved her he closed his eyes bracing for the end and the mine stone exploded taking his life it was a noble act but he became useless when Thanos used the time stone to bring him and the mine stone back Dan'l's grabbed him by the throat and ripped the stone out of his head with his bare hand killing vision for the second time in a matter of minutes it was an act that spent on vision sacrifice and his memory Thanos wiped out half the universe using the stone that he had ripped out of vision a devastated Wanda sat next to the lifeless vision and after Daniel snapped his fingers she floated away into dust next to her fallen loves body five years later the Avengers offense visions death by killing Thanos once and for all Wanda returned to help in the fight and was a key member and Dan else's ultimate fall you will vision sacrifice was remembered as a noble act that helps save the entire galaxy at Tony Stark's funeral Wanda stood with Barton and the two bonded over losing their best friends Wanda loosing vision and Barton losing Natasha Orton said that he wished there was a way that he could tell Natasha that they won and Wanda responded saying that she knew and so did vision she knows they both the to put their arm around the author as they paid tribute to their fallen friends vision started out as an AR system that thought only about strategy and did not really understand the human way but over time and with the help of Wanda he became more human and machine he finally understood what it meant to be a human and understood the feeling of love he will forever be remembered not as an AI system or a robot but as a selfless and strong human being thank you so much for watching guys you can follow me on social media and see more of my personal life and see more of this little dude you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for movie's flame updates and I want to give a huge shout out to all my patrons listed below if you want to be featured in the next video plus get a bunch of other awards become a patreon today again thank you so much for watching make sure you press that like button and subscribe and look out for more great videos on 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Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 532,508
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Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games
Id: wAyxlQdOFfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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