The Life of Coriolanus Snow (UPDATED WITH NEW INFO): Hunger Games Explained

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with the release of the new Hunger Games prequel we got a lot of new information on snow and really his whole childhood and him growing up I already made a video on snows life but as many of the comments have said that video is outdated and needs to be updated so here we are the life of Coriolanus snow updated with new information I'm going to try to explain how this book bridges to the original trilogy and I'm going to make the entire timeline from the Ballad of songbirds and snakes all the way through Mockingjay and we'll look at deeper meanings from his childhood to his adulthood before we start there will be major spoilers for the new prequel novel as well as the original trilogy now that that's out of the way let's get started Coriolanus was born to mrs. snow and her husband Crassus snow when he was born the snow family was one of the richest and most powerful families in all of Panem and they were residents of the capital they lived in one of the most expensive and nicest apartments in the Capitol and snow got pretty much anything he asked for they got their wealth by investing loads of money into district 13s industry he grew up with his best friend and cousin tigress who was two years older than him and the two were extremely close tigress even being the one to nickname him Koryo which many people called him while growing up as a child he had memories of his mother singing him to sleep going to the zoo and having luxuries most did not like the snow family having a box at the arena and their own Avox he brought him and tigress toys and food whenever they wanted snow was also really excited when his mother was pregnant with his baby sister however when the dark days hit and the war between the Capitol and the district rebels began his life was turned upside down a few months into the war his mother died giving birth to his sister and his baby sister died shortly after his mother his father was also shipped off to fight in the war and Coriolanus and is now orphaned cousin tigress were raised by their grandmother one day when they want to meet snows dad at the train station the only thing that came was the news that his father was killed by a rebel bullet snow did not love his father but he felt protected by him so when he died snow felt vulnerable though we didn't love his father he always loved his mother and her death was much harder on him snow had blue eyes that he had gotten from his father but snow actually wished he had gotten his mother's eyes but this was something that he never voiced out loud in reality he thought it was best to take after his father because even at a young age he realized that his mother was not tough enough for this cruel world snow also had his father's jawline and his blonde curly hair making him rather handsome snow always kept the picture of his mother holding him as a baby and his mother's compact next to his bed and in difficult times or when he had trouble sleeping he would click it open and inhale the rose scent of powder within it and it never failed to make him remember how it felt to be loved the way his mother loved him and it always helped him fall asleep during most of the dark days it was just snow Tigris and their grandmother they lived on mostly cabbage and used their huge stock of it to trade for other things for the final two years of the war the rebels had surrounded the capital and cut them off from supplies this made everyone even the richest of the capital essentially poor and desperate and the three of them were forced to sell or trade many of the snows family possessions even worse during the bitter cold winters they had to sacrifice family heirlooms expensive furniture and many books just to make a fire to ensure that they did not freeze to death some of the books that they had to get rid of were picture books that snow had read with his mother and he cried as they threw them into the fire the dark days were awful and during that time snow saw a citywide epidemic of drug abuse he saw a family friends named Nero price cut a maid's leg off and eat it he saw rats eat humans sometimes when they were even alive and one day when he got too close to the president's mansion he was assaulted by a peacekeeper who stole his cabbage the little food he had left on another occasion snow had the flu and wool in the streets no one would stop to help him he would have died right then and there had it not been for tigress who found him but the crazy thing was was that she was sick too but she pushed through her illness to save her little cousin snow struggled with his fight against hunger more than anything else but he thought that once the war was over he would have endless money food and power however this was not the case the end of the war saw the destruction of district 13 and all of the snow family had invested in meaning that the snows were now dirt poor but to save face they pretended that they still had money the war ended when snow was eight years old and from a young age he watched the Hunger Games to be put into place now that the war was over snow went back to school and no they did not have money the prestigious snow was still able to get him into the academy where only the best of the capital children go he was well-liked at the school and had many friends there was one boy there however named Sid Janus plinth and he was actually from district 2 but his family had bought their way to Capitol Life all the other kids gave him hell and bullied him but snow did not believe him but rather he ignored him this plate he was advantaged in two ways because the other Capital kids thought that snow was ignoring Stu Janus because he was beneath him something that they all respected but so Janus took it as a decency and he liked snow because of this right away we see off snow finesses people and on the playground no less snow was in the Academy all through grade school snow being handsome smart and well-mannered many girls liked him a lot but he was forced to keep them at arm's reach because if anyone got too close to him they would discover that he was not actually wealthy but rather was actually as poor as district scum and that was something that would destroy the snow family name he did however get with one girl on a dare while drunk which branded him as a player especially because he didn't even know the girl's name in his final few years at the academy snow was desperate to get the academy prize and a scholarship to go to university because without that prize and scholarship money there was no way he could afford to go he got a chance to get the scholarship when a great opportunity arose snow was chosen to be part of an experiment and te and 23 other students from the Academy were chosen to mentor a tribute from that year's Hunger Games at this point in time the Hunger Games were not watched by many as it was a reminder of the horrors that the dark days had brought upon them so they wanted to switch things up to get people interested and having student mentors was the way to do this snow was hoping to get a tribute from one of the better fed and stronger districts but he ended up getting a girl from the weakest district district 12 he was upset about this until he saw her at the reaping when Lucy graybeard was picked she put a snake down the district 12 mayor's dress then when the mayor slapped her she recovered by performing a beautiful song snow went above and beyond for this project and he took one of his grandmother's precious white roses that she proudly grew on the roof of their apartment and he took it to the train station where he awaited the tributes arrival when they got there he introduced himself to Lucy gray and she was very impressed but she was quickly taken away by the Peacekeeper snow impulsively decided to be transported with the tributes but this led to disaster as he was locked in a vehicle as all of the tributes went after him and tried to kill him but Lucy gray stepped in and talked the tributes down snow and the tributes were then dropped into a zoo enclosure where many people and cameras watched them and snow was about to panic but once again Lucy gray saved him telling him to own it snow did just that and in front of everybody in the cameras put the rose he had brought behind Lucy grey sea air and had Lucy gray come up and meet the crowd in the cameras not only did the save him from extreme embarrassment but it made the crowd of Love Lucy gray as she talked very nicely with the children snow left the zoo enclosure when peacekeepers came and he was very proud and happy to have Lucy gray as a tribute over the next few days snow got closer with Lucy gray and he realized how easy it was to talk to her telling her things that he didn't even talk about at home with tigress Snow's fellow mentors began to follow suit and they tried to play their tributes up while at the zoo but fellow meant to wear Arachne took it too far she made a fool of a tribute right in front of the cameras taunting them with food and the tribute took the knife off the ground and slit Arachne's throat Lucy gray immediately told snow to help her and he ran over the crowd watched as Arachne died in snows arms though this was sad it actually made snow more like a bowl and more respected and he became somewhat famous in the capital for trying to savor acnes life as it was played over and over again on TV this on top of having the most eccentric tribute put snow in a great position well that was all good news however snow got some bad news finding out that due to tax changes soon he and his family would not be able to afford their apartment and everyone would know that they were actually broke while all of this was going on snow also had to continue with schooling and he had a group project for his teacher dr. gall and she told them to write how to change the Hunger Games snow ended up having to write this by himself however and when he and fellow student and friend Clemmy brought the assignment to dr. gall she asked if they both wrote it snow lied and said yes but dr. gahl tested this theory by dropping the assignment and a bin full of snakes she first asked snow to take it out and the snakes did not react to him and then she asked Clemmy to take it out and the snakes bit her injuring her very badly she was rushed to the hospital and dr. NGO informs know that the snakes remember smells so because Noah touched the paper because he had done the assignment the snakes did not go after him and because Clemmy had not touched the assignment the snakes did not recognize her smell so they went after her dr. golden told Snowe that she had no use for liars and said that lies were only something to conceal a weakness snow took this to heart and as we saw in the future he never lied again and instructed others not to lie either don't lie a little while after that the tributes and mentors went to the arena but the unthinkable happened a bomb went off causing chaos and a huge pole fell on snow and he was badly burned he watched as Lucy gray had the chance to escape but instead she ran over and saved Snow's life he then screamed out in anger as she was slammed to the ground by peacekeepers and had a gun held to her head snow wanted to protect her but he passed out he woke up in the hospital and he was told that he had a concussion when snow saw Lucy gray again he said that he was in her debt and she said that he could repay him by helping her win the Hunger Games now for the first time snow saw Lucy gray as a victor he snuck her food from the school cafeteria which was very against the rules but he knew that if he did in she might die of hunger before the games even started snow groomed and trained Lucy gray for the interview and he had her sing a song which won over the audience however she was singing about a past lover and this made snow very jealous now that he had developed feelings for Lucy gray the last time they saw each other before the games began snow gave Lucy Gray's mother's compact after taking off the powder that smelled like his mother and he suggested that she fill it with rat poison to help her in the games a suggestion that was the beginning of a longtime obsession with poison for snow but we'll get to that later before they were forced to split apart snow and Lucy grey kissed each other very passionately and snow was overtaken with emotions realising that he loved Lucy gray when the games began Lucy grey head and snow didn't see much of her he was instead brought into a much worse situation after said Jane has decided to sneak into the arena and dr. gahl said that snow had to get him out snow grudgingly went in got the Janus to leave and on the way out he took his first life beating one of the tributes that was chasing them to death after this snow thought to himself that there was no erasing that there was no regaining as and since he had taken a human life dr. gahl said that he could blame it on the circumstances he could say it was self-defense but in the end she told him that he had made the choice to kill that boy no one else made that decision for him dr. gahl was exceptionally good at bringing out the darker side of snow and she was fascinated by him and being someone who experiments a lot she experimented with getting into snows head one day she talked to him about an essay that he had written for her and she said that she liked a bit about control something that snub explained in the essay saying that he loved to have control and we would of course see this as he rose to power snow continued to watch Lucy gray in the arena and he sent her drones with food and water when she came out of hiding he was desperate for her to win especially because his feelings for her was so strong snow later found himself in dr. gahl slab and wall there he realized that dr. gull was going to put the snake stand had bit Clemmy into the arena thinking fast he dropped the handkerchief that Lucy grey had used into the bin with the snakes meaning that the snakes would have her scent and they would not go after her after doing this Snow got worried that he was crossing the line as up until now he hadn't done many things that were against the rules in his head he went over how he crossed many lines starting with giving Lucy gray food illegally and now coming to this point in his life cheating in the games and he wondered what awaited him farther down this slope if he was unable to stop himself he asked what else would he be capable of as we know things did get much worse for snow and it seems that everything really did begin with him being a mentor in the games when the snakes got released in the arena Lucy gray began to sing all the snakes climbed on her but did not bite her meaning that snows plan had worked Lucy gray kept one snake with her in her pocket and to use it to kill another tribute while they were on top of her she killed another tribute by using the rat poison and putting it in the water for them to drink ultimately Lucy gray won the games but before snow could celebrate he was brought to Dean High bottoms office the Dean of the Academy and when he got there there lay the handkerchief a napkin from the school that the foodie had given Lucy gray was wrapped in and his mother's compact all things that showed he had cheated Dean hi bottom who hated snow more than anything due to a rivalry with snows father gave him the choice to either be publicly humiliated or be sent away as at peace keep her for 20 years hoping to save his family from embarrassment he chose to be a peacekeeper high bottom looked at snow and evilly said do you hear that Coriolanus it's the sound of snow falling before leaving he dropped off his final paper for dr. gahl hoping it would help and he then shipped out luckily he was able to choose which district he wanted to go to and he of course chose district 12 where Lucie gray was snow made friends with his bunk mates fast and they nicknamed him gent for his good table manners however he was miserable and one day when he went back to his room he was pondering suicide just when he thought all was lost he was shocked and very happy to see the Janus said Janus came with great news saying that he made sure that even though he was sent away she's no graduated from the Academy meaning that snow can now apply to be an officer in the Peacekeeper ranks he now had a way to climb the power after all and he could once again control his destiny snow was forced to go to an execution and here he got his first glimpse of the mockingjays they repeated the man being executed as he screamed out snow immediately disliked the birds that he had heard the name of from Lucy gray back in the capital he thought to himself that if he did become an officer he would hunt all of the mockingjays down and make the species extinct snow took the test to become an officer and he thought he did well but he would have to wait for the results when he was free on the weekend snow went to see Lucy grey perform and seeing the smile on her face when they made eye contact for the first time made him so happy that he teared up ready when he was in front of her however about to talk to her her old lover named Billy came up and a brawl broke out meaning that snow did not get a chance to see Lucy gray he did get another chance however and one day snow took up Lucy Gray's offer to come to her house and the two were reunited they kissed a lot and were very passionate and were finally able to be together with nothing and nobody getting in their way Lucy gray told snow that he smelled like roses which is great for shadowing for what he used roses for in the future later on snow salsa genius with Billy Lucy grey sex and they were coming up with the plan in the dirt making snow square off against Billy but luckily it did not escalate past that snow however was now very suspicious of Sid Janus Snow wrote to dr. gahl to continue their and he told her that as a peacekeeper he now saw everything that they talked about in class come to life snow began to work with someone from dr. GAO's lab named dr. kay who was actually responsible for making Jabbar chase the birds at the Capitol used to spy on the district's during the dark days however they were a failure when the rebels caught on and they gave them false information meaning dr. kay was forced to release the jammer adjacent to the wild which actually led to the creation of mockingjays when they made it with mockingbirds snow hated mockingjays and he even recommended that they used them as target practice when they were holding the birds others were fine but when snow picked one up it began a tortured screaming and drove its bigg into his palm the bird knowing that he was a threat to them sno distrusted the bird spontaneous creation and this actually led to a fight with Lucy gray however he and Lucy Gregg continued to have good times and snow still loved every minute of the relationship snow became increasingly irritated with see genus especially because snow knew that he had plans with Billy and others in the district to break into the Peacekeeper fortress and free a woman who was locked up snow saw the perfect opportunity to incriminates the genus and he recorded him with a jabber jay as the genus told snow was planned a few nights later snow solet's to genna's had disappeared and went to find him he founds the Janice with Billy and a few other rebels and when Lucy gray joined they began to talk about their plan Mayfair the mayor's daughter then entered the doorway and snow knew that if she reported them his whole future was at stake so he pointed a gun at the doorway and shot her snow then told Lucy gray to go on stage so that she would have an alibi but as Billy charged at Lucy another rebel named sprue shot Billy dead too snow made sure that he did not touch anything in the murder scene besides the gun but he did not have to worry about that because spruce was taking it and leaving district 12 ass no thought about what he had just done he thought to himself that the second murder was a lot easier than the first he then thought about how the first one was self-defense but this one was not it was to ensure that he could still have a future and rise to power he killed to secure that power and later on down the road we know that he killed for that very same reason over and over again a little while later snows heart dropped when a shot spruce was brought back to the peacekeepers headquarters and snow now knew that the murder weapon was somewhere out there with his fingerprints on it to make things worse the Janus was arrested and was to be hung and snow knew it was because of him because they had gotten the jabra J that incriminated his so-called friend snow told himself that he had killed such a nice just like he did with his other two murder victims but a villainous voice came out and asked what choice did he have snow was forced to go to see Janice's hanging and as he watched his friends step up he knew that he was there because of him during this he saw Lucy gray in the front of the crowd crying snow watts just a genius was hung his last words calling out for his mother and the Mockingjay said he hated so much repeated to Janice's final word later on they took snows idea to used mockingjays for target practice and he felt giddy as he shot the birds that he hated so much when snow went to visit Lucy gray she sang a song that she had written for snow and he cried as she performed it Lucy gray then told snow that the mayor was all over her for the death of his daughter the girl that snowed shod thinking that Lucy gray had killed her between that and snow knowing that the murder weapon was out there somewhere the two chose to run away at dawn however right when he was about to escape he was brought into the commander's office and the commander told him that he was the youngest person to ever pass the officers test and that he would be shipped off to district 2 tomorrow to begin officer school snow had a huge dilemma but he chose to leave with Lucy gray because the murder weapon was still out there and if they found it he would be arrested on the spot in district 2 snow met up with Lucy gray and together they began their journey as they were walking snow slipped up and said that he had killed three people when Lucy gray asked who the third was as she knew about the boy in the arena and the mayor's daughter snow tried to play it off saying that he killed his old self when he decided to leave with her Lucy gray however did not seem satisfied with that answer but she dropped it as they made their way snow began thinking that this was harder than he thought and he realized that had he not been as smart as he was he might have been able to do this much more easily they ended up stopping at a lake house there's no found the weapons that spruce it hidden and tears of relief poured down his face as there was nothing else to tie him to the murder nothing except Lucy gray after he found the weapons she left the lake house and the snow stood there he began to convince himself that Lucy gray was vicious as she had killed in the arena but this was more his way to justify killing the girl that he loved he realized that she had probably figured out that the third murder was actually so genius and she was hiding from him he took one of the guns and went out to find her when he found her scarf he reached for it but a snake popped out and bit him snow thought that this was a trap and was her trying to kill him his way of further justifying killing her as he was hunting her he thought to himself how ironic it was that the relationship had turned into their own private Hunger Games Lucy gray used the mockingjays the birds that snow hated so much against them and had the birds copy or melody to conceal herself quickly snow realized the snake at poisoned him and as he fell to the ground he shot the gun in all directions hoping that one go it would catch Lucy gray it was all he could manage with the poison taking over him with the little energy he had left he got rid of the murder weapons and headed back to base which was a huge struggle at the peacekeepers headquarters he went to the doctor and the story he made up was unquestioned the doctor fixed him up but said it would leave a scar snow actually thought that this was a good thing because the scar would be a reminder to be more careful and not to trust people the way he did Lucy grey his mother's face powder that had been in her compact was in his pocket and it was ruined by the water when he went into the lake to get rid of the guns he ended up throwing it out symbolizing that he was moving on from the man that he was and he had a new chapter to begin a much darker one when he was shipped off to district 2 to begin his training they unexpectedly stopped in the capital he took this time to go to dr. gahl and she told him that she had gotten his letters and his jabber Jay the jabber Jay that exposed the Janus dr. gawa destroyed every copy of that year's Hunger Games ensuring that he would never be seen again but she did keep one copy in her vote for her eyes only getting rid of this got rid of Lucy gray for good and the mess that having student mentors had caused dr. golden told snow that he was not going to District two but that he was staying in the at all and as she smiled at him she asked if he really thought that she would spend all this time grooming him just to send him off to be a peacekeeper Snowe went on to University where he studied under dr. gall and military class and being a peacekeeper for a few months helped him get ahead of the class in no time here in these classes with dr. gall he realized that the hunger games' are part of the eternal war each one its own battle one that they could hold in the palm of their hand instead of waging a real war that could get very out of control dr. goal made snow realized that they're all creatures that needed the capital to survive and this was the basis for the rest of his career as he became farther gone and spent more time with dr. gall his cousin and best friend tigress began to stray away from them scared of the man snow had become snow ended up owing a lot to the plants so Jamie's his parents as they took snow anise their own son though the Prince never knew that the boy that they had taken in was actually the boy that had killed the real son and the fact that snow was unfazed by this showed how much he had changed the plinth fixed everything for snow with their vast amounts of money as they paid for the taxes that allowed the snows to keep their apartment they paid for snows tuition paid for his very own cook and gave Snow a very generous allowance mr. Flint also didn't bat an eye when he saw charges for nice clothes that snow at bought or anything else that snow wanted the snow in Flint families basically merged and snow became the rightful heir to the Prince munitions factory setting him up for a successful future snow and mr. Flint were very compatible so much so that snow almost forgot that mr. Flint was from the district's snow was worried that Lucy gray would reveal what really happened in the outskirts of district 12 but Lucy gray disappeared and was never seen again and everybody thought that this was the work of the district 12 mayor after his daughter Mayfair had been killed and the mayor thought that Lucy gray was the main suspect and he had taken care of her essentially freeing snow of any involvement snow did not like to talk about Lucy gray to anyone and he sometimes thought to himself that he wished things had ended differently however the whole experience made snow realized that he did not like true love because it made him stupid and vulnerable he vowed that if he ever married he would choose someone incapable of swaying his heart one day snow went to Dean High bottoms office to ask for his mother's compact back and when he gave it to snow snow threw bottles of morphling and high bottoms trash cans but snow had filled with rat poison snow knew that hot bottom was a drug addict and that he would use that morphling as soon as snow left and when he did leave I bought him did just that and died from the poison this was the first of many poisonings that snow would do over his career over the years the number of lives that snow 'taken were lost as there were too many to count snow used the Flint's fortune and a secret poisoning agenda to rise to power and eliminate anyone who stood in his way simply by poisoning them he took dr. galls classes at University and was her protege and as he got more and more power he turned the lessons he had learned in her classes into how the country actually worked he knew that people would call math ayran iron-fisted and cruel but he did not care because he knew he'd ensure survival for survival sake giving the country a chance to evolve all of this went to his head because he thought by doing all of this humanity should thank him as time went on he realized that people were getting suspicious of the many deaths of all of his opponents so to fight this he drank the poison from the same cup he always had the antidote with him to ensure he would not die along with his enemy but over time this caused severe damage to his mouth leaving a mouth full of bloody sores this led him to another problem which was the scent of blood that always came from his mouth and to cover this up he used the thick perfume of white roses the idea that was of course taken from his grandmother who proudly grew her own white roses on top of their apartment and maybe because Lucy gray had told him that he already smelled like roses all those years ago he eventually became known for always wearing a white rose in his lapel these sores were the only outward sign of his insanity he's almost always an extremely calm and reserved man never visibly losing his temper he always remained in control during a conversation and maintained a serenity even if his life was in danger or if he was facing a known enemy these evil and cruel tactics paid off as used them the plinths wealth and dr. galls wisdom to gain the highest power possible he became president of all of Panem snow moved into the president's mansion the very place where he had been assaulted by a peacekeeper and had gotten his cabbage stolen from him as a kid but he was now a very different person and that weak little boy snow eventually married a woman who he had no feelings for and he used that woman to have a child and eventually he had a granddaughter who he treated very well during his journey it was clear that snow always wanted control that was what dr. gahl liked most about him after reading his essay that highlighted this and she ensured that she brought this out in her protege and because of that he now had complete control over everything Panem government the Hunger Games the entire army of peacekeepers and so much more snow oversaw many Hunger Games and as time went on he changed the rules and made them more interesting for the public during the second quarter quell snow announced that there would be twice as many tributes four from each district but during this Hunger Games he became angry with Haymitch Abernathy the victor for that year because he used the arena's forcefield to win snow was mad because he felt that Haymitch had made him and the Capitol look weak this led him to punish Haymitch by killing his mother brother and girlfriend he saw this as necessary because he would later use him as an example to get other tributes to do what he wanted he threatened both Finnick Odair and Johanna Mason showing them what he did the Haymitch his loved ones while Finnick complied and did what snow wanted Johanna did not which led to snow killing her whole family as well when the 74th Hunger Games came along snow watched Katniss Everdeen be reared to the district 12 female and she reminded him a great deal of Lucy gray during the games snow watched the love story of Katniss and Peeta unfold in the arena and it reminded him even more of his relationship with Lucy gray and because of this it made him hate Katniss snow however knew that this love story was only one-sided and while others fell for it snow was smart enough to see that it was a sham and the Katniss only did this to get sponsors and to survive at the end of the games Katniss and Peeta tried to cheat the system they decided to eat poisonous berries and commit suicide but the GameMaker Seneca Crane told them to stop and allowed them both to win snow angry with a game maker had him killed as punishment for a slip-up his slip-up had immense consequences for snow allowing Candace and Peeta to live led to the rebellion taking full effect when Snow crowned Peeta and Katniss victors he smiled when he placed pitas crown on his head and he continued to smile as he placed kindnesses crown on her head but his eyes just inches from Katniss's were as unforgiving as a snake's snow blamed Katniss for the berry incident not Peeta he knew that she was the instigator that caused this newfound rebellious attitude in the districts the rebellion threatened to take snows power and control over the country and he was worried he knew he had to take immediate action so we visited Katniss and Victor's village in district 12 and informed her of his fears for the rebellion to fix this he tells her that she has to convince the public that her active rebellion was not what it seemed but rather was an act of love he then told her that if she does not do this he will kill over loved ones specifically Gale a boy he knew Katniss had feelings for this made Katniss promise to behave during the victory tour by pretending to love Peeta and this put a smile on snows face as he stood up to leave he whispered the Katniss saying I know about the kiss talking about Katniss is kiss with Gale in the woods this final statement sent crippling fear down Katniss his spine just as he had hoped it would well it might have seemed as though snow was using Katniss to put a stop to the rebellion this was not the case a brilliant and manipulative man snows intention was just to confuse Katniss and throw her off so that she herself would not join the rebellion he knew that as soon as she joined all was lost for him and the capital during the victory tour snow watch Katniss and Peeta parade the relationship from district to district district 11 led to her Abellio sack the snow was not happy about but when they visited the rest of the districts they did a good job flaunting their love for one another which the crowds ate up during an event snow watch Peeta proposed and Candace accepts while the audience was almost hysterical with happiness President Snow went on stage to congratulate them as he did so Katniss looked at him and raised her eyebrows her way of asking if she done enough to obey his directions but in response snow shook his head no at this point snow saw Katniss as his biggest threat and worst enemy the one thing that could strip him of his power there ended up being riots and district 8 that were inspired by Katniss but snow had known that this was coming all he really cared about was his plan and his plan had worked he had thrown Katniss off and made sure that the rebellion was not led by her because if she was involved there would be a very different outcome snow knew how to silence her and to do that he announced for the 3rd Quarter Quell they would pick from the existing pool of Victor's this whole announcement was snow specifically targeting Katniss he knew that Katniss was the only female tribute from district 12 so she would have to go back in the arena this plan was perfect because he could take out his biggest threat with out making her a martyr or having blame be turned around on him it was just another Hunger Games for the interviews snow ordered Senate address Katniss in a wedding dress that he had picked out but snow became furious when the wedding dress turned into a Mockingjay the bird that he despised and was one of the calling calls for this new rebellion and this was all courtesy of her designer Cinna this the snow was a huge act of rebellion the Mockingjay dress on top of Peeta sing the Katniss was pregnant made snow get a lot of backlash and pleased to call off the games but he refused snow had Cinna killed for this right in front of Katniss before she entered the arena sending a clear message of intimidation to Katniss and also to shake her to her core before the games began making her more vulnerable snow however got a huge shock when Katniss blew up the force field in the arena and escaped possible the rebels got Katniss along with a few other tributes including Finnick but snow was able to capture Peeta Johanna and Enobaria he took them back to the Capitol and held them captive that we eventually let Enobaria go he then declared war on the rebel forces and bombed district 12 killing a huge percent of its population snow badly tortured Peeta and Johanna wall in the Capitol for Peeta he brainwashed him using tracker jacker venom to distort his memories of Katniss he also electrocuted to a boxes and his stylist to death right in front of him by the time they were done with Peeta he was not only an asset to put on TV to boost the Capitals credit but he was also now a weapon against snows greatest enemy Katniss knowing that Katniss would return to her home in Victor's village he placed the white rose in her house the same kind of rosy war to cover up the stench of blood in his mouth he wanted her to know that he could reach her and wanted her to think that he could be watching her at any time this worked well because afterwards Katniss truly thought that he was constantly watching her snow leader kidnapped Annie Phenix girlfriend from district 4 as he knew by keeping her hostage he could a virtually incapacitated Finnick weakening his concentration and his overall loyalty to the rebels when Katniss and a team of rebels went to district 8 snow sent bombers there once again showing his power over Katniss on Snow's orders the bombers blew up a hospital full of wounded and sick since something that snow showed no remorse for however the rebels propo made Katniss b-dubs the Mockingjay the face of the rebellion and you can imagine how angry this made snow as the Mockingjay was the thing he despised among all else during one live coverage with snow using peanuts and manipulate Katniss and gain the people's support it backfired when Peeta warned the rebels of a coming attack but the feed quickly cut off as snow cried out ended the last thing televised was peacekeepers clearly ordered by snow to knock Peeta out making blood dripped from pitas head later on snow sent Candace another message by dropping a huge pile of roses on the remains of district 13 not only did this freak her out but it made her want to stop being the Mockingjay and the symbol for the rebellion altogether Finnick and Katniss later did propose they were meant to distract snow as they sent in a rescue team to save Peeta Annie and Johanna during the propo Finnick revealed to the people how snow rose to power using poison against anyone that threatened his power the brilliant snow however knew exactly what they were doing and had foreseen the rescue team coming while the rebels thought they were distracting him snow was actually playing them he wanted them to take Peeta back to Katniss so that the monster he had created out of Peeta would attack her his plan worked when Peter saw Katniss he strangled her to the point of almost killing her but the worst part of it for Katniss was not her injuries but it was a broken heart a snow ruined the man that she had fallen in love with a team of rebels including Katniss Finnick and Gale went into the Capitol here it looked as though they were all blown up and snow thought that he had won he went live on TV and announced their deaths and he made Katniss and the other rebels look like criminals and terrorists clearing his name of any wrongdoings and blaming them however when they found Boggs the squad leaders body snow realized that he had been fooled and they weren't actually dead as soon as he found the sound he says half human half lizard monsters after them which thinned out the group quite a bit a few days later snow who was in his mansion told refugees to come to him here he began to take in children which he planned to use as a human shield all hell broke loose however as rebels made their move and began to fight the peacekeepers right when the rebels broke through the peacekeepers forces hovercrafts flew above and dropped parachutes onto the crowd everyone thought it was supplies and food when the parachutes made contact everyone realized that they were bombs the explosions killed thousands of people almost immediately when doctors including prim Candace's sister went to help the wounded a second more powerful bomb went off killing nearly everyone in its vicinity after this the rebels led by coin the corrupt president of district 13 broke into the mansion and captured President Snow snow was tried and convicted of treason and sentenced to death while awaiting his death cabinets visited him in his cell where he looked surprisingly calm this visit made snow happy as he was hoping he'd get a chance to see Katniss one more time he told her that he was very sorry about her sister then told Katniss that he wasn't the one that dropped the bombs as everyone thought but rather it was coined he told her to look at the facts many of the victims were capital citizens the bombing aired lives most likely the result of the rebels careful planning and the fact that had he had a hovercraft he would have used it to escape by making it look like snow would attack his own people it stripped him of the capital civilians allegiance on top of the district's meaning that everyone was against him he then concluded his conversation with Katniss urging her to see coins genius while he was manipulating Katniss he became so blinded with hatred and became so obsessed with beating her that he had been too blind to see that coin was manipulating him the whole time she tricked him into devoting far too much time and effort into Katniss that he didn't see that coin was the real threat all along Katniss told him that she didn't believe him and snow replied saying that he thought they'd agreed not to lie to each other the thing that they had agreed to over a year before this and the thing that dr. gahl had engraved and snows mind all those years ago when he saw Clemmy get bitten by the snakes and dr. gahl tell him that lying leads to weakness on snow his execution day they made it a public execution and he couldn't help but flash back to the third person he had killed that's the genesis public execution but when it came time for Katniss to kill him snow looked into her eyes and she stared back the two had so much history and so much hate from one another but while looking at snow Khan has realized that everything Snow said was true instead of killing him she shot an arrow right at president coin killing her instantly snow laughed hysterically spitting out blood from the sores in his mouth the faculty convinced Kat not to kill him didn't save his life however what followed was chaos chaos in which snow lost his life it's unclear if he was killed by the crowd or if he choked to death on his own blood either way he got the death that he deserved looking at snows life his path changed when he became a mentor he was genuinely nice albeit a little bit stuck up but after dr. gall got in his head and he immersed himself in The Hunger Games it changed him snow always had a thing for control but dr. gall brought this out in him in an evil and corrupted way he turned into a murderer and he was not ashamed of this snow will forever go down in history as a tyrannical leader which after being a mentor he literally said to himself he was going to be he said he knew people would see him that way but he did not care he was the master manipulator but his downfall came at the hands of four different girls the love from Lucy gray the sculpting from dr. gall the manipulating from president coin and being outplayed by Katniss Everdeen thank you so much for watching guys you can follow me on social media and see more of my personal life and see more of this little dude you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for movie's flame updates and I want to give a huge shout out to all my patrons listed below if you want to be featured in the next video plus get a bunch of other awards become a patreon today again thank you so much for watching make sure you press that like button and subscribe and look out for more great videos on the way you
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 1,552,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, president, katniss, peeta, johanna, finnick, odair, everdeen, mellark, mason, lucy gray, lucy, gray, baird, lucy gray baird, sejanus plinth, crassus, highbottom, gaul, mockingjay, jabberjay, plutarch, alma coin, coin, rue, cinna
Id: h8imjKEZ9bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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