The Level YOU NEVER WANT TO GET in the RECENT TAB - Geometry Dash 2.2

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how's it going everyone two people they're walking down the street they stumble into a park the park doesn't have a name they look around and say I wonder what the name of this park is and then the other one says hm looks like it's unnamed and then the other one says well looks like we stumbled right into resing tub where there's a lot of unnamed stuff like look at that right unnamed 106 welcome to another 100 life recent tab challenge where I have 100 lives to beat as many levels as possible in order I have three skips I can use to skip levels I also have three practice runs I can use to practice runs without any penalty to my lives if I get three coins I can get a practice run or a skip back and I also get three one-ups every single coin I get is a oneup f the rules check the description let's begin the first one is yes yes yes yes yes yes who whoa I thought I was going to die there big spike yes one level done that's why it's called yes CU When you beat it you want to yell yes next one is X CCT I could get an extra skip back already if I can get all these coins so this is awesome I could also get over 100 lives here xcc what what oh oh yeah yeah holy yo those you couldn't see anything okay you can see a little bit oh just random just random saw blads oh oh oh my God what dude how did I get through the mini wave part did you see those moves I thought I was so dead oh wow okay so how many lives have I lost I've lost five lives 95 lives left there are coins here so instead of using a skip on this cuz I don't know what I'm doing I'm actually just going to I'm going to use a practice run and hopefully I can get all those coins and well I will I'll go into practice mode find out where those coins are we'll get them so look you're supposed you're just supposed to go there and become a thick that's what that's why it was so awkward because you can actually just skip this portal you can like go over top of it but you're supposed to be a thick wave yeah you're supposed to be a thick wave and then that's like so much easier man I can't believe I went through there man I I got some sick moves to be able to go through there oh I'm glad I went into practice mode site reading this even just normally beating without the quins would be just such a nightmare you know oh there's the where's the quins oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no you you're disgusting there's a secret way and the coins are on the secret way that's why the 100% thing is there cuz you can end it early by doing that that's disgusting I wasted five Liv all I had to do is do the cheese okay watch this well at least we know at least we can get a practice run back not a big deal not a big deal really that's all three of them I rate this level rude okay well I got three of my lives back I'm at 98 lives two levels done and my practice run back so yeah whatever no no big deal no big deal whatever Ino chat the professional is Bored give him a chat account right now sign your logo or name here the professional the professional you sound like you're an assassin or something dude the next level is dark by gdcor please oh boy please don't tell me it's dark like where I can't you know not that was that was nothing four levels down one life lost 97 lives left chill I named 106 wait wait wait wait what okay okay well I got one life and then I died one so we're at a net oh no how are you supposed to read that okay stay low oh my God minus three lives huh cuz I got plus one and then minus four 94 lives left five levels done yo ho crystallized part by month my oh my that looks [Music] hard shoot holy shoot that's insane that's insane I'm out 91 lives left oh that looks cool really hard do I practice run it and go for it or just skip it there's a lot of portals and stuff I don't know be a man Eric we're practice running it a few moments later I I'm regretting my decision already these inputs are [Music] insane oh oh or not I've done it guys I fell a no no no we can make that work still what you got to do is you just got to go way up we got a checkpoint we'll be able to check it out just go oh yes yes yeah I told just go just go way up okay oh dude I'm glad we used to practice around this now how many lives I'm going to die getting [Music] there Ye Ye you just saw some highle play six levels done only two more lives left okay that was worth it that was worth it that was good next one is ice fight an ice fight that sounds pretty dangerous you know like when you're throwing a snowball you want to just throw the snow when you mix ice in there it starts to get really dangerous what okay no no that's fine that that was actually really easy I just I pushed a button when I didn't need to you know nice sound effects dude oh don't hit that but hit those I'm just going to hold down the button all the way we going all the way to the end tap what why why okay it says when it says tap I'm tap I'm tapping it oh you got to trust these things okay it tells you to tap you just got to tap you're a trust were the Creator 887 lives left Seven Levels done okay here we go we can get the practice run back for these three coins this one's called polar bear I better see some damn polar bears here I'm very excited I'm not seeing any so far are the coins up here I don't even know what's underneath me now yes yes I got one where's the other one that was an easy one to get one more one more oh I should have stayed as the yeah dude three coins yeah put that practice run back on the board here we go and three extra lives I'm at 9 0 lives and eight levels done oh we're we're just flying we're so good now this one's called Simple dust by Keon pogy just simple dust oh oh that was that was hey you know what that that was a bad idea what is this dude that was really challenging what the heck okay I died five lives I'm at 85 lives I have to I'm going to use a practice run on this cuz I'm so curious what is I don't even know what to do when you get to that ball part but like okay y that's easy actually mind I thought that was going to switch me Gravity for some reason I mean they're not like super hard either you go early there okay I got that I think you can't buffer that yeah you can't buffer some of those you got to like wait for the right timings kind of tricky but not that bad all right took me one life after practice so 84 lives left nine levels done this one's called time by astronics time is uh I mean it's oh you sicko time goes by too fast these days yes I saw that coin from a mile away is that the only coin I think there's two coins okay you know why it's called time yes I got the other one I don't think there's another one though wait what there's just two coins so we can leave this level with positive lives probably if I got the skills yeah yeah wa check okay yeah wouldn't make sense if there was a checkpoint normal mode all right okay so I didn't lose any lives cuz it's plus two minus and 10 levels done let's go just hold two It's a Long Level just hold just hold I'm holding I'm holding for dear life you know holding the button it's a very easy thing to do for some reason when it's like in such tight spaces like this it freaks me out I'm sweating even though I know it's just Auto but I'm [Music] sweating all it's been pretty similar it's just like a lot of asymmetrical duels wrapping between each other it's been it's pretty cool it's a cool Auto all right boom we did it GG easy peasy 11 levels done this one's called Falling politely we can get a practice run back if we get all three of these coins let's do it what's with the stairs I waxed them to prove Peters the one cussing in the house what Lois have you seen my Spider-Man socks it's Family Guy ah oh dear great Heavens that's smarts Peter when did you become so polite all right it's a scene from Family Guy obviously wow so we're at 87 lives and I got my practice run back dude the recent tab is so polite today this one's called Party by wxv we're partying yeah yeah we're partying this is what a party looks like it looks like a bunch of orbs and cubes and UFOs aliens they want to party too you [Music] know that was that was easy this one's called reto paralus Lewis quite a long name especially considering we're just there's just triple spikes and there's not much to it wow that was a super thick triple though wasn't it was that a thick triple or am I just bad oh my God that was a jump scare oh my God I actually got jump scared but I did it all right crazy 14 levels done 86 lives left Boss gratus 2 boss oh he's just a little FY ah you're going to have to do better than that little FY you I can't even dude I can't even see where it goes it's going off the screen oh look at this watch this graug okay I'm not going to read out this name we're just going to beat this level what what this one's called level and it's tiny and it has three coins oh no the recent tab is so kind what never mind that's so hard oh oh never mind it's not that hard dude I thought that was way harder than it actually was yo I will definitely take an extra skip let's go boom boom boom plus three minus three so we're at still 85 lives next one's unnamed three dude we might get a record again today I mean if we're just going to get levels like this we're going to get a record 18 levels this one's called 10p what does 10p mean 10 players we're going 10 player mode I'd love a 10 player mode uh I don't know what 10p means here but it's extremely relaxing that's the most relaxing spam I've ever done in my life this one's called by leob beo there's two coins here oh my oh my yeah so this level's nice because it's not lying all the orbs that do hit you know no fakes or anything I feel like there might be a secret way there there was a question mark I feel like there might be a secret way at some point we have to actually work for this one though it this one does take a modum of skill this one there's the oh no I'm okay whatever we missed the [Music] coin ooh timing I feel like right after that it slows down and it's going to be easy so I'm not going to use a practice run oh I've died Nine Lives oh my God I'm at 76 lives left I'm doing a practice run just to just so I make sure I have the timings at the end cuz I can't be dying any more lives may as well get these coins as well on the way you know just hit those late and that late too dude oh my God the these jumps at the end are really hard yeah I should have gone into practice mode way earlier this is insane these speed changes are so rude cuz you got to wait so long on the slow one cuz you're going like so fast that's this is this is this is ridiculous cuz like you want to jump like right away here right right oh okay o Dude how many more lives am I going to lose here well whatever we finally got like a pretty challenging one no that's dude it slows down so much cuz you're going four times speed it's so easy to hit that too [Music] early no God it's so fast and then you want to jump as soon as you slow down cuz like it feels like that's the right timing but you're so far away from that Spike oh rude rude rude oh oh my was that worth it I'm not sure yet so I died another six lives plus one from the coin so I died another five lives 71 lives left I don't know if that was worth it maybe no description provided this one's tiny no description what is that it looks like a jump pad [Music] 21 levels done 70 lives left we're still doing pretty good this one's called project 4 project 4 it's long oh my it's long so this is an actual level this is an actual project an actual layout oh boy Whoa what there's like multiple ways cuz I didn't that wasn't the right way to go right oh never mind there's like that pink thing okay that's some pretty tight waving yeah that's that's some pretty tight [Music] waving oh oh no dude it the the timing is really awkward going out of there oh no oh no I just died six lives at 64 lives left so do I do a practice run on this or do I just skip it I don't think it's that hard I got I'm going to use a practice run oh hey that's neat we'll just get out of that though were we supposed to go in it I'm not too sure that's scary get out of oh I'm not too sure where I'm supposed to go but yeah oh boy and there's a big spike there okay okay I guess that was worth a practice run because SKS are more precious which is why I've been holding on to them because we can get like impossibly hard levels and we need to use the skips for the impossibly hard levels not just the levels that are kind of hard but I don't really want to do that I might die some lives on and get up there get up there get up there and don't change into anything until you get to the robot okay look at this watch this and what I meant to say is watch this okay watch this watch these moves there that's where you're supposed to I should get the level now okay if I don't get it then damn I'm terrible and I suck and maybe I shouldn't be doing these recent tab challenges if I can't get this boom oh yeah now now we just get out leave me leave me out of this whatever nonsense is going on down there it's probably really cool but leave me out of it yes spikes leave me out of it oh it almost it almost grabbed my cheeks but it didn't okay just leave me out I'm just going to stay up here I'm just a little happy you UFO alien men and I just want to stay up here as a matter of fact if you attack me I'm going to consider that an act of resistance against our alien kind and I will attack Humanity that's a giant Spike 22 levels done another four lives lost we're at 60 lives left oh man we've been draining lives quick this is called deading by Angel floors oh oh oh oh yeah a little bit of tight flying no big deal though and we're going to hit that we want to go slow we definitely want to go slow dude I wasn't ready for it I wonder if I should use a practice run here especially because there's coins but then again i' I'd love to get the coins without using the practice run so I can actually gain instead of just like finding them with practice and then oh boy I can't believe I just did that yes you didn't change what okay I did it nice I got the second coin too dude doing some oh the third coin's probably above isn't it oh what is happening what is happening no there was another coin I missed no oh just freaking okay I died five lives plus 2 is minus three 57 lives left 23 levels done that dude I can't believe I didn't find out where the last coin was rip the next one is official pass two by Undead it's officially pass two guys I mean school's almost out oh oh ow what the heck are these timings dude [Music] dude I can't figure out a way to get out okay I just died I just died five lives no I died more than five is a total attempts eight I I seven Liv I said Seven Lives have 50 lives left it looks pretty open but the timings just feel weird I'm going to use my last practice run on I don't want to skip it all I had to do was wait man oh that's cool dude I love that and that's it dude I didn't I didn't I didn't have to use a practice run on that at all I'm so bad I would have like headed that run that's it's so easy I just wasted the practice run I'm so bad no that's so cool though I like that that's neat no 24 levels done all my practice runs are gone it's just the beginning is awkward because like you stick to the surface when you get to it it's using those special blocks where you can't hold down the button and jump off it and it took me a while to get used to I died some lives but I really didn't need to burn that practice run oh I'm so bad this called make a level six demon Park sanding blood bath 2 Hell [Music] House you guys are going to hate me for that name name name name name name name name name name oh this called cursed on track oh yikes cursed on track but why is it cursed is it trolly that's sick dude that's so sick what is that 69 that's creepy yeah that was that was creepy oh dude those saw blades coming up and that's it that was okay two lives lost 48 lives left is called secret song by Niko 45 secret song it's XL though is it just the song though it's just the song isn't it well luckily we have mega hack [Music] again oh we love you oh we love you outro preview cool there's a preview of an outro or maybe the whole level's called outro I'm not sure I just got to hit that late you know what what what wait where where do I go dude put a jump pad there please what the heck it doesn't even line up oh oh no dude the beginning is so rude too oh no I've died 10 live I'm at 38 lives left I di hey what is that UFO transition I got to keep the Run alive I got to use one of my skips I have an extra skip anyway so I have three skips left now I have to I have no choice this called Aubrey is the worst oh Aubrey what did you do Aubrey what did you do to the creator of this level to make him go and make this tight little Spike Gap I mean saw blade Gap what did you do reader 62 or something it's ret what the heck it's retray but buffed what do you do oh you got to go oh my that's so it's is that impossible that is so ridiculously hard there's no way what I just died Seven Lives to this I should have just skipped it right away I'm using another skip I have two skips left oh my God the run's falling to pieces that's so insane it's a joke it's retray but like super buffed it's so hard the next one's called PL what is happening to the Run Okay p p p p hard wave challenge oh my heart hard oh whoa no what I thought I hit the dash orb oh no hey that's so hard to do he no yes yes yes 10 lives 21 lives left what is happening to the run this called platform where there's three coins here we got to get the three coins that's it we got to take this slow and carefully platform mode it's all it's all coming down to this we need to get either like a uh either a uh skip yeah we're getting a skip back we're not getting a practice run back but we need to get some lives back too okay there's a bunch of stuff above us though like I saw coin above us but I believe we like go back over top right and we're going to like come back that way but I need to find out how to get under the ground here okay you can go down this way okay good let's get our other coin boom and then I think as the ship we have to go back because I think the end of the level is that way but with the uh jetpack I should say with the jetp pack we got to go back for the other coin should let's get the potion and we got the last coin great now let's just go finish the level in style and we at least get a skip back cuz skips are a little more powerful than practice runs practice runs are nice the skips are awesome because the skips allow you to just totally by pass level like with a practice run you could practice run like if you get one of the hardest levels in the game even with a practice run like it's not going to do anything but a skip you're you're out of there you know thanks that was a that was a cute little level cool oh cool excellent this exactly what we needed we got three lives back so we're at 24 and we have three skips now no practice runs though beautiful that's what we need we need more of those okay blue orb timings oh oh oh my no no [Music] 19 lives left oh my God we need to skip some levels now we have three skips this one's called hard this one's called hard as soon as it's I should skip it I should skip it my best my intuition is telling me to skip it but maybe not oh oh dude okay we're Airborne that's good that's good that's good okay it would have been a bad idea to skip I think I'm not sure where we going yes Y what was that what was you jump that's not hard that's called being trolly okay yeah yeah no no no no I jumped a look for the line and jump got it yeah good would have been a waste [Music] of bro so we just wait no more trolls pleasee no more trolls yes okay I think that was worth I lost six lives I'm at 13 lives left oh no the next one's called gear attack gear attack it's just a bunch of Gears but no big deal because these gears they ain't moving there's very St a very easy gear attack okay love it 34 levels done unnamed Zero by zoink zoink zoink wow I expected more out of a level from you okay unnamed four by super CJ plays this is a medium level I can't move what I can't move oh no it's cursed wave it doesn't Oh no I got it's like a swing copter wave sort of but it doesn't work very well at all it's not doing what I wanted to do okay so six lives lost I'm at Seven Lives left I'm skipping this one this is called magma BG this is a long one I think I'm just going to skip it right away called magma BG it might just be like a background though what the world it's just the background right of magma bound yeah yeah such a good level dude is so awesome if you guys haven't played it you it's one of the easiest insane demons a great beginner insane you guys should go for it boom boom boom magma bound yes okay 36 levels done thank you free but it wasn't really free I died alive this one was called my first best level by Mr jelly it has a dislike but there's three coins so if we can get these coins we can get some precious lives back what is just don't press the button there I oh my oh my I think I should be leaving this level like I think I just skip it I don't trust it at all I just I have a bad feeling about this really bad feeling but it's not that bad it's not that bad whoa okay where where are the coins 30% of the way through but anything can happen bad here like Anything Can Happen wrong get all of a sudden really hard I feel like it's about to troll me I just I just have this a I have this terrible feeling we're just going to get this insanely hard wave out of the blue all of a sudden okay you actually were legit there were two ways and you pointed in the direction that you had to go into there's a coin yo so the coins might just be free I mean I opened I just ran into a key that gave it to me for free so excellent okay this is this is the level we needed is absolutely the level we needed oh yes and another okay we have all the coins oh I mean I had to try to jump I didn't think I was going to go anywhere otherwise right okay just wait all right if you see a big barrier in your way just wait next time as well okay it's huge and wide open now only 30% of the level left all right o I'm hyperfocused here I got to make sure ooh Fireball 20% of the level left it is XL though only 20% ooh triple Spike and that that was a dummy thick triple Spike too I don't think that was a normal one this level saved the run from Doom yes excellent all right 37 levels done what's the damage I died three lives and I gained three lives so we're even on lives but I get either a skip or a practice run back I'm going to take a practice run this one's called Rob Timbo I first level 2.11 in 2. too OG level of mulpan video What If robtop made limbo so this is probably really hard I probably got to get ready to just skip it right away so what if robtop made limbo this is what it this is what it would look like so it's a cool concept I'm definitely into that it's just like robtop themed okay never mind maybe this is really chill for some reason oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah never mind never mind ow okay that's cool that's dude I can't even do toe2 right now okay I've died two lives four lives left do I skip it or do I use a practice run I only have four lives left I'm going to use the practice run on this level level seems cool I want to give it a shot see if I can do it in four lives it's just like it's it's got Parts in a bunch of robtop levels but then it just like randomly speeds up with the song most of this is pretty easy whoa that's not easy wow wow that was that was a little hard SE that was really hard that part it's using time warps so it looks like it's speed hacked oh dude blind jumps and stuff too oh can I remember all the blind jumps and the Transitions and like that cover up is so annoying the robtop faces they come and cover up the gameplay so like it's there's just like a couple of really annoying Parts it's otherwise pretty cool there's just a couple really annoying Parts okay I regret practicing this I absolutely regret it this is a challenge I shouldn't have been taking definitely not dude the time warp sped a part of Hexagon Force 2 this part oh my this is no dude it's so hard I won't be able to do this in four attempts and then there's an actual limbo key section it's like there's an actual functioning limbo key section at the end oops dude it was green hey I'm dead yeah yeah I'm dead oh dude come on well I'll tell you guys this much there's a function ing limbo key section at the end which makes it like I can't even read what key it is it's too fast well that was cool level but I'm going to have to use a Skip and keep my four lives because I will die all my lives to that for sure okay the next one is unnamed for it's XL it's XL doesn't look like there's anything here though yay it's just it's just the song haha this one's called Sonic blasters not just Blaster it's Sonic Blast there's so many blasters here I was like really is it just going to be two inputs is that it fire in the hole fire in the hole fire in the hole oh come on why not come why not oh my God yo yo we can keep it going even longer this one's called orb fun orb fun yeah let's have some orb fun what what excuse me I don't want your orbs I just want to fly around and I want to find out where your coins are how do we go have some orb fun well there's coins down here there's one where the other ones hiding oh oh I see you I see you nice what about these switches in here do they do anything no you okay cool and the other coin's there nice let's go to the end now yeah yeah yeah we're going to take a skip back I died once I get plus two so we're at six lives left okay this is called fell to Hell by the seventh Shadow oh oh oh Nine Circles level why are we completing every single level right at the beginning that's not just a bug that's a okay 42 levels done short step it's called short step spam step more like it m juicy ham ham in a can it's called spam it's amazing um all right sweet 43 levels done wow it's called unnam zero unnam zero just stay above everything don't go deep oh the you got to jump really early like I was just I was holding down the jump button you know basically wow we just spaced out so awkwardly okay 44 levels done five lives left next one is mescal link that's the name of the song okay this one has two coins in it if we can get the coins that'd be nice just get like some one-ups bubble's prettyy easy I missed a coin already though ah the other I dude I I went EX exactly where the coins weren't that's so that's such a rip but I mean if we want to tempt it whatever it doesn't matter anyways yeah sure I'll take it yo sick 45 levels done unlimited blast processing it's unlimited what do you mean unlimited does it just never end seriously oh never mind it's just it's blast processing but it's been copied on top of itself however many times so it just looks like really wild it looks dummy thick is what it looks like but there's no coins in here Creator was too lazy to put the blast processing coins so I can't get any skip back yeah it's just blast processing son we know this we've been here we've done that many many times you win make your club step skip oh yeah I guess I guess I could have skipped it ow oh yeah I should be skipping that yeah just skip it I I want to see the top of their faces I just don't want to die I I like it how there's the little cute one nice all right cool I died a life to that though I'm at four lives left this is called unnamed 25 it's short it has one coin and it's two-player it's two player why why do this to to me yeah yeah I just stayed down below I I figured it was safe down here and it is safe this one's called Box by J gly we're just in a box that's it's really just a box but it's open in the front it's just a box 49 levels done what immortal nightmare okay got to get ready to use a skip here this one sounds hardcore Immortal nightmare ow let's try to get through come on yeah that wasn't that bad I know it's oh dude some okay okay that's I got to skip it I at zero lives left so the next time I die is game over it's called easiest demon I have a skip I have a skip to use but I'm not using it no dude I thought I had that because I thought it wasn't that hard oh no no no well that's it ladies and gents we did 49 levels which is admittedly actually pretty good we held on for a long time hope you guys enjoyed this video I like doing these recent tab challenges it's fun for me and I hope it's fun for you as always guys peace
Channel: EricVanWilderman
Views: 78,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, recent, recent tab, 100 life, challenge, gd, g d, robtop, rob top, update 2.11, hard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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