Never Before Seen - Shovel Knight Campaigns

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[Music] good evening everyone welcome to episode 21 of never before seen my name is amber cypherin i am your host tonight i'm going to point you in the direction of the poll that's about to end in chat right now uh what color do you want shovel knight to be because guess what we're running shovel knight tonight um we are a show here on ever before scene that brings you a bunch of different speed runs of games and categories i've never before seen never before been seen on the mainline gdq stage and uh closing out at number one with 31 of the vote is the magenta shovel knight color so i see uh i see uh moomoo remember like when i was like hey magenta's in a leech yes basically his reaction that is uh with good reason it's also going to be less embarrassing for me to plug it in because i'm so used to doing it by muscle memory exactly and um so i just want to remind everyone that this is the show that uh if you run a game that has never been run in agdq sgdq or gdqx events and you'd like to have it on the show just let me know submit it via the exclamation point nbs command into chat uh that'll give you the link to submit um this is our season three premiere of the show which means that we're looking at a game that while it has been on the main gdq stage before there are still categories for it that have not been and i am joined by the wonderful muakai mere hours before his birthday mind you uh to showcase not one not two but three shovel knight treasure trove 100 runs so we're gonna start off with shovel knight then we're gonna do plague night then we're gonna do spector night all wrapped up into what is sure to be a great show tonight uh before we get started though um we do have a couple of announcements i just want to bring up real quick uh first and foremost the frame fatales games committee applications are now open go to to apply if you are interested in in participating in that um frame fatales has also been selected for a finalist or as a finalist for the game her awards uh learn more with the exclamation mark vote command in chat as well and of course if you missed any of our jdq hotfix shows check out our archive of past runs and shows at forward slash games done quick and if you're over on youtube feel free to join us over at gamesdonequick to check out our live shows starting most nights at 7pm eastern and while you're there hotfix is funded in part thanks to your subscriptions and bits so please consider subscribing to help support future broadcasts now moomoo how are you tonight i feel fantastic i'm excited i'm also completely terrified i saw someone call out uh they noticed the name of the estimate yeah so when i asked mumu what's your estimate for shovel he just goes god help me and i was like god help me got it but uh no realistically it's a a 120 ish kinda so we're gonna put 120 and hope for the best here yeah i uh i was very recently on spike vegeta and jay hobb's show uh speedrunning underground with david tki and we presented all nights in a race back to back to back to back uh that's about a three hour category all three of these runs is longer than that and i'm only doing three of the characters i'm not doing king night because he's three hours by himself oh lord ah oh um that would be fun sorry uh can you just pop out your feed for me on discord oh yeah i completely forgot i would like to be able to see the run i'm about to show on the stream yes um but yeah go ahead and uh oh oh okay [Music] um sorry i got a little sidetracked uh yeah this is a a super fun run uh out of all the nights shovel is my weakest um but like i was saying uh david and i we did all nights before um i am one of the most comfortable runners with all the characters in a bunch of different categories i just showed you a couple clips of uh examples of things that i've put myself through in this game i've dealt with some very strange alterations to the way this game runs so as far as being able to do 100 no problem shovel is definitely going to be the scariest one out of the three nights he has to break almost every checkpoint that said uh there is a feat where you don't ever die and you have to break every checkpoint and i used to do all feats runs for all the characters as well so this is uh something i've kind of done before right cool so if you are ready to go and you know see if we can uh meet that estimate this is practically a mercy kill spin-off you're not wrong oh man all right i'm ready to go then i'll kind of stand and i'll uh i'm slightly cheating i'm using my own splits to remind me where i need to go because 100 is a pretty complex category but uh i'm good otherwise all right on go five four three two one go so shovel knight 100 hasn't been showed off at a gdq um and it's a really cool category uh it is kind of similar to any percent for a little while um but the biggest differences between any percent 100 is that i have to get a lot more money uh and unfortunately shovel knight is kind of slow in comparison to the other nights so sidetracking for money is kind of out of the question uh in order to facilitate the amount of money that i'm going to be needing for this run uh you can break checkpoints as this character and when you do the color of the checkpoint represents the amount of money that you're going to get out of it uh unfortunately uh i have to break every checkpoint i've come across i will just barely have the amount of money that i need for my first shopping trip um that jump is a little scary uh i'm doing a bunch of different things that uh will save like small amounts of time just because i'm so used to running like the more difficult uh high execution categories so i have i actually have left and right bound to my d-pad and joystick because uh you can hold both to attack in one direction and move in another uh that'll come up later on um and then as far as like other bindings things that i'm doing i'm using joy to key uh joy to key is uh specifically something we allow for pc runners because uh if you're playing this on a keyboard um you actually can swap to any of the relics just by touching the numbers on the keyboard uh so to kind of keep it as an even playing field we allow people to bind um the keyboard buttons to some of their uh their joystick functions so later on when i'm juggling like eight or nine sub weapons i'm going to be flicking my sticks a lot back and forth just to be able to manage that i can only bind one two three of them and then uh beyond that i kind of have to do mega man stuff where i'm like using the left and right bumpers to swap back and forth a bunch and uh i'm already kind of uh spacing out on the slight differences here i'm in i'm cutting corners a little bit too much there i'm just on autopilot in terms of like saving every frame just like uh this is a marathon you need to be a little bit safer um so that that room has a music sheet in it um there's a whole bunch that are like that all the rooms that have the music sheets are slight challenge rooms oh and i'm coming up on bubble wrap um this is probably one of the oldest speed run tricks that gets shown off all the time i'm gonna go for a slightly more optimal version of this nice and nice okay a pixel aligned setup to have the bubble dragon only blow two bubbles [Music] one two nice i got it that trick was made a little bit easier on the last bit of that execution um yacht club was getting a lot of reports about people trying to do this and soft locking their game so they just included it it's a feature now [Music] it's so cool if you are generously close to the actual activation spot for the old glitch um you just get zipped and you get a little sound effect so now speed running is canon oh black knight's giving me trouble come on there we go uh yes also the never um is uh amber's the other amber's show um no it's not amber it's uh kung fu food cup oh that's never happened before yes glitches so that's one of the few glitches that you'll get to see for this character there's another one that's uh kind of weird and obscure it's basically a way to get like almost double jump height it only works on screen transitions and it's only useful once in the run yeah i see someone asking like what's going on with um the fact that shovel knight is being shown on never before seen and uh just to reiterate this is the season three premiere every season premiere i do which is every ten episodes or so of the show uh we visit a game that has been on the main stage for gdq but not uh like the category that's being run has not been in the show or on the main stage and uh three separate hundred percent runs have never been shown on gdq and mumu offered all of them because he is a fool that is wonderful all right here's that silly double jump but yeah that's your whole show let's go and i'm like all right i originally i i originally just submitted plague night because i was like okay i can do plague night no problem um and then you gave me the extra time and i was like uh i could definitely do spectronite and i can quotation marks do shovel knight and you said yes to all three i was like i have to really do a shovel knight real quick so my time for shovel knight is not bad also i started breaking checkpoints um they have uh a guaranteed pink gem which is the 200 uh and then they have 10 of whatever colors inside them these checkpoints only have um they're they're gray so they only have like 10 pennies in them so 210 but i still need all of that money um but yeah i'm like i'm pretty good at all the characters shovel knight my my time is a 109 ipv last night um and smoggy who has the record has a 102 or 103 i believe that's really hard to do um mostly because uh if i die at this point i get sent back to the beginning of the stage so you know just don't die no problem i mean that's my favorite speedrun just don't die no oh no the rats movement is complete rng by the way that's never happened before someone call real quick [Laughter] oh man well i get to do this trick twice at least okay so the other bad part and hopefully that's the last time that'll happen to me um that was obviously a pretty late uh death in the stage and it's gonna cost me about a minute or so um i have to make sure i get that money back uh if i die again now that's an even bigger problem and that's why the estimate's so high because the money that i lost i drop a quarter of my money every time i die and that money disappears if i die again it's the dark souls of platformers we're going there that's not even this isn't even a scary level wait till we get to the scary levels [Music] here's another uh holding two directions trick uh yes so there's there's there's scarier levels oh of course i'm looking forward to the screams once we get to lost city i'm not even gonna play around with these rats anymore i'm just gonna get out get get out of my way precocious little scamps that's also not even the scary room the next room that i have to do is another side room for the music sheet um and it's not an intuitively done room uh the first couple times that i tried to do this room i kept dying because i didn't realize you actually want to jump pretty much as soon as possible and it's still scary i'm going to be taking a faster version of this room never mind i'm going to be taking the regular version of this room okay i'm fine just wait a second take your time don't go back to the beginning of the stage i regret nothing about asking you to be on the show [Music] more rat rng making me question life choices okay no problem so here's king knight here's the first boss first actual boss it's really tricky to stay on top of him but if you can you can get some nice pogos that lead you into the ceiling and the next time we fight king knight like there is going to be a boss rush very mega man style but the room's going to be different there's not going to be a ceiling in that room and i'm also going to have uh much better weapons at that point so everyone who's getting my screams that's the mumu experience just so we're all aware [Laughter] so this is a very mario 3 style um the levels have like random map encounters basically please be nice those streaks can sometimes be problematic i am going to clear them out of the way not just because they have a bunch of money but they actually lose time every time they uh they do their little map shuffle people want a heart rate plug-in for me i'm sure that would also be uh interesting uh metric to observe oh wow i didn't get hit there ah so this is lit's yard uh this stage in terms of uh how much anxiety is going to give me um not too much there is a couple of dark rooms where i literally can't see what's going on um but beyond that i'll be fine frog play nice now i haven't been picking up um a lot of the sub weapons that uh you should be getting as this character uh but that's because they're also available for purchase like normally you can buy them in the stage and if you do they're at a slight discount um but the rooms that they are in is are usually very slow to actually go through the one in pride more is actually really funny to go through hold on this is a dark room okay i didn't die to make sure i actually listened to shovel knight's feet landing on the ground that would terrify me actually like to try to go through yeah there's actually uh i'm not gonna go for it but i have uh practiced and i've made a whole bunch of tutorials for this game and there's a skip in this room you can do where you juggle the beetle that's right below me across the two spike pits um and it's like half a second faster than going around the long way so i have done that before um but i've definitely not practiced it for this one for very good reasons it's always like my favorite time save in um in longer runs or like runs where you really can't afford to die it's like you're kidding me nothing but net that's happened to me once before no you're kidding me i have to be really good to do that twice in a row extraordinarily bad at video games uh so uh weighted platforms are a very cool mechanic [Laughter] um i'm gonna give quick shout outs to uh two individuals that i see popping up in chat there's a lot of really cool people who help me out with this game all the time uh community members etc um but i do see david tki uh who i did mention before as uh my rival for all nights oh frog please oh frog please go fast go fast go fast go fast go fast go fast yes okay frogs are random as well um okay okay i made it through the terrifying dark rooms okay so here's spectre knight uh spectre knight is mostly a static fight can teleport to either the bottom left or bottom right corner after the first set and that would cost me about five seconds to get a bad teleport so this one's guaranteed one two four five six seven [Music] one two three four good r g yeah the legendary left spectre let's go the other person i wanted to quickly shout out is the community manager for uh yacht club games uh celia who um is uh very helpful on coordinating for these events and getting the word out there uh shout out to yacht club games in general as well pretty awesome game they made yeah i've heard nothing i've heard and seen nothing but good things about this game honestly so uh this is the dream sequence and it is my goal to die as quickly as possible uh you're supposed to catch shield night um but that's very very slow you can end the dream immediately though if you die but i do need money and you can get a ton of money in these stages uh please and then i just need one more hit cool and then if your body is underneath shield night you can hear the ting and that signifies that your corpse caught her which is um your body is like a pixel higher than um missing her and like having shield night line on the ground so it's a time save of sorts it's like don't mind me my body's just gonna be uh your your landing spot i provided cushioning yo back pillow let's go i love the townies okay so yeah here's a guessing game for everyone to play what is my score going to be i have to do a mini game for a music sheet and uh my average score um i guess i should leave it a mystery nah so the i guess the low end of scores would be like a 200 to 250 if i don't do that i won't get the music sheet um and the world record holder has somewhere around a 400 which is like completely ridiculous but where do you think i'm going to get uh god what was your your average average is around 300. the low end is the 200 range which would be really bad okay i'm gonna go with like a 275. i have faith but i don't know how your replacement with this you're justified because uh a lot of bad things could go wrong here getting lots of tense though oh i see some low gasses y'all are hurting me with that 199. i would have to do this game twice shout outs to jake coffin who composed a lot of the music for this game got some real bangers [Music] i need you to oh yo i'm so good at this game you get more money the better you do the closest we got was a 305 and a couple of three 15s in chat i'm doing my first bit of uh shopping right now i'm gonna be picking up everything here even though i'm not gonna be using a lot of this stuff the chalices i'm actually not gonna visit the travel king at all shovel knight kind of um you can you can use those as like sub tanks um to get like health and ammo back and a whole bunch of other effects but you have to watch him dance and that takes like two minutes really slow so uh unfortunately not going to happen oh someone did oh someone did call a 310 exactly i didn't even see that i had to scroll up congratulations [Music] so the most important purchases that i got are the uh the fishing rod technically because i need to get music sheets chaos orb is a great weapon uh flair wand is situationally useful um it's also a good weapon and i got the phase locket which uh i am terrified and i have to focus because this is lost city this is where runs goes to die so normally if you're a fan of shovel knight um you might know about beetle skip where you lure one of the enemies to help you get across this gigantic gap i'm going to be going for a harder version of that trick that doesn't use that because i have the phase logic way back in the day any percent used to get the phase lock in and they found out that it was really slow uh but this trick exists one not gonna make that dang it okay so i made the i died at the easier part but you can see where i'm going with that the phase it because it stops you in the air it actually resets your um your fall speed i have to do the hard part again and then the fun part after i do the hard part is that i still have to break every checkpoint so if i die i might have to do it again again you're kidding me okay um i can fix this i can fix this oh god [Music] [Laughter] oh my god okay [Music] i have never gotten stuck under a single brick like that oh my goodness that was a good fix by the way like i was like ready when i heard i can fix this i can fix this and i'm like someone get someone get the clip button ready for many reasons this category doesn't play around oh no not at all like this looks incredibly stressful oh my god this room is awful and this is basically a room where like what i'm doing is the intended casual strat as well what this is how you get across this room okay so i'm actually pretty low on money thankfully those gems exist so now i have just a little over three thousand now when i said money was tight the next thing that i'm buying is literally 3000 gold oh geez you are not kidding about being on a budget here yeah breaking all those checkpoints i needed to do and you cannot miss your money okay so now i'm swapping uh to things like chaos orbs based on my button presses um so for the ds4 that i'm using our playstation 4 controller i will be using a circle to swap to the chaos orbs if i ever need to triangle is my dust knuckles and then from there i need to have memorized like where which one gets me uh from left and right swaps the extra safe in this room because i don't want to die and then thankfully uh there is another super terrifying skit but it's the one that i do all the time at 80. [Music] just want to bring up that uh chat also is appreciating the stew pickles homer simpson style screams you've got okay [Music] uh before we went into this run i told mumu i was like if nothing else this run will be very entertaining i'm sure absolutely okay so here's mull night now the chaos orbs being a really cool weapon means that they're going to hit him three times as he passes by nice kills him before he even drops any more dirt piles [Music] this game is absolutely worth picking up please do oh man one of my favorite parts of the run uh i'm gonna bully a kid for his lunch money get over here this is reese this is one of the wandering uh travelers one of the four characters that people got to uh kickstart their way into the game you have to focus on this kill i wasn't kidding about bullying him i know a lot of people probably struggled with that fight that is one of the easier ways of taking him out i love it so when i said that um there were more terrifying stages i kind of meant the rest of the game this is definitely another terrifying stage uh explanatorium has very damaging hazards global cycles trying to make sure i'm lined up with everything please okay yo nice [Music] please go fast please go pass please go fast please go faster okay you you kind of have to walk off of that ledge so if you uh you're too slow you just walk on spikes [Music] ah okay i'm fine why did i risk that don't worry everything's completely under control everyone's safe and sound here in the moomoo bus are we sure i got this handled everything's fine okay so this is a the point we're going to be picking up weapons um as we go instead of uh in the in the town um because they're all really good now uh this is the alchemy coin and when i kill an enemy with it it drops even more money uh i can also knuckle the coin for a little bit of movement which is really cool uh and i can pogo off of it for even more movement so there's gonna be some ridiculous tricks that only work because of the alchemy point yes like that [Music] two good um probably not going to make this cycle so i'm going to a little bit more that's fine and here is a ladder skip using uh these enemies are called fairies um but the community calls them choppies i wonder why i wonder why there's a cool trick in this room that you can do uh with this slide get away um if you're doing 80 because you have to delay or break that checkpoint we instead go for the backup strap 100 and i failed it thank you uh where you would pogo off of that guy and because of weird um hitbox stop hurting me hitbox stuff um you would actually be able to that dirt pile on the left you can actually knuckle it somehow i'm slightly afraid because of my damage so crisis averted i get the heal and i get to fight plague knight a very random character to fight which is very helpful on a run like this [Music] some damage would be nice could you wow okay i haven't hit him with a single coin this is great this fight has gone uh completely off the rails whoa this is pretty much what a casual player looks like fighting this character that's good but i didn't die did not die and that's the goal [Music] okay so uh for a little bit of time i'm going to be using the coin and then knuckling it like that which is uh it's slightly faster than moving knuckling in general is slightly fashionable but it's very expensive in terms of how much magic it cost me to do so it's not going to happen often this is the second duck knife if you're wondering why we call them duck knights all you need to do is take a good look at them one two three perfect okay so now we're doing another shopping trip and this is gonna be uh the last shopping that i do for a while so i'm buying the charge slash which uh is a charged attack but you slow down dramatically when you use it so you can't actually like always hold the charge like you would in the mega man game and i'm buying conjurer's coat which gives me an additional 50 magic which is great um but it also lines the inside of my armor with pins and needles because i take uh 1.5 times damage now as if i needed more reasons to uh run the risk of dying here's baz he hits really hard as well [Music] he's behaved oh this is a huge problem for me uh i have to play this like a wimp actually oh uh you know what he is more likely to kill me i'm gonna restart the fight he has way too much help for me to finish that fight [Music] so because of the way the chaos orbs move um if you are off by like a tiny bit okay there we go they won't hit as many times um please die thank you being at a heart and a half is not actually a safe point for me anymore um anything that deals a whole heart of damage would kill me at this point so i have to be very conscious of uh what deals x amount of damage to me [Music] oops three now in the iron weld is the water stage and this is where the fishing rod is ironically going to be useful because one of the music sheets is uh locked away behind fishing it up another reason why i have to get it um it's safe so how does water handle in this game out of curiosity it just makes me fall down slower and jump a lot higher which means i want to minimize my air time um and also be careful not to jump directly into spikes fishing so the amount of time it takes for me to actually catch something is orangy as well i've had to sit here for like 10 seconds before and it felt great [Music] um god okay this is fine just deciding to be a little bit safer um mostly because the the next boss also has random movement this is uh tethalon this boss can either i mean can slow down not typically but can slow down um moves left and right a bunch moves up and down a bunch and while you're trying to hit the the chest is gonna be the weak spot um can easily bump into me uh which could knock me into a pit or kill me um i have pretty good health right now so i'm not too worried about dying fish though might hit me okay this will give me the anchor the anchor's not a particularly useful weapon a lot of people really like this weapon casually because it's got a really good angle to attack enemies with uh and yacht club also did a good job of putting in like enemies that are above you at such an angle that would be really useful but it's actually not got a lot of the applications if something goes wrong later on i might use it there's a couple of oops moments where i could end up having to use it um and the other weird thing about it is that uh it technically messes up with my weapon swapping order so now the coin is a little bit more annoying to reach from the knuckle just increasing my api apm oh yeah one of the other things that i picked up trench blade uh it's an upgrade that lets you dig up dirt piles in a single swing which is um occasionally useful uh i can actually use it to grab this dirt pile this trick is kind of scary uh you know casually jumping off the tops of falling anchors no problem and then this is just me swagging because i'm an idiot i mean i could die if i screw it up but i don't screw it up i don't ever screw up the all-in-valuable mumuakai everyone of course we're all but invaluable there we go or i'm not confused myself let's move on treasure knight's a little random uh his anchors hit really hard um so it's the fight where i do want to make sure i'm nice and healthy going into it we're almost kind of like halfway done good we are in fact almost there now this dream sequence gonna be a little bit um special if i can manage it it's a little tricky but uh it would be really cool if i can nail the trick uh basically um the way i died to catch shield night the first time was pretty slow don't you think i could possibly catch her faster [Music] yeah okay now i need to make sure that i don't screw this up or otherwise it runs in invalid there we go so you catch her from above all right okay now that forced movement afterwards um would fight me like it automatically pushes me to the right if i don't use the phase lock it i would actually keep skidding i wouldn't be able to get the meal ticket that's in that treasure chest and you can't redo the dream sequences so if you don't get it you have to beat the game again oh god i've lost a run like that that's happened before it was not fun all right let's get a better black knight right very nice so this fight's a little bit different because i have the um i have the charge slash did you just swag on him yes i sure did i do that quite often as well like you throw the money up you throw the money at the bosses when you have the extra soap weapon ammo you know it's it's like here for your troubles shout outs to smoggy who uh got me into doing that it's the most important part of boss kills like i enjoy the fact that you just did not acknowledge and i'm like hold on hold on now we're in the dying machine i mean flying machine i definitely did not mean to say dying machine on purpose or anything um this stage has the hover meanies these enemies which uh they they wind you that's bad they can easily wind you into spice and don't afraid of anything i need to make sure that i kill this one thank you and then there's a room full of three of them later on they're also very random so random in fact that uh when killer was doing the task for this game he had trouble manipulating them one two three ah not high enough but that was still a good kill oh i'm gonna be safe i'm gonna grab this checkpoint you never actually have to get that checkpoint because out of the way but i'm gonna grab it i'm also not going to get the money out of it um this stage has an ostrich it would be extremely terrible if i died nice man i sure did go out of my way to not get that magic i wonder why so now i have the glow there we go example of how bad fishing can be um now i have the propeller dagger this thing is amazing it's basically an air dash and because of how much uh it consumes just four magic which isn't a whole lot but now my magic is extremely important as a means of going fast and the conjurer's coat um not only grants me the additional magic okay uh it guarantees a magic drop off of enemies so it's very useful for facilitating the whole spam dagger save the world i don't like my help because this room is awful okay flight manipulation um is possible but you can't blunder at all or those things will just eat you alive also they respawn the literal frame they're um dead and not on the screen so if you happen to struggle and one of them follows you all over the left and you go back he's waiting for you [Music] [Laughter] are you entertained i am very entertained there's a more important shenanigans like that later as well the last truly scary thing for this stage is uh there's some wind tunnel rooms coming up and it is possible to go faster in them you know if you're uh if you don't value living i suppose okay okay [Music] so we're gonna go uh fight propeller this is a very difficult kill [Music] sometimes i'm actually good at this game i mean like the very beginning like of the run it was just like uh you know a few screams here and there now you're you seem to be pretty together like a fam striker might have something to say about that [Laughter] so this boss um rewards you an extra 2000 gold if you don't take more than half your health and damage that's really punishing to screw up okay it's also a hilarious quick though i just love that you just literally spam dagger into him uh if that goes wrong and i have to reset the fight that's another instant like minute and a half of time loss i'll try and do this little coin [Music] uh the way the coin is designed is that you won't be able to catch up to it normally uh but because of the conveyor belt uh i can actually like get a little bit of speed and get ahead of it so it's a very small time save there are a couple of others that are like that where it's just like just barely possible to do something ridiculous with the coin okay oh that's not good oh god okay [Music] because of the way um like the fast strat of going through a room is pretty locked in if something goes wrong um and the rest of the room is just thrown off you should be prepared for something bad okay oops so this is the mobile gear this is a pretty cool weapon um it does actually deal damage but it's primary uses for getting across large gaps like this uh this room is completely random so i might scream as well it's a miracle the sign daggers did not bully me they have uh random spawn locations so uh you could just bonk into one and die for no reason also i have to be extremely uh aware of my relic placement um we have something in the community called swag gear where you accidentally throw a gear instead of using the dagger and you just drop into a pit it's quite the swag lots of runners love including it in their run i'm fine oh god uh please don't kill me okay did not die go away i told you i'm full of the good stuff the important features most of my uh commentary is just going to be laughing at your shenanigans at this point you gave me a wonderful opportunity to be here so i'm going to make it worthwhile for everyone i am very glad like i've been sitting on your submission for quite a while um like most of my guests at this point i'm just like let's reach out to moomoo shovel knight would be a great candidate for the season three premiere i don't normally grab that health but i want to be safe this fight's really hard yes can i ask do you ever get more help oh wow i managed to get the kill okay oh my god there's more so um specifically because if something goes wrong on phase two it'd be really really terrible but no i don't usually get safety food i just kind of go for it oh this feels magical [Music] okay that adds to the the players who actually go for the more ridiculous strats like applesauce and smoggy there's a coin shenanigan for that fight as well please you should absolutely go check out their runs as well okay so this is stranded ship this is a very magic heavy stage um if i can get a big magic drop i will actually pop off because uh it's a it's an additional like five or six daggers it's pretty great and while the small pack well the small pots will always drop big magic is 30 and those are random please make sure you dagger [Music] [Music] you might have noticed that there's also a lot more spikes and pits or spiked pits in world three [Music] little close [Music] oh good safety checkpoint i'm kidding i have to break it the red ones have 750. they're all going to be a lot more worthwhile at this point they're like oh you're late in the run you know it'd be cool if we tempted you with more money i'm like yeah that is you know kind of cool i guess [Music] magic's a little low [Music] you have enough i might actually make sure i have enough magic for a couple tricks [Music] um the side rooms for the music sheets um in this stage are both right at the very end or well one of them is side room the other one's just an obnoxious place [Music] you see that i swapped over to my phase locket just to be safe [Music] that's great i need this guy i need this guy to be higher thank no we're not going higher i'm gonna die um i i need this music sheet i god so uh i knew there was a i knew there was a magic pot in the block um but apparently it does not collect immediately um i was trying to use it if you heard the little uh nose sound effect that was me trying to save my life good to know also that drake doesn't usually go solo that i can't pogo off of him the first time so uh that was also a fun surprise um thankfully please don't die now uh i don't need to get the music sheet but i do need to make sure i get that money back um and that's the only part that i'm really worried about at this point up until i get there though um i do kind of just get to go through the stage slightly any percent though a little bit more magic okay [Music] and thankfully there is food over here i will take the food this time because i'm pretty long but food isn't why i usually die if you've maybe noticed it's not usually um health related reasons that get me killed [Music] okay [Music] i have to get back to the area assess where exactly the money is [Music] cool i'd even have to stop doing the any percent strat nice uh okay forward it doesn't usually jump up like that a bunch of times it's uh i just saw someone mention the um health upgrades so uh there are a bunch of healthy upgrades that i've been picking up it would be really slow to go back to town just to get a bunch of health upgrades that i'm realistically not going to use [Music] that's one of my favorite selling points of 100 is like oh so you have to get all the health upgrades don't get too excited very nice okay dream sequence drop way more money dream three anyway so i definitely needed to make sure i did that [Music] and that fun fact about how much money i drop on death well i definitely don't want to drop my money now i have 28 000. um that's a lot of money i would have to somehow make up in fact i probably wouldn't be able to make up that amount of money if i lose it permanently so this is frigid flight this is another one of the uh pages that the players can do but it's an optional side stage that's supposed to teach you how to use oh that was scary um it's supposed to teach you how to use the flying dagger in slightly more creative ways [Music] this jump though is really gross [Music] no problem oh yeah um i tend to blank out like all the terrifying things that i will eventually be doing uh this stage has a very terrifying thing i'm just now remembering it [Music] there's a crusher uh that's hiding a music sheet as most crushers are want to do they tend to be slow if you wait on them that guy is not supposed to be in the way like that all right let's get this music sheet no oh man i did the hard part actually getting through that without getting crushed is the hard part now i get to go for it again [Music] but hey at the very least everyone got to see it whoa calm down there buddy if i happen to screw up my movement and i don't get to go for the second time that's fine i guess uh but screwing up my movement is also pretty scary [Music] [Music] okay okay cool away cool [Music] i have to slightly conserve my magic because i need to use the war horn here okay [Music] oh [Music] cool all right just don't die to black knight no problem so the the stun lock for black knight is basically a one frame window for this fight yeah direct okay that's a huge relief for me um this is one of the more terrifying stages especially because now i am breaking every checkpoint they all have basically a thousand gold in them at this point ooh that was a gold split at the end of this stage i will be doing um boss rush [Music] yes it was this room is really terrifying [Music] okay it was more terrifying because i accidentally equipped the wrong weapon good magic i need to get the music sheet at the end of this room god i'm gonna die i have no way of saving this i don't have enough magic there is a way to make that gap but accidentally using the war horn meant no that thing costs 20 magic to use um you could if you ever find yourself in that situation at home uh you could use the gear and the dagger to get across that gap um but i accidentally used the war horn which was bad there was no real way to save that [Music] that's okay i love you know going through the state i just wanted to show off this level one more time [Music] okay good i got the music sheet bye i almost saved myself with the horn yes but it just used up way too much magic um it did kill the jawas which was great uh but there would have been no way what i would have had to have done at that very moment was phase locket to not die of the fire and then i would have had three magic and i wouldn't have been i would have been stuck there this other scroll is gonna be kind of fun because i do um want to be greedy um i can kill enemies in the auto scroller that are worth a fair bit of money but i have to not die that would also be really really bad hey good good good good wow i did it okay cool okay i'm actually going to leave this checkpoint up that is a safety checkpoint for this run uh because boss rush could go wrong and would take an eternity so for boss rush i actually have all these weapons now which is going to be great for dealing damage to them um but i am very limited by the amount of magic i have [Music] uh where are you going oh good warhorn so what i wanted to do there was gear because if tanker comes up you could just have the gear out and he'll die immediately um now because i don't know if i have enough magic for this kill i'm going to be safe and just pogo this whole time and i fell down um so this is a point where using the anchor would be kind of nice but only if i fell down the second time because i still have to do a bunch of damage here so that was fine now i'm absolutely guaranteed to get polar and some more magic this is scary okay we're fine good so propeller is kind of a free fight this does give me a chance to get my health back doing those charge slashes between those lunges is really hard ooh king knight so for this fight i also am going to use shark slash nice wanna be slightly left just in case it's treasure uh okay uh if it's plague night i'll be kind of terrified of course it would be i wouldn't be playing this is fine over here hi okay like night's not fun to fight on low health because you have to use the food to heal immediately okay cool and i have just enough magic to leave with four daggers so that was a fine boss rush a little sloppy but not dying which is the important part also i've been muted for like the last 15 minutes and not realizing that i was kind of wondering i didn't want to say anything without doing a check uh a tech check real quick so i was waiting until i finished the stage to go and look for you it is very very normal for uh for me to accidentally mute myself and forget that i muted myself welcome back i i was streaming a bunch while you were gone i wasn't even gone that long i muted myself to ask a question of my partner and then proceeded to uh apparently never unmute so i was gone for like 30 seconds and i've been here for continued talking in the air well welcome back i'm glad to i'm glad you're back because i was like oh is she okay i was worried about you [Music] okay so i'm this is the hall of champions this is um we're finally doing like exclusive 100 content in this stage i actually don't get to use any of my weapons to kill any of these ghosts um the same goes for the lit's yard i can defeat them with this uh orb of light which i can only really interact with with my shovel because uh it's slightly problematic there's a bunch of money in this stage too so i do need to make sure that i'm getting all the money from these ghosts [Music] catch the cycle nice the boston stage is also really cool um but if i screw up the setup and i'm going to stream a lot [Music] specifically because uh the boss for this stage has to be defeated with these orbs of light and if i don't align the two orbs together then it's gonna be a much harder fight for me [Music] problem this is a big problem just having a bunch of damage [Music] okay oh get rekt that was actually not a bad backup kill i didn't take any damage [Music] [Music] oh a little bit more cleanup now before i go to the last stage so this is knuckles for you this is where you're supposed to learn how to use the dust knuckles um hilariously i might not be doing that because i have the propeller dagger which means i have to do this really terrifying trick to save time we're fine [Music] cool and now we fight mr hat mr hat yes the one and only so mr hat um probably gave a lot of people trouble casually as well uh as as did phantom striker uh and as did phantom striker we're going to execute them with the dagger oh my goodness [Laughter] i just enjoy just like i'm just gonna just ram into you repeatedly you're going to die that's how this works [Music] it's uh it's tied with um the reese fight being one of my favorites whoa okay so i'm buying the rest of my armors i almost forgot to rebuy the classic armor you can do that it's really funny to lose five seconds like that so after i buy all the armors i'm actually going to re-equip the conjurer's coat and it refills my magic all the armors are useful just not for a speed run [Music] [Music] okay not too bad got one more side stays to do this is the forest of phasing i might scream uh this is the stage that's supposed to teach you how to use the face locket which i also don't want to use because it's slow [Music] my money is looking mostly pretty good um if i if i'm short money right now then i will have to fix that with one of the optional auto scroller stages oh god let's see how lucky i am okay that was perfectly timed that could hilariously be unperfectly timed if you get a really fast fishing cast on that particular cast if the travel king isn't up you don't actually get um the music sheet i think i might just barely have the amount of money i need i did try and get extra money just to be safe we're about to find out i need 8 000 for the last magic purchase cool okay my safety net paid off i did my job as a as a runner finally finally power okay so that is basically 100 now i just have to beat the game yo let's go final stretch right yep well that stained glass is actually really pretty pixel art not gonna lie it's really good uh so i took some intentional damage just now um one of the upgrades that i got is called the ground spark it's basically link's um master sword quick uh it screws up the kill so i can't have that but if i take damage you don't get to shoot the ground spark anymore [Music] i did practice this area right before um this run hopefully no screaming i i mean not that you don't enjoy the screening but you know it's not good for my health [Music] three two three one two okay [Music] nice here's enchantress be nice if i could kill her before she goes below the screen yeah good kill and now for one of the most ridiculous tricks in this game the one more dream catch using the power of the coin wait the coin that you've been swagging on bosses with ah i did it a little bit too early so what you can do is you can juggle the coin and then pogo off of it to catch shield knight at the very top of the screen and it is really hard to do [Music] and it saves like 20 seconds so for people doing 80 runs um most of the time save with the coin is uh on the last two splits fantastic [Music] yeah okay not too bad 114 58 that was time by the way yo gg everyone get your ggs out for moo moo the shovel knight 100 you were you were underestimate i promise you that feels really good because like i said my pb is a 109 that i just got last night it was a 111 before that for the longest time uh this is a really hard run and it's very easy to die a lot so 114 is super cool with me hey i have coffee hey more coffee no seriously good job on that thank you i love this game and uh even though shovel knight's my weakest character right now that's only because plague inspector came out and i just fell in love with them more shovel is still an amazing character if you haven't played this game please go play it it's super awesome and fun and uh speaking of shovel knight we have more of it coming up don't we yes um so coming up we have uh plague night and i'm offering five colors for potential choice here just like we did with shovel knight uh so go ahead and vote arino let's see which colors did i put up that's a good question you've got blue orange grayscale pink lemonade and cotton candy yeah so like definitely take the time to vote for your favorite we are going to take a quick break and i just want to remind you before we uh take a break uh that gdq's sum of best segments is now launched on youtube it is our highlight channel with regular videos a lot like our main channel uh but with small highlight reels for all of our main events and hotfix so if you missed anything or if you have to go to bed because i know my show is late and you just want to catch the highlights take a look at that uh we get those highlights up and running very very quickly much like how we do uh the shows after the fact so take a look at our full channel if you want to see the full um uh the full runs or take a look at uh some of best segments it'll be a good time i promise uh so we'll take a quick break we'll be right back and we're gonna move on to we're doing plague night next there we go good evening everyone welcome back to episode 21 of never before scene my name is amber cypren i'm your host tonight as we bring you speed runs of categories that have never before been seen in a mainline gdq event and as always if you happen to run a game that has never been run in an agdq sgdq or gdqx event and you'd like to submit it to the show type exclamation point nbs into the chat to find the link to be able to send me your runs and i would love to have you now that said we are sitting here with moomoo doing shovel knight treasure treasure trove uh three night 100 we're moving on to plague night which uh we did have a pull-up uh just a moment ago that has won cotton candy as our color of choice for plague night [Music] oh sorry go ahead we're locked in i got it just gotta double check that it is the right color uh i have a lot of them memorized not all of them but i've uh pretty sure it's and duker for cotton candy and it is perfect okay so just throwing off because i kind of just like we beat the game which just assumed that i got all the things there's the there's the title screen there's the uh the player the file select you can see all the weapons all the upgrades all the armors all the health all the music sheets um and i did double check the credits there was a 100 on the end of the credit tally so now i'm ready for plate knight all right and uh you said you'd feel a little more confident here with plague knight this is actually the category you submitted to me like weeks and weeks and weeks ago or months ago even this character is so when i first joined uh shovel knight in general um it was further any percent tournament um i kind of just went into the any percent tournament with low percent strats because of uh my friend muncha um he loved low percent uh and so i just followed that with him then i did the 90 percent tournament and then the logical step after doing any percent shovel knight was 100 plague night that was the literal next category i picked up [Laughter] couldn't have been further on the opposite end of the spectrum um this character is so much fun and 100 just lets you do more of that so i'm excited to be able to show this guy off as well uh i'll be counting down on go you ready all right i'm ready whenever you're up i'm ready whenever my tongue decides to speak english words are hard that's why i try to stay hydrated that is a good point on go five four three two one go so yeah i am going to be doing um the other two nights to finish up it's a triple night 100 uh plague knights 100 is the longest of the three by record um my time is better for plague knight actually maybe because of my shovel pb it's not but anyway um that was so recent i just kind of blocked it on my mind this is plague knight plague knight uh gets the same levels as shovel knight for the most part but you can see i'm just kind of zooming already that's because plate knight has this burst that lets you move really really fast and has a double jump that carries the momentum of the burst um there are lots of things that i have to collect you can see these green coins that are scattered all over the levels and there are 420 of them i have to make sure i get all of them um not just because of collectible sake but they also unlock bomb upgrade layouts for flag knight basically i can change how my bomb explodes the way i throw it um and what type of explosion it gives off so there are lots of things for plague knight to buy blade knight has probably the most expensive shopping list out of all the characters on top of having upgrades for armors and uh whoops i think uh coins sub weapons are kind of weird um i'll get to those in the stations we finally get to um them for the most part a lot of the rooms are going to be very similar they've been slightly altered for plague night um because plague knight can't pogo um and they want to emphasize plague knight's abilities so they sometimes remove things that would make it easier to get across the room because they want you to they want you to learn how to burst and uh burst jump but most people don't actually do this movement which is burst jump first if you press the attack button immediately after you uh burst you actually don't throw a bomb um so you get to just kind of double stock your your burst back to back now combat with plateknite is very tricky because instead of having the trusty shovel i actually have these bombs that i have to aim with and then they blow up at a slightly disjointed time so while it is possible to do the same stun lock that i got on black knight as shovel knight doing it as plague night is much much trickier i actually have to use a visual cue where i line myself up depending on whether he goes left or right he went left right of course one more hit there we go okay so that is the stun lock it's really hard to nail because unlike with shovel knight where it's just you swing the shovel when you press the button you kind of have to predictively throw your bomb to keep that rhythm it's like an invisible rhythm you can't actually use your eyes for yes a very good plague nightclub i really do like this one so plague knight is a villain not welcome in the village um that means that we have to go to our secret lair our underground entrance is back here fortunate for this guy [Music] i didn't see shoveling there he is who else is in the village oh dear lady let's go that is uh one of my favorite villagers it's so rare to actually get a villager at all in these so super super short visits to the to the potion area in the village's shoulder night so for plague night um now that i'm in a stage where i actually do have to get a sub weapon um it's kind of funny uh shovel knight had all these relics that he got he picked them up from chester uh plague knight is actually going to get all of shovel knight's relics but they're all useless to plague knight um so we're going to trade them to chester for some spells they are called arcana and they're going to make use of that power meter that i have at the top um instead of having magic that just gets consumed like subweapon ammo power refills over time so it can burn out if i use too much of it too quickly but it'll be fill up on its own and then these are the side rooms the plague night where they are unreachable by shovel knight so they are specifically designed around plate knights abilities which means that they are all very terrifying and this is honestly these rooms are the hardest rooms for uh this category is someone asking me how i am i'm doing great i'm enjoying myself this is a character where i feel like i'm in my element you look like you're in your element this this character handles beautifully it feels so good to fly around like this like a lot of people really really struggled with plate knight movement um and unfortunately because of that plague knight has oh wait this is shovel guy yeah line that up uh plague knight is very slippery so stopping directly on top of the silhouette is really really hard [Music] big boom this is a sub weapon that's just like a gigantic explosion oh come on i'm so close um so it's not particularly different from the bomb that i can already throw but it does have a nice attack radius um it does deal more damage uh so it does have a lot of uh applications all over the place uh but yeah because plague knight very slippery gets knocked back way further um very hard to control like this most people actually did not really like plague knight's campaign um one of the least popular characters uh casually but if you if you learn how to do this stuff i promise you you'll have a good time this character is so much fun the movement is really fluid once you actually master it yeah i hate this room okay that room was terrifying for shovel and even more so for plague [Music] the fighting has plagued night like i said before a little bit trickier and kind of awkward um but you can still fight just about as good as shovel knight if you know what you're doing nudge king knight out of this corner nice three [Music] nice close enough the way most of that works is because plague knight can jump cancel bomb throwing you can lob basically six bombs at an enemy in a rope uh which is really good dps or damage per second if uh that's not a term you're familiar with um so between every stage you have to go the potionarium it's a chance for you to get some upgrades and stuff i i'm not gonna be doing that for a while because you need a lot of coins to unlock anything really worthwhile no the bosses are not a joke in this game they're all actually really difficult they're just if you know what you're doing um you even still struggle after that gold armor wasn't too bad so plague knight thankfully doesn't need to break every checkpoint like shovel did which means i'm gonna have way less anxiety for this character as well uh but i'm coming up on another one of those side rooms um and this room is very reminiscent of a mario maker room where they just dump like every enemy you possibly can okay that wasn't too bad and they're really counting on you to be able to uh fly over these bottom pits health is not looking super good but there is a dinner plate over here [Music] uh there's gonna be a lot of awkward grunts from me trying to wiggle my way around as this character i'm sorry did you just go into a like washing machine and yes i'm so glad you called it there that is what else call it no that's what we call it because everyone is like what is that a washington everyone has said that it looks like a rock like a rocket-powered washing machine or something if it's a cauldron which is like maybe my assumption that's wrong because everyone has called a washing machine so i love it it puts you in a spin cycle and spits you out like what are you talking about cauldron get that out of here [Music] late night is very hygienic clean oh i hope you love this one oh my god yeah that's um another fun one to include in the run every time frogs please good okay i'm fine i don't think i have my double jump yeah okay so i don't get my double jump unless if i land so i need to constantly be aware of that because there's no visual cue for like oh you have a double jump now um so i might panic if uh i need my double jump but i don't have it but that's part of playing this character correctly you just gotta really memorize that yeah not getting hit there can i get the sweet slide yeah i hope bad things don't happen okay okay okay this boss fight's a little awkward because you actually have to burst into the boss room and that normally is a very inhibited action but you can do it in just such a way to get to the top platform um oh oh this is really not good this is really bad um i missed out on so much damage but that was actually not a god-awful fight i really had to make that up [Laughter] i screwed up so early i was like what do i do i think you adapted pretty well all things considered a bad fight loses five seconds i only lost seven seconds on that oh wow basically you have to there's a coin flip whether spectre or not uh specter teleports left or right as like same for shovel and the fact that i only lost two seconds over the potential five seconds okay so that's world one um one of the nice things about um plague knight is they were really kind in general with plague knight they just give you the health upgrades you don't actually have to like buy them or anything they kind of knew that you were going to be taking a lot of incidental damage as this character i'm in the explanatorium um lake knight is not the boss of his own stage would be hilariously awful if it was because plague knight himself is just really random and hard to fight uh but no instead i get to fight shovel knight later on i wish i could just you know be the boss and turn off all the hazards in this level because this level's nightmarish one of the funnier things about this stage um is that uh the uh the weapon that shovel knight gets is the um alchemy coin right uh that's really gonna mess with me later and uh whenever whenever plague knight picks up a sub weapon he looks at it he calls it a worthless hunk of junk um he made the alchemy coin so that's just an extra hilarious bit of flavor text for me there i got this room is so awful there we go what is going to happen in this room i screwed up the movement where is this guy that was really weird okay okay we're fine bike pot lids deal heart in half i don't want to get hit by those so played knight trades that in for the staff of surging this is a short you can this is actually really really good it's basically uh another jump for me in the air [Music] nice okay [Music] nice nice okay uh didn't heal that's uh this is fine as long as i don't take more damage i do need to take one more hit how am i not taking okay this is a strangely clean stage i usually take more damage than this nice okay the reason why i do need to take damage is because there's a manipulation for the shovel knight fight shovel knight is treated like a player character we're fine um so shovel knight is actually going to act really really randomly which is really awkward and hard to deal with but it does get knocked back so i'm going to sit in this corner and bully him um but he does have a way out unless if you have very low health pray pray pray pray pray pray pray you got your apple juice now please sit still oh my god he did the thing anyway okay so he threw an anchor that was the one thing i was afraid of and that's why i was mashing for my life oh my god you have to use apple juice i didn't want him to have his apple juice either that cost five seconds but he got it and then he was still grumpy it's okay you can put him down for a nap maybe he's got a nap don't worry oh i get to do shopping now okay so i finally have enough coins to unlock something useful not with 40 but with 120 so 40 oh sorry 100 so it's uh 40 then 60 and i can get the cluster powder this is a really good bomb explosion type but i'm not going to use it right away because first i have to bully a kid for some lunch money [Laughter] what who are you bullying and why it's reese again okay i love that the bomb throw timing for this is in rhythm with the song you are literally playing ping pong with yourself so you saw the bomb blow up for a little bit there um my new bomb type no longer deals just one hit it deals three hits but i can only throw one bomb now uh but that does free my hands up to do other things so it's a good tool for the run in general now i can throw a cluster bomb and then attack with other weapons oh and we're back in lost city you know that stage that i had a couple of heart attacks in yeah it's uh ready for a couple more sure okay [Music] i did not mean to blow up that terrain below me should have gotten that checkpoint don't worry about it i'm not gonna die this is gonna be totally fine yeah okay i love that strap the only thing that i really have to worry about is this next room uh where if i you'll see okay gotta intensely wiggle to not get hit by those things i'm gonna get this checkpoint just to be safe it's not a cauldron no way almost like a potbelly stove maybe but like cauldron no you'll get to see one of those every time we do a side room [Laughter] excellent i can try to figure out what the heck it's supposed to be i don't like uh pattern of those moving platforms oh yeah more uncomfortable rooms so uh i don't have to go around a long way to get this coin um if i do that [Music] doesn't get me killed uh nine times out of ten if i'm slightly silent it's because i'm slightly terrified of every room as this character i love this character and i'm way more comfortable with this character but every room can kill me like i'm a little quiet just so you can focus because like you said every room can kill you very much so like i am the peanut gallery tonight i am here to laugh have a good time and be like yo that was really cool you should do that more that's good stuff that's that good stuff right there okay right oh okay so more night with bombs one two three two cool mole knight is not an ideal fight for the cluster bomb because he moves around really quickly so he actually just goes straight through the hitbox but the rest of the fights are actually pretty good and having big boom really supplements a lot of the fights so i have had a very limited amount of uh power right now just two notches um but i'm about to do my magic upgrades [Music] five bars is quite nice oh i don't get five fires i'm in four bars remember to feed one speed runner to another i just want to say counting is hard it's too hard like why do you think we have like you know things like live split and you know a counter for a live split and stuff like that like we can't count are you kidding me i if i was doing this at a live event right like i wouldn't actually have live split and i would have to remember everything and that would make it much harder that sounds like a disaster waiting to happen if it were me it'd be a disaster i definitely appreciate that uh we're cool here with me using live split oh anytime honestly like if it were a live event i couldn't have live split you bet i'm having a counter on my lap in the form of my phone or something i would have both of my arms tattooed in strats [Laughter] the real-life speed guides live which is an excellent component by the way and here i am in the czech's notes by scratching arm uh iron whale okay so the thing about the iron whale is just like it was for shovel knight where i fall down slower and i jump higher your burst height though is maintained that's not changing which is a really nice thing to go by you can use the for a lot of consistency um you fall down really slow so you really don't ever want to be like find the right spot he's just destroying everything mass havoc cool all right i picked up the bait bomb um as you might imagine plague knight enjoys some fishing um in the way god intended with explosives whoa don't do that oh that was weird cool i also picked up the smoke bomb it's um it's a it's a kind of useful weapon it's really slow but there are occasions where i can use it and it won't cost me any time it just it might even save time but for the most part i might just use it for safety it makes me invincible for a very short amount of time for those of you who are asking what moomoo's channel is i can provide that follow mumu if you have it very entertaining runner couldn't be happier to have him here okay we're fine thank you [Laughter] good timing on that part i'm going to heal because i don't want to die and now i'm going to do something i'm going to do something a little silly looking oh cool i found the room what so uh in this game you can trigger room transitions without actually being in them um but you're normally not supposed to be able to um but sometimes they forget to put them um i call them blockers um they sometimes forget to put them blocking off the next room uh so there are a couple spots where it's actually possible to do something like that and the benefit to doing that is that none of the um entities are loaded in that room there's a good damage nice so in some cases it's a little bit faster um also because it cuts out on some room transition so that little bit of time between each screen gets minimized we're doing some slightly very specific use of the smoke bomb a second um this is a really cool room just because it highlights how cool the smoke bomb is just having it stick around long enough and then the invincibility lasts long enough for me to get out of here [Music] spoiler that might have been the word i was looking for my ride oh [Music] so sad the treasure night's um a little bit of a joke because you can just stay up in the air for the most of this fight oh no that's that oh don't you dare [Music] this is what i get for talking bad about him he heard you were talking smack if he knocks you into that chest he mugs you oh no i need all of my money it's going to be very very close again all right so uh that's two worlds down and we got another cutscene and i got another health upgrade and now i'm gonna be loading in metroid um you're okay with me doing super match right now aren't you yeah why not cool uh what's your favorite ability from that game uh you're gonna look like look at me sideways i've never played it well that's okay i'm gonna show you what it's like um because i heard that you can spin around and do lots of damage to enemies so i'm maybe going to slightly look like samus yeah i mean like that's vaguely like the screw attack is vaguely what i'm familiar with uh i i played baby's first metroid very recently i played zero mission and enjoyed the screw attack quite a bit i also have not played super metroid so don't feel bad hey we could be friends who have not played super metroid together no judgment here so now i have spin burst this thing is awesome it turns me into a flying hitbox and because of the way damage works in this game if you are hitting something it actually loses its uh contact damage for about half a second uh which is just enough to usually get out of it as well or continually deal damage to enemies so because of the little fact spin burst is just absolutely incredible comboed with cluster bomb and an upcoming weapon um plague knight's a machine and again it saddens me a lot of players um who play played knight casually don't get to see how fun it is to handle this guy like the movement looks so fun right now gets better [Music] [Music] so in this stage i'm going to be picking up one of the last really useful weapons for play knight which is the staff of striking it is a melee attack for plague knight and while that is not um inherently super useful uh it does keep him aloft which is actually very helpful on some fights oh god i have to do one of the worst rooms in the game okay uh flying machine as we demonstrated last time nightmare so let's combine win with spikes and more jawas fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine ah that room sucks um [Music] these shovel knight relics i don't know i'm pretty sure they add to your percentage but if i don't pick them up i have to buy all of plague knight's weapons manually and they all have a ridiculously absorbing cost to them um if i didn't trade in the flying dagger for the staff of striking that i'm about to pick up it's a 9 000 gold purchase i'm fine wind blowing you directly down into spikes is a good reason for me to have anxiety no i agree i'm just still laughing at the aggressive purchase uh shout outs to more shoes bombs you want them you got them my friend the uh plate knight world record holder red pan pan is uh an acolyte of morshu as he would probably say oh my goodness so now i have the staff i'm gonna get to show off what it looks like uh some of my other friends also call it the staff slapping it's pretty good what [Music] calm down there oh we are not playing with playing night please okay i made it dime machine trying really hard to live up to its name you don't have to try too hard to come up with like five other synonyms that everyone has also used for this stage [Music] uh shout outs to the best dance [Music] it almost makes it look like plague knight has blue hair [Music] that's actually it looks like they're like doing a dramatic pose that's it just make all the nights into the ginyu forest it'll be fine oh god that would be amazing i need ginyu for shovel knight fan art right now someone fund it so stafford striking has a neat property come on come on come on come on come on yes i was staff of surging i mean um the developers were so adamant about you not gaining infinite height with it that they made it so that it forces you down really hard and it fights the wind that's great you can actually use it to skip the wind tunnel stuff all right here's propeller whoa too much damage stick ah this is not good fine get out of here nobody wants that i did way too much damage sent propeller up before he did the second set of lunges uh [Music] it's still not a bad fight though that fight got nerfed because when when plagued that originally released it was harder to hit him with bombs oh what's up sora yo you gotta you gotta jump on that tokusentai or is a uh very much specter knight themed fan artist but does uh shovel knight art in general oh very cool stuff also i'm bullying black knight and i love it that is the other benefit to having cluster bomb and staff strike so similar to a shovel knight once more uh there's just so many similarities between uh flake nine shoveling's campaign i do get to fight phantom striker and i do get penalized if i take more than half my health and damage against this fight i want to beat phantom striker good and healthy so that i can get 2 000 gold bam striker also calls you out as a cheater if you use tonics to heal through the fight [Music] very nice scoop loop that's a pretty good name for the black knights unlock i like that okay so that was a pretty good fight there more terrifying stages um the side room and clockwork tower gives me a lot of anxiety any guesses any thoughts how do you what do you think that room might look like if i'm afraid of it what do you think oh god uh when do i change the estimate back to god help me you could do that right now uh so in this room um i'm going to do a damage boost going into it and then that'll get me through some of these ah i'm in a bad spot but a bad spot okay the easy room out of the way now for the harder part of the side room i wanted that coin [Music] okay are we no longer afraid that's what you think memorize it we're getting cool movement tech um i also met terrifying movement tech so we're getting the fleet flask in this next room this is kind of probably what yacht club intended for people to use um to go fast casually but it does have some speed running applications because of the difference in the way it moves it is as fast as bursting but it's great in rooms with low ceilings um because bursting is not super good if you can't maintain good jump height whoa okay we're fine i need that coin okay we're fine oh god oh my god [Music] everything's fine i need this coin [Music] i need this coin cool okay please hit me thank you finally okay i'm fine okay i'm still fine now don't take more damage okay that damage boost was intentional um i did here's the fun thing about blake knight um it looks really haphazard a lot of it's intentional did need to take that damage boost so i just had to make sure i had enough help for it having half a head afterwards was a little scary but it was fine oh god i didn't have my job okay we're about to fight tinker night um the mobile gear still one shots tinker i would assume but plague knight can't use it just trade it in um hilariously though uh yacht club made us that plague knight deals double damage to tinker nice you can still finish them off pretty quickly and then phase two you don't actually deal double damage um but you do have really good air superiority nice also also if you've been wondering um the plot of shovel knight's campaign was to go and uh save shield night and defeat the enchantress the part of this campaign is to make some pepsi and impress your girlfriend what [Laughter] make some pepsi like i can always impress your girlfriend but make some pepsi gotta make that strong baptist pepper smacks [Laughter] i'm gonna be doing a lot more awkward wiggles now that i have the fleet flask because it's pretty good in some situations oh yeah that's uh that's gonna be great we'll see how much i scream after this uh we're doing another side room hooray the theme for this one is spikes [Music] okay i don't know how you're supposed to do this from casually because if you don't have the smoke bomb you have to burst across this god-awful spike setup give me this good okay we're fine oh by the way uh i have a very important announcement to make it is 1201 am here on the east coast happy birthday muumuu yay happy birthday to me thank you okay we're fine good good i almost made that dang that couldn't have been in a better time that's my favorite room [Music] i wasn't sure because we were starting earlier uh that we were gonna last until my birthday never mind these categories take forever [Laughter] um i don't need to break this checkpoint [Music] think about that uh plague knight again needs way less money which is really really nice enjoy the fact that your first minute of your birthday was spent just screaming it's i wouldn't have it any other way neither would i like if if like i'm under the right impression neither would i it's very this trick is kind of okay so this is uh follow your nose um it'll line myself up properly yeah there we go okay a couple tries there uh using plague knight's nose as the visual cue okay we're fine the other visual cue for that is if you have um played knight's fancy armor i made it cool if you have played knight's fancy armor he has a slightly different walk animation uh so the strat is called hand touch his current walk animation is actually really kind of like this like almost cute happy skipping they used to have like a richter walk with purpose strut like the oh man the belmont strut is like a walk it's a real good i kind of want to show it off later i'll probably try and look up the code if i can find it it's not it's not a big deal but like play play knight definitely has the belmont strut [Music] and besides we'll get to show off the gold armor later that's the optimal way to finish this run i don't care what anyone else says you could maybe make some use of one of the other armors that played knight gets but you'd be objectively wrong to not choose the gold armor oh what's up foxy do you do you remember the alucard sheet off the top of your head it saved me a little bit of time oh god uh happy birthday i got to do shivering sprint so if you had to ask me out of all the parts of this run what am i most worried about it's this ah man okay i missed out on the first cycle this is fine it's not like the rest of it gets any easier no oh yes let's see if i don't get crushed twice oh god okay we're fine oh okay no worries we're fine cool wall of spikes so uh when i first started learning 100 i didn't realize that that wall of spikes actually moves and i bonked a couple times i bonked a couple times at the very beginning and uh by the time i finally got my fleet flask working it was literally like a pixel behind me and i was just screaming for the entire run [Laughter] i'm just like picturing that it was right behind me and i didn't know that happened oh my god i would probably only be able to just go eat until i got through if i got through okay wow i look like i actually know what i'm doing for once see if i can get this one getting through that is really hard getting to the point where i have to break checkpoints again you know case i missed the classic hundo experience [Music] oh jeez okay no i'm not getting crushed god okay i'm fine [Music] all right okay everything's fine maybe i didn't die did not die vanish a lot did not die though i was uncomfortable [Music] still fine [Music] ignore the fact that i'm bleeding quite profusely lacerations what are you talking about i don't see any it would be a really swag wiggle if i could make it uh oh that was the wrong button yes you respawned no oh wow that absolute jerk okay so now i get to fight black knight um i can't unlock him not internally it can do a lot of damage to him though you actually purposefully let him go oh nice most of the time he escapes to the air after you let him go that was really smooth oh okay oh that was a gold spot for me now we got to do hour two with boss rush toward the end i have to do one slightly terrifying please get over your strap okay sometimes that smoke bomb doesn't appear until very very late uh and so you're just rushing toward a spike ceiling praying to god oh god and then this room is uh one of the most awful rooms in the game for reasons that will be very apparent i get coined i don't care if it's a really bad spot i [Music] good i can't believe you're alive ah i can't believe it's not a speed run i mean it is okay we're fine cool did that one better [Music] what are you doing okay made it my health is actually kind of in a good spot um we're doing boss rush which means i do have to fight shovel knight again which means i do want to lower my health again i would damage boost at this point as uh as unintelligent as that seems to be doing uh i would be doing that to about three or four hearts if you were um one of the top plate knight runners they actually damaged themselves down to basically just two hearts which is like the most minimum you could possibly have i do not have that confidence i think you're fine as you are but i also don't blame you like that when you were like yeah it's like basically two out of two hearts that they'll go down to and i'm like excuse me why it's like cause it's fast this foot is totally faster it's painful it's faster um again the reason why it's specifically faster is because uh when shovel knight sees that you have less than two full hearts of health you won't use a face locket uh that's a huge time saver which means i don't want to accidentally grab food that would be hilarious um the running joke is that the order is concerned about plague night they want to make sure he's eating well i don't want the turkeys i also have to be very aware of how much power i have because using cluster and stuff like that is really cool but if i burn out that's a huge problem but here comes polar knight here comes polar knight he's trying to sorry it's not christmas it's almost halloween i was like i was about to keep going i was like right down polar knight lane oh he would definitely mow me down polar knight lane ooh spectre night this is a really fun fight with the staff [Music] we're trying to give you turkeys it's not thanksgiving uh we're sitting here singing like you know christmas carols saying christmas is close enough to halloween right we got to get it right sometime i have often considered doing some sort of uh spooky marathons during this month spectre oh that's fat okay [Music] this is fine i do have less than but i have i have a lot of tonics right now so i should be okay last one being tanker knight is actually kind of funny because you just if you're in a good spot that's not bad almost perfect just kind of slap him down okay this is really good now uh except for my positioning i guess i'll fight him on the right that's also okay come on trouble okay cool it's much easier to unlock him with the cluster bomb nice oh yeah shout out to david who's also doing some specter knight stuff this month good timing inspector knight uh david david knight is a top spectre man runner we're in the home stretch ooh that was a gold split for boss for us that's awesome yo two goals in a row or at least that you've acknowledged in a row now we're doing the uh hall of champions this is a really awesome stage because uh plague knight is uh again not welcome uh so you just get to destroy the guards the guards are some of the worst enemies in the game because they will just repeatedly dodge you for forever there are some setups to basically instantly kill them but you'll know when uh one of them is giving me the business [Music] [Music] oh they got rats i get excited because if you hit them on the way in i don't know what it is about their health but they just instantly explode which is great because they take forever to kill otherwise this whole stage is just another fun reason why you should do 100 yeah okay oh make sure i get this coin okay please all right now i wonder how many people are screaming in chat that i forgot some of the coins and music sheets because you have to do this place twice for just one person mentioned that you missed a coin but it sounds like it might be sarcasm yes that is troy everyone here seems to be astute and trust me i suppose not be forgetting stuff on purpose or by accident so for this version of the stage i have to break all the portraits which is kind of funny to me that yacht club was just like yeah and these are all our donors and now you get to destroy them uh some people run aisles of this of this stage because it has a timer and it's also really fun and challenging so there are there is a leaderboard that is specifically for um basically whatever category you want you want a free world record you just define a category for me and i'll approve it on the uh extension sport seven start and stop [Music] so i will know that i have all the coins if i finish this stage with a number of four which is the number that i will finish them for a little bit longer actually this is the last stage where that's the case 312 not too bad um i've seen i've personally gotten into two twenties so my movement you lose so much time in this in this character just for not having clean movement like the character is super fun to handle but like if you want to show mastery you you gotta slip and slide and groove and smooth [Music] i'm not gonna have a number ending in four after this stage because i spent a bunch here i have to collect the rest of this level this is the armor outpost where i get to fight more guards this is where shovel knight they're not fun to fight especially when i don't get to have the jump on them like i do in the paula champions to make sure i don't constantly trigger their evasion what i have loosely determined is that their evasion is based on what your bond is first off because they didn't dodge at all when i used the base bomb layout i was like did they forget what's going on i just came into here one day with the default bomb layout i was like this is ridiculous i can't believe this is almost a strap but like switching your layout would be really bad just for that one time save uh but other than that they just kind of react to whenever you throw a bomb at all or if you're bursting near them so it makes them really hard to hit [Music] okay now we get to fight mr hat again [Music] um this is not good you're kidding me um this is lester could you not do that thank you i did not know that when hat is finishing the transformation um you cannot damage them oh wait that's wrong now let's put there a little bit more shopping i'm picking up some of the other items that i didn't get in stages the leech liquid is a way of healing while you deal damage and berserker's brew lets you become um super armored which is useful but neither of them is actually particularly good for the run at all oh hey it's baz you don't have to fight bez which is really funny to me um this is 100 which means i just have to get 100 of the percentage points on the file a very uh dk-64 style excuse me people have asked why don't you fight baz why don't you do the map stuff it's because they all have percentage yeah they don't they don't count to the counter um what baz does do is um provide you with a music sheet if you haven't fought one of the other wandering travelers so fighting wres gave us the music sheet that we would have gotten from beating baz um bez would give us money but not worth um fighting him for [Music] this stage is really awful by the way oh i got that i can't believe i got that uh this is where i've lost multiple minutes at the end of my run repeatedly whoa ah okay we're fine go away [Music] okay and i have [Music] more than enough money right now which is great 42069 is the optimal amount of money for no particular reason now it's time to go shopping yo it's bandy it's one of the artists for this game one of the pixel artists and does key art as well a really awesome individual that adds to pandygrass the art for this game is absolutely delightful so huge shout outs to that a lot of level backgrounds are absolutely stunning oh this backdrop is amazing right here see all that money is uh kind of really important uh there are so many club upgrades that you have to buy it's okay we just like shopping it's great also um for turning in all the uh cypher coins i got the pandemonium chalice which i can now go to the chapel king just like shovel knight and get a drink won't that be delightful also also percy gives you money for the music sheets um not because percy plays music but because percy needs them to write down um formulas in the back of uh poor bard the bard wants those music sheets back and first he's just using them as a sketch paper nice all right long may his stem grow all hail the chapel king [Music] this is uh absolutely one of my favorite parts of the run [Music] yes absolute shout outs to nick wozniak who is the other uh one of the other artists for this game who did a lot of pixel art uh and did really awesome pixel art all over this game was probably responsible for fish booty wiggles i was like sitting here trying to process what i was looking at this is one reason why i wanted this to end up at a gdq someday just because of this dance cause that's how it's done [Music] so fun fact pandemonium chalice um gives you pandemonium cloak if i linger too long on the menu what its effect is is to randomize your entire bomb layout uh and your color every few seconds so you know if you love chaos go ahead and equip it if i leave it on too long though i'll have to fix my bomb layout before i leave but now i'm fabulous you see plague night now has a bunch of sparkles yo baz is not in the way thank you baz bye also we learned how to dance [Music] and yeah i basically don't have any money left oh yeah i should probably do this now i can dance interruption this is the one use of berserker's brew playing night is just fabulous i love it oh god what the hell uh excuse my language i i did not expect to get hit during that [Music] uh anyway this is plague night being even more incredible i love the way this looks i'm just thinking about like the uh the uh fleek flask just trying to like with the belmont strut it must look absolutely ridiculous like i was sitting here for a minute i was like man if that green wasn't there i can imagine like that run cycle looks ridiculous and i was like well what if it was the belmont strut too it's really it's really good enchantress a little problematic not bad that was a good kill we're almost done we have two more boss fights to go call our time correctly this time wasn't uh quite prepared on shovel so late night actually has to hmm you know what i think i forgot something important i'll be right back [Music] is this shadow plague knight okay yeah there we go oh man plague knight might kill me i might want to continue holding perfectly still um is something wrong i i have never actually that's a lie i have seen a buff so aggressively not hit you like so but but good kill what then i was slower but it was hilarious i don't mind fighting that plague knight but i thought that would have been way funnier that explains the luigi kill everyone was talking about luigi wins by doing nothing you know it ah there we go that's really close to my actual pb in fact i kind of threw away a pb by doing the luigi kill remind me where your pb was uh my actual pb let me go to because these are new splits that was time by the way i forgot to say the thing dang my bad um play it looks like a 1206 on my screen that's what i got on my splits as well late night 100 my time is a 111 flat um so if i played a little bit better and didn't chuck 20 seconds away to um standing there and doing nothing uh i could have pb but this was so fun and man i killed it that was so much better than my shovel run by comparison yeah like that that was really good get your ggs out by the way to to mumu for not only uh showcasing a really great playing night run uh for 100 but throwing away a pb for your entertainment while also celebrating his birthday [Music] like you just had it all in one there you could have had a pb for your birthday instead oh man if i had played better though i could have had the pb and the luigi kill i should have played better that's the lesson i learned here [Music] just play better and get the pb with the luigi kill that seems right but uh we do have even more shovel knight for you and uh like i think you also wanted to show off the uh the the uh the strut right yes let me go get to that real quick while you go ahead and uh say some stuff and things absolutely uh first and foremost uh just let me remind everyone uh that you're all awesome for being here but secondly um that if you missed out on any of our hotfix shows because we do have quite a few new ones starting up in the next couple of weeks as well uh check out our archive of past runs and shows at gamesunquik and we do have on those new shows uh you can check out the information for when they start and what they are uh and watch our twitter so check out our twitter and go to forward slash hotfix for information on those we also have a poll coming up uh that will determine what color our final run uh with spectre knight is going to be we've got magenta we got the spooky black and orange we've got plain old orange i'm going to downplay that one cotton candy blue and pink so if you want more cotton candy you can have it and then we've got sky blue so [Music] uh while mumu shows off the uh the cheat code here to give us our uh our simon belmont or alucard straw strut was was this originally the planned walk sequence for it i think so look at this this is so cool oh my god hydro storm that is that is absolutely animated yeah that is absolutely really smooth and almost too smooth i think why because like in general with this game one of the things that they were trying to achieve was that retro look so if they made something that looked a little too good they did tone it down a little more yep so uh we will be right back uh we're gonna take a quick break uh go vote in that poll if you want uh there is five choices go vote and have a great time taking care of yourself stretch and hydrate uh while we get specter night ready for you hello everyone welcome back to episode 21 of never before seen my name is amber cypren i am your host tonight as we bring you one more speedrun of a of a category that has never before been seen in a mainline gdq event and as always if you happen to be running a game that has never been run in agdq sgdq or gdqx events and you'd like to submit them to the show please type nbs into the exclamation point mbs into the chat to find the link to be able to send me your runs i would love to have you so we are celebrating one more run uh one more birthday run with mumu in the form of spectre night 100 and looking at things it looks like the winner is resoundingly spooky black and orange colors because you know it's spector night it's halloween well it's october it's close enough to halloween there's your color pretty good i do like this one quite a lot yeah that one's actually not the one it's not the one i usually run but i respect this choice absolutely oh and speaking of specter knight don't ever talk to me or my son or my son's son or my son's son son ever again [Laughter] oh my goodness just like look at all the memorabilia it's so good i i like you some shovel knight perhaps just a tiny bit by the way that tabletop game is amazingly fun to play highly recommend if anyone could go check it out the shovel knight dungeon duels i sometimes do that on stream like every other week but yes the boys all need to go sit somewhere else so that i can actually split without destroying them so what can uh what can folks expect with this ron so spectre knight is very similar to uh ninja gaiden in a sense you have a kind of stubby but very fast attack and you have the ability to jump and climb off of walls you also have unique to spectre but very similar to sonic a dash attack which is semi-homing in nature um it is a really fun character um especially once you start to get upgrades when the character came out i actually campaigned and worked really hard i grinded until i had world record for the uh four major categories on the main leaderboard any percent low percent new to do four gameplay categories back to back to back to back oh yeah oh man uh but it was a lot of fun i love this character and 100 is absolutely one of my favorite characters categories for this character where is that water it sounds like you need to hydrate now uh i'm going to go ahead and grab that cup real quick i'm sorry just to make sure um but yes the run will be uh starting very very soon where's that water so in the meantime okay water we have water [Laughter] before i can even say in the meantime anything it's like we have water [Music] okay ready to go and i'll go ahead and count us down sounds good to me i'm ready to go whenever you are [Music] yep check check check and five four three two one go so specter knight 100 um kind of starts out similarly to any percent uh and that's because one of the major upgrades that kind of defines this character is an armor that we can't access because of how expensive it is uh we'll have to do the first two stages very vanilla style um so this is very similar to uh just any percent in general and low percent actually um now we see nice big sight um very very fast and great at chewing through enemies uh in the air you get a honing attack you can still do the regular attack if there's no targets nearby but as soon as you're close enough to an enemy you'll do the dash tag which [Music] nice uh sometimes i can do that which is a double dash mario kart strats um you have to be very particularly um spaced out to do those uh but the dash is a quite fast movement tool so until i get beefier movement options i'm going to be doing double dashes if i can or dash attacks whenever possible [Music] in terms of things that spectronite has to collect a lot of money for armors um you don't need to use money on subweapons but you do need to use these red skulls that are scattered throughout the stages there are a hundred of those that i need to collect and then once i do have the weapon i can actually upgrade them to make them more powerful [Music] it's going to be armors sub weapons their upgrades and these red skulls [Music] now do you need um a fair chunk of money uh also i briefly forgot to mention one of the other things i'll be getting health and darkness upgrades which are right here there is usually one in every stage there's a couple that don't have them but they provide you with some type of uh max benefit so will is your health and the darkness twists are my sub weapon ammo which you get a little bit every time you kill an end so this game really rewards you for being aggressive because spectre can wall climb what i just did was some ladder skipping it is not something you can do in a lot of places because normally when spectre jumps off of a wall you get pushed away really far uh but in some very small uh tight spaces you can actually do what i just did um jumping is faster than climbing up a ladder normally there's your first level and then we have uh you'll never guess it's black knight oh boy i'm black knight so black knight um now has a trusty steed oh that's a development it does make the fight a little bit trickier but also a little bit more incredibly hilarious i really feel like i'm just yelling at him to stop hitting himself [Laughter] and i won't get to do that again later unfortunately so i'm taking advantage of it while i can black knight and shovel knight when they are boss fights they're kind of like the player character where they have knockback and iframes but when black knight is on terrapin does not have that benefit so you can just bully him like that so spectrum's campaign is um very different compared to shovel and plague uh first of all uh you have access to sub weapons basically immediately i'm picking up the dread talent this thing hits like a truck um it also when it's upgraded it will give me super armor which is really cool uh but this thing will go through armored enemies deals a full heart of damage quite useful a little bit of air movement um you have to do one of those little challenge rooms kind of teaches you how to use the weapon every time uh and it's kind of funny because there is a very small time save that i'll actually be getting to do in just a moment because of the drip tilt but yeah this is the hub i'll be coming there every time i uh beat a stage i gotta go back there and do a little bit of shopping in some way shape or form uh darn i try okay so i'll get one more try yes time saved the amount of time that i saved was uh not having to ride on one more of those uh following five ones very important time save [Music] this character is a lot of fun you have a lot of enemies that you can just kind of fly through [Music] this is definitely 100 me in my element with plague knight i absolutely love plague knight but my times with plague knight are far more focused on um 100 and 80 spectre i definitely have this character completely under my belt which feels great i always feel like uh i'm in power when i'm playing this character yeah like i recall uh this was actually not this run specifically but plague knight not like spectre knight was actually the run that you did it agdq right yes that was actually my first exposure to you and i was just like absolutely like crazy about your energy like i was just like very very like just like really into it and i was just like when you submitted to to the show i was like if i didn't have a big old cube right now like i would like and you'd submitted plague night specifically and i was just like i need to find a use for this and then i realized wait a minute i could just catch him on a one of my season premieres because that's usually the show i set aside every season that revisits games but like with new categories or like categories that aren't uh showcased on the main uh stage yeah i uh i've i've been considering like would i wanted this a gdq yes but also i understand fully that this is a kind of volatile run because of just how many checkpoints you're breaking and it's not something i ever really expected to get into any uh any events really so this is really cool as far as like opportunities go i'm super excited to be showing this off because i get to stream a lot more [Music] that's definitely absolutely going to happen uh you may have noticed um i'm already breaking a billion checkpoints and that's not a spoiler and i've kind of been in this level for a while so it's kind of terrible something would have happened to me in this room thank you that's definitely not the intended way of going through that room either it almost looks completely intended i try to make it look good so uh maybe i had missed it um but what's money like for this run uh compared to like plague nighter shovel knight so i don't have to break every checkpoint i have to break all the ones that are worth like a ton a good chunk of money um anything that has like 500 or more basically the yellows and the reds this is the triple java room i need to focus on this [Music] okay we're fine um i do need a lot of money no doubt but uh it's far more secure feeling in general okay [Music] okay and we're clear with the first stage uh as you can see i do have a lot of money on me right now and the bosses all award you like a different amount of money propeller knight being supposedly one of the harder fights not only benefits us with giving us a ton of money for beating him oops that's assuming that i can beat him come on there we go do some interesting shenanigans to deal some damage but yeah he gives you 3000 gold um because you can pick the stages in any order it really helps us out to be able to do him immediately we just get all the money that we need he unlocks one of the best sub weapons that we can purchase um the bosses that you beat specifically unlock a dedicated subweapon so uh propeller gives us judgment rush uh and what this is is like if you thought the dash attack was cool as a homing attack this thing goes through walls it just literally flies you over to the enemy and destroys them so it's amazing and then all that money that yes no i was gonna say yeah but i actually vividly remember that move in particular throughout the entire run yeah it's a good one um then i just did some menuing to get rail mail this is the single best increase to spectre knight's mobility like if you told me i could only buy one thing to expect to go fast it's rail mail cause now i can skate and skaterboy goes real fast also skating ignores spikes in terms of them being a hazard you can just grind over them [Music] this is an interesting use of judgment rush uh normally it won't target an enemy that's in a wall and because that fairy was kind of close but not in the wall i actually delayed just enough for it to go in the wall so i could target the wrap and stuff like that is what keeps judging rush from being this instant wing button you have to know when and where to use it my very limited darkness uh capacity is now being increased uh judgment rush consumes a whole bar um so doing explosion is nice because we just get an immediate darkness twist so now i have three bars but it also unlocks uh the next best weapon that we're going to be using the knock decruster killed okay we're still fine [Music] oh no i forgot to do something okay that was close so uh i forgot to change my joy to key um like i said before i'm using that to switch over to certain sub weapons claw is one of the weapons that i need bound to a certain key uh and i was like oh no i'm not actually using the weapon i need to quickly fix that [Music] okay um please now i'm gonna heal this is a really hard quick pillow chicken like carcass instead of an actual turkey for turkey carcass like a skeleton there we go it's got lots of calcium i just sit there for a second like did he just yeah he just did that [Music] judgement rush is also bound to my uh my joystick judgment rush targeting any enemy and then flying me over to them is a great panic button in case i happen to fall over a pit or something oh also um unique to spectre knight are these enemies called mimics or mimics actually um they're very cute but men do they hit hard mammoths deal two full hearts of damage if i gave one but they also give you a ton of money uh but don't worry i will pet a dog later just not the ones that bite me here's plague knight now the gimmick for plague knight this time around is that plague night actually makes clones of himself this time and the real one has the blue get over here bottle in his hand not a bad fight oh don't worry lion's hammer because the skele bro will come out later and there's some really cool stuff that you can do with that that was a gold interesting oh wow that was not a bad fight but i didn't expect it to gold so after you beat a couple stages um instead of dream sequences uh spectre gets um flashbacks where we play as spectre when he was alive this is donovan so i have a lot of the same abilities but i don't have my armors um and i don't get my sub weapons either i do get to keep my health and magic upgrades which is kind of weird um very strange also uh all the money that i get in this flashback will be transferred directly to my pocket [Music] yeah that's how flashbacks work by the way totally it's not time travel it's a flashback yes i suddenly remember that it was in my pocket [Laughter] this whole time so beating plague knight gives us the bounding soul this is the premier weapon that i was using for a lot of new game plus and for any percent and the reason why is because when you upgrade it which i will be doing immediately well the captain um when you upgrade this thing it does piercing damage so it doesn't just get destroyed or gobbled up when you hit an enemy with it and you can dribble it everybody get up it's time to slam jam that was good menuing [Music] it also increases the amount of shots that i can't have on the screen at the same time uh so in general upgrading the weapons is really good but i can't realistically keep doing that uh it's too expensive to do repeatedly and then you would have to go up there every time so we kind of have our um our upgrades for now we will be using the unupgraded stuff later [Music] yes uh shout outs to uh the very castlevania style music for this stage yeah this is a banger i love this hidden by night [Music] i actually use all the uh i love the music so much in this game i use all the song names for the stages as my split games oh that is actually kind of a cool way to handle your splits i really i really get into this vector it's it's a it's been so much fun for me uh just playing through this game this movement gets so good was specter your first speed game no that was actually tropical freeze uh shout out to the tropical freeze community shout outs to michael goldfish spike vegeta mkb not so newbie cruncher ghoul they're all my og buddies that got me into speed running really i absolutely love all of them yeah like i was curious because like usually um folks get really really passionate especially about like the first speed game if it was like one that really stuck with them here's a cool moment rush rush as i've been working on my own game for a while i kind of realized that like not everything that you do in a video game needs to be hard like that moment in general was a really cool satisfying moment i'm just like that's really neat oh i did something terrible okay okay i fixed it that was really scary oh yeah yeah club put in some really great moments like that and she's like man that felt super cool to do like it wasn't particularly hard but i love doing it yeah that looks like a mix of spectre for you like there's a mix of difficult things but then there's a mix of like really cool movement with him that doesn't look too complex that someone can just pick up and have fun this fight is definitely one of those hard parts yeah got it oh nice you gotta work for that one phantom striker surprise surprise the boss for this stage uh you're kicking him out of here basically you're taking over the lich yard um battle striker spends a lot of time being invulnerable to damage or teleporting around so being able to do that fight quickly uh is quite the challenge [Music] this is the skeletal sentry this thing is awesome you get to just summon a buddy and you can detonate it now it's not it's it's skill of funny it's so good um everyone everyone used to close them uh skele bro uh they used to be the any percent weapon of choice going to iron whale need to remember that hey is the kid's a bully we can get more lunch money [Laughter] oh man i was really worried about that yeah i got him so yeah reeves is back reese is actually really important to the plot for this character um which is kind of surprising because reese was a backer character but uh they got permission and they wrote up a really cool story i actually really like the the story is super touching it's really cute end up having to savory's by the end of the game yeah now we got iron whale same as before slightly uh higher jumps slower fall speed in the water [Music] i'm gonna be trying a really difficult trick in an upcoming room shout outs to the steelheart fortuity steelheart is one of the runners that made this trick a lot easier to do nice yeah it's really easy to target the wrong enemy with that rush and it wastes a ton of time that room just comes out super smooth and clean as a result yo i got it oh my god okay that means i can do ah yeah if you can leave that manta ray alive you can judgment russian on the way back just enough darkness to do this not enough for another rush [Music] um i'm gonna have to grab some darkness because there's a really weird shenanigan okay that's a lot more of a problem but i can do this back up this is not the intended way to get that skull that's for sure yes still being able to skate at full speed underwater i don't care if it doesn't make sense it's amazing so teeth along this time um is a slightly similar but very interesting fight because we can use the bounding soul and ricochet repeatedly off of this thing's face uh during gdq i ended up using the barrier lantern lot for kills like this so this is closer to the any percent style but yeah you can see how like ricocheting the batting souls repeatedly is just a really effective murder weapon yeah like oh my goodness ooh here's the use for the drench challenge ah nice you just barely get to make it over that gap with the talent you can't otherwise [Music] and banning soul does also have some applications for hitting things like switches which is another reason why it's such a good weapon to just pick up and upgrade [Music] oh i hate this room oh that's an awkward room so bertha is coming up oh man she give him big smooch oh my god i'm having mario 3 flashbacks right now yeah that's exactly what she is oh my god she hits like a truck as well she also deals two full hearts if you let her smooch you that's real bad no i forgot to jump ooh okay so i have to do i have to redo the uh ethelon miniboss section but there's no boss so i just kind of get to skate through this is actually a really cool section without it being an auto scroller anyways yeah i kind of wish the um just uh uncap the game no more auto scrollers please i just want to skate or die [Music] oh speaking of uh more excuses to skate or die um part of the way that i practice this game um is because i play on pc we do have modding tools for it if you're interested i can totally let you know where to do that when i'm not dying um on the server we have a link for that stuff and it's really cool because it also allows you to uh do things like warp to king night stages as spectre knight so you can play through a whole other campaign's worth of levels like that wait that works yeah for some of them it's not fully functional so i can't say it's not gonna you know work perfectly got him he didn't even leave the ground by the way that was a boss [Music] oh that was a gold split nice that gold none of the time saved but all the satisfaction so beating iron whale gives us access to hover food this is probably everyone's favorite weapon casually because it is literally just a get out of jail free card when you upgrade it it actually makes you invincible while you're hovering which is really really awesome i'm not going to be getting to do that for a very very long time unfortunately and it's also really really slow to float like that so i'm not going to be doing it all that often but it is still good and there is some time to be saved with it it's just really expensive as a weapon to use as well uh you pay attention to my darkness for this particular intro stage or intro of this stage gets a little close there is a darkness wisp that i'll be getting from this stage and up until that point i have a very specific amount of darkness that i'm going to be using uh and this rat needs to cooperate with me come on come on yeah now let's go [Music] like people are loving your energy by the way it feels so good to do all these oh yeah it is kind of late like it's incredible how much energy you have at this hour for most folks i'm having a good time i'm glad you are because like i know i'm a lot lower key and more reserved but like i'm having a great time just watching and laughing and happening like just listening to you right now okay that helps keep the uh stable uh i prefer to have um more reserved uh duo commentary so it works out perfectly for me honestly that's good to know because like i i can be high energy but like for the most part i actually prefer to just be more low-key this is a late night show i like it to be a little uh chiller if you will yeah i'll get exhausted real quick out of my uh own of that my own shenanigans i hope you like this one this is actually uh the day we're going muncha when he saw this because uh matcha used to work for yacht club it was like huh i wonder if i should report them like no don't report this this is amazing [Laughter] that looks like a bug i'm like no it's not that's a feature bug what are you talking about i only see features here that is a safety checkpoint uh i'll let you know that right now because uh i don't want to read you any more than i have to for this stage i'm gonna be doing some really terrifying jumps in a second okay oh i have enough for this feather let's go oh i screwed it up let's not go [Laughter] i never have enough darkness for the feather i don't know where that came from [Music] [Music] uh reminder that i love swagging and this is an honest roller so you know i'm gonna put my own life at risk a couple times but i kind of am obligated to yeah that's a really stupid hard to do swag that i just love throwing into this auto scroller also also to be safe i'm going to get this treasure chest up here which is not much slower than breaking the checkpoint below but i could believe the checkpoint intact instead that was a gold okay you've been getting a lot of mysterious golds in this run so far this is uh my least optimized spectrum category that's for sure oh that's totally fair then one two three four five to the left and to the right do we cha cha real smooth oh yeah we did we shot shot real smooth that might go too cause that was a a really good kill actually i've had better wow okay i gotta step up my game uh all right shout outs to dads so uh everyone spam in chat go luan go this is luan he needs to go put on your running shoes is gdq let's go let's go oh he's going let's go oh he is going that's uh random and uh it saves half a second a mighty half a second if he does not stop [Music] uh okay we're fine who wants uh frame and pixel perfect jumps i do oh uh i made it but uh i took damage that's unfortunate but i got it got the hard part so shield knight blocks a ton of attacks nice i got a much better power than i did at gtq this is revenge for gdq one two three [Music] yeah get wrecked what happened ah okay [Laughter] so that stage unlocks the barrier lantern the barrier lantern is disgustingly powerful uh but not so much when it is not upgraded um but it is a weapon that is basically leaf shield provides you with cover provides you with uh contact damage against enemies um so it is very very handy it's just not super good when it's not up [Music] now we're heading into pride more uh another banger theme alert i love that they just literally took the theme and put it in a major key and they were like yeah we're cool [Music] nice do we get the rap boost [Music] rats cooperating is not something i always rely on although this room is uh one of my favorite rooms just because of how silly it looks uh the intended strat is definitely not this not skating and ignoring three quarters of the room uh i don't want to get burned by lava all right paul um was that a bad idea i just used a feather that's my new game plus muscle memory and i need a feather later in this stage i should be fine [Music] i'd use is uh right here i'm going to feather up just high enough to hit this lantern nice and then judgment brush nice calculated [Music] just enough darkness for this rush and i'm gonna refill in the next room i want the refill okay we're fine from downtown when i hear that all i can think about is elmo's number uh number journey which i i have like vaguely done a run of there's like a mini game where he's throwing like softballs at something and he'll go like and i'm just like that's adorable oh my god there are times where i'm just like he'll go like from downtown and then he'll go for like scar and stuff like that it's like elmo doesn't know what story like what sport he's playing despite the fact that he's throwing like baseballs that king fight was all right i'm okay with it okay so now i'm getting kind of uh interesting it makes me wonder you get the shadow mirror from beating king night i wonder if that's because he's so vain neat fact about this stage though is uh you can totally destroy that dirt block in a way that doesn't feel intended um because you can do attacks in this particular uh challenge area you can actually do dash attacks as well without the mirror so it does slightly break the way that that prune is intended to be done oh it's baz forgot about that uh baz is here because uh baz wants to join the order and he just broke the window which is why we deny him as flashy and cool as that was kind of precise uh i'm going to try and make a there's an enemy called a blur those are the slimes their official name is the blurb uh there's an icy one that moves on a global cycle ah i just barely missed it i missed the checkpoint but come on but i do have to wait a little bit it is really hard but there is a slightly faster way you can get through that it's just man you really can't mess up any movement whatsoever and i can't afford to use more darkness don't get hit by the bomb huh please do not get hit by the bomb nice the really fun and awkward looking damage boost oh ah i got excited because i got the fake out but then i got another slash afterwards anyway these switches have a lot of head stuff on them you want to try and avoid hitting them as much as possible that was um almost our last wheel upgrade we have one more gap nice another long shot nice um this stage is where the rails mechanic is first talks to the players so these rails that are colored you grind on them but they force you in a specific direction a lot of the rooms that i've been navigating through i actually have to find ways to basically trick the game into letting go anyway room covered in spikes my favorite hopefully i can get this trick killing that guy early means i don't have to bonk into him when i leave now for the reason why i've been collecting these skulls so i've been talking to a very friendly fellow uh red red is looking for his wife and one of these skulls is his wife um it's always the 80th skull so uh red's wife scarlett should be right here i missed go somewhere oh that's the worst thing ever i missed a skull somewhere [Music] that's a bad oh man where'd i miss a skull uh i read something in chat about there being a fake gold when i actually don't remember it might have been a couple levels ago i got a really amazing color called now i just need to remember [Music] which school did i forget oh man if they're talking about clockwork tower that's really awful i'm gonna have to find out oh no i will check don't worry frozen i will check and find out myself i want to feel the terrible shock alive yeah i had a feeling it would be tinker stage because that's the one that was like a questionable gold okay we're fine there's red uh red's wife is now chilling in the lobby it was clockwork terror that's awful okay so i'll redo that one later i will have to redo it before i do the last stage that explains the fake gold um now i'm trying to figure out which oh there she is um so yeah she's always the idiot skull so she does teleport around if you neglect the skull for some reason just fun uh and the other funny part um it would be nice if we uh gave red his wife back right now oh okay i got most of it uh it's actually faster to hold on to her for a little bit promise we're gonna give her back don't worry [Music] we're just taking scarlet for a ride showing her the sights me screaming i think everyone's here uh for more screaming i know i am yeah i think about it because i have to redo clockwork tower i don't have to break a lot of these checkpoints actually i'm gonna alter this quite a lot [Music] you know what i'm gonna continue doing as i normally would i'm not gonna skip out on the honda experience that's terrible this is really terrible i need to get across the room again oh no [Music] that that was the laughter of an evil villain are you okay i didn't die [Music] speaking of not dying um i may have downplayed the barrier lantern because it's not upgraded a little bit before does have one really really important use which is making this room not garbage for those sand blocks if you um fall through them you just die it's fine oh we're coming up in a great glitch so uh max noodle knight who is uh one of the casual players of the community found this really funny interaction i'm going to turn the slime i'm going to turn the lava into slime and then clip through it while that's happening uh if i screw up i'll die um it is a one or two frame window now [Music] dang i want to try it again i make sure i can show this off holy buckets okay [Music] we're gonna go back and do clockwork tower in a second cool yeah that trick is called lost do you use spaghetti knees weak arms are heavy that's for sure um that that is a really easy way to lose your spaghetti and have just a terrible run that's for sure so here's the will skull this is a very fun room because i've you remember that clip i sent you this is it in slow motion oh okay now clearly uh that means i can do it without healing right in theory there we go i'm good at this game for everyone who was bothered by the fact that i wasn't getting that skull it's you get it now when you're talking to red and uh you hand in an item he has this animation or he's just disappointed it's not his wife uh so it is it's a good time to pick up that one skull down there uh okay i didn't mean to do that one damageless but that was cool too you need to use the coin there usually um that was so silly looking this is where we would normally go to um the tower but i have to do a little up because i'm bad at video games apologies don't apologize i'm positive people enjoy more movies now i'm trying to figure out which scholar was that i missed i heard it was the first skull no it's not i just got the skull let me see [Music] oh is this one ah this one i hate this skull that skull is very slow to get and i was definitely on autopilot um dang it hey at least i got a bunch of other cool strats okay that was close forget about that one [Music] [Music] oh so how was your day my day's pretty good you know i i i got to play some video games and i got to like you know listen to this this one runner called uh moo moo akai uh just screaming for like you know three and a half hours it's pretty good life's pretty good right now yeah uh about that screaming i typically um i typically do a lot of practice to prevent some you know terrible misha mishaps from happening uh and practice is supposed to alleviate the possibility of me screaming and yet somehow this game will find a way to be like hey by the way catch i'm just like what it's like catch what it's like oh no i'm gonna catch this with my face i sure will [Music] oh why did i do that like that that was bad i should have waited maybe like a little bit longer but it wasn't that close to crushing me yeah that was mildly terrifying not gonna lie i grabbed the checkpoint oh yeah i forgot to do the most important part of this stage anyway so [Laughter] that's never not funny me talking about swagging this other school and i forgot the most important one uh do you happen to have a link to the uh the spade brigade the shovel knight speed running discord i don't but i can actually share the uh the is it connected to the src page it should be yes so if you are interested in speedrunning any of the characters all four of them uh any of the categories even ones that are not known to man yet uh you can totally come into the server ask us what you would like to run we'll give you directions to help you'd be more than happy to yeah like if i recall from like either it was either an interview or your actual run uh from a gbq you mentioned like that the community is very much like about accessibility of the game one hundred percent go on but let's go see how i bought a chat a very good friend um i bud did lots of plague night runs in fact had world record for plague night for a short amount of time which was no small feat to achieve now we're back on track [Music] so now we're doing um tower one uh unlike uh the other characters spectre only has a couple of tower stages just two of them um but this will not be any different from them in terms of how difficult it is please specifically um if you recall that i had a bit of a heart attack doing the uh crusher sections as a shovel and played uh that definitely applies here as well also this room which i need to move very quickly through okay i made it [Music] yeah this is the uh the crusher section coming up for spectre and because it would be more fun of course um spectre has a collectible that he has to get while going through this pressure section whoa [Music] just gonna flip right in here no okay i'm fine this is fine it is very barely possible to one cycle that but uh okay everything's gonna be all right everything's under control [Music] oh this room is terrible [Music] please don't kill me okay okay uh [Music] ah please stop bullying me [Music] i did not get smooshed oh man i don't have enough for the feather if i had just a tiny bit more darkness um i could do a uh kind of terrifying way to end auto scroller like way sooner emotions that's a good way to describe how i tend to do my my speed runs yes emotions were had was that a moo moo run yeah yeah [Music] doing my best to read chap character has quite a tax on my eyes really demands uh a lot of focus okay not a bad stage overall so now we have to fight black knight um black knight normally would take to the skies here but you can actually knock them down really easily you can do this for a while play around with darkness not a bad fight one two three four five cool okay so now we get to do a little bit of spectre shopping grabbing this skull real quick and getting some of the lore on this character so uh in shovel knight's campaign we watched her dance and she gave us a music sheet and she'll give you that dance and music sheet after you clear the lich yard because uh she's upset that spectre uh did something um was uh i don't know what happened but apparently this is what happened um spectre just was not amused by her dance and she is mad that he was not a fan so him not being amused means we now have the ability to not be amused with anyone we have uh the cold shoulder also the hardest part of the run right here is uh talking to steve steve come down here thank you grab this skull thank you and we do our remaining weapon upgrades so i picked up quite a bunch of them um they all have some use uh mostly used in new game plus by the time we actually upgrade them uh in 100 we don't actually get to have much more use of them but they all have definitely neat and more beneficial effects as we move along my money's good and i'm gonna go play with the dog real quick don't go first i'm gonna i'm gonna pet the dog right now i'll play with the dog later good dog we are almost done with the run this is kind of funny um that barrier lantern just gets to do this yeah we're almost done and uh there are two more skulls left to collect they are in this stage which is really awkward because when you beat the game as shovel and play you can finish it with 100 you have to go back into a cleared file as spectre in order to complete his campaign so the timing doesn't actually end on the last hit coming up i have a couple more things that i need to do first like be afraid of this room [Music] good good okay that went surprisingly well [Music] [Laughter] [Music] glad you believe him so here's enchantress and then very nice good kill you are limited by your darkness capacity but being able to slow down time and reflect the bounding soul at her repeatedly is really nice and then we have nightmare reese this fight is a nightmare because um the rails that i'm grinding on are random [Music] oh these look terrible [Music] and i could very easily uh get killed um because i'm going to be using a lot of my darkness um to try and attack this boss nice good kill nice this is typically the end for um the other categories and new i mean gamepl it would be faster if i just alt forward and reopen the game but in the spirit of making this game accessible to all people who play it we forbid closing the game and opening it because you can run this thing on wii u switch ps4 xbox 360 one i think uh there's 10 different versions of this game including amazon fire tv so in order to make sure you're not getting some kind of time gain by just being able to alt f4 and just open it up immediately on pc uh we do not allow you to close the program while you're doing the runs time to have the credits zoom in i should have i forgot i should have well oh well it's not a big deal my name's in the credits did some uh some play testing for them okay it's time for that moment of truth first of all we're going to return scarlet scarlet has had enough of the the wild ride that was uh near the tower one two and three now the reason why we do this um like this is because after you turn in 80 skulls you have purchased all of the sub weapons uh and after that any additional skull you turn in gives you 500 gold so what yacht club wanted to do was okay so the 80th skull is scarlet you turn in all your sub weapons and then you turn in scarlet if we hang on until we get all of the other skulls then red just gave us like 12 500 or something like that and we have one skull left uh you always hold on to one last goal because when you turn in all 100 skulls you get the caltrops and you get a cosmetic armor donovan said and those are required for 100 so it turns out that it's a little bit faster and we get more money by doing it like this where we just hold on to scarlet for as long as possible and then we get to watch this cute dance [Music] it's adorable again the art in this game is absolutely delightful including the animation [Music] yeah this this dance actually is really well uh animated i really really like it uh i like the travel dance more because it's more over the top and ridiculous but this is still a really cute dance now i get to buy the last of my armors before i talk to red it's a shame that we don't get to use these other armors in the run because they're all also really cool they actually have really to fun abilities [Music] i did manage to buy all of them so we're coming up on that 100 percent time ends on the appearance of the uh caltrops vote and now 103.25 gg thank you everyone get your gigi's out for the third and final night of the run also by mumukai what a good set of like runs honestly like that was still under estimate even though you had to go repeat an entire stage i am the best spectre knight player uh and that was accounted for in the estimate me sometimes not being uh that good at spectre knight did promise to play with dog [Music] this is so cute so it's so good oh yeah also a lot of people don't know about this but if you double tap down um instead of doing the cold shoulder if you have donovan said equipped you do this dance which is just super swag yeah that was a spectre that was uh all three nights one two three one hundred percent uh that was fun thank you for having me it was my pleasure like absolute pleasure like i want you to just take a moment though to like quickly just like tell lovely people where they can find you what you do when you're not speed running and i'm gonna go ahead and re-link the leaderboards and your twitch in chat as well but uh you you're developing a game aren't you i am so i have been working on my own game for a little while now basically shortly after king knight was released and the pandemic hit i was like i have a lot of free time and i need to do something productive um yacht club really inspired me uh i'm a huge mega man fan um and i really played mega man 11 speed runs for a long time so both of those elements plus my biggest inspiration mega man zero um that is the kind of game that i'm developing so i've been working on my own project uh drop a link to the instead i o it's completely free um it's not finished uh so i wouldn't uh i wouldn't pay for it but you know if you feel like dropping some change my way it helps me out i'm working full time on this game myself and yeah it's a mega man zero style game so you're gonna be able to use a saber use your buster uh use a ton of sub weapons and i want the same kind of action that i've been playing in shovel knight that i've been playing in mega man that i've been playing in mega man zero that's what i want to do that's what i aim to do and uh you can follow me on twitter i post updates on screenshot saturday you have my twitch i sometimes stream this game if you want to hear me screaming some more that's where you can find me doing that and occasionally i'll do uh developer streams where i just have game maker studio open i'm just programming and testing out features yeah if you want to try the game out please do give me feedback uh i have i would love to hear feedback on the game i appreciate everyone for everything letting me do thank you for letting me do this run um i'm glad that i have people who enjoy watching this run that's the shovel knight community um who has been super fun to be a part of uh and shout out to matcha who got me there you know i'm so glad that muncha pulled me into this game shout out to all the people who who really work hard on the different characters smoggy applesauce tolu breadpan you have uh spleen who has the who was working really hard on king night and you have um magic madman who has the record right now for king knight david who's been a real good friend of mine he went to bed earlier um but he does lots of other speed runs but he also did a ton of shovel knight speed so yeah i think that's all my shout outs also oddball who's there right now that's a cool dude definitely did a ton of play knight speed runs and some king knight speed runs as well and some spectre nice speed ones i think he only didn't do uh the blue man yeah i'm good i want to thank you again for being on the show and happy birthday again like everyone tell mumu happy birthday he's been a whole new year older for a whole two hours oh man it is almost two in the morning i just don't feel it this game gives me so much energy i love it exactly so i just want to remind everyone um that uh we appreciate your support through your subscriptions and bits consider subscribing to help us support future broadcasts if you want to check out our new shows that are coming up in the next couple of weeks uh or even any of the new additions as well check out hotfix and watch our twitter for information on when they start and lastly tomorrow night at 7 p.m eastern is going to be the first step with jay hobbs and keyser on they're going to be playing death loop so you know you should check that out it's going to be pretty cool they're pretty great hosts but here's to another season of never before seen i'm looking forward i'm also coming up on a year of being with hotfix so that is exciting uh that'll be in december so we're not far off about three shows off from that but uh thank you all so much for watching we're gonna take a quick break and then send you all over to another speedrunner who is doing awesome speedrun things send them all of your positive vibes and good energy at this wonderful hour of 2 a.m eastern so take it easy y'all have a great rest of your night
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 195,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games, Speedrun
Id: XY0y9DmkPrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 35sec (14075 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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