The First Wizarding War: Entire Timeline Explained (Harry Potter Breakdown)

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the seven harry potter books follow the second wizarding war but what about the first wizarding war it actually has a very complicated timeline because it was a lot longer than the second one in this video i'm going to break that timeline down and explain each and every step of this war before we start i'm trying to grow my footprint on other social medias besides just youtube so it would be awesome if you guys could follow me on twitter and instagram i tweet about your favorite fandoms like harry potter avatar star wars marvel hunger games and so much more and you can see behind the scenes movie flame stuff on instagram and just some of my personal life like my dog loki who is the cutest dog in the world and just some fun posts on both platforms all of my social media platforms as well as my patreon are linked below for easy access if you want give me a follow if not that's totally fine so now let's get the video started so first off let's just get this out of the way grindelwald was not part of the first wizarding war he started his own campaign in europe to collect the deathly hallows and expose wizards to muggles his goal being to have the wizards rule over the muggles all of this was something separate and is referred to as the global wizarding war which is what the fantastic beasts films are focusing on and that started all the way back in 1910 and went on until 1945. i'll explain how that war intertwines with the first wizarding war as we go though the first wizarding wars roots begin with tom riddle aka lord voldemort who is the key to everything he was born in 1926 but let's fast forward to his time at hogwarts tom went to hogwarts in 1938 and by his second year in 1939 tom put together a group of slytherin students who were a mixture of the weak seeking protection the ambitious seeking glory and the thuggish who were seeking a leader who could show them a more refined cruelty the members of this gang who were all of wealthy pureblood families were involved in a number of nasty incidents during their school years though tom was careful to never be associated in any wrongdoings and he was seen as a model student first becoming a prefect during his fifth year in 1942 and then in 1944 in his seventh year he became head boy dumbledore seemed to be the only person that saw through tom's manipulative charm and he kept a close eye on him and keep their relationship in mind because their relationship is a key factor in this war during riddle's time at school he took on the name lord voldemort though only those closest to him knew about this name change meanwhile all of his slytherin gang took on the name the knights of walpurgis while in school voldemort saw dumbledore's true power during his final year at hogwarts in 1945 when dumbledore finally went into action to help stop the global wizarding war and he dueled and took down grindelwald he locked grindelwald in his own prison and the global wizarding war was finally over this brought peace to the wizarding world for years to come though voldemort knew that this would not last long with the plans he had in mind dumbledore had acquired the elder wand after beating its previous master and his ex-friend in a duel to win its allegiance though fighting grindelwald was not easy for him as he had a very passionate and complicated pass with grindelwald this is the clear line where the global wizarding war intertwines with the first wizarding war and as we know all of this will later connect to the second wizarding war as well when voldemort went after the elder wand and crossed paths with grindelwald in 1998 going back to 1943 though voldemort made horcruxes in his final few years at hogwarts and after graduating in 1945 voldemort began to collect more items to make more horcruxes and he did this from 1945 all the way to 1971 first using what the great lady told him to find ravenclaw's diadem in albania and he did that from 1945 to 1949 then he pursued more objects through his job at borgin and berks which he got around 1950 and here with this job he charmed a lady named tapsuba smith for a good 11 years until finally killing her in 1961. he took her most prized possessions for his horcruxes and he framed her house out for the murder after that voldemort disappeared for 10 years from 1961 to 1971 rewinding to 1959 sirius black and peter pettigrew were born and a few months later in 1960 james potter remus lupin lily evans and severus snape were all born as well and later on in their lives they would play a huge part in the first wizarding war there was a lot going on while voldemort went missing for those 10 years that led to the war navi leach became the minister of magic in 1962 and he was the first muggle-born minister and his appointment caused a lot of uproar especially from the older and pureblood ministry workers many of whom resigned in protest something that divided the ministry and weakened it quite a bit leech left office in 1968 after getting a mysterious illness and a braxis malfoy draco malfoy's grandfather was believed to have poisoned him in protest of his muggle-born status and leech died shortly after that having this corruption and the stuff going on behind the scenes weakened the ministry even more making it even easier for voldemort to swoop in and take advantage of this chaos when he returned during the time where it seemed as though voldemort had fallen off the face of the earth from 1961 to 1971 he explored the dark arts extensively studying the most obscure and rare branches of magic he also interacted with many dark wizards that he realized were very loyal to him voldemort would go on to combine the knights of walpurgis from his hogwarts days and combine them with the dark wizards he met during his time away and they would drop the name the knights of walpurgis and would all don the same title of death eaters forming one large group of voldemort's followers as soon as voldemort came out of hiding in 1971 10 years after killing habsaba smith he had now officially dropped the name tom riddle and was lord voldemort to everybody not just his followers though almost everyone in the wizarding world would become so terrified of him that they refused to say his name calling him he who must not be named or you know who instead the first thing voldemort did after returning was ask dumbledore for a job as defense against the dark arts professor at hogwarts his hope being to use this job to recruit an army of students but dumbledore refused to give him the job the first wizarding war officially began around 1971 he told his death eaters that to truly create a world of peace and power the old regime needed to be torn down at any and all costs and only those who shared pure blood and the same idealism as himself would be allowed to live and thrive in this new world in truth however voldemort had little interest in political idealism he was completely devoted to amassing his own magical power and in becoming the most powerful and skilled wizards who have ever lived in 1971 the same year that voldemort returned and the first wizarding war started james potter sirius black remus lupin peter pettigrew severus snape and lily evans all started their first year at hogwarts snip quickly became friends with slytherin students who were into dark magic and to worship the new tyrant lord voldemort james sirius remus and peter all became really good friends and they were snape's enemy james and sirius bullied snape a lot and snape returned the favor but james and sirius were normally the ones that came out laughing something that would carve their futures and future decisions that would play a big part in the first wizarding war though they had no idea of this at the time after being denied the defense against the dark arts job voldemort realized he had to recruit an army in a different way so from 1971 to 1973 he recruited many of the beings and creatures that had been outcasted by the normal wizarding world such as giants werewolves a good number of dementors but not all of them and acromantula just to name a few this army of shunned beings along with his death eaters caused widespread destruction in mayhem incidents that made up the early years of the war in the early 70s seeing voldemort's army grow dumbledore realized that he needed an army of his own and he too formed an army in the early 1970s dumbledore had to keep this under wraps though because it wasn't an official ministry of magic resistance but orders from the ministry of magic like madaimudi did join to help the old and powerful wizard put a stop to or at least control voldemort's growing threat the good thing was that the ministry worked much better with the order than they did in the second wizarding war other known members of the order of the phoenix for this war were aberforth albus younger brother mrs figg a squib who would later go on to live on the same street as the dursleys alice and frank longbottom both of whom were auras as well mondungus fletcher hagrid and fabian and gideon pruitt who were actually molly weasley's brothers there were also several others most of whom had come across dumbledore sometime in their life and they all respected and trusted him with their lives hence why they joined up with him because the actual ministers of magic weren't doing a great job during this time it made voldemort's quest much easier eugenia jenkins was the minister when voldemort first returned in 1971 but before that in 1968 she had to deal with squib riots which only made the gap between pure blood supremacists and those with less pure blood even worse as the two sides of the wizarding world tore one another up jenkins then had to deal with voldemort returning in 1971 when the world and ministry was already in chaos and after about four years of trying to combat the dark lord she was seen as incapable of meeting the challenge that voldemort posed and she was kicked out of office in 1975 she was then replaced by minister harold minchum and he pushed back hard against voldemort during his time in office however there were many protests as various minority groups demanded to be treated equally but this led to many of the old elite pureblood families feel as though their way of life was being threatened this led to many pureblood supremacists who did not join the ranks of the death eaters give their wholehearted support to voldemort's cause in 1976 lily evans who was friends with snape tried to put a stop to james and sirius bullying him but snape called her in mudblood effectively ending their friendship and something that sent snape down an even darker path than before at the end of their hogwarts career in 1978 pretty much all snape's friends were soon to be death eaters and meanwhile james and lily became close and started dating after graduating in 1978 james sirius lupin peter and lily all joined the order of the phoenix and meanwhile snape joined voldemort and became a death eater the war was brutal and the order had to work hard as they were outnumbered by a ratio of 20 to one by the death eaters fabian and gideon pruitt were murdered by a group of five death eaters there were several order members that disappeared families of order members became targets and it seemed as though the order members were dropping like flies nevertheless they kept fighting and during this james and lily potter who had just gotten married along with alice and frank longbottom all defied voldemort himself three times something that would play a part in the prophecy which i'll get to in a bit one thing that made voldemort and his death eaters even more terrifying was the dark mark which they would shoot up in the sky over a murder scene paralyzing those who see it with fear people would come home to find the dark mark over their house and would find their whole family dead inside voldemort also put this dark mark on the arms of all of his death eaters and he used this to call them to him the dark lord also went on to kill innocent homeless muggles and he reanimated their bodies using dark magic creating an army of infrared on top of all of the other followers and creatures that he already had on his side with his army of dark wizards and dark creatures at his command voldemort launched an assault against the british ministry of magic with the intention of toppling it and creating a new world order run by purebloods with muggleborns either killed or kept alive in a torturous way to achieve these ends the death eaters and their allies began openly carrying out attacks on muggles for sport and to spread chaos cleaning up these attacks healing survivors modifying memories searching for the predators and attempting to prevent future attacks occupied more and more of the ministry's time and attention as their confidence grew the death eaters expanded their targets from just muggles to now muggle-borns and blood traitors as well torturing and oftentimes killing their victims which shocked and scared the wizarding society other inferior magical beings such as house elves and goblins also suffered under the reign of terror a goblin family even being publicly slaughtered voldemort himself personally killed hundreds of wizards though he tended to fight only those he considered worthy of his attention or too powerful for his followers to defeat in these encounters he displayed his extraordinary abilities many of which were thought to be impossible and he very quickly earned the reputation as one of the most powerful wizards of all time increasing the confusion and paranoia even further voldemort placed many dozens of innocent victims under the imperius curse simultaneously and forced them to carry out his orders this made even friends and family members in the wizarding world suspicious of one another not knowing who could be under the dark lord's control this was not the case for everyone however under the leadership of dumbledore hogwarts remained completely and totally untouched by voldemort and his death eaters one big reason for this was that voldemort feared dumbledore and did not dare go near a school one day when james and sirius were on a mission for the order they were speeding down the road in sirius's famous motorbike as death eaters were pursuing them on broomsticks while speeding down the road however mogul police saw them and tried to go after them for speeding james and sirius were forced to turn down an alley where the muggle cops thought they had them but when the death eaters flew down toward the alley james and sirius used magic to lift the cop car in the air forcing the death eaters to crash into it and james and sirius left the stunned muggle police the current minister of magic harold minsham did a good job pushing back against voldemort and his death eaters even placing more dementors around azkaban but ultimately he was unable to contain what looked like voldemort's unstoppable rise to power was replaced but this did not change much voldemort got stronger and stronger and the order of the phoenix just wasn't able to contain his growing presence things got much worse for the order as voldemort and his death eaters were killing order members and their families left and right leading to over 10 deaths in just one week because of this body crouch senior took on the task of trying to take voldemort and his death eaters down through the ministry of magic instead of the order krauts made a law that said auroras could now use the three unforgivable curses on death eaters without warning this led to oars maddeye kingsley shacklebold and alice and frank longbottom go on a massive campaign they initially focused their efforts on resisting the giants killing many of them with the killing curse and wiping out entire tribes until they forced the surviving giants to go into hiding in britain finally the ministry began to identify and apprehend death eaters madai became legendary for his successes arresting and capturing igor kharkharov along with many other supporters of the dark lord but it came with the price of his body losing his leg having too many scars to count and even having a chunk of his nose missing and it wasn't just mata that was doing well the magical law enforcement squad captured many more death eaters and they were all sent to azkaban many without a trial because of body crouch senior however voldemort himself still remained untouchable both for his elusiveness and for his legendary power and skill which no one but dumbledore could match in july 1980 james and lilly had a baby boy who they named harry and alice and frank longbottom had a baby boy who they named neville in august of 1981 snape overheard dumbledore's interview with sybil trelawny and during this interview trilani foretold a prophecy that had to do with voldemort and a baby boy snape however did not hear the whole prophecy but he told his master about it because according to what he had heard this boy was voldemort's greatest threat it could have been about harry or neville but voldemort not hearing the whole prophecy went after harry which actually set the prophecy in stone snave realizing that voldemort was going after lily and her family however he turned on his master and went to dumbledore begging him to hide lily james and harry and dumbledore agreed in september of 1981 dumbledore offered to james and lily to be their secret keeper meaning only himself and whoever dumbledore chose to tell could find the potters and no one else even stood a chance however james and lily chose sirius to be their secret keeper but later switched it to their friend peter pettigrew in secret because it was clear that there was a rat in the group and they wanted to throw the rat off but they were all wrong as pedigree was the one feeding voldemort information the wrath that he was he betrayed lily and james and he went straight to voldemort to tell him exactly where the potters were on october 31st 1981 voldemort went to the potters killed james and went to find the baby boy that threatened his whole existence however when he got to harry's crib lily jumped in front of her only son to protect him and unknown to voldemort her sacrifice put a protection on harry through the power of love when voldemort used the killing curse on the boy the love protection made the spell rebound and hit voldemort instead voldemort would have died right then and there but because he had his horcruxes he lived but in the most feeble way he was forced to flee and he did not have enough strength to make it back to civilization almost everybody in the wizarding world thought that voldemort had died effectively ending the first wizarding war their hero a mere one-year-old child who would be dubbed the boy who lived that same night news of voldemort's downfall and apparent death spread like wildfire throughout all of great britain there were monumental celebrations breaking out all across the country and the celebrations were so big that numerous large-scale breaches of the international statute of secrecy were noticed by the mughal international media and were on the muggle news this was excused by the minister at the time however who said that they had the inalienable right to party though some people like barty crouch senior claim that the celebrating got out of hand and became childish and ridiculous there was a lot of aftermath for this war and though voldemort was gone and the war was officially over there was still a lot to do oars order members and ministry officials searched at home and abroad for any sign of voldemort but found none although they eventually came to the conclusion that voldemort had truly been defeated and was dead many death eaters were still at large and were considered a threat peter pettigrew attempted to go into hiding as he feared being perceived as a traitor by the death eaters because it was his information that caused voldemort's downfall before he could do this however pedigree was confronted by sirius black on a street in london full of muggles in order to escape he conjured a powerful curse that killed 12 muggle bystanders and he transformed into his animagious form of a rat leaving behind a severed index finger as fake evidence against his opponent this left black universally perceived as the traitor to the potters as well as a mass murderer for which he was quickly arrested and carted off to azkaban for without a trial courtesy of barty crouch senior from 1981 to about 1983 many more death eaters were rounded up and no snape was brought up dumbledore gave a personal testimony saying that snape was on their side and he gave snape a job at hogwarts the remaining werewolves that were on voldemort's side went underground and the few remaining giants left britain entirely and resettled in the last remaining giant colony in the mountains of denmark some death eaters were able to walk free like igor kakuroth who gave people up for his freedom as well as people like lucius malfoy who claimed he was under the imperius curse and did not know what he was doing many innocent people really were released from the imperius curse following voldemort's defeat but malfoy certainly was not one of them as he did everything willingly others simply used their wealth power and influence to avoid punishment for their crimes examples being lucius once again crab goyle and a few others many other death eaters were locked in azkaban for their crimes and by about 1984 whether they were free or in azkaban most death theaters thought that their master was gone for good as it had now been a solid three years since his disappearance however there were a few who did not believe this and in 1982 just a few months after voldemort's defeat bellotrix lestrange barney crouch jr crouch senior son and rodolphus and rabashan lestrange tortured frank and alice longbottom hoping to get information out of them about what happened to their master they went too far however and tortured them into madness forcing the longbottoms to spend the rest of their lives in saint mongo's hospital never even being able to recognize their own son neville again they all stood trial for this in 1982 and crouch senior who was most likely about to be the next minister of magic got himself out of the running for the scandal especially after everyone saw the cold way he treated his own son who he locked up when many believed that crouch junior was actually innocent this is where the timeline for the first wizarding war ends and there was an era of peace in the wizarding world but as we know the second wizarding war would pick back up about 14 years later in 1995 the first wizarding war was a brutal one that brought death and chaos and it affected many people's lives especially the boy who was dubbed the boy who lived who though he was famous he was forced to grow up an orphan because of this war on the bright side this war of course shaped the man and hero that harry would later become and he would of course go on to be the chosen one who ended the second wizarding war thank you so much for watching guys you can follow me on social media to see more of my personal life and see more of this little dude you can follow me on twitter and facebook for movie flame updates and i want to give a huge shout out to all my patrons listed below if you want to be featured on the next video plus get a bunch of other rewards become a patreon today again thank you so much for watching make sure you press that like button and subscribe and look out for more great videos on the way you
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 3,072,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, james, sirius, black, lily, evans, snape, severus, albus, dumbledore, remus, lupin, peter, pettigrew, hermione, granger, ron, weasley, arthur, molly, ginny, fred, george, bill, percy, charlie, dursley, vernon, petunia, dudley, goblin, houseelf, house elf, hagrid, rebeus, nicholas flamel, newt scamander, newt, scamander, lestrange, bellatrix, barty, crouch, jr, junior, senior, sr
Id: -3qqXAwE9UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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