You Seasons 1, 2, and 3 Recap

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in the first episode of you we are introduced to joe goldberg who works at a bookstore and he spends most of his time just kind of judging the patrons of the bookstore who they are what they do things like that but one customer catches his eye one day and when she comes up to joe and asks about a particular book he helps her out but he is immediately smitten he starts flirting with her making small talk giving her book suggestions and when she comes up to pay with the book he makes a mental note that she probably has the cash to buy the book outright but she wants him to know her name and you'll find out that the girl is named gwenevere beck but she goes by beck for short because gwenevere's kind of a weird name so joe heads home that night and he passes by a little boy named paco who is his next-door neighbor and paco was sitting outside on the steps reading the three musketeers a book that joe gave him and he's outside because his mother is fighting with her alcoholic boyfriend and it's just not a great situation joe offers paco the meatball sandwich than he just got for dinner saying that he's got tai in the apartment and after a little bit of convincing paco takes the meatball sandwich and joe walks in but you find out he has no tie in fact he has barely any food but what he does have is gwynevere beck's name so he does what any normal person in 2020 does he immediately gets on social media and starts looking up her information and since gwynevere beck doesn't have anything set to private joe is quickly able to discern a lot about her like the fact that she went to brown university she majored in lit she's in new york city to get another degree and her addiction to social media or at least that's what it appears to be is probably the most unattractive thing about her to joe and he's pretty disappointed that an hour after she met him and took a picture of the book and posted it to instagram she didn't mention them but thanks to social media he's got her address her work schedule the fact that she's a ta for a creepy teacher that clearly wants to [ __ ] her and joe follows her all the way to a bar that night where she's celebrating a friend's birthday and she gives the friend an expensive gift that she probably couldn't afford and when two of the friends get up to leave her one friend peaches stays behind and asks how much was that gift you can't afford that and joe hates her friends but he seems to at least appreciate there's somebody out there looking out for her but even after peaches is trying to help beck joe just cannot stand her so after the bar joe follows her all the way home where the girl doesn't have a set of blinds and she put her bed right next to a window so it makes it very easy for a stalker to watch her and it seems like she's about to finally start working on her writing until she gets a text message and this guy shows up out of nowhere and this guy is the definition of a douchebag hipster kind of guy that probably has 600 jeans that are all torn up and has way too much beard product and when he shows up joe quickly goes through his social media account and realizes that this guy's name is benji he's a trust fund kid who's had everything handed to him in life he's a failed model and now he is the owner of a get this artisanal soda company but at first beck isn't too thrilled to see benji because while they clearly have a relationship the last time they saw each other benji was caught getting a [ __ ] from a girl in a party that beck invited him to benji claims that he was drunk and don't worry it's not that bad because i didn't even come from it and after not too much convincing benji is able to quickly get in her pants and because there are no blinds joe watches the whole thing go down all three minutes of it afterwards benji gets up and leaves and because he didn't really do that good of a job beck has to how i say finish the job for him and thanks to a stoop across the street joe is able to see this and he decides to join the fun and start touching himself in new york city one of the most populated cities in america and nobody noticed until that is a woman from that building walks out and joe quickly has to stop but he's a gentleman so he helps her out with her bags so at this point joe has had himself a night and decides to pack it in and head home and when he does paco is once again sitting outside the steps but his mom and her boyfriend aren't fighting this time they're just having wild sex and paco asks if he has any more book suggestions to which joe says that's a little late but after hearing the sex continue on and on and on he says you know what yeah let's let's add to the bookstore now the book that joe wanted to give paco was sold by the other guy that works at the bookstore a guy named ethan so they head downstairs in the basement to where they keep the rare books and all of the rare books are kept in something that they call the cage but really it's a temperature-controlled room to which the books will be held in pristine condition and paco starts asking about when he started to work at this bookstore and he lets him know that mr mooney the guy who owns the bookstore hired him when he was a little bit older than paco is now but mr mooney was a douchebag although he did teach joe everything he knows and started that love of reading so he starts explaining to paco about how you take care of the books and then he gives him don quixote to take home when they arrive back to the apartment building the boyfriend a guy named ron yells at paco for hanging out with strangers but paco says he's not a stranger he's joe he says no he's a stranger and then he tells joe stay away from my girlfriend's kid i'm a corrections officer i know all about you people and he tries to bully joe and step to him but when joe steps back ron backs up a little bit but joe's not worried so much about ron at this point he's more focused on beck the next day he calls in a gas leak at her place and when you call in a gas leak in new york city they have to investigate so he shows up at her apartment acting like he knows her and maybe that he's her boyfriend and when the guy from the gas company says hey just let your girlfriend know that there's no gas leak here he says yep we'll do and i'll i'll close up and now he's got access to her place and her laptop and since she doesn't believe in password protection at all it's very easy for joe to discern more information about her like the fact that her father died of a drug overdose and beck found him and because her computer is connected to her phone he's also able to see her text messages and one of the text messages is from bec shortly after she met him saying i can't believe i just met a guy who actually reads in this city so at this point joe thinks that he is destined to be with her now while joe is going through her stuff beck is at school talking to the teacher that she's a ta for and she owes him 20 pages of poetry but she's only got one at the moment and the teacher suggests that maybe the workload's too difficult and you just back up to part-time but she says i can't because if i'm part-time i don't have housing so i need to be full-time i just need an extension the teacher basically invites her on a date to a gastro pub and even after she brings up his wife he's not deterred and says well if we're sitting and talking about poetry we might as well do it over a drink and since beck doesn't want to risk losing the ta full-time position she reluctantly agrees to the date and after the meeting with the teacher she's a little bit flustered so she heads home early and this forces joe to hide in her shower and pray to god he doesn't get caught luckily he doesn't he just gets wet after she turns on the shower and then turns it off but he does learn what she's doing that night and she's planning on going to an open mic with her friends where she will read some poetry so with this information joe just clears his schedule and heads to that same bar in that same open mic and her friends don't think it's a great idea to read poetry at an open mic they think it's just for music purposes and while they're not wrong beck has other plans and she's also invited benji but he hasn't shown up yet when her name is called so beck starts reading the poetry and it goes horribly wrong she starts getting heckled by the crowd so painful that joe can't even take it and he heads home early so while he's waiting for one of the trains down the step stumbles gwenevere back and she's texting benji why didn't you come and she's getting closer and closer to the edge until finally she falls over onto the tracks joe goes into superman mode trying to save her as a homeless guy screams at them and at the last second joe is able to pull her up onto the platform and now she's on top of him and it looks like a very romantic moment until she pukes on him now she apologizes profusely for this but then she realizes hey don't i know you and joe pretends like he doesn't know her but then says oh yeah that's right you bought the book so after they get through the hus small world type of situation the two share a cab back to her apartment they have a conversation about how life would be easier if you were just dumb to which joe responds with yeah but the world wouldn't know about your poetry bec says how do you know i write poetry but joe is pretty quick with his response and says well you're a lit major i figure every lit major writes poetry then he starts listing all of his favorite poets which endears him to her even more but unfortunately for joe when they arrive at her place benji is there waiting for her and after beck tells benji about how joe saved her she goes to hang out with benji but before she does joe asks for her information she can't find her phone however and she just figures that she dropped it on the platform and she also seems hesitant to give her number to a stranger so she gives him her email but the reason she can't find her phone is because joe stole it from her so now he has even more information on her and the next day joe uses her phone to get benji's email address and poses as a very popular lifestyle critic and he emails benji saying that he wants to try his artisanal soda and possibly use it in a upcoming piece of must tries and of course benji is over the moon because he loves this guy but unfortunately for benji he doesn't know what this guy looks like so when he shows up with the soda he's not meeting this lifestyle critic he's meeting joe and joe leaves him down an alley which leads to a set of stairs which leads to a door which leads to the basement of the bookstore and when benji sees what's going on he gets a little freaked out and says i don't know this is for me but he can't even get the sentence out because joe hits him with a mallet and he gets knocked out and that's when joe puts him in the cage the next day while he's at work he's fully expecting beck to show up because he has her phone and he can see what she's saying and sure enough she does she thanks him again and she gives him a book with an inscription that has an inside joke about the homeless guy yelling at them but as soon as she leaves he goes back down to the basement and there's benji saying look man you have the wrong guy but joe says no no i don't in episode 2 joe was very excited because he set up his first date with beck and while he's been wrong before more specifically his ex-girlfriend candice who is planning on telling beck about maybe one day there were a ton of red flags with that one and it didn't pan out but with beck he's hopeful and he decides before the date he'll go to her apartment and stalker and as he peers through the window he sees that she's trying on old clothes because she's broke but she's not too broke where she can't afford a new iphone luckily for joe however her phone is backed up by the cloud so he still has access to all of her text messages and emails and whatnot after beck sets up her new phone she's leaving the apartment and she's calling benji which upsets joe because he thought he took care of that but becca's worried about benji because she hasn't heard from him in a couple days so joe realizes this is gonna be a little bit more work but she goes to class and he goes to work where the next day they're going to be having this big stephen king book release and he needs to get ready for it but before he does he heads downstairs where benji is waiting for him and he gives benji an everything bagel but benji starts complaining about his gluten allergy he makes a comment that his diet is so restricted that even one peanut could kill him but joe pulls out a bag of drugs and says is your diet so restricted that you can't have heroin and benji claims that it's not all his but that's total [ __ ] benji starts trying to wager with him saying you know who my father is he can take you anywhere you want to go he can give you money but joe goes back to the drugs and says does your investors know you do heroin i mean is your dad does your girlfriend and benji says i don't have a girlfriend but then that's when it clicks hey i know you you're you were in the cab with beck your name's joe and that's when joe realizes he might have an issue and benji can't believe that all of this is about gwenevere beck but the big issue that joe is having is that when he got him into the cage he really didn't know what he was planning on doing with him so while joe's trying to figure out the whole benji angle of this he does shoot beck an email saying hey are we still good for tonight and she confirms yep we're good to go so they go on their first date it's really just a walk with coffee and it's seeming to go great until it's cut short when beck gets a phone call about benji and joe pretends to be an understanding guy secretly he's kind of annoyed so at this point he wants to know more about benji and why bec can't leave this guy alone so he goes back to the bookstore and starts quizzing him about books he likes and other things he likes and then he notices that benji isn't looking too good and benji says yeah you stole my stash so benji just admitted that the drugs were in fact his so joe decides to make a wager with him and he gives him one hit of drugs for the password to his phone and since benji's an addict he gives up that password pretty quickly just to get a hit as soon as he does the drugs he passes out and that's when joe comes in and stages a photo and sends it to back so that a she would stop worrying about him and b maybe she would not be interested in him anymore and beck gets the text while she's out with her friends discussing how she has to go on this date with the professor that she doesn't want to go on a date with and some of the friends are split some of them think yeah just go ahead and [ __ ] your professor for the a and the other ones are saying no that's disgusting you should report them but either way becca's going to end up going on this date so beck heads off to the date with her professor and joe also needs to get to that date because he wants to keep tabs on her and before he does benji who is sobered up at this point tells him you don't really know her like i do guaranteed she's going to wear a red lipstick and she's going to go into that bar and work that professor for that a and joe wants to bash benji's head in but he's already laid enough and he just leaves for the gastro pub where the professor does start subtly hitting on back little by little until finally he crosses the line and touches her leg to where she gets up and makes the scene the professor is embarrassed and pissed off and says you invited me here which isn't true you're always wearing sheer clothes and you have those [ __ ] eyes that you give me you know i just don't think this whole ta thing is working out which will obviously be a big blow to beck who needs the ta job to have housing and he of course knows this she's pretty upset at this point she calls joe who needs to book it out of the bar because his phone is ringing and he doesn't want to draw attention to it and he quote unquote meets her there in 15 minutes where they have a really nice talk he's able to distract her from what happened and she even invites him to this party that peaches is having the next day but the next day is the big stephen king release and the place is packed and even paco has shown up to help out and at one point joe is swamped at the register and needs to head downstairs to get more books in the basement but ethan says hey paco took your key he's going downstairs to get him and then joe races downstairs and gets to paco just in enough time before he sees that benji is in the cage he screams at paco tells him he never should have come down here and paco is pretty upset and runs away so while i kind of acted like an [ __ ] joe dodge is a huge bullet but after the book release joe heads downstairs and benji at this point is like dude just kill me but joe doesn't want to kill him i mean nobody wants to kill somebody so he decides to make him a deal i'll let you go if you can tell me which of these three sodas is your company's soda so benji drinks all three and incorrectly predicts that none of them are his soda because they're all [ __ ] when in reality they were all his brand soda and when he loses this bet benji breaks down and says look man you win i lose but joe cuts him off and says no and nobody wins in this situation cause i don't know what to do with you and somehow beck gets involved in this conversation and benji says look man becca's never going to be interested in your type of guy and he says no you're wrong she invited me to peach's party he says bro don't you get it you're an accessory you're an everyday guy as soon as she gets a chance to date a guy like me she will dump your ass and when joe heads to the party that is now in his head but joe and becca arrive at peach's place and immediately it becomes apparent to joe that this is not his scene the entire party is full of pretentious brown alumni headline by peaches who earlier in the day gave beck a security deposit first and last month's rent after the whole ta thing went kaput so as soon as they walk in the door peaches steals beck from joe and leaves him kind of on his own and he starts walking upstairs and he already knows all of her friends from social media at this point and he knows that he doesn't want to talk to any of them but he finds his way into her library room where she has an extremely rare collection of wizard of oz books and as he's admiring them he's interrupted by peaches who comes in and is kind of accusing him of being shady she finds it very interesting that they met at a bookstore and he just happened to be in the right place at the right time the next day to save her on a train platform so while she doesn't come out and say it peaches is very skeptical of joe to make matters worse when joe heads downstairs he sees that peaches is introduced back to a new guy and becca's all over him so joe heads up to a balcony where beck ends up finding him there and he admits to her that this really isn't his scene and she also admits that yeah she thinks she's gonna have fun every time they have these brown alumni meetups but she never really does and he says you know when you're not given everything in life like most of these people here you have to fight for things you have to show people your teeth sometimes and then she says the one thing that no guy wants to hear i'm glad we're friends at this point though it's time for them both to leave the party and as they are a girl comes over to joe and she was friends with joe's ex-girlfriend candace joe says yeah you know it's unfortunate i thought we had a good thing going but apparently she wanted to be with another guy in rome and the girl says yeah it's just so weird how quickly she packed up and left and lucky for joe beck steps in and says you know i think it's time to go my uber's here but it was definitely a weird conversation when joe gets home that night paco was once again outside because his mother and ron are once again fighting and he apologizes to paco because he doesn't want to yell at the kid he got yelled at enough by mr mooney growing up the guy who owned the bookstore and as a peace offering he gives them the wizard of oz book that he stole from peach's library and he even tells him a place to hide it so that ron can't ruin it for him the next day beck heads to her teacher's office to see if he would reconsider giving her back her ta spot but he says no i can't and not only that but since it's mid-term i can't even suggest you for anybody else and that's when beck has to quote show her teeth she turns around and says i didn't want to do this but i have seven names of seven other women who say you sexually harass them the teacher tries to call her bluff but she says look if you want to call my bluff that's fine but i'm not bluffing so the ball's in your court so while beck was strong-arming her professor into giving her back her full-time ta spot joe wakes up and realizes that he has left benji way too long by himself he races over to the bookstore and benji is really pissed off but he's also broken down he says look man i know your darkest secret at this point if you go to my house there's a flash drive and then you'll have my darkest secret and sure enough joe does that and he finds a flash drive with a video on it of a fraternity hazing going very wrong where benji hates this kid way too hard and the kid ended up dying now because benji has powerful parents the parents made the situation go away but benji has this tape and now joe has this tape so as joe plans his next move he heads back to work where beck meets him there and thanks him for the advice because she was able to get her ta spot back and that's when she grabs them and they make out in the bookstore so as you can imagine joe is in a great mood and when beck leaves he heads downstairs to the basement and gives benji a very bougie latte and as benji's drinking the latte he asks all right you know you saw the videotape did it work am i gonna get my freedom and joe says yeah it's pretty damning but i just don't know if i can trust you and then all of a sudden benji starts choking because in that latte joe put a few drops of peanut oil in it now benji has lied a bunch of times but apparently he wasn't lying when he said even one nut could kill him because benji starts convulsing and dies so it's been three days since the two shared a kiss and everything seems to be going great but beck ends up asking joe about his old girlfriend candace and he quickly brushes it off as two people that just didn't end up working out as the two arrive at beck's place he makes a mental note that she's worth waiting for and he's not willing to have sex with her just yet and he leaves back and shoots a tweet off from benji's twitter account to make it look like he's still active and then he heads back to the bookstore where he's got benji's body decaying pretty quickly so he needs to figure out what he's going to do with his body and he doesn't want to do a google search because that leaves a digital footprint so he heads to books to try to figure out what he needs to do to get rid of a body and after a little bit of research he realizes that the best course of action is to just chalk the body full of chemicals and burn it but he doesn't want dental records left so now he has to take a mallet to benji's dead face and he just can't do it in fact he ends up puking over it so to buy himself some time he turns down the temperature in the room and puts a bunch of dehumidifiers in the cage and then leaves for the day and as he's closing up paco shows up and he gives paco a list of all the items he's gonna need to get rid of benji's body and a little bit of extra money for paco to buy something that he wants he figures it's probably best for paco to go to a bunch of different stores it's also not gonna look as shady if a kid's buying this stuff as opposed to an adult but meanwhile beck has been transferred to another teacher and when she goes to meet with her the teacher isn't in but another teaching assistant is and this teaching assistant is named blyth and she has kind of a legendary status about her she also seems to be very judgmental and it turns beck into kind of an introvert because she doesn't want to say something that's going to be embarrassing and when she goes out later that night and is explaining this to her friends he just says it just sounds like the girl is pretentious but beck kind of sticks up for her beck also makes mention that she blew off some steam by banging a random guy last night and her friends ask well what happened to the bookstore guy she says yeah he's still in the picture but i just needed a tinder one-night stand and joe is hearing all of this and he's pretty pissed off that she's still banging other dudes but unfortunately for joe that's not the only guy she's gonna be banging because then she hooks up with the bartender at the bar and because joe's a glutton for punishment he watches this all go down from the stoop across the street from her apartment and this guy bangs her so hard that he actually breaks the bed i mean tip of the cap to you so the next day she comes home and she's trying to write but since her bed is broken it's distracting her and joe is watching this all go down so he shoots her attacks and says hey are you free i need to buy a new end table so if she responds with you read my mind i actually need a new bed so he heads off and grabs mr mooney's buick skylark which he thinks will impress beck and in fact it does the two head off to a furniture store where she spots a red ladle and she says i have one of these and joe has heard all about her red label from benji where benji told him that she uses it as like a spanking tool but the real story is that she has the red label because it was her dad's and she associates the red label with good dates because when she would wake up and smell pancakes he was making him with the red label and every time he put that red ladle away she would sit there and just wait until it came out again until one day it just never came out joe almost gets caught once again though when she's looking at a kingside's bed and he makes mention that her place is too small for a king-size bed she says how do you know but once again joe's really quick and he says well every place in new york city is too small for a king-sized bed but shortly after he decides to be bold and makes a move and starts going down on her in public and she seems to be into it until she hears people coming she quickly stops him and says i'm not trying to get arrested because you decided to go bush diving and the two buy furniture but it got very awkward after that and as she's loading up the furniture he gets a call from ethan from the store because all the ac units and dehumidifiers blew a fuse and the electrician is at the bookstore wanting to get into the basement and of course joe can't let this happen so he tells ethan no go home send the electrician home i'll figure it out when i get back to the bookstore so he drops back off and rushes over to the bookstore where benji's body is quickly decomposing to the point where he can't keep it there and as he's packing up the body he gets a text from him back who's asking him for help putting together the bed so he wraps up benji's body in a carpet puts it in the trunk and heads over to beck's place to help build her new bed and after they build the bed she apologizes for the way she acted in the bookstore and says i just don't want you to think of me like that because i like you i really like you and the reality is me and blyth are supposed to submit 20 pages of poetry and when she submitted hers it kind of got in my head space a little bit and the two get into a conversation about her work where joe says you shouldn't be thinking about blythe just just write what you write write for yourself the two start fooling around the new bed but they're quickly interrupted by peaches who comes in the apartment stating that she needs to go to the hospital when she sees joe she explains to him that she has a rare chronic bladder disease and even though some people think she's uppity she can't have any fast food and all the liquor she has has to be top shelf so which he makes mention that she was doing jaeger shots the other night but nobody seems to hear it because beck has volunteered joe to drive them to the hospital so joe obliges but they're sitting in traffic and peaches is getting very rude and finally she just said you know what we'll walk she storms out of the car to which beck apologizes for her behavior and follows her to the hospital after getting treated she seems to be feeling better and beck says what do you think of joe and peter says i i mean i like him i guess beck says yeah i think i like him i think i really like him you know i wasn't really sure if i was ready to get involved but peaches just cuts her off and says you can't be serious i mean this guy works at a bookstore look i know you you need someone to take care of you so you can just write all day and not have to worry about anything and you can't do that with this guy you don't need somebody like joe and his financial limitations bec shoots back that that's not fair and then peaches brushes it off and asks her if she wants to get food but beck isn't ready to brush it off and says you know what no i'm good i'll see you later and walks out but when joe got back to his house from dropping them off at we'll say the hospital but not really he's greeted by two police officers and ron his next-door neighbor and the police want to know why joe is having a child go get all of these things that basically seem like he wants to get rid of a body now at this point we learned that joe is pretty quick on his feet and he uses this skill once again when he says you know what it's better if i just show you and takes him to the side of the building and shows them a garden he says i need lighter fluid because i barbecue i need the chemicals for roots and ron is beside himself he says i'm a corrections officer i know there's something up with this guy and joe says i realized i might have overstepped my bounds but the reality is the kid looked hungry and i wanted to give him a little bit of money to get a sandwich i'm not saying they're bad parents but it just seems like the kid's hungry and that really sets ron off and the cops have to hold him back the cops also apologize for bothering joe the whole time joe is thinking how easy it is to fool these people because he's just so unassuming so now that it seems like he's scot-free he takes all the items to the park and drags the body into the woods and as he's setting up the bonfire he gets a phone call from beck and instead of just ignoring it the idiot answers it and it couldn't come as worse timing because as he's talking to her two hikers are coming near him and obviously they cannot see the body so as she's asking him to come over and finish what they started on the bed he's getting more and more flustered saying that she's sending him mixed signals and he doesn't really know what she wants eventually he simply just hangs up on her and at the last second gets that bonfire started it startles the hikers but they keep on walking afterwards he's trying to get in touch with beck but to no avail she keeps sending him straight to voicemail and it might have something to do with beck's workload where she was supposed to admit 20 pages to her new teacher's workshop but she only got one done she kept working on it working on it and she thought it all sounded stupid but this one page she's really proud of the issue is she needed 19 more and to make matters worse blythe is getting praised like the second coming and beck is simply getting judged left and right so she couldn't have had a worse day and she doesn't really know what to do so she heads on over to the bookstore and as she's practicing what she wants to say to joe she's caught by joe she apologizes and says you know what you're right i probably did send some mixed messages and i do drop everything from my friends and i do use them as an excuse not to write and the reality is i'll use anything as an excuse not to write because i'm worried that i'm going to be the shittiest writer in this city and all of this is just to say that i don't know who i am so how am i supposed to say what i want and then she realized that she doesn't even know a lot about joe she's never been to his apartment she doesn't know his friends so joe says all right if you want to know something about me follow me he brings her downstairs into the basement and shows her the rare book room he tells her that this place is the most important place in the world to him and if she wants to know who he is it's right here because these books as weird as it sounds are more alive than most people he knows so yeah he'll show her his apartment and she can meet his friends but this place right here is more important to him than any of that and that talk went so well that she ends up deleting tinder and peaches makes an off-handed comment that you know what maybe it's best that you just have a simple life with them but while she's judging bec for possibly getting a relationship with joe she notices that the book that joe was looking at is missing and it's obviously even more suspicious because joe was looking at that book and joe works in a bookstore but beck brushes it off as i'm sure it'll show up eventually and he gave that book to paco and when joe gets home he sees paco on the step and paco apologizes for leaving the list on his bed to which ron saw as joe is saying not to worry about it ron comes home and tells paco to go into his room and starts telling joe once again i told you to stay away from paco joe can smell the bourbon on his breath as ron says i know there's something wrong with you i just know it and then he walks inside joe files it away as a potential problem later on but he quickly forgets about ron when beck sends him a very scandalous photo and he quickly heads over there and ends up giving her the best 13 seconds of her life in episode 4 both beck and joe are reeling from the eight seconds of fun they just had and it's a very awkward situation because neither of them really know what to say to each other but it's broken up when beck gets a text message from some guy named the captain she rushes into the bathroom so she doesn't have to answer it in front of joe of course joe has her other phone so he can see what she's saying and the captain asks her if she's ready for this weekend but she really doesn't want to go hang out with him this weekend then he asks her if she has the outfit to which she says no i have no money and he sends her 500 bucks the conversation ends when the captain says i love you and even though beck really doesn't want to say it she says just tell him what he wants to hear and says love you back and when she texts love you it really upsets joe i mean he's pretty embarrassed about his performance and then 30 seconds later she's telling another guy that she loves him so he actually gets up and leaves the apartment the next day in her group chat with her friend she's telling them about how it was eight seconds and not very satisfying and some of them are asking for dick pics but she just keeps sending them emojis until finally one of the friends says hey is this even worth it and she thinks about it and says yeah it's worth it i'll give him one more shot and while joe is upset that he's getting ridiculed and mocked with emojis he is relieved to see that she is willing to give him one more chance but she really isn't worried about joe at the moment because she has to get that outfit for the captain and head to the motel that they booked and part of the outfit is some boots that peaches has who at the moment is dealing with a bed bug infestation that the exterminator can't even find but she lies to peaches about what she's doing that weekend saying she's going to a writing seminar and when pete just questions her about why she needs these boots she says what it's an either or situation you can either be sexy or be a writer but beck feels pretty shitty about lying to her friend so she gets the boots and heads off to the motel room and of course joe is checked into the room right next door and joe is pretty surprised because when the captain shows up he is this middle-aged guy that's dressed like he's coming out of the 1800s at first he's really pissed off but then it makes sense when becca dresses him as dad and that outfit was for a dickens festival in the town so joe is following her around this charles dickens festival watching her interactions with her father and just from her body language you can tell that she does not want to be there with him and this whole time she's just thinking about how he abandoned her and her brothers and her sister and her mom and to make matters worse now she has to hang out with his new family and she can't stand his new wife who is extremely pretentious extremely judgmental and her teenage daughter is exactly like her but just to be sure joe hops on social media and confirms that it is her dad and while he used to be a drug addict he certainly did not die and through a help of a church's n.a group he is sobered up but also met his new wife who has a very successful blog where she uses him as material quite a bit so he's got this whole new perfect family so which he wants bec to be a part of but it's really hard when she doesn't get along with them especially the teenage daughter and the mom and the teenage daughter doesn't really do anything to endear herself to beck when she tells back that she was invited this weekend to get cut off financially from her dad and also to let beck know that dad's new wife is pregnant with their first child and when beck hears this she immediately needs alcohol in the worst way so while beck tries to drown her sorrows her best friend peaches heads to the bookstore looking for joe but he's currently stalking beck and the only person there is ethan and she asks ethan if they happen to have that wizard of oz but that's missing from her house and he says yeah that's a very rare book and we keep those downstairs but unfortunately i currently do not have the key for downstairs so while he can't help her out with her book he does tell her where joe is and since that just so happens to be in the same place as beck she doesn't find it as a coincidence and ends up calling back asking hey are you with joe but she says no i told you i'm at a writing conference and she once again feels terrible about lying to peaches at the same time ethan is calling joe saying hey there was this girl in here who is looking for a rare wizard of oz book and immediately joe knows its peaches and ethan lets him know i hope it's okay but i let her know where you are so now joe is under the assumption that beck also knows that he is there and he's got two choices he can either run or stay he decides to stay and quote unquote bump into her and play it off like what are you doing here and at first that's exactly what he does and it makes sense because he works in a bookstore it's a charles dickens festival they're selling old books there but finally he comes clean and says i gotta be honest with you i'm lying i knew you were here you gave it away with an instagram post i just didn't like how we left things last night and truthfully i thought we were in a race i won right eight seconds and for the time being it cheers up back end up bumping into beck's dad and his new family and they invite joe to dinner with them that night but before they head to dinner becca wants to come clean with joe about who her dad is she says when i was younger i went downstairs to play video games and i found my dad almost dead with a needle in his arm and luckily he didn't die but later on he relapsed and he disappeared and when he did i vowed that he was out of my life forever but he got clean and when i was at brown he got back in touch with me and wanted to help me out with my finances so i decided to be the doting daughter and go to lunch with him and go to stupid things like this charles dickens festival but now he's got this perfect family and i can't stand them and joe is very comforting about this and very understanding and the two head off to dinner and at first it seems like it's going okay until beck brings up a sailing trip that their dad is very uncomfortable with and either remembers it and is embarrassed or doesn't remember it because he was under the influence and when his new wife steps in and says he clearly doesn't remember bec snaps back that he can speak for himself and that she shouldn't treat him like a child so which his wife replies that's pretty rich coming from you since you treat him like an atm this sparks a huge fight where beck storms out of the place after screaming at her that she didn't save him she didn't rip him out from the darkness in fact he was clean and sober when the two met and it was actually beck and not her that was with him in the darkness so after the blow up joe goes out and finds her to gazebo and is trying to comfort her saying maybe she can use this in her writing and beck lashes out at joe saying who the hell are you to tell me i have daddy issues you know what get out of here just go away and shortly after that beck's dad joins her and he tries to pay for the hotel room which he doesn't take initially but ends up taking the money and beck says i just want the old dad that i had i want the old you i don't want this new you with the new family but that's pretty hard because this is who he is now he invites her to spend christmas with them but she says yeah i'll have to check my schedule that night she's tossing and turning and cannot sleep and that's when she finally decides to write and she writes this poem called the ladle truthfully i have no idea if it sucks or not because i'm not a poetry guy but somebody who did like it is blyth who texts her the next day and says i've read it twice it gave me chills and this boosts specs confidence a lot she also gets a text though from peaches saying that they found a bed bug oh my god you have to come over here and help me pack by the way can you stop by and pick up xanax but unlike before beck doesn't drop everything to go be with peaches she actually heads over to joe's apartment and when he answers the door she says i hear girls with daddy issues are great in bed which i gotta be honest i think is the stupidest thing to say to a guy that you want to last more than eight seconds either way though the two start making out but joe begins to panic because littered throughout his apartment are her items her panties are over here her top is over there a book is over here and her phone is on his bed so he starts circus so laying this thing and starts moving the items without her even knowing as the two make out the two finally end up on the bed and joe rocks her world the next day when they wake up the two have a conversation and she apologizes to joe for how she acted but joe plays it off like no you were in the right it's fine but she says no no i i wasn't she brings up that joe is different from every other guy that she's dated in the best way possible she then excuses herself to go to the bathroom and joe is curious if he's getting raided again so he fishes out her phone from behind the bed and sure enough he is getting raided and he is getting praised for his stroke skills one person however who is not impressed with joe is peaches who just texts back enjoy it while it lasts so in an attempt to get her off his back joe sneaks into her apartment and returns the wizard of oz book that he stole in episode 5 joe and beck have gotten in a nice little routine where he makes her breakfast in the morning right before she goes off to school now it usually is interrupted by the infighting next door and even beck says can't you do something but joe says i don't really like getting involved in people's business so while that's what they do in the morning at night joe tags along and hangs out with her friends while they watch things like the bachelor and he hates it but he's not the only one who hates it because peach also hates it and since he's done this a few times he notices that there's a cold war going on between peach and annika and after making a snide remark to annika she mentions how it used to be fun because it used to be a girls night until we started bringing our boyfriends she also brings along the book that he stole asking how much it would be worth he examines it and says first edition it'd be worth a lot and she says well i better sell it before somebody steals it off of me but he won't let go and says a book like this i would keep it forever if i could so it's clear that the cold war between annika and peach isn't the only cold war going on the next day though while he's working in the store annika comes in and says how the website for the store is terrible and that she can help she has over 3 million followers on instagram and usually gets paid to just promote things like sunglasses but out of the kindness of her heart she will do it for free and after a little push from ethan joe agrees that she can help out with the marketing of the store so while she's walking around the store instagramming joe is checking up on her instagram and finds this very old picture of annika and peach from college and this is pre peach getting a nose job and it's not the most flattering photo of really either of them but joe pitches it to her as kind of a throwback photo and she says nah peach would kill me and joe says do you ask for peach's approval before posting every photo and annika thinks about it and says you're right i'll post it so that night even though peach invites beck to have a girls night she chooses to hang out with joe which is a good sign but those plans are quickly dashed when beck gets a phone call from annika saying that there was an anonymous instagram account that posted a video of annika having a racist rant from college and annika is beside herself so beck rushes off to be with her friend and joe is left alone and it's pretty clear to joe who did this it was peach i mean it can't be a coincidence that annika posts the embarrassing photo and one of the comments is from this anonymous instagram account that has the video but beck is so blind that she can't even see it so joe has made it up in his mind that peach is dangerous and starts following her around he even picks up jogging which is completely out of shape but he gets down her daily routine later on that day though when he's in mooney's bookstore and beck also happens to be in there peach shows up and beck has some exciting news because her professor is gonna put her in touch with some literary agents but peach stalls for a little bit and says actually i was going to do that because peach is related to jd salinger and has some connections and there's one agent that she has in mind that she wants to introduce back to so when joe eventually comes down peach tells him we need this place for tonight for a private party and this private party is solely to introduce back to this famous literary agent and unfortunately for joe he doesn't really have a choice he has to go along with this party but before the party he heads home and he sees paco reading on the step but he immediately knows that the book that he's reading isn't the book that you would think it is by the cover so after grabbing the book he realizes that paco is trying to investigate what's the punishment for a minor killing an adult and in this case it's ron his mom's boyfriend joe talks him out of it says it's not worth it and gives him the count of monte cristo which is a book about revenge that night though is the big party and after the introduction that peach makes between beck and the agent peach goes over and has a very uncomfortable conversation with joe she keeps making snide remarks like when joe brings up that he's taking up jogging she says yeah the runner's high is better than sex and it even lasts longer so with bec preoccupied with this agent joe ends up stealing peach's purse and heading down to the basement to try to find dirt unfortunately for joe peach isn't like beck she has her computer password protected and he figures it's not even worth it trying to guess but he does find her food diary and in the food diary there's an old picture of beck used as a bookmark and beck looks all right in it so joe decides well no one's down here and starts jerking off and i can't make this up i actually timed it he lasted eight seconds that's not a coincidence after a quick cleanup he heads back upstairs and he overhears peach talking to this agent she says when you reject her just let her down easy it's pretty clear she's not ready the agent tells her you know if i were you i would just tell your friend to drop the masters in fine arts degree it's a waste of money she should probably just drop out so this is further proof that peach is a pretty shitty friend the next day joe schedules a meeting with anika to try to figure out peach's password and while annika tells him peach's dog's name from when she was a kid the meeting is interrupted because peach is in joe's apartment looking for a stolen laptop and when joe heads over there peach is furious just saying come on where is it and becca's over in the corner not knowing really what to do justice believe it or not i can afford my own laptop have you tried find my computer and when she does that the computer is at peach's house the whole time joe's thinking to himself i'm not stupid enough to bring it here so after peach storms out without an apology he gets pissed off at beck for not sticking up for him and she's playing it off like she's so focused on submitting these pages to that agent but then he snaps and says he doesn't care about you he's not going to sign you peach is setting you up to fail i overheard them talking she said you're not ready but bec gets pissed off and she calls him an [ __ ] and says if you don't believe in me that's fine but you don't have to make up these slanderous lies and then she storms out of the apartment so after she leaves he breaks into peach's apartment and figures out that the password isn't her childhood pet but is her nickname that she has for beck which is just creepy and even creepier is the fact that on her computer she has an entire folder of pictures of back joe's conclusion is that because she comes from an affluent family she suppressed these feelings for back for years and it's festered and morphed into an obsession and because of this obsession he doesn't think peach is safe and needs to take care of it and while he's figuring this all out becca's busy meeting with that agent who it's pretty clear early on didn't actually read her stuff he just glanced over it and that meeting wasn't a signer it was to [ __ ] her in the back of a limo and beck rejects him and his invitation to use drugs and gets out of the cab and demands to meet with peach and when she does she lights in a peach yelling you set me up you told this guy i wasn't ready and all he wanted to do was have sex with me you know what it is exhausting being your friend because god forbid anybody gets close to your spotlight you bring them down you know what joe is right about you and then she walks off beck heads over to joe's apartment and apologizes saying that he was right but the two are interrupted when she gets back-to-back phone calls from peach and she can't ignore it when she answers peach is taking a bunch of pills and is apologizing so beck and joe head over to her apartment to nurse her back to health and when beck goes off to get her some towels joe notices that she actually charted her suicide attempt everything that she took and while he's looking at the pages peach says you can't prove i did any of that beck returns shortly after that and starts taking her to bed and joe says you know what if this is real we should probably take her to a hospital well peach doesn't want to go to a hospital because she'd be admitted for a 72-hour hold and she's also offended that he's even implying that this is fake peach then asks bec if she can stay the night to make sure everything goes okay and joe's pissed off because this is a cry for help but apparently this isn't the first suicide attempt that peach has had so at this point joe knows he has to take care of it while he's following her in her running route through central park in broad daylight he takes a rock and smashes her in the head and nobody sees it more impressively he continues to run through the park and not pass his soul i'm talking he doesn't even pass a homeless guy it's incredible he's kind of shocked at what he was able to do and when he gets home he's greeted with a little bit of deja vu because paco has drugged ron and because of what joe dealt with less than 24 hours ago he knows what to do so he tells paco go in the house and get some towels and when paco is in his apartment ron comes too and starts beating the [ __ ] out of joe and joe knows this is karma coming back at him while joe is sitting on the ground all bloodied up he gets a phone call from beck saying oh my god peace just got attacked i'm heading to the hospital to see her right now because peach hasn't died she survived the attack in episode six joe is heading to beck's apartment where peach is staying and he's very nervous that his cover is gonna be blown and as soon as he gets there peach looks at him and says i'm on to you joe gets even more nervous but she says you said i had a stalker and that's clearly what this is annika makes mention that most of the time a person's stalker is actually somebody that they know peach asks back to make her some tea and joe follows her into the kitchen and after some small talk peach comes in and ignores joe completely and says to beck i'm really feeling like i need less male energy can you ask joe to please leave and take his gift with him by the way the gift was a balloon beck says i'm pretty sure he heard you because joe is literally four feet away from them and peach says i just don't want to deal with confrontation right now and walks out beck apologizes joe agrees to leave but before he does he notices that there's plane tickets in peach's purse and when he goes to check it peaches booked herself and beck two tickets to paris so joe files this away and heads home where before he can even get through his building's door he sees paco who immediately apologizes paco's mom comes out and tells paco to go in the house and paco's mom gives joe some brownies as a thank you tells him i owe you one and then asks him not to press charges against ron she says i really feel like he's a changed man after this and while joe tells her i'm not going to press charges he says people don't change later that day joe heads to work where beck meets him there and lets him know that she's heading to peach's family's house in greenwich for the weekend joe wants to know what she plans on doing about school and more importantly their relationship but all beck can focus on is the fact that a couple days ago she almost died joe shoots back that you're risking your career for the same person who tried to sabotage it just a week ago beck gets upset and joe says you're being manipulated by peach if you become your own person peach can't manipulate you anymore and she knows that he also says that the suicide was for show and she was never in real danger and you could see beck getting more and more angry as he continues to talk he finishes it off with you know she's in love with you right and that was the straw that broke camel's back and she leaves the bookstore pretty upset but now he needs to know where this greenwich house is so he heads downstairs in the basement and thanks to a quick google search he finds out that it's less than an hour away and as he's driving there that night a deer jumps in front of the car and he swerves to miss it but bangs his head on the steering wheel he's got a really nasty gash and probably a concussion and when he comes to the next morning he's having a hallucination with his old girlfriend candace he has to shake this off pretty quickly because a cop car has arrived behind him wondering what he's doing there and if he's okay and the cop is pretty suspicious and to make matters worse for joe he doesn't want to leave a lot of information joe tells the cop that he was robbed and doesn't have his license or identification the cop gives him a sobriety test but he passes that joe explains that it was just a bunch of kids and they stole his wallet and his wedding ring but the cop notices they didn't steal his watch and he's wearing benji's 80 000 watch through some fast talking though joe is able to avoid the cop running his plates and the cop lets him go and as he's driving away the cop thinks better of it and writes down the plate number to run it later so joe heads off to the greenwich house where the girls have actually left for the day to go on a shopping trip and after he breaks in he locates a medicine cabinet takes some painkillers and starts trying to stitch up his head wound but he actually passes out and when he passes out he once again has a hallucination that involves candace he's awoken when the girls come back from their shopping trip and every time he hears peach and every time he sees peach through a door crack he gets more and more annoyed that she's even there he doesn't feel like she's safe and the hypocrisy of the situation hits an all-time high when he gets annoyed at peach for watching beck take a bath so he's watching peach watch beck he also needs to use the bathroom though and he's in a tight bind so he just grabs a jar and pisses in that and somehow nobody hears it after he zips up though he wants to get peach away from beck so he goes downstairs and opens the door and closes it and it works because she gets suspicious and heads downstairs and wants to know where that sound came from and then she goes into her purse and grabs a gun and joe sees this and it makes him further believe that peach is not safe but then the doorbell rings because peach has promised becca surprise and the surprise is a guy named mirage that they're all familiar with but it's clear that beck hasn't seen him in a long time and since joe doesn't know this guy he is even more concerned but joe isn't the only one who didn't really want to see raj because beck also didn't really want to see him she pulls peach to the side and says what is he doing here what happened to all this i don't need male energy right now and beck is definitely still mad at peach but she puts on a good face and heads back in the room with raj all three of them do pills and start to drink and as that's going on joe is walking through the house trying to find that mysterious gun he even starts thinking he never saw it until finally he locates it in a drawer but the group is coming upstairs and he has to hide under the bed because the group has decided to do a platonic group massage but this platonic massage turns into a possible threesome real fast when peach starts making out with back after a little bit beck stops it and says i i thought this was platonic i have a boyfriend i can't do this peace just says she's no fun i don't have a boyfriend and she starts banging raj on the bed as joe hides underneath it beck heads downstairs and actually starts texting joe saying she's not mad at him anymore and joe once again apologizes and then beck says that she doesn't want to go to paris because earlier in the day peach told beck that her family is giving her a house in paris to go over and renovate and she wants beck to come with her and live out there she says leave your old life behind you can come you can write but that's really not beck's dream at this moment and the next day when the two wake up beck tells peach that while she appreciates the offer she's not going over to paris with her a little bit of a fight ensues and beck says well what was that last night look i know your family i know that they wouldn't be okay with and peach just immediately cuts her off and says no i'm sorry you have issues back then tries to slow this argument down a little bit and says i i came here to take care of you but peach says oh that's rich go ahead go back to your bookstore boyfriend so peach walks out to her uber and joe was watching all this go down while still holding the gun he's watching beck go out to her uber but he doesn't see that peach is snuck up from behind him and she knocks him out when joe wakes up peach is now holding the gun demanding answers why are you in my house and then it clicks oh my god you're my stalker you stole my book you stole my computer and since joe doesn't really have a lot of options he comes clean and says yep you're right but because i saw your laptop i also have all those folders of pictures of beck and my associate paco is informed that if i don't come home safely he's going to distribute it all over the internet with traces back to you he then tells peach that no matter how hard you want beck she's never gonna want you like that eventually joe makes a run for it but he gets shot by peach in the leg as peach gets closer he plays possum and once she turns her back on him he trips her and ends up killing her he makes it look like it was a suicide and even writes a very well written suicide note saying goodbye to her friends and family and then he heads home in the car and it's ironic that he's heading home in the car because the cop that originally pulled him over has just gotten the plate tag back for that very car the dispatcher lets the cop know that the car hasn't been listed as stolen as the cop is staring at the jar that joe piston joe immediately heads to his neighbor's house knocks on the door and when she answers he says you owed me one and she stitches him up joe doesn't want to answer any questions as to what happened but she lets joe know that she kicked ron out because joe was right people don't change and paco needs a good strong male influence on his life and ron isn't it as he's sitting there getting stitched up by his neighbor he gets a text from bec saying oh my god joe peach is dead in the ensuing days beck is in such a day she doesn't even notice joe's injuries although it's a good sign because she invited joe to the funeral a month after peach's death things are actually going better than ever for joe and beck and the morning over peach's death has actually brought the two closer than ever things are going so well in fact that joe stopped looking at her old phone to see who was texting her he hid it in his ceiling and he hasn't looked at it in a while but beck's grades are starting to slip and she just got fired from a yoga position and joe decides to give her a job at mooney's bookstore the problem is she sucks she sucks so bad ethan actually has to come to joe at one point and say she's showing up late she doesn't know where to put things i know it's awkward because she's your girlfriend but you gotta say something to her so right before he has to go have an uncomfortable conversation with back he gets a phone call at mooney's from the police department in greenwich and they're looking for mr mooney which joe pretends that he is mr mooney and they're asking about that car and joe says oh yeah i lent it to my nephew spencer which is the fake name that he gave the cops so while it gets the cops off of his tail it's a close call but now he has to go have that uncomfortable conversation with beck and she says that she's still mourning the loss of peach and it's just very difficult on her and the only good thing right now in her life is therapy and joe takes this as a slight and beck notices it so she tries to set up a date night for the two in the basement of moonies and during the date night she once again brings up her therapist and joe is getting a little bit intimidated that she feels the need to go and talk to somebody that is not named joe her birthday is also coming up and joe wants to know what she wants to do and she says let's keep it low-key this year but the next day when he's talking to her friend lynn she says no girl wants a low-key event they tell you that and they want to be surprised with a big event every year the guy that was dating back would try to do a low-key event and then peach would swoop in and save the day so lynn's idea is to throw a big surprise party at mooney's and everybody comes with their favorite literary character joe is hesitant to do so but he reluctantly agrees lin also admits that while nobody really liked peach they all loved peach so peach was the definition of a queen bee so we fast forward to the day of the party and joe is very stressed out because beck is 40 minutes late at one point they think she's showing up but it turns out to be just blythe who surprisingly hits it off with ethan over their love of the same authors but that's not helping out joe who is getting more and more stressed wondering where beck is and to top it off he's trying to get a hold of her but he can't and as he's complaining to lynn about how selfish this is of her to show up late he fails to notice that she is right behind him and she is pissed she takes him into the office and reams him out for throwing her a big surprise birthday party when all she wanted was something small and intimate he tries to blame it on lin but she doesn't take the bait so since tensions are already high in this conversation joe decides to ask well where were you beck says i had a therapy session and it ran late and he says well why do you smell like you just drank three glasses of rose she says i went to a bar to sit down and be with my thoughts and then joe asked let me see your cell phone and beck pulls it out but she says if you look at this cell phone then that means there's no trust in our relationship and that means there's no us and while joe doesn't take the phone beck storms out of the place very pissed off she shows up at joe's apartment the next day to make amends and at first things are back to the way they were but then they slowly start deteriorating she keeps getting these weird text messages and joe can't figure out who they're from but since she's being kind of cagey he decides to look at that old cell phone and sees that she's texting somebody with a fox emoji as their name saying let's meet in our old spots so he starts to follow her and while he's following her he texts her hey what are you doing and she stops and turns around although shortly after that joe loses her in the park because becca circled around and she's behind him and she's caught him she asks are you following me and at first joe says no and plays it off but it's clear to her that he's lying he asks if she's sleeping with her therapist when she adamantly denies and then he says well then who are the text messages to who's the fox and the fox is somebody she went to brown university with who has the last name fox that she's meeting and it's also a girl but this betrayal of trust is enough for her to end things with joe and since he is convinced that she's having an affair with her therapist he schedules a therapy meeting with this therapist although he switches back to a guy and switches a bookstore to a bar but he tells the therapist the entire story of how their relationship deteriorated and in the middle of this therapy session he steals a letter opener and after the doctor leaves for the day he breaks in using the letter opener and goes to his computer he starts listening to the therapy sessions that the therapist recorded with back to see if there is actual infidelity going on and during the latest therapy session with bec she's talking about how he was following her through the park the therapist asks if i'm joe right now what would you want to say to me and she says i never got to grieve whether it be with peach or my dad or benji and instead of putting it in my writing i just hibernated with you and i resent you for it i need space to heal and every time i turn around there you are trying to make everything perfect again but the reality is only i can do that and if you really love me you'll see that and you'll let me go so joe realizes two things one they're not having an affair and two he has to let her go so he heads home and smashes up her old cell phone and then heads to her apartment where he apologizes and says i'm giving you space i'm letting you go and walks away and you know since the two aren't having an affair he even decides to schedule another therapy session with that therapist but he's a single man now and he heads home and he's greeted by claudia's sister karen and their first interaction didn't go so hot because karen was holding a baseball bat trying to fight ron away from their house and she was in a mood their second interaction went a lot better it was right before beck's surprise party where she told joe that beck is lucky to have somebody in her life that cares so when she finds out that joe just got dumped she takes it upon herself to take his mind off of things and the two bang each other's brains out and as karen is taking a shower joe goes to check his cell phone but he once again sees candace and candace says are you gonna leave back alone or is she gonna end up like me so in episode eight three months have gone by since joe and bex split and joe is currently dating karen the sister of claudia his next-door neighbor and things are going great she's not perfect but she's really good for him and joe's even cooled down on stalking beck he's only looking at her facebook like three times a day and beck is also doing really well she wrote a story about peach which landed her own book deal but joe isn't the only one that's keeping tabs because since the two kind of share mutual friends joe has ethan beck has blyth ethan and blyth are dating beck is aware that joe has found a new person in his life named karen and every once in a while she asks lythe how's he doing and speaking of ethan and blyth ethan has decided to ask blight to move in with him joe thinks it's a terrible idea because the two have only known each other for about a month but ethan says look man it's love when you know you know so while blythe is pumped to move in with ethan and start house hunting she's also helping back deal with a case of writer's block and suggested back that she'd delete all forms of social media beck reluctantly agrees to do this because at this point she'll try anything but this interferes with joe's ability to just keep tabs on her on a day-to-day basis so on the surface joe and karen are doing great but joe is still going to a therapist the same therapist that beck goes to and both of their therapy sessions are about one another although the therapist has no idea about this because he thinks joe is a gay man but joe is continually trying to convince himself that he and karen are a great thing and one night as they're watching paco claudia comes home and she is clearly messed up on drugs and this upsets karen a great deal to the point where joe says hey let's go let's go out let's go get something to eat and as they're walking around the neighborhood they end up running into beck who doesn't live in their area she claims that she's just walking around the block but it's kind of obvious she's walking around joe's block hoping that she would run into him and she did the three have an awkward interaction because it's the first time that beck is meeting karen and karen is kind of rude to beck right out the gate but it doesn't take long once the two say goodbye for back to text joe that it was nice running into him and karen seems like a nice person and this one text message leads to two and leads to three next thing you know the two were texting each other quite a bit the whole time joe was once again trying to convince himself that it's just two friends and that karen is the one for him and the two run into each other once again when they're both asked to help blythe and ethan move into their new place and joe had no idea that she was even asked to help out and joe is very worried because of what she does to him when the two are in the same room and after they help the two lovebirds move out the two are having a conversation and she asks them have you been to staten island yet to meet the minties which is karen's last name and when she says this joe makes a mental note that she's keeping tabs on him to which he responds with so you're back on facebook to which she responds with oh well you noticed i was off of it at one point i mean you can feel the sexual tension people joe heads home that night but claudia is passed out on the couch thanks to her drug usage and karen is trying to take care of her joe suggests they take her to the cage in mooney's bookstore to help her with cover from withdrawal they're going to tell paco that karen and cloudy have gone off to a spa and joe is going to look out for paco the next day though as joe is working ron shows up at mooney's bookstore looking for claudia joe says she said you two broke up ron says oh did she now look i know you know where she is where she at joe plays dumb and says look if i see her i'll tell you you were looking for her and then ron leaves so now joe's got that to deal with but he heads home that night and as he's watching tv back texts him asking if she can borrow him for an hour to read some of her pages and just get some fresh air and since karen is taking care of cloudy he decides against his better judgment to accept beck's invitation and as he's reading her stuff on the staten island ferry which by the way is completely empty and that's never the case the sexual tension erupts and the two start making out which quickly leads to sex and they're once again not caught in a very public place and he once again lasts about eight seconds afterwards he says we can't do this again but it does happen again and again and again like the rest of the day these two bang like jackrabbits the whole time he knows that he shouldn't be doing this because karen is a really good thing for him and he's so distracted by beck and all the sex that they're having that he completely forgets about paco so he rushes home because the two are supposed to go to a movie but paco doesn't care about a movie because he wants to know where his mom is paco smells [ __ ] and joe knows it so joe takes a pretty big risk and brings paco to the bookstore immediately karen thinks it's a bad idea but joe says he needed to see his mom good or bad and as paco is talking to his mom and his mom is apologizing saying that she's gonna get better karen brings up ethan and blice house warming party joe tries to talk her out of going but she says no i've been cooped up here taking care of her i need to get out and of course at the housewarming party beck shows up after ethan steals joe to go help him out it's just beck and karen and this interaction goes a lot better than the first one they talk about how great joe is how he's like a perfect guy and fighting back tears bec says i'm really happy for you too and she excuses herself joe ends up going to look for her and he finds her all by herself and she says you know you are so good for me and i realize that now and you helped me so much you helped me you helped my writing and i see you with karen and i'm so happy for you guys i'm so jealous because i realize now that i am no good for you i wish i did things differently i wish i didn't shut down after peach died i wish i didn't push you away but i think it came from a place that was scared of how much i needed you and joe agrees with all of this he knows that karen is really good for him but that night he decides to break it off out of nowhere it completely takes karen by surprise but she handles it extremely well he runs to beck's place and says that they should be together and the two reconcile and they're back together when joe gets home he's on cloud nine but he's greeted by ron who is standing outside of claudia's apartment banging on the door for her to let him in joe says she's never gonna let you in but to joe's surprise she does let him in he looks at claudia like what the hell and claudia says he helps us a lot i can't do this by myself i need him claudia just closed the door and paco is actually standing on the step livid at joe he screams at him you said these things would get better you said i had you and karen just as you do just because we're not together but paco cuts him off karen is so mad at my mom that she's taking a new job and we're never gonna see her again later that night though karen intentionally runs into beck where she thanks her and says you help me dodge a bullet because eventually he's going to do the same thing to you that he did to me beck tries to walk away but karen continues saying i got a feeling that you're no candace beck says what do you mean by that says look all i'm saying is i tried to fill the ex-girlfriend void and i couldn't whoever this girl was she did a number on joe and she still has her claws in them so you better enjoy it while it lasts in episode 9 joe is dealing with some nightmares he's having this recurring dream where he sees candace in the bookstore and he tries to go to her but all of a sudden he's in the cage and candace is making out with this guy that's clearly had his face bashed in and joe can't get to her joe wakes up and screams candace and while he thinks that beck didn't hear it and didn't wake up from it she definitely did and the next day during breakfast she starts trying to fit it in a conversation show joe immediately knows that she heard it she's asking about the relationship and what went wrong and joe says they weren't compatible but the real story that we learned in this episode is that him and candace met when she was loading in her gear because she was a musician the two started dating and things started going pretty well but just like with bec joe got extremely jealous and insecure when she started getting random text messages and after one particular message from a record agent joe decides he needs to follow her and his worst fears come true when he sees her get into a car with this guy and immediately start making out with him and joe learns that this guy is the same guy that signed her to a record deal so joe sees him at a party one day and when he goes up to the roof to do a couple of bumps of cocaine he confronts the guy he says do you sleep with all the people that you sign and the guy has no idea who he's talking about he says my girlfriend candace this record exec immediately feels really bad about it and says dude she never told me that she was dating anybody she never even mentioned you he stops turns back and pushes the guy off the roof to his death and just like with peach when he hit her with the rock he's immediately flustered so he had some moonies where mr mooney takes him in tells him he's got to get rid of his clothes and says look good people die every day and we send kids off to war and they kill over there and then they come back and some people are bad people and some people just need to die but his life is over that doesn't mean that your life has to be joe tried to reconcile with candace but it didn't work he said just because you cheated on me doesn't mean that we're over if you tell me that you love me we can get past this but not only does she say that she doesn't love him she said she never did love him and candice tries to walk out so that's some of the backstory between joe and candace but because of these recurring dreams joe decides to schedule a therapy session with dr nikki he tells back that he's going to do payroll at mooney's and heads off to the therapist and when he gets there dr nikki is very distracted early on having a conversation with somebody on the other line and joe makes note that he's also having girl problems so joe wants to know why he's having this occurring dreams and dr nikki says well it makes sense because you got cheated on in a past relationship and now you think you're getting cheated on again he says that's the thing i'm not getting cheated on i found out it was all [ __ ] and in fact we're back together and we're better than ever so dr nikki's advice is that we're all the architects of our own dreams and if you want to know why the dream is still recurring look no further than a mirror so while joe and dr nikki hash this out beck heads off to lunch with her girlfriends and becca's a little jealous of candace she's found candace's facebook and her instagram and she's going through it and candace is beautiful and becca's feeling a little intimidated but annika brings up the point that the account isn't even active she hasn't posted a photo in over a year and as beck continues to look through candace's photos annika says the reality is that everything in your life is going right right now so you're looking for something to go wrong but the group gets off the candace situation when they notice that a private investigator that the salinger family is hired to investigate peach's death is still following them now beck is unfamiliar with this private eye but lynn and anika have talked to him extensively so after lynn tells this guy to buzz off they continue their lunch but candice is still in the back of beck's mind so she heads to mooney's to ask ethan about her since the two were facebook friends and ethan is reluctant to give her any information ethan says he didn't know her that well but when pressed for more he says look she did a number on joe i mean he was in a really bad space and he didn't really come out of it until you showed up you were really the light that brought him out of the darkness and while this makes beck feel good she's still curious and as she clicks through candace's facebook photos she sees the friend that try talking to joe at peach's party she heads off to the bar that she works at and she starts talking to her she slowly maneuvers candace into the conversation and then she slowly maneuvers candace and joe's relationship into the conversation hey like what happened there the girl says there are theories i heard she cheated on him with the executive that signed her to a record label deal which that would make perfect sense i know her brother has some crazy thoughts of his own but he's not doing that great i mean he thinks that candace is dead but it's just weird because she headed off to italy and nobody's heard from her including her brother so beck tries to track down the brother but when she makes a phone call to the psychiatric hospital that he's at she finds out that he passed away six months ago then she tries to track down the record label executive but she finds his obituary at this point she's a little freaked out so when joe gets home that night beck confronts him about candice cause she wants some answers she thinks it's very bizarre that this girl who was very active on social media moves to italy and doesn't post one picture and nobody's heard from her the record executive that she was cheating on him with mysteriously dies and her brother passes away but then joe brings up how mentally unstable her brother truly was and then he shows her candace's new instagram because he says when she moved to italy she changed her name and sure enough it's a very active account with many new photos as becca's looking through all of it completely shocked he says yeah she always talked about moving away and just starting over but i never thought she would actually do it and then he shows her where he went when he was supposedly in italy chasing her and he went to mooney's because mr mooney is the closest thing to family that he has but mr mooney had a stroke about a year ago and joe has always blamed himself because he was trying to get candace back and it left mr mooney lying there for two days until joe finally found him and it's one of the reasons why he checks up on mr mooney two to three times a week so this really puts beck's mind at ease and as the two are walking back from mr mooney's beck's phone is blowing up joe says is that fox and back says oh yeah she's moving to new york and she has a bunch of questions i'll get back to her later but joe has combed over her facebook and instagram and there is no fox so when he gets back to beck's apartment he says oh the alarm at mooney's was triggered i'm gonna go see what's going on there and then i'll meet you back here later he heads to mooney's grabs the gun and then decides to get some answers because he tracks down dr nikki and holds him up at gunpoint for his cell phone and sure enough in the call log it's back back back back back the last text message that beck sent him was saying stop calling me stop contacting me it's over but they too were definitely having an affair and this is who dr nikki was on the phone with right before their session started earlier in the day so when he heads back to the apartment he confronts her about it he says i'm gonna ask you one time were you sleeping with your therapist and she admits it yeah i was and the reason why is because i've never loved anybody the way i've loved you and i think it's because i didn't think i could have that love or at least keep that love but joe is just focused on the fact that she just told him that she loves him so joe wants to hear it again and again and again and the two immediately reconcile in the morning he gets up to go get her breakfast and there's a knock at the door and it's paco returning a book paco doesn't want to see joe because he's still mad at him and he tells beck tell him i'm sorry it took so long i forgot that it was in the ceiling she asked why would it be in the ceiling paco says well joe said that's a good place to keep things so bec's curious and she heads to his ceiling and she finds a box of items from all of these past relationships it's her journal her top benji's cell phone peach's cell phone a locket that candice used to wear a used tampon and the koote graw is a jar of teeth when beck sees this she drops it and glass shatters all over the floor she has to hurry up and clean it up before he gets back and she ends up cutting herself as she walks out of the bathroom she's trying to act as calm as possible and joe notices that she's bleeding so he goes to get her a band-aid but when he does he notices that she forgot to pick up one of the teeth and then he looks at the ceiling and notices that it's been opened and as beck tries to make an excuse to get out of that apartment she's too late he knocks her out takes her to mooney's and puts her in the cage in the season finale becca's in the cage and joe is on the outside trying to convince her that everything he did was for her she's crying saying please tell me you didn't kill benji tell me you didn't kill peach tell me i'm crazy but to better explain himself he wants to go get some evidence to show her so he leaves moonies and as he does he texts her friends from beck's cell phone saying hey i'm going on a literary retreat i'll talk to you guys in a couple days just so they don't start getting suspicious when she doesn't answer them when joe arrives at his apartment he's shocked to find that claudia is being wheeled out because she has a concussion and it's clear to not only joe but also the police on who did it it's ron but claudia won't press charges and won't tell the cops what really happened she just says it's an accident joe wants to know where paco is but the police haven't seen him and that's pretty concerning to joe but joe gets the evidence that he needs and he heads back to mooney's he starts explaining himself to beck showing back how bad of a person benji was because he killed somebody in college then he shows what a psychopath peach was because she had all these photos of beck for years and years and years she asked well whose teeth are they and he says it was benji's and she starts crying then she gets a hold of herself and says what about peach and he says well i mean that was self-defense i mean she was gonna kill me and beck absolutely loses it she's very distraught and very mad at joe so when she falls asleep he sneaks into the cage and gives her a blanket and a typewriter and some paper to make it nice and cozy for her but she doesn't want these gifts she wants to leave and she's still pretty pissed off but he's still convinced that she just doesn't understand and she one day will when joe heads upstairs he hears a commotion because paco is snuck into moonies and is trying to steal a gun and ethan has caught him so joe takes him into the office and explaining to him what a stupid move that is but paco doesn't want to hear it and in fact it just pisses him off even more and he storms out but joe has a bigger issue because the girls are still texting beck so he decides to nip that in the bud and runs over to the coffee place they're at and says hey have you guys heard from bec we had a big fight and i haven't heard from her since both lynn and annika laugh it off like yeah she's at a retreat we haven't heard from her either don't sweat it but then lynn asks what was the fight about and joe says i found out she was cheating on me with her therapist they both seem legitimately shocked and say they had no idea and annika is especially surprised because she really thought those two were meant to be together she tells joe i've known becca a long time i've never seen her this happy i truly believe that you bring out the best in her so she probably really is on that writing retreat and then lin says or she's trying to dodge that private investigator and this is the first time joe's heard about the private investigator so he wants more info so they tell him how the salingers don't believe that peach could ever commit suicide so they hired a private investigator to look into her death so joe knows that that's a potential problem that night he heads back to mooney's to give back some chinese food for dinner and she seems to be doing a lot better she seems way more understanding in his position and she really needs to go to the bathroom and ask joe look can you just let me go to the bathroom doing it in a bucket in this cell it's just inhumane just trust me and let me go to the bathroom like a human being and joe is about to do it until he catches her glancing at the stairs and when she does that he says no i'm sorry i can't do it and that's when she loses it again yelling and saying how could i not see these signs joe tells her that if you see this place as a prison that's all it's going to be but if you see this place as a place for growth then we have a future together so you say you're a writer there's a typewriter there's paper right and with nothing else to do she writes this story about how growing up she hated rich girls but then when she got older she surrounded herself with them trying to get in their inner circle and she hated herself for it and every guy that she ever let into her body she learned more and more that she didn't have that special power to turn them from a beast to prince charming and joe is really no different and while she's writing this story joe tries to cover his tracks so he heads to her apartment and he's taking out items that would possibly incriminate him in a future crime and while he thinks nobody's seeing him the private investigators outside of her apartment and finds it fishy that he's there after leaving her apartment he heads the hospital to see cloudy and is wondering where paco is but claudia has no idea he says how do you not know isn't the job of a mother to protect her son she says wait who the hell are you you have no idea what i'm going through ron is connected and if i try to stand up to him he takes away my kid and joe feels really bad about this because he had no idea the next day as he's doing daily errands joe is approached by that private investigator from peach's family and he's asking how well he knew peach and does he know of any information about her death has he ever been to the greenwich household and joe says yeah i mean i knew her through my ex-girlfriend beck i mean you should probably track down her and he says that's funny because i've been trying to but i have no idea where she is hey by the way do you often go to her house when she's not in town he says oh yeah that's right yeah i was dropping off her key so at this point joe was pretty concerned but he gets more concerned when the private investigator lets him know that they have an item from the greenwich house and they're testing it for dna and immediately joe knows that it is the jar that he pissed in and he's cursing himself for not taking that jar with him but if there's one thing he learned from mr mooney it's even when you're caught just act cool and act calm but the private investigator doesn't buy any of it and joe knows it so when he heads back to moonies that day he's clearly flustered and beck can sense it beck asks what's wrong and he tells her how the pi is snooping around and maybe she'll get her wish because if this thing comes back with his dna he's going to go to jail bec tells him that that's not what she wants she doesn't want him arrested because what would happen to paco joe is all that kid has so let's try to figure out a way where we can get out of this but since paco doesn't have any help he's taking it upon himself to take care of the ron issue he takes a baseball bat to ron and while he knocks him down he doesn't knock him out and ron comes after him paco hides in the garden that's across the street and ron is inching closer and closer until all of a sudden joe pops up out of nowhere and stabs him in the neck paco is definitely in shock over this and joe says look i need you to pull it together this is what's gonna happen you go and clean up the blood that's in the hallway i'm going to get rid of the body but i'm also going to take his cell phone and start texting your mom and texting a couple of his friends so it looks like he's still alive but ron is never going to bother you guys again ron was a bad guy and sometimes bad people die when joe gets back to moonies later beck thinks she's taking care of the issue because she's written a story where she basically switches joe with dr nikki she tells him that this is our way out we release this story and we plant the evidence and boom we're free to be together both are smiling and happy and she tells joe that she loves them and if they weren't separated by this glass wall this is the time where the two would kiss so joe opens the door goes into the cage and the two start kissing but then on the corner of his eye he notices that she's taking apart the typewriter and then all of a sudden she stabs him in the side and runs up the steps but the issue is there's another locked door as she starts screaming for help paco shows up and she starts yelling at him that joe's a killer he's killed people he's gonna kill her i need help but paco feels a sense of loyalty to joe and he just leaves so beck heads back down the stairs to find the keys but what she finds is that joe is no longer in the cage when she turns around there's joe and he tells her there's one thing he's learned from the years of being locked into the cage by mr mooney it's to always hide a spare key she runs in the back and hits joe over the head with the mallet and grabs the keys and heads upstairs and is frantically trying to find the right one but she runs out of time and joe grabs her we fast forward four months later where joe is killed back he hit her body at dr nicki's along with the box of mementos and sent that story that she wrote to blythe who forwarded it to her agent who published it and the story is a huge hit dr nikki has been charged with her murder and joe can't keep her book on the shelf fast enough and while most of the world is convinced that dr nicki was the killer not everyone's convinced that private investigator thinks it's complete [ __ ] so while joe is pretty disappointed about what could have been for the relationship he's patting himself on the back for finally making her the writer that she always wanted to be a successful one and while he definitely did not help beck the way he thinks he did help paco and claudia claudia has gotten a new job in california and the two were moving and while he's gonna really miss paco he's just happy that the two will be safe but the next day at the bookstore as he's setting up beck's display a girl walks in and she immediately catches his eye just like bec did and as he gets closer and closer to her she turns around and in his utter shock it's candace he goes oh my god you're and she goes alive and we have a lot to talk about welcome into the season two u recap if you haven't seen the recap for season one just search on my channel page you'll be easily able to find it but after candace shows up the two go have a very public lunch and candace is making him sweat as she draws out what she wants from him the whole time joe looks more and more and more uncomfortable until finally he excused himself to go to the bathroom but in reality he slips out the back door he tries to leave town but candace has his phone number and right before he does she calls him up and says i'm gonna hunt you down and make you feel like who you actually are because sending you to prison is just way too easy so joe heads to a city that he thinks candace thinks he hates los angeles he gets a new identity he's going by the name will bittelheim or i'll probably still call him joe he gets a new place to live in an apartment complex and while he's surveying the people that live there just like he did in the bookstore he's interrupted by a little 15 year old girl named ellie who's filling him in into who everybody is in the apartment complex and what they do including her older sister who she lives with named delilah who is a gossip blogger now joe needs a job and he heads to a basically a bougie or whole foods a place called anoverin and while the fit to work there isn't great he slips in a crime and punishment book and it gets him immediately hired peddling books at the store i mean think of if barnes noble's main thing was food and not books you have your little side cafe that's where they sell the books and right after his first shift he runs into love quinn who immediately catches his eye as he's doing the same thing he did to beck he stops himself and says no no you can't do this again but the two start flirting a little bit and he finds out that she actually works in the store as one of the chefs so he'll be running into her quite a bit he also runs into the owner's kit a guy named 40 who is the definition of a california douchebag and it's pretty clear that this guy pushes the staff around he's still very paranoid however about candace catching him and as he's walking home he notices ellie filming him from the roof of their apartment complex so he heads up there and demands to know who told you to film me she says nobody he reaches for the phone but the phone falls off the roof and cracks and she says you [ __ ] i was filming something for school so now he needs to get her a new cell phone but he also needs to get a new license so he heads to the dmv and he runs into love there as well she's defending an arabic woman and they happen to do the oh hey what are you doing here thing and since it seems like the universe is telling him something by these two chance encounters he decides afterwards to look her up on facebook and instagram but unlike beck and just about everybody else that lives in california her profiles are set to private so he needs to come up with an alternative plan he gets to the phone store gets ellie a new phone and as she's setting it up she notices that one of the accounts is fake and he says how do you know it's fake and she's pointing out all the things that show that an account isn't actually a real account so he processes all this new data and sets up his own new facebook and a new instagram and while he hates himself for it it's necessary he heads to the park friend requests love and then falls asleep and has a dream about the day that his mother abandoned him when he wakes up he's sunburned but love has also accepted his friend request and he'll gladly take that trade off unfortunately for joe however it says that she's married he heads home and somehow love found out that he called out of work sick and also where he lives and she heads on over there to patch him up from the sunburn she also notices that he has no food and since he's new to town she decides as a chef to take him to all these different places and figure out what his palette is after taking him to a few spots she finally thinks she has his palette figured out so they head back to inoverin and she ends up cooking him up this dish to get his quote perfect bite as the two are sharing a moment she says i have to tell you something i was married but my husband died he got sick and we got married when we were young and it's weird enough getting married that early but then also being this young and being a widower but i can also tell when someone's dealt with a similar loss when i look into your eyes i see that you've dealt with that and boy has he ever as a parting gift for the night she gives him a book of a poet that she cannot believe joe hasn't dived into and joe goldberg is officially smitten he heads home and he's greeted by ellie who shows him a picture of a guy and says hey this guy's name's jasper he was here looking for you he said you have something of his and you gotta remember joe is using a fake name chester points out that the guy was kind of creepy joe waits for her to go into her apartment and when she does he heads out goes to a storage facility and there in the storage facility is not only the cage but some guy in the cage and that guy is the real will bittleheim and joe wants to know who jasper is and why he's looking for him and while this whole time joe has been playing it off like he knows he can't get in a relationship the reality is love caught his eye and he did everything in his power not only to get a job in the same place that she works at but also to get an apartment right across the street where he can spy on her upon getting to l.a joe realized he needs a fake id and he meets a guy on craigslist and that is the real will bittleheim and will is bragging about how long it took him to get this squeaky clean image perfect credit score and there's not a picture trace of what he looks like on the internet but that takes years and since joe doesn't have that he just ends up knocking him out with a brick and stealing his identity it took him two days to recreate the cage in that storage facility but that's where the real will biddle time is right now and joe wants to know who the hell is jasper and will met jasper on the dark web but the two never actually met face to face and joe figures out that since will charges people a fee before he meets them that will must have charged this guy a fee and just never given it back and that's what jasper wants so will lets him know that he owes him three grand and joe doesn't exactly have that but what he does have is a particular set of skills and while this isn't the movie taken he uses those skills to forge a book and sell it to a rare la bookstore and get three grand for it so now joe has the three thousand dollars for when he does run into jasper he's prepared to pay him off and get him to go away but the relationship between him and love has been going quite well she's inviting him out to do different things and one of those things is to help her pick some fish from the market and since there's no better romantic place than the smell of fish at 5 30 in the morning that's where the two share their first kiss and it was actually love who initiated it and joe is a little taken aback when she does this and one of the reasons why is because he's seeing the ghost of gwynevere back just like he saw the ghost of candace the two head off to work where later that day jasper comes looking for joe and jasper looks like a really nice guy like an unassuming manager at a sam goody or maybe a radio shack so joe gives him his three thousand dollars but jasper says okay but where's the rest you owe me 50. and joe reassures him yeah okay i can get it to you later today although he's completely shocked by that amount of money joe just figures it'll buy him some time jasper says yep no problem by the way i have something else to show you and then he grabs his hand and just casually cuts off his finger jasper puts the cutoff finger in a ziploc bag with ice and says okay you got about 12 hours to get this thing reattached so as soon as you get me my money i'll give you your finger back and that's why you don't mess with people on the dark web folks so joe has a very bloody hand and about 12 hours to get that finger back but he has to figure out where this 50 grand is so he has to talk to will but will isn't looking so great because will told joe i need my meds but joe didn't believe it and now joe's realizing that he wasn't full of [ __ ] will tells him i spent that 50 grand but there is a guy named rufus and he owes me 50 grand so just use this code word and he'll set you up with the money so joe does that and rufus gets back to him and gives him a time to come over but unfortunately for joe that's gonna interfere with a lunch date that joe and love had with her friends joe ends up giving her the excuse that he has to cancel because 40 is sending him somewhere to get something but love thinks that that's [ __ ] and while joe can't exactly go to the lunch that doesn't mean he can't stop by so he camps out and he's spying on her friends and the lunch date and through facebook and instagram he figures out who they all are she met her friend lucy at an lgbtq rights protest at the time she was an intern but she's gone on to become a very successful agent the other one's named sunrise and that's her partner and she's just a stay-at-home mom who takes care of their kid and the final one is named gabe who is a pansexual massage therapist we'll call it that but he is love's best friend and immediately joe thinks that this group of friends has the same motives that beck's group of friends had so he hates them he's listening in on their conversation and love says i kissed joe but i don't think he really liked it and lucy says well if he didn't like it then [ __ ] him but sunrise says wait it just might have taken him off guard a little bit but gabe reminds her that the most important thing is maybe she's finally back in the game after the death of her husband and she admits that yeah you know it's really the first time that she finds herself just casually through the day missing joe and she admits that she barely knows this guy but he keeps popping into her head and her friends are thrilled for and she admits that yeah i think i'm falling for this guy and upon hearing this conversation joe takes back every bad thought he had about her friends but at this point he needs to get over to rufus's house to get the money and upon arriving he realized that this is going to be a little more difficult because rufus is having a party at noon on a tuesday and since he doesn't know what rufus looks like he's texting him but rufus isn't getting back to him and as he's trying to figure out who rufus is he notices that there's a celebrity in the room that he actually saw when he arrived in los angeles at the airport and through a quick search he finds out that it's a comedian named hendy he also runs into his neighbor delilah the gossip logger and delilah is not too thrilled to see hendy when he comes over they start chatting a little bit and when he sees joe and sees the hand he tells him yeah go over to the hospital drop my name to the doctor and they'll get you in right away and joe thinks this guy is great but it really pisses off delilah for whatever reason and because of it she's now unwilling to help him find rufus but luckily he does find rufus and rufus gives him the package but when joe opens it it's not money it's just a bunch of pills because will was getting his medicine from rufus so joe heads back to the cage and gives will his medicine but will is unwilling to take it and at this point joe is fed up and he screams at him you better take that medicine because i could easily just hand you off to rufus and it would make my life a lot easier so with the clock ticking he heads home to try to figure out what to do and as he's taking care of his hand he gets a knock at the door and it's love and this could not come at a worse time and she wants to know why he lied to her and gave her an excuse about why they couldn't meet for lunch and she knew he was lying the whole time because 40 is her twin brother and he tells her everything and joe keeps making excuses after excuses like i don't really know you and you don't really know me to the point where finally she says does this have to do with your ex and even though it absolutely does joe says no she looks at him and says i can tell that this girl did a number on you i understand because mine did a number on me so if anybody understands what joe's going through it would be love but while she's talking he sees beck over the corner of her shoulder and he just screams at her to stop talking she's pretty taken aback and says you know i actually liked you and then she just leaves and maybe it's because of the loss of blood or the fact that he's just batshit insane anyway but he has a long conversation with beck or at least the ghost of beck and they're arguing about the motives in their relationship and maybe the motives in this new relationship but he has to cut that fake conversation off because he needs to get his finger back so he texts jasper and the two meet up at the storage facility and upon opening the door he shows him the real will and says look i'm not will that's the real will right there and jasper isn't surprised at all he's more impressed than anything but when joe says look there he is you can take him go ahead jasper pulls out the knife and says really you don't have the 50 grand and when jasper comes at him will ends up stabbing him first and killing him the whole time the real will is just passed out in the corner he also has another conversation with the ghost of beck where she says you're not scared of love hurting you you're scared of hurting love and there's probably a lot of truth in that he wraps up jasper's body in a tarp and then heads to the hospital to get his finger reattached and then after that he heads to a noverin to start dismembering the body he puts his body parts through the meat grinder at the inoverin and then disposes of it in a dumpster i mean this has got to be the biggest health code violation there is as soon as he's done getting rid of the body he texts love and heads over to her apartment and he admits that while he enjoyed kissing her he can't have what he wants right now which is love and most of it has to do with the ex-relationship he also admits that it's not that she did a number on him it's that he did a number on her and love reassures him that i can't be hurt even with those comforting words joe is pretty worried that he can in fact hurt her but they agree to start this thing off slow and even decide to start calling it a friendship not a relationship the next day joe is doing laundry at his place and in walks delilah he apologizes for whatever it is he said that was wrong and she says no you just got caught up in the crossfire she tells him the story that when she was 17 her and handy were friends but when she went over his house one night and had like three sips of beer she woke up at 10 o'clock not remembering a thing and her skirt was pulled up and yeah maybe it just happened to be that her skirt was pulled up but it's more likely that he raped her joe asked if she ever tried to talk to anybody about this and she said yeah but nobody will go on the record because they're all minors and they all look like me non-white so no one's going to believe them and everyone's going to tear them apart all the while joe is giving this reassuring look and she says you know you're sitting there telling me that you care but you're no different than them you act nice because you're not and i don't know what kind of bad you are but i got my radar the hard way so stay the [ __ ] away from me and my sister and even though joe's in a new city he decides to start a new creeper box and the first thing he adds to it are stolen panties from love's place some guys just never learn in episode 3 joe is sticking to this friendship he doesn't want to mess it up and love quinn is leaving little treats in his locker form every day and he's loving it but she's getting frustrated because even with his persistent flirting with him he still doesn't act on anything and that's frustrating for her so when she goes to meet with her two friends lucy and sunrise they let her know some exciting news they've planned to date for their wedding and she begs to make their cake and after a little convincing they accept the offer but they know there's something up with her because she cooks when she's happy and she bakes when she's mad and frustrated and it doesn't take long for them to figure out that this has to do with quote will bittelheim and while love has are two friends to vent to joe doesn't have anybody to vent to except for the real will bittelheim and in fact he actually loves it he loves playing dr phil to joe but joe needs to get to work and that day he's approached by 40 and the whole time he's waiting for that hey what are you doing with my sister talk but it never comes because 40 is too busy bragging about his imdb account and the whole conversation is so vapid to will but he knows to getting good with love he's gonna have to be friend 40. so when 40 invites joe to this sketch comedy show that joe really doesn't want to go to he acts stoked to get the invite and accepts and 4d is going to this thing to scout some talent for this project that he's working on so the two head to the sketch comedy show and the whole time joe is just picking apart these people figuring out that their starbucks barista is clinging to the hope of fame and even notices that 40 isn't even paying attention he keeps looking around the room but then he figures out why because when the show ends there's a special guest spot from the comedian henderson and forty tells joe that the two go way back and that the thing that he's writing for him would be perfect for him and he can't wait to pitch it to him but all joe can think about is delilah's story so right after the show 40 goes to pitch his idea to henderson but henderson's in vip and when 40 goes to get into vip he's stopped by the bouncer the guy tells him there's no way you're getting in here not after the stunt you pulled the last time you talked to henderson and as 40 is pleading his case to get in the manager lets a 15 year old walk by and when 40 brings that up the 15 year old turns around flips him off and that's when joe sees that it's ellie and now he's concerned for ellie because she's hanging out with henderson so when 40 says yeah let's get out of here joe doesn't he stays to make sure that ellie gets home okay and henderson does offer to give ellie a ride home but she says no i only live a few blocks away and as soon as his car leaves that's when joe swoops in and see what's going on and when joe goes up to ellie the first thing she says is did my sister put you up to this but will is simply concerned about ellie and henderson and ellie turns it around and causes a big scene to the point where will just says you know what i'm just gonna go home i'll let your sister deal with the parenting but before he goes home he has to run dinner over to the real will bittelheim and will just love seeing him and you'll find out through their conversation that night that will is engaged to a girl in the philippines who he's never met and that's who he sent the 50 000 to and he's hoping that one day he can meet her but he's also encouraging will to continue his relationship with love and the next day at work when joe sees love he says i'm already salivating thinking about what she left in his locker but when he opens it there's nothing and then he notices that love was a little short with him when he saw her he turns around and she says i'm sorry were you expecting something and it's one of those conversations where anything he said she was gonna take offense to joe knows this and immediately goes and apologizes for whatever he did but love just doesn't really want to hear it now 40 on the other hand was watching this interaction go down and that's when he decides to go have the what are you doing with my sister talk with joe but joe reassures him we're just friends and in fact i'm kind of just working on myself at the moment and since 40 is a recovering alcoholic he i say are you in a program actually you don't have to answer that just because i'm open with myself doesn't mean you have to be but joe ends up turning the conversation back to love and asks him did you notice that she's acting weird and 40 says i wouldn't sweat it i mean she's a little wound up lately but she's always baking and what do you bake for the baker and that's when it dawns on joe that this friendship has been a one-way street and joe needs to bake something for love so she knows that he appreciates all that she's done for him and when he returns home he hears a commotion outside and it's delilah and ellie arguing about ellie's relationship with hendy and delilah's obviously urging ellie not to hang out with him but ellie's take is you blow everything out of proportion and in her defense delilah never told her exactly what happened between henry and delilah and at one point ellie asked did you send will to follow me and delilah says no i got a tip from somebody at the bar but when ellie leaves delilah storms into joe's apartment demanding why joe didn't tell her that ellie was at the bar that night and joe says well she said it was an internship and i was trying to avoid this exact conversation that we're having right now and delilah's just frustrated and vowing to take henderson down and he says are you close to it and she says that she's so close to being able to publish this story and joe asks well can i do anything to help and she says yes stay out of the way and let me take down the bad guy but it's kind of hard for will to stay out of it because when he gave ellie that new cell phone he put spyware on it just in case so that he can quote unquote protect her and he uses that spyware to see ellie's text messages with henderson and in all honesty they're pretty innocent and that night he's hosting ellie at a movie screening at his house and joe is like great because love is coming over and he wants to devote all his attention to her and that night love comes over and joe doesn't exactly make her something he gives her something from her childhood that she used to eat and she loves it and she gets up at one point and kisses joe but joe pulls back because joe is staying steadfast at being friends he really doesn't want to hurt love but he doesn't realize that he's also sending her mixed signals and she's getting annoyed by this and what started off as a nice night for the two just ends in disaster when love leaves she leaves the door open and joe goes to close it but he hears somebody throwing up outside and when he goes to investigate he sees that it's ellie ellie claims that she went over to henderson's and ate an edible that was bad by accident she doesn't exactly remember what happened but henderson was really nice and paid for her uber ride home joe tries to clarify and says wait you lost track of time and she says don't even start with that crap don't be my sister and by the way please god do not tell my sister ellie makes him swear that he will not tell delilah and he does that but now he needs to take the parenting into his own hands so he heads to the real will bitlheim and asks if there's a way to hack into henderson's cloud account to find dirt on them and will explains that after all those celebrities got hacked in 2014 they don't keep anything on the cloud and you have to find his fake laptop which is probably in his house so with a quick google search joe finds out where henderson lives but the problem is there's a gate and big walls so now he needs to find a way to get in and joe realized that breaking in might not be the best idea so he wants to befriend somebody that hendy is close to he searches through his instagram and finds some guy that was at that sketch comedy show and he goes to the show and afterwards he just showers praise on this guy saying that he knows hendy and within about five minutes the guy invites him to hendy's party and gives him the code to get in but when he heads over to the after party he runs into 40 who doesn't have the code but wants to get in to pitch this idea to hendy and joe's kind of in between a rock and a hard place and lets him in even though he knows that going to a party might not be best for him but 40's a big boy and at the party 40 runs into henderson's agent and he tries to set up a meeting to pitch this new idea that would be perfect for henderson but she gives him a cold dose of reality she tells them you know when people say that it factor you don't have it you don't have talent you don't have motivation but what you do have is money so go take your money and go finance films you'd be best at that and i'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but somebody had to you're not gonna make it and i'm only telling you because i care about you and that's probably the worst thing to say to a recovering addict because this party is full of vices and as joe is searching the house to find the laptop which he ends up finding he comes downstairs to find 40 messed up on drugs alcohol both we don't really know and he's pitching this idea for hendy to the entire room and shorten getting caught this is joe's worst nightmare so he immediately texts love saying what's going on and she says you gotta get him out of there but when joe tries to get 40 out of there he resists it actually takes henderson talking him down to leave but henderson doesn't want to make him feel bad about leaving so he actually just kills his entire party and says you know what i'm tired i'm going to bed everybody's got to go 40 keeps apologizing to him but henderson says look man bygones are bygones don't even worry about it just get home safely and when joe tries to do that henderson catches him out of his eye and says hey man do i even know you says yeah you know we met at that party and he goes all right right and then they have an awkward conversation about delilah and ellie but joe is able to get 40 back to his apartment and love comes over to take care of him 40 starts apologizing to love and then asks her do you think i'm talented she says yeah that's why i push you so much eventually though he falls asleep and she goes outside to explain to joe exactly what's wrong with 40. she says he used to be a really good kid really happy but then one summer their parents stuck them with this weird au pair that showed 40 a lot of [ __ ] he shouldn't have seen and ever since that day he's just kind of been [ __ ] up he never really had a chance he's broken but you know what i'm broken we're all a little broken and his love is pouring her heart out to joe he decides alright friendship's over and the two start making out they make their way into the house then they make their way to the bedroom and then their clothes make their way off their bodies and this girl is a freak in the sheets in the best way possible and even though she tries to be quiet they're not that quiet and 40 hears the whole thing go down from outside as joe makes his way out of the bedroom that morning he realizes that he can change with love and that the past doesn't have to repeat itself and that this time things will be different but he also realized that he's kind of in a throuple now with love and forty but he's still to deal with the whole henderson situation so he heads to the cage where the real will biddletime has been trying to crack kenny's computer and he lets him know it was easy to crack but unfortunately it's clean so at this point with everything that he's seen and now with this evidence that the computer's clean he's thinking maybe henderson isn't that bad of a guy so joe heads off to work and at work he sees 40 and 40 lets him know that he has a meeting on the books with hendy but that original thing he was going to pitch him probably isn't the best so he wants to sit down with joe because he loves the way that joe's mind works he thinks it's perfect for scriptwriting and as the tour discussing this joe says hey you don't have to tell me but what exactly happened between you and henderson and forty's a little embarrassed and says honestly i have no idea i had so much stuff in my system but apparently i threw up all over his toy room just his toy room he says yeah that house is an old speakeasy house it's a secret room where he keeps all this toys like imagine a bunch of kids stuff for a sadist it's kind of creepy and joe really wishes he knew about that secret room in episode four we get more backstory on joe's childhood his dad would beat him but his mother was a philanderer and an overall pretty shitty mom she would go cheat on his dad and leave him in a grocery store for hours and then when they would get back the dad would want to know where they were and he would go to joe but joe would keep his mom secret and just endure the abuse his mother would then patch up the wounds and one time said you know what one of these days i'm gonna kill that guy and that probably explains why joe's so [ __ ] up but in present day joe's relationship with love is going great everything that would have annoyed him in the past with a relationship like becker candace isn't annoying him anymore such as her brother 40 texting him to collaborate on a writing project because he loves the way that joe thinks but when he's about to text 40 back love says hey when you text him back don't tell him about us anytime i start seeing somebody he gets really jealous and territorial so just don't mention it we'll wait a couple weeks before we let the cat out of the bag but 40's persistence pays off and love and joe cancel their plans for the weekend so joe can help 40. but before he helps 40 he needs to do laundry and as he's doing so delilah comes bursting downstairs demanding to know what ellie is doing she says she's doing a project but it is not for henderson she's no longer hanging out with him he just simply drinks too much but when delilah leaves the room joe overhears a conversation between ellie and her friend that ellie caught the spyware that delilah put on her phone the friend says are you sure it was her and she says well who else would it possibly be i'm not even gonna tell her it's best that she actually thinks that we're no longer talking but of course it wasn't delilah that put the spyware on her phone it was joe and joe is hearing all of this luckily joe kept hendy's laptop and he never unconnected imessages and he can still see all their text messages and while he could tell delilah he could also just take care of it himself and since henderson is out of town this is the perfect time to get back in the house and find that room but he doesn't want to break in and he needs help from the real will bittelheim he tells will that he does actually want to let him go because deep down he knows to have a relationship with love he's gonna have to let this guy out of the cage so he tells will if you can figure out a way that you can promise me that you will not tell the police i'll let you go but in the meantime i need help getting into this guy's house so thanks to google maps they see the security sign outside of henderson's house and will is able to figure out what frequency they need to jam and sure enough joe goes to buy a frequency jammer and it works he's in he finds the kink room hidden behind a bookshelf and it's as creepy as it sounds it's also very clean though because there's a roomba down there but when the roomba knocks into the fireplace he sees a loose tile and when he pulls that tile he sees a cigar box inside and when he looks in the cigar box there's a bunch of pictures of girls knocked out with their clothes kind of ripped off that he took and one of those pictures is in fact delilah so he takes those pictures and leaves them in an unmarked envelope under delilah's door so that she can break open this story after he goes all true detective he heads on over to inoverin to meet love for brunch but it's not just love it's love and all of her friends and this is another example of something that would have annoyed him with beck but he doesn't mind talking to her friends even though he doesn't understand anything they're talking about and love surprised joe with their friends because she didn't want to tell him that they were coming because she admits that if it were her she would end up looking them up on social media just like joe did now the group is having fun until they're interrupted by 40 who shows up pissed off that he wasn't invited to their quote coming out party he's supposed to have a big meeting on the books today with a producer but now he can't even focus because he's so mad he lets him know i knew you guys were fooling around this entire time but the fact you couldn't even tell me hurts me 40 percent throw a temper tantrum and just leaves that night joe's hanging out with love and she's baking her heart out concerned about 40 because he's not getting back to her and joe thinks that the two need boundaries but he also doesn't think it's his place to probably say it so he comes up with another solution let's include him in a brunch let's include him in a beach day let's just include him in our lives and love loves the idea and it brings down her anxiety a bit the next morning will has woken up by 40 and love and love is cutting 40's hair and 40 is in a much better mood today he apologizes for the way he acted but also says that he ended up canceling that lunch and he's gonna meet with that producer after the producer returns from south by southwest so he can continue to brainstorm with joe if joe's up for it and of course joe says yes but he doesn't really want to before he needs a new suit for the meeting and needs love to help him pick one out and he only wants love he doesn't want joe the problem is joe and love have made plans that day and forty basically makes them cancel the plans and this is really the first time where joe's been pissed off that's something that forty or her friends have done in their relationship but there's not much that he can do about it so after they leave joe heads downstairs and overhears ellie and her friend and ellie says to her friend hey text me to ask me to sleep over tonight so i have a built-in excuse for delilah henderson's throwing a movie screening and i'm going to go to it at his house and joe is wondering why hindi is still walking around and not in handcuffs after he gave delilah the pictures he sees delilah in the basement and gingerly starts asking about the situation saying that he saw some girl drop the pictures off and delilah says that she gave them to a cop friend but the cop friend said there's not much that they can do because henderson isn't in any of the pictures it's a very generic background in all the pictures they didn't find them on henderson they didn't find him in his house and really whoever took these pictures kind of screwed her over because there's nothing the cops can actually do with them and all delilah can really do is hide those pictures in her house until somebody breaks the story and then she could pull him out and joe feels really guilty about this and he's trying to figure out a way to make it right but he gets a text message from 40 asking about writing and he completely forgot about it and has to put the delilah situation on the back burner so he heads on over to a novel to help 40 right and he's basically telling forty anything he wants to hear to get out of this writing session he goes as far as to tell 40 he's a genius and 40 thinks well that's great we should just continue to write all night but joe says no no we shouldn't you know you should do you should go to south by southwest and you should find that producer and pitch him this idea because it's that good and in reality joe doesn't think it's that good he just wants to get out of there but luckily for joe 40 loves this idea and heads off to south by southwest which frees up joe to devote his time to the henderson situation so joe hits the storage locker to get some supplies and the real will buttleheim is wondering what he's doing because he's actually worried that joe is going to kill somebody and whether he's just trying to appease joe or he actually believes that he says i don't think you're a murderer because i've dealt with people on the dark web i've dealt with some shady individuals and you're just not that deep down i think you're actually a good person and joe is wondering if will is feeding him a line or not but then joe thinks maybe i really have changed as he's leaving the storage facility he gets a frantic call from love saying did you tell 40 he should go to south by southwest joe explains well yeah kind of and love is pissed off because now love has to go to south by southwest to be his quote sober companion and that's not at all what joe wanted but at the moment he needs to focus on taking henderson down he breaks into hendy's house and sees ellie knock on the door and hendy explains look all the people that were gonna come they all kind of called out sick and ellie asked him will you finally look at my short film and hendy plays the anti-pervert he says no that'd be weird if a underage girl is here with me alone in my house but after ellie insists he quote begrudgingly lets her in the two watch the film and hendy loves it and then ellie wants to give him a pitch but hendy says i never listen to a pitch without a drink do you want something and joe watches handy pour her a drink and then roofie that drink so joe needs to think fast and he creates a diversion by throwing a salt shaker get hendy out of the room and then he walks over to hendy's drink and roofies the [ __ ] out of that and this causes henny to get knocked out before ellie now it's not like elliot doesn't end up falling asleep but it gives will enough time to get henderson down in the dungeon strap him up and get a confession out of him he wakes up henderson by blasting some music and all the while henderson is blindfolded so he can't see what joe looks like and joe is telling him that he wants a confession he starts cutting up his arms a little bit because pain causes truth and henderson gives in all right all right i'll confess joe puts on a henderson mask to cover his own face and takes the blindfold off of henderson and starts to film this quote confession but henderson plays the victim he says he was abused as a child and that's probably where it stems from and joe is getting more and more pissed off joe almost blows a gasket when henderson says well that's probably what happened with you right i mean we're all a little [ __ ] up inside that's probably what happened with you and it pisses off joe so much that he rips the henderson mask off his face and screams at him i'm nothing like you but then joe realized he just [ __ ] up because henderson knows who he is henderson immediately says wait you were at the party you were trying to be the hero and now you're trying to be the hero now henderson then makes a break for it but joe fights him off on the steps and throws him down the stairs and henderson cracks his head on the back of the wall and joe knows oh my god he's dead and joe was kind of shocked because he thought he had change but then he just says look this is nothing more than an accident accidents happen and as he's standing there looking at the body trying to figure out what to do with it blood from his nose drips onto the floor and now he's got another issue because he's got to clean up the dna so he goes upstairs and grabs some cleaning supplies when he drops a bucket it wakes up ellie he pulls out his phone real quick to distract her saying that your sister's looking for you and she's pretty pissed off and ellie gets out of there when joe gets downstairs that roomba though has smeared up joe's blood and hendy's blood and now he needs to get rid of everything so he carefully cleans up the spots throws the roomba the bloody rags and for some reason henderson's headphones into a trash bag and figures that the cops will think that henderson slit his wrist thought better of it went upstairs passed out fell back cracked his head and it was a suicide when joe gets home that night he has that trash bag in his hand and as he's crossing the street he gets stopped by that cop that knows delilah and the cop is about to arrest him for jaywalking and wants to know what's in the bag and this is the moment where joe thinks all right the jig is up i'm gonna get caught but the first thing that the cop pulls out is those headphones and just says look i was just gonna donate him in a good will but if you want him you can have him so the cop takes the headphones gives the trash bag back to joe and says i was gonna write you up for jaywalking but just go go home so somehow joe once again dodged a bullet and at this point joe really thinks that this is a fresh start in los angeles so he goes to the real will bittleheim and brings him everything he would need to create a fake identity and he lets him out he makes will promise not to tell the cops and tells him to go to manila be with the fiance you've never met but just go and he knows that this might be the stupidest thing he's ever done but he also knows to have an actual future with love he can't have a guy living in a storage facility in a cage but down in austin at south by southwest right before 40 and love are about to go into a screening 40 mentions to love that he's met a new girl and it's like love at first sight when the new girl walks over it's candice and she's saying her name is amy in episode 5 joe is at the meet your parents stage of the relationship as love's parents are planning on renewing their vows this weekend in an entire weekend long celebration and this thing is like 90 hippie retreat with 10 wedding vow renewal and while joe is kind of looking forward to it love is absolutely dreading it and joe would probably dread it too if he knew that candace was coming along he just thinks that 40's new girlfriend is coming along love is also concerned for 40 however because 40's had relationships before and he's worried that this new girl is nothing more than a gold digger she's also worried that 40 will end up relapsing and causing a scene as joe's leaving for the weekend he sees that there's two police detectives that delilah is asking to talk to ellie because they know from text messages that ellie was hanging out with henderson the night he died and while they still think it's a suicide they're just covering all their bases delilah plays it off like she's a ditzy blonde and says ellie's not here right now but when she goes inside she goes right at ellie but ellie confronts her because ellie has found the pictures that joe gave her and wants to know what the hell are these and delilah says okay if you want to know what they really are they're hendersons ellie still doesn't believe it but she says well the reason i know their hendersons is because it happened to me but ellie is having a hard time accepting that her friend could ever possibly do this but at the moment that's not will's problem and he heads on up to the wedding vow renewal with love and there are a ton of people there including most of her friends and of course one of the people that's there is forty's new girlfriend candace or amy as they're referring to her and joe is absolutely floored joe is able to quickly get her alone and she says i bet you want to figure out how i tracked you down well it's funny i was sitting there feeling pretty shitty but i saw a clickbait article about how the stars live and they just kept mentioning henderson's parties and then i saw this video of this idiot standing on a coffee table making a pitch and in the very background of that video i saw joe goldberg so i ended up tracking down that idiot and making him fall in love with me which wasn't hard to do and now i'm able to protect this family from you but joe thinks that she is bat [ __ ] insane and she's having to take matters in her own hands instead of going to the police because when joe grabbed her joe took her to the woods tied up to save the relationship but when candace got away joe chased after her and tackled her on the ground and as candace was trying to get away joe was covering her mouth saying please stop please stop he's stop and he bashed her head against a rock he didn't mean to do it as hard as he did but he thought she was dead and he buried her alive when she came to she crawled out of that ditch and went to the cops but because there was really no evidence the cops couldn't do much and she couldn't believe it because this guy just tried to murder her but the best they could do was a restraining order for the moment the cop does give her some off-the-record advice saying if this guy thinks you're dead stay that way but instead candace decided to track him down and try to make his life a living hell so joe knows he has to keep tabs on candace and he's trying to figure out what tent she's in because he doesn't want to walk into the wrong tent but when he walks into 110 he finds love's mother smoking a joint and while that really isn't joe's thing loves mother and sis and they start smoking together and loves mom as being very inappropriate with how she's talking to joe very sexually and joe figures it's a trap so he just says i want to let you know that your daughter is one of the most amazing people i've ever met and loves mom sits there for a little bit and says you know what you're good for love now while joe was passing the parents test candace is not she's failing miserably the next day they're having this practice of everybody standing in a circle and you go into the center of a circle and say what you want some stranger comes out and hugs you and when candace goes out in the middle of the circle and says her dream is to one day go to italy it's joe who goes out to hug her but she has a little ptsd and tries to pull back joe does end up getting that hug in but candace needs to go away she can't take it so joe tracks her down into her tent and candace is standing there with a knife threatening to stab him if he comes any closer but the way candace is holding that knife joe knows he can easily get it from her and he does joe tells her you're not trying to protect these people you just want to hurt me so he gives her the knife and basically invites her to stab him but since she's not a psychopath she can't bring herself to do it the two are interrupted by 40 and love who walk in and they make an excuse that candace needed some claritin and joe was giving it to her and then joe and 40 go off to talk to forty's dad forty's dad had been blowing him off the entire weekend and love asked joe if he can step in and try to help him out because because their dad is just always a dick to him so at this point it's just candace and love in the same room together and candace lets love know how her old boyfriend attacked her but she doesn't mention joe slash will they then start talking about their careers and how forty and candace are gonna start a production company and they're gonna start hiring some cinematographers which love thinks that's way too early to do she then starts asking candace about her career and her production and does she know this person and that person and she catches candace in a lie although she doesn't call her on it but she is very suspicious of candace and her motives 40 however goes to make that pitch to his dad but his dad continues to blow him off he just thinks he's a loser he says all right how much are you gonna want this time joe is eventually brought into the conversation and defends 40 saying the pitch is really good i think it's worth it even though he thinks the pitch is terrible and 40 says i just need a hundred thousand dollars and that's it i'm out of your hair but his dad tells him no i'm not cutting any more checks go get a job and stop leeching off me and 40 is really blown away and upset and sick of the vegan lifestyle he's been living for the past couple days at this hippie retreat kind of thing and says all right let's go get a chalupa when joe returns love lets him know that i caught candace in a lie and i'm kind of suspicious of her and joe says yeah me too let's get rid of her but that's a little aggressive and the wrong thing to say and love has noticed that joe has been acting weird the entire weekend and he says look i don't know what it is maybe it's your family maybe it's the fact i just had a chalupa and my stomach hurts but love cuts them off and says you went to taco bell and he says yeah oh my god i gotta find 40 because 40 always goes to taco bell before he relapses the two have a little bit of a fight about the weekend and love goes off to find 40. joe chases after her because he wants to help but he gets a phone call from delilah because the cop that delilah knows came to her apartment looking for those pictures but when delilah went to the cabinet where she keeps them she couldn't find him and she knows that ellie took him so she calls up joe asking hey are you with ellie just says no but i have some text message from her let me see what she's up to and he looks at her text messages and sees that she's at a movie theater and says hey check out this movie theater they're having a movie marathon go there so joe hangs up the phone and finds love and says i'll go find 40. you go deal with your parents and their vows and he does find 40. unfortunately he's in a tent smoking weed with some random guy and love was supposed to i guess officiate would be the word i would use i don't really know i've never done this before the whole wedding vow situation with her parents but she's distracted because of 40. but when joe brings 40 back her mind is put at ease and she starts talking about her parents love but the more she talks the more joe realized that she's not talking about her parents she's talking about their relationship and it's a really nice speech until 40 interrupts it he makes a complete fool of himself and even reveals his crack pipe at one time and it gets the point where love has to drag him away forty goes chasing after love and finds love forty and her mother in a tent together and her mother is just coddling 40 saying how disappointed she is in love because love had one job to do and that was to keep 40 safe love calls her mom a hypocrite and her mother just slaps the [ __ ] out of her joe brings love back to the tent is telling her how hey my father used to beat me and love goes on to explain that when they were 13 their parents brought anoverin and they had that au pair manage the place and that was 40's quote unquote first love but in reality he didn't know he was being abused and he still doesn't to this day when their parents found out they fired that girl and she committed suicide and it was 40 who found the body and that has traumatized them ever since and their parents did what they always do they paid for it to go away the two continue the conversation and they eventually tell each other they love each other but since love is a complicated word they want their own word and they decide to say i wolf you because of an incident that happened earlier in the day with a wolf later that night joe goes up to candace alone and says i'm not scared of you anymore because if you had anything on me you would have already gone to the cops and candace tells him i don't need to go to the cops i just need to wait for you to [ __ ] up and murder has a way of finding you and then finally there's the delilah situation delilah was able to catch ellie coming out of the movie theater and explains the cops need those photos because they can't figure out why henderson killed himself and those photos would implicate him and ellie admits that she now believes that henderson did it and apologizes to her sister but says i think we should get rid of these photos because if you were one of those girls would you really want this out there in fact you were one of these girls would you want your photos on the internet when it's searched so the two end up cutting up the photographs and disposing of them they never get them the police so when joe gets back he's trying to figure out what to do about the whole candice situation but he does return to a postcard from the real will bitterheim who made it to manila the next day to navron joe and love are making out and they're interrupted by 40 saying stop with the pda and 40 lets him know that he's buying the option to this book that candace gave him and of course it is gwenevere beck's book and as ford is explaining how the book really spoke to him he gets an alert on his phone saying that the henderson situation is now being looked at as a murder and not a suicide and 40 is in complete shock as candace just stares at joe saying murder has a way of following you in episode 6 joe and love 40 candace pretty much all of her friends at 10 henny's funeral but the only thing that joe can focus on is how the hell candace is still here which i guess is better than focusing on the fact that you're at a funeral for a guy you murdered after the funeral 40's feeling pretty emotional and tells candace that he wants her to move out of that airbnb and move into his place but love thinks it's way too early for that but forty just inadvertently told joe that candace is staying in a bnb and now all joe has to do is track it down and find her and get rid of her at the funeral joe also sees candace and the cop who stopped him for jaywalking and because he's at the funeral of a guy he killed he's very very paranoid but that certainly is not stopping his obsession with candace and when she leaves in over and will follows her but when he sees an unmarked police officer he stops and he ends up losing her tail joe turns around and heads back to his apartment where he sees ellie and she's doing a lot better but delilah is not she's obsessed with taking down henderson because now that he's a murderer victim he's become a martyr joe also realizes that while ellie's putting on a facade she's also having a tough time with this and needs someone in her life so when she invites him to watch a movie even though he's not a big movie guy he agrees and puts the candace thing on the back burner the next day at work 40 comes up to joe and lets them know that they're going to set up shop in a production company in the back of a noverin and he's going to make joe an executive producer along with candace he hands joe a form to fill out to name his production company it can be anything he wants but on the production company form he also sees candace's name but she hasn't put an address so joe asks hey i'll put my address here but what's hers before he doesn't actually know he just knows the area that she lives in that's all that joe needs though he hops on airbnb and figures out what house she probably would be running from now he's supposed to take a drive with love to go get donuts but he figures he can squeeze in time to go to this house and he's standing outside of it waiting for candace to come out but he sees that same plainclothes officer show up and he gets spooked and runs away but he also didn't manage his time wisely because made him an hour late to meet love and when he gets back to a nover and he sees love talking to that same plainclothes cop and now he's convinced he's gonna be caught so when he walks in there he's very skittish but love isn't giving off the vibe of somebody who just found out that her boyfriend is a serial killer and don't get me wrong she's pissed but joe has to find out what was up with that guy and says hey when i walked in you were talking to some guy who was that yeah that's our family's private investigator i hired him to tell candice because i just don't trust her now while joe is relieved that he wasn't being followed he thinks it's crazy that she's being so normal about this i mean she just hired a private investigator to follow her boyfriend's girlfriend and now joe started to think could you have me followed the beginning of a fight breaks out but cooler heads prevail and love says you know what you're right it is a little much i'll call off the investigation tomorrow but joe and love weren't the only ones keeping tabs because candace did the exact same thing joe did candace took joe's address wrote it down and went to his place and starts looking through the windows but she's caught by delilah she explains that she's joe's ex-girlfriend and she's just looking for a pair of earrings and delilah says hey don't i know you i saw you at henderson's funeral did you actually know him and when candace says no he wasn't really my type it seems like his comedy was kind of creepy delilah suddenly is on board with helping her and goes into the apartment to see if she can find the earrings she doesn't let candace in but while she's searching for those earrings candice sneaks in real quick unlocks one of the windows and sneaks out of course delilah doesn't find any earrings but that's all the candice needed but unfortunately for candice the investigator saw all of this go down and calls love up and says hey i think there's something you need to see when joe returns the apartment that night he's relieved that love has called off the dogs but he's greeted by ellie who is just impressed that he had not only love quinn but this other redheaded girl that showed up today and right away joe knows oh my god candace was here she's crossed the line so joe is done playing games at this point he grabs some duct tape and rope and heads on over to candace's airbnb and breaks in but when he does so he's knocked out and tied up while he thinks it's candace it's not it's actually the homeowner she's supposed to be away in germany according to the airbnb site but she's not she's simply renting a room to candace and joe talks his way out of it by saying it was like a rape fantasy situation but while that was going on candace was going back to joe's to sneak in and when she opens up the window she finds love quinn sitting there waiting for her and immediately candace says this isn't what it looks like but love has a folder with her true identity in it and that's when candace comes clean the guy you're dating the guy you know is will isn't named will his name is joe and he's my former boyfriend who attacked me and i'm pretty sure he did it to another girl and i came here to protect you and your family but most importantly i came here to protect you and then she gives love proof so when joe returns home candace is long gone but love is sitting there baking up some cinnamon buns but when joe goes to eat one it tastes terrible because love switched around the ingredients and she says yeah no it sucks to be lied to doesn't it do you want to explain this and she throws him an envelope that has a picture of joe and candace when they were dating love screams that candace is claiming that you killed somebody and you killed another girl and you tried to kill her and immediately he thinks fast and comes up with the story that candace is crazy and he moved to los angeles and changed his name just to simply get away from her he never tried to kill her if so the cops would have gotten them and as for the other girl he went on one date with gwenevere beck and he thinks that she posted something on instagram just to make her actual boyfriend jealous but all of these fantasies are just made up in candace's head and that's one of the reasons he never had social media because he never wanted her to find him it seems like love is actually buying this story and joe says i've never loved anyone the way that i love you and love says yeah me too which makes this even harder we're done and she breaks things off with joe and one of the reasons she broke things off with joe is because the truth is such a big deal to love quinn her husband kept the fact that he was sick a secret for two months but the reason he did so is to keep a little normalcy before life changed forever the next day joe heads into the store and tries to give back his apron and quit before he says you don't have to quit i talked to love and we just think you're punished enough at this point but just stay away from her and stay out of her air space and joe asked 40 why exactly are you doing this and 40 says well while you did lie about your identity and that's a pretty shitty thing to do i do like having you around and you're one of the more real people that i know that night when joe gets home ellie storms out of her apartment and says would you please do something and when joe enters their apartment delilah is sitting there just combing over all this material trying to figure out this case joe was trying to talk her down a little bit and the two end up having sex and afterwards joe says you know you're trying to find the story but the story is yours so why don't you just write the story from your standpoint and maybe it'll encourage other victims to come forward and while that seems like a great idea delilah just looks at him and says i don't need you mansplaining this in episode 7 joe is having a tough go with this relationship ending and he starts to spy on love but when he does so he sees a guy snooping around our apartment and he grabs her spare key and walks in immediately joe tries to call love but figures you know what i better just head over there to see what's going on but when he does so he sees loving this guy hooking up and then he knows oh my god she's actually moved on you find out that this guy's name's milo and 40 absolutely hates him because he was her ex-husband's best friend but he had the hots for love ever since college and she was pissed when she picked her husband over him and he even went so far as to quote comfort her after the funeral by giving her that good d and joe hops on instagram and does a quick search and finds out that this guy is an australian travel blogger who is sponsored by patagonia a company that coincidentally his father owns and look i'm a heterosexual male but this dude is gorgeous and he truly seems like the perfect guy that you really can't compete with but even with all that forty reassures joe that love is not over you watch this so he goes and grabs love and pulls her aside and says are you serious with this guy again you can't be into him and you're doing it in front of joe and she says well i am into him and i don't really care if it's in front of joe or will or whatever you want to call him so why don't you just worry about yourself so 40 figures that joe needs to make love jealous at this point and he suggests to hop on some online dating apps to do so and joe once again asks dude why are you doing this i lied to your sister he says well you did lie to my sister and that was kind of shitty but the lie was necessary because candace was crazy and something in my gut tells me that you're good and he's bad so i'm team joe and 40 isn't the only one who thinks he should hop on some online dating apps ellie also sends him a text message with a bunch of online dating apps that he should try and the only one that seems to catch his eye is one for readers but when he hops on it he finds out that the online dating scene isn't all that great he wasn't really connecting with any of these women but love doesn't need to know that the dates weren't going great and forty starts posting from his instagram account pictures of joe and other girls going on dates to make love jealous and it does in fact work that is until milo shows up with donuts that love once described as so good they should be a sex crime and milo and love start having a conversation and joe is overhearing the whole thing about how milo was supposed to go away for 10 months but he's sick of traveling he doesn't want to do that he wants to try to have a relationship with love and love is a little taken aback and says you need to think about this more and if it feels right then do it but joe thinking he was getting rid of milo now needs to take it into his own hands but before he can do that he's at the register and love comes up and starts asking him about how the online dating scene is going and she seems really supportive of it and seems happy for him but then she asks by the way what name are using will or joe and joe is using the name will and that's when he realizes she's not happy for me she's disgusted in me so joe realized that the whole making her jealous thing isn't working and he goes to take care of milo and he starts running on his trail and any time joe goldberg starts running on your trail it's bad news for the person in front of him but luckily for milo he's in too good of shape and joe can't keep up joe does end up running into her friend gabe however and he quickly makes up a lie like oh it's crazy seeing you here i just saw milo but gabe says look man cut the [ __ ] what you did to love was a pretty shitty thing because love values truth more than anything else and the reason she likes milo is because he worked on himself but i'll tell you right now the way she talked about you she has never talked about a guy like that ever including her dead husband so why don't we go try to work on yourself so joe follows gabe and they do this holistic spiritualistic slash acupuncture therapy and gabe keeps asking joe what he's scared of and whatever is in those acupuncture needles brings up the memory of joe when he was a kid and his mother trying to leave his dad his mother told him i'll be back at four o'clock to pick you up it'll be just me and you we're finally getting out of here but when she showed up she had yet another guy and joe didn't want to get into a car with some stranger and his mom he just wanted to be with his mom and because of that memory joe starts bawling his eyes out and gabe says you've been striving to have somebody else love you but maybe your love is all you ever needed and it gets to the point where joe actually looks at gabe and says oh my god you're a wizard because he truly has had a breakthrough now gabe also suggests he does a seven day celery cleanse and since the therapy works so great he goes with it and as he's sitting there drinking celery with 40 in walks ellie looking to quote check up on her neighbor but in reality she's looking for another internship because she saw that 40 bought the option for gwenevere's book and after a little bit of pleading joe says yeah okay as long as we get written permission from delilah and all your schoolwork's done love on the other hand that night has a date with milo and milo lets her know that he's decided to move to los angeles and even has found a place he's not going away for 10 months but love kind of likes their current arrangement which is basically when she breaks up with a guy he shows up and the two are [ __ ] buddies for a little bit but milo doesn't want that because milo is truly falling in love with her but love reminds him that i'm a package deal it's me and 40. and it's no secret that the two really don't get along and milo says he's a grown man but love cuts him off and says you know he's not though it's only a matter of time before the movie he's working on fails and i have to be there to pick up the pieces but milo is frustrated because he wants a future with love and only love and he feels like 40 is constantly in the way of her moving on now during that same dinner joe is at his house continuing his juice cleanse and he gets a knock on the door from delilah and delilah lets him know that she wrote that story about what happened to her in henderson and it's being published in variety but before joe can even really congratulate her he pukes all over her exorcist style and passes out when he wakes up he wants to know what happened and delilah says well you threw up on me same thing happened to me actually i found out that celery was a negative calorie and i did the same thing and puked all over my birthday cake she orders the two food that night and they sit there and joe's reading her story and he really likes it but they want to go out and get more alcohol and as they're walking away from the liquor store they're discussing their first impressions of each other this leads to them making out then it leads to public sex and then it leads to them getting arrested for having sex in public and joe is really concerned that they're going to take fingerprints and figure out that he is not actually the real will bitlheim in fact he is joe goldberg delilah on the other hand is trying to find her cop friend but the cop friend does show up although he's not interested in helping her out because he was hooking up with delilah and when he found out delilah got caught having sex in public with another guy the favors kind of went out the window but will calls up 40 and 40 calls in some favors and gets them out of there and as will is walking out the cop looks him and says hey don't i know you and delilah cuts in and says yeah he's my neighbor you probably saw him around the building so when delilah and joe get back they both agree that it's probably for the best they just remain friends and as delilah is hugging joe ellie shows up and sees it and says jesus why do you have to be such a [ __ ] at this point though joe needs to go to work as 40 as razz and joe about getting caught having sex in public milo shows up to give love some roses and love hates roses and 40 says it's like this guy isn't even trying yet he's still trying too hard as milo is leaving 40 once again insults him and at this point milo's had enough and goes back at him in 40s pissed this guy's continuing to show up every time she has a breakup and milo thinks that 40 is holding her back the two end up having a heated argument and when 40 says how do you think your best friend would feel as he watches from heaven you finger bang his wife because you can't get it up milo punches him in the face at this point love comes out and tells milo he's got to go but when milo says you're so obsessed with 40 so much that maybe if you weren't you would have noticed that your husband was sick earlier and that's just something that crossed the line so love once again tells him he's got to go and at this point joe even steps in and says dude you gotta go she said you have to leave milo tries to act like tommy toughnuts but eventually he does leave afterwards love chastises both joe and forty for quote sticking up for and while forty's laughing about it joe does apologize as joe leaves love says hey you are a really good friend of forty and she calls him joe and the fact that she used his actual name means the world to joe but joe was leaving because he was gonna go have dinner with delilah and the problem with that is delilah got a phone call from her cop friend that said i remember your buddy i was gonna arrest him for jaywalking but he had these really expensive pair of headphones and i looked him up and he makes 12 dollars an hour then i started thinking what is a guy like that doing with expensive headphones that he's just gonna get rid of and not only that i found him the night that henderson was murdered and those just so happen to be headphones that henderson endorsed now at first delilah just thinks that the cop is just being jealous but then the more she thinks about it the more she gets curious and she heads on into his apartment initially she doesn't find anything but eventually she finds the storage facility key and when she heads over there she sees the cage she sees the box she sees henderson's computer and she immediately calls her cop friend but he doesn't answer she goes to leave but joe has showed up and he closed the door and says when my ex-girlfriend showed up i got a nanny cam and i saw you take the key and he's really upset because he was planning on asking her to dinner that night but now he's got this to deal with at this point the cop is calling back and delilah gives joe her phone and joe knocks her out and puts her in the cage and when she wakes up joe says look i'm not gonna hurt you but i just need a few days to get my affairs in order and then i'll let you go in episode eight delilah is begging joe to let her out but he just can't do that even though he wants to and now she's begging the cop fincher calls back and joe looks at her and says did you tell him about this place and she said no not yet let me prove to you that i will not tell the cops so joe answers the phone and delilah plays it off like she was calling fincher to try to get a hold of him because she wanted to know about a celebrity dui and she does not reveal her location or what is going on but even after that show of loyalty joe can't let her out just yet he needs her to spend a night in the cage as he plans to get the hell out of los angeles so that morning he books a flight to mexico writes a letter to love and buys handcuffs that have a timing mechanism on it he sets the handcuffs for 16 hours and change her to the table and says this will give me enough time to get out of los angeles and as soon as they're out you're good to go i'll even leave the door unlocked and there's your cell phone and in his mind joe thinks he truly has changed by doing this he doesn't need to kill delilah his next stop is to a novern and drop off that letter to love and she's busy doing a cake testing for her two friends but they know something's wrong with her they ask if it has to do with milo and she says no i haven't thought about him in months he really means nothing to me it's actually about will and they have a conversation about maybe he deserves a second chance but joe is watching this conversation go down thinking unfortunately there isn't going to be a second chance he drops the letter off in her locker but then he gets interrupted by 40 who says you're not going to believe this catherine bigelow wants to do the beck film 40 pitched catherine bigelow at a dungeons and dragons meeting and she loved the idea and wants to see a script asap and he wants joe to look over the script before he leaves so joe agrees to give him 30 minutes and as he's giving him some pointers these two guys roll up in an suv put bags over their heads and basically kidnap them while in the car 40 admits that this probably has to do with a gambling debt because he's an addict but when they get to their destination the hoods come off and they're in a hotel room and 40 looks like he knows these guys and that's because he does he hired these two guys one of them is named dimitri to basically make sure they don't leave this hotel room until a script is written and dimitri actually has shoot on site orders if they do end up escaping and since joe is on borrowed time he is pissed off and dimitri has his license and passport so unfortunately joe is stuck there until they write a script and since ellie got the assistant job she's in the room next door and she comes in to help them write this script and it seems like after a couple of hours they finally have a script finished and forty's happy with it but ellie says i just don't think this is good and in his mind joe is cursing ellie for doing this because this is finally his way out but ellie says this isn't from beck's perspective honestly i think you need to start from scratch i think you need to start the whole thing over again it's predictable and honestly it's just not that great it's not special and this is the last thing that joe wanted to hear but it's also the last thing that 40 wanted to hear because he doesn't deal with criticism too well when he hears this he says i gotta get out of here but instead of walking out the front door because of dimitri he jumps out the window into the dumpster down below and since 40 is his way to getting back his stuff joe jumps out the window after him joe finally finds him in a bar and 40 has been thrown back tequila but he was nice enough to buy joey seltzer water and forty's just depressed at himself and even reveals he's such a loser he's still talking to candace that's how broken he is but for the life of him joe can't figure out why you're still talking to candace but it's because 40 wants a woman in his life 40 wants that love and when he sees a couple that just got married he stands up and says attention everybody i will give these newlyweds ten thousand dollars if i could hook up with the wife and ten thousand dollars a lot of money so 40 is able to do it and he gives the money but this is the first time that joe is seeing this side of 40 the destructive side the side that's willing to break up a marriage before it even begins and that's when he realizes 40 is truly dangerous so at this point joe says you know what i'm out of here and forty grabs his arm and writes a time down and says you're gonna wanna know what that time is because forty spiked his drink full of lsd and not just any kind of lsd four times the amount and it's gonna set it in a little bit he's eventually gonna wanna know what time he started drinking so now that's another issue that he has to deal with as he makes his way back to the hotel love meanwhile has been invited to dinner from her mother at the advice of her new shaman and while love is reluctant to go she ends up accepting the invite but when she's at dinner love realizes this attempt to make amends isn't what it seems like because the family is just constantly covering up lies her mother tells that her dad is cheating once again but acts like it's okay and it's not the family lies about the fact that 40 is a ticking time bomb and at this point love is sick of it now it probably has to do with the fact that she's been drinking all night but she stands up to her mother she ends up running out of the restaurant and running into joe at the hotel because she was looking for him she tracked him down thanks to forty's instagram and figured he would be there and she tells joe that the letter that he wrote her really shook her to her core and if he's truly leaving los angeles she wants to have one last goodbye with him tomorrow at lunch the problem is joe's not saying anything because the lsd just kicked in and he is tripping balls love ends up throwing up and her mother comes and finds her and apologizes to joe and joe ends up finding his way back to the room but he's tripping so badly that when 40 wants to role play between dr nicki and beck he takes it too far because as 40's talking he's literally hearing beck's voice and it's triggering for him so he starts choking 40 and literally trying to kill him until 40 ends up kneeing him in the balls to get him off of him and 40 loves this version of method acting and thinks he's found a breakthrough and tells joe if you want to leave give dimitri the safe word and he'll let you go but you can only use it once and while joe is livid about the fact that there was a safe word the entire time he uses it the next thing joe remembers though is that he's in a bathroom and his hands are covered in blood as he frantically washes the blood off all of a sudden it disappears and his hands are fine he has no idea how he got there when he walks to the bathroom he's in the hotel room again 40 is rolling with this new script and he asks him how long he's been gone and 40 says i don't know maybe an hour maybe three who's to say i was kind of in the zone then joe asked hey were my hands covered in blood when i came back and he says oh it's hard to say i'm tripping too and every time i look down at your hands i just saw lobsters so then joe goes out in the hallway and asked dimitri hey was my hands covered in blood when i came back and demetri says no your hands were clean and of course joe is worried that he killed somebody in this time span that he can't account for joe then gets a phone call from love and she tells him she wants to be in this relationship with him she wants to be with him the problem is delilah's still in a cage and she's gonna be getting out in a few hours so joe says all right how about we just pick up and run away together but love won't leave 40 behind so joe says all right we'll bring him with us and joe wants desperately to be with love but it can't be in los angeles because of delilah they tell each other that they love each other and they hang out but as soon as he does so he starts to hallucinate about his mother his mom is telling him how he hasn't changed and he's already thinking of ways to get rid of 40 but joe is reassuring her no i have and that's not true he starts arguing with this hallucination and eventually makes it out of the bathroom and when he does 40 is sitting there saying i've cracked it i figured this out dr nicki didn't kill beck dr nicki was set up by the boyfriend jose's what boyfriend and he says yeah she mentioned him a few times not many but that's who did it and at this point joe was worried that 40 actually did figure this thing out so he grabs a jagged piece of glass and starts walking towards him and he's even encouraged to stab forty in the jugular by that hallucination of his mother before he says do you know i know because that's what i did forty then goes on to reveal that he ended up killing that au pair that was the first love of his life but when he found out that she was dating a college guy he blacked out when he woke up there she was dead at this point joe puts that jagged piece of glass down and goes to consol 40 about this because 40 has been living with this burden since the age of 13. and while the family paid to make it go away it's never gone away for 40. as joe reminds 40 that it's okay he was just a kid and he's hugging him 40 says look i don't know what's up with you and my sister but she'd be an idiot to let you go joe wakes up the next morning on the couch and he has about an hour to go until the handcuffs are locked he can't find 40 anywhere but he races over to the storage unit he wants to try to bargain with delilah but when he opens it he finds delilah's dead body because somebody slashed delilah's throat in episode 9 joe is trying to figure out who exactly killed delilah he doesn't think it was him but he feels like he owes it to her to find out if it was he's trying to retrace his steps but there's so much time that's not accounted for he tries to get in touch with 40 but he's not answering his phone calls he also tries to put ellie's mind at ease by texting her through delilah's phone but he ends up dropping it and breaking it and then he starts thinking about possible suspects that could have done that that aren't him and the real will bittelheim pops into his head because he's the only other person that knows about that cage and maybe he came back and the real will sent him a postcard with his phone number so when he calls it up he sees gg and he sees will and he realizes he didn't do it but the real will can see that something's not right with joe and asks what's wrong and joe doesn't exactly describe the situation but describes a situation enough where will figures it out there's a dead body in your cage and you don't know if you did it or not will tells him that he does believe that joe is a good person but deep down joe is the only person that knows if he's capable of that or not so joe continues to think and heads home and meets love at his apartment and while they're discussing their phone call from the night before ellie shows up looking for her sister of course no one's seen her and ellie's really concerned because she's been gone for so long and on top of it she received a death threat from a henderson fan after that story went public so love tries to take her mind off things and ask her if she wants to go get food as joe cleans himself up from the night before and while getting dressed he gets a flashback from the night before at a novern where the manager was beating him thinking he was robbing the place so he goes to leifer in november but he runs into delilah's cop friend fincher and fincher asks hey have you seen delilah but joe plays it off no i haven't it's really weird but he gives fincher the death threat and tells him how concerned he is about her safety because her sister hasn't seen her either rightisy's about to leave he says by the way she broke things off with me so i really think she likes you man so he arrives at inover and the manager lets him know what happened the night before and lets him know how messed up he was and lets him know the time he arrived but then he says by the way just because you're with 40 doesn't mean you don't have to pay for that stuff and joe is surprised to hear that he was with 40 because 40 could very well be his alibi so joe heads over to 40s places since he can't get a hold of him and he texts love that he's doing so and love is cooking with ellie and ellie is still very concerned about her sister because her sister is the only real person she has her dad died when she was younger and she doesn't get along with her mother and abandoned her to go live with delilah and joe is trying to figure out who killed delilah but when he knocks on 40's door his mom answers his mom lets him know hey i know that 40 told you about our family secret just to let you know we are a close-knit family and all your secrets are safe with us but joe doesn't take it as a reassuring statement he kind of takes it as a threat and then he's wondering what exactly did i tell 40 last night and then he starts to remember little bits and pieces and wonders oh my god what if 40 did it at this point 40 shows up and he starts asking hey where did we go after a noveren but 40 is being skittish about giving details joe can tell he's lying it doesn't take much though for 40 to finally come clean and say you know this is all your fault if you didn't call delilah for a booty call i wouldn't have had to call candace for one and through that he remembers that 40 dropped him off at the storage facility and then went to go hook up with candace and 40 gave him a rose to give to delilah that was found next to her body in the cage so it's very possible that joe could have just added to his body count but he suddenly gets a phone call from love who says you gotta come back because ellie is losing her [ __ ] and when he gets there she is indeed losing her [ __ ] because it's finally hitting her that something probably happened to lila delilah's never left ellie alone this long but the real issue for ellie is why don't people want to be with me what's wrong with me and joe comforts her by saying nothing's wrong with you don't ever think that and while love is watching this go down thinking it's a beautiful moment joe is staring back at her thinking i could have very well killed her sister after he calms ellie down he heads back to the storage facility to see if he can find any clues and figure this thing out while he does that candice shows up at 40s praising his script but 40 doesn't want her there 40 says what happened last night was a mistake and you truly are crazy and if it wasn't for the fact that joe called delilah for a booty call i never would have called you candace is just amazed that he called delilah the building manager and is now worried for her safety the two get into a fight with candace saying you idiot you cracked this thing joe is the boyfriend joe goldberg killed beck and i'm trying to protect you and your family from a killer but 40 is just brushing it off not believing a word she's saying just figuring that she's crazy candace storms out and says well when he kills your sister don't come running to me at this point candace is very frustrated and goes to the liquor store and she's sitting there drinking she re-watches the video that 40 centered from the night before and sure enough in the background you can see the storage facility and you can see joe so candace immediately heads over to that storage facility and catches joe in the cage with delilah's dead body and pepper sprays him she grabs his phone and locks him in there and texts love quinn the address and says i need you here now from his cell phone and candace thinks she finally has the proof she needed but when love shows up she thinks this was candace is doing she thinks she's nuts she demands that candace set him free but joe's had time to think about this and figures you know what this is what i deserve and to both of their surprise he comes clean about everything he says candace is right i killed henderson i killed beck i tried to kill her i clearly killed delilah and this is the first time joe is really admitting guilt because this all stems from his childhood where the first time he killed somebody was his father at the age of nine and when he did so his mother said you're not a bad person you're protecting me it was an accident and that's exactly what he tells himself every time he murders somebody is that he was protecting them but now he's finally coming clean about it and his admission forces love to run out of the storage facility candace runs after her and now it's just joe alone in the cage and he finds that spare key that he hid in the cage just in case of emergencies but he actually throws it out of one of the air holes at this point joe feels like he deserves to get caught candace at this point is caught up to love and she's trying to console her as she's throwing up but love turns around and slashes her throat she heads back to the cage and she stares at joe picking up the key and joe says what did you do where's candice and she just looks at him and says i took care of it in the season finale joe was trying to figure out why love came back to help him i mean after all he killed back he killed henderson he killed delilah and she cuts him off and says you didn't kill delilah i did she goes on to explain that when she was a kid she saw 40 with that au pair and she knocked out 40 with a brick and slit the au pair's throat she put the knife in 40s hands and it was probably for the best but the family covered it up and she did it because she was protecting 40. and when she got married she couldn't have a family with her husband and she thought she was just stuck with this toxic family but when she met joe she just like joe figured she could fix joe and after candice dropped that bombshell she started having that pi follow joe she found out his true identity she read beck's book cover to cover and when she found the storage key she went in but she wasn't disgusted at what she found she actually found it kind of endearing and when he was about to run away and take their potential future with him she couldn't let that happen so she followed him that night to the storage facility and when he left the storage facility she went in and of course delilah's freaking out saying will is crazy but she wasn't willing to let delilah get in the way of their future and slit her throat and killed her and joe is listening this entire story thinking that she is absolutely batshit insane not realizing the hypocrisy of the situation joe asks her what do you plan on doing with ellie but love has come up with a plan she's gonna give the cops an anonymous tip that it was ellie who killed henderson and she's gonna get arrested but the quinn's lawyers are gonna get her out of it because there's no real evidence at this point the body of delilah is gonna appear with a suicide note and it's gonna look like she's a martyr ellie because she got arrested with no real evidence is gonna get a huge settlement check to start up her real life and all of this will take the heat off of joe killing delilah and killing henderson joe says that's never gonna work but love tells them that the quinns basically have the lapd in their pocket joe says please tell me you didn't already give the cops that anonymous tip but she has and fincher shows up at ellie's apartment he starts subtly asking her about that night but she's too smart and she's seen too many movies and knows what's going on and he takes her downtown but because the way that joe is looking at love at the moment she can't let him go she figured that she could open up to who she really was because she knew who he really was but his face is saying otherwise so joe is locked up and ellie's locked up and she calls up 40 to get her out of there saying can you call whatever favors you did for my sister and joe and get me out of here they think i had something to do with henderson's murder and 40 can't help her because he's on the east coast but says i'll send my family lawyer over you'll be out of there like in an hour and 40's on the east coast because he's going to meet with dr nicki after candace told him you cracked the case he went on some conspiracy theorist forums and read all about the free dr nikki movement and when he talks to dr nicki the first thing he says is i don't think you killed gwen of your beck and dr nikki's like yeah no [ __ ] but dr nicki at this point is kind of at peace with being in there because he says i'm not a great guy and while i'm not guilty of killing gwenevere beck i'm guilty of a lot of bad [ __ ] so i deserve to be in here and then 40 brings up that patient that dr nikki had that they couldn't really find any information on and dr nicki is reluctant to talk about it until 40 slaps up a picture of 40 and joe onto the glass dr nikki's taking him back and says oh my god that's whatever fake name joe gave him you probably should stay away from him he's very dangerous so if 40 had any doubts about joe he no longer has him he's frantically calling up love to get a hold of her but she's sending him straight to voicemail as he disposes of candace's body at this point the quinn's family lawyer has shown up for ellie and as she's walking out of the station fincher says by the way if we don't hear for your sister in a couple hours i'm gonna call child protective services and report an unattended minor and at this point she's really freaked out because she has no idea where her sister is she didn't kill henderson and she texts 40 and says where are you 40 just arrived back in los angeles and says meet me at inauburn fincher on the other hand doesn't really have anything to do and he decides to tailor because he still thinks that she had something to do with henderson's murder joe meanwhile is trying to figure out how to get out of the cage and he figures the best option is to think like beck did lure love into the cage and then get yourself out of it and he's planning on using the handcuffs to do so because at this point he still thinks that love is insane when love arrives that day she brings in baked muffins and he's very hesitant to eat them because he's worried that they're poison love freaks out and eats one and says seriously you think they poisoned you and he makes up a lie and says no i just can't eat with a decomposing body three feet away from me can you please let me out he's very convincing and love opens the door and starts to step into the cage but because of the reflection she sees the hidden handcuffs and that's when he grabs her chokes her and is about to stab her in the jugular with it but she screams i'm pregnant and joe freezes in his tracks she goes on to say that it's joe's because she made milo use protection and she thinks it's a girl she explains that she didn't want to kill delilah but she just had taken the test and she couldn't let delilah ruin their future family and love thinks that he hates her because he just tried to kill her but but when she told him that she was pregnant his whole mood changed because he grew up with a really shitty father and now he thinks that he can make a difference in this baby's life so he tells her that i don't hate you love doesn't evaporate and then she asks would it be weird if you still come to lucy and sunrise's wedding and joe does and yeah it's a little weird for him but at the wedding he finally realized that maybe he is in fact staring at himself just like candace said but it's also possible that he forgives love and they go on and have a really good life together and after the ceremony joe looks at love and says i love you and she says still and he says no more but forty is blowing up both of their phones because he tried to get into the wedding but gabe shut him down and he's texting joe calling him all sorts of names saying i know what you did meet me in a novern right now and he's texting love saying love you gotta get away from him he's dangerous so they both head over inoverin and love says i'll go in first to calm him down you stay in the car but he sees ellie popping out from behind a dumpster and unbeknownst to the both of them fincher is watching this all go down from afar and ellie wants to know where delilah is because child protective services is going to be coming after her but she also wants to know if joe had a hand in it because 40 is in there ranting and raving about how joe killed all these people and joe looks at her and says does that sound like something i would do but she asked did you hurt delilah and he doesn't lie he says no but he lets her know the quinns are very powerful people and i don't think delilah's coming back and you need to prepare for that and as love is trying to talk down 40 joe sneaks in the office goes into the safe and starts clearing it out and giving it to ellie to get out of town he gives her the bag and says you take this and you go east and she goes well i'm 15 years old what am i supposed to do and he says you're smart enough start a new life i'm the one who killed henderson i'm not a good person but those people they're even worse and i'm your buffer between that so take this stuff go start a new life i'll send you money every couple of months to make sure you're okay but you need to get out of here and away from these people and as you can imagine ellie is pissed off and tells him to go to hell but she does take the money and goes out the side door after ellie leaves joe walks in and catches love and 40 arguing about joe and who he really is and what he's done and joe tries to calmly talk to him about this but then 40 pulls a gun out love is also trying to talk her brother down saying you don't have to hurt him but 40 says if you knew what i knew you would want to hurt him i'm going to protect you because you always protected me and then love tries one last plea by saying if you shoot him you're never going to see me again and you're also never going to see this baby forty looks at her and she says yep our baby because me and joe are having a baby we're gonna have a family but this doesn't make forty happy in fact it pisses him off even more he looks her and says you're just as broken as i am what are you doing bringing a child in the world like us you think i don't know you think after all these years on that dumb i've tiptoed around it my entire life but you're crazy if you think you'd be a good mother joe tries to level with him and says don't take this out on your sister take it out on me so 40 does he makes him get on his knees and is about to shoot him execution style until fincher runs in sees what's going on and shoots 40. love collapses to the ground attending to her dead brother's body and at that moment joe knows that she needs me more than ever so joe goldberg dodges a bullet literally this time once again him and love get out of there and the cops figured that it must have been 40 who killed henderson because he was also in the house and because he's a quinn the quinn swept it under the rug joe is still getting regular mail from the real will biddleheim although he hasn't responded in a while he's also getting a postcard from ellie who lets him know that she found a place and send more money in about three months so it seems like she's kind of gotten over things joe and love have bought a house and loves mothers there helping them move in and she's very pregnant and it seems like joe finally has everything he ever wanted in life that is until he sees the next door neighbor and she has a stack of books and the attention of joe goldberg hey everyone real quick if you need a recap for season two of you just hit the link in the top right corner now season three picks up seven months after joe goldberg and love quinn became parents hooray joe currently hates his life he thinks love is a complete psychopath and the only reason he's really with her is because of the fact that she was pregnant but they were told that they were pregnant with a baby girl so you can imagine his surprise when a baby boy popped out henry 40 quinn goldberg that love tries to keep calling 40 and joe has to keep reminding her his name is henry to make matters worse for joe his mother-in-law has gotten a condo 30 minutes away so she can pop in but that ends up being kind of a blessing because parenthood hits joe pretty hard while they don't say it it seems like the baby is suffering from colic but what is known is henry doesn't really take too fondly to joe every time joe picks him up or tries to pick him up henry starts crying dottie shaman had told her that henry was 40 reincarnated so if that is truly the case then the crying would make sense but they're just new parents sleep deprived irritable love having it worse than joe and this new plastic suburban life that he's living in madre linda isn't really suiting him too well they don't have a used bookstore so he's forced to take his operation to the internet all the profits he sends to ellie whenever he hears from her but the new life has them in the house a lot they don't really get out much and when they do it's usually just to pick up a latte one of the reasons why is because every time they do venture out henry ends up crying one particular day they're doing that very thing trying to grab a latte henry starts crying and a local mom who's an influencer they call those mom named sherry conrad walks over she's got a very successful blog slash podcast and she has twins and she seems about as fake as they come but she's well aware of who joe and love and even henry is madre linda's kind of a small community so where travels fast when new people move in and she happens to be kind of the queen bee she tells love we've gotta grab coffee together and i can share all my secrets but they don't really take it as a compliment it sounds more condescending in a way love feels like she was just called a bad mother in public on days like this though joe has to remind himself of the missing in hand of being a good husband being a good father and that's tough to do with his smoking hot neighbor natalie right next door as they're walking in the house they end up seeing natalie grabbing the mail but joe takes a lot longer of a look than most would and it's not like natalie isn't staring back as soon as they step in the house love starts kind of ripping natalie for being cold not giving him a housewarming gift or a baby gift when henry was due and joe just agrees yeah she seems a little weird joe then goes to pick up henry but henry starts crying love goes and picks him up and says you know the babies can tell when your heart's not in it joe and that's because joe's heart isn't really in it his heart is more next door and when he sees natalie leaving he ends up creating an excuse to leave the house and follow her and he follows her to the grocery store where while she's inside he's having a fantasy about her coming in the car and then getting it on so it's pretty embarrassing when he gets a knock at the window as he's jerking off and it's the neighbor she tells him you've got to be so underslept i hear your baby crying all the time it's kind of understandable why you'd be sleeping in your car in a grocery store parking lot but i wanted to be a nice neighbor and save you a trip so she throws him some diapers but then she gives him a box of condoms saying that the rumors about how women can't get pregnant while they're breastfeeding aren't true so don't fall for it and that gesture has joe thinking that maybe she's flirting with him as much as joe wants to follow this he knows he can't he can't just walk out of love's life because she has his child he's also well aware he's kind of made some mistakes in his life but that's not going to stop him from trying to figure out who exactly natalie is and just a quick deep dive in the internet he finds out that she's a local realtor who's really good at her job she left college early when she met her husband who's a tech entrepreneur named matthew but he needs to know who she is in the real life he gets that opportunity when love goes to a spin class so he grabs henry puts him in the car and ends up following natalie throughout the day and that actually takes him to a local library where natalie walks in and now joe is smitten hard joe ends up following her in there trying to look inconspicuous but he doesn't do a really good job when natalie heads the counter to check out some books he gets closer because he wants to see what books she's checking out and a lot of the books she's checking out have been turned into movies who knew the fast and the furious was originally a book but as he's trying to creep henry starts crying it draws attention and that's when natalie turns around sees joe and gives him a wave he then walks up to the counter and the librarian says are you gonna chase after her or could i actually help you with something and joe gets an application for a library card she tells joe that they have a great kids section but then also hands them a book and says here natalie picked this out and it's tender is the night by f scott fitzgerald so now joe definitely is convinced that she is flirting with him i mean after all she knew the whole time that he was following her joe then heads home and starts reading the book love tried to head home after her spin class but she ran into sherry cheri introduces love to her two friends kiki and andrew and they start talking about how hard it is to get the baby weight off but then they invite love out to grab a latte and they start doing the whole rich people with problems thing complaining about their nannies sherry starts talking about her blog humble bragging a bit love tells her that she's never read it sherry then asks love what she does for work and love tells her that she's trained as a chef but after henry was born she hasn't really done that in a while andrew lets her know that her job right now is to connect with her baby and her man they then start having that uncomfortable conversation about sex you know the conversation that you have with someone you've known for all of i don't know 15 minutes but sherry's message is that if you're not having an orgasm your breast milk probably isn't doing it for your baby's brain so when love gets home and puts henry down she starts trying to make the moves on joe maybe get back in the saddle a little bit problem is joe is deep into that book and he's more inclined to pick f scott fitzgerald than the woman he thinks is a complete psycho and at this point love can sense it she asks joe why don't we ever talk why don't we ever talk you always seem really distracted what are you hiding from me what what aren't you telling me joe doesn't have a chance to actually answer the question because henry starts crying and love pops up to go get them right before she goes up the stairs she says you know i'm going to take him to his grandmom's just enjoy the quiet so now joe is home all alone when he gets a phone call from a blocked number and to his surprise it's natalie neighbor asks him over to have a drink so joe does that the first question he has though is how did you get my number but she lets him know my husband's in tech joe kind of thinks though it's more of like invasive tech and natalie tells him well there's no privacy in madre linda i mean even where we're sitting she pulls out her phone and shows him that they're under surveillance via cameras actually the place they're sitting is the only place where there's a blind spot she tells joe that's why i spend so much time by the pool but then she shuts the cameras off she does say however that now it'll alert matthew and he'll wonder why she shut those cameras off so even when she's not under surveillance she kind of is she hates it she doesn't remember putting a leash around her neck but yet here she is they then head inside to get more wine but when they go to cheers natalie's glass ends up breaking and she ends up cutting her hand pretty good she puts a rag around it gets it patched up and then they go to sit on the couch and drink wine natalie tells him that that feeling that you have when you're with somebody and it's excitement and possibility of a future she wishes she could bottle it she thought it would stay with matthew but it kind of just went away they then get into talking about joe's relationship with love and joe sort of admits that he's only really with love because she got pregnant these are two adults that are admitting to each other that they would love to leave but they can't for various reasons natalie then gets real kinky with joe she asks him do you want to see my reading room and at this point joe is just in love he can't say yes fast enough she takes him up to the reading room which happens to be her bedroom her and her husband actually sleep in separate rooms because she has insomnia and also she's kind of a slob there's clothes strewn all over the floor and joe just happens to pick up her underwear they then start hooking up though she ends up going to unbutton his pants but then he remembers he's got love he's got henry he can't be doing this so he pulls back even though he really wants to he tells natalie i'm sorry i'm just looking for a friend and then he leaves and goes home when love comes home he says i just had a drink with a neighbor you're right she is weird they then apologized to each other about yelling earlier and that's when joe gets that feeling back that he had for love the original feeling the feeling that natalie was talking about and he throws her against the wall and they end up having post baby sex a few days later they have their first welcome to the neighborhood party it's hosted by sherry and it's got pretty much the entire neighborhood there both joe and love are dreading it but they already did their research they hopped on facebook instagram twitter all of that so they're not going into this thing blind they know about all of these people as joe starts walking around the room he's pretty judgmental he knows that sherry had to apologize because she had a secret party a couple months ago after reportedly she got a secret vaccine supposed to be for the queen of england ended up being for queen sherry word got out she had to apologize these people are not joe goldberg's people but he's willing to put on a strong face and just fake it till you make it they go out to the lawn and they start doing reconnaissance noticing the people they saw on the internet love points out kiki and her husband brandon then she sees andrew and his lawyer husband jackson but then sherry comes over and takes love away showing her around the place and sherry's husband comes over and introduces himself to joe this guy is a 20 21 douche bag talking about diets and diets and different kinds of diets and joe's metabolism i don't know it's weird he kind of is flirting with joe and joe picks it up but as joe is talking to carrie sherry has taken love over where her kiki and andrew are just standing there drinking wine when natalie and matthew walk through the door they fill love in on that marriage they tell her that matthew used to have a wife mimi who everybody loved but then this harlequin named natalie came out of nowhere and stole him from her he ended up dropping mimi for natalie and they're pretty sure that natalie cheats on him they figure it's good to tell love since she lives right next door to her they're pretty judgmental of natalie but love isn't willing to judge her just because of the hearsay later on in the party though as love is grabbing some food she overhears sherry talking to a couple of the other girls she did some digging and she found out all about love about her family she calls forty a crackhead and says that love is living off daddy's money not working like the rest of them sherry's two-faced attitude really hits love hard but she was the only person who overheard this natalie did as well and natalie takes her to the side and says don't worry about them she tells her that sherry is a terrible person but unfortunately she runs this town so you can't get too righteous with it the best course of action is to gain a respect and you do that by being authentic it'll scare problem is love after having the baby doesn't really know who she is anymore and natalie asked her if you could do anything what would it be and love tells her that she would open up a bakery and since natalie is a real estate agent she has the perfect location she gives love her card and says call me and then she comments on how she can't believe that her and matthew haven't had love and joe over and love doesn't say anything but she knows that's a lie because joe told her that he went over and had a drink with her so after the party love yells at joe because she thinks she's cheating on her she finds it really odd that after joe came home from being at her place that's when they finally had sex for the first time in months and joe admits that he did like that she flirted but it's nothing more than a simple fantasy they continue to fight a little bit but the big question that love has is are you obsessed with her and to that joe says no a lot of this argument though stems from loves insecurities about being a mother and joe has to reassure you're a great mom but it's not just love being insecure joe feels like he has no connection to henry whatsoever so the next day he decides to take henry out and bond with him taking him to the library reading on some stories and it works they have a little bit of a heart to heart as much as you can with a baby and it seems like they're on the same page but as they were out love went down to the basement and started looking at her old cooking supplies but she dropped something and saw that one of the air vents was a jar and when she looked in it she found a box similar to the box she found that was filled with her possessions but this time it's not her possessions it's natalie's it's the underwear it's the bloody rag it's another kind of bloody item it's really gross stuff but love now knows that joe is in fact obsessed so she calls up natalie and doesn't accuse her of anything but asks to see the space for the bakery natalie shows it off to her it's perfect there's even equipment there natalie wants her to sign a three-year lease on the spot but that's when love asks to see the basement and when they walk into the walk-in freezer love attacks her with an axe she then calls joe who is just leaving the library with henry and immediately joe knows something is wrong she tells him on the phone i think we need to go to couples therapy as natalie is lying there in a pool of her own blood in episode 2 joe shows up and is shocked to find that love has killed natalie he immediately starts saying he's innocent of anything but love says joe you kept a box i know what that means so now i need to go into clean up mode as joe is trying to figure out how to get rid of natalie's body and what to do love lets them know that she did sign a three year release in the play so maybe they could just keep the body there but that's not gonna be an option natalie has a very traceable cell phone so they're gonna have to dispose of the body joe tells love we need her to disappear never to be found again there's a state forest about 10 miles away we can dump the body there and love says yeah that worked so well with candace and joe then starts questioning what exactly love did with that body or delilah's love has never told them but she just simply says i told you i took care of it joe then starts going through the different ways he's disposed of bodies before including the meat grinder which love takes offense to because she used it all the time but the stress of the whole situation gets to love she ends up leaving and telling joe you can take care of natalie you care about her more than our son anyway so now it's up to joe he starts trying to plant the seeds he puts natalie's body in a bag wraps it up and then texts matthew i'm going to check out a rental which is near the woods he then puts it in natalie's cell phones gps hops in her car and drives to that location he stops off in the woods starts burying the body but as he's doing so he tells himself this isn't me i've changed i was good for love look what she's made me do at that moment it's a breaking point when joe gets home he's planning on grabbing henry and leaving love getting out of there forever but he still has a job to do with trying to make it look like natalie just ran off after burying her body he heads to that rental property opening up her cell phone and texting her sister to make it look like she ran off but as he's doing so he sees the text message conversation between natalie and her sister and natalie asked her sister tell me i shouldn't have sex with a boring neighbor and joe's a little hurt by the fact that he was considered the boring neighbor he starts wondering if maybe love was right either way he texts natalie's sister from her phone marriage is a trap going to clear my head he then leaves the car there and hitchhikes back home as he was disposing of natalie's body though love was at home with henry stressing out when dottie shows up she tells dottie great can you watch him i need to go stock the shop and this is the first that dottie is hearing about this bakery dotty would have preferred that love had talked to her first because the quinn family finances are in flux and love knew about that but i guess she didn't truly believe it she can't help with elise so now love has the natalie thing to deal with but she's also stressed out about that as well she does however actually have to suck themselves so she heads to the grocery store where as she's loading her groceries into her car she ends up getting hit on by this stanford college guy he persists but love lets him know um married both love and joe reconvene back at the house and they do sign up for couples therapy they end up going but joe thinks it's a complete waste of time he hates it mainly because they can't actually talk about the real issue they have to dance around it using code words can't exactly come out to your therapist and say we're here because she ended up getting jealous and killing our neighbor joe does sort of come around a little bit once the therapist starts siding with him surprisingly but the therapist tells them that they need to come back asap they need to figure out if they should be a couple and then she gives them homework on how to communicate not react but actually communicate and they get their first tests in that when they get home and love starts talking about what she's gonna make for andrew and jackson's kids birthday party joe is really surprised that they're still going to that but love says you think it's not going to look fishy if us and natalie the only people in the neighborhood not there joe however doesn't want to pick a fight so he says sounds like what you need is some peace and quiet so i'm gonna grab henry and head to the library when joe gets the library he asks librarian to see the rare book section and takes a little convincing but she finally takes him down to the basement shows him and it turns out nobody actually works in there the librarian does when it's slow she works on her drawings because she's an illustrator but joe didn't go down there to check out a book he went down there to find a book he starts distracting the librarian with questions when he finally finds the book he's looking for really anything that he can refurbish and sell for ellie he ends up grabbing the book getting out of the library heading home refurbishing the book posting it on the black market i.e ebay the next day they head to andrew and jackson's kids birthday party and it's just what you would expect from a rich people's kids birthday party i mean they're handing out ipads for christ's sake both love and joe go their separate ways love ends up going to set up her cupcakes when she sees sherry and sherry's pretty surprised to see her after the way that she left the party the other night she kind of just flaked out love says oh yeah my mom was watching our kids and you know she kind of has an expiration time and sherry starts asking if her mom is addicted to pills or alcohol because of the situation with 40. but love brushes it off and says no she then lets both sherry andrew and kiki know that she's planning on opening up a bakery on main street she was hoping that they would be her guinea pigs but they are not interested at all in fact they get really quiet and they start making excuses as to why they can't eat the cupcakes even though love has taken every precaution to make it gluten-free keto non-gmo you name it they don't want it love tells sherry you know they're lemon raspberry because love did her research she knows that cherry's wedding cake was lemon raspberry but sherry goes yeah i don't like lemons or raspberries but you know put them out and then leaves so love's gonna have to keep working on their relationship with sherry joe meanwhile was out with the dads his own personal hell the most normal dad is this guy glenn but joe doesn't even like him glenn however reads at the local library he's seen joe he suggests that maybe they carpool together but joe has no interest in that whatsoever all the dads then hear a scream and it's sherry and you think it's a real emergency it's not her kids got into the cupcakes she starts grabbing the cupcakes out of their mouth and love says oh no sherry they're sugar free and sherry yells at her they have raspberries in them raspberries have sugar we don't allow our children to have sugar it's pretty awkward and love is pretty embarrassed about it carrie though pulls joe aside and says hey man don't worry about it i'll calm her down we have the twins reading matthew's vital rings and then he pulls out his phone and shows him the app because he's showing him that the blood pressure hasn't spiked at all they're completely fine but this is the first that joe is hearing about these vital rings from matthew's tech company and these rings that he finds out the entire neighborhood is wearing follow your heart rate your blood sugar and that's when it dawns on joe if the whole neighborhood's wearing it then natalie was definitely wearing it which means that matthew can track where she is but also heart rate so as soon as love and joe get out of that party they had to go dig up that body they dig it up they find the ring but now they have to move the body somewhere else the body can't be the same place where the ring died they end up hiding it at their rental property making it look like she took the ring off in the sink when she washed her hands but now they need to get rid of the body joe drives to a construction site where they're gonna lay foundation the next day figures this will be the perfect place to dump a body but love is a little concerned about the fact that joe just knew about this place joe explains that it was a backup in case something went wrong and love starts insinuating that joe has all these places picked out on where to dump a body i.e he's got all these places figured out on where he's gonna dump love's body joe starts acting like she's nuts but she brings up the fact that he had a hook to her throat and everything changed when she said that she was pregnant this burns a pretty big fight with love pointing out that joe is kind of hypocritical when joe does things he's got reasoning for it but when she does similar things she's looked at as crazy love is well aware of the fact that henry is the only reason why she's alive she screams at him i can't trust you he screams at her i can't trust you he yells at her because of you i'm probably gonna be burying bodies till i'm 70. if you get jealous you're just gonna kill somebody and she points out well if i'm not enough for you you're just gonna kill me they end up actually talking about this in their next therapy session and this one goes way better than the first one first one the big reveal was that joe was planning on leaving in this therapy session the big breakthrough is when the therapist says that they are not killers which is pretty ironic either way they leave this therapy session feeling a lot better than the first one it seems like they're both on the same page they're in this for henry but the therapist does say children can't be handcuffs you guys have to be a team later that night love and henry are playing outside when joe sees it that thing that made him fall in love with love a thing that made him obsessed with love the honesty the beauty at that moment he wants to be forgiven for everything he's done to her he gets down and tells her i'm not just all in with our son i'm all in with you as well all of a sudden their relationship truly seems back on track they start working on the bakery but one of the big things they put in there is a box just in case in the meantime they're gonna use it as storage for flour and whatnot but that doesn't mean that the trust issues are gone because joe hides a key and love does the exact same thing a few days later they open up their new bakery a fresh tart as love is waiting for her first customers she sees sherry and andrew jog by and she waves at them but sherry just gives her a pretty dirty look but that's love's job joe needs a job so he heads the library in the hopes that maybe refurbishing an old book can get them hired the best the librarian gives them though is i'll consider it that night though love cannot shake what's going on in the house next door she needs to figure out exactly what matthew's thinking so she decides i'll just bring over some cupcakes but when she knocks on the door she's surprised that that frat boy from the parking lot answers his name's theo and it turns out that he is matthew's stepson matthew ends up showing up a little bit later and thanks love for the cupcakes but quickly shuts the door and when love gets home that's when she sees why because the cops have shown up and now both love and joe are kind of nervous in episode three the big story in madre linda is the disappearance of natalie love is pretty stressed out about it but joe isn't he's been here before they did have to speak to authorities but they played it off like they barely knew natalie they did admit though that she was the realtor that ended up showing love the bakery love does however think that they might have gotten a gift matthew is being very suspicious he's not talking to media and quite frankly he looks guilty joe's advice is for the meantime act normal and that's what love does she heads to the fresh tart and opens it up but as she's waiting for customers sherry and her little gang come as quote concerned citizens she wants to know if love has any information since love lives right next door and it becomes evident that sherry is convinced that matthew had something to do with this love kind of tells sherry the same thing she told the authorities nothing was out of the ordinary but she does tell her that natalie had showed love the bakery right before she went missing and sherry says oh my god that must be so difficult for you and love plays right into it thanking sherry for her concern and saying that the only thing that's getting her through this is coming to the bakery baking and then pulls out vanilla bean keto scones and to love surprise sherry and her crew actually end up buying some joe is spending his time volunteering at the library since marion the librarian didn't actually hire him marion introduces joe to another librarian named dante who's a blind former member of the navy and the trio start talking about the missing white woman syndrome it's the syndrome where the media only seems to pay attention when bad things happen to beautiful white women ignoring other minorities which is a big thing for marion who's black and dante who's blind joe however fails this test miserably dante does mention that one of natalie's friends is about to speak to the press so joe ends up excusing himself going to the corner of the library and watching on his phone and to his surprise that close friend is sherry which joe knows is [ __ ] because sherry couldn't stand natalie but sherry puts on that facade demanding that matthew come out and say something but on live television sherry does say that love was one of the last people with her and joe can't believe that sherry just said that as soon as the newscast goes off the air joe gets a phone call from the detectives although doesn't actually have to do with anything from the news it has to do with surveillance camera picking up joe and natalie in a parking lot of a grocery store and it looks pretty bad because it's the visual of natalie giving joe condoms joe's trying to figure out a way out of this and he decides i'm just going to be honest so he tells the detectives that because of having a new child and a mother-in-law pops in whenever it's tough to really get some privacy he makes them very uncomfortable by telling them that he was in that parking lot jerking off and natalie has a sick sense of humor that's it the detectives seem to buy this just asking him could you please not do that anymore and joe seems to be at least in the meantime in the clear while joe's being interrogated though love was trying to get a hold of him and she's a little stressed out about the fact that he's not answering his phone she gets a wanted distraction when theo walks in he tells love that he was able to hop the fence and avoid the media but because he left his house in a hurry he forgot his wallet and he's there hat in hand just looking for some free food he is flirting pretty hard with love and she does ask him not to do that he agrees reiterating i'm just here asking for food so she gives him a cupcake and when he accepts the carrot cake one she starts reminiscing about making carrot cake for 40. she however gets a phone call from dottie who tells her that henry's in the hospital so she frantically has to leave the bakery and theo actually offers to watch it while she's gone love ends up meeting joe at the hospital and it turns out henry has the measles they figure he must have gotten it from someone who is unvaccinated in the area and for the first time in a long time joe goldberg is legitimately scared love is now tasked with letting the neighborhood know that henry has measles just in case somebody isn't vaccinated she starts calling around but word ends up getting to sherry sherry tells love there's no reason to be embarrassed and love isn't embarrassed she's just concerned sherry offers to let the neighborhood know but love says no i think it's important i do this myself when she gets off the phone with sherry she sees dottie on the phone and love wants to know why dottie was on the phone and dottie lets her know that she just bought a vineyard all that quinn family money that was in flux now it's invested in a vineyard it was a once in a lifetime opportunity dottie couldn't pass up love yells at her mom you know i'm sitting here wondering why i want to be friends with sherry when she keeps stabbing me in the back and then i remembered it reminds me of my relationship with you she then kicks daddy out of the hospital but she's got a bigger issue the sherry interview did spark some interest from the police the media is camped out outside of a fresh tart and love is freaking out a little bit she thinks that laying low and acting normal isn't really working but joe luckily has a backup plan there was one thing that joe kept from natalie's box and it was the bloody rag so he tells love i'm just gonna go home grab it and plant it in matthew's yard but when he goes home and he grabs the rag all of a sudden he realizes he's feeling really really crappy and that's when it dawns on him he has the measles he must have gotten it from henry because when he was a child in the orphanage he told the doctor there that he was vaccinated but he actually wasn't joe starts hallucinating and he realizes i have to plant this pretty quickly before something goes wrong so he hops matthew's fence but he ends up passing out in his yard matthew grabs him brings him inside and when joe wakes up the first question matthew has is what were you doing in my yard and joe says i must have had a fever dream joe then apologizes for everything that matthew's going through with natalie and matthew says you know natalie said that you and her were getting pretty close did she mention going over sisters or anything and joe says no joe then checks his cell phone and there's no update on henry which is cause for concern the two start talking about fatherhood and matthew tells him that he had really no interest in being a father but then he met theo's mom and he actually got excited about it although he was a pretty shitty stepfather but theo's mom remarried got a new family and now he actually hates her even more so theo comes around by default matthew admits to joe most of the time i have no idea what i'm doing all i know is that he needs me just like your son needs you matthew then asked joe one more time do you sure that natalie didn't say anything about taking a trip i mean i'm sure she's fine she's just doing this for attention and it's spiraled out of control and now she's embarrassed to come back joe can't answer the question though because he gets a text saying that henry's fever is broke and joe is immediately relieved joe does end up giving matthew some advice before he leaves he tells him you gotta talk to the press man the optics are terrible you need to tell your story before they do all of matthew's compassion bringing him in giving him tylenol so the fever went down giving him some fatherly advice has made joe completely reconsider framing him on the way back to joe's place he ends up grabbing the bloody rag and bringing it inside a couple hours later love comes back with henry and love had no idea that joe was actually feeling pretty crappy after finding out how joe's doing she asked if he ended up framing matthew and joe tells her i couldn't bring myself to do it and love actually thinks that that was the right call saying i mean what kind of people would we even been they then decide that night to burn natalie's bloody rag the next night the neighborhood decides to have a vigil outside of matthew's place for natalie in reality it's just an opportunity for sherry and her friends to do an instagram photo shoot where they act like they're mourning joe and love do show up as does the local media one person that is absent though is matthew he's yet to make a statement and it looks like he's not going to but as everybody's about to pack up and leave matthew does come out he thanks everybody for showing up saying that it would mean a lot to natalie but then he looks right in the camera and says natalie if you're out there come home or at the very least just let me know that you're okay but then he also turns into liam neeson from taken saying that if somebody had hurt her he's a very particular set of skills he will find them he will kill them this doesn't intimidate joe at all though he's actually in pretty good spirits he looks over at the detectives who have also arrived and he figures they don't have anything and if they do we'll figure it out the next day at the bakery love is at the counter when gil walks in love asks gil where his wife is and he says yeah that's actually why i stopped by she's up with the girls at her mom's place recovering they had it well it turns out gill's an auntie vaxxer and he starts trying to plead his case to love about why he's an anti-vaxxer while also apologizing for what henry went through love however doesn't say much she just wraps up his baked goods and gives it to him but right before he leaves the shop she calls his name and when he turns around she whacks him in the head with a rolling pin in episode 4 love has dragged gil into the cage and she's left joe to clean up the mess ideally joe would just like to treat this as water under the bridge he starts trying to leverage guild by saying hey you forget about what we did and we'll forget about you endangering our son but that sparks gill in an anti-vax rant through some more conversation joe realizes that they've basically found the one person that might actually be willing to forget about this in madre linda and gil says yeah i'm willing to let bygones be bygones but joe doesn't believe him joe thinks the best way to handle the gill situation is finding some dirt on gill so that he keeps their secret they keep his figures he'll do that while working at the library but before he can even start gil comes up spontaneously by dante because gil was supposed to read to the kids but he didn't show up and that draws a pretty big red flag joe then gets a phone call at work from love who's very concerned because the community is going to go out and search for natalie in the woods the police found the ring in the rental property and this move actually makes a ton of sense but she's concerned joe says just continue to act normal and honestly you should probably volunteer it won't look suspicious if you do that after getting off the phone with love joe finally gets into digging on who gil is and it's not great because gil is the modern day version of ned flanders the only red flag is that he had a job at a college that he left abruptly and around the same time a female student was attacked but the description doesn't fit gill at all he also needs to cover his tracks on why gil didn't show up for the reading so he starts writing an email to the library apologizing from gil and saying that something came up and that's when he gets caught by marion the librarian she wants to know if he took one of these rare books that's missing and he did he took it to sell for ellie but he plays it off like he took it just to read it and she gets really annoyed she says you know joe for those of us who didn't grow up with first editions as coasters and joe immediately cuts her off and sex the record straight that he didn't grow up rich and privileged he grew up an orphan that was taken in by a guy who ran a used bookstore that's it joe's background actually helps marion see him in a whole new light but back over with love she was so stressed out that she closed the bakery early and when she headed home she could hear theo arguing with matthew theo doesn't want to go on the search for natalie at all he doesn't want to join the instagram squad that's going to go out and try to get likes but the main thing that really upsets him is the fact that they're convinced that matthew did it so he doesn't want to go out and help sharpen the pitchforks for the townspeople love however is able to convince him to go up saying that if he doesn't go the optics are going to be terrible and she volunteers to be his search partner later that night joe and love are discussing the whole gill situation and joe lets her know that he couldn't find a good secret on gil he even went to gill and ass but the secret that gill gave him was terrible love then brings up that maybe the only option they have is just to get rid of gill this sparks a pretty big argument between the two and at crescendo's with joe yelling at her i'm not gonna kill anyone else for you they both end up turning in for the night but they both still have this gill situation to deal with and the next morning when love's mom comes over to watch henry she asks her hey does dad still have that private investigator and dottie says yeah he does why and love has to think on her feet and she tells dottie that she finds the guy that she's renting the bakery from a little sketchy and she just wants to look into him in reality she wants to look into gill and it doesn't take long for the private investigator to contact her back and he's found something it's a cheating scandal so armed with evidence love and joe head to the cage gill's oldest son alan goes to dartmouth but he didn't get in the most normal ways first of all he had a perfect sat score which is possible but pretty unlikely there's also his transcript says he had an all-american water polo career that was derailed with an injury and gill says that's not my son and love says well it's in his transcript here's something else that's in his transcript a 50 000 donation to a fund to help underprivileged kids go to college the thing about that is there is no fun most of the money went to some girl that allen graduated with she's a former cheerleader love figures this was a pact between the families but by gill's reaction joe can tell he had no idea about this this was all gill's wife's doing and gill slumps down and says oh god alan you did it again and that's when it dawns on joe that guild didn't attack that girl at the college it must have been alan and they had to pay off the cheerleader because allen must have did something to her as well gill really believed that allen was never going to do this again it was a one-time thing and he's pretty upset about it so joe and love end up leaving him in the cage for the night to just kind of be with his thoughts which is a bad move because the next day when joe goes to check up on gil he hung himself in the middle of the night both joe and love are trying to figure out what exactly they're gonna do while they're trying to do that love gets a text message from theo saying hey i'm heading out to the park i'll meet you there because that's the day of the search so love gets up to leave but then it hits her like a eureka moment they have a body that they don't want anyone to find and they have a dead body of a guy who they were trying to keep quiet so love tells joe take gill's body back to his house his wife and children aren't there anyway set it up like he killed himself in the house and write a suicide letter that says that he was the one who killed natalie we'll put fingerprints on the murder weapon i'll take it out to the woods and i'll stash it there police will find it they'll never suspect us so both love and joke go their separate ways and start going through the plan joe does exactly as love told him to setting up the body making it look super legit and love heads out to the woods where sherry has gotten everybody together and makes a plea to bring natalie home using a hashtag of course it's pretty vomit inducing but when love goes to grab the items that they'll need for the search she runs into matthew matthew ends up thanking love for being able to convince theo to come on out he says theo says you're a really good person he then excuses himself and they start the search and the whole time theo is complaining the love about how fake sherry is but love is just trying to find a spot where she can hide the murder weapon so she uses the excuse that she has to use the bathroom and sneaks off to hide it but when she comes back to find theo she finds theo screaming at sherry because theo overheard sherry saying that if she was married to matthew she would disappear too and that sets theo off he starts yelling at her about how fake she is and about how she's just there trying to get clout so love has to get in the middle of the two she pushes theo away but then she goes and checks on sherry saying are you okay trying to play the madre linda game and it works i mean sherry is appreciative that love came to her aid but when love turns to theo theo is pissed off that she just chose sherry conrad over him but by the end of the search theo needs a ride home and love tells him get in the car come on and they head back to the bakery and theo admits it's hard to stay mad at the one person in madre linda who he can actually stomach talking to he then asks love how did you do it with 40. how did you deal with this and love starts talking about how the media a lot of times forgets that these tragedies are about real people not just cheating wives or drug addicted brothers but actual human beings they start actually joking about the different family griefs that they've gone to with theo asking her do you think this will help me get laid and love says yeah probably but the sex you're gonna get you're not gonna probably want people don't actually care about you theo reads this as a moment so he leans in and kisses love but love pushes him back and says don't do that she then starts taking the dishes back to the sink when theo gets a text message from matthew because the police had found the murder weapon by the next day madre linda is convinced that gill had killed natalie in a fit of rage because the two were having an affair and gill couldn't have her all to himself theo heads back to college waving goodbye to love love ends up getting flowers on her doorstep from sherry with a card that says thanks friend and joe just heads back to work in the library and while putting books back on the shelf marion comes over to talk to him and she's being oddly nice to him it's a drastic change from how she normally acts with them joe tries to bring up in conversation how marion has a daughter but she brushes it aside saying that her daughter just stays with her ex most of the time the more the conversation goes on though the more that joe starts getting convinced that marion is flirting with him he tries to stop himself saying joe you can't think like this but it becomes pretty obvious that joe goldberg just found his new obsession episode 5 picks up a couple of months after the natalie murder joe and love have really settled in a suburban lifestyle despite joe actually wanting that but they put on a facade when they go to therapy they tell the therapist that everything's great including their sex life which isn't fact is the couple has gotten extremely boring the one thing that joe finds love in is taking care of the lawn i mean he's gone full dad but out of all the things about his new life that really pisses him off it's the fact that love decided to have sherry conrad be her best friend she hired sherry to take some photos of the couple for party invitations they're gonna send it out in the hopes that they can get henry into the prestigious preschool in the area but as they're doing the photo shoot joe realizes just how much love has changed she used to hate this stuff when the photo shoot is over he has to head to work at the library and as soon as he walks in marion and dante start making fun of him because he looks ridiculous but marion suddenly has a wave of inspiration she's entering this illustration contest and something about joe that day inspires her so she takes him into an office and starts to sketch and joe and marion's relationship is going wonderful they're really getting along joe ends up finding out that she's actually from paris although she doesn't have an accent he tries to pry a little bit more into her life but she says ah there's not really much to tell the more the talk though the more he becomes infatuated get so far as he actually has a fantasy where he kisses her but he does stop himself saying no you can't do this he realizes that being drawn in marion is just a symptom the real problem is him now the question is how does he fix this problem joe is doing his best though to try to fix it he's trying to fit in he's doing everything love wants including agreeing to a dinner party with sherry and carrie who he can't stand cause carrie's such a dude but the way that joe looks at it happy wife happy life and if this is what she needs to make henry's party a success then he's willing to do it love goes to get some wine and starts pouring sherry a glass when they see out the window that theo has come back and shari has heard through the grapevine that he's on probation from school he showed up to a midterm drunk and this is a history with him whether it be showing up to midterms drunk or duis he's definitely the bad boy of madre linda sherry kind of starts crapping all over theo but love says well he's been through a lot sherry actually agrees saying you know maybe he just needs some better influences the two women walk back in the living room where joe and carrie were having a mindless conversation and sherry says you better watch out joe carrie might drag you on his hunting trip tomorrow make you a better man and carrie says yeah joe i mean there's a spot with your name on it joe tells them it sounds great but you know we have henry's party and he looks for love for confirmation but love says no no go me and my mom can do it so now joe is stuck going to this party love then hears a knock at the back door and when she goes to answer it she's surprised because it's theo theod made up an excuse to come over and see love so after they're done with the bs love asked them are you okay and theo gives a never better but it's not all that convincing joe then interrupts the conversation but he feels like he interrupted something more than just a conversation joe gets really suspicious so he starts looking at bank statements and sees a bunch of charges for uber and when he asks love about them she admits that she does call theo some ubers from time to time when he texts her that he's drunk she chalks it up to someone needs to look out for this kid because nobody is but that does make joe pretty uncomfortable he asks love is there something else you're not telling me and she tells him about the kiss joe gets into a fit of rage and love tells him i shut it down but joe screams oh that's shutting it down ordering them ubers you make me feel like there's something wrong with me and i've done everything you've asked when you've been lying to me this whole time love just looks at him and says you're clearly not happy so i hope this weekend helps you get your [ __ ] together the next day joe heads off with a bunch of the other husbands into the woods and this is joe's absolute personal hell he doesn't want to be out in nature and he certainly doesn't want to be out in nature with carrie's douche crew but as they're walking up to the base camp one of the husbands actually tells joe that carries trips like the one that they're on helped save his marriage joe though is pretty skeptical especially when he gets to base camp and carrie pops out of a tent talking about how the only thing they're gonna eat is stuff that they kill grabbing the food out of joe's hand and throwing it away even though joe hasn't had any food all day carrie then asks for help grabbing firewood and most of the husbands go along everybody except andrew's husband jackson and joe turns to him and says do you actually like this stuff and jackson sits down and explains that henry hasn't reached the terrible twos or the crappy for whatever you want to call but sometimes it's good just to get out there in the middle of nowhere and scream carrie says this trip's about being a man but i think it's about being a kid again he then hands joe a granola bar and says don't tell him that night carrie and the crew end up making a fire and carrie goes to the rules the only thing they're gonna eat they have to kill if you have a problem with a fellow hunter you have to settle it by fighting there's also no shirts there's no cell phones as well and the most important rule there really aren't any rules other than those that were just laid out of course they all rip off their shirts and start screaming these primal screams joe the whole time is extremely uncomfortable this isn't him he thinks to himself if this is my pack then i'm meant to be alone carrie comes over to joe and tells him that you've been disconnected for so long that your manhood is literally shrinking love told sherry about your dick issues and joe can't believe that love actually talked about that carrie starts trying to hype joe up and joe doesn't really want to go along with it but what other choice does he have carrie and joe then head off running through the woods to grab some food joe is having a hard time keeping up with carrie since he looked like he was plucked from a men's health magazine carrie is pissing off joe so much that he actually thinks about stabbing him but he has to remind him that he is not who carrie wants him to be this primal animal speaking of animals carrie hears something in the woods so he strips down into his boxers and heads in there he comes out with a squirrel and he wants joe to kill the squirrel but joe isn't going to do that he refuses carrie ends up killing it but then he says to joe you know the rules if you have a problem with a fellow hunter you have to settle it by fighting and joe doesn't want to join kerry's fight club but carrie starts pushing joe begging him to hit him finally joe snaps he ends up pushing carrie off a cliff although in fairness to joe he didn't know that it was actually a cliff he thought he was just pushing him into bushes but when joe looks down carrie isn't moving so joe ends up dragging him back to camp and everyone's really concerned and joe gets down and is about to give carrie cpr when carrie says to him what are you doing goldberg are you saving me everybody at that point is just thrilled that carrie's alive and he says of course i'm alive i've been taking glutathione for a decade i'm unkillable carrie then turns to the group and says this guy over here is an animal he then gets real close to joe and tells him you are one fine specimen of a man joe and i guess the emotion gets to joe because he just starts weeping and the crowd starts cheering him on telling him you got this and the reason why joe got emotional was because this group saw the darkness that was inside of him and they accepted him anyway at that moment he finally feels like what it means to have an actual friend for the first time in a while he feels like himself again so this little trip he's on is actually doing him some good but while joe was off rediscovering himself love was taking care of the bakery when theo walks in he's flirting pretty heavy asking for free food but he lets love know that he's taking some time off from college to process the whole natalie thing love tells him you could have told me you were struggling but he says i couldn't because you drew a line no more emails only ubers remember and love says yeah well thank you but i am worried about you theo says are you cause i'm actually worried about you i heard your husband yelling at you the other night so if you need someone to talk to but love shuts them down right away saying i have friends to talk to thank you theo starts criticizing her for her quote friends and love tells them you know it's not a crime to fit in and maybe you'll understand that when you're older joe goldberg isn't the only person to notice that love has changed theo has as well after work love goes home and starts baking for the party the next day when she gets a phone call and it's from theo he's been arrested and he needs to be bailed out of jail so love goes and picks him up she starts yelling at him but he lets her know that it was for the stupidest reason in the world it was a dui but it was a dui with an electric scooter theo then asked her have you ever been on one and love hasn't so they end up renting one and they start zipping through the park and loves having a blast but they end up falling over into a ditch theo then looks at love and says you know the rumors about me leaving school because of natalie they're not true i'm flunking out because i can't stop thinking about you if you want me to shut up i will i'm just trying to figure out how i can focus when all i want is you love then does tell theo to shut up but he doesn't he tells love this is like you're playing house but none of this actually makes you happy love says to him i'm playing house you're a teenager chasing after a married woman i mean what's your endgame here but then that married woman ends up kissing that teenager and the two end up having sex like for real show's getting good when love gets home dotty starts giving her crap for how long she was out because dottie saw theo get out of her car daddy asked her what are you doing and love just tells her i'm just helping him out he's got nobody else dottie then informs love that she missed henry's first steps dottie had facetime love but love didn't pick up because she was too busy having ditched sex immediately love starts beating herself up over this and dottie tries to make her feel better and somehow love starts blaming joe for her problems but dottie says you can blame joe all you want but you like joe when he was a problem because you like to fix problems you want to be the hero you want to save somebody it's the dynamic you have with your brother so let me be blunt grow up that boy is going to distract you from your son deep down love knows that dotty's right so when theo texts her high she says never again find somebody your own age the next day is henry's party it's all set up when joe comes back and gives love a giant hug joe apologizes to love for how he acted love apologizes to joe for keeping things from him and that night after all the party guests leave joe goldberg is a beast in the sack he gives it to her way better than a 19 year old college boy ever could but as they're having pillow talk the alarm at the bakery goes off joe reassures her it's probably a glitch but i'll go check on it and he leaves the house and this whole thing was actually set up by joe he set it up as an excuse to leave the house he knows that there's an animal inside him he knows he can't cage it he just has to contain it so he parks his car outside of the library and waits for marion to come out tailing her he swears he's not gonna do the social media dig he's not gonna have boxes he's just going to follow her that's it because joe tells himself that he's felt more alive these past few days watching marion than he's felt in a long time he knows that juggling marion and love is a little bit confusing but he's up for the challenge he promises that love won't find out because he knows that she can't he's just gonna be careful so love is on her way to losing her husband and when she looks outside she's kind of already lost her teen heartthrob there because he's outside in his backyard getting mouth fun from some girl his own age in episode six joe is being careful with his following of marion that doesn't stop him though from breaking into her apartment he starts going through his normal routine though but he has to stop himself and remind himself that this time it's different so put all the stuff back but marion ends up coming home earlier than expected which forces joe to hide under the bed he starts wondering why exactly she stepped out of her routine as she starts getting undressed but then he ends up getting a text message from love asking him where he is and he thinks oh this is ironic and what i deserve he lies to love and says i'm staying late at work i'll be home soon but he starts realizing how lucky he is to have love love is at home taking care of his son being a great wife while joe is hiding under a bed trying to prove that marion isn't worth it as joe is kind of having a come to jesus moment marion is stepping out although joe doesn't know who she's meeting with he thinks it could possibly be a date but while joe is getting text messages from love love is getting text messages from theo although she's not responding to any of them and that might be because she's late so she had to pick up a pregnancy test the stress of the situation causes love to text 40 which is a pretty regular occurrence she knows nobody's going to answer but it's therapeutic and as she's texting him about the fact that she might be pregnant with theo's child she starts hearing something from the outside and it's theo holding up a boom box just like the scene from say anything although love is way too young for that theo though was kind of desperate because love wasn't responding to him so he had to get her attention somehow and while he's still infatuated with her he actually needs some advice because matthew has come back he was supposed to be out of town for a month but he came back early and he's clearly distracted and not doing well he didn't really even notice that theo had taken a leave of absence from school love tries to explain to him matthew is grieving so you need to be there for him so go take care of him and try to see where he's coming from right before theo leaves he asks love when you have sex with your husband do you see my face because your face is the only face that i see and that's when love kicks them out and when love gets back inside she's trying to figure out why she had the affair if she's quote so happy in her life five feet away you've got joe who's counting the seconds until love goes to bed so that he can follow marion the two however do end up having sex that night but just like theo said she's thinking about him joe is certainly not thinking about love he's thinking about marion this will be the last time that love gets laid in a couple days because the next day she has to head out to a women's summit at the new vineyard that dottie bought and boy does she not want to go to it as soon as she shows up she sees that dottie is doing an instagram live with sherry and she thinks yeah of course dotty befriended sherry that makes sense this whole summit's supposed to be like a woman empowerment thing but it's more of like a vomit inducing thing when dottie ends up seeing love she offers her some wine but love says no and dottie does ask are you pregnant but love tries to lie and say she's on a mini detox and dottie sniffs that out she's convinced that love is pregnant and that begs the question from dottie is it jose or is it theos love though can't even respond or deny it because dottie ends up getting distracted by somebody more popular later on in the summit sherry and dottie do convince love to be a part of an instagram tv interview for the summit but you know to promote their brands whatever influencers do love begrudgingly agrees but during the interview dottie lets it slip that love is pregnant and love freaks out grabbing the phone shutting it down and telling sherry that she needs to get the [ __ ] out of there she likes dottie how could you do that i haven't even told joe and daddy says well that's not surprising problems in your marriage seem to keep stacking up love starts yelling at her mom that her business is not for her to share on social media and dottie says don't speak to me like that and love says well somebody has to i mean you're the reason why me and 40 ended up like this and dottie starts screaming at her about how ungrateful she is she screams your decision to have an affair with the neighbor boy has nothing to do with me if you want the source of your unhappiness look in the mirror it's not all bad for love though she ends up getting her period so she's not pregnant she ends up grabbing a bottle of wine and just heading to her room so love is at this miserable summit joe is at the library still trying to compile more information on the riddle wrapped in an enigma known as marion he noticed she left her shift early which never happens he ends up convincing dante to let him in her office he starts poking around and he finds a madre linda recovery meeting schedule which is bizarre he then finds a flash drive that's buried pretty deep in a drawer and when he pops it in it's court records marion was taken to court by her ex for child neglect misdemeanor verbal and emotional abuse reckless endangerment and this is stuff that joe had never expected he starts telling himself that he is a loving wife and a son and he doesn't want to get involved in such a hectic life so the itch has been scratched but we know it hasn't right before the library closes marion has come back and she yells at joe because she has to lock up but joe is taking his time in the basement and all of a sudden marion says actually joe stay down there and joe can hear a male voice getting pretty heated whoever it is is yelling at marion i can't believe you got a lawyer and then there's a big crash joe runs up to see what's going on and there's marion's ex-husband who turns out is a local news star joe tells the guy that he needs to leave and marion is clearly upset and as soon as her ex does leave she starts yelling at joe that that was none of his business she didn't need him being the white knight and he should have did what she told him to do and stay in the basement and let her deal with it but as marion is screaming at joe it finally dawns on joe he's attracted to marion because he has mommy issues it's a breakthrough moment for joe right before he leaves though he does tell marion i'm not sorry i don't let bullies just bully i would have done that for anybody later that night as joe is in bed reading it's a phone call from marion and she tells them it's an emergency and that's because the sprinkler system malfunction and most of the books in the library are ruined and when joe shows up marion is really really upset because she figures this might cost her job joe tries to make her feel better by telling her she's not going to lose her job and she did call the best book doctor in the world so they'll be able to salvage a lot of this as they both start cleaning up the mess marion apologizes for how she acted earlier the more they clean up though the more that those urges are coming back to joe and he has to keep the tiger in the cage he does ask her what her daughter is like and she says she's amazing the more she talks about her daughter the more that joe wonders how the hell could you have ever hurt her they start talking about parenthood and how joe is worried that this cookie-cutter suburban lifestyle isn't what's best for henry and that's when marion says i get it i mean raising kids is a whole different game when you come through the system and joe had no idea that marion had also gone through the system that's probably why all of a sudden she turned on a dime when he said that he was adopted he starts talking about his childhood to her and it's stuff that he's never even divulged to love joe then asks exactly what happened with the baby and her ex and she tells joe that they were both addicts when her daughter juliet was born she ended up getting into a car accident while under the influence juliet was in the car she had been on the other side she probably would have died and ryan her ex just got clean before she did it also helps that he's a local tv personality the community trusts him they don't care that he kind of sabotages her in the court system and has a lot more money to throw at lawyers and whatnot joe apologizes and says that ryan manipulating the justice system needs to be stopped and joe would love nothing more than to be that guy but marion tells him i'm working on it i met with a lawyer yesterday as they're having this conversation the sprinkler system goes back on and it's dousing them and that's when they look at each other and they start making out it only stops when the sprinkler system goes off they end up not even talking about it just going home the next day joe decided to nip this thing in the bud he's written up his resignation letter and he heads the library to hand it to marion but marion is trying to act like nothing happened eventually though she just comes right out and says i do have feelings for you joe but i'm not trying to split up your family so let's just continue to work together and just let it dissolve into nothing but joe tells her it's not nothing i have feelings for you too they start once again kissing but marion pulls back and says no you gotta go you gotta go before this gets further and joe tells her i actually came here to resign marion tells him you don't have to do that but we should probably talk when we're more clear-headed about the whole situation joe feels pretty clear-headed though he just has to figure out what he's gonna do with love and love has made it home but she's pretty big news she got pretty hammered the night where she had the fight with dottie hammers to the point where while she was texting 40 he actually texted her back all of a sudden she started having hallucinations where forty was back from the dead talking to her it was enough to actually make her delete forty's number when she got up in the morning because she wasn't texting forty in reality when she woke up the next day she gets a knock on her door and it's theo because she drunk dialed him at four in the morning theo though came to see how she was doing but he also came for another reason he ended up doing what she said trying just to see how matthew was doing and take care of him when he walked into his office and saw all this information on people from the neighborhood because matthew had hired a private investigator at the behest of i'm assuming his business partner business partner was really concerned with the fact that if the neighborhood found out that matthew was having people watch them lawsuits and overall bad pr for his company were going to follow but matthew is convinced the story that is being told about gill isn't true so he wants to do his own research he didn't tell theo about this though so when theo sees all of it he's a little concerned and he tells love yeah matthew's gone off the deep end i mean he's got all this information about everybody including you and joe and now love is pretty stressed out about it so as soon as joe walks in the door love lets him know matthew is got somebody watching all of us he doesn't think natalie's case is closed and i don't know what he has but i might be able to find out because we know that theo has a crush on me so what if i just make him think that he has a shot in order to get information from him and joe is all for this because if she's doing this she'll be too distracted to see what joe is doing with marion in episode seven joe continues to play a good suburban husband even going to game nights and dinner parties with the conrads but the whole time he's thinking about one person and it's not his wife it's marion he's been texting her she hasn't been responding though love also has her other person on mind she goes upstairs to put some laundry away when she looks outside and sees theo is just chilling with a beer so she decides to put her acting plan she starts undressing and then fakes like she notices him and texts him oh sorry didn't see you there and he responds with don't need to apologize she tells him though i need to talk to you about something so meet me at the bakery tomorrow when he agrees she puts the phone down and there's joe just in the doorway and love tells him he agreed he'll meet me tomorrow but joe knows what she's doing and he knows that he has to act a tiny bit jealous just to keep putting it on like love is still number one on his depth chart he then tells her that there's a library fundraiser coming up and marion asks him to stay late he plays it off like he wants to say no but it's just gonna piss her off so he gave in love asks if the fundraiser is something she should attend but that is the last thing joe wants both women in the same room together nah no thanks the next day he heads into work on a monday and all he's thinking about is marion who is getting ready for that fundraiser the theme is alice in wonderland marion starts complaining about sherry conrad because this fundraiser is her doing but out of nowhere joe just says i couldn't stop thinking about you and marion pulls him to a more private area of the library and says yeah joe i was thinking about you two all weekend but we can't do this you're married and joe tells her it's not that simple i promise you that he knows though deep down that he can't push too hard because if he does he's gonna end up losing her but the conversation gets broken up by a little girl and it turns out that this little girl is juliette marion's daughter ryan was quote nice enough to drop her off so she could have some time with her marion introduces julia to joe but juliet is very suspect of him dante ends up coming over because he's got juliet's glasses with him and they're broken marion knows she has to get the glasses fixed before ryan sees it but there's one problem her car's in the shop so joe volunteers to take them even though that's the last thing juliette wants marion says okay as the trio walk to get juliet's glasses fixed joe tells her i just have to say it's been a long time since i've been this happy so i just want to say thank you marion then gets a text message from ryan he tells her that his news channel is making a sizable donation to the library and he has to be there to hand out the big check she thinks this is another ploy by ryan to control her show that he can even get to her when she's at work this is nothing more than a power move because he's furious she's reopening custody she also warns joe that after he stood up to him he's never gonna forget it and that's one of the reasons why the relationship between marion and joe cannot happen so joe does what joe does he needs to get more information on ryan he ends up attending an n a meeting and listening to ryan spiel about getting clean he then follows ryan and looks at his routine of waking up pretty late slamming a bunch of protein shakes working out with his buddy and being a pretty uninvolved father but joe has noticed that he's switched one addiction drugs to another working out and he probably just needs a little bit of a push to get off the wagon he texts carrie do you know where i can get some adderall love is making me clean the garage and i need help and carrie gives him a number of a guy so joe gets the drugs with plans of trying to get ryan back into a downward spiral but as joe was tailing ryan love was freaking out a little bit because her mother was supposed to watch henry that day but she hadn't shown up and that was the day of her divorce proceedings love figures that her mom is probably still mad at her from the big fight at the vineyard because the proceedings were supposed to be done hours ago but she does actually need to get to work as she's trying to figure out what to do sherry stops over she tells her that her caterer has flaked out for this event and she thought well i know a caterer love she begs love to be her caterer saying it would be great for the bakery in the business and love eventually agrees but then sherry notices that there's a glow about love and she figures that it's her sex life being back on track but there's silence love chalks it up to joe just being really busy at work and sherry tells her i'm not judging you there's a study out there that says that our sex parts get really bored with each other i'm gonna forward you a blog post i wrote to get your sex life back on track and make your man feel like he's in charge while spicing things up love though does need to get to work because she has that big meeting we'll call it with theo theo thinking that it's a meeting but of the sex kind and love says no no i didn't call you here for that which really confuses theo because she's kind of sending mixed signals she apologizes for that chalking it up to her being a mess with her parents divorce and all theo is more than willing to help out because they're quote friends after all and love says if you really want to help out can you find out what your dad has on me and joe and that's really confusing to theo of why she would even want that tells her unless it's a legit crime he's not going to care about anything you guys do and of course leo has no idea they actually killed natalie love though tells him that it's just kind of ptsd from growing up in the spotlight with her family situation going on she's just very productive and wants to know what exactly kind of information he has so theo agrees he'll do his best to try to get her all the information that matthew has compiled on love and joe love then heads home to start working on sherry's fundraiser when all of a sudden dottie walks through the door she is clearly drunk and it's for good reason because the divorce proceedings did not go her way not only did love's dad take a navarin but he also found a loophole to take the vineyard that she just bought and that was supposed to be her second act so she's not exactly handling it well she's more mad at herself blaming herself for marrying the quote wrong man dottie tells her you need to know what to look out for in your own marriage but love says my marriage is nothing like yours and dotty asks her so you're not sleeping with the neighbor but love gets super uncomfortable and just says i'm not discussing this with you dottie starts pouring herself some more wine and love tells her it's enough and daddy gets really mad and leaves but next door theo is trying to find out as much information as he can it's hard to do though because matthew doesn't leave his office he's even called in a former colleague who had some high-tech facial recognition software he wants to buy it off her because he's been able to hack in every single surveillance camera in madre linda he wants to follow people because it's just a ton of footage he's not gonna have the time to find that the woman though doesn't really want to do it because the fbi had already kind of given her a hard time about this but matthew offers her too much money to pass it up so she starts hooking up the system theo's hunt for information is simply going to have to wait the next day joe spends most of his day breaking into ryan's place as he's working out and trying to set up the steps to get him off of his routine spiking his protein stuff with adderall thinking that could be the gateway drug taking the batteries out of his alarm clock so he wakes up late but when he starts looking through some books he sees some pretty provocative pictures of marion and he wants to take him so badly but he doesn't he just jerks off to him instead and then he leaves with the plans of coming back the next day and seeing his plan fully go into effect when he gets home though love looks unbelievable i mean not only is she a dime but she's cooking her ass off she informs joe that she is now going to be the caterer at the fundraiser and the first thing joe thinks of is oh great love and marian in the same room just what i tried to avoid joe however plays it off like he's thrilled but that's when love gets really up on joe because she had read sherry's blog that she sent over and she decided to put some of the tactics into use and i guess in that blog it says as soon as your husband gets home give him a [ __ ] but joe had no idea that this was even on the table and he's got nothing left in the tank if you know what i mean so he has to tell love maybe another time and of course love doesn't take that the right way because what guy is going to pass up that kind of welcome home greeting the next day it's not going any better for love she's completely stressed out and theo comes over to tell her i can't find out what my dad has on you or joe yet but i will he then tells her it's pretty tough to have a conversation with you i'd ignore the fact that i am completely distracted by how much i want you love though doesn't say anything she actually starts crying and theo goes over to comfort her and she says i don't know what's wrong with me and that's when love and theo get it on for round two and they had the place all their cells because joe had headed out that morning to see how things were going with ryan and everything was going according to plan when ryan came out to his car there was a flat tire and when he called over his buddy his buddy handed him a joint ryan started smoking it so joe thinks in a couple hours this guy's gonna be so high he's not gonna know where he is now while that's going great joe also knows he needs to make amends with love for what happened the previous night so he goes out and he buys her this kitchen item that's extremely tough to find and he fills it with a bunch of pastries that she loves from la love loves it but then she starts crying saying i really thought you didn't find me attractive anymore and that's when joe realizes he's been completely single-minded that he's neglected love this whole time he realizes that that night at the fundraiser he needs to be focused on love because if love isn't happy then he's never going to be able to have anything with marion as love is getting ready though she gets a time from dottie who's planning on coming over and babysitting henry but love says no it's okay we got a babysitter and dottie takes it the wrong way thinking that love is trying to rip henry away from her but love is justified because dottie is totally wasted so she just begs her mom mom please don't drive but i can't talk to you like this and hangs up her and joe then get ready and they head off to the library as soon as they arrive though joe starts thinking about how he's going to be able to keep love and marion away from each other that however is ruined really quickly when sherry comes over and brings both of the women together and love and marion have a great conversation it's one of those oh i've heard so much about you no i've heard so much about you marion though doesn't want to put love onto the scent that there might be something between her and joe so she tells love that she's seeing somebody and joe's been really great with working late and taking a lot of tasks off her plate the conversation though then gets interrupted when ryan walks in with a big check and this completely takes joe by surprise he was not expecting this but dante comes over and fills him in on why that is it's because ryan spikes his protein shakes with drugs he's constantly high the reason why joe couldn't throw him off his routine is because he's built up such a tolerance dante knows this because he took a sip of one one time and he was completely tweaked for the rest of the day ryan though then walks over and interrupts dante and joe's conversation and really he came over just to talk to joe he starts asking joe some questions but joe is giving him very quick one-word answers and finally ryan cuts the chase and says you know it's interesting i've seen you at meetings hiding in the back and you don't look like much of an addict ryan then gives joe a really weird test where he tries to feed him some food and joe slaps the food away from him ryan tells him i don't know what you're up to but i bet my life that it's about marion stay away from her the party then kicks off and joe tries to have a good time but upstairs sherry and love are trying to organize this thing there's one thing though that's been really bothering sherry so she comes out and asks i can't take it anymore do you and joe want to play with me and carrie love however doesn't know what she's talking about and sherry asked did you read the blog i sent you and love starts saying yeah cherry i don't really know if that was completely me i don't know if i'm like a hot wife which love yeah you are but it becomes clear to sherry that love didn't read the whole blog because the whole blog is about being in an open relationship which is what sherry and carrie are in and they want to invite joe and love into their house to take their relationship to the next level love can't even process this because she gets a venmo request from her babysitter and it's way too early for that and that's because dottie came over and grabbed henry early so now love is very concerned calling dottie nonstop trying to get henry back and dottie is in a really bad state she's grabbing tacos with henry but she doesn't have him in a car seat telling the girl behind the counter that this baby is actually her dead son reincarnated dottie finishes her night off by setting that vineyard ablaze and then getting arrested luckily for dottie though she has really good lawyers who convince the judge not to press charges and just to send her to rehab but this whole stealing the grandson thing doesn't sit well with love or joe joe screams at her what the hell are you doing but love interjects and says take henry to bed i'll deal with this she tells dottie tomorrow joe is going to drive you to rehab and then you're never going to see me or henry again dottie begs for forgiveness but it's too late she could have killed henry the next day joe does just that but right before they head off to rehab dottie tells joe a story about love's first marriage when love's first husband went into remission he asked for a divorce next thing you know he was dead she has no proof but she has a mother's intuition that love might have had something to do with it she's telling him this because she knows that love has no loyalty for anybody but herself and if anything ever happened to joe she would feel guilty so now joe has that to think about he drops daddy off at rehab and then heads into work and marion is having a really bad day because juliet told ryan that the two had spent the day together and now she figures that ryan will use it against her in the courts she knows that ryan's gonna make this look as bad as he can and joe says we can fix this but marion says we you're married and as far as i can tell your relationship isn't strained at all she then breaks things off with joe after basically getting dumped by marion joe heads to a fresh tart and as they're cleaning up and closing for the day love comes over and shows joe sherry's article about opening up the relationship love does that thing where you pretend you're joking but you're not really you're just trying to read the room and joe actually thinks it's a great idea because this would give him the freedom to have a relationship with marion he can't believe this loophole just fell into his lap they don't agree to opening up their relationship but it's pretty obvious they're on the steps to that they step out of a fresh tart and they are completely unaware that they are being watched by matthew who typed in love quinn and is watching her every move in episode 8 joe starts looking into the swinging lifestyle or the open relationship lifestyle he still can't believe that this thing actually fell into his lap but upon reading about it if your relationship isn't on rock solid footing this whole swinging lifestyle is never going to work he doesn't care though after the conversation he had with dottie he knows that love is pretty volatile and he doesn't want to end up dead he ends up trying to poke around about love's first marriage asking if her and james had ever done anything like that but she says no we weren't too far into our first marriage when he got sick we were planning on having a baby but then he got cold feet through this conversation joe was convinced that love actually did murder this guy both joe and love realize though this isn't really them and joe wants to do more research into it and by research i mean asking dante if him and his partner have ever swung and it turns out yeah they had a threesome once and it wasn't dante's idea it was his husband's dante tells joe i was willing to do anything for this man because i loved him they get interrupted though when marion comes over because she got an exciting phone call from a very famous editor from a children's magazine congratulating her on being a finalist in that illustration contest the thing is marion didn't enter it she missed the deadline so she asked for a moment alone with joe and she yells at him because this wasn't his thing to do joe however knowing she missed the deadline and knowing she wanted to enter took it upon himself to enter it because he figures the world needs to see her art she's mad that he kind of overstepped boundaries but she's also extremely excited so she can't stay mad too long when joe gets home that night he heads up to bed with love and love starts trying to you know but joe just doesn't really seem interested start having a conversation about how boring their sex life has gotten and that leads into saying you know maybe we should meet with the conrads just to get some questions answered and do our research and this is exactly what joe wants you don't want to push love into this he wants it to be her idea so they call sherry and carrie up and sherry and carrie head on over to the bakery the next day with an nda they tell love and joe that this is standard procedure while they can't confirm or deny they've slept with a lot of couples in madre linda everybody's tried the lifestyle at least once the conversation goes from a quick q a with actually the conrad's asking more cues than answering a's to planning this thing out and who hooks up with who and everything's going fine everybody's willing to hook up with everybody joe is even willing to hook up with carrie but when joe gets asked if he's willing to hook up with sherry he instinctively says no because love has a propensity of killing women that he hooks up with but love says she's fine with it at the same time and that freaks out the conrad's a bit they get up pull the nda and say call us when you're on the same page the next day at work joe is filling up the shelves when he sees marion practicing with dante about what she's gonna say to the judge and she's nervous and dante's being really hard on her he's doing that because he's well educated with a harvard degree and him and his husband are having problems adopting so he knows what she's up against she needs to be perfect but marion's stressed out because she just has the feeling that ryan is planning something she just doesn't know what it is when the practice is over marion pulls joe aside and asks him if he'd be willing to come as a character witness in her behalf and of course joe is more than willing to do that she gives him a hug and they almost get close to kissing but they don't joe at least now has hope joe heads home and he gets a weird text message from love that just says quit it and he says quit what she says staring at me while i read and this is actually in the book that joe read about open relationships start off with things like fantasies so love is trying to do that he stares outside to see love reading essentially i'll call it i didn't know that was a thing honestly until this show but hey here i am joe however can't really do anything about it because all of a sudden football flies into the yard and it's theo using any excuse whatsoever to come see love normally in a situation like this love would read out the gate let him know that joe is home but she doesn't do that knowing that joe is watching her she hits on theo pretty pretty hard eventually theo does notice that they are being watched so he heads back home but love walks in and says how'd you feel about that and the truth is joe felt nothing about it he's no longer interested in love but he says possessive they start hooking up right then and there and then joe ends up giving love some mouth fun when she's done orgasming joe comes up for air and she says joe do you think our relationship is solid i think it's rock solid and out of nowhere she says why don't you call the sitter and i'll text sherry so the next night the conrads are coming over and boy do they come over i mean like they bring a trunk of toys the wine starts flowing and then it kind of kicks off love and sherry hooking up but joe can tell that love is kind of scared about this whole situation carrie however tells joe joe why don't we head up to the bedroom and i can show you what i set up because carrie's bisexual and this is joe's hell but the whole time he's just thinking about one person marion when carrie and joe head upstairs there are toys laid out and joe is terrified that carrie's gonna use any of these on him and then carrie pulls out a kit of pills and serums and just anything to keep it hard for a long long time carrie then strips down in front of joe gives him a hug but that's it because he turns around and starts jerking it to himself in the mirror saying that if you're not attracted to yourself how is anyone else supposed to be attracted to you he tells joe to pull up a mirror but joe gets a phone call from marion and it is a welcome distraction even though he's not supposed to have any cell phones he does and he ends up taking it at the behest of carrie who is really close to well but he he really finds himself attractive let's put it that way when joe answered the phone call marion is hysterical because an anonymous person emailed all of her contacts some scandalous photos and she knows that it was ryan and joe knows exactly what photos she's referring to one of the people that the photos were sent to was that editor for that children's magazine marion called to kind of get a pep talk she doesn't have many friends and joe is the right person to give her that pep talk she then asks joe do you want to come over because i really could use a friend but joe's kind of in the middle of something and while he wants to so badly he can't leave he gets off the phone and carry takes his phone putting it with the others and then heading to the bedroom where love and sherry are having a ball and the alcohol has clearly hit love the couples then split up love going with carrie and joe going with sherry but carrie and love don't hook up carrie turns love around and says you watch them and as sherry is kissing all up on joe she tells him look at love but while joe is looking at love he's thinking about marion this includes when sherry gets on top of him and puts something inside her he's still thinking about marion the entire time love goes from kind of being turned on to all of a sudden being very uncomfortable to the point where she screams the safe word hakuna matata love runs downstairs and joe puts on some clothes and chases after her and he's thinking how am i the bad guy in this situation but it's because love knows him so well that she knows he was thinking about somebody else joe of course denies that there's anybody else but love tells them i know you i guess i'm just never gonna be good enough the couple started fighting about their sex life and how love felt like she had to do something and it gets pretty contentious with love screaming well i had to do something because i didn't want you getting bored and finding another natalie joe tries to calm her down because she's screaming but love says what you don't want to hear the truth our marriage is completely one-sided you made me kill her in addition to being mother of the year i killed natalie for you and joe grabs her to shut her up after a second or two love realizes what she said and now love and joe are wondering did carrie and sherry hear it there's only one way to find out they head upstairs and at first they seem pretty normal but then they start giving off signs that they did hear it sherry gives a signal to carrie to run and he pushes joe aside and tries to run downstairs to grab a phone but joe heads after him love stays with sherry and tries to disarm her and joe is left to battle with the madre linda version of a grecian god what joe uses what he has at his disposal things like knives and shards of glass and when carrie heads outside joe grabs the hunting bow that carrie gifted him as joe is trying to track down carrie like he's the protagonist in the most dangerous game he's thinking the whole time how this ends he gets killed love goes to prison henry grows up in the system just like he did luckily that won't be happening though because somehow joe goldberg hits carrie with an arrow he runs up to him knocks him out by hitting him with a rock and drags his body back inside he meets back up with love who has also been able to knock out sherry now they have to take both bodies over to the bakery and put him in the cage after they lock them in love jumps all over joe and they have arguably the best sex they've ever had it's at this moment that joe realizes that their love language is violence so it was a pretty exciting night in joe's house it wasn't all doll next door theo needed to come up with some kind of plan to get the information that matthew had on joe and love so he shut the breaker off it forced matthew to actually come outside for the first time in weeks months forces matthew and theodore have a conversation about how each other are doing and theo tells them you know the human body wasn't meant to just sit in an office never getting sunlight you need to like get out so matthew suggested two gate tacos together but theo makes an excuse that he needs to email some of his old professors because he's thinking about going back to school it excites matthew so much that he says you know what i'll i'll pick you something up and that frees up theo to head into matthew's office but when he pulls up love and joe's file there's a video and the video shows joe punching the wall it's when joe had just found out about the budding relationship between love and theo theo is completely disgusted he feels like he now has proof that love is in an abusive relationship he's caught though by matthew who either made the quickest taco trip in the world or never left at all theo asked what is this and matthew fills him in that he's tapped into madre linda's security system matthew tells theo i wouldn't be looking at love if she wasn't connected to natalie or you what exactly is it you think you're doing with love quinn they start getting into an argument about theo's relationship with love and matthew's hunched that love might have had something to do with natalie's murder this argument gets really heated with theo yelling you need to move on she's dead she is dead get over it you don't quite say that to someone who's still grieving so matthew ends up kicking theo out of the house this argument with theo ends up sparking something in matthew to get lit up that night he is plastered and at five in the morning he ends up stumbling outside to find joe cleaning up blood from his car although joe plays it off like it was spilled fruit sauce matthew starts questioning about what was going on the previous night because it's pretty sure he heard somebody scream but joe plays it off like it was nothing more than just drunken shenanigans while matthew is clearly suspicious luckily for joe he's also clearly drunk the next day joe has to get to the custody hearing and both joe and dante think that marion crushed it but that's when they see something pretty alarming it's the fact that ryan is friendly with the judge at this moment joe truly sees how corrupt the judicial system can be joe now knows that as long as ryan's in the picture marion's always gonna lose after leaving the courts he heads to the bakery and he arrives just in time to see sherry and carrie wake up and are banging for somebody to help them but this bonding experience we'll call it has really put a wrench in joe's plans because love is into him more than ever now and that's when joe looks down the baby monitor and thinks to himself how in the world are these two gonna get out of there alive with the conrad's patching themselves up joe heads home to clean up the mess of the fight it's at this point that he vows to get henry out of the situation telling him don't worry after today we're never doing this again he starts cleaning the entire place up some of the stuff he actually keeps like all of carrie's drugs most of it however he tosses but as he's cleaning up he finds a handgun and that's when he realized oh my god last night could have gone way worse just as he's finishing up cleaning up the house he gets a phone call from dante neither dante or joe have heard from marion joe's texted her a bunch of times but hasn't heard back and dante's pretty concerned she didn't come into work that day and there is one place that dante figures she might be so he gives joe the address and it's a liquor store so joe drops henry off with dante the library and then he heads off to go find marion love meanwhile is at the bakery trying to figure out how to get rid of the conrads and sherry is being oddly nice for being trapped in a cage she actually reminds love that she has to write an introduction letter for henry's preschool it's due that day she actually offers to help with it but love says no and then she gets a phone call from theo saying we need to talk so she leaves the conrads and heads out to the alley where theo's waiting for her theo fills her in on exactly what matthew has i eat the video of joe but all love is concerned with is the fact that matthew is recording people theo tells her it's because he's trying to figure out who killed natalie and love frantically asked well does he think it was me and theo at first says no but then he says i don't know theo then tells love that he did get kicked out of the house but he wants her to come with him he doesn't like the fact that she's in this quote abusive relationship and that's when he drops the l word he tells love that he loves her he says to love look me in the eye and tell me your husband isn't a violent man which of course love can't do so theo says okay i'm gonna go back to my dad's grab the footage and that'll prove that joe was abusing you love however says theo i need to think about it and he vows to come back love starts trying to get a hold of joe but joe is busy with marion marion is sitting outside on the stoop with a bottle really upset ryan is planning on moving to new jersey he's got a whole new job lined up and he's taking juliette with him this causes marion to sit there beating herself up over her past transgressions so joe to make her feel better tells her i killed a guy once guy was beating on my mom and i shot him we all have stuff in our past but that doesn't define who you are now joe then informs marion that he's ending his marriage with love and that's when the two go home and joe has sex with her the whole time by the way his phone is blowing up from love love then realizes that she has an issue because there's an influencer in her basement she heads downstairs with sherry's phone and unlocks it posting to her subscribers and followers and whatnot that she's going off the grid for a while sherry continues to be nice to her figuring that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar and sherry's kindness actually works love ends up telling her that theo told her that he loves her sherry of course thinks that that's hot and then love tells sherry that matthew's been stealing surveillance video all over town and that's when sherry gets the idea to out him on her blog let the world know what matthew's up to it's around this time when joe finally checks his phone and realized he does have an issue and that's when his mind starts racing about what love possibly could have done before he can leave though marion tells him that she's heading to new jersey to follow juliet joe of course can't believe that he's about to lose her but she tells him i have to do whatever it takes to be in her life now joe needs to figure out how to keep her in madre linda easiest way to do this get rid of ryan before he can even worry about ryan though he does have to get home to find out what the big deal that love is talking about and she informs him that they're all being spied on everybody but she's taking care of it she took sherry's advice wrote a blog post about it and she recently just saw a bunch of suits run into matthew's home she expects they're trying to clean up the mess before the feds show up love gives joe a hug and that's when she feels his back and feels the gun and joe tells her that he got it from carrie and love is really pissed off that they brought a gun into her house she thinks this could actually help them out though make it look like a murder-suicide because hey that worked once before and joe tells her that's a great idea but the whole time he's thinking this marriage cannot end soon enough but love is right next door those suits are from matthew's company and they're begging him to delete all the information he has before the feds show up he's convinced though that he's on to something he just hasn't found it yet he keeps rewinding the last moments that you see natalie on camera which was going into a fresh tart his business partner actually lays out the entire goldberg plan but saying how ridiculous it is and matthew knows that this hunch is a little far-fetched but he just feels it logic however gets to him and he ends up deleting it all but that's not before theo snuck back into that room and got most of it on a flash drive theo goes in his car and starts looking at the flash drive and he starts doing exactly what matthew did but then he looks at another camera angle and that's what he sees what matthew didn't it that's when he sees joe goldberg get into the car which was blocked by the alley clear as day that that person in the car wasn't natalie it was goldberg and now he's got him he goes to find love but love is dealing with the conrads again although this time love's mood has completely changed sherry tries to put on the good face but it's not working this time so sherry's emotions get the best of her and she says screw joe for letting you fix a marriage that never stood a chance and that's the final straw for love who thinks that their marriage is great she walks back puts the gun in the transfer window and says i'll let whoever shoots who first out if your marriage is so perfect then stay together and die theo though is still having trouble getting a hold of love so he hits the bakery love isn't there though unbeknownst to him the conrads are he looks all over the bakery but he can't find them because they're hidden in a secret room in the back of the basement and he's about to leave until all of a sudden he hears a gunshot because the conrad's figured let's put this bulletproof glass to the test carry shoots the lock doesn't work bullet actually ricochets and hits sherry's ear and they're freaking out a bit and that's when theo rushes in and sees that the conrads are locked up they tell theo everything this is a lot to prosper theo he's having complete denial issues that love had anything to do with the murder of natalie but the conrads are trying to hammer home that love was a part of it love shows up at the bakery a few minutes later right before she's about to walk in she gets a phone call from dante asking if he should put henry down and this is a bit of a surprise love had no idea that henry was even with dante that's because joe went off found ryan and stabbed him to death love ends up calling dante back up and saying i'll try to get in touch with joe and if not i'll call you back before she can even deal with that situation she walks back into the bakery where she sees theo which is a big surprise and theo had headed upstairs to look for a key to let the conrads out theo comes clean saying the conrads are downstairs saying you killed natalie but i know that's not true i know it was joe and i have proof he asked love come with me but she says no i need you to leave madre linda and never come back we're not going to be able to see each other again as theo heads for the door love calls his name and knocks him out right down the steps in the season finale we get a little more backstory into joe's mommy issues when joe was sent to the home he was able to find his file and locate where his mother was living so he tracked her down only to find out that she had completely restarted with a new son a little boy named jacob joe confronts her asking why did you just leave me and the best answer his mom gives him is some people just need a new start modern day joe has rushed home and is frantically scrubbing all the blood off of his hands hiding the bloody shirt and thinking about how he's gonna get henry out of there but simultaneously he gets a text from marion saying something happened to ryan call me and then love walks through the door love comes upstairs and just starts rambling about plans and whatnot but joe can sense that something's wrong and then he looks on her jacket cuff and notices a smear of blood and he asks about it and love has to come clean that it's theos she tells joe that he's still there and joe says i'll clean him up don't give another thought and that's when love completely changes the conversation and says i think it's time we start a new chapter i think it's time we start trying to have another baby at this point joe is just trying to tell her anything she wants to hear figuring that he'll be gone with henry soon so he says yeah i think that's a great idea and then he heads off to deal with her mess as joe is cleaning up the theo mess he actually hears a gunshot go off and that's because sherry and carrie are fighting sherry ended up shooting the gun and it ended up hitting carrie's leg joe however isn't going to interfere with that and he really doesn't have time to because marion calls him she tells him that somebody killed ryan they suspect it was a mugging she's only calling because she's concerned that the police might look at her even though she has an alibi joe tries to make her feel better by saying the man that hurt you is gone your life is now gonna get easier and marion does admit i'm not sad that he's gone joe then tells marion well something else happened last night me and love are officially separating joe then tells marion get out of town while this ryan stuff's going on think of somebody you want to go and just go and marion asks joe to come with them and that's because she admits to joe that she loves him too and joe excitedly says yeah count us in i mean we'd be crazy not to try after everything we've been through we just got gotta type a few loose ends and then we'll go marion hints at the possibility of going to paris and then they hang up joe is pumped he's excited but he's got an issue because theo actually isn't dead he opens up the tarp and there's theo pretty banged up he sees joe's face and he immediately starts apologizing to him through conversation joe figures out that there was an affair going on between theo and love but even after all that joe isn't about to kill theo he puts him in his car and drugs him up with carrie's supply and then drops him off at a hospital loading dock he then heads to dante's house and tries to pick up henry only to find out that love has already picked up henry and that's when joe knows that he has an issue and he does love ended up finding the bloody shirt and as soon as she sees it she knows that he was having an affair it's all she could think about when she went to a fresh tart she had to act though like everything was normal so when kiki comes up and asked her to make some cupcakes for her she agreed but she has to tell somebody about this affair so she goes downstairs and tells her best friend sherry conrad and sherry's advice is to kill joe because he was abusive sherry tells her i'll back you up after that you can let me out carrie from the corner says you can let us out and sherry hears him but ignores it she just starts [ __ ] all over husbands saying how they force wives into situations and after this whole anti-husband rant love just looks at her and says you're a monster i always knew your marriage was a sham but looks like the only murderer in this room is you and then she walks out so sherry can have an awkward conversation with carrie love then heads home and makes dinner waiting for joe to show up and he does but joe has to play it cool and act like everything's okay he sits down to eat and he's kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop and that's when love brings up the fact that she saw on twitter a local tv guy was murdered and she recognized the name and she looked into it and it was the ex-husband of marion his boss love asked him straight up do you love her and joe doesn't say a word love tells him i know you cheated on me and you lied but joe says well you cheated on me with theo do you really want to play this game that's when joe brings up the idea of divorce going their separate ways amicably raising henry co-parenting doing this like civilized adults joe tells her we don't have to do anything impulsive she says what's that supposed to mean joe says well what happened with james when he tried to leave your mother told me love is having a tough time processing the d word but before she can even give joe an answer henry starts acting up so she has to go tend to him joe's concerned that she might come back with henry or a knife so he arms himself with a meat cleaver but when love returns she doesn't have either she does however set the record straight on what happened with james just like now she was taken completely off guard when james asked for a separation she couldn't believe that he was with her when he was sick but then he gets better and he wanted to be away from her so she drugged him james's death was an accidental drugging she just didn't get the doses right she wanted to numb him so she could sit him down to talk to him and convince him that they were meant to be together but things went awry and james ended up dead the good news is for joe she's learned from her previous mistakes she's gotten the doses right and that's when joe starts feeling really funny and he realizes oh [ __ ] i've been drugged as joe lies there paralyzed on the floor love tells him no one will ever love you like i love you but before she can try to convince joe that they're meant to be together she has to go drop those cupcakes off to kiki but she grabs joe's phone and texts marion come to my house asap it's an emergency she ties up joe says i'll be back in 10 minutes and when i come back i'm going to save our marriage so love heads off but next door matthew sees her leave and he's still pretty convinced that love quinn had something to do with it what he's really concerned with at the moment is the fact that he hasn't heard from theo so with him already suspicious that love might have killed natalie he's now concerned that maybe theo is in their house so he sneaks in and that's when he finds joe lying there paralyzed matthew starts asking joe where is theo but joe can't answer because he's so drugged up he's trying to signal to matthew to look at his phone and finally matthew picks up on this and sees the ways history which had directions to a hospital now that matthew has that information you think maybe he would save joe but no he thinks that the couple had something to do with natalie's death so he ties joe back up leaving him the way he found him and says enjoy whatever love does to you and then he heads off to get theo love ends up returning a few minutes later she then waits for marion to show up and marion shows up a few minutes later she's very surprised when love answered the door but love says why don't you come inside because i'm the one who texted you marin awkwardly comes in the door but she doesn't see joe joe however can see the entire conversation love confronts marion about the affair and marion tells her he said you guys were separated marion starts apologizing for possibly breaking up this marriage love then tells marion about how joe was the one who killed ryan and marian is complete disbelief but love tells her when joe's obsessed with somebody he'll do anything for them i would know he did it for me and it looks like love is about to kill marion when all of a sudden juliette shows up because she's got to go to the bathroom and that changes the entire mood in the room and with julia in the bathroom love tells her you and your daughter need to run just completely disappear ryan is just the beginning of what he's willing to do the whole time joe is hoping that marion comes to his defense but she doesn't marian actually tells love that she should run although love says it's not that simple but marion warns her that if she doesn't she could end up losing her son she needs to think about him not about anybody else just henry marion ends up leaving completely intact very much alive and love walks over to joe and says well i do see why you like her i mean i can't believe i almost took that little girl's mother away love starts rambling justifying her actions and then saying you know i realized my husband's the problem she gets down to kill joe but that's when joe stabs her with a needle injecting her whatever love gave him has worn off and that's because joe started to wonder what exactly love was growing in the garden so he looked into it and found out it was a flower that could be turned into a paralytic he looked into some anecdotes and when love went to go check on henry earlier he took one it wasn't enough to completely stop the paralytic but it was enough to bring him out of it quicker and while love gave him just the right amount joe found out where she was hiding the doses chalked a syringe full of it and injected her so much that it would stop her forever love's last dying words are we are perfect for each other but we're bad for henry and he will know what you did and then she kills over and dies joe and i need to start thinking about henry what exactly he's gonna do with him he knows that there's a pretty good chance love will go down for this but he was married to her and he can't risk having henry grope in the system like he did so he ends up taking henry over to dante's place writing a letter explaining the whole situation knocking on the door and saying goodbye to his son one last time he heads back to the house to try to set the scene dragging love's body into the kitchen putting a syringe in her hand and writing a suicide note he even goes so far as to chop two of his toes off then he puts the oven on full blast and the house goes up in flames joe disappears but the house fire was put out in just enough time to salvage a lot of the evidence the suicide note was found the two toes were found but the rest of job goldberg wasn't so it looks like love chopped him up the story of love quinn goes national it's even bigger than gwynevere beck shortly after madre linda begins to heal matthew picks up theo from the hospital and the relationship seems good henry is still with dante the quince but of a fight to get baby henry but love had already put it in writing that dottie was never to see him again so it took a little bit in the court system but henry ended up right where his quote dying father wanted him to be in a loving home the bakery was taken over by andrew and jackson they rebranded it but it became a pretty popular spot and then there's sherry and carrie carrie was on death's door when sherry realized these two don't even trust each other there's got to be a key in here somewhere and she started turning over every single container until finally she found one of course they were able to parlay this in a success writing a blog post making them out to be the heroes and even writing a book which was very successful it even led to them doing ted talks then finally there's joe joe disappeared forever but he's still looking for marion and there's only one place that she hinted at going and that was paris so somehow he was able to get on a flight to paris with no passport a doctored passport i don't know those details are pretty murky but joe goldberg is in paris and he's looking for marion and that is the end of season three of you thank you so much for getting this part of the recap i really appreciate it please consider subscribing the channel hit thumbs up if you thought this was good smash that thumbs down button if you thought it sucked be nice in the comments section nasty comments make me feel bad i do have merch go buy a shirt or something that'd be cool and if you know somebody who's looking for a recap of you season 3 please consider sharing this to your social media platforms or blogs talking to you sherry and let me know if you like this season but once again thank you so much for supporting the channel
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Keywords: You, You Recap, You Season 3, You Season 3 Recap, You Season 4, You Season 2 Recap, You Netflix, You Netlix Recap, You what is love, You what is love Recap, You S3 E10, You S03 E10, You Season 3 What Is Love Recap, Penn Badgley, Penn Badgley You, Joe and Love You, You Ending Explained, You Season 3 Ending Explained, You Season 2 Ending Explained, You Season 4 Trailer, You Season 3 Ending, Love and Theo, Sherry and Kerry You, You Season 3 Finale, You Season 4 Theories
Id: yFWk5YcZjmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 252min 4sec (15124 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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