The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D MST by gymnast86 in 2:16:36 - GDQx2018

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and everything for this event you can go to the games done 'quick comm website and for the specific link for GDQ X it is slash tracker slash index / gdq x 2018 so you can see what runs prizes and bids we have upcoming for this event and we are now going to have Ocarina of Time 3d with gymnast 86 alright sounds like we're ready to go so let's waste absolutely no time and just jump right into this three two one go alright so this is gonna be the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3d meaning that this is the 3ds version of the game not the n64 version in case anybody was confused and with me today I have these lovely commentators with me if you guys want to introduce yourselves hey I'm here megahertz I'm game and so we're really excited to show you guys this category today this is the MST category which stands for medallions stones trials what essentially that means is we need to collect all the medallions collect all the spiritual stones and then beat the trials and Ganon's tower before completing the game it's kind of seems kind of like a really no not really random set of things but sort of weird instead of things to do because this category is sort of somewhat of a legacy when it comes to a linear time speedrunning it sort of came about as the speedrunning community like you know like a decade ago began to find more breaks in the original game and they wanted a category that sort of still went through most of the game with while still breaking it alright so right off the bat here even though we don't have control of link yet I actually have to make sure that I'm focusing right now because there's this really weird thing this game has called quick text where okay so see you right there that's Xbox so it's pretty much instant as were those so basically there's one frame on the initiation of some text boxes where if you press the B button on that frame the text box will just instantly pass by with no scrolling even though it's not meant to do that and so that's very interesting it's cool because it saves time but it's interesting because it means that the language which is the fastest will be different depending on which quick text you get so like there isn't really a fastest language for this game unless like you don't do quick text at all then I think the fastest is like Portuguese or something but because of quick text we typically just all play on English because of that Jim mentioned that the quick texts are all one frame if you're familiar with the n64 version that runs at 20 fps however when it was brought over to the 3d s they increase it to 30 FPS so frame perfect' and put a little bit harder and the amount of time you save for the quick text is actually pretty significant like just in that sequence he saved a 9 second something like that yeah it hits a lot of time when it adds up over the whole run although interestingly quick text there are some situations where it doesn't work it doesn't work when you have black text on a white background and it doesn't work in shops for whatever reason so yeah anyway enough about text because I don't think anyone here wants to hear about text for two and a half hours so let's get control of link here alright so into more cutscenes very exciting now normally when you start off Ocarina of Time as I'm sure most people know you need to go get the kokkuri sword you need to buy a Deku shield and then you need to go to the great Deku Tree and beat Goma to get the coheeries emerald but of course this is ocarina of time it's completely broken so we're not going to do that so instead we're going to go get the kokkuri sword and then we're going to escape the forest so as far as movement goes back walking and rolling are typically our fastest options as as far as easy movement goes frame perfect side hopping as child link is faster than both of those but frame perfect side hopping everywhere isn't really practical and there's also situations like this where we can chain together side hops and back like a movement for what's known as box movement because we're moving in sort of like angular 90 degree perpendicular movement kind of style works well in some situations but it's not applicable everywhere Trevor would have proved it that box movement all right so here's our sword so now we just gotta get the shield right no all right so after we finished coming out of this log we're going to be escaping the forest with a 3ds exclusive trick known as a triple slash clip it's actually the technique itself is very easy to perform you just slash your sword three times then put it away and so we're going to use it to clip through this guard right here as soon as I destroy this sign and the angle for this is a little weird though okay there we go and then we're just going to drop this guard through the map and there he goes and now we've escaped the forest you can actually roll past the guard without dropping him into the hole but it's entirely more satisfying to drop him in oh yes yes so there are actually multiple ways we can escape the forest we could have not gotten a sword at all and just bought some Deku nuts and done a trick called walking while talking to escape we can also do a navi dive to escape through lost woods but the reason we come out this way and with the kokkuri sword is because we want the fairy ocarina if you're familiar with this category on n64 they don't even get this ocarina anymore correctly but on 3d the ocarina is rather important because we have glitches that we can use in lieu of the ocarina but not until we get an item that we need the ocarina to get yeah so we have some more cutscene time coming up here we can probably read some donations sure thing we have $10 from Noah Johnson who says hey Jim good luck my dude you're the best thank you we have $25 from Robert Lang Hoff who says good luck on the run gymnast sorry I couldn't be there I'm gonna try to watch as much as I can at work woo me we have $15 from ABBA didya who says I'll donate another $15 if you do the entire rest of the run blindfolded Jim I believe in you that I don't know if we can make that happen uh that's probably not doable give me like a decade and I might do that we have $25 from bird one to six it says first time donating extremely excited for ocarina 3d donation goes to Vice City for the 80s vibes all right so after this exciting back-walking that we did we're going to climb up the I got a good angle all right we're gonna sign up these chains and get the red rubies that are normally up here because we're actually going to buy a Deku shield with these red rubies we're just not going to buy it and cookie reforest getting the repeats on the chain they're wasting their time because we are limited by or we need to do something at the next dawn so getting rubies out there yes we if we didn't take the time to line up to get the correct angle to side hop up those chains we would have just ended up waiting longer when we got to the next dawn so thankfully we have spare time to do that although when we're in the market town time doesn't pass there so we want to make sure we spend as little time as possible when we're in there and we do have to reload the hyrule castle area twice to make sure that Malin appears we also get to talk to this lovely owl again so some text in this game like the alt X that is normally quick text so that goes by quickly very easily just have to be careful to not get into a talking loop with the owl like I always did when I was a kid yeah hours talking to the knell thankfully you can't advance by pressing B in the original game you could press either A or B to say yes but in this game you can only do that with a so thankfully because quick text is mashing with B you can just easily do the quick text as you want thanks grezzo one of the few changes ya grezzo is the company that developed this game for the 3ds that new like Nintendo hired them to do it and some of the changes they made to this game were interesting to say the least I'm sure nerds has a whole list of things he would like to talk about how how grezzo changed the game for two hours alright so again we're just waiting for the next dawn to appear so that our egg hatches today yeah you can clip into that box doesn't save any time but you can clip into the box okay and now we're waiting an important thing to note is he clipped the egg to the Y button because that has a physical button as well as the touch button you could use and when Dawn happened and you got the text box that says the egg hatch he can't use I need the touch button but because he had it on a physical button he could use it while the tech box is up in the same the time it takes for that text box yeah so two of the buttons are touchscreen and two of them you can use with the x and y buttons or of a touchscreen optionally also thankfully we don't need both milk crates we can just use one and jump across to the sewers and now it's time for the guards so these guards are usually not very good at their job unless they're extremely good there's no middle ground there's no okay guards yeah the only way to consistently get past guards is to do frame perfect side hops all the way through you need two consecutive frames on the ground to get caught it and frame exciting you're on the ground for only one frame so you can just go right through and if you notice when the camera just transitions if you're caught but you keep doing side hops into one of those camera transitions they can't catch you on the other side of the transition except for one really dumb edge case thankfully those guards work pretty good I'd say didn't get caught and so now we can go and talk to Zelda nothing really to see during this cutscene except a little more quick text I guess that we also lied as Ellie cuz she asks if we have the spiritual stunts of the forest and we say yes it doesn't let you say no so we can read more donations right now sure thing we have $15 from the sticky stick man who says greetings from Sheffield England I didn't notice I didn't realize there was going to be a marathon until I saw the channel go live I guess I'm staying up late to watch the mario odyssey run now money goes to gymnasts choice $10 from Villena who says can't help it every time I catch it live I have to donate a little hat no matter how slim the wallet is keep on keeping on good folks we have 25 dollars from Hina lover who says nice surprise that there is a mini gdq in October and I will have this running all weekend wanted to get this in during the Ocarina of Time block the game I played the most while in high school have fun at twitchcon and I will be attending my first gdq during the closing weekend of HD q in January that's a great goddess cutscene let's watch essentially the same thing later on in the run how about that yeah so the reason that we came to Zelda right away is because we do need Zelda's Lullaby for some parts on the run but the next part of this run is not the really the most exciting thing because we're gonna kind of go through the game naturally up until we get bombs from dodongo's cavern o Naturals it quotes a little bit cuz there is a bunch of cool speed tech we can do but we are sort of following the game's natural progression until that point and the main reason for that is because getting the bombs in dodongos cavern is the fastest way that we can get explosives in this game and when you get explosives is when you can really sort of start breaking the game open pretty wide first sequence breaks and lots of cool glitches it is possible to delay at getting explosives for a while but eventually you do still need them and the process of getting them even if you delay them at first is still really long if your so every glitch category of every important glitch category of OT 3d up until a couple months ago followed this progression of forest escape getting Zelda's Lullaby getting bombs quickly as possible Honda had a slight alteration just to collect some items that were on the way but up until a couple months ago that was the progression of every major glitch category although two months ago thanks to the guy that's on that chair up there we found a clip that is an alternative is a alternative way to get an item that before we needed explosives to get that breaks the game open up into different sequence breaks however it requires two really really really really really dumb tricks yeah tricks that are not even close to marathon safe we think it would save time in this category and we have a couple of route options but no one's really done any timing just because the two tricks are very difficult and hard to get consistent so yeah in case you're wondering those two tricks involve the infinite sword glitch which if you're familiar with the original game you're like oh you know the infinite sword glitch so that's easy to do right you just crouch them something and talk to navitor talk to a sign or whatever that's not the case in Ocarina of Time 3d and Ocarina x 3d getting the internet sword glitch is really hard because the conventional method of infinite sword which was actually patched so the only way that we can get infinite sword glitch and operator times 3d is by dying into a heart drop during a jump slash which is not exactly the most easy or convenient thing to do it's as hard as it sounds and you have to do it twice yeah yeah do it once to get into the magic fairy fountain and then once again to the Pharaohs when very fun and you actually see later what later on in this run why we want Pharaoh's wind yeah and even once you get is G putting your sword away will actually cancel is G which isn't true in the original game either so like it's it's very easy to lose and you can't really do much with it once you have it for the most part yeah there are a couple ways to put your sword away and they can be difficult to set up I don't have to show the guard the letter I think in the original game on English this cutscene was like 40 seconds long or something ridiculous but thanks to quick text goes by super fast here which is great all right very nice just that gate open faster to looking all the great changes alright so now we're at Death Mountain Trail and here we're hopefully going to see some cool speed tech that will shorten our traversal up the mountain a little bit I'm gonna get to the right side of this tech Titan we're going to let him hit me while I'm holding yes s position Wow okay unfortunately I targeted him which kind of ruins the whole thing but if you stop for a second there there was actually a period of time where I was moving really fast faster than back walking or normal rolling up the mountain and that's what's known as a forward extended super slide forward because it goes forward and extended super slide or ESS for short because it uses the extended super slide circle pad position which is a position that's just barely outside the dead zone where link is barely moving at all the fest that he was trying to do best is what we call it that is roughly 2/3 times fatter 2/3 faster than back walking and we have the ability to change our angle which is really nice but you have to hold somewhat precise position on the control stick and changing directions again sometimes be hard yeah so now what we're doing after we came into Goron City is we're going to be getting a big ooh stick from the room with the darunia and opening up the path to lost woods because if we want to get into the dongho's tavern we need to go around raceless at stare until 99 you're enjoyed 67 and to get the Goron bracelet we need to play sorry as long for the Ruby ourself we will be lighting these torches up the way so that's our debut stick does not burn out every time you light a torch the Deku stick timer resets nice jump / yeah when people are casually doing playthroughs it's often see them trying to put their stick away as quickly as possible and repol it out because they don't want to burn out but do they know as Jim said it just it resets its and now that Jim has a stake he actually could skip this owl text it's dumb it saves a little bit of time but you'd have to do it twice the same time yeah are you going for the I could I'm probably not gonna get it because I've only ever gotten it once basically just if you're switching between your sword and the stick you can move for a couple frames before you start a slasher animation so if just keep changing between the two you can keep yourself in a busy state and just not talk to the other unfortunately that wolf pose decided to run around us a little bit okay so now we need to make our way as best we can through the loss or through this take it for us and I know hopefully we don't die oh yeah Jim don't be bad it's okay nerds I'm not bad I don't know a three-hour anypercent time three hour 54 minutes that didn't do the anypercent room then why'd you submit it to the anypercent leaderboards we don't have no a.m. all right we really like to pick on nerds well at least we made it in one piece yeah with only half a heart left hoof yeah thank goodness for ol invincibility yeah oh yeah yeah yeah sorry is just showing what we're learning sorry assign we can read another donation or two all right here is a donation of $64 we received from you Kersal who said the long time watcher excited to be here live for the first time good luck on the run Jim thank you and just one more here from last breeze a $10 donation saying go Jim I wish you pantsless luck that's a really old joke from my Chet someone remembers all right so we got saria's song now we have to go all the way back to the sacred forest meadow just be careful don't die I think we should back walk this time because we did side hops last time except wait a minute oh now should have rolled Jim your bed I know I'm very bad all right but yeah obviously this is a death warp it's going to spawn us back at the beginning of the sacred forest meadow because this is originally where we came out of it's really difficult because I'm from America at the time incorrectly going from sick to sword it's a floor film window but going from sword the stick is a 1 frame window yeah so it's it's yeah it's easy if you have a beat because yeah it's if you can get a beak oh and it's really easy but if you get off that beat it you're probably gonna feel it yeah so I've only ever gotten that once that's actually like the second furthest I've ever gotten through that so yeah that was pretty good honestly impressive how far you made it alright hello big muscle rock man I have a song to play for you it's quite a hot song also hot do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do depression it just feels like going away and yeah this text we can't skip through so we have to listen to all of his oohs and come-ons what a heartbeat alright dancing is over now we can go through more lovely quick text oh that was good oh and topped off by that that is beautiful that looks like complete lead I don't think anyone else is impressed by that but I'm impressed that I was able to do that it so impressed you just accidentally hit that wall that too yeah alright but now we finally have the gone bracelet so we can go to turn on goes cavern and begin doing a few more interesting things instead of dying and talking to people I guarantee you the run will get more interesting and so of course my ghost cavern was just off here to the west side of Garron city and we have to pick up the bomb flower so that we can throw it down during this cutscene we can backflip over the fence to get down here it also prevents us from taking damage because we're in the cutscene alright so now right at the beginning of the dongho's cavern I'm going to be taking this bomb flower to blow up the entrance here of course but before that happens I'm actually going to back walk out of the dungeon so that while the wall explodes I exit and I can skip the cutscene that normally plays there it's a pretty short cutscene and the reason it actually saves time is because it resets the platform cycle in the middle of the room because if it didn't do that then it actually wouldn't end up saving any time alright so now we're going to go up to the left here this is where we're going to buy our Deku shield from a business scrub he sells the Deku shield for 50 rupees because as we know dodongo's cavern contains lots of like fire sources so it's very easy to burn the shield here so hopefully we won't have that happen the shield is absolutely essential for the next trick that Jim's gonna perform them yeah all right so coming over here there's a switch up on a platform that's normally too high for a child link to grab but by doing here there we go direct position by dropping a bomb here I'm going to be doing a trick called a twisted backflip and as I do the twisted backflip on my shield is going to hit this bomb explosion and this is going to cancel the backflip and allow me to grab the edge of here if my positioning was correct in OT you cannot grab the ledge out of a side hop or a backflip but you can and him them for some reason by taking by having the bomb hit the shield it even though you're still shielding it Earth even though you still like going through the backflip animation it sort of cancels some properties or the backflip which actually then lets you grab the ledge so positioning here's a little tight okay the reason I'm pause buffering this is so that I can try to get that alright because there's a totally good idea to mention that pause buffering in the n64 version you'll just open the item menu to pause but because that's a touchscreen button which takes two frames in order to actually register it's not viable to pause buffer instead the 3d s has the whole menu which suspends the current game which is nice good it allows for buffering in some circumstances that wouldn't be possible on n64 but on the downside and 64 can get frame perfect' like advances between pauses you can do it on 3ds getting frame 1 Frame of game between home buffers however that's rather difficult to do and we're like oh you're gonna get somewhere between 1 4 frames yeah unfortunately not too consistent third try we're still pretty good that trick is super dumb yeah it still saves time thankfully third try still saves like 10 seconds and that trick is called the modern happy and when Jim actually thought it was called the postmodern happy it's a slight variation but the main trick itself was found July 2017 June or July 2017 by a n64 tosser named Homer funky he originally found in the n64 version where they use the be most right because they they got to do it ranked going there anyway yeah they use it B most but three yes we use the bonfire we can't use to be most but fun flowers easier I'm just trying to backflip over that text but I got hit by the spike alright so I have this stick out so I can jump slash up onto this platform the reason I chose the stick over the sword is because the animation of putting the stick away is slightly faster than the sword now coming up here we have the flame skips normally you need the slingshot to get past these flames but with some precise jumping you can just get around to these like this so that's the first one and then after that we have the lizalfos coming up here so with these lizalfos we essentially want to get them into positions so that they can't jump over us if the lizalfos detects that there's enough space behind us for them to jump over without going off the platform then they're gonna take the opportunity for that but as long as we're on like you know the smaller platforms and we're near the edge they won't do that and they'll be vulnerable again right away and this does take two cycles if we had the master sword as child which is possible to do then we would be able to do this in a single cycle for both if you're familiar with the n64 version you might I've noticed that when they do a room like this they'll jump slash with a stake and then just Crouch stab that's because of a glitch called glitch a trick called power crowd stab where on the n64 version Crouch tug does the damage of the last sort attack he did that was patched in this version so across that foot always to default damage so the most image you can do is a sticker is a stick jump slash but that break sticks or you can your broken stick to save your stick but that takes time to set up our crash that definitely not a glitch definitely allowed in glitchless yes so these are this is the trickier fire skip right here because it's two platforms but thankfully we can use the alcove on the left side like that now we can get around it like this fairness and we got the swag jump slash alright even better and yeah so now we finally have the means to break the game somewhat in case you got hit by the flames he would have lost his shield but there is another spare shield not too far from where Jimmy right now who needs it very trick in the next dungeon and that is the last use of the shield attack thankfully I waited there that would have been bad if I side hop down oh yes so we're going to light the eyes here to open up the dodongo mouth and now we're actually going to leave dodongos cavern because it's gonna be faster to come back later actually King do not go scary boss oh yeah he's real scary alright so now I'm going to attempt to do another variation of the expended super slide trick except this time I'm going to use explosives to try to do it okay I fortunately didn't get it it's a little more hard or it's a little more difficult he's made to do it with explosives and what's known as a hess or a hyper-extended super slide so when he first came in here and did the fess off the tektite that was roughly two-thirds faster than that walking it has is exactly twice as fast as back walking and you have the same maneuverability so in all cases it's desirable to do it has over fast unless you need to preserve explosives or something yeah I normally would do ahead here but the explosive count has child link he is kind of tight so I'm just going to back walk my way through here especially with the bomb hitbox just not exploding that Boulder for him the boulders hit box is very picky also why did I think I was already back there and the boulders spawn in areas that are on cameras by back walking the boulders don't spawn behind you they only spawn in front of you and you're not going in front of you so you don't really get hit and one thing Jim just did with that wall cheela is young he added it to have it go a little bit and then while I was going back to its original position he could move because and until it returns to its home it can't actually attack again yeah the wall skull Chile's are they're a lot more aggressive and 3d compared to the original so but thankfully it's actually easy to get them to like go at you for only a really short amount of time before they turn back by just doing a single slow motion in a direction all right so now we're coming up here to get magic we need magic if we want to get any of the other fairies spells because we are going to be getting Ferraris wind and dense fire for this run both of which are very helpful so I would go through this cutscene we have another chance for donation reading alright here is five dollars from Karly whose's first row shout out hi to Ryan and Ben at their first live gdq super excited for both of you and so jelly you get to watch a gymnast run ocarina live Susie ocarina and here's one thousand dollars from the Yeti Hale Yeti here we're so excited to be helping out with the very first gdq Express thanks to your speedy purchases we're happy to be able to donate the first $1,000 to the twitchcon charity plaza that plaza is packed with amazing partners we're so happy to be able to support them all alright so we just did a save warp out of the fairy fountain basically we just saved the game and then quit it and reopen it and the reason that's useful is because you can cut down on backtracking and actually a lot of different Zelda games that's not just occurring at a time / 3d that's a whole like a lot of the Zelda series benefits from the save warp technique and when your child link on the overworld and you do a save warp you get put back in links house which is a little bit closer to where we want to go next which is or the domain so as I mentioned earlier we can actually escape the forest with a navi dive so we're going to do that to get to Zoras domain specifically Zoras River and then we can go to those domain oh wow we got the bomb drop nice and he has to wait for na'vi anyway so he can take this time to try and get bomb drops to refill on bombs it doesn't weigh same time and since he didn't collect magic there's a really good audio queue when the music hits I don't know the music trends I think like whatever these Peaks are right now Navi will be ready yeah we can just swim to the hole and just a little optimization right here we can sort of clip up on to the edge right here and do it jump slash to avoid the climbing animation so the reason that we're coming out here to Sora's domain is ultimately so that we can beat jabu jabu's belly and get Ferraris wins and so Jabba Jade was gonna be the actual first dungeon that we complete as child link and the only right what oh yeah that's right we're only beating one dungeon is child link crazy alright so those domain has some useful stuff and these pots over here we're going to be grabbing a set of five bacon up and I'm also gonna be grabbing a stick just for safety all right so the deccan nuts will help us just generally stun some enemies that will be encountering later okay king zora in case anyone didn't know but thankfully some people might not know so we're going to do a triple slash clip to get to the out-of-bounds water here and go under him so that we don't have to collect rudos later or get the silver scale or any of that stuff I'm actually not going to collect a bottle throughout the entirety of this run like bottles are still a very broken item but they're not broken in a way that really helps the speedrun of this category and so you're partly one during how we're gonna get into Jabba Jabba without a bottle and the answer to that is a Deku stick jump slash just like that how Tom saucers work a little bit different on 3d they actually um you still are the stick over your head and then bring it forward but on 3d the her box of the either stick or sword actually starts while is still behind you so he's actually recalling off a job and even though he's recalling it behind him because he's facing away from Jaggu behind him is torture obviously that's pushed towards job through yes so job ooh unfortunately not the most interesting dungeon it's pretty vanilla because we we have to carry route around the basement and then take her back up so the first floor so that we can use her to get into the room with the boomerang it's been a long people have been wanting for a long time to figure out a way to actually skip carrying ruto around because you only need Rudo for exactly one switch in this dungeon and if you could somehow bypass that switch you could skip real completely and just get the boomerang and go straight to baron aid however on 3d we actually found a way to completely skip route oh but it requires two really dumb tricks that were fun to earth yeah it just provide to really the same two really dumb tricks we talked about earlier yeah so sort of the main goal here is that I want to avoid it by hitting any of the bubbles or shoe bombs as they're actually called in game because every time that I hit those I end up getting knocked back and I have to pick up Rudo again ooh there's like three of them guarding the door test if I can get past we did it yeah clap for that pointless megaphone that wasn't a mega flip that's a megaphone all right we're just waiting for the platform but the octorok decides to play a little game with us all right now we slowly ride the elevator in silence we're gonna make any weird noises no I'm a sometimes weirdo likes to make weird noises it's the cursed run yeah all right so when we're also like holding reto above our head the fastest-moving is back walking so we do that where it's applicable because obviously we can't roll or side hop while we're carrying here and this is the switch we need her for yeah this switch will only activate if you have route oh you're holding anything else actually or if you're not holding anything or if you hit it with a hammer or if you do anything you can display this yeah so now he's like wait we left Reuter behind but we're like alright well whatever obligatory mention of how they took away one of the enemies in this room yeah no apparent reason yeah yeah they were in the original game there were four stingrays but in 3d there's only three so thanks grezzo another one of the few good changes all right so now we got the boomerang sole purpose of the boomerang is pretty much to get baronage through man to feed marinade so let's go do that normally you would need to fight the big octo mini-boss to gain access to marinade but thankfully we have other ways around that so you'll remember with the octorok we did that weird flip where we flew back really fast we're gonna do that again except this time we're gonna use a bomb so with this bomb we can take it over here and perform mega flip okay unfortunately my timing there was a little early but that's okay the elevator riding back up is really slow so I'm gonna do a save warp instead to get back to the beginning of the dungeon so we can read like a donation now or two all right we received a $25 donation from Andrew who said a mini games done quick Ocarina playing better donate and also $10 here for the twitchcon charity plaza from Jemima saying I don't know this reference but try not to mess up first cycle it could lose you several hours love you Jim nerds mega and Zhou sorry I'm not there that really long backlog Jim just said that's the megaflip it goes so if you have the same vertical speed you would a normal backflip but your lateral speed how quickly you're going backwards it's three times faster so yeah and then right after that I did a trick where I pulled out roots using our widows letter Zelda's letter on the exact same frame that I touched down on the blue switch and that sort of it delayed the blue switch actually going down and coming back up so I was able to get to the door in time before it closed mixing up your wife whose letters don't judge me and my wife whose all right now it's time for the first boss of the run barren aid very native fights pretty simple first phase we're just going to cut down the three colored tentacles that attach barren aid to the ceiling pretty easy with the boomerang now when we attack barren aid again we're going to use Deku nuts to get rid of all of the berries that are around her just like that it's an hour suddenly in the final phase of the fight where it's just going to take I believe it's ten damage that she needs to take before she's dead she is invincible for a little bit after he comes up so I have to delay throwing the boomerang just a bit to make sure that it doesn't get to her too early the reason gems rolling in bear made is barren aid will only start the next phase or next part of that phase after you have taken damage or goat all right it's not after you started but that's one way of speeding up otherwise never long as a tack sequence she can do and rolling with Romans ability counts as a hit so she pops up faster without taking damage yeah alright alright cool so this is the first spiritual stone of the run so we still have six medallions and two spiritual stones to go also we didn't get the hard container from barren aid because we don't want it we do want to die a few more times in this run because death is useful in ocarina of time 3d are you sure death is useful or are you just bad I think it might be a bit of both unfortunately oh we did it we got the fast routine so if you get quick text during this cutscene Berto can start swimming backwards earlier and it speeds up the cutscene and we have actually emailed grezzo to try and ask why that happens and no response why doesn't they why haven't they responded to us who doesn't want to know watching this please respond to that email yes so uh when when when Rudo like begins the next part of the cutscene quicker that saves like like what four or five seconds or something yeah it's cool that we saw that that doesn't happen very often alright so now we're conveniently near the entrance to be Ferraris window fairy fountain so we're going to go get Ferraris wind right now so I first mentioned earlier but er you've got to one of the really dumb tricks was getting into the magic väri found the others getting into here and it requires getting on top of the entrance you just went through and then clipping in it's a really dumb trick yeah but one cool thing about the trick for getting into the froy's when found without explosives is that we actually like captured the reaction of a general group of a general group of Oh at ease 3d speedrunners and Clint's hunters live as it happened which was really cool alright so we probably have time for one or two more donations here all right here's the couple you'll probably want to here I've got $14.98 from Aaron toad 99 this is a gym good luck on the rest of the run it's going pretty well so far also love seeing nerds representing Canada on the couch Aaron I'm not Canadian yes you are in your house I'm pretty sure it's in Canada and here's a $10 donation that we received from Casey thank you they said so glad I got off work in time to see gymnast run you guys are killing it shadow from the zaheer community and keep up the great work thank you thanks Casey okay so now we're back in Lynx house so we got the one spiritual stone we're gonna get his tie owed link so your fiber wondering well how are we gonna get past the door of time without the spiritual stones and don't worry we'll show you it's gonna be gym being bad again yes but first we have to do this trick known as ledge cancel so that we can escape the forest again so what I did there was as I climbed up the ledge I fielded a bomb explosion which sort of kept me in the state of what I was when I was climbing up the ledge and when you're in that state you can just walk through actors so we just walked right through the guard specifically actors with a certain collision type I think it's kind of important to note here too that pretty much everything besides jabu jabu that gym is done in the run is part of the ending percent run for this game but now things are really gonna start to go off the rails old any percent and no one's run new any percent finished all right so we collected some more rupees on our way to the market over here because we're actually gonna be buying the Hylian Shield also very soon and now we're going to introduce you guys to what really breaks this game which is the restricted items glitch which is going to allow me to cast Ferraris wind here in the market so normally you can only use Ferraris winds when you're in dungeons but thanks to the restricted items glitch if you have an item you can use and an item you can't use if you put those items on the X&Y buttons and then swap them once you regain control after the pause menu the item that was unusable will be usable for a single frame and vice versa the item that was usable will be unusable for a single frame so we're going to be exploiting that a lot in this run it's rather interesting because it's apparent in this version repair in this game but you just saw Jim do it but in the Korean release of this game which is a sort of one point one they patched that and then there might be some other changes I haven't really played it that much but that restricted items which is gone but then a Majora's Mask 3d it's back in a slightly different form which is rather interesting because grezzo patched away glitched and then reintroduced it that's so unfortunately we fell their link doesn't like to jump right there okay though I think I'll still be able to make it before night to the densifier fairy fountain oh yeah we should be okay as long as we don't hear the wolf howling we're good yeah yeah because yeah because we can't let it be nighttime right now a time is a little tight but thanks to the house I was able to still perform that mistake and have it not be dead bad the reason we don't want it to be nighttime is because right after we get dense fire I'm going to use restricted items again to return to the market just as like a way to save backtracking and then I'm going to be going back out to Hyrule Field but if it's nighttime you know the bridge that goes over the moat is closed so you can't go out to Hyrule fields from the market during the night alright that was our last fairy founder of the run now would you restricted items again and right after we returned Rory's wins we're actually going to cast it again so let's do that all right yeah every time that I do restricted items it is a frame perfect trick but thankfully the cue fruit is pretty good because it's based off of your own movement it's not like you have to look for something in the game it's due the input off of for those watching at home try not to miss this upcoming parties but to sort of for death hole wrong warping this is probably probably one of the best parts of the speedruns for TDs and probably one of the most confusing those who may have not seen it before if you blink we will be an adult so just don't blink all right so we're going to come over here and we're going to blow off this rock and then right after this I'm going to sit down another bomb in front of this grotto and I'm actually going to die into the bomb and fall into the grotto at the same time jam stop being bad I'm sorry I know so I quit the game but I didn't quit the game apparently so now we're in the Lakeside laboratory because that makes a lot of sense yeah there's gonna be a lot going on so we'll explain death along we're being in a cutscene that's about to happen all right so we're alive again that's cool I'm gonna return for Rory's win so that we can get back to the market and even though it's nighttime there's still people here normally that's not supposed to happen so you can already tell that stuff is a little weird we're gonna set for his wind again and now we're going to go back out to Hyrule Field except this is an Hyrule Field it's now the shadow temple so since we're here in the shadow temple let's go get hover boots yeah let's make a flip over this yep yeah boots are nice all right so right now you'll notice that the bottom screen isn't really displaying any information like it normally should be that's because the game sort of believes that we're on the title screen right now even though we're playing in our file and it just so happens that whenever you're on the title screen and you go through a loading zone when you're playing the game will essentially wrong warp you depending on where you go by adding a specific constant to your entrance index and so now we fight the dead hands who we got grabbed that's ok though because we already did the damage to the dead hands an interesting thing about dead hand is there's a dead hand in bottom of the well and then the dead in here and Shiro temple and which dead hand you fight doesn't matter the health is based on what age you are not where you're fighting dead hand yeah so even if we had like the master sword as child link we'd still have to do this fight in three cycles all right it's now the hover boots just appears answer I forget the hover boots were going to return to the markets where more interesting things will happen this is a dungeon so he can normally cast Pharaohs win here but you noticed that he cast it in the market and also in the lakeside lab without having to do restricted items it's because when he's in this state there are no restricted items who likes archery oh no wait this is an archery oh let's go to the temple of time wonder where this will take us oh wow normal yeah that's good we still in death hole wrong you did that right I don't know where's link oh hey there he is okay yeah okay so to explain what happened the certain cuts are so certain this game has a lot of cutscenes and the way the the original 64 developers decided to implement custom scores they would tie the cutscenes to specific entrances so like for example the Nocturne cutscene is tied to Kakariko from entering hyrule field because each entrance into a map is different but they also designated a specific cutscene number for each one so for example using the Nocturne cutscene again that would be the first part is cutscene zero on that on Kakariko map so the way they implemented activating the cutscene is they send you to an entrance and then they add a potential cutscene offset now the title screen cutscene of link riding on the horse through harbor field that's cutscenes are on Harville field so we get the cutscene offset from the title screen which it's always trying to play and then going through various loading zone for a plane that cutscene offset 2 in 2 loading zones that were never meant to have that cutscene offset applied to them so we're just trying to load cutscenes on various maps and that ends up happy and through that we just load the wrong long zone if you've watched n64 with their wrong work it's the exact same concept it's just instead of using a blue war for the cutscene offset we're using the tunnel screen yeah and so thankfully there just so happens to be a way for us to get behind the door of time using death will run working and what's also convenient is that the cuts thing that plays in the temple of time will actually cancel deathful wrong warping and if that didn't happen we actually wouldn't be able to grab the Master Sword yeah well not only that it temple time would just be all black because because we're in a cutscene that's why we have the unrestricted items we don't have to open the menu to swap the item so we just inherently have them all items are all items retain their usability in a cutscene but that also means that if we were to dim our buttons in any way under certain Oh once we have access once we can I'm getting little high myself if we dim the buttons in under certain circumstances we lose access because they retain their lost usability but and we also can't interact with certain actors however that entrance cutscene does take us out of death hall which is rather nice but that means that that door time skip only works if we have the entrance cutscene which means it's a one-off yeah so it's essentially like a one-way ticket yeah well thankfully like recently over this summer we've actually found other methods to do door of time skip if we have certain other items shoutouts the seed barn one of the like underappreciated glitch hunters for the Zelda 64 games yeah so just cut scenes really long we probably have time for one or two more donations right now wonderful here is Herman the verben donating $10 saying hi all longtime viewer and I just had to donate during such an amazing game thanks for all you guys are doing at gdq and keep it up happy gaming and one more here from Sarah who donated $100 simply saying I'm a huge fan and subscriber to gymnast good luck thank you alright so now that we've have the master sort of gone through these cutscenes we should be done but there's actually one more cutscene that we have to watch which is the cutscene where link normally when you're traveling can you come up to the master sword you see this we're now he's like oh man it's the master sword these truly are them this truly is the master sword it's the legendary blade yeah the legendary blades it's that legendary blade the master legs Master Sword yeah so it's funny that we still get to see that cutscene so now we're going to do another save warp save warping on the overworld as adult link will place you in the temple of time thankfully places you in front of the door of time so we can easily get back around the door of time if you needed to go child he could has that fw there but now that he has said heard now that he is on the other side of door time without fw set there the only way for him to go child would be to after being forest temple would be to do a long convoluted series of glitches to either obtain the song time and open it or get around it and both suck so we're not going back it's basically yeah yeah the rest of this run will be done as adult link i don't like it's generally more powerful than just i was like is though so that is taller yeah just in general if you can do in areas i have a child or adult it's usually faster to do it as adult the general rule of thumb there are some exceptions of course totally normal non pointy nose thanks grezzo an earring that he didn't have when she went in and as a child to pierce is here alright so we're back in Kakariko and we're going to be making our way back to dodongos cavern now so we can finish it as an adult so this is going to des mountain trail before we do that though we're going to turn around and go right back into greek village and we're going to use restricted items here again to set ferrari's wind our six items also works if there's nothing on the button beforehand when you put four always went down to it and we want to set for ease when specifically at this entrance because we're going to be doing it some more wrong warping now there are other entrances that work all that ends up mattering is that when we get the cutscene off set that entrance plus that cutting off say it would lead to Kakariko so like for example Kakariko from Hyrule Field with work from the graveyard would work but leaving some of the houses would not work as adults thankfully the platform cycle doesn't really matter because we can grab up much higher than Shia blink can the rest of the Dauntless cavern is also extremely easy as adults because normally child link would have to go around to the right side here but as adult link you can just kind of grab up here and to be on your way I'm gonna get a bomb drop back here technically don't need it cuz I did get the bottom job earlier but just for safety of course unfortunately we still have to push this block which is a little slow there is an alternative route that saves a few seconds but it involves doing a really hard kind of stupid trick just keep pushing this block so it probably it just wouldn't be safe to do in the marathon unfortunately but if the trick we get to see you later it's a cool trick so the trick itself isn't hard it's just the specific vert like kids do it in a very precise way that makes it difficult yeah the instance of the trick in this context is not very easy alright so time for king dodongo now that were an adult he's a lot less scary the game still was gonna try to play him up though is this giant beast and he is pretty big but he's not very bright so should be easy to feeding him instead so instead of talking about king dodongo because he's boring nerds do you want to talk about blue warps I think we're really on that no you can talk about this I should start now well have a huge cutscene okay so I guess I'll start talking about then the dodongos blue or the deku blue warp the job will warp and the fire temp of lure are special and that they don't send you directly to the chamber sages they play a cutscene that is the wrong warp opal type of cutscene because some cuts seems like entrance cutscenes like the one we use to get passed to our time doesn't work for a wrong world but those type of cutscenes are specifically in this case dodongos cavern is a cutscene one well there is a cutscene where tribes played cutscene one on Kakariko which means wherever we use it for long warping we go to cutscene one not like we could put the no it left over you set in Kakariko from the road yeah I'm saying so what we're doing right here is Jim is lining up with the blue warp he is inching very close and he's gonna sign up a way move a little bit over it so he will land on the edge of the warp pain he's gonna try and do restricted items on G as the warp he got it so this is gonna try and play cutscene one from wherever FW is set plus the cutscene offset in that case ends up being cutscene when a character ego which is the second half of the Nocturne cutscene what makes that difficult if we have to the restrict item with spoilers wind which he was doing it earlier flying unbuffered bushes in this case if he fails that he has to re-enter the boss room and that just takes a while so it is worth it and where there's a large like a large penalty for failing to try and buffer it and make sure he gets it and then he just has to close FW on the right frame so that he gets the f/w entrance plus the cutscene offset from the blue warp oh yeah thankfully returning for his wind isn't it's not that precise like you have I don't know what it is but it's enough time that you can give it easily every time and it's just late notice that it's the timings slightly different between child blue burped in a dull blue or because they have different and we're about animations so the cues are slightly shifted but yeah so with these wrong words we can go around and enter any cutscenes um if you're familiar with the n64 version like any percent and using the gamma blue warp to go to collapse or Honda or n64 MST or any of those she's in the fire temple for a long work one difference that was actually so the wrong words like that are actually glitches or extra layer glitches on n64 because look up the term use after free yeah essentially there's the wrong warps in this game using blue warps you can only wrong rip into cutscenes if you try to run work into not a cutscene you end up crashing yeah because after cutscenes done the game does some cleanup on data needed for the cutscene that it doesn't do the complete cleanup on n64 so why some of those cutscenes works or make sure I've use after free and dangling pointers if you're familiar with those terms or I want to look them up we have any computer scientists in the crowd or at home yeah anyway back to the routes so right now we're racing dan pay because we want to get the hook shots hook shots a very useful items used for lots of stuff so thankfully damn pay in 3d is actually slightly fast within dan pay an n64 just because the roll speed was increased a little bit and doesn't slow down as much as long as you you know avoid the flames and don't block everywhere yeah on n64 I think the lowest RTA time is a forty six I don't think anyone's gotten to forty five with TAS is easily getting forty two it's a 42 or 43 I forget anyways um it is possible to get very good to get little Corazon 3d if you don't bonk or don't hit fire and in both games it is possible to get 0 seconds on n64 it's actually slower in real time to get to on the timer but on 3d you can get there on the timer rather easily without wasting any real time yeah so the reason that we cast Rory's went at the specific entrance that we did is because now we can actually use it to go back there because the runn work didn't actually use up the Ferraris win spots so it's still there and because we want to go to fire temple next this is a nice shortcut to get back through Kakariko village yeah it's not the actual using the fair one that removes the warp point it's it's disappearing when you warp in but because we warp use fw in the wrong work we went into the cutscene and not the fair where's warp in animation yeah and so right there at the beginning of this area I took damage from a tektite because I want to be at a certain amount of health because I'm gonna be doing another trick that involves death in just a moment here as soon as we get up Death Mountain Trail we could do a hess here but it's kind of inconvenient the boulders rolling everywhere it's very easy to get hit and it doesn't say very much time so yeah alright so now we're going to use a bomb to stop this goron from rolling so that we can talk to him and he can give us the gorons tunic this is another one of those cutscenes that takes a super long time on the original game but because of quick texts it's very fast here all right excellent everyone all right so I still need to take a little more damage I'm going to take half a heart here by climbing up onto this railing and then doing a side hop down before going into darunia is room and then after that I'm going to use a bomb to damage myself while I'm pulling this statue so that the polling animation gets canceled but the statue still moves so it can save a few seconds like that I also clip the Goron tunics alight I don't immediately die once I get in here that's a death mountain crater in case you don't know the timer if you're not wearing the Gorn tunic and here's based off of your current health so a quarter of a heart is a very short amount of time yeah anyway so now we're going to be using death to skip the bolero of fire cutscene it's very simple just shield an explosion at a certain distance into the cutscene trigger and we've skipped the cutscene if you're from this trick also works on 64 buttons before you get the bolero cutscene camera when you die for whatever reason you don't get that one and see Iran pretty good so rearrange your items obviously a very nice change from the original game is that the hover boots and iron boots are now items that you can equip the buttons so you don't have to go into the pause menu each and every time you want to equip or unequip iron boots or hover boots and there's also this lovely little hop animation link does whenever he puts them on which we love that animation but we also don't want to see it very often yeah so while I'm rolling here through fire temple right before I do a roll I can actually equip the hover boots without losing any time it's like right here for instance after this cutscene though I can press the hover boots button and then immediately do a roll to skip the little hopping animation n64 has a way of skipping this cutscene um that method would probably work on 3d but the amount of time it takes to set up it's probably faster just to full-text through it if I made a lot of jokes about changes they've made and which one's the best but on ironically the boots changed to an item is the best change the guys have made to this game yeah in many ways so anyone's familiar so for those who are familiar with fire temple we will be going through most of it it's uh up until we get the Megaton hammer which means that we'll have to free a good amount of go rounds we won't be freeing all of them now yeah not all nine go on earth all thirteen iran's thirteen gorons and if you think they're only nine you need to recount alright so interesting camera don't target that okay now he was really excited about that song of time blog alright so after i get this key i'm going to attempt to do a trick known as dins fire actor glitch which does some really weird stuff unfortunately because of my health I can only really try it once so if I don't get it it's not that big a deal I will just go get the other key but if I do get this it'll give us having to go get the other key and this will be used one other time in Iran hopefully okay oh yes so right there there was a specific frame that I wanted to open the door relative to the bomb explosion unfortunately didn't get it so we have to go get the other key yeah it does some wacky stuff so I'll explain it when he does it again alright when he goes for it again yeah you might have noticed that I also tried to home before it that was to see where I was compared to the bomb explosion unfortunately the camera angle that I had didn't allow me to see that if I did see it I probably would have tried to buffer a little more that was unfortunate anyway now we have the other key so that's what we would have skipped if we got the densifier actor trick right here all rights under this next room where nothing very interesting happens you want to read it donation we can do that sure donations are always interesting right of course oh here's here's hole pigeon chiming in with $5 says hi Jim good luck on the run now instead of bribing the GAR guards this goes to having the couch hook Jim and I'll donate another $10 if that happens all right couch come up here we have seen multiple comments wanting hug this thought I'd make it happen all right so this room we do have some interesting stuff happening I'm gonna push this block once and then I'm going to do a trick jump right here so that I can actually jump off of this ledge but then come back on so that I can grab onto the top of the block and skip having to push it and then right here we're going to introduce you guys to a trick called a ledge clip where I'm going to attempt to grab the ledge and then also target the wall at the same time just like that so now I sort of went down into the wall and I'm out of bounds so this bomb explosion hit me into the hallway right here there was a way of doing that scape before of ledge clipping was found 20 15 or 20 40 exactly when he was found let's just say that that old method sucked yes it involved timing three different things that all have very short timers yeah that's a skater for figuring out ledge clipping saved us a lot of heartache with the boulder maze to get which is what that jerk who's formerly known as also anti shout outs the Fox for finding the old method but for finding a lot of other really cool stuff in this game yeah that's the Fox was that a bomb drop or was that an updraft wasn't that okay yeah sometimes I get fooled into thinking that there was a bomb drop there alright so we're going to cast Rory's wind in this room thankfully because this is a dungeon we don't have to use restrict items we can just press the button and remember that favorite one was placed in this hallway that very orange hallway I see if we can do the hess here oh the Boulder says no you're about to impress some people yeah okay okay let's not die very careful that would actually be bad in this situation so we're going to avoid that and you have FW sense equation oh yeah that's true you're just gonna get a magic drop somewhere I think yeah thankfully there's hearts right here though so we'll be okay and so he just threw a bomb in there for no reason except for a fake door that he wants to get passed to the real door you can actually try and open that fake door on one of the frames that it's exploding and it looks for the red because we could try and just open air yeah I accidentally did that in one of my recent runs actually I was really confused as I didn't know about it here doing that am i imagining that maybe anyways hard to keep it straight when you were running three games yeah this is player dancer you have to get him out of the colored scarecrow thing and then it it's little head hook shots easiest way Megatron hammer would also work if we had it I think you can also throw a bomb at him so we're almost to the Megaton hammer scope this more room I drop the bomb there so that while the crystal is or the crystal cutscene is happening linking climb up the rest of the wall all right now we get to than I get on a hammer room there we have to go across these very thin stairs which we're not going to roll across because rolling across always ends up in bad things happening so we're just going to walk because obviously if you fall down here that's a pretty big time waste you could try and heads across then you want to do that I didn't think so I didn't say I would do it okay good my damaged invincibility canceled it okay so now we're going to do another ledge clip here this is going to be for the fire temple bosky skip into the wall we're gonna hold ellen down and we'll go over the loading zone for the boss room and to be able to spawn into the volvagia fight yeah these vertical dungeons if you can get out of bounds it can be kind of easy to get into the boss room loading zone anything that's kind of important to note loading zones and just in general collision are loaded on a per map basis not on a per room basis so that loading zone was sure there the entire time every unloaded room its collision is still there so you can walk around didn't do whatever you want in there only but only the visuals and the actors aren't ever loaded for one room at a time except for in a couple of circumstances alright it's time to fight the spicy noodle dragon volvagia also look at Malaga's are harmed during this cutscene oh yeah yeah I don't know what's going on with the arms they're just they're just they're doing something I don't know what it is though noodley arms yeah anyway so stressful whole vodka is interesting we're actually going to use bombs to kill Livadia a little bit because there's actually two Volvo Gio's that are present in this fight there's the one that flies around the room and then there's the one that you know please whack Amole with you he comes up one with functional arms and one with wacky wavy and played warms it's um so the bombs are hitting the flank Livadia and just whatever last hole the flying buggy entered it's not that precise in 3d but on n64 you have to play savant and somewhat precise positions on the whole yeah and again during this cutscene look at Volvo Gia's arms also interesting fact Volvo Gia's flight path that she takes like around the room is actually programmed as like a set of our wings from Star Fox 64 if you guys are familiar with it that's actually how the programming for Volvo gia works when she flies around it's just like this giant string of our wings anyway so if you're familiar with the n64 version you can won't work with this it's just the cut scene of this Kakariko cut scene of Death Mountain exploding it's just not useful for any cuts or any run works in this run and you might think just do a wrong work to skip the cutscene there's no good option it's just watch it yeah there's no real like but with the way the rat works out being able to like do a wrong warp and skip this cutscene just doesn't really end up saving any excuse me anytime anywhere yeah and said Rama rue gives us the pizza medallion roar ooh hey the Rumia darunia oh yeah derp NIAAA right when was the last time you played this game have you beaten this game again this is the man who took two hours to get through first cycle I mean wouldn't be surprised taking that out of context and so yeah some people like to call this the pepperoni pizza medallion because I guess it looks kind of like a small cup aroni pizza I mean we were adjusting in oven a personal but for any pizza one big brownie in the middle yeah that cutscene is almost over so our health is pretty low right now oh that's actually intentional it's a little lower than I wanted but this still works out fine so we're actually going to do another death hole wrong work right now using the grotto that's over here instead of using bombs to make links health go to zero though and actually going to I'm actually gonna use the heat timer here alright so we jump slashed into the hole right as the heat timer expired and link died so now we're gonna die again well we're sort of pseudo on the title screen yeah if you notice when Jim did the chunks less he kind of just went through the floor the death hole glitch itself works on n64 and you can use it just go through floors but the using death hole with the title screen for one worth is 3d only alright so right there I used Ferraris went into damage but for myself with a bomb because I actually want to die again right here and we returned back to that hallway but that hallway isn't orange anymore hope that didn't sound like fire temple music no that was Forest Temple music because we're actually in forest temple yeah so the entrance for that ferrars wind would be the entrance to fire temple that plus the title screen offset brings us to forest temple yeah and we got the coordinates of the Rory's when warp which is why we fell for a really long time before we ended up dying and that actually works out really well because we're so high you fall and died that's why damage buffered and dying save me from the death he can save and quit and that puts us on the actual title screen but saved in forest temple so just turn the file yeah cuz we end up saving and quitting because we want to get out of death or on war mode if we stayed in death floor mode for forest temple when we eventually would go to try to fight phantom Ganon we would actually end up in the water which is not where we want to be yet so that obviously wouldn't be good this cutscene to skip a wall you need a battle for it we don't have a bottle so we watch it and it only saves a handful of seconds to skip it it's more useful in punto because you can use the elevator to write down but we're in the elevator all right so I'm sure a lot of you know that there's a key that you normally have to get in the first room of forest temple which obviously we didn't get that's because we're gonna skip that key specifically so now we have our first stealth Oh hopefully they're nice oh you were very nice thank you I mean aggressive but it's good for you if you notice those flames when the stealth hose died and like how they like little bones just fly off those particle effects are one of the few things that lag this game yeah that's never gonna get this small key we need to get this small key because if we don't fight those stealth host and we actually wouldn't be able to get the bow because the room that you get the bow is that room but it's on the second level all right now we're going to cast Rory's wind again but before we get the bow we're actually going to go and complete the forest temple so using the hookshot right here I can get into this railing and out of bounds and I can fall straight into the loading zone for the Phantom game in the boss room so now we can fight phantom Ganon so the the reason like the rounding for this is kind of weird I guess we're we're gonna be beating the dungeon before we get the bow and the reason we cast Rory's wind is so that we could get back to that spot in the dungeon to complete it once we're done here because there's like the like afterwards when we go into the blue warp the blue orb doesn't really send us anywhere useful that we need to go we're actually going to be attending to use Ferraris wind as we go into the blue warp so that we can just go straight back to where we were in the forest temple yeah remember earlier when I was talking about its first playing the blue war on works on I mentioned the for warp you could to do wrong warp song so I didn't mention forest temple because for example send you straight to the chamber sages and that's not a type of cutscene we can run warp off so you don't really get a wrong work yeah but using pairs when you can skip that yeah and something we forgot to mention is whenever you use Pharaohs wind into one of the the warps you still get the item that the blue warp gives you because what is it the blue or earth but cutscene gives it to you the item I think it's either two or three times but once at the beginning and once when you get it in the cutscene and then potentially a third time depending on the cutscene at the very end they really want to make sure you have it on its face to the fight engines gonna try and finish it quickly by shooting the hookshot right as banna banna it's about to get up very well done yeah that spread is not very easy so i'm glad that i was able to get that now we have this somewhat lengthy cutscene we can read a donation now the right here is Buddhist donating twenty dollars at saying agdq bonus here good luck to gymnast with the run thank you I'm gonna need that good luck right now all right so here's the blue warp now just like the dodongo's cavern blue orb I'm going to have to do a side hop into the blue warp and attempt to use for easily with restricted items to skip the cutscene which is again very difficult so we're gonna do a save before this just in case because this cutscene is very long even if we feel the cutscenes people want to try it again cutscenes in the game even with text all right these should work alright beautiful and the important thing is yes let's hide up on the very edge if you go too close in you can still get Pharaohs win on the correct frame but it just won't come up you have to open the menu like on the second half of the dream - or else yeah you can't it it becomes restricted again before you land in the blue warp yeah so now we're gonna go get the bow it's a bit of an interesting journey we're going to start this off with a Ledge clip through this song of time block so that we can get to this door back here and now we're going to introduce you guys to this really fun glitch that involves the hook shot and the hover boots we shoutouts the to maker for literally nothing all right now we're going to trade the densifier act or glitch again except this time I can actually see where the bomb is in the explosion okay a little bit early all right very nice so this is the frame I want to open the door on or I'll cast against fire apparently that's not good that's okay though there's magic in this room that we can get so this room there's the floor master but thankfully whenever you kill the floor master you get more magic do you want to just get the key as a backup yeah I mean take the case try too many times because this is a really cool trick and saves too much time yeah this trick this use of the din fire active which doesn't just save a key it also skips the whole block puzzle which saves 50-something seconds yeah let's try this again look like it worked yeah I think the issue last time was that I just used inspired too early unfortunately that's a frame wait yes I'm home buffering here too just try to get the correct frame so it's one frame after this one there we go alright so we opened the door except not really good hard part's over the trucks also dumb but yeah yeah so he opened the door but he didn't go through it so now this whole room is loaded and we can phase through this door that's how you saved the key you need a key still in order to open that door but it doesn't take it from you when the room isn't fully loaded so the important things to note from the densifier actor glitch is the quick spin so that the bomb could knock him out of the dentists fire animation and then the ending of the dense fire camera as he tried to open the door met he could gain control while the door was trying to open so that he can move away from the door so that he could stay in the hole in the outside room and so that would stay partially loaded and then by entering the well and then exiting he could make the inside room the one he was trying like didn't want to go into that would become now partially loaded which meant that door it still checks if he had a key but it wouldn't actually use the key so he could say that yeah thankfully those Delphis are actually pretty good except for the last one and so now we can get to the bow of the Rex I'm not going to use the bow for quite a while but of course since were in forest temple now but now we're done with forest temples so we're going to use the Bolero of fire to get out because we're actually going to be tackling the Deku Tree next which is the shortest dungeon in the entire run so though we're getting to the Deku Tree is we're gonna go through Goron City and then through the Lost Woods because the Lost Woods links most of the parts of this game's over world together also one thing that we didn't mention earlier is that this game actually has gyro controls so I can move around the system while I'm aiming stuff like the bow or the hookshot or even just in first-person first stuff which is really nice it's much faster than using the circle pad game if I'm close enough that is there we go also one neat feature that grezzo added is they added like a sort of exaggerated hook shot marker whenever it's aiming it's something that you can actually hook shot on to which is nice oh well I actually got something useful from that grass for once usually that grass never gives me anything useful that's a here we are I could cure forests although I'm actually going to want to enter back into the lost woods again because I need to set fries wind at this specific insurance for another wrong warp surprise surprise alright but normally the Deku Tree is closed as a dull link and you can't get in but that's only if the map is actually fully loaded so we're going to get to the tree while the map isn't fully loaded and where the mouse actually isn't there because the mouse is considered to be an actor since I can get some stuff here ok that's good enough so thankfully I was able to get full magic from that grass right here I'm going to be doing a trick called a hover boost I was like gonna line up correctly all right so I'm gonna buffer to one of two frames of the bomb explosion here alright so this is the second frame this works and right as that happens I'm going to put on the hover boots so I can go really far with the hair roots on top of that house and then I can get out of bounds here and this skips the past the loading trigger for Bodega tree so the tree looks pretty cool right now and if you notice the hover boots activated there for a moment that's where the mouth would be there's just a hole in the floor because normally the mouth blocks that and as child the mouth lower is to create a floor there and so we're going to any book shop and somebody can Utz buttons no all right so here's our friend hook shot jumping we very fun Oh Abbie told us how to use a door so that glitch Oh jumping is one thing you could use to get into two dogs or the king dodongo phosphite but like Jim mentioned earlier it's a very precise and difficult and not worth it it's precise because you need to get what's called a max height hook shot jump which can be difficult yeah so that's how you do Deku Tree as adults it's just - hook shot jumps then you jump slash the wall and you're into the loading zone to go into the room so I'm sure you guys all remember how difficult to gilma was being the first boss that you faced me have absolutely no idea what you're supposed to do thankfully this fights over in like five seconds so one jump / - quick spins and she did and now we have another blue work for the blue warp though we're gonna get this heart container and of course do a save just for safety all right I'm just like before we're gonna sign up into the blue warp okay unfortunately yeah there's no reason to try to keep doing that I was one frame late on the restricted items I could tell because if the top screen lights up that means that you are too late with your home buffer so we have to go back to the boss room now okay though because we get to do some cool jumps to get there so we can read a donation or two more now while we do this again all right here is Aaron toad 99 chiming in again this time with dragon if giving in $19.67 saying hey Jim what do you think you're doing you need to free all the gorons and then free the three remaining and Master Quest the four remaining in master quest yes for Aaron toad with his wrong statistics here it is $50 from screamo and Joel and I hope you know these folks this is good luck with the rest of the oot run Jim Steven Bernard wonder when you're coming to visit them again and how about a $5 for a mere en Zane just because it's gonna keep with a theme here they said just got married and this is how we're spending our honeymoon thanks for all you guys do the theme there was I just read three donations that were from two people there you go Erin toon dragon if screw you and Joel and Marian's a so thank you all very much for your donations fairness I don't maybe this is still isn't close enough I don't know okay yeah unfortunately during those two attempts there were like I wasn't quite close enough to the blue warp so like we just didn't activate it unfortunately the time that I didn't make it we were close enough to the blue warp it's funny how it works out like that we can keep on just rolling off donations now all right here's one for mark they donated $25 to the twitchcon charity Plaza and said Zelda is one of my favorite games of all time wonderful time watching in front of a wonderful community it's nice to know all the funds donated actually go to a great place in this stream thanks mark and fun thing about their donation that was all in caps I decided to save her years though I didn't know didn't scream it at everyone yeah thank you mark and also Blake with a $25 donation that Blake said first time and getting to watch live so I had to make a donation thanks for all you guys do and thank you Blake it's incredible you know we do do these events time and again and there's always someone who hasn't seen one live yet right you get introduced through vods or something like that so always good to have the new audience and then here's a tzaddik with a 15 dollar donation says what's this extra gdq take my money as we mentioned earlier failing there's ticket items for wrong warps our blue or fog works is very punishing so it's worth it to home buffer yes all these times I've been late with the restricted items unfortunately I guess I'll just have to be earlier if something can also be a little bit tricky sometimes it's a little bit easier if you put who shot and boots on the correct buttons these are the correct buttons all right I got a feeling this time we're gonna get it all right that's it it should work yes just goes to the Lost Woods right yeah you really haven't played this game recently have you well on the bright side this is the last time where he would have to continuously attempt it over and over yeah if he doesn't get it yeah yeah those last blue warp or open the game because we've entered every other wrong warp low blue work he just has to use fairs wind for the cutscene skip at the end of or for the blue work cutscene skip at the end of this dungeon which if you fails not as bad as feeling wrong work yeah the cutscene skips at the end of a spirit in shadow temple thankfully aren't that long now the reason that we would have reached ride forest temple if we didn't get it the first time is because the forest temple cutscene is really long yeah it's how was last night on that cutscene have you ever seen anyway yeah now we're going to just walk up this slope and jump up to the left arm over here so we can get the mare she Yammer's early that's a thing you can also do that as child it's allowed in glitchless it's really cool and 64 is really jealous and so now we essentially skipped you know the first half of spirit temple with that wrong warp I'm going to equip the mirror shield and the Quran to make again because we'll need it later now we get to fight these lovely iron knuckles there's lots of jump slashing so perhaps out again for some more hook shot something I will be doing shortly alright so coming up there's a small puzzle that I need to solve to get a small key I'm going to irritate these are most because I want to hope that they end up dropping bombs because my bomb count needs to be higher for the rest of the run wait for them to explode okay camera angle didn't let us see if there are any bomb drops hopefully we got some now ideally I would like to have full bombs coming out of here okay we got two so please you can get one more bomb drop from these guys I had a rupee and a bomb the rupee was courtesy thank you left a tip okay so this room we have more hooks audible stuff and it's the vertical room so why don't we do a hook shot jump that's the boss key you don't need it all right so these on planes yeah this puzzles real fun so this is going to be the spirit temple boss key skip if I can do hook step something there we go and we have a little bit of hair okay that's fine yeah unfortunately I ended up hitting the wall but I can just cast Rory's wind and then return to it I decide bring me back up to the top of the room so that's okay my hook shot jump wasn't quite high enough the height that you get with the hook shot jump depends on how far up you aim the hook shot so I just had to aim a little bit higher thankfully there's also magic in that part right there as we can refill on that all right should be high enough so we have a little bit of maneuverability in the air it's not a lot but it's enough to hit this building zone with enough height all right so the twin rova or I guess the iron knuckle fight or the new brew knuckle fight plus the turnover fight is actually more than half of the time that we spend in spirit temple so they're like like the actual spirit temple part itself is really fast but then when we get to the boss things just unfortunately slowed down a bit with all the cutscenes and stuff and the fact that the twin rova boss flight is just really slow in itself so no beru knuckle is not that different compared to the regular iron knuckles basically use the same strategy to defeat it so there are two attacks that nibiru knuckle has there's the overhead attack and then there's the sideways attack the over one is nice because it means that I can get in a quick spin for two extra damage after the attack whereas after the sideswipe I don't have that much time it from the knuckle to do it's not a lot of room for error there this cutscene is skippable just like how it is on n64 I think either Aaron or Ben got at once I think I remember them saying but it's not really worth it yeah again the text here is so fast thanks to faster text rolling angels quick text in general all right so not much exciting stuff is gonna happen until we're pretty much finished with the twin rova fights we can rattle off more donations if we have them sure we do have some that I can indeed rattle through first off of five dollars from Jemima again on a very important topic remember everyone hook shot on X boots on why the mama is a good man here is a $20 from 572 who is chipping in a bit more because of the cow hugs they said this is for the hugs go gymnast 86 and say hi to your 85 gymnast siblings gonna have to ban that user next time ice cream we also received $15 from a bad idea who is donating additional because of something that happened before I began reading donations I actually don't know what they're referring to but they say hi again you didn't put on the blindfold but here's the other 15 dollars so thanks a bad idea for you know following through with your extra money charros DX donated $30 and said greetings from Germany first time donating good luck to all the runners I I feel like I've read that comment before but thank you Charles we appreciate the generosity of course now one more for you yeah you can read one more alright alright here's a $10 anonymous donation saying IRL lurking is fun glad I can finally see gdq live it's pretty awesome so you can hold the other twin rova sister in place by firing the hook shot constantly during the other sister firing at you it's uh if they're in a good place like ice trinova is now you can hold there and then it's an easy hit but sometimes they don't even cooperate with you yeah also it's kind of random depending on when they decide to fire at you or not this preneur was probably going to move across I assume she would move across to the left when she was actually gonna sort of Bank around to the right so I had to hold her in place alright so that's it for the very exciting first phase and we get to the slightly more exciting second phase although it's honestly still not all that interesting or different from a regular playthrough and so I can shoot the hookshot here after she gives me an attack to make her spin and that'll actually make her move away quicker so that she can get to the next area and fire the next attack except on the third cycle of each attack phase because I want to be as close as possible to her so I can begin damaging as soon as possible and so with these jump slashes we're going to get twin rova down to exactly half of her HP which means that she won't attempt to do any sort of mixing up between the elements that she shoots at us which she begins to do once she gets below half of her health and if that were to happen it would it would be even more RNG added to the fight that could potentially waste a lot of time more jumps lashes so the death cutscene is actually kind of interesting on the n64 version of this game you can do a glitch called phantom twin rova where he killed twin rova is a very very specific way and just wait around for eight minutes she will come back and start attacking you she's not there but she starts shooting beams and can kill her again and it spawns another heart container and you can use that to get a very large number of hearts if you want to wait around 8 minutes each time I don't know if anyone has tested that on 3d but it's a really funny glitch all right so once the sisters are done arguing we can attempt the spirit temple cutscene skips spirit temple custom sip is actually a little bit more difficult than the other ones because we don't have very much room to maneuver around on the platform because the work portal is you know just on here so we want to be at the very edge of the platform right here okay frame late again but that's alright we'll just watch the cutscene yeah likes the here mentioned this is the least punishing so with Deku Tree it was very integral that he got the wrong work because not only does it skip the Emerald cutscene which is kind of long but it also brings us to spirit temple and if he didn't do that he would have to cross Grove alley across the fortress and to cross behind wasteland which it's just a very long time a long time dodongos cavern be wrong warped into the Nocturne cutscene getting Nocturne way earlier than we're supposed to so that's also very important miss yeah Jim you got Nocturne but you haven't used it yeah I know are you sure you remembered the route correctly yeah I do we're gonna use it right after this to go to Shadow Temple right oh yeah that is right yeah see yes it saves travelling time of course there's actually an interesting glitch with this cutscene and the shadow temple cutscene if you can manage to get this cutscene skip but then fail the shadow temple cutscene skip you'll actually end up back at desert Colossus and I remember reading my but I forgot what it exactly yeah bit of an interesting effect with that one yeah so people that say spirit before shadow no so leave the dr. shadow who we are at the graveyard with densifier we can easily get into the shadow temple we could get an inter sided humble without dense fire but we had this fire so we're gonna use it alright time for shadow temple so to start off or just use the hover boots to get across this gap now we'll see what orangey zhis has to say about this around because this is the truth spinner so with the truth spinner the only possible solutions are one of the back three skulls so we just have to try them in this order basically and hope that we get at first trying a fun fact about the truth spinner is if you ever heard of the Monte Carlo problem they did that on the truth spinner so the one he just checked is actually twice as likely as I think it's the one on the right and then the one in the middle is the least likely all right so now the hookshot is gonna be used for another trick coming up in this next room called hook shot clipping unfortunately or well not unfortunately surprisingly it's it doesn't get very much used in this category this is only one of two hook shot Clips at least that I'm going to do for you guys today so basically by just sort of maneuvering into the wall while I have the hooks right out I can shoot the hook shot through the wall and grab things with it it's a good replacement for weird shots which potentially could work in a TAS only setting in this game but they're not really gonna be usable in this game Yeah right there I was able to skip a really huge portion of shadow temple by clipping through the wall right there with the bomb yeah he didn't even have to use Pharaoh's when to do it and now we have the boat and the bells they like like artistically they completely changed what this boat looked like for 3d I think it looks much better in 3d personally than it does in 64 although there's not really much we can do on this boat ride we can kill stealth us I guess so while we're on this boat ride we can reach these donations okay we have a $10 donation from kel-tec who says hello gymnast - good luck on the run my friend Oh ends here I hope there will be lots of chest games tomorrow Charles donated $10 and just said I love you Christina so we just wanted Kristina to know here's a $20 donation from the sanctuary for wayward geeks just as more love more hugs from the sanctuary and good luck on the run Jim thank you so in this game you cannot do something or you cannot stand on the bells which dumb thing to do is likely to just fall off so there is an optional hook shot clip we could do here to get to the boss key chest just skip this densifier use but it's really hard to do and I usually never get it so I'm not gonna go for it if you want to get rid of that read it though because otherwise when he try to roll away from the boss key chest he's gonna scream at us also this is the only boss key we're getting in the entire run it is technically possible to do shadow temple boss key skip but it's it's not a good idea and n64 has boat skip which lets them go from the hover bedroom straight to the end room we've tried we've tried looking into that it if it's possible it's really difficult or just something dumb that we haven't thought of yet and so right there we did a mega slide hop where we do a mega flip and then equip the hover boots that we can slide really far after we hit the ground again because we have a lot of speed from the mega flip and that allows us to get behind or it allows us to get across the pit without having just shoot the other side or shoot the bomb arrows on the other side of the bow all right so I'm gonna be setting Rory's wind here a for the potential cut-scenes gift we can do here and shadow temple but it's also gonna be useful right at the end of the run so remember the fact that we set for or is when dear boy so this is bongo bongo unfortunately not bongo cat but Bongo Bongo is still good so when this fight starts I'm gonna hold down on the circle pad so that the hands don't try to circle around me so that I can shoot them right away with the bow it's gonna be a little bit hard sometimes okay yeah it can be a little hard sometimes with all the bouncing is going on and here we're attempting to one-cycle bongo bongo with quick spins unfortunately my quick spins weren't quite good enough so close I think Bongo Bonga most favorite game is donkey kong go to watch this very silent death cutscene but once the bongo fuses with the drum I guess we can get the heart container and then attempts our final cutscenes dip which hopefully we will get not the final one one more oh yeah well well okay look the last one that uses a restricted items the last really difficult well this type of restricted items line up again alright we should get this alright alright so we just used Ferraris winds to do that cutscene skip so now I actually have to cast froy's wind again because we still need it for something that we need to do at the end of the run up here in bongos room so for those keeping track at home we have the Kokiri emerald the Goron ruby the Zora sapphire the floor-standing the fire medallions shot him down in the spirit medallion let's go beat the villain and the light and dynein so let's go beat the trials yep don't need or anything yes this is just gonna place this outside shadow temple because we want to save work back to temple of time to get the light arrows now shadow and spirit blue warps are actually the only two blue warps that they don't check if you've entered them they just check if they have the item that they would give you so because he did the cutscene skip he was given the shadow medallion so it was just entering it just doesn't put the cutscene he goes right outside and light arrow cutscene only checks for shadow and spirit medallion nothing else so yeah yeah so this cutscene is also very long and it also it shows us a cutscene that we've already seen before so if we want to rattle off even more donations we have plenty of time for that now all right let's start with this you know I realized the power of this microphone and I'm hesitant to open the floodgates to bad jokes however $25 from fun ground here and there comment how long does it take Kings order to take a move a week week a week thank you fun cron also here's a $25 anonymous donation they said I'm in a cheesy mood right now but I'm not sure what to say pretend I said something cheesy and nice and take 25 dollars this is my first time seeing this live and I'm glad to have the weekend off to watch well thank you anonymous that was that was quite sappy but beautiful we we appreciated how corny and and yet wonderful your comment was I thought he was cheesy yeah yeah something like that yep he came off a little cheesy so thanks a lot here's another anonymous $10 donation we thank you all so much they say my first donation and first live gdq I'm the whole pigeon donated $10 said I stepped away and missed the hug but I heard that it happened so yeah so thank you for coming through with your follow-up donation I mean you could donate again if you want to happen again and so you can see it yeah get a live one before the end of the run broadcast don't exist mystery man all the way if I see them chiming it for more hugs requests I will I will but in and let you guys know Yashica zelda yay oh sorry some people haven't played this game before or mainland yeah or any of the Smash Bros games besides 64 yeah you didn't know have any of you played this game before you guys commentating excellent wish you chose us yeah that's true I mean you kind of just picked me up off the street but so if you're familiar with the n64 version you might know that this cutscene is used for a glitch called bottle adventure as was mention at the very beginning of this run MST is a legacy category from when ocarina of time and 64 first got its big glitches ten plus years ago so certain glitches like bottle aventure reverse bottle adventure game and think those are the three main ones or a couple others that are completely banned in this category yeah any sort of inventory manipulation isn't a lot in this category because with inventory manipulation like you can get a whole host of items without actually getting them like you can get some of the medallions or some of the songs you could even get the hammer and Deku Tree and then fire temple would be rather short yeah and most important thing about that is you have to actually begin and you can't you can't just warp straight to the credits which would be possible and is the is done in any percent all dungeons and 100% better rules yeah and something that a certain other game should look into alright this 4 minute cutscene is almost over we just have to hear an evil laugh where's your ganondorf buff now alright so we're in the temple of time which means that Ganz castles pretty close so we can go do the trials now around that corner okay so normally to get into Ganon's castle you need to spawn the Rainbow Bridge so that you can gain access which we could do but thankfully there's this really cruel trick that we can do called the hassle has 3d which allows us to get over to Ganon's castle without the need for the Rainbow Bridge we're on two attempts to do that now it is really tough of those so you might not end up getting it but hopefully I'm good enough to pull it off here okay I didn't think that was gonna work surprise it did and we're good hey you hassle to help me thank you alright so now we're inside Ganon's castle as the game likes to very descriptively tell us alright so as far as routing for the trials goes we're just gonna go in a big circle because that's the fastest thing to do this room right here is the entire reason we get dense fire oh nice we didn't kill the wolf Oh killing the wolf oh okay alright yeah killing a wolf force isn't good because then it just spawns in with a cutscene and it wastes a whole bunch of time so that was nice there's an extra move for example we just have to collect all the silver rupees OOP okay didn't quite make it back to the platform that's fine though there we go all right we can like with the white arrows here because we'll need to use light arrows it's you know free the sages and all that stuff okay yeah point out again that's fine that we collected all the silver rupees to the doors still open got to go to it now no if you got me all right get a magic refill here we need to keep on refilling magic cuz every time we get to the end of its trial we have to shoot a light arrow hurry up REE so impatient alright so once rile down five more to go so next you got the water trial which actually has zero water whatsoever yeah and you have to deal with this piece of garbage of a hook shot clip that you know you'd have to be a complete got to get at first try every time now of course this was one of the final things that I mean you could use a bottle and catch the blue fire that's right behind you and melt the ice that is slower than getting the clip first dry but just the last thing that and being able to yes so we're attempting to do a hook shot a clip off of these freezers as they come over here okay that was unfortunately a little early we have to do with like right as we come into contact with the freezers so the timing is pretty tight thankfully we can just keep on retrying all right over again though as long as you don't kill the freezers yes the freezer it's I believe it's two hook shots killed that could be misremembering nice good roll and if one of them were to accidentally die that would be fine but if both of them die this run would be uncomplete well you're known to quick spin in frustration this is not the room to do it yeah yeah definitely not unless you know that and you saved beforehand just in case there we go does my that's my boy Joe mama says you had a head hook shot on X that's why you didn't get him astray alright so right here we also don't have any blue fire but thankfully we can just do a hammer slide to click past that ice and back here alright so that's it for the water trial with no water or magic says wait a minute we didn't beat the water temple no I guess I'll have to do that after the trials then huh we didn't free ruto at all I don't know why she's here [Music] not sure which trial is best to mention this after but Brandon just donated $5 so donating for another hug so not sure when the interruption is best but thanks trial oh yeah because next up is a shadow trial so I need to quit dense fire and bombs again so shadow trial is going to start off with any other hover boosts because that's the only way we can get over to this torch hover boost or something effectively the same thing you could do a hess with over boots or number slide hammer slay or make a slide hop yeah so it's up to the runners choice what they want to do they're all roughly the same speed unless your mama in which case you have to do the hammer slam invisible platform right there which is why I was able to roll over it and Jim's just gonna hook shot back from this platform on 3d it's a little bit precise but it's not that bad on n64 it's very precise actually on the very edge and then even then it's just a little bit of the chest I took shot of whole but in 3d they actually they made it so you can see more of Link's arm which meant the the only way they could do that was if they pushed where the hook shot is a little bit further from link which means to you even though the chain is the same length it starts from a little bit further so you can it up hook shorting things are just their way you guys I'm sure EMPA appreciated the hug - so we got cold Cotton's there there's one trial that is blocked by a block that you need going on to move sort of you can get through the door without moving the block yeah it's possible to completely skip cold gauntlets but it's not really worth it there's two ways one requires getting on top of the block and the other requires getting out of bounds and doing a bunch of tubes as soon as you've messed it up once it's no longer worth it I'm pretty sure I'll be getting on top would technically be faster but harder the doing the dupes is definitely not worth it yeah so there's a way you can get inside this giant pillar to get the one rupee that's inside there that we need to complete this room because then I mean it's faster to do that even if you do have the golden gauntlets cuz then you skip this cutscene of Link's throwing it backwards but then you don't have the platform to get to that last rupees then yeah again it makes it a little bit harder that guy can cause many troubles so make sure it's a flashing once so that you can't do that alright so now normally you need the long shot so it gets to the end of this trial but instead I'm going to do another mega slide hop right here normally that central platform is supposed to like sync under links weight but if you're wearing the hover boots it doesn't actually sync so he unequipped the hover boots of the last possible second to do the Magus Nighthawk now that we fear aru I mean darunia the fire barrier is dispelled oh yeah so four trials down two to go those were the hardest four trials the next two trials the light file on a spirit trial are like the easiest trials so we want to write a lot even more donations we can because not very much interesting stuff happens in these two either okay certainly some that we want to get around to you here how about poly swag with a fifteen dollar donation and the comment saying a favorite game of all time awesome run and awesome runner great job gymnast thank you here is a $10 donation from shady way to you says had to donate to a great Zelda runner good luck Jim and also good luck on your run Zaheer here is five dollars from alright a bit off-topic but I'm gonna accept that funny science jokes their comment you matter unless you multiplied yourself by the speed of light then you energy thank you very much for the donation thanks ad here is a free tea with a $10 donation saying so amazing what gamers are not only doing but setting an example for other aspects of culture and what to do love to all from Norway also have a $25 from Jam cohere says hey I'm so happy to the gdq Express is here I need more speed runs in my life shout outs to hammy who's been lighting it up on the gdq discord see y'all at agdq just for context is that there's a user in the gdq discord who's been typing for like the last 48 hours or something we don't know what they're typing nice i thought that was like a reference to one of the regulars or something you actually I know I've been in the discord and then between events I never say anything all right first ear to trial so this is another silver rupee room devs really loved their silver rupees and they made the trials I'm also intentionally taking a little bit of damage here or at least I'm trying to there we go yeah Jim's taking damage because he's bad and we're going to do another flip right here and then normally you need the fire arrows to burn this web but thankfully with a well angled arrow shot we can just do it with regular arrows and just like how water Charla had no water here is the light puzzle not in light trial oops wait a minute I need that little yourself alright so that is all of the trials yes and the tea time for the end [Music] yeah forgot the water for doing this we'll just have to go back for it it seems like it makes more sense to do the yeah dines before you do that trials that's crazy does anything grezzo does does anything that grows oh didn't make sense no not really iron boots yeah anyway so the technical requirement for beating the trials is watching this cutscene right here and dispelling that barrier so we're gonna go to water temple but we actually need to go into this mouth first because we want to play bolero of fire for whatever reason ocarina and Pharaohs wind is allowed and Ganon's towered but not canons castle or some reason yeah there's actually we could do an ocarina items glitch to use the ocarina anywhere but warp songs didn't work no you can sorry you could use ocarina just works on from the work yeah you got a you cannot work away or sometimes it's been a while that's now we have another opportunity to do different more thing that's the timer runs out alright so we died again no no we're so bad we're bad we're not playing your commentating this run all right so now the last time we set for his wind it was in Bongo bongos room and it just so happens that doing deft or wrong work to that Rory's win spot places us in morph is Buster Roman so let's do water temple yeah and he also has the coordinates from where FW is set which in Bongo bombers room it's at the very top so yeah that's why we fell all the way down yeah yeah but there's still a bit of an issue in death or wrong or mode we can only use what's on our X&Y buttons and I don't have the hookshot on my ex my buttons I have bombs and Ferraris wind do you know how to do more for with that hook shot right no that is not a good idea but anyway so in death row roller mode we're actually going to do the ocarina items glitch now yeah on n64 you can do it with the bottle that doesn't quite work and said you have to do it with the bomb all right first try nice so the interesting thing is he's still in death more but his bottom screen looks normal if he does anything to dim his buttons he will lose the ability to use the item or used that button and you can only turn them all at once so if he crouch stabs or if he shields to do a Crouch tag to trap more from the corner he loses yet it was a button ability if he jumps lashes you used loses the ability to do it jumps to use his buttons and a whole bunch of other things yeah yeah that's why we just did regular splashes on Norfolk yea MorphOS really easy if you can get her in the corner then she can't go anywhere and the nice thing is we are still in death hole which means we have death hole richard unrestricted items so no more side hopping and one frame to use f/w yeah oh it's important to remember to set the fw yes you technically don't need to set it thinking for the part after the cutscenes again and yeah so obviously you just used for as when going into the work now actually we skip the cutscene no you're in death well you don't actually need to set it fw just get the cutscene cutscene just doesn't play yeah that's correct but it's very slightly faster now we're going to do ocarina items again if i can get the right frame for it the ocarina items here use frame perfect so i have to try this again if I don't get the frame that's one frame too early nice the legendary one frame buffer wise run amazing all right so now we're going to play the Nocturne of shadow but we were still in death hole wrong work mode you know you don't want to go to the graveyard right yeah I do canons not in the graveyard yes he is I knew it your tithing there all along yeah so this is what happens when you play nacht under shadow in death or wrong lord mode it just it very conveniently happens to place you here at the end of the Ganon's tower collapsed he once and because we had the like the warp cutscene play after we had actually worked to this area that cancels deathful wrong remote so now we can just go to the gain and fight normally I said this name already but huge huge huge shoutouts to Fox he's someone that every when he found death well wrong warps and did a lot of work and not into it and he has just done a lot for this game and mm3d and a lot of different games yeah Fox is an amazing speedrunner glitch hunter tax or we're really lucky to have him in our community so now we get to watch this nice collapse cutscene and so obviously the only thing left to do is to beat Ganon which thankfully we do have one final trick coming up for which hopefully I can do saves like 20 seconds' on the fight and also looks kind of funny you want to talk about the potential for skipping this cutscene nerds I wanna do it no I want you to do it I think okay so on the n64 version you might have seen or so on in support version you when you enter this cutscene you lose your Master Sword n64 that's not quite an issue because you have power crowd stabbed but having the meth sword does make things a little bit easier so they'll super slide in I'm super fighting being a glitch that we don't have access to in this game and instead we have a different way of keeping the sword and I'll let Jim so one last use of Jim's fire right here line up just like this nice all right so we're casting Vin's fire right as this cutscene starts so what that's going to do is that's sort of gonna freeze link in the animation that he's in right now where he's basically doing nothing so you know ganondorf's over here trying to be intimidating with the triforce of courage but link simply just doesn't care as we can see now it's like huh like all right it's like I don't know I don't know what's your thread you know I've died how many times in this run like five times I've been wrong warped around seven different times smack not interested at all yeah cuz link actually asked - yeah I think Ganon's do anyone with two swords yeah it's okay we just got the spare one now so you you can see the hilt of Link's swords still there because that's because we still have the master sword so we'll use it on this phase makes this phase very short so phases over now normally it takes ten hits of something to get through the first phase but the Master Sword well the master story is the only thing that does a substantial amount of damage to ganon his tail so everything except the Master Sword is hard-coded to do one damage Master Sword I believe does its default damage or whatever attack you're doing so we can usually just roll under his legs each time for the final hits on the tail should just be one more hits cuz it's five jump slashes and they had times coming up very soon now that we have our final item the master sword of Hazael just power up yes all right time it was a few 1636 so yeah that's the Ocarina of Time 3d if you guys want to see more ocarina of time 3d action you can follow me on twitch TV slash gymnast 86 where I'm currently streaming ocarina of time 3d speedruns every time I go live so if you're interested in that be sure to give me a follow and I'll hopefully see you guys in my chat so thank you all so huge also huge shoutouts to other OT 3d runners Ben Stephens gamestabled Zelda Q legend zelda LF errant o99 purple photon great shaman 92 the legend of Zaire oh yeah alright next e wavering fox not quite a runner but a glitch hunter Seabourn even though you're not a runner or just your glitter you still didn't want anyone you're forgetting doc you're forgetting to hug again I said purple photon no one donate it guys I don't hug Stein literally free hugs all right so yeah thank you hope you guys enjoy the rest of GDQ Express that's wonderful thank you so much gymnast 86 there with Ocarina of Time 3d MST run for you all I am prolix I'll be your host have been your host for some of that game and also the next game I made this voice smiley face yeah coming up next we have Super Mario Odyssey it's an anypercent race between Niekro Vita and fir sub man they're walking right behind me right now they're gonna get set up for that run in the meantime I'll be telling you about what's going on here at gdq Express and reading your donation comments if you were wondering what on earth is the host that's what I do I read your comments so when you go over to the website at games done 'quick calm click that donate button at the top you can choose whether or not to leave a comment and if you do it might make its way on up to me or you to here on air I'm looking forward to what you might have to say so I read donations during Super Mario odyssey any per sentence premier at the last event and I'm afraid the a lot of the donations just kind of devolved into puns a lot of pun donations so if we could avoid that that'd be great if you want to send me a nice variety that I'd appreciate it so hats off to you for avoiding those uh those pun donations thanks here's a $25 donation we received from Ryan he said since GDQ finally came to the west coast it allowed me to achieve one of my dreams attending one of these marathons in person thank you to my wife for being an amazing partner and greetings from the front row thanks Ryan glad to have you here Dante donated $15 and said looking forward to my man Baqubah soup playing silent hill - lets go well thanks Dante and you know that silent hill to run I checked and that's quite a while off in the schedule still and before Bach the super runs that it's actually got one other run coming up even sooner early this morning I don't know about ten hours from now or so he's also running Taraka dinosaur hunter on the PC on any percent run but we have a bid war open right now to choose our sorry it's a donation goal to turn that any percent run into a hundred percent run so just you know since I had someone donating toward one Ibaka's run I figured I'd mentioned that he's also got the Tarak run and if you are interested in making that 100% instead of any percent that a bid goal could use a little bit more money but probably our closest upcoming bid war or incentive to meet is the game choice for grand theft auto 3 versus grand theft auto vice city that's right it's a game bid war it's coming up right after super mario odyssey here whichever one of these grand theft auto games wins will be ran by kz underscore frou thank you for the flexibility there kz frew it's gonna be awesome so GTA 3 GTA Vice City you decide vote with your donations by going games done quick calm hitting that donate button at the top of the page thank you we received a $10 donation from anonymous who said I can't afford to give more but I still wanted to donate something what do you guys do at GD q is truly amazing thanks for working hard and good luck to all the runners and thank you anonymous you know I often see this but our average donation right now it's probably only around $40 you know so that's most likely made up of a lot of $10 donations like yours $20 and then some that are a hundred or more and you know bringing it around to that average so you know every little bit helps and our entire total that we've raised so far here you know we're closing in on $10,000 it's all made up from donations like yours not just the big ones so thank you so much for your generosity speaking of bid wars and since I have some time as the Super Mario Odyssey race is still being set up I will let you know that coming up even later tonight man how long is this maybe about 11 hours from now there will be a run of Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers it's a 90 percent run and it's by a friend of mine philosoraptor 42 there's a bid war open to choose the chipmunk chip or Dale and I happen to know that my friend philosoraptor thinks Dale is the superior chipmunk so that bid war is currently extremely close I believe lest I look yeah about five dollars separating the two chipmunks so whether you wanted to play as chip and and hate himself during the run or play as Dale and get his favorite choice that's up to you feel free if you're going to donate want to put some of your money toward a bid war or a donation goal that's one thing you can consider I will try to tell philosoraptor though that that I told people to put their money toward Dale so please do that they'll love you forever thanks a lot Kanon donated $100 earlier and said hurray for Super Monkey Ball the second game today where you roll around in a little ball I can't wait for tropical freeze odyssey sonic advance a super metroid come to think of it there are a lot of games I can't wait for Thank You cannon you know what you won't have to wait much longer before you see another one to them considering Odyssey is up next just a reminder that all of your donations to games done quick Express here are going to support the twitchcon charity Plaza which is powered by a tilt off' I I know I've used tilt if I personally for some fundraising campaigns of mine and the charity Plaza itself is comprised of ten total charities and donations will be going evenly among all of them so I just thought I'd list them off for you here so you know the causes that you'll be supporting we've got AbleGamers the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention the call of duty endowment Direct Relief Doctors Without Borders extra life also the make Wish Foundation and Save the Children plus st. Jude's Children's Research Hospital and finally to write love on her arms that is that is everything over there at the twitchcon charity Plaza so all of those organizations will be benefiting when you donate so thanks so much remember a donation is the only way to support charity here with games done 'quick express just for this event subscriptions to the twitch channel and any cheers you do with bits will not be going to charity so please do keep that in mind you can still support the channel with a sub orbits if you want to but that will not be getting to the charities mooing lemur here donated $25 is a good luck to both Odyssey runners thank you very much for that I'm sure they appreciated it also a unicorn Harrison here donating $10 said I guess you could say all the puns caused a lot of Pandya yes thank you you too coordination that's exactly right it was it was pandemonium it's Summer Games with with all the Super Mario Odyssey puns I had to read one of the charities here at the twitchcon charity Plaza that our event is benefiting is the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention their mission is to save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide and to try to achieve their mission they use a five core strategies they fund scientific research offer educational programs for professionals educate the public about mood disorders and prevention of suicide they promote policies and legislations that impact suicide prevention and they provide programs and research for survivors of suicide loss people at risk and involve them in the work of the foundation
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 336,588
Rating: 4.8574977 out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: URMcjqYSVkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 23sec (9023 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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