The Complete Travels of Gimli | Tolkien Explained

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You do a really awesome job at narrating the story and the pronunciations of all the incredible languages of J.R.R. Tolkien is a pleasure.

I’ve got to ask, at 8:07 is a picture of Gimli getting the three strands of hair from collegial with an almost animated type of artwork, that artwork was posted on the sub Reddit in the last 30 days… Did you get permission to use that artwork?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Tipordie 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
He's one of the most famous dwarves of the Third Age. Known for his fighting, his ferocity, and most of all, his friendships. Today, on Nerd of the Rings, we cover the life of Gimli. Gimli son of Gloin is born in 2879 TA  in the Blue Mountains west of the   Shire. At this time, the dwarves have  lived in Thorin’s Halls for 77 years.   Thorin, who takes over as king-in-exile in  2850, would rule throughout Gimli’s early life.   In 2941, Gimli’s father Gloin would accompany  the king on the Quest of Erebor. As for Gimli,   the 62-year old dwarf was considered too young  to join the company on this dangerous mission. Later that year, the Quest of Erebor is a success,  as the dwarves reclaim their home of Erebor with   the death of Smaug. Sometime in the following  years, Gimli would travel east to live with his   father in the Lonely Mountain. Now under  the rule of King Dain Ironfoot. In 2989,   Gimli’s cousin Balin forms an expedition  to reclaim Moria. While Gimli once again   remains at home, Balin is joined by many other  dwarves - including Ori, and Gilmi’s uncle Oin. Decades later, in 3017,  when Gimli is 138 years old,   a messenger of Sauron comes to speak with King  Dain. This messenger, likely one of the Nazgul,   comes to ask about Bilbo Baggins and the  Ring of Power, promising great reward in   return - including the deliverance of the realm of  Moria. Dain sends the messenger off with no answer   and decides to send messengers to Rivendell.  Gloin and Gimli embark on the journey,   seeking the counsel of Elrond, and also to warn  Bilbo of the dangerous forces searching for him.   They likely make their way via the High Pass, as  Gloin mentions the Beorning have kept the passage   from Dale to Rivendell possible through their  valiant deeds against the forces of darkness. As chance would have it, the  dwarves arrive in Rivendell   in time to take part in the council of Elrond,  where they relay the story of the messenger.   As Gimli is the only young, fighting-age dwarf  at the council, he is selected to represent his   race in the Fellowship of the Ring. The  Fellowship departs Rivendell on Dec 25,   3018, making their way along the western  side of the Misty Mountains. Along the way,   Gimli shows the group his knowledge of the  mountain range, declaring he doesn’t need   a map and proceeds to name each of the Mountains  individually by their Khuzdul (or dwarvish) names. After the failed attempt to cross Caradhras,  Gimli sides with Gandalf regarding whether the   Fellowship should pass through Moria. He is no  doubt curious to learn what happened to Balin,   as the dwarves of Erebor had not heard  from the colony in Moria in years. As the group comes to the Doors of Durin, Gimli  and Legolas get into an argument over whether   it was the fault of the dwarves or the elves that  the friendship between the two races deteriorated.   Gimli truly has a time to shine as the group  journeys the long dark of Moria. He walks at   the front of the group with Gandalf, counseling  the wizard when their path is uncertain. Finally,   on Jan 15, Gimli discovers the tragic  fate of his cousin Balin. The Fellowship   comes to the Chamber of Mazarbul,  where they discover Balin's Tomb. Gimli fights fiercely in  the battle in the chamber,   defending his cousin’s resting place from  being defiled by the orcs of Moria. Later,   we see the most open expression of despair we  will ever see from Gimli. As the mysterious   enemy is revealed to be a balrog, Gimli drops his  axe and puts his face in his hands - knowing this   is surely Durin’s bane which had brought  an end to the once great dwarf kingdom. As Gandalf stays behind to face-off with the  balrog, Gimli once again takes the lead position,   guiding the Fellowship over the Bridge of  Khazad-dum to safety. After Gandalf falls   and the group makes their way out of the  mountain, they come near the Kheled-zaram   (the Mirrormere). Gimli takes Frodo to this lake,  which is of great significance to the dwarves.   According to legend, after the very  first dwarves awoke at Mount Gundabad,   Durin the First (or Durin the Deathless) made  his way south and came to this very lake.   As he looked in the lake, he saw reflected in the  water a crown of stars above his head. The amazing   thing about this, is that it was during the day,  when the stars should not have been visible.   Taking this as a sign, Durin proceeded to  found Khazad-dum in those very mountains.   As Gimli and Frodo peer into the lake,  they see the very stars of Durin’s crown. The group proceeds to the realm of Lorien,  where, as we discussed in my video on Legolas,   Gimli is told he must wear a blindfold. The dwarf  stubbornly refuses and says he will only do so if   Legolas would be made to wear one as well.  After Aragorn declares the entire group   will be blindfolded, they make their way to Calas  Galadhon - the main city of Lorien. (Jan 17, 3019) As the fellowship is greeted by Galadriel and  Celeborn, the Lady of Lorien sympathises with   Gimli even as her husband rebukes him. 'Alas!'  said Celeborn. 'We long have feared that under   Caradhras a terror slept. But had I known that the  Dwarves had stirred up this evil in Moria again,   l would have forbidden you to pass the northern  borders, you and all that went with you. And if   it were possible, one would say that at the  last Gandalf fell from wisdom into folly,   going needlessly into the net of Moria.' 'He would be rash indeed that said that thing,'   said Galadriel gravely. 'Needless were  none of the deeds of Gandalf in life.' She goes on to say “Dark is the water of  Kheled-Zaram, and cold are the springs of   Kibil-Nala, and fair were the many-pillared halls  of Khazad-dum in Elder Days before the fall of   mighty kings beneath the stone.” And the Dwarf,  hearing the names given in his own ancient tongue,   looked up and met her eyes; and it seemed to him  that he looked suddenly into the heart of an enemy   and saw there love and understanding. Wonder  came into his face, and then he smiled in answer.  He rose clumsily and bowed in dwarf-fashion,  saying: ‘Yet more fair is the living land   of Lorien, and the Lady Galadriel is above  all the jewels that lie beneath the earth!” There is silence among the group. We  should keep in mind it has likely been   thousands of years since kind words were  exchanged between elves and dwarves.   Celeborn apologizes to Gimli for his harsh words. After a month’s respite in Lorien, the  group makes ready to set off once again.   As Galadriel gives gifts to  the Fellowship, she asks Gimli   what a dwarf would ask of her. He requests  a single strand of Galadriel’s hair. Galadriel asks Gimli what he would do with  such a gift, to which the dwarf responds  ‘Treasure it, Lady,’ he answered, ‘in memory of  your words to me at our first meeting. And if ever   I return to the smithies of my home, it shall be  set in imperishable crystal to be an heirloom of   my house, and a pledge of good will between the  Mountain and the Wood until the end of days.’ Unbeknownst to Gimli, this is actually  a significant request. If you’ve seen my   Galadriel video, you know that it was the great  elf craftsman Feanor who requested three times   that Galadriel give him a strand of her hair.  Galadriel, perceiving a darkness within the elf,   refused him all three times. To Gimli, who had  requested a single strand, she gifts three. She goes one to say that while the future is  uncertain, she foretells that if good should   prevail Gimli’s hands shall flow with gold,  and yet over him gold shall have no dominion. On February 16, as the Fellowship leaves Lorien,   Gimli openly weeps at the parting. Saying  that the light was even more dangerous that   the darkness he had originally feared. By the  time the group leaves Lorien, Gimli and Legolas   have become unlikely friends, in large part  due to Galadriel’s kindness toward the dwarf   and his courtesy toward her. Gimli would  later be known as elf-friend, a rare title   given by the elves to those providing special  assistance or alliance toward to their kind. After the fellowship is broken at Amon Hen,  Gimli helps Aragorn and Legolas lay Boromir   to rest in the Anduin. They then follow  the trail of the Uruks through the western   portion of the Emyn Muil. They track the  orcs northwest through the lands of Rohan.   On February 30, they meet Eomer and his  eored, who are on their way back to Edoras   after killing the group of Uruks. The Rider looked at them with renewed wonder,   but his eyes hardened. ‘Then there is a Lady in  the Golden Wood, as old tales tell!’ he said.   ‘Few escape her nets, they say. These are strange  days! But if you have her favour, then you also   are net-weavers and sorcerers, maybe.’ He turned a  cold glance suddenly upon Legolas and Gimli. ‘Why   do you not speak, silent ones?’ he demanded. Gimli rose and planted his feet firmly apart:   his hand gripped the handle of his  axe, and his dark eyes flashed.   ‘Give me your name, horse-master, and I will  give you mind, and more besides,’ he said.  ‘As for that,’ said the Rider, staring down at the  Dwarf, ‘the stranger should declare himself first.   Yet I am named Éomer son of Éomund, and am  called the Third Marshal of Riddermark.’  ‘Then Éomer son of Éomund, Third Marshal of the  Riddermark, let Gimli the Dwarf Glóin’s son warn   you against foolish words. You speak evil of that  which is fair beyond the reach of your thought,   and only little wit can excuse you.’ Éomer’s eyes blazed, and the men of Rohan   murmured angrily, and closed in, advancing  their spears. ‘I would cut off your head,   beard and all, Master Dwarf, if it stood but  a little higher from the ground,’ said Éomer.  ‘He stands not alone,’ said Legolas,  bending his bow and fitting an arrow   with hands that moved quicker than sight.  ‘You would die before your stroke fell.’  Luckily, Aragorn intervenes and helps all to  realize they should be allies, not enemies.   Eomer gives them two horses and they proceed  to Fangorn to search for the missing hobbits.   There, they would meet Gandalf,  who they believe to be Saruman.   As with Legolas and Aragorn, Gimli  receives a message from Galadriel   when Gandalf reveals himself - “To Gimli, son  of Gloin, give his Lady’s greeting. Lock-bearer,   where thou goest my thought goes with thee. But  have a care to lay thine axe to the right tree.”   Gimli is heartened by this message, singing  loudly in dwarf-tongue. “Come, come! He shouted,   swinging his axe. “Since Gandalf’s head is now  sacred, let us find one that is right to cleave!” Later, when the group is in Edoras, Wormtongue  speaks ill of the Lady of the Golden Wood,   once again pushing Gimli into a rage,  though he is quickly calmed by Gandalf.   After Theoden is healed, Gimli would accompany  the group to Helm’s Deep, where during the   ensuing battle he would save Eomer’s  life outside the gates and begin a   contest with Legolas to see who would  reach a higher count of enemies slain. When the wall is breached, Gimli is the first  to come to the culvert, leaping off the wall   and into the midst of the orcs of Isengard. As  the battle progresses, Gimli is among a group   that is forced back into the Glittering Caves  behind the fortress. Overwhelmed by the beauty   and magnificence of these caves, he makes a pact  after the battle with Legolas. Should they survive   the battles to come, Legolas will accompany Gimli  to the Glittering Caves and Gimli will accompany   Legolas to Fangorn Forest. Gimli also bests  his friend in their final tally - 42 to 41. As the victorious party rides to parlay with   Saruman, Gimli is among those unmoved by the  magic of the voice of Saruman. While many of   the Rohirrim are moved by his words, Gimli is  not - saying Saruman’s words cannot be trusted   and that what Saruman calls help would truly  mean ruin. Saruman is angered enough by   Gimli’s words that he loses his composure  for a moment, breaking his fair visage. After this parlay, Gimli accompanies Aragorn,  Legolas, and the Grey Company to the Paths of   the Dead. As they come to the Gate of the Dead, or  the Dark Door, Gimli is very reluctant to proceed.   However, the thought of a dwarf being bested  by an elf underground drives him to proceed. Gimli travels with Aragorn and the Army of  the Dead as they commandeer the ships from   the Corsairs. As we learned in my video on  Legolas, it is here at Pelargir where Legolas   hears the sound of gulls, leading his heart  to no longer belong to the woods, but the sea.   It is stated that Gilmi fears for his friend,  stating “If all the fair folk take to the Havens,   it will be a duller world for those who  are doomed to stay.” He knows now that   whether by battle or the call of the sea,  he will have to say goodbye to his friend. Making their way up the river, the group  comes to the Battle of Pelennor Fields,   where Gimli would once again put his axe to use.   After their victory, Aragorn assembles his  forces and they march to the Black Gate.   Gimli fights alongside his friends in the  Battle of the Morannon and after the ring   is destroyed and the day won, he is the one  to find Pippin, who is lay bruised but alive   among a hill of the dead. Gimli joyfully meets  Sam, Frodo, and Pippin at the Field of Cormallen Like Legolas and the hobbits, Gimli stays in  Gondor for the coronation of King Elessar. Eomer,   who Gimli had earlier pledged to fight if he  did not concede that Galadriel was the fairest   in all the world, begs the dwarf’s pardon  for his earlier words. Though, he confesses   that he cannot call Galadriel the fairest, as  he believes Queen Arwen to be the most fair.   Gimli is content with this, and he  and Eomer remain friends ever after. As the group travels north, they stop at Edoras  for King Theoden’s funeral, then come to Helm’s   Deep, where Legolas views the Glittering  Caves. The group then comes to Isengard,   where the Fellowship would come to its end.  Gandalf and the hobbits ride north to Rivendell,   Aragorn returns to his kingdom, and Gimli  accompanies Legolas to the forest of Fangorn. Eventually, Gimli returns to his home of  Erebor, which has been deeply affected   by the northern war, in which Easterlings  had marched on Dale and the Lonely Mountain   in the service of Sauron. While the  men and dwarves were victorious,   King Dain Ironfoot had perished in the fight.  Thorin III Stonehelm is now King Under the   Mountain. His father Gloin, however, is still  alive and well, no doubt learning of his son’s   great deeds in the war of the ring. Gloin  would die in the year 15 of the Fourth Age. We don’t know when, but at some  point in the early Fourth Age,   possibly after his father’s death, Gimli  leads a group of dwarves back to the south.   They settle at the Glittering Caves,  which are also known by the name   Aglarond or “Caves of Glory”. Gimli now leads  his people as the Lord of the Glittering Caves. In the year 20 FoA, Legolas and his group of  elves settle in Ithilien. Together, the elves   of Ithilien and the dwarves of Aglarond help  rebuild the great city of Minas Tirith - Gimli’s   people remaking the great gate using Mithril  and Steel. During this time in Minas Tirith,   Gimli is reunited with Merry and Pippin - as the  hobbits were visiting the King. At this time,   Gilmi tells the hobbits the history of his  people and lays out the genealogy of the Dwarves   of Erebor. We can read these works, as they are  located in Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings. Gimli spends his remaining days in Middle-earth  ruling the realm of Aglarond and while great   riches would flow from his realm, these treasures  would have no sway over him. Above all others,   he treasured only the locket containing the  3 strands of Galadriel’s hair. With Aragorn’s   passing in 120 FoA, the time has come and Legolas  is called by the sea to sail west to Valinor. However, despite his fear from years before,  Gimli would not have to face a Middle-earth   without the fair folk or his greatest  friend. For Legolas would bring Gimli,   now 262 years old, with him on the voyage West.  There, Gimli, like Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam before   him - would live out the remainder of  his mortal days in the Blessed Realm   with his friend Legolas, and very likely  seeing the Lady Galadriel once again.
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
Views: 458,744
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Keywords: tolkien, lord of the rings, lotr, hobbit, the hobbit, nerd of the rings, silmarillion, gimli, gimli the dwarf, durins folk, durin, fellowship of the ring, men of the west, history of middle earth, geekzone, moria, rohan, gondor, gimli after lotr, gimli after lord of the rings, glittering caves, galadriel, galadriel gimli, legolas, legolas gimli, gimli sail west, complete travels, mazarbul, balins tomb, gilmi lord aglarond, aglarond, tolkien explained, tolkien 101, lord rings gimli
Id: qNQg49ZML6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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