Zuko's Mom Explained: The Life of Ursa (Avatar the Last Airbender Breakdown)

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avatar the last airbender is one of the best shows ever made and has been critically acclaimed the series ran for three seasons or books and tied up almost every loose ends one loose end that didn't get tied up was what happened to Zuko and Azula smother this loose end was tied up many years later in this video I'm going to explain what happened as you go and as ULA's mom as I go through the life of Ursa Ursa was born to Jin Zhu and Rina and was raised in a small town called Hiro on the outskirts of the Fire Nation it was seen the most as a backwater village that was unimportant hersa photos though her parents had always been good to her and she appreciated everything that they had done for her Ursula was also the granddaughter of Avatar Roku the Avatar before ank to make a living hearses family raised pig chickens in their backyard as well as having a greenhouse to produce crops and flowers to sell Jin's oak was also a magistrate a civil officer for the Fire Nation who administrates the law her mother was also a master herbalist and when Ursa was young her mother taught her how to make certain concoctions including poison at a young age Ursa became friends with a boy named itom who was also born in race and hero at the age of six Ursa kicked him in the stomach and pushed his face in the dirt from then on I comb was in love with Ursa it took her a while to feel the same way about him but she too eventually fell in love and they became boyfriend and girlfriend Ursa was part of the hero acting troupe before shows hearses hands would get cold something that happened when she was nervous I cam will take her hand before the performance to warm them up and give her comfort before they went on Ursa always wanted to play the dragon Empress and one day she tried out for the role she got the part and would play the dragon Empress alongside Eiko who had already been cast as the Dragon Emperor after Ursa and I come rehearse the kissing scene I come stand into her eyes and when she questioned him he asked Ursa to marry him at first Ursa was confused thinking it was part of the script but when she realized that he was serious she excitedly said yes Ursa ran home to tell her parents the News but when she got there she found her mother crying Rena told Ursa that her father was talking to a visitor out back she then looked into her daughter's eyes and made sure that she knew how much she loved him when Ursa went out back she found a father with fire lord azulon accompanied by a second son Prince Ozai azulon had been told by the fire sages that the pairing of the avatars granddaughter and his own son would yield a bloodline of great power that would help ensure his family's rule for centuries after he was gone after being told this he desired Ursa to become part of his family Ozai proposed and she accepted honored but sad they took her with them and as they were leaving I can block the road he told them that they had no right to take her although he wasn't very threatening as the swords he held were props from the play the guards went after him and Ursa begged OHS Ida called him off saying that he was an old childhood friends Ozai did as she wished and Ursa told I come to go I come told her to tell him that this was what she wanted and if she could do that then he would leave she cried as she told him that she was joyful about it and told him to go home for his sake and hers when she left with Ozai I come cried watching the love of his life ride away I can would go on to leave here out and live in a forest at the bottom of a nearby Valley called forgetful Valley it was rumored to be a place where the heartbroken go to force their lives rumor said that once you enter you never returned well there he befriended the blue wolf spirit and met the mother of faces she granted one favor each season if you could find her but you had to guess which of the six pools of water she would go to for that season when he met her he requested a new face and she granted him this wish meanwhile Ursa unhappily married Ozai in the fire nation's capital city she became even more unhappy when she found out that she would never be able to see her parents again as she had to cut all ties with her past now that she wished the princess Oh's I told her that she now belonged to him and the royal family as he kissed her on the cheek Ursa said goodbye to her parents and making sure that they knew how much he appreciated them Ursa gets all the masks of the Dragon Emperor hidden behind a picture in a room to remind her of ikon Zuko was later used one of those masks for a secret identity as bluespirit although Erza was supposed to cut off all remnants of her past this was hard she continued to write letters to I come in secret and an old woman named a Lua was the one who delivered the letters she considered a Lua to be family and felt that Aloha was the only person in the fire nation that she could trust unfortunately a Lua was not what she seems she betrayed Ursa by showing Ozai the letters O as I told her Lua to file them away and not to send them beause I did not need to see the letters because from the day that he had brought us a home with him he had people watching her every move Ursula ventually gave birth to her and ohsas first son Zuko and a little over one year later they had a daughter that they named Azula her so loved both of her children but she soon realized that something was seriously wrong with Azula she had no conscience or sense of right and wrong is wrong with that child Ursa was much closer with Zuko who clung to her far more than Azula did Zuko did not meet up to ozai's expectations with most things and because of this he was mean and disappointed in Zuko something that Ursa tried to make up for by showing him extra love Ursa always noticed that whenever Zuko got excited he would get a sparkle in his eye something that she admired in her son her son and O's I would take Zuko and Azula to ember island every summer where they had a beach house there Ursa took the kids to see the play love amongst dragons the same play that she and I cam were almost in together one night Zuko went to see his mother after he had a bad dream and she comforted him to make him feel better that same night she gave a letter to a Lua this letter was different from the others however in this letter she told him that she belongs with him and admitted that Zuko was not Ozai son but rather I combs this of course was not true she did this to test Ozai and see if he was taking the letters when a Lua realized what the letter said she didn't file it away like the others but brought it straight to Ozai himself Iroh vs. brother-in-law was the only member of Azaz family that she liked he was much more kind gentle and much more loving while he was away on his mission to conquer Ba Sing se he sent Ursa gifts for Zuko and Azula something that made her glad to call Iroh her brother-in-law Ursa got mad and upset at Azula when she mentioned uncle not making it back alive Azula we don't speak that way it would be awful if uncle Iroh didn't return this became even more real when IRA son Luton died while fighting in Ba Sing se I thought that Ursa could not bear to think about if she lost one of her children when Zuko showed off his firebending skills to his grandfather the current Fire Lord he fell down and Ursa comforted him telling him that she admired how he always kept fighting when times were hard one day when the family was eating dinner Zuko corrected as you Ola about proper firebending and Ozai slammed his fist on the table as he yelled at Zuko telling him that as Ulla was born lucky and that Zuko was lucky to be born Ursa stood up furious and told her husband off for talking to Zuko that way later that night Ozai got news that the hit on icon failed the person he hired was unable to find him and assumed that he died in the forest this however was not enough to satisfy Ozai but it was enough to tell Ursa that Icom was dead as he confronted her about the letters Ursa began to cry devastated that the love of her life was gone he of course was not gone though the reason the Hitman never found him was because he had changed his face and entered the town as a new man when confronted about the letter Ursa responded saying that he knew as well as she did that Zuko was his Ando's I asked why she wrote such a lie Ursa responded saying that maybe it was wishful thinking she then said that she hoped that Zuko would be nothing like his father Ozai evilly told her that if that's how she wanted it then that's how it would be from then on Ozai would treat Zuko as if he was in his own he was already disappointed in Zuko and therefore Colt Horta but after this he took it to a whole nother level and told her that it was her doing one day Zuko showed his mother how Azula fed turtle ducks as he threw a rock and a baby duckling Ursa was shocked that he behaved this way why would you do that Zuko got mad when the mother of the duckling bit him and Ursa explained that that's what mothers do they protect their children Jose eventually asked his father for the throne which was his older brother iroh's birthright his father was furious especially after IRA son had just died i betray Iroh osa was ordered by his father to get rid of Zuko so that he would know the pain of losing his firstborn just like his older brother dead when Ursa was told this by Azula who had eavesdropped on that conversation Ursa went straight to Ozai and made a deal with them in exchange for Zuko's life she would give him an untraceable poison that would make it look like the victim died in their sleep something that her learned from her mother who was a herbalist Ozai agreed but only if she herself left the capital city and never showed her face there again Ozai made sure of this because he was worried that Ursa would use that same poison on him her greed but said that the children went with her Ozai said no and said that they were collateral as long as she kept her word no harm would come to them Ursa made the poison then said goodbye to was Ulla and Zuko everything I've done I've done to protect you her goodbye to Zuko was especially emotional because she knew that suka was in far more danger from Ozai than Azula was no matter how things may seem to change never forget who you are she left the capital city and the first thing that she did was go to her parents house when she knocked on the door a young girl answered her asked of Jin sook and Rena were there when she found out that they weren't she went to visit old memories on the stage where I comment asked her to marry him she was interrupted however by a man named Nora the new head of the hero acting troupe he told her that visiting old memories didn't have to be unpleasant and he offered to buy her breakfast while they were eating Noren called her by her name Ursa which freaks her out and she was positive that she did not introduce herself when she got up to leave Nora said something that made ursus stop dead in her tracks when we were six you kicked me in the stomach and pushed my face in the dirt he then said when we were 21 you shattered my heart Ursa cried out I come as tears poured down her face she had thought him dead it was a miracle later asked why he never married and why he never had children he responded saying that she knew why the two reconnected and I come told her about how he got a new face and forgetful Valley they decided that they had to hide his identity as well to do this they wanted to forgetful Valley together hoping to meet the mother of phases they spent many months waiting and searching luckily the to pick the correct spool for that season and Ursa asked the mother of phases for a new identity the spirit could not understand why a human of such beauty would want a new face but the spirit agreed however the spirit sense much pain in her and Ursa told her about the pain they came from the memories of a life that she did not choose for herself the pain of leaving our kids behind the mother of faces told her that she could do more than just change a face but make her forget the life that she didn't choose all that you would remember would be life before Ozai came to take her away her life with Aiko Ursa cried and said that she was horrible as she thought of Zuko and Azula but she decided to take the pain away and to go through with it the mother of faces put a new face on Ursa and from then on she was known as Noriko and had no memory of her life in the Fire Nation capital Ursa and I come who are now Noriko and noren got married and eventually had a daughter named ke they lived a peaceful life and had a happy family for many years later on team avatar arrived at heroes zoo go in as Ulla on a mission to find their mother the team eventually put the pieces together and found out that Noriko was Ursa Zuko went back to Sierra and when he realized that she was happy he began to walk away letting his mother live on a perfect family life Noren or I come stop Zuko tho and told him to tell her the truth zou Gulen told her who he was and told her that he was her son just then however Azula came in and attacked their mother azula's mind had gone crazy and she had been imagining that her mother was plotting against her since the day she was born she thought that if she killed her mother it would end those crazy thoughts she stopped however when her mother said she was sorry she didn't love her enough Azula ran away and while Zuko and his mother ran after her the mother of faces appeared and asked him her wish to remember her old life she said yes and the Spirit granted this tea where she became the real Ursa again in the chaos Azula got away and was nowhere to be found later on her so apologized to Zuko for the same thing that she apologized to Azula for she told him that she was sorry that she didn't love him enough she then told him that she was proud of him Zuko leader took Ursa and her new family with them to the Fire Nation capital on the way there Ursa freaked out when Aang took ki to ride on dolphins and when he brought her back she hugged ki and said that she couldn't lose her ki was struggling to deal with her mother's sudden face change and pushed her off since the face change she had also stopped carrying the doll that her mother made for her with their own two hands which kill you used to carry everywhere she went that night Ursa stood alone on the side of the ship crying and when Zuko approached her and asked if she was alright she told him that she was fine she told Zuko how she was worried about Azula who they were never able to find Zuko assured his mother that she wouldn't know how to survive if it came down to it just then a hawk carrying a message from the Kyoshi warriors appeared after seeing her sons angered faced Ursa asked if something was wrong but was assured that there was nothing he couldn't handle before she went below the deck Zuko promised to keep her family especially ke safe with all his power the next day when Ursa looked through a telescope she noticed that it wasn't Harbor City and Zuko told her that there had been a change of plans a submarine came up beside that and Iroh along with Suki came out I will apologize to Ursa for the pain and his family had caused her and she forgave him telling him that his presence in the family always gave her hope Suki then took Ursa and her family along with Zuko in the submarine while a decoy went on to ensure their protection Zuko begged ke to hold their mother's hand trying to reconnect the two and ke did this grudgingly when they were making their way through the detour they were ambushed by a squad called the Ozai Society who demanded that Zuko give up the throne when Zuko and the Kyoshi warriors lost the fight they were about to burn the carriage with Ursa and her family in it one of the members of the Ozai Society didn't want to see this happen he freed Zuko and told him to save his family reinforcements then arrived to drive the squad off but not before they threw a spear into the carriage thankfully it didn't hit her so or her family they eventually reached the palace Anderson was very hesitant to walk inside when Zuko offered Ursa her old room she declined it and said that she'd rather have a guest room clearly it was very difficult for her to be back when she spent years in an abusive relationship and feared for hers and her kids lives every day as she walked through the palace she thought to herself that she could do this because it was different this time Ozai wasn't there he was safe they were all safe when she saw a painting of Ozai however she became very scared and very paranoid kee he continued to be cold toward her mother and one day she pulled away from Ursa yelling at her that she was asking her dad the question and not her later on that same night Ursa overheard Sookie and Ty Lee discussing that May's little brother was abducted Ursa became frantic and ran to make sure that Keeley was alright luckily she was fine lying in bed and Ursa hugged her daughter while she slept hearses worst fear later came to life however when her oldest daughter Azula finally came out of hiding and kidnapped ke she and I come were woken by the fight and the two embraced when they heard the bad news Ursa said alone in the palace holding he eased all that she had made for her hopeful that her daughter would return I wrote join her and she told him how upset she was about kee not touching her or the doll since the face change she then asked Iroh how he got over the death of his son he told her that he didn't and never would but that he and any other parent must teach their kids and themselves to see fear with unclouded eyes after Kia was rescued Ursa was relieved and grateful to have her daughter back later on Ursa went to visit Ozai in prison and see him for the first time since she was banished and with the guidance of eyebrow before she went in she was able to see him for what he truly was a small small man trying with all his might to be big she told him that he had no room for a son his daughter his brother or even himself she then said goodbye to Ozai as he screamed after her Ursa then went to join I command key he in bed and for the first time since her face had been changed he welcomed Ursa back with delight to see your mother something that made Ursa the happiest mother alive Ursa was forced into a life that she did not want at a very young age she was forced to take orders from a mosque that she unfortunately caught her husband she did so much to protect their kids and sometimes she might have gone overboard but she always did what was best for them even though some of her choices might have been Effie she will always be remembered as a great mother thank you so much for watching guys you can follow me on social media thanks for that will be down below if you like this video make sure you press that subscribe button to help grow the channel I want to give a huge shout out to all my patrons listed below if you want to be listed on my next video check out my patreon you'll be featured on the video and get a bunch of other rewards as well again thank you so much for watching and look out for more great videos on the way
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 4,930,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games
Id: yX7Hbgr7pYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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