The Life of Amon (Noatak): Was He Good or Bad? (Avatar the Last Airbender Explained)

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ammount is one of the most complicated villains in the avatar series and he has a very interesting story in this video I'm going to go through the timeline of his life and I'll dive deeper to explore if he really is the bad guy he's made out to be or if there's actually some good in him I'm gonna look at deeper meanings breakdown how he's feeling or why he does certain things and basically just study his character before we started I just wanted to say that I'm going to stop using the YouTube community tab as much as I have been and start using other platforms more so that the movie flame brand extends past just YouTube just in case the worst happened and I lost the channel or something so make sure you follow me on Twitter which is the most important because that will sort of replace the YouTube community tab I'll be posting the most updates there and that's linked down below you can also follow us on Facebook and if you want you can follow my personal Instagram as well which is full of cute dogs behind the scenes movie flame stuff and just some fun posts both of those are linked down below as well now let's get started before the villain of season one adopted the name Amon his name was Noah talk he was born in the Northern Water Tribe to a runaway criminal named Tia cone Noah tall grew up as the older brother to tarrlok who was three years younger than him and they were very close while their father was an escaped criminal their mother was the complete opposite being described as a warm and caring woman early on Noah talk took after his mother more than his father he always looked out for those close to him especially his younger brother and tarrlok would later go on to say that Noah talk was a good-natured kid their childhood was very peaceful and full of happiness but once they discover that they were benders they would look back on their early childhood and call it the good years because once their father started training them as benders nothing was the same yacon pushed his sons very hard and showed no mercy one night yacon yelled at tarrlok for sloppy bending and said that if he didn't shape up he'd spend the rest of the night in the cold practicing and to top it off he cone said that Noah talk was never as sloppy as he was Noah talk looked at his crying brother and spoke back to his father saying that tarrlok would get it over time and this led to his father yelling at him too now I'd like to point out how even when Noah talk got a compliment saying that he was basically a prodigy and a better bender than his brother Noah thought didn't want this compliment if it meant bringing his brother down he wanted everybody to be treated equally even if it meant bringing himself down to this Strait of Noah talk was most definitely incited by his younger brother but it would eventually blossom well past Tarlac and extend to all of Republic City wanting everyone in the city to be equal when you count like Noah talking tarrlok on a hunting trip he told them about his real past it's a dangerous blood bending criminal how he was the only person in history they could blood Bend not just at the full moon but anytime he wanted and he told them how the avatar had removed his bending because of this you coenen told noah talking tarrlok that he would train them to become the best blood benders in the world and that their purpose in life was to avenge him destroy the avatar and take over Republic City the city Narong Chaconne from then on every full moon they began training with their father keeping the truth from their mother again saying that they were going on hunting trips this is where noah thought began to change just like with waterbending he was an absolute prodigy at blood bending after just a few years of training Noah talking mastered his father's psychic bloodbending technique by the time he was 14 and he could even do this without the full moon but as Noah talked became more and more wrapped up in his blood bending his brother tarrlok was the opposite and he hated every minute of it and this of course made yacón favor noah talk even more but while being their father's favorite might seem like a good thing it was actually the worst thing that could have happened to noah talk he had the please his father and to do that he had to continue to practice and impress his father with blood bending again let's look deeper growing up Noah talk was very caring and was a good kid so I have a theory that blood bending was not easy for him to do because just like tarrlok I don't think he wanted to control and scare innocent animals that being said he knew that he had to do this not only to please his father but also to protect tarrlok he did not want his younger brother to carry the burden of all of their father's expectations and demands so instead he took on that burden and my theory is that the combination of blood bending and living up to his father's goal of revenge led him to being as tarrlok put it cold and detached and even more no longer the brother that he had once known as he had changed a lot over the years and this had clearly started right when they began blood bending in the show here meant to see Noah talk change during his training basically becoming less and less like his kind and down-to-earth mother and become more and more like his criminal father but I personally think that he always carried more of his mother than his father and the reason why I think this is because everything that he did it was all to protect tarrlok a trait that his father would never have and was clearly inspired by his mother one night yacon took his kids out for training but this time he had the two of them blood bend each other and here my theory of Noah talk doing everything to protect his brother has even more base behind it because right when his father is about to blood been tarrlok he realized that pleasing his father could no longer protect his younger brother so we had to go a different route and Noah talked blood been into yacon know what sucked and tried to get tarrlok to run away with him again wanting to protect his brother but when tarrlok refused Noah thought called tarrlok weak and left him now I'd like to point out one thing while blood bending his father know what thug says you always say bloodbending is the most powerful thing in the world but it isn't the avatar is he took your bending away what could be more powerful than that this is a crucial line because we see into the thought process of a young amount who eventually would go after the avatar who he saw us all powerful looking back know what suck always wanted everybody to be treated equally and he saw the avatar as far more powerful than everyone else so this didn't hold to his goal of equality after leaving his father and brother they presumed him dead after searching for days and not finding a trace of him Noah talk actually made his way out of the blizzard however and he had many plans for the future his ultimate goal or the thing he strived for was the same thing that he wanted as a kid he wanted everybody to be treated equally I have a theory that he set out for this goal because he thought it was the opposite of his father's goal as his father always believed that bending and even more blood bending gave him in his son's power and that they should use that power for evil so Noah talked thought that if in his quest for equality he read the world of bending everyone would have equal footing and with no benders he was ensuring that his father's beliefs of benders superior would be worthless however in his pursuit of this his father's ghost though shaped him and he became a soldier of revenge and though it was not in the way that his father had planned it nevertheless led to Noah thought getting power taking over Republic City and going after the avatar all of the things his father asked him to do that night he told his sons about who he really was to find equality Amon first used his blood bending ability to rid benders of their bending something that only the Avatar had the power to do before this looking back at the line that I went over before where Noah talked said that the avatar was the most powerful person in the world no one thought believing this might be the reason why he set out to have the same powers the avatar and I think he did it for two reasons one to be able to have equal footing with the avatar who he felt he had to stop because they were too powerful and now with the same power that they had he could literally rid the avatar of their bending making them mortal like everyone else the second reason why he probably learned this ability was simply because Noah's Ark would feel good having the fairy power that took his father down all those years ago a fitting and comforting thing to have no Ithaca Amon were a mask to hide his face and he went after his own kind benders he told the world that he wasn't a bender and then his family had been killed by a firebender and in the process his face was horribly scarred the reason why he wears a mask and he topped it all off saying that the spirits had granted him the power to take a person's bending away permanently he spread the word about equality all over Republic City hired an army of non-benders known as Equalists and he worked with Hiroshi Sato to get his army weapons that could take benders down he also had his army learned to chibok a way of temporarily taking a person's bending away over time Amon got more and more followers for the revolution and he had a good portion of the city mostly those that were non-benders join his cause and help spread the word however he and the Equalists were forced to hide in the shadows for many years not having enough strength to reveal themselves yet after avatar Korra announced that she was moving to Republic City however Amon told his second-in-command to the lieutenant that they would have to accelerate their plans and come out of the shadows sooner than they thought they did this by having an equalist assembly and Amon demonstrated his power of taking a person spending away to a huge crowd taking it from criminals who used their bending for crime it was here that a man witnessed the avatar for the first time but he let her go seeing as she was the perfect messenger to tell the city of his power this right here one inquiry to tell the city of his power shows how deluded a menthe original plan had become he had started off wanting everyone to be equal but the ghost of his father had driven him to do the complete opposite as he gave himself more power than anybody Amon was very good at what he was doing and he was able to turn himself being declared as public enemy number one into a rallying point going on the radio and saying that this announcement was proof of the benders oppressive nature when tarrlok who was one of the higher-ups in the city teamed up with Korra Amon sat back and watched his brother and know tarrlok raided one of his equalist training facilities Amon was not worried in the slightest about him or the avatar later on avatar Korra challenged him on to a midnight duel and a month showed up with an army he had them hold for as he stood over her and he acted as though he was going to take her bending but he decided not to saying that the showdown was premature he knew that if he took her bending away right now she would be a martyr that benders all over the world would rally behind so he chose just to leave her there unharmed after he knocked her out he had done as he had planned however he made Korra scarred and broken leaving her terrified of him looking deeper this again shows that his father's ghost - shining through him he's using intimidation threats and violence to get what he wants but at the same time it's easy to see his mother shining through him as well because she's doing all of this for equality for all a noble goal that makes a lot of sense especially the non-benders who have been looked down upon have been taken advantage of and have been scared by benders for years and years dating all the way back to Aang's time so far Amon has taken a few criminals bending away something that will probably benefit the city in the long run he's going after the avatar after being publicly called out so he had little choice but to go but he did nothing but not quarry out and let her go so so far through aren't many red flags that say what he's doing is bad in fact he referred to himself as the solution which he is too many people again mostly non vendors this all changed however when he attacked during the pro-bending championship the night before he had demanded that they end the hero worship of bending athletes and shut down the pro-bending arena and cancel the tournament otherwise there would be severe consequences when they did not listen he entered the arena with his army who went after the crowd while he went after the athletes he took the bending champions down with ease and took their bending away saying that the so called the best benders for weak pathetic and that they cheated to win as he were released its flags in the crowd he gave a speech saying that if any other benders got in his way they would meet the same fate as the pro bending champions he then said to his followers that they finally got the numbers and the strength to create a new Republic City and he finished saying that the revolution had begun as he escaped TP was almost met by avatar Korra and the police force but he was hardly worried as he made his getaway Amon had been watching his younger brother and after tarrlok kidnapped the avatar Amon knew that it was time to move in on him he arrived with the lieutenant and a number of his Equalists and tarrlok took them down with his blood bending all except for a mon who powered through something that terrified tarrlok and showed just how strong Amon was when Amon made it across the room he took his younger brother spending not wanting anybody to know that tarrlok was his brother he took him and ordered the equalist thing at the avatar as he puts her luck in the truck he saw the avatar after she escaped and he tried to go after her but she got away something that made him on very angry with the lieutenant when a man took tarrlok prisoner tarrlok told him that he knew who he was recognizing his brothers blood bending grip which shocked tarrlok who had thought his brother died all those years ago in the blizzard a mom said his plans forward and attacked Republic City planting bombs kidnapping councilmembers sending mecha-tanks after team avatar and he watched from above on his airship with Hiroshi Sato he told Sato that he would get his daughter Asami back soon as she was part of the team fighting off their attack meanwhile he sent the lieutenant and a number of his equalist to air temple Island to capture Tenzin and his family but instead they brought him Lin beifong the chief of police who had sacrificed herself to save the fam a man wasted no time in taking lids bending away taking a huge asset from his enemy at this moment this is where we see a man farther gone than ever he took over air temple island and repurposed it into his base of operations he had all of his followers bring him captured benders this time not just criminals but all benders and he rid them of their bending one by one here he also kept Harlock locked up alone in a tower where he could not reveal to anybody that he was actually a mounts brother and then Amon was really a bender himself the very thing that he was fighting it's interesting how a man turned his back on his own kind as he himself was a bender as tarrlok said he thought Amon truly believed that bending was the source of all evil in the world I touched on it before but let's go into more detail I think this is in large part due to how much he despised his father his father was obsessed with bending and the power that it gave him so a mon paired his evil father with the thing that his father loved most which in turn made a mon pere bending and evil therefore he thought that getting rid of evil was as easy as ridding the world of bending but as I said a mon trying to rid the world of bending actually made him become the very thing his father wanted him to be a dictator who overtook the city using blood bending but in a Mons case he used blood bending very differently than his father in his pursuit for peace a mon lost sight of his original goal of equality for all because he was no longer equal to everyone else he made himself more powerful than anybody going back to his childhood when his father yelled at tarrlok and complemented aman aman did not want that compliment if it meant bringing his brother down because then they wouldn't be equal now however Amon had no intention of giving up the power that he had gained even if it ruined his initial goal of equality a monstro identity was revealed to Korra and Macchio after they encountered tarrlok but a mon stayed one step ahead of them and when i tries to reveal his true identity to the crowd at his victory rally he showed his face that was covered in scars backing up a story about how a firebender had killed his family and burned his face using convincing make-up to for the audience Amon managed to turn the tables and make or it out to be a liar to his followers when Korra and Makkah were about to leave he told them to stay and he revealed the captured airbending family right when a man was going to rid the world of airbending forever as they were the only airbenders in the world a fight broke out and the family escaped now just facing Quora and macho he could freely use his blood Ben dank and he took korra's bending from air this is quite fitting because Korres past life had taken a month father spending away and now he took the bending from the avatars next life basically getting revenge for his father even though this was the last thing he wanted to do but again this just shows how much the ghost of his father still shapes him well Oman used to spending he did not know that the lieutenant his most loyal follower was watching and furious he went after Amon but this was a mistake as Amon easily blood bended him and violently threw him against the wall before Amon could take Makos bending malko fought through the blood bending and struck him with lightning when they tried to escape however Amon caught up to them and he told marko that he was impressed saying that no one had ever gotten the better of him like that as he made his way to Mach o he was struck again but this time by Korah who airbend it for the first time sending a month flying back out the window and into the river below Amon had no choice but to water men to save himself and the makeup he had on his face was washed off the crowd outside realized that everything Korres said was true that he really was a waterbender and not the man he said he was with the makeup washed away his identity exposed and his mission clearly over Amon escaped in the water dodging Marcos fire blasts the first place that he went was air temple island to find his younger brother and he told tarrlok that it was over and that he was sorry for what he had to do to him tarrlok responded saying their father set them on this path but luckily fate made them collide tarrlok then said that he should have left with him when they were boys and Amon responded saying to leave with him now I stay now at a second chance and they could start over together when tarrlok did not answer Amon begged his brother saying that he was all he had left in the world the two brothers left Republic City on a boat a mon very excited to start a new life with the only person he would ever want to do this with he could not stop smiling saying that there was nothing they couldn't do tarrlok then called him on noah talk and Amon got sentimental saying he had not heard that name in years he told his brother that he had almost forgotten the sound of his own name startled up told him that it would be just like the good old days but as he said this he put an electrified glove over the fuel cap of the boat and Noah talks final few seconds he cried tears of happiness finally being free no more of his father's burdens no more revenge just him and his younger brother who he loved more than anyone in the world tarrlok allowed his brother to die happier than he had been since the good old days when they were kids before they learned that they were benders and before their fathers training they had come full circle back to where they had started what tarrlok did ended their family bloodline ensuring that there were no more blood benders who could bend at any time and could cause harm the way that they did and their father did so was Amon good or bad well as I said the brothers had come full circle Noah talked essentially died the good-natured kid he was during the good old days meaning he died is a good person who was very remorseful for what he had done he had done some terrible things yes but in the end the revenge puppet that his father had made him did not define who he was it was not part of him it was the thing that took over the good inside of him for a certain period of time and when then eventually left him it allowed him to die the good person he had always been thank you so much for watching guys you can follow me on social media and see more of my personal life and see more of this little dude you can follow me on Twitter and Facebook for movie's flame updates and I want to give a huge shout out to all my patrons listed below if you want to be featured in the next video plus get a bunch of other rewards become a patreon today again thank you so much for watching make sure you press that like button and subscribe and look out for more great videos on the way you
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 464,775
Rating: 4.9264669 out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, aang, korra, tenzin, asami, mako, bolin, lin, beifong, toph, katara, sokka
Id: KLsY19HuJsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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