The Lemoyne Raiders - Red Dead Redemption 2

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[Music] lemoyne is a fictional southern american state in red dead redemption 2. it's perhaps the most populated of all of the states that we visit and also perhaps the most environmentally diverse from the rich soil of scarlet meadows to the wet swampland of the bayou and the sprawling city of santoni there's so much going on in this small region that it's no surprise that it has a rich history though this land is now thriving as an example of the industrial age lemoine is a land that is built by slavery and scarred deeply by the civil war during the american civil war lemoine was a member of the confederate states of america and as you can imagine the loss of that war changed the lives of lemoyne's inhabitants forever and so it's no surprise that there are some disenfranchised members of lemoyne's society today or at least in 1899 when red dead redemption 2 is set which brings us to the focus of today's video a study if you want to call it that of a gang comprised of ex-confederate soldiers and disenfranchised citizens of the state of lemoine the lemoine raiders [Music] now the lemoine raiders are predominantly encountered in chapter 3 and chapter 4 of the main story of red dead redemption 2 however you can encounter them in the open world as early as chapter two however as far as the main story is concerned your first encounter with the lemoine raiders depends entirely on which order you do the missions in the raiders can be encountered in a small capacity in red dead online however that's the online and i don't know much about it and as we all know red dead online is set before the events of red dead redemption 2. i'll give that an overview because i'm not a massive fan of red dead online it's never given me a reason to care by 1898 cecil tucker associated himself with the lemoyne raiders in exchange for their protection tucker is known as an arsonist and murderer who specifically killed women and children in their beds he's a bounty that can be captured at fort brennan which appears to be almost a favorite hiding spot of the raiders the lemoine raiders also appear in a fair few missions of the moonshiner stuff where they can be found guarding the braithwaite family's moonshine operations and utilize their services for other things so it seems as if the braithwaite family is quite familiar with the lemoine raiders and likes to use them as hired guns come 1899 their first mission appearance like i said depends entirely on which order you do the missions in so for me that introduction was further questions of female suffrage a mission in which arthur and sadie adler ride into roads to collect some supplies everything goes smoothly until arthur and sadie are riding out of town and this is where we have our first encounter with the lemoine raiders hey there hey what uh what you folks up to just heading home you're in the morn raider country keep it cool you need to pay a toll to pass through here no i don't think so you don't think so how about you pull over right now pull over that's what i said hey how's about this go go go [ __ ] let's get the hell out of here go i'm gonna run this son of a [ __ ] down the lemon raiders initially attempt to shake down arthur and sadie to pay a toll and when refused turn aggressive down the road coming into something of a raider ambush it would appear as if they intended to rob them anyway regardless they didn't cause arthur and sadie any issues and they got away without a scratch killing every single raider who attacked though one does try to flee and it's completely up to you as to whether or not you let him and now we know what the lemoine raiders look like they are easily identified by the yellow bandanas that are worn by each of the members of this gang and they appear to believe that lemoine is their territory in itself not especially significant gangs have been laying claim to territory and fighting any who oppose them since the dawn of time itself however it doesn't take long for us to learn that this is perhaps more so out of some misplaced or twisted sense of patriotism than anything else if we find one of their many camps dotted around lemoine we can learn more about their beliefs and why they are doing what they are doing or at least the excuses they tell themselves for their heinous actions what the hell's wrong with you all i hardly said a word just feels like we ain't getting nowhere it's the end of the century it seems like we ain't much further on than we was in 65 yeah maybe maybe not we can still live free we can still say we don't recognize you or answer to your laws there to be one man living the truth and a million living a lie let me tell you something now you all know that most of us old timers we fought alongside each other third of the morning regimen the summer of 62 we was hunkered down by copperhead landing for weeks it was a terrible time it was terrible food was rotten humidity was unbearable nothing we had ever got dry but we knew that sooner or later the enemy would be coming down the lana hachi if they wanted to take santa knee and sure enough one morning we woke to the distance and the boom of a cannon next thing you know there's grenades raining down on us modified artillery shells leaving man with the most horrific wounds that's like nothing you ever seen and then i get blown up into the air and i'm as high as the house and then everything goes black then i come to in a cloud of smoke i think i must be the gates of hell and then it clears and i see a swarm of them damn blue bellies they're not 20 feet from me and i ain't got no rifle i ain't got no gun ain't got no nothing so i just turned and i run at them and they raise their rifles and they fire but it don't make no sound their powder was too damp so i'll get in there and i take them with my fist one by one until i know they're dead and i just walk out of there as calm as the night something's only lost if you let it be and as far as i can tell you're all still breathing even though you're a bunch of lifeless saps so [ __ ] the hell up you hear me what we can gather from this particular encounter is that the lemoine raiders were founded in 1865 and its original members were comprised of soldiers who fought in the third lemoine regiment for the confederacy and therefore this gang was organized in protest of the union winning the war they believe that their actions are intended to liberate lemoine from what they perceive as oppression which is kind of ironic for a gang that can be seen terrorizing and murdering people though it's worth mentioning that they seem to prioritize attacking those who they perceive as against their cause however that's a very flimsical philosophy as such a branding could be applied to anybody who conforms to regular society perhaps this is designed as mirroring a flaw in the van der linde gang's own philosophy but perhaps that breakdown is for another video at some camps they hold hostages at which they seem eager to preach their beliefs let me go and there's no bad blood no bad blood there's more than 40 years of bad blood between you and us what are we gonna do with him leave him alone for now he's worth more when he's breathing you're a disgrace to the moin a lot of you i don't care what he's worth you don't disrespect the cause like that you young and sure get fired up and stupid don't you he disrespected the cows this police officer was abducted by the raiders while simply doing his job and was killed after riling up a young member of the lemoine raiders with minimal effort he was tied to a post and completely defenseless and that mattered very little you can intervene and save the man however you learn more if you just don't however i did kill his captors out of vengeance probably just for fun actually now this isn't the only time that the lemoyne raiders can be found at a camp with a captive you can also encounter them with a captured state poll tax collector who they believe to be a federal tax collector if you wasn't political you wouldn't be no federal tax collector i ain't federal it's a state poll tax well y'all won't take the time to learn the difference i ain't gonna listen to your lies damn collaborator they're coming for the prisoner of course you can take on the camp of des moines raiders and free their prisoner hello mister they came out of nowhere okay next thing i was regaining my facilities tied up here please cut me free mister help me you're free my friend you have no idea how thankful i am you ain't home and dry yet run along i know i think they hid my things in one of those boxes sir they're yours there are other encounters that can be had with the raiders however i'm gonna break those down by doing the main story stuff alongside them however for now our main takeaway is the lemoyne raiders seem to use what was their patriotism once upon a time as justification for what they're doing now and while i don't doubt that some are firm believers in the cause it would appear as if they are just as bloodthirsty as any other gang you may come across the philosophy behind what they're doing is just seemingly too broad for their actions to purely be about freeing lemoine our next main story encounter with the raiders occurs in the mission american distillation arthur heads to the sheriff's office in rhodes where dutch informs him that sheriff gray has temporarily deputised them in order to help archibald shut down a moonshine distillery along the way there the deputies come across a rather grizzly scene whoa whoa hold up you see that wagon dear me that don't look good oh keep your eyes open no this must have happened recently [Music] hey come have a look at this look suit and tie one bullet cleaned through the forehead my money says this is the handiwork of a gang called the lemoine raiders yeah i've run into them let's see if we've got any identification okay we should get going i'll send someone over here later to clean this up you mind taking the reigns i want to have a look at these papers sure i'll direct you okay frederick mitchell lemoyne state legislator poor filler yes this certainly smacks to the raiders to me a bunch of ex-army free staters without an ounce of respect for the law that's seven government officials they've murdered this year alone yep not the nicest feathers in my experience oh and i know the brave weights are in business with them no shame trash begets trash my uncle reginald used to say so we learn a lot here the lemoine raiders definitely target a certain type those who appear to be rich well-dressed and those in government positions anyone working in a way that makes the raiders believe them to be an enemy of the state such as officials for a government they don't want to recognize are prime targets for the raiders and as we know they have no problem killing them having killed seven already in 1899 by the point of this mission we also learned that the massively influential braithwaite family are allegedly in business with the raiders considering the archibald is loyal to the greys this is mere speculation at this point or at least it comes across in a way where this could literally be thinking the worst of your perceived enemy however his point is later vindicated when we learn that the brave weights are indeed in business with the raiders of course if you play red dead online you know that the lemoyne raiders are hired guns from time to time for the braithwaite family and in the present situation with the moonshiners the brave weights are involved as are the lemoine raiders as after taking out the moonshiners and destroying their distillery the explosion is heard by a nearby camp of the lemoine raiders who claim that the moonshine is property of them and then later on in the main story mission advertising the new american art katherine braithwaite the matriarch of the braithwaite family claims that the moonshine is braithwaite property could the braithwaite family have been the buyers with the intent of selling it on could the lemoyne raiders have been acquiring the moonshine for the brave weight family or could the gang the braithwaites and the moonshiners all be one smooth operation and if that's the case i simply have a hard time believing that the lemoyne raiders are all about freeing the state of lemoine from the united states government's influence anymore and if you remember that encounter from earlier one of the younger members of the gang seems to be aware that they haven't made any progress in that pursuit since 1865. considering the size of the gang as they're literally everywhere this to me suggests that they have other objectives too so maybe this is their skewed belief of a moral justification to serve their interests otherwise it wouldn't be the first time we see this in red dead redemption 2 and like i said it could be some mirroring between the lemoine raiders and the vanderlind gang this game does a lot of that so i wouldn't be surprised if my deduction had some truth and intent behind it anyway now that we're here at advertising the new american art hosea and arthur take the moonshine to catherine braithwaite who claims that the moonshine is already hers however instead of things going violently south though they almost do catherine braithwaite instructs her sons to pay hosea and discloses that she knows the gang took the moonshine at the orders of sheriff gray and instructs hosea to take the moonshine into roads to the road's parlor house which is run by mr gray and give drinks out for free and that is exactly what hosea and arthur go and do of course this makes the rhodes parlor house the most popular spot in town for the night and word spreads pretty quickly and before long the lemoyne raiders rock up drink up three des moines good evening general quiet libation you me you're the bastards who stole the liquor we was gonna buy jump we're in advertising come on in and have a drink that's our goddamn liquid an honest mistake boys get them i want both of those it seems the des moines raiders were unaware of catherine braithwaite's instructions to hosea and arthur though it's also possible that this goes against what the lemoyne raiders wished for as they said they were going to buy the liquor but they were stolen before they got the chance which means that they were probably going to buy the moonshine from the braithwaite family but considering the longevity of the working relationship between the braithwaites and the lemoine raiders it's also possible that this was a setup to get jose and arthur killed in fact after escaping arthur even asks jose what he thinks about this good shot you think that woman set us up no i don't think so maybe this place is odd no i keep seeing those fellas some local militia clearly not too happy to have some new competition i'll go visit all my breathe wait see what's what so for now let me go give old mrs braithwaite some of this moonshine as well let's call it a peace offering sure jose is unsure if it's a setup and suggests the lemoine raiders don't like the idea of another gang on their patch as it's very obvious by this point that there is the question is left ambiguous but it's very clear that the vandaling gang underestimate both the greys and the brave weights come the end of the chapter so it could go either way maybe it was the braithwaites who told the lemoyne raiders where to find their moonshine though word could have just as easily spread to the raiders that somebody was giving away alcohol for free at the roads parlor house it's also worth mentioning that when the raiders rock up the reaction from the citizens of rhodes is one of fear the people of lemoyne do not see the raiders as freedom fighters it's a pretty weak point but the question that this raises is who are the raiders actually fighting for with dutch's gang in the end he's fighting for himself and we see his manipulation tactics become more and more obvious as one way of looking at it the lemoine raiders don't appear to have this charismatic smoke screen and so in my opinion the self-interest is much much more obvious also in this conversation at the end of the mission with hosea arthur mentions that he keeps seeing the lemoyne raiders about by the end of the chapter we come to learn that the vandal and gang were watched much closer than they realized by both the greys and the brave weights maybe the raiders are watching the gang too maybe even on behalf of the braithwaites besides all this speculation of their self-interests being at the forefront the lemoyne raiders do have some respect in the community which we can learn if we head to the rhodes parlor house and just grab a drink if we do this there is a chance that the lemoine raiders will burst in and cause a scene y'all in here damn well we out there settle down fellas sunday southern you're in my spot now get oh there ain't no cause no more don't pretend otherwise damn fools no one wants you here move along we looking for your company okay you don't leave i'll make you leave that's simple yes you want a piece why can't you raiders leave it at the door please fellas let's see if we can't club there's some lead with your name on it to do with me who the [ __ ] is this after the fight if we return after a few days the barkeep will give us this conversation well i hope you aren't planning for any more riff-raff with any of those raiders they got a lot of respect in this community even if they can act up out of turn we admire traditional values here yes sir and we respect good manners the bartender tells us that the raiders have a lot of respect in the community though considering what they said when they burst into the saloon just moments ago it would appear as if the raiders don't have much in way of respect for the community itself so maybe this respect is more out of fear than admiration however maybe there is this romanticized view of the raiders outside of the gang too they seem fairly happy to lurk about town and antagonise whomever they wish without fear of repercussions it makes me think for a notorious gang in the area to be this comfortable that close to law enforcement there's got to be at the very least a modicum of public favor of non-gang members praising their actions therefore providing ambiguity that restricts what law enforcement can actually do on to more open world encounters we can find another lemoine raider caravan out camped in the lemoine wilderness somewhere this one's actually the same interaction as one from earlier however this time i killed them on one of the bodies of the raiders i found a letter and it reads as follows william i am writing to let you know that our raids against the jayhawkers in lawrence kansas have been successful there are many times since we set out on this campaign that i doubted there was a god who loved us but today i have a glimmer of hope that they call us lemoyne raiders bushwackers and border ruffians does not diminish our fight for a free state and to be free from the incursions of northerners set on changing our way of life i hope you will continue to work to recruit more young men to our cause here in lemoyne we will ride through their ranks and smite down the oppressors history is not over and shall be rewritten it is always darkest before dawn sincerely william marcus anderson this letter tells us two things that i didn't want to disclose earlier purely because it's a lot to drop in the beginning of the video the lemoyne raiders are active outside of the state of lemoine or at least have been which i'll explain it in a bit and they are engaging the jayhawkers in conflict jayhawker is a blanket name associated with free-stater militian bans but often engaged in guerrilla warfare against pro-slavery groups that were known as border ruffians which is likely a title the des moines raiders would qualify for this is the origin of the name bleeding kansas which was a title given to a border war on the kansas-missouri border that began in 1854 and carried into the american civil war this knowledge combined with the wording of the letter suggests to me that it was written around the time of the civil war if not before which indicates that the lemoine raiders have been around since before the civil war but it's impossible to be sure because red dead is a parody universe set in five imaginary u.s states that doesn't always conform to historical accuracy besides so is this an old letter or is it a creative liberty i guess we'll never know but i'd put my money on it being an old letter a good hot spot for finding lemoine raider activity is at the old battlefield in scarlet meadows known as bulger glade in the battlefield you may come across three raiders just practicing their shooting look at this bunch of kids playing soldier how about a real fight there's nothing else of real value here and nothing that can be learnt especially so it's not really the most productive use of time to go over every single random lemoyne raider encounter you can have but what's important about bulger glade is this old abandoned church that the lemoyne raiders use as some form of outpost hideout at this abandoned church you can typically find several raiders and just like any other sort of vermin they will need to be exterminated get trenched in fellas you defend this property as long as you're standing keep the fire on plenty of moves don't let it all end here fellas senseless idiot and just like that bulger glade has now been purified of the raiders presence despite this location being haunted by the ghosts of soldiers who fought here once upon a time at the battle of scarlet meadows there's not really much else of note more than an actual hideout in itself bolger glade is more likely a lookout post for shady bell this abandoned mansion in the swamp is the perfect place for plenty of raiders to gather and they are here in abundance you get to come here in a mission called preaching forgiveness as he went and which lenny tells arthur about shady bell yeah i was in roads talking to some of the colored folk they said there's a gang of fools holed up in the swamps easter here who think they war ain't never ended the civil war yeah apparently it's still raging in these fools mines 30 years later that ain't my point these ignorant fools are weapon dealers and in their dealings sometimes sit on a decent pile of cash they have been selling weapons to cuba and south america for years anyway the old boy i was talking to reckon there might be a bunch of cash just sitting around and failing that maybe a nice stash of weapons it's just a bunch of crazies gardening exactly well worth taking a look at least isn't it that was my thinking said it was at some place called shady bear deep in the woods okay we learned from this conversation that the des moines raiders aren't adverse to getting some coin flow going supplying weapons to south america and cuba so in other words they've got plenty of stuff for us to take look a whack let's see where he's going you're on me now right behind you let's keep our distance just two fellers out on the road it looks like we're on to something i think i see something into the avenue between the trees i might know this place old boy's here real tough big plantation house must be shady bear i reckon we can leave our mouths up there off the trail come on we can get a view from that wall up there here we get the choice to either fight them head on or send lenny down to cause the distraction lenny creating a distraction is definitely the most entertaining of the options going in kid giving both barrels a charm wouldn't try anything less uh today is a fun and fabulous day as all days and so may it be praise be my people what do you want praise be my people praise be now i come in peace to discuss the merit of glory and interest you in eternity praise be my long kid hello are you have you will you be saved after a short fight lenny and arthur will be the last men standing and to the side of this abandoned plantation house they will find a cart stacked with weaponry come on this is full of new rifles we can sell those right we sure can we'll check the rest later now come on let's go however the raiders don't let go of their property that easy hey riders coming our way okay keep a cool head there's a black fella doing coming out of shady bell in one of our wagons we was uh doing some business with your brothers back there you don't look like any kind of folk we deal with yep it's clear that the raiders if you haven't noticed up until this point are incredibly racist but on the bright side more of the raiders are now incredibly dead and the vandaling gang now has a wagon stacked with weapons to show for it and as you can imagine that's always a nice bonus and the benefit for arthur specifically being this is how you acquire the bolt action rifle our next main story encounter with the lemoine raiders happens when it comes time to move the camp from clemens point to shady bell yes the raiders hideout in the swamp becomes the gang's hideout however in order for that to happen arthur and john need to head over there and clear it out still some here i can see that you think there's more of them i'll check the house you you watch out here anymore you upstairs i'm coming for you you hear me come out where i can [ __ ] like you the bounty hunters the freedmen the carpetbaggers the army of criminals who stole our land and our government i survived them all our fight will live on jesus the final raider here declares the fight will live on and then kills himself it's a pretty shocking scene earlier i speculated that the raiders used their beliefs to somehow justify their actions and i still believe that but i think it's also fair to say that it's clear that a lot of the raiders actually believe in their beliefs now after this mission the lemoine raiders are no longer a part of the main story you don't see them again in any main story mission however in chapter four is when the bounty hunts become available but more on that there are more encounters that can be had with the lemoyne raiders in the city you can find plenty of antagonistic encounters where they just want to get a fight out of you and they're no more significant than they are in any other instance but it shows that the des moines raiders are present in santoni they might be tough in the countryside but in the city they're hardly the scariest thing that goes bump in the night the most interesting encounter you can have with the lemoine raiders in santa knee is that you can find them vandalizing the city what are you trying to do what's wrong with you [Music] you spread the word the morning ain't lying down you throw your bomb and then run you boys for some odd reason the raiders have set fire to a bush however they've left several messages on the walls one reads lemoine is a free state another message reads no taxation period and another message reads freedom from the tyranny of taxation wouldn't that be nice it would seem as if the lemoine raiders are now on the back foot especially considering how small time this is compared to robbing stagecoaches and killing anybody they suspect of working for the government onto the bounty hunts there are two bounty hunts with regards to the lemoine raiders that you can do in the game the first bounty hunt takes us back to rhodes for camille de milamont wanted dead are alive camille de milamont is a member of the lemoyne raiders wanted for stealing state property crimes against officers of the state and the murder of a postal mail carrier he is french which as you can imagine is the biggest crime of all and he was last seen in the region of catfish jackson's when you arrive at the camp there is nobody to be found and so all you have to do is wait good work my friend i am proud of you all that will send a clear message let's hitch the horses and relax a little tell them who the hell is he intruder in depth is that faster you watch me come and get me [Music] tell me if this ain't tight enough get your fifty rope up me you present now that we've made friends with camille the milamont the frenchman himself we can take him back to the sheriff on the way back he chats mad [ __ ] and his friends try to rescue him you seek to deny my freedom when i fight for yours i seek to get paid that's all what are they offering a hundred dollars 200. i wish you was worth a hundred you're a cheap son of a [ __ ] i almost didn't bother what there must be some mistake my name is meal more we're going to save you demilamont they ain't taking you to state house here they are here's where we wipe that smile off your face bounty hunter go on boys kill this son of a [ __ ] god damn it there's only one of him there'll be more where they came from believe me i am no criminal i fight for you for all of us for our future you don't fight for me in the future well that won't be a concern of yours for much longer telling on each other this is what they want don't you see that come on don't be an errand boy for the gutless state worst mistake you can make is thinking you're better than the next man that's when you get sloppy and end up on the back of a horse heading straight for the gallows how do you live with yourself you are a traitor to your heritage oh clearly you never met my paw i am a realist that's all people need hierarchy they crave it it is the foundation of civilization well i guess i just ain't that civilized then please take my advice better to face the truth now uncomfortable as it is than when it's already too late here's some advice for you skip the last meal cowards like you always spoil their britches when the noose drops you can go to hell i got the millemont he ain't happy about it strike me down sheriff put him in the cell then you are a traitor sheriff tomas sending this yankee against your own quiet down that's always been all u's problem too damn noisy for folks good it seems according to sheriff thomas the lemoyne raiders are more of a nuisance than anything else after getting paid by sheriff thomas that concludes the bounty mission however we can come back several times to hear what camille de milamont has to say oh look who it is how does it feel knowing you put one of your own behind bars for a few dirty government dollars i didn't put one on my own behind bars i put you behind bars and it feels good thanks you're a disgrace to your country how you doing there partner oh here he is he's a coward he's a traitor well i was about to say the same to you like you would know the first thing about loyalty a joker and a bounty hunter what we can gather from this is that the lemoine raiders are rather single-minded and not open to others believing things to be different than they are they only see people who think like them and traitors and camille the milimont's not best pleased that we've taken him in either the next bounty hunt takes us back to santa knee where at the police station we can pick up the bounty poster for lindsay wofford the leader of the lemoine raiders you going after lindsay waffle i'm happy i might just want to hang his poster up on my wall yeah they're a bad lot the lemon raiders stupid fellas won't leave good enough alone one of these days the government's gonna get sick of private militias you know one of these days the government's going to get sick of all of us don't tell them i said that the bounty why are you making this feather someone else's problem we sir are an urban police force and the raiders are well mostly our rural nuisance my men simply are not suited for this kind of work this failure in particular wofford ain't it why him you cut off the head the body dies that's the hypothesis at least we shall see if it can be demonstrated with the lamoin raiders if the bounties for this whole outfit you should have made it more guess all the remains is to bring them in if your hand is false then so be it for lindsay wofford's bounty we need to head actually outside of the state of lemoyne to fort brennan and perhaps most interestingly the game's menu tells us that he's a commander of the lemoyne raiders not the leader maybe this is an oversight in detail or maybe lindsay wofford's only who people think is the leader of the raiders either way the man's gotta answer for his crimes so let's go get him lindsey wofford i got here a warrant for your arrest or the other thing if it comes to it a federal warrant not on you get your places we're seeing some fighting today [Music] got me a captive i do not surrender you won't get a hundred people we'll see stop man man is anyone left god damn i guess all that remains is to take you and damn you to hell this is an atrocity it's an abomination oh shame on you oh you're outside the law mister this is this is illegal and immoral and and a whole lot more besides this is what this country's become it's a cesspit a disaster in about my nation bounty hunters killing each other for the pleasure of taking a man's freedom awful oh it's greedy grassman carpetbagger bullcrap and we're drowning in it we're up to our ears our ears sir there's no room for freedom no sir there ain't no room where there's money to be made it's deplorable the lemon raiders ain't done yet we are bloody but unbowed we will never surrender our journey is almost at an end no i hope the night folk gets you you son of a [ __ ] and hang you from a tree you must be damn stupid damn the police damn every one of them traitors come on when the time comes you'll be the first against the wall got a live one for you well looky here we got a genuine landmark raider in the building make poor fella comfortable one of our sails [Music] bet you ain't fell to bed in a while damn traitor's bed get me off of here calm down again once you're paid by the police chief that is the end of the bounty mission however you can return at a later time to converse with mr wofford honey hunter mr carpetbagger not one man you're messing with now y'all are messing with the entirety of the lemoine raiders y'all are messing with the whole of the sound we've got your name and our legendary they get me out of here we all are coming for you hold on to you all right all right i think you should be getting on now yankee collaborate and scum believe it last time i won you understand sorry i don't know this area so well the more raiders coming back on top how you finding santa me is it the seething snake pit you thought it was i have no desires come on with me all right well i'm afraid you ain't got nowhere else to go apologies for the police chief interrupting that he appears to be a massive bellend we're gonna have the last laugh that's right we coming back stronger you're looking well mr wofford they're feeding you at least oh well i go on a hunger strike only i doubt word of it would reach the paper and i doubt you have the resolve carry on he says he would go on hunger strike but he says he doubt it had reached the papers in reality mr wofford here has probably not got the guts for it after all he may not be the fearless leader full of bravado that he would want you to think he is in fact i think it's weird that if he's the leader of the lemoine raiders as the poster suggests then why is he never mentioned outside of this bounty hunt mission by anybody considering there are extensive interactions with the des moines raiders both knowing you're present and not and if he's that vital to the cause then why did nobody come to rescue him on the ride back raiders came to rescue camille de millemont well they at least tried but they didn't come to rescue their leader that's a bit weird to me i don't doubt that wafford had status in the ranks of the lemoine raiders as we saw him commanding those at fort brennan but that's not even in the state of lemoyne that's out of the action i think it's likely more accurate that the lemoyne raiders don't have an identified single leader i think in fact the lemoine raiders are less organized than the authorities give them credit for which may explain why many of the individuals in this gang seem to be convicted to the cause they claim to fight for and yet many just perceive them as a nuisance it may also explain members loose interpretations of their goals leading to the murders of people whose death serves no purpose in any cause simply because of an association with some form of governmental body and it may explain why some members are filled with hot air and will pick rather small inconsequential fights rather than prioritize what they believe to be their revolution and it may also explain why a gang that seems so driven on hitting home their point and their purpose has their fingers stuck in simply too many pies dealing weapons out of the country picking random fights in towns vandalizing the city of santoni whilst doing the bare minimum to further their cause to the point where it may actually be reversing it killing insignificant people who just happen to work in a position that's somewhat government-oriented yes they may be well-trained and disciplined as represented by their well-versed knowledge of guerrilla warfare and the fact that if you pick up any of their guns they're typically pristine but their strategies are sporadic and nonsensical because there simply is no strategy make no mistake they are a formidable and dangerous gang but despite their attempts at a militia-styled organization and their delusions of grandeur they are simply just that a gang they may be comprised of ex-confederate soldiers and disenfranchised young men maybe once upon a time they function properly as a militia but i can't find anything that suggests that that is the case by 1899. maybe i am reading a little bit too far into it here but isn't that just the immersive joy of a game as detailed as this there is an article you can find in the santoni times that suggests they're more mischievous than anything else it reads as follows civil war soldiers turn criminals lemoyne raiders turn free status quest for independence now control area near old shady bell mansion criminal mischief running rampant the war for southern independence took many casualties almost every family in the country knew of a loved one who had perished in that war while many had put the conflict behind them and tried to bring our proud nation back together that very struggle continues to beguile members of the lemoine raiders gang initially looked upon as patriotic heroes fighting against tyranny during that conflict they have failed to let the war between the states pass to history instead using it as a rally point to wage war on law-abiding citizens and some say they have become the tyranny themselves structured as a militia unit they continue to recruit young disaffected men and engage in robberies and arms deals even declaring that they are immune from tax and other regulation they speak frequently of freedom and independence yet there have been numerous reports of robberies from government institutions and citizens themselves current dispatchers indicate they have taken up refuge in locations in the swamps and bayous in the lowland country and many loremen and bounty hunters are apprehensive to approach the area some have said it will take a massive amount of force to bring this murderous gang to heal another article in a later issue of the sundani times after we've been whittling down the raiders reads as follows they have fled lemoyne raiders now in texas the ex-soldiers renegades and criminals that loosely comprised the des moines raiders militia have mostly fled to texas after repeated clashes with the government and law enforcement preaching the free state anti-government anti-tax doctrine their message soon grew tiresome for a populace that simply wants to move on after the war between the states the scrappy militia has spent the last few years robbing government employees and institutions and regular civilians as well after some stinging defeats the lemoyne raiders fled to areas of texas where it is reported their disdain for paying taxes supporting the government is more readily received it's possible this fleeing to texas could be due to the stinging defeats at the hands of us or it could be an attempt to calm the populace down by spreading misinformation in the newspaper when the raiders are still in lemoyne or it could even be an attempt at encouragement for lemoyne raiders to take off and go down to texas however we can still have interactions with the lemoine raiders directly at this point so it is possible that this article is rubbish or we could be dealing with remnants of the militia for now i suppose all that's really left is to watch the supposed leader of the lemoyne raiders swing this has been and you all know a long time coming yeah the state of des moines has outgrown this man lies and perversions of the truth but you you have not gotten past your memory of it there's a goddamn travesty a federation building a senior member of the outlaw gang they call the lamourne raiders look here guilty we got carpetbaggers taking bounty jobs i'm stealing and countless atrocities i say to you today we will not tolerate these intimidation tactics any longer come on fellaini ways to this good state and abusing the five people in it you will die hell i'm weary of it now let this serve as a message to any other ingrained the raiders are finished and like that lindsay wofford is no more and that's about as close to closure as the fight against the lemoyne raiders is going to get i've checked everywhere online and tried in game i don't think there's an execution for camille the milimont and that sort of leaves us with the conclusion of this video now i didn't go over every single lemoine raider encounter you can see them make deals to acquire the firearms that they then go on to either use or sell overseas you can overhear them talking about the church at bulger glade and how its ruined state must be the fault of the northern oppressors and of course you can be ambushed by them and many other small encounters that don't really provide very much information about them and of course there are plenty of benign encounters in which they will antagonize you but if i went through all of those read that redemption 2 will be yet another year old and you'll be even more upset at me that it's taken me two years almost since the last gang video so what we know about the lemoine raiders is that originally they were founded around the time of the civil war mostly comprised of members of the third lemoine regiment around this time they had some conflicts with the jayhawkers and at some point after the civil war they began recruiting disenfranchised young men to their cause this may be how their cause got diluted though it seems as if the clear structure in the gang did eventually fade leaving it in a disorganized mess that isn't really effective but as a dangerous nuisance nonetheless and the public believes them to be just that a bit of a nuisance and whilst i don't doubt that the lemoyne raiders believe in what they're fighting for it's very obvious that the gang has different focuses such as arms dealings overseas and such and so despite the outwards appearance of a rebellious militia they're just another gang one made more dangerous by the fact that its members have received military equivalent training and can organize effective ambushes against you if you antagonize them enough so in the end their goals matter very little because they are very very dangerous did they in the end flee to texas i don't know it may have just been the press trying to get the public to calm down because obviously this is a very dangerous gang or maybe the press was trying to get the lemoyne raiders to actually think that there were more of them in texas and thus tricked them into leaving the state or maybe by the events of red dead redemption 2 most of the lemoyne raiders had already fled after the epilogue eight years after the events of the main story the lemoine raiders can still be encountered in the state of lemoyne however it is to a lesser extent which may suggest that many did in fact flee or were just simply killed the game even plants doubt in my mind that lindsay wofford is the true leader of the gang like i said there's no real conclusion to this one there just is what is which brings us to the end of this gigantic video on the lemoyne raiders whether you believe it to be a neoconfederate militia or just simply another violent murderous gang on the loose remember one thing if you're in the state of lemoyne and you see a man wearing a yellow bandana shoot him in the face thank you for watching this video i hope that you've enjoyed be sure to go ahead leave a like subscribe share the channel with your friends and all that wonderful stuff that would be tremendous i'd really appreciate it and of course with any luck i'll be seeing you all very soon with another video at some point but until next time please do take care and goodbye you
Channel: Fizhy
Views: 1,120,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishy Yarpster, Gaming, Gameplay, Banter, PC gaming, Fizhy, Fishy, RDR2, Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, REd Dead, Rockstar Games, The Lemoyne Raiders, Lemoyne, Fizhy RDR2, Fizhy Lemoyne Raiders
Id: u-f-zHWApYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 32sec (3272 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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