The Life of Elrond Half-elven | Tolkien Explained

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He is one of the most important and  famous characters in the history of   Middle-earth. His life would be one marked  by tragic separation from those he loved   and shaped by his choice to be counted among  the elves. Through his more than 6500 years,   he rises through war and hardship to become  one of the greatest elves in the world.   After watching his brother’s people fall  into darkness and destruction time and again,   he would finally see it renewed  with one he himself had fostered. Today, on Nerd of the Rings, we  cover the life and travels of Elrond. Elrond and his twin brother Elros are born in the  year 532 of the First Age in the Havens of Sirion   to their father Earendil and mother Elwing. At  this time, the dark lord Morgoth rules over most   of Beleriand and the days grow increasingly  bleak for the free peoples of Middle-earth.   In 538, when the twins are just six years old,  the Havens are attacked by the Sons of Feanor.   The Feanorians are driven by their oath  to once again kill their fellow elves in   pursuit of one of the Silmarils. Elwing,  who is in the possession of the silmaril,   jumps into the sea during this third kinslaying.  She would be borne to Earendil’s ship and travel   with him on his great voyage to Valinor. The  twins would likely never again see their parents. By the end of the battle, there are just  two sons of Feanor alive - Maedhros and   Maglor. They initially take Elrond and Elros  as captives and in one account of the story,   they abandon them in a cave enclosed by a  waterfall rather than killing them. However,   Maglor in particular takes pity on the twins,  rescuing them and raising them himself.   It is said that a mutual love  grows between Maglor and the twins. The War of Wrath follows shortly  after, from 545-587 SA. It is after   this nigh apocalyptic battle, and the  disappearance of their foster-father,   that the Valar give to Elrond and Elros a choice.  Having descended from the two Man-elf marriages of   the First Age, the twins are granted the ability  to choose whether to be counted among elves,   remaining immortal, or to be counted among the  Edain and receive the gift of men - mortality. While Elros chooses to be counted among men,  Elrond chooses to remain among the elves.   Thus, at the age of 58, Elrond and Elros go their  separate ways. Elros sails the seas, following   the star of their father Earendil to discover  the newly risen island of Numenor - a gift for   the Edain. Elrond settles in Lindon, where he  would serve under the High King of the Noldor   Gil-galad. In the coming centuries, Elrond becomes  known as both a great healer and lore-master. His brother is gifted with an extraordinarily  long life, even for a Numenorean. In 442, Elros   dies at the age of 500. Whether the twins would  visit one another again, we can only guess. And   while Elros would lay the foundation for one of  the greatest realms to ever exist, his time would   come to an end, while Elrond would remain,  playing a major role for thousands of years. As we’ve covered in other videos here on Nerd  of the Rings, Lindon would flourish in peace   for 1200 years. In that year, Sauron comes  to Eriador seeking to infiltrate the elves.   Gil-galad and Elrond perceived that this Lord of  Gifts was not fair as he seemed, and refused him   entry into their lands. Instead, Sauron tricks the  elves of Eregion into creating the Rings of Power,   and in 1695, the lands are engulfed in the War of  the Elves and Sauron. Elrond is sent by Gil-galad   to lead the army of Lindon in aiding Eregion.  Unfortunately, their arrival is too late and too   small to defend the realm. They are countered  by Sauron and in danger of being overrun when   the dwarves of Moria attack, allowing Elrond  and the refugees of Eregion to flee north. By 1697, Eregion is ravaged by Sauron’s forces,  and Elrond establishes the stronghold of Imladris   north of the River Bruinen. With  Eregion and it’s lord destroyed,   Sauron turns his attention to Lindon. He  sends the majority of his forces west to   move against Gil-galad, while also leaving a  strong force to lay siege upon Rivendell. As   Sauron continues his brutal march through Eriador,  many more elven refugees flee to Elrond’s realm.   By 1700, only Imladris and the far west  of Lindon remain free of Sauron’s control. Fortunately, the descendents of Elros would come.   The Numenoreans reinforce the elves of Lindon  in massive might and numbers, defeating Sauron’s   horde and forcing the dark lord to flee back  to Mordor. With Sauron defeated, Gil-galad   and Tar-Minastir quickly free Imladris of its  attackers. There, they hold a council, where it   is decided that Rivendell should be maintained  as an Elven stronghold in Eriador. Gil-galad   appoints Elrond to be his vice-regent in Eriador,  and passes his ring of power - Vilya - to Elrond. In 1701, Galadriel and her daughter  Celebrian travel from Lorien to Rivendell   searching for Celeborn. There, they  would not only find Galadriel’s husband,   but it is then that Celebrian  would first meet Elrond. Centuries later, after the fall of his brother’s  once great kingdom, the rise of new kingdoms of   men, and the reemergence of Sauron, Elrond would  once again join his kin and those of his brother   in war. After the Last Alliance of  Elves and men is formed in 3430,   Gil-galad and Elendil march to Imladris  (3431), and after spending three years   in Elrond’s realm forging weapons and making  battle plans, the armies march south to Mordor. Elrond serves as Gil-galad’s herald and  fights throughout the seven years of conflict.   In 3441, in the war’s final moments, Elrond  witnesses the epic fight between Gil-galad,   Elendil, and Sauron, during which all  three are slain. When Isildur cuts the   ring from Sauron’s body, Elrond joins  Cirdan in advising the heir of Elendil   to cast the ring into Mount Doom  and destroy it, but Isildur refuses. Victorious in the war, yet having lost much,  Elrond goes back to Rivendell as Isildur   travels to Gondor. Two years into the Third Age,  Isildur leaves Gondor in the hands of his nephew,   making his way north to both take up the rule  of Arnor and reunite with his wife and youngest   son, who had remained in Rivendell since  the departure of the Last Alliance. However,   the company is attacked by orcs on their way  to Imladris, and after sending the shards   of Narsil with his esquire Ohtar, Isildur and  his three eldest sons are killed by the orcs. Ohtar brings the shards of Narsil to Elrond, and  they would remain under his care for thousands of   years. Elrond foretold that these shards would  not be reforged until the One Ring was found   and Sauron had returned once more. Also in his  keeping is Isildur’s surviving son, Valandil,   who was just four years old when  his father had set forth to war.   Now 13 years old, Valandil becomes the  first in a long line of heirs of Elendil   to be fostered by Elrond. At age 21 (10 TA),  he takes his place as the king of Arnor. In 109 TA, Elrond and Celebrian are married in  Rivendell and their children would soon follow.   First, their twin sons Elladan and Elrohir  in 130TA, and their daughter Arwen in 241.   For over 1000 years, Rivendell would continue as  a peaceful realm, becoming one of the greatest   dwellings of the elves, thanks in part to  Elrond’s possession of a Ring of Power.   However, a new power would rise in the  North - the Witch-kingdom of Angmar. While the Witch-king would primarily  make war upon the men of Arnor,   one of his earliest efforts to weaken Eriador is  to attack Rivendell. This Second Siege of Imladris   takes place sometime between 1356 and 1409 of  the Third Age. By 1409, the siege is broken   and after being reinforced by the elves of  Lorien, and with the help of the elves of Lindon,   Elrond is able to drive the Witch-king out of  Eriador - subduing his threat for many years. After centuries of battles, covered in an earlier  video here on the channel, Angmar would finally be   defeated thanks to a force from Gondor and an army  led by Glorfindel from Rivendell. With no man nor   orc of Angmar left west of the Misty Mountains,  Eriador is finally freed from this evil menace.   However, the Witch-king’s purpose was  accomplished, and the once mighty realm of Arnor   is reduced to a handful of Dunedain rangers in  the wild. At this time, Elrond is entrusted with   more heirlooms of his brother’s people - the Ring  of Barahir and the Sceptre of Annuminas. Together   with the shards of Narsil, they would await  the one who would reclaim the throne of Arnor. Being among the wisest beings in Middle-earth,   Elrond would take counsel with others of his own  kind, as well as the wizards, and after a long   Watchful Peace, a dark presence emerging in Dol  Guldur leads the Wise to form the White Council   in 2463. Before Elrond would see  any battles as part of the council,   he would once again suffer a terrible loss,  and another separation from one whom he loves. In 2509, Celebrian leaves Rivendell to visit her  parents in Lorien. Her group takes the Redhorn   Pass, also known as the Pass of Caradhras. During  their crossing of the mountain, they are attacked   by Orcs and scattered. Celebrian is captured and  tormented, and receives a poisoned wound. Elladan   and Elrohir would pursue the orcs, and rescue  their mother, bringing her back home to Rivendell. Elrond, being the great healer that he is,   successfully heals her body, but he is unable to  heal the damage her torment had done to her mind.   Celebrian loses all delight in Middle-earth and  in 2510, she makes the journey which possessed her   only hope for healing. Leaving Elrond and their  children behind, Celebrian sails into the West. By now, the ring has been discovered, and Sauron  had returned, and just as Elrond had predicted,   the sword that was broken would be remade.  In 2933, after the death of his father,   a 2 year old Aragorn would be the last in  a line of heirs to be fostered by Elrond.   In part to protect the young child, Elrond  gives him the name Estel, meaning “hope”,   and conceals his true lineage from  him until he would come of age. When Estel is 10 years old, Elrond would welcome  new visitors to his home. Near midsummer 2941,   the company of Thorin Oakenshield arrives at  the Last Homely House. Here, we see that Elrond,   unlike his fellow elves in Mirkwood and later  Lorien, is quite welcoming to Durin’s Folk.   Perhaps he had not forgotten their people  who had come to his aid all those years ago. While the company is in Imladris, Elrond examines  the swords that Gandalf and Thorin had found   in the troll cave. The loremaster determines  Thorin’s is called Orcrist, the Goblin-cleaver,   and Gandalf’s is Glamdring, the Foe-hammer. These  swords were forged in the great first age city   of Gondolin - and Glamdring was once  the sword of Elrond’s great grandfather,   King Turgon. Turning now to Thror’s Map, Elrond  discovers the moon-letters, written with Ithildin,   the same material used on the Doors of Durin,  which reflected starlight and moonlight. With   Elrond’s expertise, Bilbo and the dwarves learn  the location of the secret entrance to Erebor. Later that very year, knowing that the Necromancer  is Sauron, the White Council attacks Dol Guldur,   forcing Sauron to flee to Mordor and  disrupting his plans for a northern conquest. 10 years later, when Estel was 20 years  old, he returns to Rivendell after   great deeds with Elladan and Elrohir.  Elrond looked at him and was pleased,   for he saw that he was fair and noble and was  early come to manhood, though he would yet   become greater in body and in mind. That day  therefore Elrond called him by his true name,   and told him who he was and whose son; and he  delivered to him the heirlooms of his house. '"Here is the ring of Barahir," he said,  "the token of our kinship from afar;   and here also are the shards of Narsil.  With these you may yet do great deeds;   for I foretell that the span of your life  shall be greater than the measure of Men,   unless evil befalls you or you fail  at the test. But the test will be hard   and long. The Sceptre of Annúminas I  withhold, for you have yet to earn it." The very next day, Aragorn is walking alone in  the woods when he meets Arwen for the first time,   for she had been living for many  years with Galadriel, her grandmother.   29 years later, Arwen and Aragorn would  meet again, this time in Lorien. There they   would pledge themselves to one another. When  Elrond hears of this, his heart is grieved,   and the doom he long feared was no easier  to endure. He meets with Isildur’s heir… "My son, years come when hope will fade,  and beyond them little is clear to me.   And now a shadow lies between us. Maybe,  it has been appointed so, that by my   loss the kingship of Men may be restored.  Therefore, though I love you, I say to you:   Arwen Undómiel shall not diminish her life's  grace for less cause. She shall not be the   bride of any Man less than the King of both Gondor  and Arnor. To me then even our victory can bring   only sorrow and parting - but to you  hope of joy for a while. For a while.   Alas, my son! I fear that to Arwen the  Doom of Men may seem hard at the ending." With this understanding, Aragorn  would go forth to danger and toil,   his path leading him ever closer to fate. The White Council meets for the last time in 2953,   when Saruman says that he has discovered that the  ring has passed down the Anduin and into the Sea,   seeking to give the others a false sense  of security while he seeks it for his own. Elrond would next enter the story of the War  of the Ring. In the fall of 3018, Frodo Baggins   is sent out on a quest to take the One Ring to  Rivendell. When the halfling arrives, having been   stabbed on Weathertop, Elrond’s healing powers are  once again put to the test. He is successful, and   the hobbit recovers, though, like Celebrian, Frodo  would not fully heal on this side of the sea. The face of Elrond was ageless, neither old nor  young, though in it was written the memory of many   things both glad and sorrowful. His hair was dark  as the shadows of twilight, and upon it was set a   circlet of silver; his eyes were grey as a clear  evening, and in them was a light like the light   of stars. Venerable he seemed as a king crowned  with many winters, and yet hale as a tried warrior   in the fullness of his strength. He was the Lord  of Rivendell and mighty among both Elves and Men. On October 25, Elrond calls a council to decide  what should be done with the One Ring. The Council   of Elrond would be one of the most important  events in the Third Age, as it is decided that   they must attempt to destroy it in the fires of  Mount Doom. During the meeting, Elrond tells much   of what he knows of Isildur and the ring’s  history - history that he was present for. The Fellowship, including the ringbearer Frodo  and Elrond’s foster-son Aragorn, with a newly   reforged Anduril, sets out on December 25th, but  that would not be the end for the house of Elrond   in this war. Elladan and Elrohir are sent by their  father to join the Dunedain riding south to join   their chieftain. The twins deliver to Aragorn a  reminder from their father of an ancient prophecy.   Thus the Grey Company would follow Aragorn on  the Paths of the Dead and onward to Minas Tirith. When Aragorn later declares that the survivors  of the Pelennor Fields should attack Mordor as   a diversion, Elrohir confirms this as also being  Elrond’s advice. As we know, the attack, and the   ringbearer’s quest was a success in that the ring  is destroyed and Sauron is finally defeated. On   May 1st, Aragorn is crowned King of the Reunited  Kingdom - ruling over both Gondor and Arnor. True   to his word, Elrond escorts Arwen to Gondor. After  stopping for a brief time in Lothlorien, they   arrive in Minas Tirith in late June and Aragorn  and Arwen are married on Midsummer’s Day, 3019. While this was a joyous occasion, as his  foster-son was now king, and the men of his   brother Elros were finally free from the scourge  of Sauron, he once again must part from one whom   he greatly loves. For with her marriage  to Aragorn, Arwen made the same choice as   Luthien and Elros before her - she is now  bound to a mortal life and the Gift of Men is   now her future. Elrond parts from Arwen in great  sorrow, not knowing if he would meet her again. Elrond would ride with Gandalf and the hobbits  to Rivendell, before the others make their   return trip to the Shire. Two years later, on  September 29, 3021, Elrond boards the White Ship   at the Grey Havens. He is joined by Galadriel,  Gandalf, Shadowfax, Bilbo and Frodo as they make   their last great journey to the Undying Lands.  Elladan and Elrohir stay behind for at least   some time in Rivendell. Like their sister, they  too would have the choice of being counted among   men or elves. Their decision remains a mystery.  Would Elrond’s sons join him in the uttermost   West? Or remain behind in Middle-earth as their  sister had? While we don’t know for certain,   we can take comfort that there was likely one  dear to Elrond already awaiting him in Valinor…  i love the survival belt from slide belts  not only does it feature an led flashlight   for dark moments but also a stainless  steel knife a fire starter and a bottle   opener combined with the convenience of slide  belt's ratcheting buckle it helps me feel a bit   more like a modern day ranger and right now  you can save 20 off your order with the code   nerd of the rings for some of the best belts  you'll ever find go to as always   i want to say a huge thank you to my patreon  supporters who make this channel possible   tom de bombadil 19 listen me the cinder mandu  pendu andrew carlisle the mighty mim team weasel   sky carcass slide belts dane ragnerson selimerman  zetrok birdelberg grand strategy nerd graham   derecott the dark haired one wyland michael wu and  debbie if you enjoyed the artwork in this video   check out the artists in the description and  purchase prints of their great work for yourself   thanks so much for watching and subscribing and  we'll see you next time on nerd of the rings
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
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Keywords: tolkien, lord of the rings, lotr, hobbit, the hobbit, nerd of the rings, silmarillion, elrond, elrond half-elven, elrond halfelven, elrond arwen, elrond aragorn, elrond sword, elrond explained, life of elrond, complete travels of elrond, rivendell, imladris, second age, lotronprime, rings of power, lotrrop, tolkien explained, lord of the rings explained, middle-earth, elrond fight, elrond rivendell, elrond second age, elrond complete travels, the complete travels, elros, sauron
Id: 623izLLd3eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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