The Evolution of Miles Morales Spider-Man (2015 - 2023)

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everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go nah I'm going do my own thing one of the biggest successes in the Marvel universe is the adaptation of multiple versions of Spider-Man specifically the one in the black and red suit but wait I'm not talking about Peter Parker Kan Scarlet Spider or superior Spider-Man this time but Miles Morales while he's made his debuted in comics he's also had many appearances in TV shows films and even video games with amazing character arcs to find out about his different onscreen story lines I'll be your guide as we delve into the evolution of his Spider-Man through the decades number one Ultimate Spider-Man it all starts in his home Dimension where he witnessed the death of Spider-Man at the hands of the ruthless ultimate Goblin feeling guilty for not intervening maybe I could have saved him but I was scared miles takes up the mantle after he gains powers of his own but things get even crazier when he meets Spider-Man From Another Dimension so you're not dead I'm not what now who has been chasing his own Goblin across the Multiverse together they team up to stop both of their goblins but their Adventure is far from over when a new thread emerges Hydra summoning the goblin to another dimension miles drops everything to help Peter save the universe from destruction if you really need help I'm your guy he may have sacrificed is Tak it back home but he felt at home after meeting the web warriors welcome to the team Spider-Man over the course of the series miles has countless adventures with the web warriors he even takes on a new name to differentiate himself from the other Spider-Man kid arachnid not bad actually but when the Multiverse is at risk miles and Peter must travel across Dimensions to gather the pieces of an ancient device while chasing the evil wolf spider despite all of the danger and risky faces miles ultimately finds a new family in Peter's Dimension and decides to stay there with his mom number two Marvel Superhero Adventures now most people probably haven't seen this series as its main target audience is preschoolers it aired on Disney Jr and is packed with stories around Spider-Man's exciting adventures with super villains and life lessons the key is to never give up I learned that from My Buddy Miles Morales now miles makes his return for several short episodes in several seasons and by several I mean only two episode appearances in two seasons in his first appearance miles teams up with Spider-Man to stop Dr octopus's evil plan whenever there's trouble miles can use his Venom strike and his spider webbing to save the day but that's not all they also chase a runaway cat that's stuck in a drone's package in another episode miles and Spider-Man face off against the Hob Goblin who's been dumping garbage over a new playground although the Duo initially struggles they eventually pull through and teach the audience valuable life lessons you made a mistake but we learned from making mistakes so now you can fix it from admitting to making mistakes and learning from them to keep the city clean miles and Peter show what it means to be a hero while he also does appear in the specials they're basically short games regarding the journey The Runaway Cat made from miles's first appearance number three Marvel Spider-Man in the series with a title that is difficult to differentiate Tre unless you add the year miles goes to Horizon High a high school for geniuses he works on all sorts of cool projects with his friends Anya and Gwen before welcoming the new student Peter Parker welcome to the think tank Pete this is where we mix mingle and motivate miles and Peter become good friends and Miles starts to pick up on Peter's sense of humor when chaos follows Spider-Man do you know what they call a group of rhinos crash they're called a crash one day miles has a runin with Spencer SMI and gets bitten by one of oscorp's genetically altered spiders before he knows it he's got superpowers and reacts to save Spider-Man from his demise after creating his own Spider-Man suit he Reveals His identity to Peter Gwen and Anya and decides to start fighting crime as a superhero of course things don't go quite as planned miles accidentally Reveals His neighborhood on TV trying to do my neighborhood on 14th Street proud a and pretty soon he's being pursued by Mech wanting the new Spider-Man but miles is resourceful he discovers that he can generate electricity to create a Venom blast to escape from danger with Spider-Man as his mentor after he Reveals His identity miles learns the ropes I can't wait to shoot these things after you practice doesn't mind following orders get everyone back in the auditorium crowd control it is finds new ways to use his electricity and later discovers he can also turn invisible I just wanted to show you what I can do on my own as his experience grows he fights super villains saves the city from people turn into spiders battles Dr Octopus as Spider-Man and even teams up with ghost spider and spider girl eventually miles takes on the name Spidey and he has all sorts of crazy Adventures including teaming up with Doctor Strange becoming venomized himself and discovering that his dad is the super villain swarm number four Spider-Man homecoming now yes you're right if you've seen this film before you know Miles Morales never makes a physical appearance well that part is true since he doesn't appear physically but he does get a slight reference confirming his character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the film Peter is trying to get information about an arms deal involving high-tech weapons and the villainous vulture he goes through his footage and identifies someone he can get Intel from Aaron Davis as Spider-Man webs Aaron to his car to get answers Aaron reveals that he also doesn't want those kind of weapons on the street because he has someone important who lives in the neighborhood I don't want those weapons in this neighborhood I got a nephew who live here after getting the information he needs Spider-Man leaves but in a deleted scene Aaron is left with nothing to do and nowhere to go after trying to escape so what does he do he calls up miles yeah sorry miles I'm I'm not going to make it yeah I'm just stuck number five spider man into the spider-verse considered as a comic book film Masterpiece miles's superhero origin begins with his reluctance to change schools and attend Brooklyn Visions Academy I would prefer to be at a normal school among the people the people these are your people he tries to quit a few more of those you'd probably have to kick me out of here huh but his teacher instead assigns him a personal essay which he struggles to write wanting a distraction miles heads to meet his uncle Aaron whom he close to before he knows it they start putting up graffiti in an abandoned Subway when suddenly miles is bitten by a radioactive spider the next day not realizing he has powers he meets Gwen and causes a scene but things go really crazy when he Witnesses Spider-Man battling the Green Goblin when Spider-Man saves miles and Promises to show him the ropes you're going to be fine I can help you if if you stick around I can show you the ropes Kingpin activates his collider opening multiple dimensions in the chaos Goblin shoves Spider-Man into the collider causing an explosion injured Peter tells miles to destroy the collider using his key though Kingpin savagely kills Peter miles accidentally destroys the key but then he meets another Peter are you from another dimension like a parallel universe where you're Spider-Man in that universe that was really just a guess who becomes his mentor and they team up to get a new key along the way they meet Spider-Man variants including spider Gwen who miles grows close with spider ham spider Noir and Penny Parker as they can't stay you stay here you'll die miles is determined to save them but struggles to control his powers to make matters worse he discovers that his uncle is a Prowler and Kingpin kills him for not killing miles however his father's speech inspires him to take a leap of faith to become Spider-Man he then uses his powers to help the team sends them home destroys the collider and defeats Kingpin finally he finishes his essay and grows closer with his dad when they create a mural of Uncle Aaron number six Marvel Spider-Man in the first entry of insomniac's Marvel Universe we find miles a Spider-Man Fanboy capturing Spidey swinging through the city he later regroups with his parents for his dad's ceremony you got this dad I mean come on you save Spider-Man I'm I'm pretty sure that makes you an official superhero but during his dad's acceptance speech Mr negative and the demons attack after miles saves his mom from debris he begins searching for his dad in a dramatic turn miles discovers that his father died because he used his body to Shield others at the funeral Peter offers his condolences but miles has trouble coping I'm sorry I was justy trying to help I know after finding comfort and volunteering at the feast shelter Peter helps him settle in pretty great that even though he's got a lot of stuff going on right now he decided to come and volunteer don't you think despite learning that the man responsible for his dad's death is Feast founder miles continues to help after near death experience and saving Spider-Man from his demise miles is sent on a supply run to pick up antibiotics he takes them back from convicts but after barely escaping from Rhino he uses self-defense techniques that Spider-Man and taught him earlier however ant May later get sick from a virus Dr Octopus released so Miles runs the feast shelter and helps cure infected people but when OS corp's genetically altered spider bites him miles Comforts Peter at antm's funeral and he reveals his powers to him it's pretty weird right not that weird the game's DLC takes things up a notch as miles frequently calls Peter for Spider-Man training at First Peter is hesitant but as miles eventually understands the importance of the role he begins training miles just try to keep up number seven Marvel Spider-Man Miles Morales the second entry follows miles becoming Spider-Man a year later as miles adjusts to his move to Harlem he's slowly getting the hang of being a superhero when Peter calls him for help in protecting a convoy transporting Rhino he suits up and jumps into action but things take a turn for the worst when Rhino escapes and Peter loses Consciousness in a moment of Focus miles discovers his bioelectric powers and manages to defeat Rhino after meeting Simon creger head of R&D at roxon energy Peter reveals that he'll be leaving New York and trust it safe in miles's hands New York's only Spider-Man but that's not all miles tries on the suit Peter gave him before Recon connecting with his old best friend Finn the next day after using his best friend ganes app and uncle Aaron deducing his identity the underground later attacks miles confronts their leader the tinkerer who turns out to be none other than Finn herself as he learns he can turn invisible when roxon tries to kill him miles escapes wanting answers he creates a new suit with gy and investigates uncovering the truth behind new form he makes shocking discoveries his uncle is a Prowler and Finn's motive is Simon killing her brother per his uncle's suggestion miles goes undercover to learn Finn's evil plan to destroy rocks on Finn's pumping energy into the new form making it unstable like my Venom did he then recovers evidence to arrest creger but fails to convince Finn to stop her plan but the stakes are high when miles must fight his uncle for betraying him I can't turn my back when people need me I have to be better than that and intervening in the rocks on and underground War while his uncle helps stop the war miles confronts Finn and battles her too late to stop the reactor miles absorbs all its energy but can't hold it in any longer so Finn sacrifices herself before miles releases the energy on the city 4 Weeks Later miles is now Harlem's hero and shares his story with Peter does his job ever get easier some of it yeah some things never get easier though number eight Spidey and his amazing friends now here's another Disney junor series that is perfect for younger audiences featuring a trio of spider Heroes miles Peter's best friend is one of the main protagonists and with Gwen Stacy AKA ghost spider they take on super villains in the city however with three spiders on the team to avoid confusing their super computer Spider-Man I'm Spider-Man too miles takes the name Spin and Peter main Spider-Man miles is always cracking jokes and is always ready for some friendly competition with his team I'm miles ahead of you get it cuz my secret identity is Miles when there's trouble the trio heads to their web quarters and sued up to face super villains like Doc O Green Goblin Rhino and Electro in battle he often uses his cloaking powers and aack no stings to stop them you mean the ghost was you got you miles makes over 80 appearance in the series so there's no way I can talk about all his adventures in just one segment however I can mention that besides his Spidey team he also teams up with other superheroes like Iron Man I call it the power bubble it's definitely the most powerful bubble I've ever seen Miss Marvel Black Panther and many more with team ups they share the responsibility of keeping the city safe from more super villains like black cat and Sandman number nine Spider-Man no way home let me take you back to the MCU in the Multiverse liveaction film we dive into the third act where Miles gets another reference Spider-Man from alternate realities team up to fight villains from their universes where in an epic showdown of good versus evil the Spider-Man cure them after the climax of the battle we see the unmasked Amazing Spider-Man approaching a super villain Electro who is now depowered Max's stunn to finally see the young face behind the mask and compliments him on his looks however he believed that Spider-Man was different underneath based on his traits you got that suit you help a lot of poor people I just thought you was going to be black Peter humbly apologizes for not living up to Max's expectations but the latter believes that there must be a Spider-Man out there who fits that description I don't apologize there got to be a black Spider-Man somewhere out there and with the Multiverse in play we know that he's right Miles Morales has multiple animated appearances but this also leaves us excited for the confirmed liveaction project number 10 Spider-Man across the spiderverse in the 16 months since the last film miles has a new suit faces off against many villains discovers he can absorb electricity and does countless sketches of Gwen the only problem he's still struggling to tell his parents the truth about being Spider-Man after fighting a new villain the spot miles heads to his parent teacher interview to discuss his future despite his grade slipping due to being Spider-Man and a B in Spanish what miles is determined to study quantum mechanics to figure out how to travel across dimensions and meet Gwen and the other Spider-Man but when spot escapes miles confronts him again where he reveals the truth about miles my spider From Another Dimension made you Spider-Man and himself I was in this collider room when you blow it up later Gwen reconnects with miles but the reunion is shortlived as she leaves the track down spot miles follows her and meets pitra and Hobie but introductions are cut short as bot uses colliders to grow more powerful two defeat Miles when the collider collapses miles manages to save a Police Inspector though unintentionally triggers the collapse of perous universe members of the spider Society arrived to contain the chaos while miles and the others head to HQ where he reunites with Peter and meets Miguel however miles soon learns the importance of Canon events the connections that bind our lives together and their impact on the spider-verse that those connections can be broken that's why anomalies are so dangerous realizing that his dad will be Captain miles gets a vision of spot killing his dad despite knowing this is a Canon event miles can't bear the thought of letting his dad die so he runs with a society hot on his tail as Miguel reveals he's the original anomaly there's a world out there with no Spider-Man to protect them because it been you instead you're not supposed to be Spider-Man Miles escapes and uses a machine to go home but he starts glitching and realizes that he's in the universe of the spider that bit him what shocks him even more is seeing Uncle Aron alive while his dad is dead miles is then attacked and as he learns that the miles on this Earth is the prowler who refuses to release him miles prepares to escape number 11 Marvel Spiderman 2 the third entry is about miles has struggled to balance his life and being Spider-Man with a lot on his plate it's just a lot right now he's trying to write a college application essay but can't seem to talk about himself without mentioning Spider-Man when Peter walks in late to teach his physics class miles notices a sandstorm Brewing outside bathroom so they suit up and swing into action together they defeat samman and help people including none other than J Jonah Jameson but as miles regroups with gy and Haley he learns about their successes while he has nothing good happening wanting to take a break from his essay hey miles you busy I need whatever it is I'm down miles helps Peter protect transfers to the raft but things take a dark turn when miles discovers that Martin Lee who killed his father mother is also being transferred miles Craven's Army of hunters attacked the Convoy where Miles learns that his powers are different around Lee's negative energy Craven captures Lee but miles is determined to track him down after helping black cat escape for more Hunters he joins Peter in stopping the lizard where he realizes that Peter's new suit is changing him he's not normally like that right he's never like that eventually craving kidnaps miles and makes him fight Lee to the death instead of seeking Revenge he helps Lee escape to find Spider-Man Peter rescues miles but when the Symbiote takes over miles has to fight and help separate him from it but things get even more complicated when Harry bonds with the Symbiote to become venom and infects the city with symbiotes miles works with Lee to save Peter from one inside him but Lee plans to sacrifice his powers to save Peter miles admits he won't forgive Lee but will release his hate as they free him together reforming your greatest enemy can't say I've ever done that with the new suit time for a miles moral is original you know miles later fights Venom and protects MJ when she destroys Venom's Invasion meteorite after Peter decides to take a break from being Spider-Man miles is trusted to protect the city I got this all of it but he also finishes his ESS gets a girlfriend and meets his mom's boyfriend number 12 the spider within a spider verse Story onto another project set in the continuity of the spider-verse films comes the six-minute horror Vibe story set between the first and second one although the official release date of the short film is still unknown some viewers were lucky enough to see it the story focuses on miles but the plot is something you don't see often the anxiety Heroes go through and handle alone [Music] God what am I to do as a Teenage superhero miles has a lot on his plate from juggling family responsibilities to keeping up with school all while being New York's one and only Spider-Man it's no surprise that the constant strain of doing too much and having a lot on his mind takes a significant toll on him as his fear grows when it suddenly attacks him from every corner he tries to confront it miles soon realizes that the only way to overcome anxiety is not to attack at head on but to be vulnerable and ask for help and that is precisely what miles does as he turns to his dad who calms him down why aren't you at school whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who it's okay it's okay this short story does an outstanding job of highlighting the effects of stress on the mind and the importance of seeking help when needed number 13 Spider-Man beyond the spiderverse now yes you're right again this is another project that hasn't even come out yet but it has been confirmed as the final film in the trilogy although it won't be released in March 2024 it could potentially be released in late 2024 or sometime in 2025 but it will be worth the wait the last film ended with Miles stuck on Earth 42 trying to escape from his doppelganger the prowler if I don't get home our dad is going to die your dad meanwhile Gwen formed her own team to find miles and help him in his fight against the spider society and the spot I have a feeling that miles will either Escape or team up with this doppelganger who on this Earth is more of an anti-hero the big question is if Miles Warren his dad will his entire universe in the spiderverse collapse or will his Universe be an exception and his dad survives either way we know the story will lead to an intense battle between miles and the spot and with their shared Visions they reveal that the future will be chaotic across the spiderverse is already a masterpiece but this film will be groundbreaking in how it concludes the trilogy story and character arcs and that's a wrap on Miles Morales until we see him again in the spider within beyond the spider-verse the next Insomniac Spider-Man game and the confirmed liveaction film what's your favorite adaptation of Miles Morales as Spider-Man take a leap of faith and let me know in the comments and hey if you enjoy this video give it a thumbs up and hit that subscribe button to stay updated on my latest content oh and a huge shout out to my amazing patrons for helping keep this channel running if you'd like to join them head over to my patreon page to receive exclusive perks like early access to videos access to my private Discord server and discounts on merch until next time keep swinging
Channel: Renash30
Views: 670,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miles morales, the evolution of miles morales in tv shows and movies, the evolution of spider man, Ultiamte Spider-Man, miles morales spider verse, miles morales spider man game, Marvel's Spider-Man, Beyond the Spider-Verse, Into the Spider-Verse, Across the Spider-Verse, miles morales evolution in games, spiderman miles morales, the spider within, homecoming, prowler, aaron davis, miles and hailey, miles new suit spider man 2, miles vs peter, spiderman, spider-man miles morales
Id: XHhivBRiIls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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