Ranking The Hokage from Weakest to Strongest In Naruto

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[Music] naruto ranking the hokage the fire shadow if you watch naruto then you know what a hokage is if you don't you're not a naruto fan nor do you know anything about naruto because it's like literally his whole goal anyway hokage is more than that one title that everyone yearns for it's a legitimate title that's been held by others before and still is held the holder of the title hokage is the strongest and most revered shinobi of the village but the question is which of these hokage were the strongest well i plan to answer this question today which hokage was the strongest welcome to the amagi before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media help us reach our goal of passing a hundred thousand followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year now without further ado let's get into the video now before i begin i'm going to mention that i plan to add danzo i know he was more of a candidate than an actual hokage but i'm going to count him too because his grotesque arm was cool in its own way anyway first on the list lord first hashirama senju this guy isn't called the god of shinobi for nothing and his title as hokage is proof but not just any hokage the first the founder hashirama was born during the warring states period he fought against the uchiha clan when he wasn't fighting he was playing with matara an uchihan clan member but due to them being friends yet their clans at war they decided not to share their clan names as it would make them enemies if they were of opposing clans meaning one would have to die they both dreamed of peace but upon discovering their other's clan name it became impossible ashirama sought to put aside their war but madura was not madura entered their friendship to make it easier to kill each other ashirama and matara met in combat multiple times eventually both became the heads of their respective clans and hashirama continued to search for peace eventually toby rama you might know him as lord second and is next on the list actually killed moderate's brother izuna after maduro was convinced to decline the offer for peace once more hashirama found himself facing off against madura and matara found himself soundly defeated tobirama was one step away from killing moderate but hashirama stopped him and after mata stated it hashirama attempted to commit suicide to end hostilities between senju and ochiha seeing this matera relented and consented to peace together the two formed what would come to be called the hidden leaf village a village where children would never die in battle at least that was the hope pretty sure they were still using children for dangerous missions during naruto's era in the end under toby rama's suggestion the hokage position was chosen democratically and it was hashirama who was elected though part of me wonders what would have happened if mahdra had become elected after losing to hajirama and knowing the second hokage would inevitably be toby rama mataro left the village he returned once more to destroy it and this time he brought a big nine-tailed present to his frenemy after one final clash hashirama put an end almost end if you count izanagi which robbed mata of sight from one of his sharingan now we move on to what he can do hashirama was both a senju and a reincarnation of asura much like naruto and this meant he had impressive key reserves so much so that he even stated during the fourth shinobi world war that naruto using kuroma's chakra was close to matching his own this granted hasherama near infinite stamina which allowed him to fight for over 24 hours without fainting he also was skilled enough to use jutsu with little to no hand sign he also possessed great regenerative abilities and an indomitable will that made him truly a force to be reckoned with among his other abilities he was a user of wood style which even others in his clan descended directly from him couldn't do he could create massive structures out of this mixture of earth and water chakra that were capable of matching susanoo and even tailed beasts he was also capable of using sage mode which only boosted his already formidable power further to the point that his battle with matara and the nine-tailed beast was able to carve a whole valley this is something to consider lord second tobi rama senju during the warring states period he fought the ichiha alongside his brother hashirama and was far more ruthless than his brother after this when the village hidden in the leaves was founded he put forward the idea of electing a hokage democratically while hashirama was a hopeless optimist his brother tobi rama was more of a realist while hashirama wished to give the position of hokage to matara tobirama wanted it to become democratic he didn't believe it to be a good idea to give it over to madara as he was still wary of him during the first kage summit when hashirama wished to give away tailed beasts to the other nations it was tobirama who said they should pay for the tailed beasts once he became the hokage he began to foster a view of village first over the clan first view which had been common up to that point it was largely successful except for the uchiha clan which resented this idea toby rama created the military police force for the uchiha clan to run but they resented this as well ever the edgy clan they were he did much to foster peace during his time but sadly the first shinobi world war started during this war he and his team found themselves surrounded by king kaku force of the village hidden in the clouds this was where toby rama met his end but before his death he passed his title to his protege hirozen sarutobi now his abilities tobirama during his time as hokage was considered unmatched and was known to be the fastest shinobi alive he was the creator of such moves such as the flying thunder god jutsu as well as the impure reincarnation jutsu the guy legit learned how to bring people back to life ironically this technique was one that was later used on him he also created the shadow clone jutsu which is later used by the likes of lord vii he was capable of completing complex jutsu with only one hand sign he also was an astoundingly good sensor having the ability to not only send people countries away but even tell their lineage merely from sensing their chakra he was a master of water style which made him terrifying on the battlefield lord third hirozen saratobi he was born to the eu guested sarutobi clan and was among the first generation of shinobi to be trained in konoha he was a close friend of dantoshimura who were going to title lord 5.5 for this video and was put on a team with the likes of homura mitocado and koharu utatane they were under the direct command of lord ii tobirama senju and were known as team tobirama hirazan was quite the prodigy in shinobi skills to the point that donzo grew jealous hirozen was given the title of third hokage during the first shinobi world war and allowed danto charge of the even more ruthless version of anbu known as root he is then married biwako who eventually gave birth to asma sartobi led his own team consisting of hirochimaru jiraya and tsunade who would later become known as the legendary sunnin hirozen led the hidden leaf during the second and third shinobi world wars where he ended the third by signing a peace treaty with village hidden in the stones despite the losses kono had taken this caused an uproar in the village which forced hirozen into retirement he had hoped that urotimaru might replace him as he felt orochimaru was a kindred spirit but orochimaru refused he tried to give the position to jiraya but didn't think he was responsible enough in the end he chose minato namikaze who had proven himself in the war however after the death of minato namikaze in the nine-tailed fox's attack saratobi came out of retirement to lead the village during this time he fulfilled minato's wishes by watching over a young naruto although he didn't watch him good enough it seems abilities hiroten was known as a god of shinobi much like hashirama senju and his talent earned him his position from a young age despite growing weaker in his old age he managed to hold his own against orochimaru and the reincarnated bodies of the first and second hokage while he did die in this battle it was only after emulating minato namikaze and using the reaper death seal to rob rochimaru a proper use of his arms he was stated to have incredible chakra prowess but his old age severely limited this to the point that it was risky to even split his chakra among more than a couple shadow clones he was renowned as the professor due to his versatility in jutsu he could understand and use jutsu unlike many people in history his observational abilities were incredible enough that he could understand a brand new jutsu just by seeing the hand seals that were weaved by his opponents he was known to be ready for about any situation it would be likely he would be prepared for this situation too he was also very well trained in all basic styles as well as yin and yang release he was very good at using shuriken as well as sealing techniques worthy of his title lord fourth minato namikaze the father of the titular protagonist minato was not without his own abilities he was trained by jiraya and was an incredible warrior he rescued kuchina from the village hidden the clouds as agents this feat just so happened to steal the heart of kushina uzumaki and the two would later end up married he eventually created a team of three called team minito this team consisted of rinohara obito chiha and kakashi hatake when kakashi was still dealing with the death of his father hira then assigned minato to helping him overcome this bitterness and understand the human aspect of being a shinobi to help with team building minotaur gave his students a bell test during the third shinobi world war minito was a beast to the fact that during his time as hokage people feared him and hated him for it when he became the fourth hokage he was tasked to help kakashi hatake who had fallen into an even deeper hole after the deaths of rin and obito he gave kokashi the role of guarding kushina during childbirth to help restore his value of life minato was there when naruto was born but a masked man named not obito held the baby hostage and used it as leverage to get to kuchina he released the ninetails and tried to use it to eradicate the village and in the end minotau and krishna sacrificed their lives to save their child and the village by sealing half of kurama into naruto with ninito maintaining the other half and taking it with him to his shinigami grave abilities he was one of the strongest shinobi ever i'm not saying that just because he's cool and stuff he quickly figured out how to counter obito's kamui and slapped him with the resengan oh by the way did i mention he invented the resengan he was a master of the flying reijan jutsu which he taught to the hokage guard once he was in office he was uh fast as hell too it's no joke that he was called the yellow flash of the leaf yellow because of his hair and flash because he was so fast he prioritized moving quickly and striking just as quickly in the deadly manner he was able to summon gamabunta and use him with no fuss he was skilled in barrier type jutsu and was even a good sensor not to the level of toporama but still a good sensor nonetheless he had incredible chakra control which is required for the resengan and was proficient in three of the five main nature releases as well as yin and yang release he was proficient in stealing ju2 which i suppose is only natural when you're married to an uzumaki he also was notable for his use of shuriken jutsu of which he used the custom-made kunai that he tended to mark for use with his flying thunder god technique he also was capable of using sage mode just like naruto and hashirama is it too early to call winner too early yeah it's it's too early lord fifth aka tsunade the granddaughter of the first hokage and one of the legendary saanin that should be enough for us to tell how strong tsunade is but for the sake of the fewer i shall continue you're welcome a woman full of ice she was a drinker and a gambler much like her grandfather before he doted on her and she even became known as princess due to her connection with hashirama senju after the death of her grandfather she inherited his necklace which she would later give to naruto she joined the academy and eventually was assigned the team hirozen alongside definitely pervy not yet seiji jiraya and orochimaru she was known to have a flat chest when she was younger to which pervy made fun of when she made fun of his failure during their team's bell test despite this comment jiraiya did have a crush on her which only increased along with her bust size through the years she had a younger brother named naoki who dreamed of being hokage just like granddad on his 12th birthday she gave him their grandfather's necklace to help bring him good luck to achieving his dream it didn't work out so well as he died the next day as a casualty of the second world war hashirama didn't do too well keeping children out of war did he after this she campaigned to get medical nin added to all squads to help stop deaths like her brother which hid his then agreed to it was too demanding in the war though and would require more resources than they could spare a shinobi named dan kato agreed with her and confided in her that he would also wish to become hokage one day a very common dream i guess she gave him a kiss on the forehead and then gifted the hokage necklace to him and yeah he died too i'm uh kind of seeing a recurring theme here you know she took on dan's niece she's an a as an apprentice and leave the village and her life as a shinobi behind eventually though she became hokage after naruto met her she gave him the necklace and he did not die so i guess it's a sign right abilities tsunade was a skilled taichuchi user and medical neem she was a legend before she even became a kage she did have a fear of blood which i guess is only right it's kind of weird for a medical nin but again she lost her loved and via blood loss so it's understandable nonetheless she doesn't let this get in the way in battle she was even considered by matara to be worthy of the title kage as both a descendant of the uzumaki and senju clans her chakra levels were off the charts she was so strong she managed to fight non-stop for 12 hours straight and even survived dying seriously she got cut in half and walked it off she has the capacity to heal over a thousand shinobi at once and with the strength of hundred seal located on her forehead she can increase her power by well 100 times she is naturally strong able to lift gabubunta's sword and was even noted to be incredibly strong when even only a few years old she could even split the ground with her finger she once even broke six of joriah's ribs both of his arms and ruptured many of his freaking organs and could even break through a susanoo in absolute defense with just a few strikes she even has access to a technique known as creation rebirth which is essentially canned immortality is a great summoner capable of summoning a giant slug named katsuyu katsuyu can divide into multiple cells which chanate can use to communicate and remotely heal allies from a distance she's proficient in using fire water earth and lightning release missing out on only wind she's also proficient with both yin and yang release she isn't seen using any of these releases however in the series but has been shown to use a technique that scrambles signals from the brains of the body known as body pathway derangement she also is very proficient in the transformation technique which allows her to appear in her 20s despite being in her 50s the transformation is resilient as it never seems to run out even when unconscious or injured and only ends when she runs out of chakra to use she's rightly claimed to be the best medical need in the world perhaps history being able to detect any illness just by looking at someone she healed the psychological damage caused by the sugami and even healed rockley's spine even after he was deemed a lost cause her knowledge of medicine is unparalleled as she's able to create poisons antidotes and even learned how to make synthetic limbs from the zetsu that was recovered after the fourth shinobi world war she is truly a versatile and powerful kage worthy of her spot lord fifth point five donzo shimura aka the darkness of the shinobi now there's a nickname for you danzo shimura of the shimura clan was among the first few hundred shinobi to graduate from the academy and was rivals with hirozin saratobi lord third he fought alongside team tobirama during the first shinobi world war where he witnessed tobii rama passing his title to hirozen during the battle against the kinkaku squad it became apparent that not everyone would walk out alive and for most to escape one would need to act as a distraction and die donzo wished to but found himself too afraid while hirosen offered himself up immediately in the end it was toby rama who'd volunteered himself donzo beat himself up over his cowardice and lashed out at hirozin for volunteering before he could while toby rama distracted the enemy his squad escaped after hirozen became hokage he appointed danzo as the head of root donzo never did forget his dream of becoming hokage however during the third shinobi world war donzo sent some of his assets to the village hidden in the rain where he hoped to help hanzo eradicate a fledgling group known as the ikatsuki he had hoped that this would help him secure a spot as hokage however the rage boosted nagato eradicated them all with the ghetto statue during this time donzo played both sides of the field both manipulating hanzo as well as the akatsuki in an effort to strengthen the leaf danto also worked with orochimaru and together recruited former ombu member nono who had been working at an orphanage and also recruited a young man named kaputo yakushi as operatives when they began to become too dangerous to leave alive dondo manipulated kapito and nono into killing each other with the road tomorrow being sent to clean up whoever was left over instead orochimaru recruited the young man without donzo's knowledge orochimaru also helped danzo replace his arm with one from shin uchiha and even infused it with the dna of hashirama senju when hirozen sought to end the third shinobi world war with a peace treaty danzo was among those who voiced their disdain which was instrumental in the fall of the third hokage from grace and the creation of the fourth minato namikaze when the fourth lost his life in the battle against the nine-tails danzo immediately suspected the uchiha and when lord third returned from retirement danto was quite upset he recruited kakashi hatake to spy on the third and even began to contemplate and plan an assassination which kakashi snitched to the third about this was treasonous and worthy of execution but hira then spared danzo and kept it all secret so long as donzo dedicated his life to protecting the village danto then mentioned that such mercy and kindness would one day be hirozen's downfall and the prophecy would prove to be true as hirozen's mercy with orochimaru is what ultimately led to the konaha crush where hirosen perished eventually orochimar's sinister actions would come to light and danza would betray orochimaru to protect himself however fearing his sharingan might go blind from overuse donzo attempted to take kakashi's gift to charangon for his own but his subordinate kinoe you would know him better as yamato refused to complete the mission the hidden leaf managed to form an alliance with the land of wood in which they meant to exchange secret scrolls as a sign of trust he feared that the land of wood would betray him and so he sent kakashi and the newly recruited itachi uchiha as a two-man team to deal with the woodening if things turned sour about two years later there were rumors of a coup planned by the uchiha clan a man named shisui uchiha said that he planned to cast koto amatsukami on the council of the clan to put the idea to rest but donzo instead stole shisui's eye which resulted in the latter's suicide he then met with itachi and formed a plan to slaughter the entire clan which came to fruition with the exception of sasuke and hitachi himself he then threw hitachi under the bus by stating it was itachi alone who did it doesn't need uh much saying guy was kind of a douche abilities danzo wasn't a slouch but his old age did drag him down not too unlike kirozen however danzo managed to keep up with many other powerful shinobi and his use of genjutsu was a high quality both in creating and dispelling genjitsu danza was also well versed in stealing jutsu and summoning jutsu he could place seals on their tongues of root members to keep them from speaking certain things and could use a seal known as the reverse force symbol sealing technique which he could use at death to seal any threats within his own body he was proficient in wind earth water and fire release as well as yin and yang release he was very proficient in wind release especially and could use vacuum-like attacks that could carve you up like a turkey he also could use wood release due to possessing hashirama senju cells though this was tougher on his body he also possessed multiple shoting gun one of which being shisui sharangan which would allow him to cast the genjutsu so subtle that people would believe that thoughts and actions they were taking were of their own volition he further had access to the izanagi technique which in exchange for the sight and use of the sharingan could blur the line between genjutsu and reality which he could use to escape an undesired outcome though this had a time limit to it and izanagi could be used without any effect due to time constraints if one activated izanagi and a certain amount of time passed without it being used the eye would still go blind so it wasn't a perfect defense as you could merely pull a sasuke outweight the izanagi and then go for a fatal blow when all sharingan were depleted however the chances of you getting to this point relies heavily upon circumstances and possibilities in the situation as sasuke would have been dead if danzo had been at full power and codden had not been there lord sixth kakashi hatake the copy ninja he's a legend in his own right he was raised basically by a single father as his mother died when he was very young however his father had failed a large mission due to choosing his friends over the mission which resulted in heavy losses for konoha kakashi's father later committed suicide leaving kakashi as an orphan kakashi however still managed to get top marks in the academy and was very popular among his peers even gaining a friend and rival and a student named mike gai kakashi was a prodigy and was considered the best of his generation he managed to pass minato's bell test this test was meant to foster teamwork however kakashi managed to take the bells by using obito and rin to handicap minato as minato naturally went easier on those two than the prodigy himself minato still passed them as technically they had used teamwork even if kakashi had instead used this team as opposed to working with them during the third shinobi world war kakashi had already become a jonine and he was given command when minato felt he needed to help elsewhere in the war during the mission to destroy kanabi bridge kakashi learned what it was to be a team when rin was captured he had said that shinobi who abandoned the mission for personal feelings are scum this vision was derived from the bitterness over the fate of his father however obito defied kakashi's orders to leave her behind stating that if a shinobi that abandoned their mission for their teammates were scum then a shinobi who abandoned their friends were worse than scum kakashi took this to heart and later attempted to help obito rescue irene in this attempt he lost an eye and obito managed to awaken his own sharingan they managed to save rin but in the effort the cave began to collapse kakashi would have died but obito pushed him out of the way and saved him at the cost of his own life obito gave one of his sharingan to kakashi to replace kakashi's lost eye as a birthday gift before they were forced to leave him behind this death had an impact on kakashi that would change his view for the rest of his life during a later mission his teammate rin ohara was kidnapped by the village hidden in the mist and became the jinchuriki of the three tales the idea was that she would lose control of the tale beast when inside of konoha and destroy it from within but she didn't want that and when miss ninja caught up to her to retrieve her finger quotes kakashi fought them off with his lightning cutter which she jumped in the way of to end her own life the pain of this loss caused kakashi's sharingan to evolve into a mangekyo shotgun kakashi after this fell into a deep depression which minato had hoped he could pull him out of by assigning him to the anbu kakashi quickly ended up leader of team roh his success was due to his ruthlessness which was an obvious sign that he had not moved on beyond rin's death and so minito decided to make him the guard of his wife and unborn child in hopes it might give him a better view of life when the nine tails attacked kakashi was held back from the fight due to his age and the attack cost minato and kushin other lives kakashi later was invited to join root where he had many exploits including his team up with hitachi as detailed earlier much like detailed earlier donso wanted to steal his sharingan and used kinaue yamato to do it who refused kakashi also informed lord third of the assassination plot considered by gonzo kakashi was instrumental in discovering the works of orochimaru and caused the signing to flee the village he continued to track urochimaru for years and considered to work as leader of team row alongside hitachi but when hitachi slaughtered the uchiha clan he was removed from service in the anbu as hirozen recognized kakashi's kind heart and said such kind hearts did not need to be in the anbu after this he was placed in charge of several teams none of which he accepted as they couldn't pass his bell test this was until naruto sasuke and sakura showed up abilities kakashi is one of the strongest ninja his clan had ever produced and was strong enough that he was considered to rival an entire nation he was acknowledged by the likes of even payne as a true threat he was proficient with his sharingan but even stronger without it due to no longer having to passively extend his chakra to maintain it kokashi was said by naruto to be smarter than shikamaru have better senses than kiba better at kenjutun than sasuke and stronger in taijutsu than rock lee he also made a fantastic teacher due to his incredible experience as a shinobi kakashi's chakra reserves were nothing to write home about but his control made it so that he didn't need to have large reserves as he can conserve what he had by wasting no more than needed when performing a technique he was said to be quick and could even open at least one of the eight gates he has an incredible amount of ninjutsu which he developed over the years with the sharingan's ability to see movement so well he was said to have copied over 1000 techniques with a sharingan which is how he earned the title of copy ninja he also has a pack of dogs he uses as summons which help him track an attack he can use all 5 basic nature transformations as well as yin and yang release with lightning style being his forte he can use water style without any nearby sources of water and can use earth's style with such proficiency that he can even tunnel underground at high speeds he also possesses a sharingan which allows for genjutsu he can further evolve his sharingan into a mangekyo sharangan which allows him to make use of kamui which allows him to send things to other dimensions and was close to being able to personally kill the ghetto statue single-handedly by teleporting its head away with his dual mangakyo sharingan he has access to a complete susanoo as well lord 7th naruto uzumaki normally i would give a short spiel about his history but i don't need to if you wish to know about naruto's history then you should try this cool anime it's a it's called naruto and it has a sequel called chupaden and boruto sorry i mean uh we all know who naruto is so let's just move on honestly if you want to know the life of naruto we have so many videos about naruto go watch them abilities as both an uzumaki and a reincarnation of ashrae this also makes him the reincarnation of hashiram senju he has incredible chakra levels and this is only bolstered by the fact that he's a jinchuriki of perhaps the strongest tail beast that isn't the ten tails his chakra is so high that even as a teenager he was known to have almost as much chakra as hashirama senju himself this only grows as he ages beyond his physical strength he has a strong personality which tends to make friend out of foe and a raw faith in himself and others that can change the world and has while not notably intelligent his instincts allow him to formulate incredible plans that even he doesn't understand sometimes he managed to learn to control his chakra better as was required to learn the resengan this control eventually allowed him to spread his chakra to others he also knows how to counter genjutsu though this is limited and not anywhere near the level of sakura his chakra reserves are so large that in adulthood he can destroy high level barriers just by releasing a burst of it despite being a close ranged fighter he was clumsy when it came to taijutsu which caused him to require great improvisation to overcome some obstacles to the point he could surprise even kiba and overcome neji he was well known for using shadow clones while originally his worst technique he managed to learn it at an incredible level from stealing the scrolls of seals he can make them at almost excessive amounts which can often allow him to overwhelm most of his enemies and this only got worse for his opponents as his taijutsu grew better through the years up to his position as hokage after losing his arm in his final battle with sasuke he ended up getting an arm made from hashiram senju cells and it was further modified with ninja tools which could allow him to absorb and nullify enemy chakra based attacks he also has various forms he achieved via his jinjuki side various chakra cloaks that he managed to master and upon befriending kuruma he managed to achieve and master the kurma chakra cloak upon getting the chakra of the sage of six paths he managed to achieve a stronger transformation known as six-path sage mode which also came with truth-seeking balls perhaps his greatest feat in this form is his ability to casually deflect an attack that shattered the moon he fought on beyond that he had access to baryon mode which is a high risk high reward form that eventually killed off kuruma but managed to allow him to defeat ishiki otsuki he can summon toads and he can use various ninjutsu including sealing techniques he managed to incorporate his own chakra nature into his resengan which allowed him to create the resent shuriken as his connection with the other tailed beasts increased he managed to incorporate other natures into his rasan shuriken and while not stated due to having an arm of hashiram senju cells naruto could possibly use wood release now naruto is not one to be messed with so now the moment of truth who is strongest among the hokage i'll give you my own opinion based on what i personally believe and if you disagree with my opinion that is 100 okay and in fact i would love for you to drop your own opinion in the comments below so without further ado let's rank number eight hirozen saurotobi i know it's sad to play some here but in the end number eight needs to be filled and while sadotobi was strong he eventually grew very weak to the point orochimaru managed to get the better of him i placed hirozen at the bottom for this one number 7 danzo shimura danso was cool and he was very strong but his biggest selling point were the sharingan he had embedded in his arm he essentially was playing the game with cheat codes this isn't really something to detract from as a technique is a technique and it's a cool one to be sure but the fact is he's not very notable for anything except that ability just as sasuke wouldn't have survived without karen danzo wouldn't have survived without izanagi number 6 kakashi hatake kakashi is incredibly strong and with his dual mangakyo shotgun has access to the complete susan oh he has kamui and various other techniques but i don't think this is enough to put him too much higher on the list number 5 tsunade tsunade is truly a very strong woman with incredible physical prowess and healing due to however besides brute force and medical ninjutsu she doesn't have much going on technically speaking not to say medical jutsu isn't strong much like medicine can heal or kill very quickly but she lacks range not a bad thing as her chakra reserves and the creation rebirth she would almost never tire and could take incredible damage however i doubt this would allow her to surpass others beyond her number 4 minato namikaze i so wanted him on top but sadly his abilities only gets him to the fourth spot which is ironic to his position as the fourth hokage he was fast and had a lot of techniques including the flying raijin jutsu his intelligence was also able to allow him to understand kamui incredibly fast and found a way to circumvent its power number three tobirama senju tobirama comes above minato mostly because the jutsu we considered minito and naruto's specialty were created by him tobirama created the multishadow clone jutsu and the flying raijin jutsu but beyond that he created the imperfect world reincarnation jutsu the dude legit learned how to bring a person back to life and if that's not worthy of this spot on the list then what is number two hashirama senju i bet you expected him to be number one on the list didn't you well he was incredibly strong and had various powers but let's be honest the obvious number one naruto was close to surpassing prime hashirama when he was merely in his teens and naruto did nothing but grow stronger and wiser from this point on hashirama was strong and his power was incredible his legacy in cells continued to be something talked about to this day but the thing is his cells were used to empower naruto which in turn made him stronger so he sort of attributed to naruto's rise beyond him which is okay since naruto is hashirama's reincarnation meaning in a way hashirama is still the strongest hokage just under a different name and number one naruto uzumaki aka hashirama 2.0 as the titular protagonist it's only natural that he should grow stronger he may have lost kurman battle but that doesn't mean naruto is helpless at this point in time he's stronger now than he was in the six-pack stage mode during the fourth shinobi world war and now he's wiser and sharper too i could easily put naruto above hashirama i suppose this is no surprise to you and it shouldn't be naruto is just that strong and that's the list as i said this is my opinion based on what i know this list is objective but it's also subjective i had issues placing kakashi so low in the totem pole due to his kamui being able to end practically any fight with battlefield removal but at this point there are characters fast enough to avoid this and there was also the issue if anyone could escape the kamui realm with the flying raijin jutsu in the end without the idea in place tsunade and everyone else just outclassed him flat which was a bit sad but to be honest if kakashi were here he likely wouldn't care and if he did he would be given the thumbs up right now due to the accurately gauging his strength anyway i want you to tell me what you think about the list and anything you might change i would absolutely love to hear from you and if you haven't already subscribe and give the video like to show your support for the channel peace out you
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 990,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Hokage, Ranking, Strength, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Sasuke, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata, Strongest, Weakest
Id: 8pG3-Hn_tzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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