The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

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This - more of this. Good jokes , good structure , good criticisms - more like this please. I haven’t honestly found the last couple of episode as offensive as some people have on this subreddit , however the level of enthusiasm and interest in this video is very clear compared to some of the last couple of episodes. Best episode of the year hands down

Also Raid 2020 hype - holy shit it’s been that long

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 138 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TibbTokOnTop πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was great. This felt like classic Nerd, and James had his heart in it. Best episode of 2019, hands down.

Also, the ending has got me hype for Raid 2020

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 65 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DJ_Binding πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This feels like it could have come out around the time of the Earthbound review. It feels way more James-y

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PibbForTheHomies πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was a GIANT LEAP in quality compared to almost everything else this year. This honestly felt like like it had passion put into it. I would put this on par with Earthbound. James going back to play games he never got a chance to touch is honestly very cool and I hope he does this more often.

James and Screenwave, if you're reading this, do more stuff like this. This was the sweetspot. You CAN make good episodes. Keep at it with this type of approach.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AlternateButtonsShow πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have to give credit to James here. It actually feels like he played Majora's Mask, and his criticisms feel like they're his own criticisms, not Screenwave's. Therefore, the episode is higher quality because we can tell James cares about what he's speaking, rather than just reading off a script someone else wrote.

Mr. Lobo sucks. He was not needed at the beginning or end. That's my only complaint.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ItsTrue102 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Best review since Earthbound.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HEYitzED πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Feels like a traditional AVGN episode. No guests, no overproduction. Just the plain ol' motherfucking, honest to god, blunt as an ATOM bomb, no shitty jokes, no forced guests, no bored sounding nerd, just frank as frankstein, motherfucking fuck fuck fucking angry video game nerd!

And it's one of the best episodes done by Screenwave. Earthbound remains the best but this had passion, the jokes were good and the set up feels decent. Simple but effective jokes. I love that the nerd got pissed off about playing Zelda because he can't refer to Zelda because he's fucking playing it! Twlight zone bits felt natural. The biggest criticism and it may be because of Youtube being shit, thus the reason for placing it where it is. The sponsor bit. It suddenly appears and ruins the pacing. Again, if it's due to youtube being as bad as Dr Jerkyl and mister Hyde or are a bunch of laughining joking numbnuts, then fair enough.

The nerd actually completed it and the anger felt good. Not over the top, just one man going fucking apeshit at a game.

Cause he's the angeriest gamer you've ever heard. Raid 2020 faces the issue of not living up to expectations and after an excellent episode, it can easily fall into that trap. BUT if this is what we can expect, then I hope this format is used and i think, just taking longer per episode would benefit. I can't recall when the last episode was but this feels like it took longer and as a result, it benefited the show.

Also, the Nerdy Moon seems rather pissed off. Did someone force the nerdy moon to play Dr Jerkyll and Mr Hyde or worse?

I was expecting the bag of shit to fall on the nerd but kudos for not going there.

Enjoy your christmas, you fucks and drink some booze and don't play the games that suck ass. Or do if you're a machoist who enjoys shitty games.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thebritishdovah πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

You can skip the banker's dialogue by pressing B.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Nerd is reviewing my favorite Zelda game? Christmas came early this year

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tpoint47 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] you're cruel and miserable games you exist for one purpose to reap everything I've sown you rob me not only of my childhood but my adulthood too I've been cursed to play your [ __ ] til the end of time but thankfully the end of time is about to come the year 2020 is upon us doomsday yeah there were 20 years off with y2k but this is it for real and with only one week left the ceremony must begin [Music] you must wear these masks until the mid night of New Year's they've been carefully selected as caricatures of your true shitty natures your mask represents the solicitor the one who uses familiar source material to cash in and disrespects the love for the franchise you don't respond to love you only respond to what your petty hunger dictates to things that have value you're the kind that appraises franchises without seeing their beauty you're nothing but greed your mask is the overzealous coward the one who has nothing to give but somehow gives too much of it you're an overflowing garbage can of Filth bloated and back to the gills with nonsense [ __ ] to the highest capacity to hide your incompetent broken gameplay and of course you you wear the mask of the heartless Punisher tricking me with useless weaponry and sucker punch pitfalls at every step you see humanity as small animals caught in a trap to be tortured your pleasure is the giving of pain from this you feel the same sense of joy one might get from a kiss or an embrace shame on you shame on all you shitty games all your cryptic mazes bad controls unfair jumps vomit-inducing graphics lack a continues long passwords I hope you're proud of yourselves may God the devil and whatever else have pity on you and as for me I wear the mask of the thing that stalks me at this very moment you shitty shitty games you stole my life away it's all yours you inherit everything left of my soul now you can dig deep in the Treasury but before the world ends I must play one last game submitted for your approval mr. nerd a frustrated gamer with no life outside this room except for a virtual world which he's created a world that will come to an end when his anger causes its total destruction under yours Eve but until then he has one week to take care of some unfinished business he must complete one of the most beloved Zelda games majora's mask other youtubers cherish it but this is not your usual reviewer this is the Angry Video Game Nerd thanks for watching this episode of angry video game nerd but first a word from our sponsor if you want an epic dark fantasy done right with over 400 champions to collect and personally customized then check out raid Shadow legends not to be confused with that awful NES game raid 2020 it seems like everyone's talking about raid these days and for good reason it's gone 15 million downloads in the last 6 months and has been nominated as a finalist for Google play's best of 2019 users Choice Awards in raid you can assemble a team from 16 heroic factions discover 13 spectacular locations enjoy a fully voiced story campaign claim glory in the PvP arena and you can even bust a move talk about a killer dance-off and don't forget it's free to play say goodbye to grinding with multi battle auto mode you can set battles to run the background while you do holiday stuff let's shop for presents set up your Christmas tree or light the candles on your menorah there's also weekly tournaments and a road map that promises more updates in the next six months follow the link in the description where new players will get a hundred thousand silver to clan boss keys 10 mystery shards and one free champion adjudicator she's like if an elf from Lord of the Rings and a stack of heavy metal magazines collided into the ultimate badass elf so hurry because this offers available for only 30 days and now on with the show when it comes to fantasy adventure games I can't think of any franchise that has made as big an impact on me as Zelda each installment was a milestone that represented the full capabilities of the console was released on and the generation of its time the overhead 2d format will always be the traditional classic Zelda for me but the franchise was never afraid to experiment Zelda 2 was a side scroller and Ocarina of Time was three-dimensional even though the 3d format somehow it became the standard after that but anyway ocarina was such a big hit the next thing I knew a VHS tape came in the mail promoting Majora's Mask I thought to myself what another Zelda game already judging by the look of it it seemed they reused the same 3d engine as karinna which was confirmed but it also seen Nintendo was being careful not to copy ocarina too much so they reinvented the franchise as we know it no Ganon no Triforce no Hyrule and no Zelda except for a brief flashback at that time I had just burnt myself out finishing ocarina and moved on to other things so I sadly missed out on Majora's Mask but in the 20 years since I never stopped thinking about that creepy moon as time went on I've heard so much enthusiasm for this game it has a whole community behind it and some people even say it's the greatest Zelda game ever made so it's been a bucket list item for me which I'm finally about to check off the list first I have to get out of the way the Nintendo 64's graphics look like [ __ ] and aged like [ __ ] to those blocky and murky textures aw but hey what can you do it's Nintendo 64 you can't blame them but the pioneering days of 3d graphics don't hold up as well as the 2d games I mean look at Link to the Past in my opinion that still shines as perfect as ever back to majora the setting is a doomed world called terminΓ³ which was created from the powers of a dark magical mask Majora's of course after the mask was stolen by Skull Kid it somehow formed termina vaguely modeling it after memories of Hyrule and its inhabitants which is why many characters look the same but this world is only temporary as the big scary moon is slowly coming down to crash and kill everyone and everything I have to say that moon is [ __ ] awesome it's cool just knowing it's always up there staring down at you there's only three days left to live the people are all aware of the coming apocalypse but there's nothing they can do about it nor are they even trying to do anything they just sit around and say yep we're all gonna die man that's depressing this is a depressing game I like it so link has to save the world the goal is more or less the same as any Zelda game you have to complete a series of dungeons and do a bunch of random [ __ ] in between a big part of this game is the learning of ocarina melodies and collection of masks which all give you different unique capabilities most are optional the main required masks transform link into different species like Deku Goran and Zora when transformed you can use those species powers and skills which is vital in progressing in certain parts of the game when link puts the masks on apparently it's painful oh geez he's screaming in agony man I feel bad for making them do that in short it's your typical Zelda with some new game mechanics here and there however there is one major thing that sets it apart from the others as I said before they had to do something to make it stand out from ocarina well they figured why not give it a time limit Zelda with a time limit how does that work well as mentioned the moon is going to destroy everything in three days which roughly translates to one hour of play time unless you play the song of inverted time which slows it down and gives you almost three hours if you let the clock run out what happens well of course I had to find out [Music] [Music] now well after 20 years that still looks cool so what exactly happens well simply put game over now of course you can't complete an entire Zelda game in less than three hours that's where the song of time comes in when you play it it acts as links time machine sending him back to the dawn of day one you keep your melodies and masks and any major items you've collected but the rest of the world resets the characters you've met all have forgotten and everything starts up again as if nothing happened so link is basically experiencing the same thing as Bill Murray and Groundhog Day cursed to relive the same events over and over no wonder why he acts like there's no consequences breaking into people's homes strutting around like he owns the place walking away from explosions getting drunk at the bar dancing in front of strangers and igniting a bomb at somebody's front door to get them to come out like some kind of mischief night prank what an ass so basically any time before the third day ends you have to play that song and go back in time otherwise the moon will crash and you lose your progress you just don't let it happen playing the song it doesn't just send you back it also saves the game and it's the only way you can truly save there is a quick save which you can do by hitting owl statues but that's only a temporary save then you can only load once yeah so if you want to save and feel good about it you got to go back in time now I always thought saving was the preservation of progress up until the present time but here to save you got to go back to the beginning what kind of sense does that make when you go back you keep your main items as mentioned but all your rupees are gone your arrows gone bombs gone sticks nuts bottle items any inventory it all goes away plus any side quests you are working on or people you've interacted with any items you've unlocked or special events that took place all that is lost so saving is something you don't want to do until the three days are almost up and you have no other choice you have to put a lot of thought into what exactly you plan to accomplish before your next save you wouldn't want to start something on the second or third day and then realize you're at a time and have to do it over again it's like you have to plan your gameplay sessions within these three hour intervals many times I had to leave the system on overnight and pray for no power outages I got to be honest I like playing games we can save any time you want like Zelda oh man I can't record Zelda because I'm playing [ __ ] Zelda then there's occasions where you need time to speed up certain events only happened during the day or night or at a specific hour or whatever you can skip forward with the song of double-time or a dancing scarecrow yeah a dancing scarecrow but these methods skip you ahead six to 12 hours you can't just go to whatever hour you want so you're still gonna wait around a lot and waiting is something that's never fun in real life or in games look at link scratching himself you can't take it anymore are you thinking what I'm thinking what if you're in a dungeon you know the main areas in Zelda games where most of the action and puzzle solving takes place the parts that usually take the most time and the most work what if you're up to your ass in one of those and the clock runs out with the song of time preserve your dungeon progress I don't want to find out with the song of inverted x slowing it down to three hours that's probably enough but don't even threaten me with that [ __ ] just the fact there's a time limit hovering over me makes me nervous as hell and takes all the fun away it would be like duct taping a bag of diarrhea to the ceiling while you try to get work done it probably won't fall as long as you make sure the duct tape is secure but then you stop and think it actually has no reason to be there I mean give me a reason a time limit in a Zelda game or are they [ __ ] thinking [Music] the clock is a story in itself at first it appears to be like the upper half of a regular analog clock especially since 12s at the top center but why is six on the right and left why is there both the Sun and a moon going around in a circle my intuitive nature to think it's anything like a regular clock only confused the hell out of myself from what I was able to make sense of it runs from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and then changes to 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. and so on for each day the yellow Sun is always a minute hand the red Sun is the hour hand but the red Sun changes to a moon at night why doesn't the minute hand also change to a moon why not just have a regular clock or a simple digital counter I mentioned every time you go back and say that you'll lose your rupees unless first you deposit them in the bank now let me tell you about the bank because this is a whole [ __ ] show first of all what's up with the bank teller what's she doing yeah that's great have you ever gone to the bank and the teller is flashing their arms up and down if that has ever happened I'd like to know it's amusing the first time you see it maybe the 10th but by the hundredth time you have to go through the same dialog every time an actual ATM is quicker and then you have to enter the amount you want to deposit of course you want to deposit all but there's no option for all you have to enter the exact amount you have and if it's a lot she gives you interest immediately handing over 5 rupees now I have to go through that all over again just a deposit 5 rupees can you just add it to my balance then after you save you have to withdraw your rupees which means going back to the bank and going through all the dialogue again and after you withdraw you pay a service charge of 4 rupees then what was the point of the 5 rupees you gave me earlier and there's no withdrawal all option either again you have to enter the exact amount one time I only took out a partial amount then decided I wanted more and the dialogue started up again excuse me but let me take a look at you ah yes link you have to recognize me again I was just here I'd even go anywhere I've been standing right in front your [ __ ] face you know how fast this could work like this deposit withdraw all or enter amount what's so hard about that or even better just keep your rupees like every other Zelda game you might be thinking this is just a minor thing just a small part in the game but no no this is a huge major part because every single time you save you have to repeat the whole deposit withdraw routine and it doesn't end there you also have to restock your arrows bombs bottle items everything so good luck farming for all that [ __ ] every single time it's the only game I know we're saving could take twenty minutes well cheat the time limit the saving that sends you back the weird clock the banking system that's probably all the bad things right I'm gonna move ahead now and just assume the rest of the game is totally perfect but I've been wrong before let's look on the bright side which in this case is the dark side the visual design it's bizarre twisted and downright unsettling I love it dude it's like a combination of neverending story and Nightmare Before Christmas this games got some weird [ __ ] there's the happy mask salesman who speaks of jarring jump cuts and then without any warning strangles link for a bit too long then there's a certain song that summons a creepy linked statue oh now that's some freaky deaky [ __ ] then there's beings known as them or they that come out at night there's the professor with the goat like head yeah this guy's one of my favorites there's guru guru who plays the organ grinder faster and faster and faster he keeps getting more and more tense his anxious mood rubs off on you then there's mummies that stare into your soul oh dude but perhaps the creepiest part is when you go into this house and out of the cabinet comes this thing then this little girl stands in front of him who turns out to be his daughter she knows her dad turned into some monster but she still loves him that's some sad [ __ ] you play the song of healing he reverts back to his regular self and they hug it out oh oh man I got a light in the mood the game has its share of funny moments like the arguing skulls the skeleton hand that comes out of toilet asking for toilet paper I guess the shopkeeper who keeps itching himself I don't know what the point of most this is and it's not all that funny you just got to make it funny like these loving seahorses that give you a heart I don't know why that makes me laugh but it does when you swim I can't help but think that sounds like a cat puking or more specifically the pre puke hacking phase when the vomits being pumped up okay you get it the puzzle solving is on par for what you'd expect with a Zelda game it's all about the brain teasers you have to melt ice on the ceiling to cause a waterfall to tilt a seesaw to raise yourself to the next one there's rooms you have to flip upside down and back again to drop blocks into certain areas to activate certain buttons and [ __ ] it's madness but that's Zelda there's also some really cool boss battles like this guy here definitely feeling the Tim Burton vibe so there I said some good things about the game but that's all anybody ever talks about isn't good things the bad things well that's my job for me the majority of it has been consistently frustrating it has its share of bad camera angles difficult jumps and occasional glitches many of the boss battles are repetitive and grueling like this one where you have to kill all the eyeballs do you think there's enough eyeballs dialog can be a chore sometimes if there's more than one character close together it's hard to speak to the right one like here it's the kid I want to talk to but this [ __ ] keeps getting in my way when buying large quantities of items you have to buy them one at a time if you screw up a quest it can be insanely punishing making you have to go back to the first day to start again like I said many of these quests operate on a three-day schedule where you have to be in all the right places at the right time I went to a farm had to do a target practice session wait for a specific night defend a barn from a bunch of alien ghosts then defend a shipment of milk from bandits but I lost and just because of that I had to redo all the above the whole three-day cycle all over again it's easy to get disoriented for one example I just met the skeleton dude and now I'm supposed to chase him a cutscene plays and afterwards oh [ __ ] I'm facing in the wrong direction Irie orient myself and go after him but now just because I delayed for one short moment I'm never able to catch up with him it's over rather than giving you a quick second chance you have to leave the area and come back why there's a wall with a maze of ladders that are invisible you have to use the lens of truth just to see them and then still you have to pick the right path every second they're visible you're depleting your magic meter I had just barely enough to find my way to the top look at this now that's an image all I'm trying to do is get a treasure and there's a black cloud over my head literally speaking of overhead there's a couple times when you have to win a race the first time you're in your goron body rolling with other gorons at first it seems like a cool minigame but the problem is you have to come in first place not second not third first they leave you no room for error if you bump into anything just once you won't make it you have to practice it over and over until you memorize every inch of that entire course the other race is on horseback but it's the same thing you need a perfect run and worse this time every try costs you 10 rupees considering this is a mini game and that racing is not the main skill in majora's mask or any Zelda game you'd think they could be a little more forgiving even in Mario Kart you don't have to be in first place to move on the controls suck do the clunkiness of the Nintendo 64 joystick I give it some slack here because they hadn't yet perfected the feel of 3d games but just try breath of the wild and then go back to this and you'll realize how far we've come not just controlling link but when you're on the menu screen it's a little awkward moving around plus the warp screen you think you can just push up to go up but nothing works the way it should for these screens it would have been nice to have the option of using the d-pad aiming your weapons is never easy I'm trying to hook shot onto the turtle's back I've aimed for the shell I've aimed for the tree I've tried it from every angle I could think of but it only works whenever it feels like it there's many areas where you have to shoot ice arrows into the water to create glaciers to hop on but sometimes it just doesn't work there's no clear reason come on come on what the [ __ ] I've heard in the 3ds version the water sparkles to show you exactly where to shoot I imagine the controls are a lot smoother on the 3ds - and I think that's a great idea to re-release a game and fix up the flaws but that doesn't erase the past which is where I take you so yeah I would have probably had a better time with a 3ds version but for historical sake I got it do the original anyway now try shooting arrows through a flame to light a torch a mile away while standing on a spinning [ __ ] platform here I'm trying to climb on the red pipe anytime you have to walk on a narrow path it turns into a balancing act all I'm trying to do is keep the joystick straight why is this so hard oh [ __ ] [ __ ] keep it steady keep it steady oh my god I'm stuck I'm stuck Oh made it this part you got to do the Goron role on the bridge hit the ramp and jump across but each time I veer slightly to the side and fall down and then you have to go all the way back and climb a ladder just to get to the starting point again alright here we go oh oh oh [ __ ] it's like bowling a gutter ball you're so mad you want to try again immediately but you got away your turn go go back how about jumping on invisible platforms that are slippery with ice and getting knocked back by spiders yeah that's real fun there's a part where you have to enter a cave but it's blocked by a giant boulder the goal is to blow it up using an explosive barrel that you get from a big goron as soon as he gives you the barrel time starts ticking down you have to hurry and carry it over the cave before it explodes right off the bat they put all these ramps in front of you you can't carry it while walking up the ramps so you have to repeatedly throw the barrel and pick it up again and again and again then you have to find the cave as fast as humanly possible like everything they give you just enough time for a perfect run if you get a little bit lost along the way or you don't take the most direct path or bump into something or drop the barrel for one moment you're done just give up I just want to get over the bridge get out of my way pick it up pick it up get the power here we go here we go I can see the cave I can see the cave gonna make it gonna make it ah pick up pick it up ah finally I'm gonna do it I just did a perfect run plenty of time left but it's about to change from night to day that's kind of distracting but no worries right alright put the barrel right in front of the boulder percent it's there it's there now all I got to do is sit back and wait for the explosion all right dawn a second day all right where's the berry where is the [ __ ] barrel you're gonna take the barrel just because the day changed that's worse than Simon's quest imagine if in Simon's quest every time it changes it restarts whatever task you're working on [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you know what [ __ ] this game yeah I said it did I want to rip apart Majora's Mask no but the game drew first blood not me the Great Bay temple is the stuff of which nightmares are born the stuff of legendary video game trauma all I gotta say is the whirlpool room oh [ __ ] me the whirlpool room it's a huge underwater room which is like the main hub of the entire dungeon full of tunnels that lead every which way not even the map can make sense because you're never sure which level you're on this is before 3d maps were common like in breath of the wild but besides being confusing you can hardly control where you're going the water pushes you all around forcing you to swim in circles even if you know which tunnel you're trying to go in the current will pull you away you have to get tricky and hug the walls certain way and just as you're about to pass by the tunnel you quickly turn into it but if you screw up and get sucked into the wrong tunnel it could shut you out and some other part of the dungeon you don't want to be in and next thing you're retracing your steps to get back to where you were but you can't waste all that time when time is not on your side that moon is gonna crash the first day I'm feeling fine second day I'm starting to worry a little the third day I'm playing like my life depends on it if time runs out everything I did might go to waste hours of blood sweat and tears well maybe not blood but Here I am just doing my best that sound the toll of the [ __ ] Bell I've done for the thing is I'm almost there push the switch get on the waterspout go in the final door and I've made it to the boss but that timer doesn't care [Music] give me a minute six minutes six minutes that's enough time it might be I don't want to play the ocarina now because I'm not sure exactly what that does so these bosses you can't be under a rush you have to have patience so that you can watch the boss learn their weak spot find their patterns but the way things are right now I don't think this is happening and if it does it's gonna be the last possible second and then wife I have to bail out use the ocarina but I get knocked into the water and I can't use the ocarina or something so I need to make a decision here please don't make me do the dungeon over please please yeah I have to do the entire dungeon all over again I still have the compass and the map will pretty [ __ ] do but I have to get all the keys again reactivate all the water valves and it's basically like starting over I haven't felt this kind of rage in a long time I can feel the diarrhea flowing through my veins Oh even with Jekyll and Hyde I don't have to play that [ __ ] for a solid week pick up the controller and start in this game is like a sentence you're sentencing yourself to a punishment and everybody else loves it well I thought I loved [ __ ] majora's mask more like major ass alright let's beat the [ __ ] out of this game [Music] it's that special kind of feeling the kind where nothing else matters when you're punching the couch and playing standing up it's gotten real you want to show that game what the [ __ ] you're made of [Music] [Music] it did I beat the dungeon only one left alright last dungeon last dungeon here we go [Music] yeah take that you [ __ ] [Music] yeah I did beat the boss pick up the boss remains oh hang on I gotta get the heart container too I can still get that heart right now gonna watch the cutscene please let that heart still be there please how do I get the heart now so I looked it up you can get the heart still oh yeah if you beat the boss again oh so you have to pick up the heart container before you pick up the boss remains I know there's a specific order now you might think I'm the one who [ __ ] up but that shouldn't be possible the boss remains were in front of the heart so naturally that's what I touched first geez have a heart [Music] am I done yet well almost there's a ton of quests left mostly optional I did one that had me running around delivering letters and waiting for people to show up in different places all throughout the 3-day cycle the final part you have to wait in a hotel room until there's only 1 minute and 30 seconds left on the timer needless to say my nerves were skyrocketing again but what happened here was perhaps one of the most solemn do me and emotionally heart-wrenching scenes in the whole game or any game these people are all sitting around waiting for the world to end what can you say about that there are only characters in a game but I can't help but wonder what could be going through their minds you're forced to stand there and wait with them until that counter goes down while the music just swells over you then the person you're waiting for enters the room and two long-lost lover's reunite and get married with link as the witness and with that resolved they tell link to take refuge as they both wait they're ready to die together at last Wow goosebumps man I got them all the RL Stein books then you encounter Skull Kid play a melody and summon four giants that come marching to hold the moon it's like Atlas of Greek mythology holding up the heavens and with that music playing over it it's a truly epic scene then you ascend up into the moon which doesn't look like a moon at all instead it's a grassy field with a tree and a bunch of kids running around with masks there's something really eerie about this it's like a scene out of the Wicker Man I mean the original not the Nic Cage one so there's still a lot to do here but at this point I'm taking the quickest possible route I talked to the kid who's wearing Majora's Mask he warns me I only have weak masks and I'm aware I haven't fully powered my sword or gotten the fierce deity mask or any of the things that are supposed to make the game a hell of a lot easier not to mention that heart they didn't let me get but you know what I'm going forward anyway cuz [ __ ] it the final battle begins majora's mask floats all around shooting lasers and spinning like a buzzsaw i defend with my shield carefully time my sword hits and deflect the lasers back it's a long process but i beat them now what the second forum majora takes on a humanoid shape dancing around like an idiot the [ __ ] [Music] okay this time I play more offensive going in close and slashing away until he's done oh [ __ ] this is where it starts doesn't it his third form doesn't mess around he has these long lips that have such a great range even if you stand on the far opposite side of room you can still get hit and once he hits you he doesn't stop oh come on let me get up come on you [ __ ] piece of dog dick I carefully aim my light arrows to stun him then run across the room and I just barely have enough time to get some sword swipes in rinse and repeat it's just a reminder I do not have the recommended sword all the masks or all the heart containers so if all along you've been saying I suck at this game will then suck on this [ __ ] [Music] I beat them it's finally over in true Zelda fashion you get a big ending scene where all the characters you've met come together with peace and harmony [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is the world really going to end just because I have a distaste for majora's mask I do like certain things about it I like its style and mood there's something profound and fascinating about the world of termina the interesting characters it's populated with and there are multiple storylines and personal tribulations does it all exist as a dream within Hyrule is Hyrule terminus heaven some even believe link is supposed to be dead there's so many different ways to interpret it like religions of the world this game is truly a work of art I love the concept I love the lore I love the creepy visuals that provoke an innocent childhood sense of worry I love the rich storylines and all the above but the part I don't like very much is the game part and that's the part that seems to get discussed the least I mean it's not a movie it's not a comic book it's a game one that has graded at my nerves not just while playing it but also during the intervals in between when I was not playing and feeling extreme anxiety feverishly anticipating when I will get my hands on it next to conquer this thing and get it off my daily chores you saw all the trouble I had with it that's not my idea fun and I don't want it in my life call it a love-hate thing so nerd signing out [Applause] we're still here the world didn't end [Applause] [Music] alright time for the unmasking no no mr. nerd forever stuck in the world that exists in his mind a world he cannot end perpetually surrounding himself with games he hates yet cannot stop playing tonight's tale of the McCobb masochists and majora's mask on the Angry Video Game Nerd [Music] you
Channel: Cinemassacre
Views: 3,650,812
Rating: 4.8733783 out of 5
Keywords: angry video game nerd, avgn zelda, avgn majoras mask, angry video game nerd zelda, angry video game nerd majoras mask, The Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask, Majora's Mask review, The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask, avgn 175, avgn episode 175, angry video game nerd 175
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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