Ranking Every Episode of Avatar The Last Airbender

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let's rank all 61 episodes of avatar The Last Airbender from worst to best number 61 The Great Divide was there any doubt this was the worst episode in the series my largest issue with this episode is that it's the only one in the entire series I would truly classify as filler none of the characters in this episode get any development the people in the two tribes we meet never show up again and the only other time the Great Divide is mentioned is through a passing joke in the Ember Island players episode I guess the only relevance this episode has is ang learning his role as a peacekeeper too the Avatar does have a lot of responsibilities and one of those is keeping the peace between feuding factions but I feel like Ang does that many other times throughout the series so it wasn't entirely necessary here the action in this episode was fine I guess nothing special there's just not a single good takeaway from this episode I don't want to OV exaggerate and say this is the worst episode of TV I have ever seen because it's not but considering Avatar The Last Airbender is held to such a high standard this episode easily becomes the worst of the series number 60 the fortune teller this is another episode you can kind of argue is filler basically the gang runs into a fortune teller hence the name of the episode and they listen to fortunes pretty much all that happens here is ang and qara are obsessed with their Futures qara wants to know about her future husband and Ang wants to know if he will end up with qara I don't really know the point of this episode it seems like all they wanted to accomplish was to convey to the audience how much of a crush Ang has on qara and that's it I'm glad Ang's feelings for qara aren't a major part of the series I mean sure it's a plot Point that's brought up here and there but it's never a major part of the story I am curious to see if Kara's Fortune of having three great grandchildren before she dies will become true in the future stories besides that this episode didn't have any action but it did have some funny moments with Saka the way he was getting frustrated with Aunt wo was kind of funny this was not a good episode by any means but I wouldn't say it was bad like The Great Divide it's pretty much filler though number 59 the king of omashu this episode was eh on the positive side the World building of omashu was really cool this was the first time in the series we saw earthbending and seeing how the city uses earthbending to open doors and move the carts was a really neat way to make the world feel real also Boomie is quite the character he doesn't appear much but when he does he is quite funny my biggest criticism of the episode is boom's challenges for Ang sure they lead to some pretty neat action sequences but narratively they serve no purpose at all it was just a way for Ang to remember boom's name and the way Ang was supposed to remember it was far-fetched even when Saka asks Boomie why he makes Ang do all these challenges Boomie just gives a generic answer and says Ang must learn all the elements and fight the fire lord how that has to tie into the challenges I have no idea I wasn't a big fan of the humor in this episode like Ang pretending to be an old man listen I'm not trying to be too critical I get this is a kid show but there there's just a way to write child humor other than making certain characters seem stupid and these Earth Kingdom guards are idiots but that's the only minor complaint considering Avatar has so many great episodes it leaves the king of omashu near the bottom of the list number 58 imprison this was a more qara focused episode and it showed us her incredible heart she always fights for what's right and it's one of her most admirable qualities while the episode did do a decent job at highlighting qara the plot of the episode was just meth this isn't exclusive to Avatar it's in tons of animated shows but I'm never a big fan of prison escape plots especially when it's so easy overall this show does a great job at making the Fire Nation feel like a formidable threat but episodes like this one make them seem weak when it comes to the characters Haru isn't a big part of the series and we didn't learn much about him as a supporting character anyway what this episode did do well was World building again Avatar managed to weave in mature themes like prisoners of war and imperialism and Abus of power I also really like the concept of an earthbender prison that doesn't allow any earthbenders to bend it's a neat and realistic idea so while this episode did have some cool things going for it overall it's a pretty forgettable one in the first season number 57 the swamp this was not a great episode The Gang flies over a swamp and they get attacked by a tornado and are forced to fight Momo and daa get separated and end up having to fight some swamp benders with Ang Katara and Saka they end up having some weird visions and then they fight a giant swamp monster which really ends up being another swamp Bender the only thing a learned in this episode was how to read The Vines to see across the swamp something like that is never again displayed throughout the series some complaints I can give this episode are some of the fight sequences seeing qara and Ang water bend in a unique way was pretty cool but my biggest positive for the episode was the introduction to swamp bending what the show does really well is expand the four kinds of bending in ways that just make sense these Vines are full of water so of course you can waterbend them and seeing these Swamp People just live on their own was pretty cool besides the nice stuff this episode does for the World building of the universe a lot of it was pretty forgettable and was not that important in the grand scheme of things number 56 the deserter this episode has a few cool things but overall it's just fine the episode begins with this Fire Nation town and I actually quite liked that this Series has done a good job of showing all these different towns but it got a little repetitive with all these Earth Kingdom places here we get a bit more diversity on that front with a Fire Nation town the main plot of this episode is meeting Jong Jong I've always found J John's view of fire bending to be quite interesting when comparing it to say the sun Warriors in season 3 JN JN sees fire as destruction and pain while the sun Warriors see it as life and energy it makes sense though considering JN John was once a fire nation General he would view firebending as destruction the biggest takeaway from this episode however was Ang accidentally burning qara this moment becomes crucial later on when Ang needs to learn firebending from Zuko Ang learning the importance of restraint and caution with firebending is a big part of his journey so I like that besides those few things I liked here and there the rest of the episode was just meh seeing Xiao fight Ang was cool I guess but overall this was just an okay episode number 55 the awakening season 3 had a pretty slow start to the season the entire episode is pretty much Ang waking up and struggling with the perception of him being dead matters a lot to Ang that he doesn't abandon people again so I totally get his frustrations with pretending to be dead but that's all there is to this episode I would have liked maybe an action beat or something else that goes along with the struggle Ang is dealing with like with the beginning of season 2 Ang was struggling with the Avatar State and then that one Earth Kingdom guy was testing him that was a great way to tie Ang struggles in with some external fighting so I wish this episode was like that we also get Zuko's return to the Fire Nation in this episode and that was pretty cool we can tell early on that this Victory just just doesn't feel right to him also azula's plan of giving Zuko the credit for supposedly killing the Avatar was genius that is the stuff from isula I love but besides a few character moments that I found to be intriguing this episode was quite boring and didn't do much for me number 54 the siege of the north part two this might be a hot take but I don't really like this battle I wouldn't say it's bad but it wasn't really engaging there was some cool stuff with the spirit world the mystery behind the spirits and the spirit world itself is some of my favorite stuff in Avatar I also found Zuko to be a highlight in this episode I like the little monologue he gave to Ang about never giving up and how he doesn't need luck it's a moment that gave him more depth the action is fine I lik seeing a lot of the water benders in their fights with the fire Benders I would say the reason this episode is so low on my list is because of the contrivances the episode has so the moon Spirit dies but conveniently UA can give her life to save the moon spirit because the moon Spirit saved her sure I guess and all episode Ang is trying to find answers from the Moon and ocean spirits and right after the moon spere dies it just decides to Grant Ang with god mode powers to defeat the entire Fire Nation Fleet some of this may feel right to you and that's awesome but to me it feels like a cheap way to conclude the battle although I enjoyed parts of this episode as a whole I didn't find it to be an engaging episode and as a season finale I kind of hold that to a higher standard number 53 the Northern Air Temple this episode is an interesting one to me because I disagree with its message so Ang and Company go to the Northern Air Temple where they find ref refugees the refugees have turned the temple into their new home but in doing so have destroyed a lot of what was once part of the temple Ang is initially Furious that these people are destroying part of his culture but by the end of the episode he's okay with it because these people needed a new home I get the message here but I'm mostly with Ang at the beginning of the episode these people can still live in the air Temple fine without having to destroy many of the Sacred parts of the temple like earlier in the episode The mechanist casually destroys a statue without any regard for it I get the V that a lot of these people don't have any respect for the temples now I wouldn't say my whole disagreement is a criticism of this episode it's just my perspective on it the rest of the episode was fine I liked seeing Sak's creative mind put to work and creating the hot air balloon I also did like seeing a lot of the refugees here learning how to fly with gliders the action at the end of the episode was okay I didn't hate it but I didn't love it this episode poses an interesting moral dilemma and had some decent action so that's why it's not super high on my list number 52 the siege of of the north part one some people may criticize my decision to separate the two-part episodes into two parts but since the show considers each part two separate chapters I'm going to rank them as two separate episodes not much really happens in this episode the battle begins and Ang feels overwhelmed so he decides to seek out the spirits I did really like the moment where UA tells Ang that he has to defeat the fleet because he's the Avatar but Ang responds by saying he's just one kid moments like that continue to humanize Ang there's a touching moment moment between iro and Zuko where iro tells him he sees him as a son the bond between these two is my favorite in the show so I loved that moment the reason though this episode is lower on my list is because of the Saka and UA stuff I don't like UA she doesn't have any personality to her other than being wishi wash you with Saka one moment she's having fun the next she's telling Saka she's engaged and can't see him anymore I get she's a kid but I didn't find the whole romance between her and Saga to be interesting overall it's a fine first part of the battle but it was mostly dragged down by the Saka and UA subplot number 51 the Warriors of Koshi this was a fine episode so the gang goes to Kyoshi Island where we meet Suki and the other Kyoshi Warriors half of the episode has this neat Arc of Saka learning to respect girls sure you can say it's a little cliche but saga's whole Arc throughout the series is about learning to become a leader and he has to accomplish that slowly over time so overcoming the prejudices he has about women is important and frankly it's realistic for the time the other half this episode was about how being the Avatar was getting to Ang's head at first I wasn't a big fan of this but I liked how they had this little flaw of Ang's payoff with him realizing the consequences of him being comfortable in a place like this wherever he goes the Fire Nation will be after him Ang has to learn that danger follows him and he needs to be responsible considering Ang is only a 12-year-old boy this is a realistic thing a kid would have to learn the episode ends with some fine action so no complaints there again considering Avatar is such a great show some episodes that are just fine are going to be lower on this list because so many episodes are great and the Warriors of kioshi is one of those episodes number 50 return to omashu there wasn't much to love about this episode but I didn't hate it the highlights of this episode are the introduction of Tyle and may I just love the concept of the main villain of the Season having two best friends join her considering they're all teenage girls too it makes the dynamic that much more interesting May is the grumpy emotionalist girl and Tye is the exact opposite in pretty much every way I also kind of liked the fight sequences near the end of the episode it was cool seeing Ang and isula fight on the slides introduced from season 1 when it comes to the plot of the episode I didn't find it to be too intriguing Ang wants to find Boomie but in the meantime he runs into the resistance and the way they all Escape is by pretending to be sick I don't know it just seemed a little too juvenile for me when Ang wants to free Boomie he giv some weird speech about knowing when to strike sure whatever the positives of this episode were pretty good but the negatives didn't do anything for me number 49 bat of the water tribe this is one of the rare instances where an episode of Avatar has a lot of things I like and a lot of things I don't like starting off with the positives I really liked seeing a bit more of the water tribe culture in the first two episodes we basically just see a bunch of igloos here we see a lot more than that I also really loved the stuff with Saka the flashbacks to him and his father are such an important part of Sak's character so I appreciated that also the sailing right of passage thing that Saka LED was another cool bit of World building moving on from that the action at the end of the episode was great as well I believe this is the first time we got to see apaa fight in the series and it's another example of how creative the writers can be with the action also the fight between Ang and Zuko had some really neat choreography moving on to the negatives the whole part about Ang taking the map bothered me I get Ang as a kid who is flawed and doesn't want to see his friends leave but this just doesn't seem like something Ang would do and when Sak and qara find out I can get them being mad but agreeing to leave Ang behind was just way too much way too quick they did turn it around quickly so it wasn't too much of an issue but I still didn't like that moment the positives of this episode contain some of my favorite stuff in season 1 but the negatives contain some of my least favorite stuff number 48 the Western Air Temple this is the episode that immediately follows The Invasion and not much happens pretty much the entire premise of the episode is Zuko convincing the gang to let him join them it was entertaining seeing Zuko be awkward especially when he was was talking to that damn frog I liked his little speech at the end that he gave to Ang it does show how much he has changed instead of him just saying he has changed over and over again I did like the introduction of the Western Air Temple I found the design to be quite unique and given the air Bender's abilities it totally makes sense besides that there wasn't really anything else here besides a few entertaining exchanges there was a brief action sequence where they defeated the combustion vendor so at least the episode wasn't a total slog this episode just needed to exist so we could get the Zuko Adventure episodes later later on and the episode did its job number 47 Avatar day this is one of the episodes I would argue doesn't do anything great but it does a lot of things really well and overall was just a really fun episode so the gang goes to a village where they hate the Avatar because Koshi supposedly killed their leader hundreds of years ago Saka and qara in the meantime try to prove Ang's innocence I loved Saka in this episode for someone who is the only non-bender of Team Avatar the show does a great job of making Saka still feel important to the group and even though his detective abilities are kind of played off as a joke he does do a pretty good job at solving the case this episode further progressed Saka down his Arc of becoming the leader he is by the end of season 3 again even though the episode doesn't take it too seriously I still see it as character development this episode also did some solid World building with Kyoshi even though it was brief this was the first time we got to see the power of a fully trained Avatar it gives us a glimpse of what an can truly become the episode had some Zuko and iro moments as well and even though it's not much they did do a good job of establishing what kind of mental state Zuko is in right now besides that this episode again was just really fun I thought there was some well timed humor and the whole plot of the episode as ridiculous as it was was enjoyable to watch again this episode was nothing special but it was fun and I liked it number 46 The Painted Lady this episode was a decent guar episode with some cool World building so the gang comes across this town that is suffering because of the nearby Factory for one the World building in this this episode is subtle but effective we've seen how technologically the Fire Nation is the most advanced of the civilizations in the world but in order to be that you need to have factories I love how Avatar explores the consequences of that with this small village suffering it's perfectly in line with how we see the Fire Nation treat the environment before and it gives us another reason to root against them when it comes to Qatar in this episode I loved her pretending to be the Painted Lady one of the most endearing qualities of qara is her heart and here that pretty much shines through in every way I don't really have anything negative to say about this episode episode it's a fine episode that has some good character building with qara and some neat World building as well but there's nothing here that stands out that makes me love the episode number 45 the boiling Rock part one this may be a hot take but I'm not the biggest fan of the boiling Rock episodes it's not terrible but considering Avatar has so many great episodes it's in the lower Echelon on my list on a positive note I love Saka in this episode I like how he takes responsibility for the defeat during The Invasion whether it's his fault or not they lost the the battle since it was his idea he feels responsible and that's the sign of a good leader I also like how this episode continues on with the Zuko adventures with him spending it with Saka this time after going to the sun warriors with Ang this episode also showcases sasa's creative mind again with him using the cooler as a makeshift boat so while the episode has some good stuff in it the reason it's not my favorite is because in general I hate prizon Escape episodes as I said earlier I find them to be way too easy for Our Heroes and everything always goes their way this is supposedly the most secure Fire Nation prison but Zuko and Saka seem to infiltrate it relatively easily and this criticism definitely continues on into part two number 44 the boiling Rock part two starting off with the positives I still do like a lot of the character work here I love the moments between May Tye and isula this moment here was the beginning of azula's downfall and I love how it stems from her friends betraying her also the whole fight sequences on the Gondola were really well choreographed but following the footsteps of my criticism from part one the Escape was just way too easy I get that Suki is a Kyoshi Warrior who is clearly a trained fighter but the sequence where she escapes and captures the warden is one of the few times my suspension of disbelief was broken she manages to do some Spider-Man type [ __ ] and of course our heroes are all about to die but may magically breaks from the jail cell and sets them free I just wish there was a bit more of a challenge escaping from the supposed most secure Fire Nation prison while these episodes were entertaining and did have some good character work overall was disappointed with how easy the whole missions were number 43 The Runaway at this point in the third season I started to notice a trend with the first half of the Season before the black Sun Invasion a lot of these episodes are just character Focus episodes plot-wise nothing really happens between the beginning of the season and The Invasion but the writers needed to put Eight Episodes between the two so the runaway is another example of a fine episode that has good character work but makes no attempt to advance the plot I really like the stuff between Toth and qara in this episode seeing their personalities Clash was entertaining and I like the little Arc the two went on together again this episode like a lot of the episodes in the first half of season 3 are just that good character focused episodes the first half of season 2 accomplished quite a bit narratively and I wish season 3 did the same either way this is a minor criticism because the writers of Avatar had mastered turning potential Filler episodes into episodes with depth The Runaway may not be the best side episode in the series but it was good enough for me to enjoy it number 42 the Library this episode had some cool stuff in it so Saka suggests that they all need to take a trip to a special library in the desert so they can gain information on the Fire Nation what I like the most about this episode is that it gave the rest of the season direction for the first few episodes of the season they needed to find an earth bending teacher now that they have Toof they now need a new Direction after finding out when the next solar eclipse is they now must get that information to the Earth Kingdom boom direction also the whole idea of a solar eclipse limiting the fire Bender's firebending is another brilliant idea this episode as a whole has some really neat ideas and sets up the rest of the season nicely too like with Opa getting captured when it comes to the contents of the actual episode it was fine I like the mysterious nature of the library and its inhabitants I also liked the professor but besides that there wasn't much there in this episode they go to the library they're forced to escape and Saka gets the date of the solar eclipse there wasn't much character work in the episode and there didn't need to be overall this was a solid episode that while not having much substance to it did do a great job at setting up the rest of the season number 41 winter solstice part two this episode has the gang traveling to the Fire Nation for the first time even if it's just an island the episode did a lot to add urgency to the series Ang not only needs to master all the elements but he needs to do so before the end of the upcoming summer it's a simple narrative trick but it's one that works this episode also has us meeting Roku for the first time which was pretty neat as well this episode didn't have much on the front of character development but it did have a cool Saka moment over the series we see Saka develop a great strategic mind here we see that for the first time with him trying to open this door his plan didn't work but it's the beginning of this Arc for Saka besides that there wasn't much character development but there was some pretty neat World building the concept of these fire sages and losing their way except for one of them was a concept I quite liked it shows us how the war has perverted people's minds over the century but also how not everyone in the Fire Nation is the same overall this episode has some neat action and expanded the world nothing special but nothing bad here either number four winter solstice part one this is the first episode that delves into spirits and the spirit world and it did a pretty good job what I like the most about this episode is ang struggling with his role as the Avatar a lot of times when there's a chosen one they always just have the answers but with Ang he openly admits he has no clue what he's doing this episode doesn't make Ang feel like a Chosen One it makes him feel like an ordinary kid who happened to be born with special powers and that's something I appreciated now Ang does kind of learn his lesson here quite quickly he just sees the spirit is secretly a panda and he's able to conclude that the panda is a spirit that is angry about the forest but I don't entirely mind that because it shows Ang's ability to be empathetic the other half of this episode is iro getting captured and Zuko saving him there's not much here but I kind of liked it because it highlighted the bond between Zuko and iro the moment where Zuko sees AA but decides to go save iro anyway was a solid character moment it shows that there's more to Zuko than just finding the avatar he's a real person who has attachments to others overall this was a solid episode that had some pretty nice stuff in it but nothing great I would say number 39 the waterbending scroll I feel like a lot of people would have this episode a bit lower on their list but I don't know I kind of really enjoyed it in this episode qara wants to improve her water bending and she gets frustrated with Ang that he is so much more naturally gifted than she is some may find that annoying but to me it humanizes qara if I was more disciplined than someone but they were more gifted then yeah I would get a little annoyed It's Only Human Nature showing a character is flawed is just as important as progressing them along their arcs so I appreciated that about this episode other than that this episode doesn't have too much relevance to the rest of the season but I still really enjoyed it the banter between Zuko and iro is hilarious in this episode something about iro wanting to dock his boat just for a Lotus tile was so funny also seeing the back and forth between the gang Zuko and the Pirates was entertaining we all know know that Avatar excels at depicting bending fights but it also does a great job with action that isn't strictly bending versus bending here we have these pirates that throw these smoke bombs and fight with swords it allows the action in the show to always be fresh with lots of variety this is one of those episodes that kind of doesn't follow the typical boring Goldman checklist for a good episode but because it was entertaining and fun I really liked it number 38 the chase this episode is the first time we really get to see Toof interact with with the crew and it's quite entertaining I love how different Toof and qara are and how they bicker a lot it makes the episodes where the two become so close that much nicer I wouldn't say this episode had any big character development or anything but it did have some nice moments between the characters I already mentioned Toff and Kara but the interaction that was my favorite was between Toof and iro this season is the season where iro really steps it up with his motivational quotes here he tells Toof that there's nothing wrong with people helping you it's a solid lesson that inspires Toof to go back and help her new friends this episode we also get a bit more of a Zula I liked seeing her interactions at the end of the episode especially when she faked surrendered and then attacked iro it was a revealing moment for her character overall again there wasn't much to this episode but it did have a fun premise and I enjoyed it number 37 the Ember Island players this might be the episode that is the most fun so the crew goes to see a play about pretty much the entire events of avatar The Last Airbender and it's hilarious now with this episode you need to accept the fact fact that these Fire Nation writers somehow had access to scenes and moments that were strictly between characters we already know I know in the beginning of the play they listed how they got accounts of all this information but it's still totally unrealistic once you accept that seeing our main characters react to the stage versions of themselves was great but I love how this episode also allows our characters to reflect like after Zuko portrays iro in the play Zuko uses that time to reflect on everything and how guilty he feels it's not as important but we see Ang and qara address the kiss at The Invasion for the first time and how they both feel it's a really neat moment now the reason this episode isn't higher is because at the end of the day it's still just a recap episode nothing happens here that is important at all so even though the episode was certainly entertaining I can't put it too much higher on my list number 36 sasa's master I really love this episode for Saka it begins with the main Crew putting out a big fire from a meteor and Sanka just sits there because there is nothing for him really to do he then gets upset because he feels less important than everyone I love that the show finally addressed these feelings that Saka has because realistically being a bender is such a natural advantage in life for those who aren't Benders there must be resentment towards those who are Benders Saka doesn't show resentment or anything but it's an interesting topic to explore in this world Saka inevitably finds a Master who wants to teach him how to sword fight what I love about this episode is what it's said about Saka Saka doesn't become important to the story because he's decent with the sword he's important because of his leadership and his personality he doesn't need to be a powerful Bender to be important and that's the theme of this episode now at the end of the day this episode is still pretty much a side episode it doesn't Advance the plot in any meaningful way but of all the side episodes in the series this has to be one of the better ones number 35 the drill this episode was all about destroying the giant drill and the whole battle sequence was really well done I like battles that take multiple stages to win instead of just fighting a bunch of soldiers and then doing one special move to destroy the drill the team worked works together to destroy it first they enter the drill and then they start cutting all the posts on the inside I found that to be a creative way to have this battle conclude also the fight between Ang and isula on the top of the drill was really well done so overall this episode has some really good action and a good battle sequence besides that though there wasn't anything else too memorable I mean at the end of the day it is just an episode devoted to a whole battle there was no character moments that really shine through in the episode and I guess that's why the episode isn't ranked higher it had great action but not much character work number 3 four the cave of Two Lovers this episode is Iconic for its secret tunnel song I'll give the episode this it was a genuinely funny episode there's a lot of well-timed humor in the episode some highlights are iro deciding if he should eat the plants and Ang's comments about kissing Kara also the hippie back and forth with Saka was great one aspect of this episode I quite liked was the World building with the two lovers this episode could have easily just been our gang traveling through a cave and fighting monsters so I like that they wanted to add the element of the two lovers story something about this cave being magical where if you trust in love they will let you out was a neat way to expand the world the other half the episode followed iro and Zuko and there was more here than just some funny moments with iro Zuko's story in season 2 is all about exposing him to the real world in order to go on that Redemption Arc he needs to feel the impacts of the war on innocent people I like the moments where this girl tells Zuko her dad died in the war and where she shows him her scar Zuko doesn't turn good right away but it's one more building block that prepar Zuko for his Redemption for an episode that could have easily been filler it did a decent amount quite well and I really enjoyed it number 33 the desert this episode is mostly just our characters finding their way out of the desert after losing Opa but where the episode really shines for me are with the characters with Toff unable to see Ang an emotional disarray and Saka being high as a kite qara takes it upon herself to keep the group together this episode did a great job at showing why qara is the emotional glue that keeps the group together because while Ang is the Avatar he's not really the leader of the group each member of the group excels at something and that's what makes them all feel like equals Saka is not a bender but he's a good leader and develops a good eyer strategy as the series progresses Qatar is not the most powerful Bender of the group but as I said before she's kind of the emotional glue so this episode just reinforced something about the show I already loved I also really liked seeing Ang in this state sure Ang has faced emotional turmoil in the series but but losing Opa is what hits him the hardest and seeing him struggle with that only further humanizes the character the moment at the end where he enters the Avatar state was his breaking point and it was powerful to watch this episode does follow Zuko and iro a bit as well there isn't any character work with these two in the episode but there is a bit of World building here with the introduction of the White Lotus so that was pretty cool while this episode had a pretty generic plot it does have some solid character development and other really powerful moments number 32 the earth king So this episode has us meeting the earth king for the first time and it was pretty cool I like how goofy the earth king is it added some levity to the episode and I quite like that maybe the best part for me was the action in the beginning of the episode seeing the gang storm the Earth Palace and forc their way in to see the King was awesome it's not often we see the gang fight as a complete unit so seeing it here was awesome I can't get it out of my head that these are a group of kids that are taking out the Earth King's most skilled soldiers so easily I don't know if that's a criticism or not but it's certainly an observation the second half of this episode was just okay the gang pretty much just tries their best to convince yor King that the war is real the episode ends setting up the two-part finale and it does a good job there overall this was a fine episode it had some really great action and a few moments of levity as well number 31 the boy in the iceberg here we have the pilot episode and man is this a good one what I love about this episode is how it focuses almost entirely on character and not so much the plot we are introduced to five of our our main characters Ang qara Saka Zuko and iro in the little screen time each character has we learn so much about their personalities each character has multiple moments to show what kind of person they are the episode also does a surprisingly decent job at introducing us to bending in such a short time certain characters can manipulate water air and fire some SE it as a part of their culture and others SE it as a lost art also the opening monologue from qara does a good job of telling us what we need to know again in a short amount of time there are four elements the Fire Nation is at war with the other three and there's only one person who can bend to each element simple but effective I also love the Mysteries that this episode sets up what happened to the Airbenders why do people say they are extinct it's a good way to tease the episodes to come my only criticism of this episode is that it has some juvenile humor that is thankfully dropped as the series progresses like you don't see many booger jokes anymore overall this was a fairly strong pilot for the series it focused almost entirely on character and that is important if audiences are going to be invested in the rest of the series before before I continue on with the rest of this video only 5.4% of my viewers are subscribed to this channel so if you're enjoying this video please consider subscribing for more content like this thank you number 30 the waterbending Master this episode has a lot of cool stuff in it for one the World building of the northern water tribe was perfect just like omashu with earthbending I loved seeing how the northern water tribe used water bending as a key part of the city's economy opening the doors and moving through the city stuff like that just makes the World feel more real also the whole part about the customs and traditions also adds to the realness of this place outside the World building this was really aqara focused episode and I loved it qara may be a caring kind and optimistic person but when she needs to be she can be tough I found her determination to stand up for herself and to fight pacu to be an admirable trait from her I love the line where she tells Ang she's not doing it for him but she's doing it for herself moments like that give a character agency and depth and that's important as you guys know I'm not a big fan of the UI stuff her interest in Saka feels a bit rushed but that's not a big part of the episode while there wasn't really any action besides the training I did like seeing the advanced forms of water bending we hadn't seen other water benders at this point so seeing all the new forms of techniques was cool this was a pretty solid episode that leads nicely Into The Siege number 29 Lake La guy this episode further explores the DI Lee and it's pretty cool we get more of a glimpse of the brainwashing that is done and it's pretty creepy but well done my part of this episode is the stuff with Zuko I love the speech that irel gives zuku about asking himself the big questions all season irel has been giving quotes that are absolute bangers and this one may be the one that resonates with me the most the other part of this episode follows the gang and them reuniting with jet and some of the stuff is fine I'll be honest I think Toof being able to tell if someone is lying is a bit op like sh and I get she can feel vibrations but I just think this crosses the line for me also they figure out that jet was brainwashed way too easily but besides those criticisms I thought the action during the fight scenes with the di Le was great season 2 continues to keep its aame when it comes to the action the episode ends with the gang finding apaa and it's a touching moment for sure overall this episode was pretty good I have a few criticisms but most of the episode worked for me number 28 the Avatar and the Fire Lord this episode is pretty much just 20 minutes of exposition both Ang and Zuko hear the tales of San and Roku this is the first time that Avatar has done this an episode that is pretty much all about Exposition and I think it did a pretty good job for one the backstory for both these characters was interesting seeing why soan started the war and how Roku tried to stop him adds a lot of layers to the beginning of the war also the part where we see roku's death and how zosen could have helped him but didn't was really fascinating I guess that's all I can say about this episode though the Back stories for the characters were really interesting I get how the stories are applicable to both Zuko and Ang and it's neat to see how close they become at the end of the series so yeah this episode was cool I've always loved the World building of the show and this episode did a pretty good job at expanding that number 27 San's Comet part one I may get criticized for splitting each part of San's comment into an episode on this list but as I said before if it has its own distinct chapter number then it gets its own spot on the list what this episode does is pretty much set up all tension for the four-part finale the episode establishes why it is important to stop oai before the comet because oai plans on destroying the entire Earth Kingdom Ang disappears which also sets up another bit of tension and now our crew has to find him but of course the biggest thing about this episode was Ang refusing to kill oai one complaint I do have is that this philosophy of Ang's I feel was brought up a little too late it's really my only criticism of this finale like why didn't Ang have this struggle during The Invasion what would his plan have been there now considering the four-part finale is four episodes that add up to a little over an hour it's essentially a mini movie so this episode does a good job of having momentum going into the rest of the finale number 26 the blue spirit this episode for me may have the best action up to this point in the series the entire escape sequence was really cool I appreciate how Zuko goes the whole episode mostly using his swords it's another example of the series having diverse fight sequences I also love the music that plays here I don't talk about the soundtrack of Avatar that much but here it is really cool now other than the action I love what this episode does for Zuko so an gets captured and is going to be returned to the fire lord Zuko knows this and arguably decides to risk his life to free Ang so he can be the one to capture him the reason I say risk his life is because if Zuko was caught freeing the Avatar he would almost certainly be executed when Zuko tells oai in season 3 he will join the Avatar oai tries to kill him so yes Zuko is risking his life here this episode shows to us how important it is for Zuko to restore his honor which makes him breaking it later on that much more powerful the episode doesn't do much for our main gang but I do like the moment where Ang decides to save Zuko and then their little conversation at the end I think this is one of the earliest examples of seeds being planted for Zuko's Redemption overall this was a really fun episode to watch and had some really solid character work as well number 25 the southern air Temple this was a really good episode for character development now that I think about it I feel like I'm going to say this about a lot of the episodes so Ang returns home to learn that all the air Benders are gone we see katara's mothering nature kick in when she tries to protect Ang from the truth about what happened but of course Ang finds out and eventually he enters the Avatar State what the show does excellently is convey really dark themes in a way that younger audiences can understand this episode is about the confirmation of a genocide but it's conveyed well enough for the younger viewers while the moment where Ang finds out about the Airbenders is a powerful one it's actually Zuko's story that was the highlight of the episode for me we learn in this episode that he is a banished Prince which adds a personal element to his quest to find the Avatar so he can return home I also love how this early in the series Zuko continues to show his honor even though he is the main villain and that's through his Agony Kai against Xiao every time Zuko is in an agnik Kai he shows honor something he didn't learn until the end of the series if anything this episode sets Zuko up as a co-protagonist rather than a villain and I love that about this show on the downside the fight against Xiao was not well done considering the bar for fights is set so high in this series I kind of expect more than what we got here overall this is a really solid episode with a handful of powerful character beats number 24 the headband this episode was actually a lot of fun with the gang setting Into the Fire Nation G decides to go to school to learn more about the Fire Nation for one the World building in this episode is really great you get to see how the children of the Fire Nation live and what lessons they are taught the moment where the teacher asks a question about the air Navy was played off as a joke but in reality it's a pretty dark moment that depicts how propaganda is spread outside of that I loved seeing Ang spread his energy to the Fire Nation kids the entire sequence of him dancing and helping others learn how to dance is one of the reasons I love Ang so much he's a real person and has flaws but he has such an infectious energy to him but it was certainly enjoyable this episode is also sprinkled with moments with Zuko visiting iro it was painful to watch knowing how close the two had grown in season 2 but also shows us how Zuko is spiraling a bit even though Zuko doesn't do much in the first half of season 3 it does a great job illustrating to us why he would change so even though nothing plot related happens here it's a great episode for character number 23 nightmares and Daydreams this episode was really refreshing to me I can't remember a time I've seen a show or movie depict this level of nerves before a major battle like sure sometimes we see people say they're scared but not to this level seeing Ang stress about the invasion days before was so relatable I've had similar nightmares about failing a test in school I couldn't imagine having to fight a battle so the realism of the anxiety Ang was dealing with was my favorite part of this episode besides that the episode is also quite funny the gag of apaa and Momo fighting might be one of my favorites in the series something about seeing them talk always gives me a good laugh I also really liked how juvenile Ang's dreams were like with him losing his pants it's a reminder that Ang is just a kid this episode had some Zuko stuff too which was solid character work but overall it's what this episode did for Ang that really made me enjoy it number 22 the Avatar State this was a really good start to season 2 so the two main points about this episode are fleshing out the Avatar State and establishing a Zula starting with the former I love the way they cont actualize the Avatar State one of the most important lessons of World building is that it's not what your powers can do but it's more important what they can't do having the Avatar State being triggered when Ang is under duress is a great way to limit his power because the end of season 1 did establish that when Ang is in the Avatar State he's pretty much Unstoppable I also love the thought process of the general after the season 1 finale I would be thinking the same thing as him why wait to defeat the Fire Lord when you can just go into the Avatar state right now it's another realistic question and I'm glad it was addressed the other half of the episode introduced aula and man did they do a good job right away we see what kind of villain she is she is nothing like Zuko she's clearly an evil person in a way Zuko isn't and she will be a force to be reckoned with going forward for an episode that doesn't have any major battles or anything it was a great start to season 2 number 21 the guru this episode is the penultimate episode of season 2 and pretty much everything it does is set up the finale a big portion of the episode is ang getting his training from this Guru and a lot of it is an interesting look inside another aspect of the series and that's the energy within people the story line ends with Ang seeing that qara is in trouble and leaving to go rescue her I do find that to be a bit convenient that Ang could just dig deep and see qara was in trouble it would have been really useful if he could have done that while APO was gone but the other parts of this episode I liked a lot more Saka gets to reunite with his dad and those moments are so wholesome I love seeing Saka hear how proud his dad is of him it's so rewarding for the character Toof learns metal band in this episode which was pretty cool seeing aula infiltrate the DI Le and plan her coup of the earth king was probably my favorite part of the episode again a lot of this episode is just set up for the finale so there are no big payoffs here but as an episode that is pretty much all set up it does it all brilliantly number 20 the Serpent's pass this episode has a lot to love on the character development front we get some good moments with Saka and Ang Saka is shown to still be struggling with the death of UA and his interactions with sukii reflect that it makes it feel like everything along their Journey was important which it realistically would be with Ang he is still struggling with the loss of vaa while he's a bit more positive than the last episode he is still clearly struggling I love at the end of the episode where the newborn baby gives Ang his hope back it's a great moment that reminds us that sometimes the littlest thing can bring us back to who we are this episode also showcases the return of sukii and Jet I liked both their episodes in season 1 especially the jet episode so I was glad to see them return turn here despite the character work being really solid I think my favorite aspect of this episode was the World building again Avatar manages to introduce rather dark topics like refugees and extreme poverty into the show seeing all these people displaced from the war is a reminder of how the ordinary person is affected by it not just our main Heroes this episode had a mix of everything it had good character work it had good World building and had some pretty funny moments too number 19 the firebending Masters this episode contains maybe the best look at firebending we will get in the entire series and I love it so the episode begins with Zuko struggling to firebend so he and Ang decide to go to the ancient Sun Warrior Temple to study the original firebenders just the concept of this place alone adds so many layers to the world I love the idea of these secret firebenders who don't associate at all with the Fire Nation these secret subcultures like the swamp Benders make the world feel real when zuku and meet the dragons the display of the fire was simply beautiful one of the better visual shots of the series another reason I liked this episode outside the really cool World building was seeing Ang and Zuko interact the writers understood that in order for Zuko to feel like a member of Team Avatar he needs to bond with each person in the group so having an episode where Zuko and Ang get to banter with each other was a lot of fun these Zuko Adventure episodes are some of my favorite in the series and the firebending masters with all its great world building is no exception number 18 city of walls and secrets I absolutely love the world building in this episode so for the first time in the series we get a good look at bossing a and I love how many real world elements they included here so first we have the areas that divide the City by class sure there may not be many cities that have actual walls that divide the wealthy and the poor but the idea of these areas that do separate class is realistic along with that we have the propaganda that the dial pushes they do the best to keep any mention of the war out from the city they want to maintain peace and not have anyone worry about the war the suppression of information like this is more common than some may realize also using the earth king as a figurehead is another neat idea there's so many layers to the city that is bossi and all this is accomplished in one episode besides that there are some funny character moments like with the gang going to the party I also enjoyed seeing Zuko and iro just live life as waiters at a tea shop it's such an important part of Zuko's Arc this episode had so much to love it had nice character moments but it was the World building of bosing say that makes this episode Stand Out number 17 the Puppet Master this episode was a banger way earlier in the video I mentioned that the first half of season 3 was just a bunch of side episodes and besides the beach I think this one is the best it's another Katara focused episode and we see her mirrored through Hama in a lot of ways this episode reminds me of the jet episode in season 1 we see how the Fire Nation has tortured people and turned them into to Monsters of their own the backstory of how Hama was imprisoned and being forced to survive was a haunting story what makes Qatar moral is that she will not become like the enemy and we see that in her fight with Hama a fight mind you that was excellently choreographed new forms of bending like combustion bending or blood bending I find to be so interesting and the inclusion of blood bending in this episode was a brilliant one while the beginning of season 3 has a lot of great character work I think what this episode does for qara makes it one of the better ones number 16 bitter work this is the episode where both Ang and Zuko get some training and it's really well done Ang for the first time is learning earthbending and I love how the show made this difficult for him the idea of an avatar struggling with the opposite of their natural element is a really cool idea that adds more layers to the world the way Toff teaches Ang was another excellent display of her personality what makes team Avatar so endearing is not just the relationship each character has with each other but that they're all different from one another after getting to know a Saka and qara for a whole season adding Toof and her headstrong personality was a great inclusion so with Ang I really enjoyed all his training sequences and how he was able to learn his first bit of earthbending the other half of this episode is where iro teaches Zuko about lightning and man iro has some great words of wisdom here his lesson about studying all the elements to make you a more balanced person is a lesson that is so true this can apply to anything not just bending the way iro described how he learned lightning redirection was so iro and it made makes the bending feel more realistic Zuko in this episode reaches Rock Bottom the way he yells at the weather at the end of the episode could have been goofy but it was surprisingly powerful this episode had a lot of great moments but the highlights for me was Ang's training and io's new lessons number 15 the Avatar Returns the second episode of the series is a great compliment to the pilot but I think I like it a little bit better where episode 1 highlighted all of the main characters personalities this episode showed us some real characters we see through the actions of many of the characters what kind of people they truly are Ang is always trying to make peace where he can whether it be leaving the water tribe going back to help them or turning himself in he's always trying to maintain peace with Saka while he is quite clumsy and Goofy we see he has no fear of trying to take on the entire five nationship on his own and with Zuko while he is the clear villain of the series at this point he does show some Honor by accepting Ang's offer of leaving the water tribe alone Zuko is also always ready to fight Ang himself instead of relying on his henchmen to do it for him what this episode also does is put the World building on hold and really give us some solid action the first episode didn't have any fighting so here we get to see what a bending fight is really like this is a compliment to the series as a whole rather than just this episode but the choreography of the fights are so smooth and fluid overall this was a great second episode and did a nice job following up episode one number 14 opa's lost days I completely forgot how good this episode is it's usually a tough one for me to watch because seeing animals suffer is quite hard but that's the point of this episode this episode does a fantastic job at putting Opa in the Forefront and making us empathize with him the first half the episode explores animal cruelty and the circus industry it did a surprisingly good job at conveying its message without being too preachy we see the tactics these people use to abuse and manipulate animals it's tough to watch but it's realistic sure it's quite convenient that the Kyoshi Warriors found Opa but the brief encounter here actually pays off in season 3 so I like its inclusion the episode ends with Opa meeting Guru patik and then getting captured by the DI I enjoyed how this episode gave us an update on Opa but didn't resolve the conflict of him being lost it keeps momentum for the rest of the season by wondering where he is now overall this episode definitely accomplished its goal of getting us to feel for Opa and for that reason it's a great episode number 13 the southern Raiders this was one of my favorite side episodes of the show this is the third episode of the Zuko Adventures series and this time he takes a trip with guara to find the man who killed qara and Saka mother what I love about this episode is how human qara is all series we see how compassionate she is how she's always the one trying to keep everyone together but once she learns she can find the man who killed her mother she turns to the dark side for a bit even using bloodbending on this one Fire Nation Soldier the part of the episode I like the best is when they do find the former leader of of the Southern Raiders I love how the sequence is filmed I like how it takes the perspective of this man and how he's kind of this pathetic old person the scene frames him in the victim role this allows the audience to see what qara sees when she decides to spare him it was a powerful moment and I like how qara said she didn't forgive him it's easier said than done but not everyone can forgive it was a wonderfully written episode and one of the better side episodes of the series number 12 the beach this might be the best side episode in the entire series a small part of this episode has to do with the combustion Bender attacking the gang even though it is a small part the introduction of this kind of bending was awesome it also made for some pretty cool action sequences but the majority of this episode is devoted to the Fire Nation kids and almost everything here is perfect something about seeing all of them especially aula in a normal setting was so refreshing azula's awkwardness around other kids was so entertaining to watch but it also subtly conveys the dark themes of how these children are being destroyed by war aula is incapable of acting like a normal teenage girl towards the end of the episode they all gather around a fire and spew out some of their deepest feelings and it's a great moment for each of the four characters me and tylie are supporting characters but they still get development and of course it expand Zuko and aula even further I loved this episode it has good action it tackles some pretty serious themes and it's also hilarious at times especially with Zuko and may number 11 the Blind Bandit this episode episode is entirely devoted to introducing Toth and it did so perfectly on every front is that it not only perfectly conveyed toth's personality but also gave us a deeper appreciation for earthbending I've always compared to's introduction to Avatar with Yoda's introduction to Star Wars with Yoda it was taught that it didn't matter how physically strong you were faith in the force is stronger than anything with Avatar tof's introduction taught us the same thing with bending also the way the show used tof's blindness to explain why she is such a strong Bender was brilliant now when it comes to tof's character I mean what can I say the episode showed us how headstrong she is how confident she is but also how vulnerable she is her desire to be independent is a big part of her character and I love that Avatar introduced us to that part of Toof right in her first episode this episode was brilliant it showed us who Toff was it did some pretty good World building for earthbending and it even had some pretty cool action too number 10 jet this episode is another example of Avatar bringing real world concept Concepts into the show and adapting them for kids so Jet and His Rebels are Freedom Fighters who have been radicalized they're willing to do anything to hurt the Fire Nation and that includes the Innocents what this episode teaches us is how War affects different people Saka and Qatar were able to keep a moral compass through their tragedy but jet was not even those who may be on the good side can still be evil I'm not sure I would say jet is an evil person but he clearly has a bit of a dark side in him sometimes War turns you into the very thing you want to D destroy you forget why you are fighting a war in the first place and you lose yourself in your quest to win so those are all the reasons why I love Jet and His inclusion in the series another reason this episode is great is because of sasa's development sasa's Arc is about becoming a leader and while jet is undeniably a good leader he's leading his group down a dark path Saka needs to see firsthand the importance of leading for the right reasons there's an ongoing joke about his instincts throughout this episode but it teaches an important lesson about not betraying your instincts either it was sasa's instincts that saved the town so I loved what this episode did for Saka I also like how the team didn't entirely win sure they saved the people of this Village but they didn't save the village itself showing team Avatar not getting a complete win every time is important I really liked this episode and it is certainly one of the best of season 1 Number Nine San's Comet part two there's a lot to love in this episode seeing Ang talk to some of his past lives was really neat I liked how each one basically told Ang the same thing that he needs to kill the fire lord what makes this so great is because when Ang inevitably does decide not to kill ozi it sets him apart from the rest and shows us what kind of person Ang is the other part of this episode is the rest of the crew finding iro and along the way they run into the White Lotus I love how a handful of these characters that we met throughout the series come back for the finale it's not quite the Avengers endgame teamup scene but it's pretty darn cool seeing everyone again easily the best part of this episode is when Zuko reunites with iro there's just something about how harsh Z Zuko is on himself that makes my heart swell we know iro could never be mad at Zuko but seeing Zuko think iro would hate him and then having iro hug him was such a beautiful moment it also makes me tear up each time and then when iro tells Zuko he has unquestionable honor it's so heartwarming to hear that knowing how he began the series and then the episode ends with the gang learning what their roles are it sets up the final battle so nicely this was a really good episode that leads into the final two episodes perfectly number eight the storm this episode has some of the best character development in the series sure there's an ongoing plot about a storm and Saka getting stuck at sea but that isn't too important for Ang we finally learned the reason why he was in the iceberg because the nomads were going to send him away what I love about this is how fair it is to H he's a 12-year-old kid and he's all of the sudden bombarded with this responsibility that he has to be the Avatar people are treating him differently and he's going to be separated from his Guardian you Can't Blame a 12-year-old kid for acting this way way when the whole world is about to change but regardless he still holds guilt from that and from what happened to his people Ang inevitably learns to forgive himself and he's ready to move on it's such a great backstory to give Ang the other half of the episode is devoted to fleshing out Zuko and I would argue that this part was more important even though Zuko is the villain the show makes every attempt at treating him like he is his own protagonist we learn how he got a scar and it's from a moment where Zuko showed honor it was his concern for innocent Fire Nation soldiers that ultimately led to his b banishment it was a genius decision to have Zuko acting honorably lead to his banishment because it's such a fundamental part of his Redemption art this episode did a perfect job at fleshing out arguably its two most important characters and for that reason it is one of the best episodes in the series number seven Zuko alone God this episode is so damn good besides maybe the storm this episode fleshes out Zuko more than any other the main plot of this episode is Zuko helping out a random family from the earth Kingdom while the B plot is a handful of flashbacks that show Zuko's childhood what this episode does is show us what Zuko was like before he got banished he was a good kid who unfortunately was bullied by his sister and neglected by his father of course oai would love aula more she is the more gifted fire bendor what's maybe more important however is showing Zuko's mother's influence on him she was the angel on his shoulder and when she disappeared that's when gaining ozai's approval is all that mattered to Zuko I also love how the episode intercuts Zuko's past with the Earth Kingdom family he is helping season 2 is is all about exposing Zuko to the real world and here he gets another piece of that as he sees how this innocent Town views the Fire Nation they see Zuko as evil and a monster just for being a Firebender even though Zuko saved him as much as the main plot of this episode works it's the flashbacks that truly give the episode the depth it needed Zuko's past is essential in understanding who he is and this episode does a brilliant job at conveying that number six the tales of bossing say considering this episode should have been a filler episode what it manages to accomplish is nothing short of spectacular right off the bat we all know that IR Ro's tale has some of the best storytelling in the franchise every time I watch it I get emotional and I could talk about it for hours what I love about this episode is that each taale is actually quite good even the ones that don't really matter like sakas or Momos are pretty entertaining Zuko's tale is hilarious because seeing him awkward with a girl is just so Zuko it also continues to humanize the character Ang's tale is great because it shows us more of his love for anim Ang's empathy is one of his most endearing qualities and that is on Full display here toofs andara's tale is criminally underrated because it gives us a great look at Toof seeing her reaction to those other girls was a great bit of Storytelling it shows some of tof's Personality along with her insecurities and qara being there for her was great as well every moment of this episode either has some of the best storytelling in the series or is just simply entertaining and that's why this episode is so high on my list number five day of the black Sun part one what I love so much about the black Sun invasion is that it feels like a real battle the battles I love watching are the battles that have a clear strategy behind them instead of just Mindless action that looks cool during the first half of this two-parter we get a clear strategy the entire plan is laid out and then the first part is executed with the team landing on the shores of the Fire Nation the action itself is good as always but again what makes me really love the battle is the strategy on both sides now while the battle was certainly entertaining what puts these episodes near the top of my list are the character moments we get this moment with Saka where he initially fumbles being a leader but then we see him take charge even though they do inevitably lose the battle this episode is really the culmination of Saka character Arc he becomes a leader his strategy shines through and he doesn't back down in the face of fear I love that about Saka in this episode I also love seeing how much Ang has matured he finally makes his move on qara and he flies right into the main Palace overall this episode is not only a great setup for part two but has a lot of moments to allow this episode to stand on its own and speaking of part two number four day of the black Sun part two everything I loved about part one is present in part two the strategy behind the battle is still there but I liked how our gang had to adapt when the initial plan clearly wasn't working they improvised and still thought of a plan to potentially win the day there are plenty of Great Moments with Saka qara Ang and the rest of the group but of course I need to highlight Zuko in this episode this is the culmination of his Arc and frankly the culmination of one of the best Redemption arcs I have ever seen it's not just that he decided to turn good the way he stands up to his father is truly inspiring when he called out oai for being cruel and that it's not a form of love that moment hit harder to me than him saying he would join the Avatar in some ways his Arc is just as much about him realizing he's a victim of abuse and the way he uses the lightning redirection taught to him by Ira was the perfect way to encapsulate this scene this may be my favorite scene in the show it's a tough one to wrap up this episode we see our characters lose this invasion that they planned almost a full season ago was a failure and seeing our characters have to deal with that was so mature for the show it had everything from action to character to surprise it is the gold standard furry battle sequence number three San's Comet part three this is it this is when Ang finally faces the fire lord after being set up for three full seasons the two finally go face to face and fight there's just something about the shot where Ang looks upon oai that's so powerful and then when the two finally chat and begin fighting it feels like the payoff of everything in this series I'm glad the storytellers treat this fight with the gravity it deserves not to mention that the action her is beautifully choreographed I love seeing these two fight and all the different attacks Ang has with all his bending it's hard to put into words really because the series did the leg work it just has so much weight the other part of this episode is Zuko fighting aula and just like Ang versus oai this fight has so much built up too I love how earlier in the episode we progressively see aula lose her mind it was wonderfully set up a few episodes ago and here it is paid off in short this episode is pretty much all action but it works because of everything that has led up to this moment number two San's comment part 4 what is there to say that hasn't been said this show ended pretty much perfectly sure I wish bending removal was something that was established way earlier in the show but I can look past it when everything else was so great throughout this video I spoke about how certain story beats were so powerful because of the setup behind it but if I to choose the single moment that I feel is the climax of the whole series it would be Ang being in the Avatar State bending all four elements at once this was established right from episode 1 and now it has come full circle when he is facing the fire lord it was perfect the resolution at the end was so touching I've always believed that Zuko was a co-protagonist along with Ang so seeing the two of them stand together at the end of the war was again so touching when shows end and you just want to see more that's when you know you have a winner this series was lightning in a bottle and pretty much everything in this episode was the Pinnacle of that number one The Crossroads of Destiny a lot of people throw out the phrase this is The Empire Strikes Back of their franchise but I think this episode is one of the few times that it lives up to that comparison this is the low moment for our character's Journeys and everything was done perfect first we have Zuko's internal struggle we clearly see that he is not the same person he was in season 1 but he's also not mature enough yet to fully follow his uncle's wishes I thought this episode brilliantly set up Zuko's story in season three so I love how they wrapped that up this episode also showcases Primula not only in her physical gifts as a Firebender but also her strategy the way she's able to manipulate not only the DI but also Zuko was like watching a master class this episode maybe more than anything highlights how dangerous aula is but of course what makes this episode so great is the ending in the first episode of the Season we were told that dying in the Avatar State ends the cycle and this episode ends with that fear almost being realized the whole plan to get the Earth Kingdom to invade the Fire Nation was a failure and seeing our characters fail at a season long goal they had was so Monumental I love this episode and it is one of the best season finales I have ever seen and that is the ranking of all 61 episodes of avatar The Last air bender what are your favorite and least favorite episodes of the series let me know down below thank you everyone so much for watching another one of my videos don't forget to unite the Claud Squad and I will see you guys next time
Channel: The Gold Man
Views: 65,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WEvh6VaE1i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 20sec (3860 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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