The Legacy Continues... Worship Experience (Rebroadcast)

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[Music] do [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good morning good morning happy sunday all it is your girl peacock and i'm here just to welcome you to worship this morning right here at the mount it is anniversary weekend and we are excited but let's try to figure out what we're going to do so we want you to stay connected we want to hear what god is doing in your life so remember to text your story to 71441 and that way we know what god is doing we also want you to have your gifts in here we want you to be a part of the mount we want you to share your gifts so if you're ready to volunteer text mount volunteer to 71441 continue to subscribe like share and invite and visit us at there's always something going on right here at the mount and the men's ministry presents a man perspective and that's a sports discussion that's going to talk about sports spirituality and sustainability and that's going to be sundays at 12 p.m on all mount social platforms check out these announcements right here [Music] hey hey what's up everybody my name is earl bynum i am the executive director of music workshop and arts here at the mount did you know that the mount collective has a new single well if you didn't know it's called glory to the king and it's out now on all digital streaming platforms such as spotify itunes apple music title and more in order to support the mount collective single there are four easy steps one grab your phone or computer two open up your music streaming app of choice three search for the mount collective and four download and stream thank you for your continued support and remember can't nobody beat you being you so be the best you that you can be [Music] well if you haven't done it downloaded the mount collective new singles glory to the king then what are you doing it is such amazing it will bless your life so go to the streaming platform and download that single nail and you know we always got something for our youth right here at the mount and you can stay connected by visiting the website at well like i said before it is anniversary weekend and we had a weekend chalk full of amazing things friday night we had a concert we had the legacy concert and so we had so many people in here just giving their love and spreading their love in here and singing and praising worship and here is a recap to show you exactly what happened for friday night on y'all can do better than that we are celebrating 31 years of great leadership in bishop kim w brown and elder valerie k brown god we bless you and we honor you for tonight thank you god for 31 years of ministry right here at the mountain so this is [Music] you oughta stomp your feet [Music] [Music] cause it's only a matter of time [Music] and i'm not [Music] from [Music] along the [Music] he was there all the time he was there [Music] time [Music] wait and patiently [Music] [Music] each and every day [Music] while i was still getting it together he was there when that man was punching me in my face and kicking me in my stomach he was there when the doctor said my wound was so messed up i never have a baby he was there and every day a 10 year old comes and says good morning mommy he's here right now he was there [Music] all of my life i've never known him to fail he remained the same and [Music] wonderful is his name [Music] he remains the same [Music] he woke you up this morning and he started me [Music] put food on your tail and brought you to your day aren't you glad that for 31 years his love has never changed [Music] and wonderful wonderful is his name [Music] well that was amazing and that was just a recap of our legacy concert for our pastor's anniversary we had alexis sprite latrice crawford and melvin crystal the third we had some amazing gifts in the house and that was just friday night so you asked him well what happened saturday night saturday night was our black tie affair and here is the video to show you what happened and i gave it to him i gave it to him i had to give it to him i would not be in my right mind right now and when i gave it to god [Music] he did it for me i don't know if anybody's going through anything right now but i tell you right now he is an awesome and almighty god and he is worthy to be praised in all that we go through it is for his glory and for his honor because i am able to stand here in my right mind with my son alive my baby here my husband and he says so before she leaves i need you to pray with her i said god i said and y'all know i believe in i heard my son the other day minister and he said what was so crazy is god told abraham sacrifice your son he said i just can't believe it that brother got up the next morning and took his son he said he just did it immediately well i'm gonna tell you i'm not abraham i sat there and i said okay god if this is you talking to me you got to send me confirmation in here tonight because i do not want to make a fool out of myself kiki took it there that was my confirmation god right now in the name of jesus if we don't take anything else away from tonight we take away that you truly order our steps so god before this man and this woman were formed in their mother's womb you knew that this night was a part of their destiny and their journey thank you for a spirit of obedience that would send her here thank you for a spirit of obedience that would give me the audacity to ask could i pray with them god we have no pretense [Music] we simply ask that right now you would heal them [Music] whatever pain that's unresolved because of past experiences past trauma would you heal them now would you give them the ability to not simply love each other but to love themselves and anyone god anyone that comes against what you're trying to do in their life we declare right now in the name of jesus that no weapon formed against them shall prosper and that you will silence every tongue that rises up against them god we declare that tonight because of her gift people who tuned in just to hear music are now being arrested by the presence of god in their living room in their kitchen in their car we thank you for everyone that has participated tonight and god we declare we beg of you and we petition that you would write down on everyone's record that had anything to do with getting them here the blessing of this night we call them prosperous we call them whole we call them healed we call them healthy their children are healthy their home is healthy we ask right now god that you would extend the legacy of gift that's in her so that when she stands to sing people will be arrested by the presence of god and we give you glory right now for what you're doing in their life in the name of jesus we declare it to be so in jesus name amen now look i know it's pastor's anniversary but can we stand up in here and i need you to give god glory because what the enemy meant for evil god meant it for good tonight i dare you to give god glory because the enemy got bamboozled tonight the enemy got tricked tonight ain't nobody do it like our god now we ought to say hallelujah now we ought to say hallelujah now we ought to say hallelujah [Music] well if that wasn't amazing you guys i don't know what is this was just an amazing weekend but we have not stopped kiki white was in the house and she sang and then bishop came up and did exactly what bishop does praise and we just had the opportunity to love on our leaders this weekend we're talking about 31 years of pastoring an amazing congregation and we got to love on our leaders so you guys put in the chat put some hearts up send some love to alias because we got a chance to celebrate but the party doesn't stop because it's sunday morning so you already know what that means we have more in store because today is sunday morning and sunday morning's always a blessing so we're going to keep the party going we're going to keep the celebration going stand up grab somebody get somebody in because are you ready it's time for praise and worship [Music] god bless you and good morning all over the world we are so excited as we continue to celebrate 31 years the mount unity choir and the one and only minister tracy georges come on [Music] every [Music] over everything oh [Music] [Music] away is [Music] jesus christ [Music] if [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] of the lord [Music] wonderful [Music] is [Music] [Music] the name of the lord is worthy to be praised i tell you to give god your best praise this morning [Music] and your pizza [Music] nick of jehovah [Music] yeah yeah oh we didn't come to play church today i came to give god because i have a testimony i should have been dead god but after 31 years the lord saw me before the predestination of the world and connected me to a man and woman of god to raise me up from the ashes so i got a reason don't mess with me in this church don't play with me in this church come on give him glory [Music] hey what's up everybody i'm earl bynum the executive director of music worship and arts here at the mount chesapeake i'm so excited to be here listen we got a lot going on today we are celebrating 31 years of ministry pastorship right here at the mount who are we talking about bishop kim walter brown elder valerie k brown and the brown family we are excited about this celebration so i have with me today the one and only writer of psalms 117 pastor father preacher he do it all pastor cedric ralston hey family i also have with me y'all see her have seen her all over the country directing that stella award winning choir the mount unit acquired the directors herself tanya carr hey everybody the mount unity choir has traveled all over the country and because of that we had to have someone to put that together from the buses to the hotels all of that stuff working that budget out who am i talking about aqua liaison mrs cynthia savelles hello everyone stay tuned we got a lot going on right here with us y'all ready here we go [Music] on stage with a robot on stage with robin that's just a shameless plug but uh having my interview with bishop brown and elder valerie at their house was so amazing so i pull up to this house and i'm like wow okay we're gonna work here no but uh pulled up to the house and had a conversation with them the crazy part everybody is that as a little boy i used to play for bishop brown's father at shallow baptist church so to now play for bishop brown and to have that interview and and get hired here was just amazing and i again i would never forget that first sunday that um we did sold out that was the first sunday i am so dope and it was amazing so i mean you know it's so much and y'all heard me tell a story before but it's just i've never had an experience where a pastor actually really supported the music ministry and the minister of music and the ideas and had a vision so you had something to follow that's the other piece because so often we end up in places where there is no vision that's been told us and we try to create something that may not necessarily be in line with what the vision is but to have a pastor have a vision and then you follow that vision and then out of that god just blows his super on your natural it's amazing so tanya what what you talk to me now talk to me about you said something about a moment okay so let me practice it is preface it with the thing of we knew you we knew it was a change was coming um bishop had actually before he was bishop he was passing in but he said that you remember he actually came to rehearsal one night prior to prior to this coming saying before it gets out i want y'all to know i'm making some changes and i'm putting out a job position for this position this is what i want this position to do yada yada yada the whole choir was there our music staff at the time was there so we knew the change was coming we just didn't know the who the why the wind and all the other kind of stuff so i didn't hear anything about anybody potential who it could be but i do remember on one sunday morning looking from the choir stand in the back and i'm just like i know that guy's standing in the back because we have history which that story will probably come out at some point today too um and i'm like why is earl here i know earl plays well well at least i thought he played for that church or is that this church so why is he here on a sunday morning so i just you know noticed that you were here and then we noticed that you were here here so it was it was interesting to connect those that wow wow and cynthia now my first time coming to the rehearsal you were were you the qualizon at that point i probably had just taken over from a young lady remember brenda wright i had just uh been a sign that she sort of like said you're gonna do this because i had just like i can't i can't brenda i mean she goes no yes you are because i'm done so i had just taken over that position and really didn't know how to the magnitude that it was going to grow up to be because i was just like okay make a roster put people's name on it and let them know what's going on but of course you know how far all of that went and what it blossomed to be but you know when i first uh heard of you i had heard of earl bynum but i've never seen earl bynum so i was like when i first laid out here i'm like so that's him huh and i was like okay so this is really probably where we're going and i was just waiting to see just what you were going to bring to the choir as a whole because i know we was looking for something new bishop was pastor brown was looking for something new so we was trusting him and his discernment to put someone before us wow so that's a short story about you know how this all got started where we going but listen we got more so stay tuned so in the scripture it says in psalms 117 praise the lord praise the lord but before we do come on come on ken come on come on yeah yeah yeah praise the lord all you people praise the lord all your nations praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] come on y'all praise the lord [Music] the lord [Music] [Music] praise the praise lord lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will [Music] [Music] [Music] and you know that the truth of the law [Music] mercy for finance [Music] praise the lord [Music] now listen the bible says let everything that have breath praise the lord but then that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth 31 years of legacy and we want to let you know that with our whole heart i will with my spirit i will with my soul i will say praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord praise [Music] praise the lord praise the lord [Music] with my soul praise the lord praise the lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] now let's talk about this record it's called bishop k.w brown presents earl bynum and the mount unity choir nominated for three stellars and actually won a stellar award who would have ever thought out of virginia a church choir no one knew who they were but jesus already knew the process and knew what was going to happen that we put this record together and we end up with a stellar award out of chesapeake virginia come on y'all so coming together with that record i could not do a record without this guy being a part of this record who am i talking about pastor cedric rossen man your contribution to this record just your contribution to music is amazing and there has not been a record that i have done that pastor rousen has not been a part of from solo to virginia mass to the mount everything i've been a part of i went and found this guy because he has to be a part of it doing psalms 2017 how did you come about with it we we were this was first of all talking probably 2009 and my mother was going to the store we're on our way to walmart and she was taking a while we had ham and organ down in the garage and i just started playing i remembered hearing a version of a song from psalm 17 years before but it was slow it was a ballad it didn't sound anything like it and i started playing that song and then i said i wonder what would happen if we turned this song to an anthem and out of nowhere maybe five minutes later i had psalm 117 and i taught it to our church choir and that was as far as i wanted it to go just something we would sing in church and uh i think i let you hear it once and the rest was history wow that's that's amazing i'm telling you and and the crazy part is we took this record and of course we had to you know bishop had asked do you think we could hear ourselves on radio of course my answer was yes i i believe we can so we come up with the record and you know we go out and was thinking about other producers uh cedric thompson had talked to him had talked to kevin bond i mean they're major producers and then one day i'd never forget it but nita bellamy and and i go and say earl you can produce this record well you know i mean i've been around it but i never thought about you know you gotta get up there i'm a choir director i i do what tonya do you know but went on and produced the record and and we came together got the bellamy group out of nashville uh got got ebony funderberg to work the first record took her off of it and then ended up getting april washington who was april washington chandler now and the first song to hit radio was bless the name of jesus now that was around the same time on radio was uh my god is awesome so it was the same type of song but y'all may not know this but radio 1 lord forgive me i hope y'all will play us now would not play us okay and still god blew on it and it reached number 28 in the country and billboard magazine call like who is this squad cause that is not the norm to not have like a radio one not on a record and you still reach billboard but again god whatever god has for you it is for you so you know coming together with all that tanya what was your take on that cause you took on a lot you directed every song from the record you had to help teach the material all of that how was that experience for you it was a lot in short um but like you talking about the logistics that goes behind it of knowing you know how many rehearsals i remember us having a meeting before it actually we told everybody and it's just like we just gonna have to do two or three rehearsals a week and i'm just like what no that's too much but um the hard work and energy that we put into this album you can definitely tell it um and it was all worth it at the end of the day man that's awesome and you did an incredible job and you still do an incredible thank you i learned from the best yeah come on from the doctor if y'all don't know me and minister earl go back to when i was in college he was my choir director so again this thing got some some completing the circle and coming back around and connecting people in in your destiny guys so crazy i was at old dominion university hired as the choir director what many people don't know aisha mccullough mom hired me at odu who's the founder of the choir at old dominion university and going there tanya was a soprano in the choir as a student at odu and i'm the choir director so that's amazing now once we did this record y'all the other piece is you you had uh that song then the second song that hit radio was i have no doubt and that song just took off on its own you know and then you saw people around the country singing that as well as bless the name of jesus and then here come another song it's not normal to have so many songs going to radio but we we we believed in this and then psalms 117 a type of song that you would think to put on radio hit radio it's not a radio song right and april chandler said she had a dream about psalms 117 and she woke up this is no lie she called me she said earl i had a dream we have to put psalms on 17 on radio that's how it got on radio and next thing we know people singing it from erica campbell her church to the national church of god in christ with dr judy mcallister for their national convocation and all of that i said that to say now with cynthia savelles how were you able because from there we took trips after trips after trip we hit the road with a bus full of people we went across the country sometimes with two buses how were you able to put all of that together from the buses to the hotels how was that for you well it was a lot of work i'll say that much too um you know the relationships we have within our church within the mount itself we have agape tours we have april washington we have all those guys who i actually connected with and they kind of like gave me some you know routes and references and i just started um talking to agape and you know they were actually my bus of choice my transportation of choice and he just told me and he was so wonderful to work with he said um cynthia whatever you guys need us to do or need me to do i'm there for you um he he gave us a lot of discounted prices and everywhere we had to go i would hook up with the hotels talked to the hotel managers told them who we were told what we were trying to accomplish got blue on them and blew on that process and we just got i mean favor favor on for everything that we tried to do prices rooms accommodations and they when we arrived at these destinations they treated us like royalty they did they really did when we told them that we were a stellar award one they treated us like royalty and so i just thank god for those relationships that he built to give us what we had because we had a mission you know and we we accomplished that mission everywhere we went yeah and you know what's so crazy you guys everywhere we went we didn't have to worry about anything we pull up to a hotel cynthia savelles got off the bus we stayed on the bus she comes back we got all our keys all our room assignments everything i mean she was like she was our role manager she was everything yeah and she did the job and kudos to you on what you've done because you are part of the history making of this mount unity choir i'm telling you tanya you are amazing at what you do you still are i call her the girl director east coast finest she does what she does i'm telling you because even i remember when um uh uh what's the guy did the vocal camp for us uh asaph ward was like that girl on point she got them she like come on so you you know i'm amazing and pastor said all that you've done and you continue to do man you have helped to make our name known to the music world because of one song psalms 117. so the mount is written in history in the music industry and it will never be forgotten bless the lord bless the name of the lord bless the name of jesus we thank god for this song we thank god for bishop and elder trusting us enough to represent them on the road in the music industry god is so faithful bless the lord o my soul and all within me every day it's joy knowing you as savior and lord i'm reminded as i reflect upon your goodness your love and your mercy endures [Music] forevermore bless the lord of my soul and all within me every day it's joy knowing you receive your lord i think i'm reminded as i reflect upon your goodness oh lord you come forever more so bless the name [Music] he's wonderful counseling oh almighty god and the prince of the god who [Music] deals with [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] and he removed all my [Music] oh bless the name of the lord [Music] [Music] he's still [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] you are is [Music] bless the name [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] come on put your hands and where together are [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you know god has been so good to us as we stand here and we remember time after time blessing out the blessing favor after favor we know that none of this we could have done without a visionary we thank god for the life of bishop kim walter brown you see me you see the choir but none of this could have been done if he didn't believe but not only that he had a woman walking beside him not behind him but with him speaking into his life as well knowing that it was more and the thing about elder y'all got to understand is once you have discussed one project she's gone on to the next and we love her for that because she got faith you talking about faith the size of a mustache she's a faith walking woman and we thank god for the best first lady in the nation i would put her up against anybody and i guarantee you she gonna shut it down [Music] so we love the brown family we love them sister kimberly who does all that she does we thank god for her and to see her to grow into the woman that she has become walking in her destiny and we cannot forget about that brother lj pastor lj one of the coolest pastors in this world we thank god for him and first lady dr keisha brown and then the legacy that they leave because of the grandkids can you imagine i'm telling you this weekend we celebrate legacy y'all oh my god if you don't learn anything else learn from the browns how to create legacy that shall never die come on somebody ought to praise god right there [Music] so on behalf of me bishop and elder and the brown family thank you for trusting me enough to just play a little part in your life and your ministry i won't forever be grateful for all that you have poured into me i shall never forget meeting the first time at your home from this day forward you can count on earl bynum to be there for you i love you guys and y'all it's just 31 years i'm waiting to see 32 come on [Music] bless the name of jesus oh my soul oh oh bless the name of the lord oh oh bless the name of jesus oh my soul so [Music] [Music] bless the name of the lord [Music] [Music] so pastor said minister earl was talking about psalms 117 not being a radio song and as he was talking about it i was literally thinking in my brain as a writer of a great piece of work like that how do you feel when you see that the national church of god in christ is singing your song and that so many other people have like taken what we started and just blew it up yeah i remember the morning so i often stream uh either live stream or catch at the potter's house right in their replay and i remember the sunday i streamed in and to my surprise heard the song being sung and i'm like i don't i don't know if i text you or what but it's like it's surreal and it's surreal because you know and i think this is the spirit of this record we didn't set out to try to be commercial we really just set out to to do what was on our hearts to fulfill the vision of bishop uh and and so when you see those kind of things happen it's like wow to see how god will breathe on good intent you know when your motive is right it's like god does the rest so it's been amazing to see and particularly with the piece that you raised about the whole anthem piece or it not being a radio song you know and i say this now to so many people i said you know don't write for radio when you go into the writing process trying to write for executives you're gonna miss the greater ministry moment just write what's in your heart and then let the professionals take it and tailor it to fit what needs to happen well this song is proof of that i think had i known from the get-go that it could have been a radio song i probably would have chopped it up done something different so we went into it knowing blessed the name of jesus would probably be the first and i have no doubt would probably be the second if we did a second so then i was free to just say hey take this song let's just make it the first song on the album to introduce the choir and the rest was history so yeah it's surreal to me and i can also remember hearing bishop saying throughout the process y'all i want us to what we do on sunday morning i want to be able to put it on the cd so somebody can put it in the car and if they can't see us if nothing else they'll be able to hear us i remember him saying that over and over again so that's just awesome how that kind of all played together and you know what else is crazy saying that do y'all understand that we did over 12 seasons of insp inspirational network i still remember bishop hezekiah walker calling me and he says earl i'm like shocked he calling me first he's like man can you tell me somebody said what how y'all get on insp i said god literally it was god i still remember a guy a family coming to our church one sunday morning i was not even here someone connected to cbn was having a conference they came here for sunday morning i wasn't here and the choir sang somehow they got connected to bishop or someone and they said i want to talk to minister music they said well the minister music ain't here they said the choir sound like that without him being here so wanted to kudos to tanya because when i left she was in charge and so then um i got a call from him he wanted to meet with me come to find out he was having a conference there was a lady coming in the lady from insp who booked all the talent and said she wants to meet you i i think y'all need to be on insp inspirational count meeting go to meet with her me and her sat on the couch in the hallway of cbn she said my assistant will be calling you and booking you and the rest is history we went year after year episode after episode and and let me say this the reason we kept going may not be that we were so good but they said they've never worked with choirs who never gave them a prop and we didn't give them a problem we showed up did what they asked us to do and that is also uh showing from our leader that's from the leader down that comes from bishop brown we knew how to act because we knew how we wanted to treat people when they came here so we were representing not only bishop but the mount and jesus christ so there is a way so i was just honored that we that was the reason they kept bringing us and we're still getting played and we're still getting played even today y'all today somebody called me from new york saying look i woke up y'all on tv three o'clock in the morning come on but it goes back to the point when your motive is right yes god will do the rest of the work he will do the work and then wait a minute not only that we've been on b-e-t bobby jones gospel that's now written in history because it's no longer but we made it millions didn't they yeah the ones who did come on god has done we are a baptist choir you all got to catch this we have baptist church baptist choir get invited to the national church of god in christ convention we were there come on now speaking of all the awards you know we talked about we the bet awards uh we i think we were part of the uh dmv music awards who won that the iga awards the texas music awards and y'all steve harvey best church choir hoodie slash neighborhood awards um cynthia you got to talk about that we went to texas sitting there where we in texas are vegas it was las vegas we were up against some powerhouse church squads across the country yes and who would have ever thought thank you theresa brown in 95 7 because that's where it all started for y'all to call in about them votes and we flew to vegas uh i mean even the church was nominated bishop got nominated so much cynthia how was it when they called our name and the best church choir is of course he said mount la burnham i know i'm like can you read sir you don't read the bible so it's about lebanon mount lebanon baptist church how was that for you you know i i don't think i can even do justice with even talking about it right now because i have the pictures in my home to prove that it happened but to absolutely sit in a place where the spotlight comes and just shines on you and mount lebanon baptist church choir won an award and i i just was in shock i was amazed that like you said a church in chesapeake can go out there and represent and and just beat the the largest hitters out there in you know the church choirs and things i remember el davao saying something to us when we won the stellar was she was like i am just so proud of you guys as a whole as to what you've done and how you have represented mount lebanon unit of baptist church and we represent them because they are such an awesome set of leaders that empowered in us what it took to get us to that place so we didn't do it by ourselves first god but following their leadership actually put us in position to have the stamina to be the leaders that we need to be to get us to that place and i just thank god that i was part of that that moment it was like you said it could never ever be erased exactly because it's down in history yeah and i i just thank god for the opportunity to represent my church yeah and my leaders and and you know not only that when we left there it's crazy because back-to-back years the next year we were at the stellar war and i remember sitting there and they were calling them names and and it was crazy so you just sitting there and they said they said the mount unity choir and i'm looking and and lj uh elder all them was right there with me and i grabbed out i said come on come on so me and elder went to the stage but it felt good to have first lady elder valerie brown standing there with us you know and and even though bishop wasn't there as some people say well bishop wasn't there no he was there because elder was there so here's the part that you're going to know that night um i was with bishop okay in revival yeah in revival i'm on the organ he just got finished preaching his cell phone goes off and alma bear brings him his phone and he actually think he he was he picked up the phone he literally got on the phone while on the stage and got the news and he announced it to the church and the whole church went up in i mean it was pandemonium that night because we had heard because y'all have to understand that's a first here it is so it wasn't just the mounts of war that was virginia's war yes that was seven that was and we literally just rallied behind i will never forget that moment i was with him when he got that phone call enough said enough said i mean wow thank y'all for being a part of this great legacy known as the mount yes yes yes come on praising right where y'all are listen there was a song it simply says there are some things i'm going through i can't even begin to tell you i have no doubts [Music] i can't even begin to tell [Music] now [Music] come on [Music] for the declaration [Music] [Music] [Music] but a declaration of victory [Music] [Music] my confidence [Music] don't you know my confidence [Music] i know [Music] listen listen we have no doubt today because i still remember a story where the devil thought he was going to take bishop out but he's yet here come on y'all so we're celebrating and we say [Music] i have no [Music] he's gonna bring me he's gonna bring me out he's gonna bring me out he's gonna bring me up [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's [Music] [Music] [Music] is you for keeping me thank you for loving me thank you for holding me thank you promoting me he is [Music] [Music] i know [Music] has he done it before can he do it again i tried him and i found out late one night that god was able he raised me up yes he did he brought me over before the devil took me under i know he's able i know he's able i know he's able i know he's able i know he's able i know that i that i know that i know he is able won't he do it won't he do it won't he do it i ain't gonna go there but won't he do it yes he's able hallelujah hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory to your name thank you god for 31 years of a ministry that can never be erased it is so and so it is hallelujah we've got the victory we've got the victory we've got the victory we've got the victory the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is alive the devil is alive god is in control [Music] wow i'm having so much fun with you all thank you all so much for being here listen let's talk about the legacy of the browns now cynthia you are out of all of us probably been around the legacy the longest talk about your experience well i hope that's a good thing but anyways um we were living in virginia beach at the time and this was back in 2005 and um we had uh woven them we were looking for a new church at the time and you know we had heard about mount lebanon missionary baptist church um from a couple of people so we decided to check it out my husband and myself and at that time my kids were like five years old and eight years old it was really really crazy and we actually visited at 860 the the the brick church that's on the lot at 860. and um you know i remember it being hot in there because it was small people were crowded around the wall standing around the walls and i would say within about six months of us visiting the church we marched actually marched down to the new church at 884. i had never been a part of something like that of all the years of going to a church you know i felt like we were really making history because i feel like i was like in martin luther king's march you know so i mean we walked we went into the church and you know the the members just you know started praising and worshiping god it was such a momental occasion and you know i at that time lj was small i remember him sitting in the back of the church with his relaxed stick you know stance and you know had braids in his hair and kimberly was young right around the age of my oldest son justin and bishop you know pastor brown at that time you know he had all the chairs on the on the of the pulpit at that time all the old things that we do in the baptist church and you know just to see the transition from then to where we are now and the visions that he had then because he spoke about them but they came to fruition as we went on and on and you know even talking about his visions for the album it started years before it was actually put into you know implementation with yourself and he always wanted that to happen and he spoke it and he kept speaking it and i i truly believe that he was like we're going to do this because god put it on his heart and it actually like you said god breathed on his visions and here we are today wow that's amazing i mean that's really amazing so you were at the first building yes yes to the second now to the third yes and you've been me i've been here yes you know one of those cornerstones that's me now tanya also you because you came i think in 2001 or something 200 200 no no cause i came in 2008 and you were here before me right 2000 june 2001 sorry okay talk about your experience um so my new partner's class was at 860. so 860 was still around and we were still using it for stuff um but we were in 884 um again dated myself 20 years wow um young adult in her 20s coming to church seeing the differences like you said i remember the sunday that pastor brown took the the chairs out of the pulpit wow wow no programs i mean come on y'all we oh those of us old school baptists no programs no nothing you just walked into church sat down i saw people just getting up going to give it was something new to me as a young adult but i was just like wow is it really you know that much freedom to church not the pomp and circumstance we got to do this we got to do that so to literally see someone say well you know why we got these chairs in a pulpit you know and see that transform transformational change in him and to see him be a part of worship service because let's be real how many pastors actually participate in worship service they come up maybe what five ten minutes when the choir is singing that last song before they say they preach their word so again as a young adult that was very impressionable to me because i had never seen that before and it made me think okay well one thing i truly thought that he cared about the people that it was that he was serving um and so to see see that transformation happen i mean it would be sundays where bishop couldn't preach um and i don't think i think it was new for everybody like because you could literally see see it in his face that he didn't know what to do with the situation so as those situations would multiply and happen and again his his just overall exumaries and support like you said for the music ministry itself you don't see that all the time from from from your pastor um it's kind of just like the business as usual oh i gotta have you know this musical piece um to church but for him to be so involved um so lighthearted always you know just popping in i'm coming in and singing i can remember several rehearsals him popping in and him you know mocking me for directing you know when i got to that part um you just don't you don't get that that all the time so to see him grow i say all of us grow together in this ministry walk and like you say i forgot about that he has he had always talked about us then again that's that i want to take what we do on sunday morning and bottle it up so he had talked about that right before you got it but it's all in god's timing that's amazing and his leadership wow and and continue continuing to speak of legacy i want to even ask pastor said because you're now a son of bishop brown so even talk about you coming into that piece with him you know the thing that amazes me the most is particularly that time my thought was for bishop to have so many partners why would he want to pass to pastors like you ever have enough people wow why give of yourself and yet that was probably never a struggle for him he and elder have always poured into sons and daughters many have come some have gone but they have always been and in my case they poured into me even before we came into covenant that's really how we got into covenant because they were so liberal and giving and i was thinking as as they were sharing about just the evolution of ministry and i was like you know it's amazing because he's always been evolving so when we look at the changes that we see happening now and how cutting edge the ministry is now and doing things if you really look at it he's always been doing that in in context and so what's amazing to me is to see how bishop and elder have managed to embrace apostolic ministry without having to leverage pastoral heart and connection to the people they are still pastoring the people here while also apostolically covering leaders from around the country that is amazing and that takes to talk about that level of uh you know literally an ambidextrous anointing to have on one hand do this and on the other hand do that only literally only a man woman of god like bishop and elder could really balance that the way they do and everybody fell apart and i'm glad to be a part of that wow gods i mean you've heard it right here they've given the history and the legacy of what what you all have seen you you heard it oh man that's amazing and and i'm just glad to be a part of the legacy of the history because what it can never be erased so i'm glad about that so thank you again for y'all tuning in and being with us as we share with y'all the legacy the choir the music the awards the tv shows the writing the director the booking agent all of that together god mount unity choir we love you we thank god for you because you can never be erased so i want to say to all who are watching remember can't nobody beat you being you so be the best you that you can be it was it was it was so good to see the choir again you know so many faces that we have not seen in so long right i'm looking as you know as a new face popped up on the screen each time i'm like oh my god i remember her i don't know what the name is but i remember her you know but how was that for you let us know in the chat first of all thank you all for watching like this is 31 years we're still celebrating 31 years of ministry [Music] absolutely absolutely i want to know like for anyone who's watching like what has been your favorite part of this weekend experience already let us know let us know what it is that you've enjoyed what it is that has been an encouragement to you a blessing to you as i said already like the choir came back in full force okay because earl didn't have to do us like that they didn't have to shift the room like that real quick okay okay come on now listen listen it got real thick in here for a second real in here listen listen so friday night uh was was great we had like some amazing musical guests we had uh leticia crawford we had uh uh melvin chris bell the third i liked that spike listen it was a sunday best reunion up in here okay it was like all out crazy like we literally had the most amazing time last like friday and then okay saturday that was a whole nother experience because we were able to see some of the people who have been a part of michigan's elders journey throughout these 31 years we were able to connect with people from uh you know pastors but golfing buddies you know we got we got the record straight because you know i i said last night that one of the things that we only got to hear one side of the story okay we only got to hear about one perspective when it came to golf but they they made it straight they made it real simple last night that you know bishop got a little bit juice on the gold court but he got all the juices what i heard okay well but but so and then of course we had kiki white did you catch that i did kiki blew the house down and i'm a huge fan so i just felt like she just she set the tone in the room and then bishop did exactly what bishop did and prayed the house in but can we talk about that moment for just just a little bit you know in this time where you know we're literally celebrating him what do you think it might have meant for her who wasn't even expecting a moment like that and what is that because for me to see that it was a reminder to me that any moment god can send somebody with a word for you and you know what i have to appreciate and this is one thing that i love about our bishop and our first family is that when god tells him to do something he gonna do it it doesn't matter the atmosphere yeah he is always going to be a good steward of what i have told him to do and if that means praying for you me whatever the case may be he is going to be his authentic self and i just love him so much for that that it didn't matter that she was kiki why it didn't matter god said do and he said i'm going to be obedient and do what i came to do absolutely and we were celebrating him it was it was that was their celebration and he stepped right into the role that he was you know given to do but that's a word of encouragement for all of us i don't know what it is that you might be going through i don't know what it is that you're dealing with i don't even know what it is that you might be facing but i pray that god sends somebody with a word for you somebody to pray for you somebody to help you stay encouraged in this time because listen you know the thing about this pandemic is we don't get the benefit of being able to see each other all the time to check on each other so you know people might be going through and i don't know again what it is that you might be dealing with on your starting friends that god says somewhere strong friends even if it's just a word encouragement sometimes what has helped me through this whole thing and not being able to touch people and really reach out i just kind of just send them something a text just to be like absolutely i love you hey i'm thinking about you hey i miss you because sometimes that i love you goes a long way yes absolutely so speaking of a long way and we were talking about this a little bit earlier as far as like our journey here because you know last night people were kind of reflecting on how they got here how they knew the browns so i i mean i'm gonna share my story but i want to hear about what your experience was how did you get to the mountain and you know peacock and how we got here so people right so i was done with church like done with church i was like i'm over church i don't want to do it i just didn't want to do it so it was like 2010. and my friend at the time we made a bed she was trying to get me to come to the mountain and i was like no and she said if you lose this bet you got to come to church with me the next sunday morning and i lost the bed and i had to come to church and i remember i sit way in the back by camera three and i lost the bet and i was blown a way that's when earl had the cornrow straight back and bishop i remember getting on stage and they blessed a random person i said he looked just like t.i and because it was such an amazing event and i just like i had a concert and the bishop came and grabbed the word and i was like this is not church this is something else and so the first few months of me coming to the mountain is only because i was being nosy and i didn't want to miss anything wow and then i just i fell in love i remember the first conversation that me and elder had and i was like she's bad i was like come on god and i just immediately wanted to be connected and so i just i just fell in love with the house i fell in love with the atmosphere i just fell in love with the mountain i have been here ever since and people ask me all the time is peacock my real name so i got to tell you how i got that okay please so i we used to have cash when we house the homeless for one week one week a year and i remember i was working casting we were doing haircuts for the homeless and that particular night bishop and the first family was there and he asked me he was like what do you do for a living i said i'd do hair he said well what makes your chair or you different than any other silence i said i'm like a peacock i said my attitude i was like i don't demand attention i just get it i said when you come in my when you come in my chair and you come in my atmosphere it's like an experience he said peacock i like that ever since then he's been calling me peacock right how do you think he thinks i don't think you know my real name listen most of us didn't know it okay if it wasn't for facebook i don't i don't think that people stopped me but hey pick up and now i just i i totally just own it my necklace peacock my salon is called literally and so i have just owned it so people know me peacock and that's just what it is wow how did you get here because you've been here since i mean uh let me see it was somewhere in between bill's near right 20 yeah somewhere between like 1975. hold on now dial it back okay all right i'm going to take take some of them letters out your name uh but i think for me my journey started late 2005 but definitely for sure 2006. um i had a friend of mine at the time i was in college at elizabeth c state university and a friend of mine was a son of pastor anthony rawlings which is one of bishop's covenant sons and so he had mentioned the mount and one sunday i just got up and i just drove to chesapeake just literally drove to chesapeake and i just remember sitting in the sanctuary like wow like this this is church but this is different like this is different and i was there for the very first well my first is a car where bishop neil ellis gave the word that bishop would not have just one lie so i've been here for a couple years and it's been absolutely amazing and obviously you know been able to grow in ministry and benefit from the things that i've learned it has been amazing and we just appreciate you guys this morning for tuning in and just being a part of this celebration 31 years you guys if that's not big news i don't know what it is we get to love on the people that love on us and they do it so just so with a great heart i'm just so blessed to be connected absolutely all right we got i think we might be coming to the end of this going on so let's go ahead and transition to k2k studios yes good morning good morning i am your host patrick williams we are here playing games with the family and with the brown family that is so we have two games that we're going to play so we have the brown family over here to my right and we also have the site pastors over here so the games that we'll be playing is taboo and culture tech so the first one is taboo i'll get a representative from each team to come to the front and they will pick up a card we'll be doing the orange side so you'll pick it up like this and face it towards away from your team i'll be the guy those of you that are at home put in the chat say patrick is the guy i'm the one with the buzzer so i'll be in their ear if they say one of the words that are on the card one of the taboo words then they will hear the buzzer and the other team gets the points but they still can continue to pull cards you have 60 seconds right here so please make sure y'all watch the the sand because i don't want to get thrown off all right here we go uh brown family i'll leave it up to you all we're gonna toss no coin who want to go first y'all want to take it or you want to throw it over to the site passes we'll let the site pass this guy okay okay all right sight passes you all ready we got scripture okay the first shall be last all right all right come on let me get a representative up here all right all right go ahead and go uh sand is the shape of a [Music] oh y'all look good um [Music] sheesh if you don't know the answer is a question come after that yes a what what um the rest of y'all playing under the water she's a lady there you go there you go um um wow it often shows that you got cancer it's a x-ray hello you you're acting out right are we gonna show us all right all right so the site pastors have five yeah all right that was a good round all right yes sir all right time starts now okay uh you walk through it sometimes it's connected to a breezeway um we got we hit a button elevator hold up hello keep going keep going keep going you can come back i hate to do that to your business [Applause] oh it starts with the letter hilarious [Music] sometimes you have to put it come on come on come on substitute teacher teacher replacement um substitute you can say more in one word oh nobody um young kids don't want to do it no more i mean play outside put it outside no no no no it's off to the side it off to the side dry dishes no washing dry clothes no it's off to the side it's off to the side you put suds in it uh it's off to the side when you're not telling when you're not being honest out of time all right so you got four yo i'm the host here sir they got four thank you alright um i need i have a bow that i need to put in a buckle when you as a class when you're a boy scout you learn how to um it's you people get confused with sympathy but yep oh then when you have something that you need to place in the mail you got to put a gun um he think he he he ego um um when you have a pie you have to put it pan how do you cut what is the triangle called a slicer yes a slice wow um we have these you just killed them it had some bees in it wasp somebody said it kj was so hype when i came to the house and he started playing tackle he has a hit um all right six six six all right so that wraps up taboo that wraps up taboo what's the score what is the score back here [Applause] yeah all right so now all right so now we have culture tags and these culture tags are phrases that you will hear around the mount global fellowship of churches so it's not at one particular church um it could be at all the kansas campuses no it's all right he can see that that's all right all right so here we go they're going to come up on the screen and we're going to go with them because it's their turn i mean y'all was next up all right so here we go you got 10 to guess so you got 60 seconds i'm gonna use this timer right here got sick 60 seconds to guess all right starts now okay not just yet all right is there anybody getting in this game i know but is there somebody giving a description from a city little boy born from portsmouth come on okay yes sir yes sir all right it's a particular book i heard all right they say this all the time t-shirts all different kind of stuff it's in the text card that's your church all right so um this is the um bishop says this a lot you it don't matter cause that's time okay all right all right so that's it so we'll set those aside y'all that's all gonna continue to go all right so y'all got one two three four five five yeah we'll go with the next one we'll go with the next one you gotta turn it all right here we go oh boom church is supposed to change lives come on bishop come on come on all right next he started this stuff wait wait wait we need to get on the track y'all got him hold on hey y'all got him uh confused hold on y'all went pause i think it's the middle one you just put yeah yeah that's my last game i'm playing yeah i already got five from one notice we ain't doing it this year we still okay all right cool all right bishop says it all the time it's a call and response i'm preaching better than y'all saying um all right um you learned this well i know i learned it at mit um and when you're preaching some people say it uh when you're trying to bring your point home when you're trying to preach when you're preaching and you're trying to make well how many clues you're gonna get paid all right um so this happens when bishop is preaching and he says it's another call and response shout cue on the way that's it all right this is a particular location and they said the brakes on fire come on time time all right time is up how many do we get how many we get [Music] so what was the one what was the one tr we didn't nobody knew the relevant questions [Music] no that's right all right so we need a tiebreaker thank you all so much for joining us for these two moments stay right there don't leave don't go nowhere because we got another game for you wait a minute who put oatm on a side look you take that out it's tied up and we go that way or they can still hear us we can play what is this one right here because that was no good on that it's another call and response bishop says y'all online at and you can catch up on youtube and all of our social media platforms we are excited we just are loving on our bishop and our first lady so drop some hearts in the comments we are excited we are so very much excited for this event we are ready we hope you're ready so get up go wake somebody up text somebody call somebody and tell them that they do not want to miss this this is the celebration of the 31st pastoral anniversary bishop ken brown elder valerie brown and the first family you guys we have so much in store we have all our site pastors here because you know there's more than one location so we have our site pastors here we just get to love on our bishop and we definitely want to hear your story so you definitely want to tell text your story to 71441 so we know how god is moving in your life and if you have any questions or you missed anything from this weekend anything you can go to our youtube page and check out from our friday night um the legacy concert to our black uh black tie event on saturday and then today's worship service and minister earl already took us in this morning with praise and worship and we had our unity choir right here in the building we got to see some familiar faces and then they just played a game in between and i had i had minister robert cooper here and we were just kind of talking about what we had going on it has just been such an amazing amiss and i'm just so blessed to be here you guys and be a part of it so again throw your location in the comments so we can see where you're checking in from throw some hearts up for bishop and elder cause you just want to love on them and again share your story to 71441 and of course if you want to be a part of this great great great fellowship in this house you can do that too and you can always of course volunteer you could text mount volunteer to 71441 and you could be a part of this great ministry so you got to tell us what was your favorite part put on the comments what's your favorite part text text somebody tell them what your favorite part was just let us know what you have going on in this wonderful sunday you guys it is just such a pleasure to be here and we're so glad that you woke up with us this morning and that you're here because you could have been anywhere in the world and you're here with us and we thank you for that again my name is peacock and i'm here just to bring what i could do and do what i could do best you guys and just to be a part of this event again you can follow us on the the our social media platforms that you could get keep stay connected i said all right stay connected at the mount and you can visit us on instagram we got a facebook wherever you want to find us we are here and we are ready so guys guess what it's about that time it's it's time to tune in and get ready to stand up get up call somebody text somebody like scribe so share tag somebody in this post because it's time you guys to start this wonderful event so put your hands together yell and scream it is time to celebrate our bishop and first lady 31 years you guys of pastor and being 31 years of awesomeness and we just can't wait to see what god has in store so y'all get ready it's time all right i think we are back live here in k2k studios and uh listen we're back for another set of games one of our favorites you know well somebody's already ready to start okay uh but we're back for a game of jeopardy and uh i got some folks here today that you might be familiar with so let's see who we have here it looks like okay i see kim brown there how you doing today sir all right outstanding and we have we have valerie with us and she looks like she has some help all right and we have kimberly all right beautiful we're going to hop into jeopardy because as you know sometimes jeopardy is can be long but we're going to get through this today it's going to be a great game yes yeah yeah okay all right uh you know just because you know we like you you have the honor of selecting the first category today sir okay starting big this is the original name of nope okay all right state college no all right you can take it oh i'm sorry what is norfolk state college all right no one gets points for that the correct answer is what is norfolk poly technic college come on behold all right back to you sir um all right this university was the first fully supported four-year institution for african-americans in the united bishop what is anyone else perhaps someone working on our board what is virginia state university oh that is correct that is correct all right wow that's amazing okay first female candidate of the united ken brown that is correct who is shirley who is but that is also correct listen [Applause] all right please describe those points to kimberly thank you all right um your selection category yes um can i have mount themed defined alex for 400. okay the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid it's some tricky stuff right here this is someone you know i will personally take that that's not necessarily what's written here but i would take that well what's written there what is the year of evidence all right the number of months that have 31 days all right green light first what is five um yellow light was nick what is seven that is correct that is correct 31 for 300 please he was the 31st president of the united states before you gave up alex what who is hoover that is correct man i really wanted to finish that question out you wanted to just to emphasize you know all right next one 31 for 500 please alex there are 11 315 in the legacy alex what is partners in the congregation green light what is days i'm gonna take that that is i'm gonna work with that what are days in 31 years yeah i would give them that beautiful outstanding back on you sir pilate set him free in place of jesus who is barnabas i mean barabbas yeah well what you which is barabbas i got that thanks back to kimberly i mean your first answer is the one i i'm waiting for the screen all right okay i'm gonna leave the bible alone and go back let's go uh 31 for 100 please all right this ice cream chain is known for its flavors alex what is baskin robbins that is correct outstanding category uh hbcus 400 please martin luther king jr received his ba in sociology at this college the first answer what counts you're gonna give me barabbas if you don't take that from him the first answer is what counts is what you just said that is that is correct [Music] just be consistent look at it look at alex just be consistent that's all i think i heard uh i heard one person say what is um elder um you can select the category i'm sorry what happened never mind what are you saying alex what what category would you just go to bible for 400. yes yes yes i was also i was also known as cephus who is stephen all right so anyone else oh yes i felt it all the way over here i felt it all the way over here okay all right good bishop the category is yours to choose from [Music] all right the shortest book of the bible i can see me too me too but i'm not i'm not gonna mess up my listen if you think you got it in the chat drop it in the chat you can play a part of this experience as well [Music] [Music] all right so i wanna so let's go ahead and let's go ahead and reveal the answer all right this is what is third john okay what is third john all right uh category is yours to choose steel yeah let's go ahead and clear it out when carlton and the vagina instead ran to this city all right no y'all stress y'all stressing me out y'all stressing me out listen okay listen i i i listen i don't thought you know no none at all because the test that we had to take for mit you you you you had the question your whole life okay i don't i'm afraid to tell you what i scored but i got my license all right so uh the answer is where is tarshish all right uh you want to clear out the bible for 100. okay a notable scientist astronomer and inventor commissioned to help lay out washington d.c i don't know why y'all keep picking these categories that is correct who is benjamin banneker all right category is yours to choose again all right a harlem theater that showcases african american talent that is correct back to back man oh man all right so listen this game is going well we got a few more categories to get through it's on you again sir now you're trying to take the lead a sudden cry or remark especially expressing surprise anger or pain don't forget think mount themes what is hey [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] what is x the year of exclamation that is correct all right you can afford 500. 600 el davao is you to choose category which one mount things for 300. oh i just figured it out an act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something bishop what is the year of exposure red light what is the year of endorsement that is correct you know that's what happened when you got all the means back to back you blame which one is which all right on you uh let's go 31 just kidding oh yeah i got some time to lose let's go to 31 for 400. okay this little brother of cheryl wore the jersey number in indiana man shot the three what's the guy named the shot in the threes that's the commentator this would be answering the question what is reggie miller or who is reggie miller all right points for the bishop points for the bishop all right sir the category is yours to choose as well he was on another show for me news for 300. all right booker t washington used this university as a base and eventually went to become the president of it el davao it was me that light was first i like what's great but it's probably wrong but i said what is that is correct that is correct all right el davao your choice let's do hbcus for 200. in october this university has the greatest hong kong red light what is north carolina a t state university that is correct that is wrong what is north carolina agricultural and technical state university you're supposed to pronounce all of the names mount theme for 200 please the publicizing of information or an event el davao the year of exposure that is correct she didn't say what no well that is true lord i'm stressed alex what is the year of exposure that's cool we got a double standard here we got a double stand around here that is consistent alex can we uh go to mount things for 100. all right the altitude of a place above sea level or ground level bishop what is the year of elevation yes sir yes sir that's it it's good all right we have three more remaining what is your choice black history for 200. all right who became the first african-american to win baseball's most valuable player award who is jackie robinson that is correct coming in hot all right black history and the bible left bible for 100. this sparked intense jealousy towards joseph from his brothers bishop what is the coat of many colors yes sir yes sir that should have been like uh all right last quarter category black history for 100 who was the first african-american chosen as miss america bishop who is vanessa that is correct that's the first thing well that is true that is the first thing on jeopardy they give you they give you last name not first who is vanessa williams that is correct that is correct [Applause] well well well well look at this scoreboard accordingly it was a murder course according to the numbers here we have um miss kimberly yeah miss kimberly with excuse we have we have kim down here with 500. uh somebody named elder has zero uh and dr kimberly down there has a whopping 300 points [Applause] my goodness well okay we we wrapped up a little bit for the jeopardy so we're going to woosah because man i don't even because i know y'all competitive yeah i know you're all competitive and it's good to be able to see it better than to play games listen but it's good it's good because people can relate people can definitely relate to this but i want to take a moment to reflect on last night uh because you know it was a lot that went on last night which was an absolutely amazing event i mean music guest and all that but i think both of you kind of alluded to this last night but what was it to be able to walk into that room and see so many unexpected faces so many people who who you know you know are behind you and have you your back and are there to support you but what was it to walk into that space and to see familiar faces that you weren't necessarily expecting to see i mean i'll start off i mean obviously tremendously pleased blessed excited uh humbled all those things because you know time is something you that people perhaps don't put value on but probably has the greatest value when you think about it people when they get into the end of their of their life they will pay anything for more time so i think we need to learn to value people's time more and so because of that for people to want to take the time out to come and celebrate you um says a lot and then when they have to travel as in the president of virginia state to come down i mean i make that route at 460 it's not a quick ride um you know it can be anywhere from an hour and a half to two hours and to do that back to back because i also know he was here for the norfolk state event really the night before yeah really really meant a lot so whether you came locally or whether you came from afar i really appreciate the fact that you would take the time and want to come and celebrate awesome so another piece i think from that night uh for me was being able to hear from your children uh and what uh legacy meant to them so you know taking a moment to kind of reflect on that and uh what you might see as a future for your own children i mean i was i was excited to hear about kennedy already having you know a scholarship set up in which kenny's mother also let us know as well that she was excited you know about that but you know i feel like there's a different kind of peace that you can get as a uh legacy builder whenever you know that you've established a foundation for your children and your children's children to stand on so if there was a word of encouragement for somebody who maybe is not at a financial place right now what they can start building what type of advice or encouragement could you give them to help start building their legacy um i'll start with the financial piece first since that's where you kind of ended up and and my first word is it's not about how much everybody can start um you know you can 25 50 because you know especially for kids funds you can go to banks and they are ecstatic to open up an account for you so it doesn't take a lot we're talking about you know starbucks or one meal that you eat out all week long you can take that to establish the accountant so if you think about it if you do it when the child is young even if you add nothing else to it you put that first hundred dollars in there that's and let that just continue to work you'd be well ahead you know when they're 18. so first thing it's not about how much you have is about just at least making that sacrifice and if you can just put five or ten dollars every pay period in there again we people tend to think well that's not going to be a lot or enough but if you if you do it you'll find out that it can be substantial absolutely yeah i mean i i agree i because my my father-in-law was a a letter carrier it wasn't like he had a ton of money absolutely but if you i mean think about he did it for every birthday every christmas it would be a 50 saving bond so that cost him 25 and i just remember going to the post office or going to the bank to the strong box when kimberly got ready to go away to college and opening that strong box up and pulling out savings bonds for every birthday and every christmas that were now worth 50 that he spent 25 on correct and i think the other piece is just exposure you know it was it was amazing as we sat there and started talking last night you know i just remember defining moments if you don't get anything else defining moments in life make you a break you i remember her going to woman.loose hearing dr bridget hilliar preach coming back saying i don't know who this lady is but we got to find them and i remember us going to houston for the first time and seeing this man land every night at church in a helicopter and they would go into church i couldn't go into church i had to stand in the parking lot because to me i needed to see that helicopter land i'm like this guy is literally flying on a helicopter and and so exposure it's not always about stuff it's about expanding your mind and i you know i look back some days and i said man if my father-in-law had had the pouring into him that he poured into us what would he have accomplished i'm you know because we always ask who taught him to do that well i think it was the depression for him i think in his mindset he just said my family was never gonna that was a key for him he said until you have stood in that bread line yeah in the middle of a depression you will never understand he said there will never be a day that's why he always had a garden he said there'll never be a day that i stand in another food line because i plant my own food and grow you know so you just learn through exposure everybody should have a plot of land he said he don't care how small it is because as long as you've got some dirt you can always grow your own vegetables and you can always eat and if you've ever had a job you should never be broke he said why is it if you there was a time when you had no bills so if you've ever had a job and you save a dollar you should never be broke so all of you are out there in debt is from your own bad decisions you should never be broke but i but i want to take i know we keep uh hopping on money uh when we talk about legacy because that's kind of what everybody thinks about but the best i think the thing last night that gave me comfort is when my children got up to speak when they had them up um and including keisha uh the president leaned over to me he said y'all did well he said y'all did a good job raising your kids now that just and for every parent you know that just makes you feel really really good that someone else sees um you know the next generation is in good hands and that you had a small part i mean ultimately we give you know all glory to god for that but to see that your children have listened they're growing up they're doing their thing and that the next generation is in good hands really really really makes you feel good absolutely outstanding outstanding all right so this has been absolutely awesome hanging out here playing games and taking a moment just to glean from some wisdom and hopefully uh you know you'll apply it to your life in the way that i am you know i felt felt a slight rebuke for myself because you know robert liked to eat but that's my business okay like like tabitha brown okay all right but at this time we are going to have a video by destiny circle check it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey bishop kim w brown hello there elda valerie listen i'm pastor t and i'm lady t and we stopped in the midst of what we're doing over here at the mount virginia beach in this renovation project just to wish the baddest leaders this side of heaven a happy 31st anniversary can you believe it it's been 31 years we remember when we first got to the mountain you put us on an airplane with about 13 other couples took us to crenshaw worship center and you exposed us to church in a way that we have never seen before and our lives have not been the same since listen bishop we would not be where we are had it not been for what you and eldar val have sown into our lives and we would not be anyplace else and we just thank god for you and we wanted to stop and wish you a very happy 31st anniversary go ahead baby so have a great fantastic and fabulous weekend happy anniversary bishop and elder god bless you look this is pastor antoine senior pastor river of life and this is my beautiful wife lady ace look we want to say happy anniversary man oh we love you all so much we pray that you're having the most amazing year and day celebrate you we celebrate you yes we celebrate you we love you look happy anniversary we wish y'all many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many more god bless y'all what he said we love you good evening good evening what a great day this is celebrating our bishop and our elder and 31 years of ministry what a blessing you all have been to the body of christ and continue to be and so we just want to say congratulations we love you both dearly we thank god for you in our lives and all that you mean to us and our redeeming love christian church family and i just want to say that we're believing god that you'll continue doing the uh the purpose plan and will of god and that um this 31 years will appear in comparison to what the father has in store for you all over the next few years we love you both so much thank you for being here and celebrating with us with my husband's consecration people are still talking about the both of you they absolutely love you and we're honored to serve under your leadership and we just love you and congratulations again congratulations sir congratulations elder love you all love you paul see you soon greetings bishop and elder valerie brown blessings to you bishop brown ella valerie lori and i we are eternally grateful for the work and the labor of love that you have displayed towards us uh through your awesome leadership you have given us directions and the ability to pursue ministry on a whole new level we would like to take this time to wish you both a most happy happy 31st anniversary we pray that god's will will be fulfilled in your lives again we say happy happy anniversary and we love you anniversary we love you guys to life thank you so much for being godly examples to us all yes we love you so much we want to um just say happy anniversary again awesome time um that we've spent with y'all and we are so sure that everything we are and where we're going um you have played a very important part yes in that for us and we love you so much we love you we love you too we love you too happy anniversary happy anniversary god bless you as you can see we're right in front of our building kingdom embassies y'all signed up there yes um and thank you for all your guidance your wisdom that you've shared with us we love you to life god bless you bless you god bless you special veteran we are so excited to celebrate another anniversary here listen it is never hard for us each year as we reflect on how much you all have impacted our lives from our marriage definitely from ministry just being examples being that word of encouragement being the um the models that we need the advisors and counselors that we need throughout so many seasons of our lives we just celebrate you today and want you to know how much we love and appreciate all that you are all that you've been to us all that you've been to the kingdom yes matter of fact i even hear a song now song by cool in the celebration oh not only that but i hear another song do you know what today is it's your anniversary but look we wanted to celebrate you guys you guys are some amazing i mean amazing leaders i mean you have impacted not only the kingdom but you have impacted those who are close to you those who are afar and what great way to celebrate you guys with just really letting you know how much we appreciate all that you are and all that you do i'm hoping that through this video that you would really really feel our heart felt sincerity how we feel about you guys again y'all it is time to celebrate and we look forward to see what god is going to do with you guys in the coming days i'm telling you i'm excited don't be big we have amazing leaders we do we do it hot with big hearts with big visions big goals uh i'm telling you but look we wanted to say happy anniversary we love you all to life uh again it's time to celebrate happy anniversary guys bishop and elder and first family what's up hey all the way from the qc is coach mike lady brandy and the mount at charlotte campus and we want to take the opportunity to wish you a happy 31st pastoral anniversary and i just want to say that thank you for uh just loving us and our family i know our family dynamic i know we wouldn't be where we are spiritually without you and elders and the first families leadership uh y'all have been consistent y'all exhibit character y'all have just been go role models and i'm not just talking about uh you and elder but i'm talking about the entire family which includes uh dr kimberly and pastor lj's i like that i like that go role models that's right y'all have been phenomenal role models and you are truly the go and we just want to wish you a very special happy 31st pastoral anniversary we love you from the deepest part of our souls all the way from the qc to chesapeake we love y'all can't wait to celebrate with you greetings and blessings all the way from central texas and the liberty christian center the church but we don't just do church but we do like we wanted to take just a few moments out of your busy day today to just also celebrate our bishop bishop kim walter brown and our elder elder valerie k brown and celebrate their anniversary with you all there in chesapeake we're so grateful to be connected to these awesome kingdom leaders and we honor you today we pray that you are having a blessed celebration and just thank god for the many years that you sacrificed and served there in the virginia area and all over the globe serving the kingdom of genesis so god bless you have a wonderful celebration we love you to life on behalf of all the partners and all of the friends of the liberty christian center in central texas god bless you bishop and elder brown have a wonderful day hey god bless you this is pastor clinton and lady o and we are here to celebrate bishop kim w brown and elder valerie k brown on 31 years of successful ministry we just praise god for your leadership we praise god for your covering we praise god for your character and we thank you for being leaders who we can look up to who we can model after because we all know that we all need revelation role models sir the numbers three and one make four and you taught us that four is the number of the earth and we want to let you know that 31 is the year that god is going to use you and elder valerie to do miraculous things in the earth and we appreciate that we are connected to you and from both of us and all of us here at diamond grove franklin we want to say happy anniversary [Music] bishop and elder man 31 years man 31 can y'all believe it 31 years god has allowed you all to do a lot of tremendous things over the past 31 years man and look we as a family just had to come back and wish you all a happy pastoral anniversary man 31 years is a long time i'm just honored that god allowed me to just kind of journey with you all a little teeny bit over the last 31 years man listen you all deserve everything that god is doing um in you all's life um again the things that god has allowed you all to accomplish um here at the amount over the last 31 years is just um nothing short of amazing and so i'm excited that we get to celebrate with you all today um 31 years absolutely happy anniversary we love you guys and um we look forward to being a part of all that god is gonna do and um thank you for how you have just let our family both um in front of people but behind closed doors that means more than you'll ever know and that you really are who you say you are and so that speaks volumes especially in this generation we are dealing with so much so happy anniversary thank you for the example that you set continue to shine in a dark place we love you we look forward to continuing to ride this journey out and um to see where god's gonna take you and we're gonna be in your hotel yes happy anniversary yes so listen from us and our tnp family man we wish you all a happy happy 31st pastoral anniversary we love y'all happy anniversary bishop and elder from lady jay and i we are so thankful we're so grateful for what you guys have done for us uh we are just elated to help and share to wish you 31 years of pastoring your ministry bishop and israel and elder you all have been there for us especially years of what we had to go through you are very supportive your prayers and everything that we needed you provided for us we're just thankful and grateful to have such great spiritual leaders and today you all are deserving of everything that you receive today and so on behalf of lady jay and i in the mount tabor baptist church we say thank you we love you and happy anniversary peace i boldly and faithfully declare that this is the year of opportunity john 20 21 establishes a biblical standard that shall set the tone for this year as god releases opportunities in my life doors will open that no man can shut because of what i survived i cannot allow others to prevent me from going where god has commissioned me to go every barrier that has been designed to deter me will be revealed removed and replaced god's peace has given me victory over anxiousness and low self-esteem i am a child of the most high god my recognition of god's anointing for my life has released me to operate fully in my gifts for the kingdom watch god use me the kingdom authority vested in me will allow me to be an atmosphere changer i am a change agent for jesus and because of this i anticipate acceleration in every area of my life normal processes and procedures will not and cannot deny my entry how i have handled rejection denial and no in my past has qualified me for opportunities in my future as god releases opportunity for me i will be positioned to create opportunities for others i believe this season of opportunity will propel me my church family and my spiritual leadership into new levels of grace enabling us to take more territory for the kingdom of god in jesus name [Music] my giving is evidence of my faith my giving record shows that god is a provider and i am abundantly blessed my giving is a public record of my heart so where my treasure is is evidence of my godly affection father thank you for giving me the opportunity to display my love faithfulness obedience and gratitude towards you through my giving with my giving i break the curse of financial poverty through my giving i release a spirit of favor and provision because god loves a cheerful giver see release lack be removed harvest return i eat the best i drive the best i wear the best i live in the best in jesus name amen good morning mount family good morning good morning to the global partners we are here to honor our leaders for 31 years of ministry 31 years can y'all put your hands together for 31 years of ministry and those of you that are watching us online can you put some hearts up for 31 years and at this time y'all know the whole theme this weekend has been the legacy continues and so does the celebration are you all ready one two three [Music] let's go [Music] let's go i said it's a celebration y'all i need y'all to put your hands together [Music] ladies and gentlemen i'd like to introduce the first family dr kimberly brown and lynnwood williams [Music] and tmp i need you to stand to your feet tmp i need y'all to make some noise for the mount horseman's very own pastor lj brown and dr keisha brown they're coming in with kj jackson and baby kennedy and without further ado ladies and gentlemen i'd like to welcome to the stage focus 31 years what's up mount family what's up hey 31 years from pastor to a bishop started off small but he had a big vision never been timid always been a real one a real man is one who provides for his children has some impact let's talk about the one look at the impact that he had on his son his name and his aura gave to his daughter both kids anointed flow like living water biggest in the city a lot of turns around there's seven campuses screaming only at the mouth the man in the pulpit the same man in private that's why god allows him to fly private i want to lift him up 31 years lion king first seen the sun he'd been lifting up lifting up jesus lifting up the name after 31 years this is what we proclaimed [Music] look at this time i want to introduce you to our visionaries you all know them y'all know what i'm talking about they didn't already walk in the building anyway but ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for help the ballerina and the man himself bishop [Music] 31 years never had a scandal kids and your grandkids living with a mantle kept your nose killing now you living in favor i prophesy that yolanda shall be greater 31 years he's still more restored your cup is not empty you still got to pour a light on the hill you know we can't hide him we are the elder vale house he's stuck right beside him light on the hill and wow by your covenant when he wanted to quit she would always cover him look at what you've done it transcends generations 31 years we've been witnessing greatness you're the head of the house this got to be said el davao is the neck that always turns to him y'all built this together we love to see the team after 31 years we witnessed the things yeah [Music] what's up [Music] come on if you know you win why don't you shout like you know you're a winner hallelujah we celebrate god today hallelujah come on isn't he worthy we just thank god for being here to be able to continue and celebrating this amazing journey of 31 years of ministry we don't take it for granted that you are here with us today and we're just excited about all that the lord is going to do so let us bow for a quick word of prayer father we thank you for this day that you have made lord and for the privilege god just to be alive to see it we thank you now look out as we come to celebrate 31 years lol god of how you've made ways out of no ways 31 years of how you've opened doors look at 31 years look out of how you've proven yourself time and time again lord we pray today that you will continue to usher us into your presence father we pray now lord god that your spirit will arrest this house god we thank you as this song reminded us god that we win god and we declare today that that being will remain god our affirmation lord god that we are winners lord god because you win lord so we pray father that your spirit would fall fresh in the house today look i let someone be reminded god that you're still able look i let someone be reminded lord god that you can continue to do all things lord god let someone be reminded look out that there is nothing impossible for you lord today as we celebrate 31 years lol god of how you continued look god to make it happen look god walking through danger seen and unseen lord god by faith we have arrived to this place so lord wherever people are watching from today look out at home at work god at school wherever they are may they feel your presence look god as we continue to acknowledge lord god that it is not by might nor by power god but that it is by your spirit lord god that we are here today god we thank you as we again declare lord god that not only is this the year of opportunity look out but it is the year where we win we thank you now look out for all that you will do in this place have your way today lord god let the worship be unrestricted lord i let the praise be unrestrained lord god let the atmosphere be open look out for a move like never before we thank you lord for anointing the psalmist look at we thank you lord god for anointing the speaker look god arrest this house lord god wreck us today lord god let us be changed today in the name of jesus lord we love you and we honor you we thank you now for all that you were doing this place in jesus name amen amen praise god you may be seated in the presence of the lord those of you who are here i also want to take a moment to encourage all of you are watching as we obviously are continuing to celebrate 31 years of amazing ministry please do your due diligence and honoring god with your ties and your offering and being able to help continue to support this ministry i think we know 31 years is evidence enough that god has been with us right we know that this is a ministry that is doing amazing things for the kingdom of god we know that this is a ministry that is being very intentional and very strategic with what it is that god is placing in their hands so an opportunity to give is being made available to you right now so whether that's in your offering and your ties if you want to sow something special into our leaders please do take that moment take that opportunity to do just that we are again so excited about being able to have you here and we cannot wait for the celebration to continue so at this time i would encourage you to direct your attentions to the screen thank you jeffrey golden nicknamed the black pavarotti by kirk franklin has an extensive musical background one that seems to be beyond his years jeffrey golden was crowned the season seven winner of bt sunday best putting his love and trust in god on full display with his stunning debut album the aptly titled kingdom live was released in august 2015. with the heavenly mix of roof raising praise reports and humble alter call style ballads throughout the album jeffrey was nominated for the stella award best new artist in 2016. jeffrey graduated from morehouse college in atlanta georgia may 2016 with a bachelor's degree in economics jeffrey has plans to return to school for a master's degree in public policy his vision is to help enact bills on behalf of other young men of color that will have a positive impact on their relationship to police and other historic institutions of power in june 2019 golden married his high school sweetheart and the love of his life rebecca the two currently reside in atlanta georgia pastor mike jr has become a trailblazer and trendsetter challenging the notions of tradition by focusing on relevancy rather than routine and doing out-of-the-box millennial-style ministry he firmly believes in today's society ministry must be real relevant and relatable thousands flock to his weekly services with thousands more watching his daily television broadcast yet his greatest joy is working in ministry with his wife jaquetta and their five children there is no question that the favor of god is on his life by taking his ministry from just a few friends to thousands in nearly 12 years god bless you god bless you church family we give god praise we give god come on we give god praise we honor the lord for bishop kim and elder valerie brown we give god praise for this first family we honor the lord for your presence those who are in this room those who are watching online listen can you do something with me right quick i need you to take 15 seconds and look back over your life and begin to think things over and i want to know what's your response when you think about the goodness of jesus what what's your response when you think about how he's healed how he's saved how he's delivered hallelujah how he sets you free i don't know about you but i remember when i saw him i remember when he revealed himself to me and so jesus we lift you up for 31 years of impact and we thank you that the best is yet to come father we lift you up for 31 years of life change and we thank you that the best is yet to come hallelujah we thank you for 31 years of sowing seeds and we thank you that yet a greater harvest is still yet to come hallelujah come on let's worship let's praise him want to teach you this new song it just says save your people oh lord the scripture says will you not revive us again that your people might rejoice in you hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you come on clap like this [Music] come on i need you clapping at home come on [Music] we say that you are emmanuel you are god with us you are jesus our messiah our savior and so we look to you son said this save your people oh lord oh lord save your people oh lord save your people oh lord oh [Music] [Music] come on and say save your people now we need you our nations need you hallelujah and so we say this yes lord hit the eyes that's just me save now [Music] in the [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] we stand as intercessors this morning heal young people hallelujah we thank you you heal our iniquities you forgive you revive your restore hallelujah you are the god who heals us your home foreign [Music] one more time hey come on everybody [Music] we believe that we are in the days of ezekiel 37 refine [Music] [Applause] father we need you that we love you we look to you in the highest [Music] [Applause] is [Music] thank you lord for healing thank you lord [Music] thank you jesus for healing [Music] thank you lord for everything you've done hey thank you lord [Music] for everything you've done for everything you do for everything you do everything you're doing for everything you're doing right now in this moment even what i can't see [Applause] [Music] my for everything you've done somebody ought to thank him for everything else when i look back on my life for everything you've done everybody bless him come on come on i know everything's not the way you thought it would be by now but you've got a reason to be grateful [Music] somebody ought to thank you [Music] you're moving in ways i don't understand everything you're doing [Music] i'm waiting on somebody to catch it bishop you thought he had to do it already but you can take him out put everything you're gonna do for everything you're gonna do for everything you're gonna do you're just getting started you're not finished yet you're just concerning you're not finished yet but everything you're gonna do he doesn't begin a good work and you shall perform it to the day of jesus christ i said god not sitting there i said god's not finished i said don't knock in there for everything you gonna do one more time [Music] bless him [Music] bless him bless him bless him in your living room bless him in your car bless him at your house bless him [Music] one more time for everything you're gonna do play everything you're gonna do play everything you're gonna do play everything you're gonna do because you will make all things you know all things and everything all things know [Music] let's go my soul cries thank you [Applause] [Music] my soul cries you've been real real good oh [Music] i don't know about you but i shouldn't even be here because when i was 11 12 13 years old and the spirit of suicide was tormenting me every day for three or four years and to see where he's brought me now i say for everything you've done and so we give him glory let's go yeah [Music] see sometimes we sing for everything you've done and we think about what he's done in our own lives and we should but think about what he did more than 2000 years ago for all of us on the cross on a hill called calvary let's let this be our response this morning we say glory to the lamb [Music] glory to the king of kings the root of david glory we sing to the lamb come on everybody thank you to the lamb [Music] we sing to jesus glory to the lamb [Music] to the only one that the deserves we sing glory to the lamb and this is why we give him the glory for his yes and omega come [Music] yes he reigns forever come on so together forever we sing glory glory to the lamb we sing glory to the lamb to the lamb oh we sing glory lord with the saints and the elders yes with the four living creatures we give glory glory glory glory to the lamb for his house he is the beginning and jesus is the end forever he remains and he will reign forever with power and authority forever yeshua is king holy holy holy he is he so we sing glory glory to the lamb too whoa we sing glory glory to the lamb to the hear wishing glory glory with all creation glory throughout our generation glory in every nation to the lamb yes we sing glory glory to the lamb here to the ancient of days we said glory to the lamb glory to the king of the ages we say glory to the lamb glory to the king of glory glory to the king of glory glory to the king of glory glory to the lord and strength is rising as we give you [Music] we declare that every nation will bow beneath [Music] lift him lift him lift him lift him [Applause] and every knee will of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the earth and every tongue confess that jesus christ is lord jesus christ his lord jesus christ is the lord jesus is lord over cancer jesus is lord over poverty jesus is lord of the suicide jesus is lord over depression jesus is lord over fear jesus is lord over anxiety jesus is lord over divorce jesus is lord jesus is lord jesus is lord [Music] to the glory of god the father come on come on loud up in worship mount up in worship come on come on come on [Music] and he's lord over your situation he's lord over your problem he's lord over your issue he is god he is king of kings he is lord lord and his name shall be called the word of god he's clothed in a robe dipped in blood [Music] his hair is white like white wolf his face shines like the sun in all of his brilliance somebody looks at jesus now [Applause] [Music] glory to the son of the lord glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] we lift you jesus [Applause] we lift you higher higher jesus lamb of god jesus word of god okay [Music] bro being flown to being thrown to be thrown take your seat take your seat take your seat take your seat take your seat take your seat take your seat take your seat take your seat take your seat take your seat [Music] just say be enthroned [Music] about to move in a second but say in my heart in my life jesus be enthroned [Music] on the throne of my heart take your seat take your seat take your seat [Music] every principality gonna get up every false power you gotta get up i'm telling you fear you gotta get up because the king is enthroned and he's gonna take his seat take your seat in virginia thank you take your seat at north home take your seat in virginia beach take your seat in newport news take your seat enrichment take your city [Music] sit down in a second take me to g real quick we're gonna about to just wanna release this over you because when he takes a seat you know what happens everything that's been trying to play god in your life takes a demotion [Music] and where the king is seated freedom is rendered and healing is rendered and victory is rendered and it all started at the cross so real quick about two three minutes just i will sing your praise for you've done such a marvelous thing for someone so wrenching he had my soul you have redeemed no one else could do it no one could care half as much he had you thought my little lonesome was worth it now you gave you gave your own son it's marvelous [Music] marvelous everything you've done everything you're doing marvelous and everything you still have yet to do is so marvelous come on listen it's my it's [Music] come on let's go [Applause] [Music] and we say we won't take your glory we'll never keep your pace and i'll go to [Applause] [Music] [Music] what a wonderful thing [Music] what an impossible thing [Music] you do impossible things [Music] [Music] come on let's give him praise now come on come on let's give him true praise true praise true praise we look to you jesus we love you we bless you hallelujah god bless you [Music] hallelujah can we bless god for being god come on come on somebody give god the best praise that you got you can do better than that come on lift your voice you can do better than that but this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it if you know god is a good god i just need you to give god all the praise honor and glory that you got do me a favor can we celebrate this incredible man and woman of god that can i have a little up here come on i want you to raise your voice do me a favor in the comments i want you to type i love my pastor i love my pastor i love my pastor i am i mean this from the bottom of my heart if i can have a little up here in this monitor uh there are very few men uh i told my dad he called me before i left he said where you headed i said i'm headed to bishop brown he said okay okay okay okay cause uh there are certain people you pastor that you have to re-parent [Music] i don't think you caught what i just said you have to re-parent don't just speak life over them but you have to re-parent i was raised by an incredible father who's a pastor and an incredible influence on my life so when i meet men uh who make a deposit in me that forever changes me i don't take that lightly and i mean this man a couple years ago when i came to this place and met this man of god everything in my mind and my soul just went to another level i mean is from how he loves his family from how he passes his church from how he loves his city he had me going back home trying to find a building to put people in i i went home doing more in my community because i hope you catch this it's all right to be a copycat if you got the right cat to copy i'ma say that again sound man can i get a little on this monitor right here it's all right to be a copycat if you got the right cat to copy and to this incredible woman of god i mean this y'all better make some noise sound man hear me the patriarch i am so honored just to see the family i mean this i'll be stalking a page y'all i told my wife i said that's who we're gonna be we're gonna be like that when we grow up so man i am so excited just to see the babies getting bigger and all of that man i'm excited who came to get a word on today anybody can i have a little more in this monitor right here if your legs work if you're standing at home go to first chronicles chapter four verses nine through ten first chronicles chapter four a little more verses nine through 10. i pray i can do justice because that worship department was off the chains man some lows and some monitor right here first chronicles chapter 4 verses 9 through 10 once you got it shout i got it if you need a little time shout lord help me if you're waiting on it to hit the screen say put it on the screen a little more somebody looked at me i felt it in my spirit you said i don't know what chronicles is and if i had time to find him i'ma see if i can read a scripture that can do justice to the man and woman of god we're honoring today jabez was more honorable than his brothers and his mother named him jabez because i bore him with pain now jabez called on the god of israel saying oh that you would bless me indeed help me god enlarge my territory that your hand might be with me that you would keep me from harm that it may not pain me and i'm gonna see if i got five praises right here and god granted him i think i'm in the wrong church this morning and god granted him what he requested look at somebody close to you say neighbor greatness is coming out of you but it may hurt you may be seated i want to talk a little bit more from the topic for the next 30 minutes it may hurt it hurts and everybody who knows greatness is your destiny out of shot i received that when god got ready to have a people he could call his own he picked abraham when he was ready to deliver his people from egyptian bondage he picked moses when he wanted a king radical enough to dance out of his clothes but crazy enough to kill goliath he picked david when he needed someone to redeem mankind he picked jesus when he needed someone to expand the judeo-christian church he picked paul when he needed someone to emancipate america he picked lincoln when he needed someone to conflict christianity with silver liberties he picked dr king when he needed someone to help the bulls win six championships he picked jordan when he needed someone to turn alabama back into a championship contender he picked nick saban and when he needed someone to turn this city out for god he picked bishop brown i stopped by here to suggest to somebody listening to me today that stop worrying about who doesn't like you when you've been picked by god and this may be enough for somebody to get excited whoever god favors the kingdom features but the devil fights i think i'll say that again whoever god favors the kingdom features but the devil fights might i submit and suggest to someone listening across the world and sitting in this sanctuary that sometimes the attack on your life is not about who you are it's about where you're going the attack on jesus and the garden had nothing to do with simply who he was but the attack was designed to stop him from getting to the cross and might i submit to somebody that you may be looking at your situation the wrong way thinking that the devil is picking on you but might i submit to you that sometimes the devil picks on you because god has picked you that if you don't want the favor if you don't want to fight then give back your favor and ain't it crazy how people can want what you got want to drive what you drive want the level of ministry you possess but couldn't handle the level of warfare that you're under this is why the talented tip maker from taurus tend to lays us with tough theology when paul says the good i would do i do if not but the bad i find myself doing because within all of us is an anthropological duality and anthropological duality there is the saved you and the sick you see you can sit in here and act like you got it all together but truth be told it's a church you and a home you there's a you that will pray on sunday but may slip up and cuss on tuesday it's a you that want to say thank you jesus but what do i do when i'm blessed and bitter what do i do when i'm favored and frustrated what do i do when i want god's presence but i also don't want to be around nobody sometimes whoever god favors the kingdom features but the devil fights and we are here today to celebrate a man but not only celebrate his purpose but to examine his pain because when it comes to purpose and pain the two aren't mutually exclusive you can't have one without the other it was purpose that made david rush to the front line to fight goliath but it was painful when your own father didn't think you were good enough to be king it was purpose that made joseph dream and find favor on another level but it was painful watching your brother sell you into slavery it was purpose that made that perfect palestinian jew named jesus look into a cup and suggest nevertheless thy will be done but it was painful enduring the crucifixion might i suggest to somebody at the mount that if pain was his death certificate purpose became my birth certificate that you can't shout about the power of the resurrection until you grasp in totality the sovereignty of the crucifixion and that may be the problem with the 21st century church because sadly we are conditioning a new school of christians on celebration not suffering on celebration not suffering that we are teaching them to how to have how how to have a praise break on sunday but not how to handle things when they break on monday and might i submit if the only time you thank god is for when you got something you do not fully understand who god is but you have yet to praise god until you've been through some stuff survive some stuff and live to tell the tale and i got a message for three people who may not like what i'm about to say but praise without pain is just a performance i think i'm in the wrong church this morning praise without pain is just a performance anybody can wave their hands anybody can jump up and down anybody can clap but you have yet to praise god until praise was the only thing that you had left and i wonder if i got seven people early in this message of mine who can think back on how good god's been and truth be told i'm not shout over a house i'm not shouting over a car i'm not shouting over man i'm not shout over promotion thank you grandmama but when i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for me i can't help but praise god see this is why for some of us real praises quarantine has been a prayer a blessing because truth be told when church was jam packed i couldn't even shout the way i really wanted to shout because it was a person on my right elbow and the person behind me looking at me saying sit down i can't see but since i got my own space i can praise god however i want to praise god why because can't nobody [Music] do me like jesus i know it's early and it is a celebration but i wonder if i got three people who can say for the next 30 seconds everything i'm giving god is not based off of what he's doing right now but if i shout it for the next three minutes i'm trying to catch up with what god has already done i'm giving you 30 seconds praise him for every mountain he's brought you over praise him for every valley that he's taking you through praise them that you still got your right mind praise of that out of all you've been through he didn't see fit to let none of them things be you ought to shout out and steal here look down your row and say please excuse me but if you knew half the hell that i've been through if you knew half of the drama that i survived you would be helping me praise god right now because you don't know like i know what the lord has done for me when we tiptoe into the corridors of today's text we find ourselves situated and acculturated in chronicles i like chronicles because chronicle's short for chronological chronological one two three four chronological order chronicle names list upon list family upon family 400 500 600 genealogies chronicles is one of the most boring chapters of books in the bible there are really no miracles and chronicles i like matthew because when i go to matthew i can find a reason to shout i can say and he walked on water and i can look at the church and say whatever was over your head it's under his feet and we could tell the whole church up i like john because john teaches me about the personality of jesus yeah john shows him as a position he shows them as a sufferer he shows them in different lights i like acts because acts which is short for acts of the holy spirit when in our cry in our reality my professor at yale taught me that acts should really be called second john because john somewhat penned a second luke you gotta discover so i like acts because it has miracles but chronic chronicles ain't nothing to shout about it lists name after name i i was joking with my team the other day i said chronicles is messy it could be a good messy chapter because it chronicles if i had to modernize contemporize or maclaurin's chronicle it's just big mama telling you everybody's business and you know johnny had a child named sam and riri then riri had a baby named michael then michael had a baby named jeffrey then jeffrey had a son named kim then kim had two twins named aisha and felicia all chronicles does is list name after name after name after name after name then all of a sudden mike mcclure all of a sudden after listening name after name you you don't see the picture i'ma give it to you it says and so and so had a baby named this then so-and-so had two daughters named this and then so-and-so and so-and-so hooked up and had five sons named so-and-so then so-and-so had another daughter named so-and-so then so-and-so had another son named so-and-so who's the grandbaby of so-and-so and jabez was more honorable wait wait wait wait why why didn't they get a description but when it comes to jay baz jabez gets a full description maybe oh my god jay oh my god i'm trying not to have church but y'all finna mess me up why pmj because jabaz is the descendant of judah michael judah translates to mean praise but he's known for prayer you missed it jabez is the descendant of judah but the whole scripture is about how powerful his prayer life is so what do i see in chronicles that's worth shouting about this brother has an ambidextrous anointing he's from praise but he knows how to pray and i want to submit to you praise will get the blessing prayer will show you how to keep the blessing michael how can i release something that only five of y'all gonna catch and ten of y'all gonna go cuckoo for coco puffs in the chat room that i speak over your life try to keep it together mike an ambidextrous anointing you won't just be saved i'ma get to your shot when i get to you i'm gonna be saved and paid i'm gonna be i'm gonna be skilled enough to intercede but gifted enough to close the business deal see see the goal are the days where it's either or look down your row and say for me it's not either or but my portion will be both and that i'm blessed and a boss y'all miss what i just said i'm intellectual and an intercessor i can do worship and i can own a business see six of y'all ought to bust a 360 because that's the problem with the church that all they've ever seen is appraiser they've never seen a skilled business person with an anointing to speak those things that are not as bold they were somebody shout i got both of them an ambidextrous am i doing okay an ambidextrous anointed means i'm blessed and anointed watch this in both hands all right all my fellas give me a roof roof if you playing ball and you got somebody who can't go left what do you do you send them left if they don't have a left hand all you do is face them and when you force them to go left you null and void their game but what do you do when you make somebody go left then they cross you over that's why folk can't stand you [Applause] because you hanging around single-handed people who can only do one thing but here it is you don't even be trying and be killing that stuff that they be really trying at why pastor because i'm skilled michael both hands might i speak to somebody that you need to stop arguing with people stop fussing with people stop worrying about who don't like you don't say nothing else about nothing you're doing in 2021 when they see you just say and they're gonna be like what you doing crossing over what's the crossover cause just because i'm paid over here don't mean ain't anointed over here i need 700 people to type watch my crossover somebody look down your row and shout watch my crossover i'm about to be everything that god called me to be i guess somebody just busted 360 and shot something shifting something's breaking something's moving because god blessed me in both hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] i pulled up i pulled up to the church right pulled up to the church i pulled up to the church and i'm used to coming it's my third time i feel home now this is my third time and i pull up and all of a sudden i see k and k k studios kk and k studios so i lift my head i said where are we going he said this is church i said what's knk studios well well you know since the pandemic we've been producing music and videos even did an awards show this past week he was good proud even did an award show this past week so then all of a sudden i look at the top it say the mount i look up at the left it says studio and i instantly say both hands [Applause] how you bet not run you bet not shout how do you know you possess an ambidextrous anointing it's because when the stuff you birth birth stuff [Applause] how do you know you have an ambidextrous anointing because god lets you bump into blessings and the talk says jabez was more honorable now that that's critical why is that because it lists all the sun but it says but jabez was more honorable than his brothers now here's what's critical here's what's critical i'm pretty sure the text gives me his names but for the sake of the day's message i want to deal with the particular text in this pregnant pericappy i see a principle that is often overlooked by the favor because when we preach we try to make everybody feel comfortable i have matured to a place now where i realize every word ain't for everybody [Applause] because the text says i'ma read it because y'all don't like me here it is i'ma see if you catch it okay jabez was more honorable than his brothers okay you missed your shout i'ma read it again okay all right i'm gonna read it again jabez was more honorable than what's their names [Applause] can i ask you a question why in chronicles in this particular scripture does it tell me jabez's name but omits his brother's name because in certain seasons of your life the side casts don't matter okay bishop i'ma say this ain't nobody gonna catch it but it's cool in the game this is why people keep coming and going but you keep growing because the favor on your life ain't based off of who's standing next to you which is why people would treat you better if they knew the favor on you was what really getting them blessed your family would treat you better if they realize the oil on you put a oil on the last name okay y'all y'all missed it y'all y'all missed it my son comes home yesterday mason says dad dad my teacher pulled me to the side and said is your dad pastor mike junior i was like yes he'd be singing big and i got it he's like yeah all of my favorite songs right there he was like yes ma'am he said dad but but i made a c on my test cause i didn't get enough time to finish i said yes ma'am i said i didn't really get enough time to finish my attention come just come in come in early tomorrow all right so i take mesa school early tomorrow and then maze comes walking up like i ain't have enough time to finish my test but then she told me to come in school early tomorrow and daddy guess what i finished my test early next day got me a 94. i was like a 94 i said i said i said so why she like you she said i don't know she liked me she knew you only three y'all gonna catch that and i'm sitting there and i'm like so you mean to tell me you got blessed and she didn't even like it that she ain't never said none to me i've been in school all this time she ain't never said nothing nice to me but then all of a sudden when you start winning this stuff and then all of a sudden she's playing a song and she look help me god at my last name i need seven folk crazy enough to put your last name in the comments she looked at my last name and because i had your name the favor because she loves you rest it on me watch this cause i bared the name see i'm not even talking about johnson brown mcclure golden i'm talking about the name that is above every net and at that name every knee must bow and every tongue shall confess see if i told you to shout your name you would have used your earthly name but there is a name that at that name every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess i need somebody crazy enough to just shout jesus now you didn't say it like you mean it shout jesus y'all too bougie this morning shout jesus huh hold on rod i got to teach y'all something see in the text it says and his train am i doing okay feel the temple watch this and they shouted one to another holy and another angel said holy then another angel said holy i did it wrong i'm sorry they said holy and this angel said holy and this angel said holy then this angel said holy then this angel said holy that's what scholars call put this in your notes and anti-funal praise anti-phonal praise which means i will not allow your holy to be my holy see see this this isn't church that's a competition because when i know what god's been to me i won't let you beat me praising god because you don't know what god has [Music] [Applause] done for me so one angel said holy the other angel said the devil is a lie holy another angel said holy this is how i can tell who really has a relationship with god cause if i say jesus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] see hell should be scared right now because when you put this many believers in one room and you say that name imma give you 60 seconds to have a praise competition you want to shout jesus [Music] i don't hear nobody you ought to shout his name you ought to shout his name put some of that organ up here you ought to shout his name you want to shout his name you ought to shout his name i need a honey folk to just take jesus until you feel better shout jesus until your mind is stronger shout jesus until your body gets better shout jesus [Music] it says he says he says jabez was more honorable than his brothers now honorable that's a beautiful word which translates to mean kabad honorable jabez was more honorable this is crazy and only seven people gonna catch it since only seven people only three people oh my bishop only three look at me if you at home and you ain't having churchill i have a problem with you look at me right dude you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth because this scripture makes sense when you make it plain jabez was more attractive no jabez was more intellectual no jabez was more comical no it says jabez what's more honorable now you miss that word honorable because we lose power as words matriculate through english translation honor here means i salute you honor here means i i salute you i pay homage i pay reference but the text says he's honorable which translates biblically to mean kabad khabad is where we get the word glory glory is defined by weight so it wasn't that he was the most honored which means they respected him because the fact that his name means pain lets me know his family didn't respect him when it says jabez is more honorable i'm gonna run it means he carried more weight than everybody else in his family see i don't know who i'm preaching to i'm only talking to the father y'all who tired because of what you carry that if you stop carrying your weight the whole family would have been broke down but you responsible for your family your cousin them mama them and you take on the weight of everybody around you somebody out of shot i'm tired this is why we should lift up our man of god this is why we should honor this man of god this is why we should lift up this woman of god not just because he's my pastor which means shepherd but because he's honored which means after today i fully understand the weight that there's a weight there's a weight that comes with being who you are and i know you don't want to say amen but welcome to anointed anonymous hi i'm michael and i struggle with weight not just physical weight but i struggle here it is with emotional weight i can't help it but i sometimes i just care too much about what people think about me i lay up at night wondering how imma get through certain things the emotional strain of being who i am pastor they don't have a clue the weight you carry that everything in you want to open this sanctuary up so you can see every person in your in your family you don't understand the weight that while everybody is celebrating you guys for how you navigated this pandemic look at this screens everywhere and lights everywhere last time i came here i preached right here y'all don't have the audacity to put a whole little walkway right here so now you can preach and you can model and do everything you want to do the band in a good position now led lights everywhere how many monitors do y'all need lights everywhere lights in the ceiling and while everybody's saying oh we killing you don't know he stay up at night thinking about the member who may have went backwards because sunday saved their life it's a way and people have understood no idea understanding please put this in your nose somebody in the comments be my secretary today there are two types of weight two types of adversity uh external and internal yeah external adversity and internal adversity internal adversity is me versus me external adversity is me versus them and most growth stops because you spend your whole life fighting them when you should have took a season and fought you watch this watch this david ooh david fighting goliath got him a crown but dave been losing the day that cost him his son a crown could be remade a sun is forever gone you're so busy celebrating your spoils of war for how you killed them you don't realize what it costs you for not fighting the text says that there's this man who found himself in the tombs and every night in the tombs he would yell and he would scream and the text says he would cut himself he would cut himself you missed it he would cut himself and i come to suggest that seven of us in the comments and ten of us in the room need to make a clarion declaration that pastor mike bishop brown i am here to admit half of the scars i got i cut myself look at your neighbor and say you can sit there and be boozy all you want to be worried about who gonna look at you but the truth of the matter is i cut myself dating dumb people who i should have never been with everything in my spirit said i shouldn't have been with them but i cut myself hiring people who i knew they was gifted but my soul said they was twisted and i thought if i hired them and got them close enough to me they would change but and you can't do a snake is a snake is a snake is a snake i cut myself spending money on stuff i should have never spent it on i cut myself hanging with people i should have never been around i cut myself might i suggest it was albert hubbard who said and i quote when god looks you over he won't look you over for medals diplomas nor degrees but rather for scars and some of us right now have scars that the enemy didn't give we got scar my my shot cause i cut myself i feel a ministry moment somebody in the comment just had almost had a nervous breakdown because for the last six months you've been trying to figure out what happened you cut you [Music] jj baz is he carries weight and i never forget when i didn't have cable and me and my wife would just stay up all night watching movies we only had two dvds we had life and we had dream girls and if i could call on dream girls chapter two verse one she would tell me have been heavy you've been so heavy baby yeah because some of you don't even realize why you've been so fussy lately because i'm heavy carrying the weight bishop of expectation the way to produce the way to produce the weight of expectation jabez was more honorable because he carried more weight than his brothers but here's the next verse he said and his mother named him jabez because i bore him in pain so jabez by definition means pain how jacked up see i look at things i call it 360. i walk around situations okay so when i was younger i would have killed his mama i would have said something like you got to be a messed up individual to name your baby pain and might i suggest that it's some people in your life who keep giving you a bad name but i've grown and i realized that there are certain seasons when the circumstances around me made me something that i wasn't normally that was heavy and you missed it when the circumstances surrounding me made me something that i wasn't normally michael make that makes sense her pregnancy was so miserable can we can we explicate the pregnancy what if she was in love with a man who promised her the world she got pregnant and the brother got ghost so now she bitter but producing what what what if what if her pregnancy caused preeclampsia or something and her blood pressure was skyrocketing and the whole pregnancy she was on the verge of death so she said you know what this baby is pain okay i've matured to a place now only seven of y'all gonna catch this i only used to look at pain jeff as negative stuff bishop i used to say stuff like how she gonna name him pain cause it hurt what if she named him pain because it was celebrated what if she said what it took for me to make it through this last season was so painful i'mma name you pain pastor mike biblically that don't make sense well last time i checked every time god came through for the children of israel they stopped built the altar and named him what he did gyra so you like jira cause it means he provides roja you like it because it means he's healed tiscanu you like it because it's banner bill perezine which means breakthrough you like it because it has a name you can like when every name god give you won't be something everybody around you understands all right so so can i help you real quickly what would possess you to birth the mount you cannot have a mount which is short i'm sure for mount 10 without bad leaves which means once i survive the low and get to the top so most people miss the sum total of who you are because they only judge the season in which they see you i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go see so so so when you come to the mountain and you see bishop you think high place but what if he named it mount because he came out of a low place see see this this is why i'm confused because whenever you look at both sides of something it gives you another level of revelation and at midnight paul and silas prayed and sing praises unto god that one statement confuses me because i look at both sides it's midnight tomorrow or yesterday i'm confused it's mid you so ready to shout you don't even know what you're shouting about it's midnight tomorrow or is it yesterday 11 59 is yesterday 1201 is tomorrow but what is 12 o'clock is it the first of tomorrow or the last of yesterday i believe it ain't yesterday but it ain't completely tomorrow it's the transitional period and many of you are praising god not because i'm who i'm about to be not because i'm not who i used to be but i'm in transition [Applause] he carried a weight i believe he's letting us know that birthing greatness is painful then jabez says my mama called me pain i'm surrounded by people if i'm more honorable it means i'm having to do it all can i stop for a minute and just say what you've been wanting to say because you don't want to hurt nobody feelings you ain't gonna help have you ever been surrounded by people who love win with you now let me say it better who loved eating with you but didn't want to kill nothing see i'm in a season bishop where you going to eat what you killed that's an old-school statement right there meaning if you don't go out in life and kill nothing you might not eat cause i am done fixing plates let me say it better i am done doing the impossible for the ungrateful [Applause] and he says he said so he's in pain 10 minutes and the text says bishop he called on jesus i like the first statement oh that you would bless me see jeffrey golden can catch that because he's a worshiper oh that you would bless me i i like that i i like that oh that you would bless me he puts all of his school into the side and he opens up with a phrase of pain oh that you would bless me bless me to speak well uh bless me i don't know who i'm talking to in here but i've discovered in my life more than i want a house more than i want a car i want to be blessed and we have mismanaged the word blessed bless is not what you drive blessed is not where you live blessed is not how much money is in the bank the word blessed is euglios which means to speak well of which is why at a funeral you give a eulogy you speak a blessing in other words since bless is euglio's when funerals we give you low g the blessing is reserved for that which is dead when i speak it it brings it to life so when god blesses he's not just talking about a house y'all don't believe me i gotta put scripture on it cause y'all looking at me like this boy that lost his mind genesis 1 22 god bless them saying be fruitful and multiply fill the waters in the sea let the birds multiply on the earth genesis 24 35 the lord was greatly blessed by the master so that he became rich and giving him his flocks in his head joel 42 and 12 the lord blessed the latter days of job more than his beginning and he had 14 000 sheep you missed your last shot six thousand camels and one thousand yo you remember job don't it the same one who lost everything after he learned how to praise god in the midst of his trouble look at 42 12 the lord blessed him here's a word we don't use in church no more his latter days see some of y'all didn't even shout cause you think a ladder is something that you climb but to everybody who survived and waiting on something you know a ladder ain't just something i crime that latter that latter means my future will be way more blessed in my past i'm giving somebody seven seconds to shout about a year you ain't even walked in yet i know 2021 is crazy but you got to be a different type of praiser to shout over 2023 to shout over 2025 because my ladder shall be [Applause] genesis 12 2-3 and i will bless you you shall and make your name great and you shall be a blessing y'all y'all don't even know when to shout see this is how i can separate the real from the fake bishop this is why the oil on your family is so strong this is why when you speak stuff happen this is why when you lay hands on something it lives this is why everything it seems that your hand touches his favor because you walk i speak this over your life over a genesis 12 2-3 anointing see somebody in the comments somebody in the room ought to shout give me a 12-2-3 anointing 12-2-3 anointing you don't get it and i will make you a great nation what you think mount nation is yeah now every person connected to this church is a part of the nation i'ma speak it and if you're a part of the nation you better stand and receive it i will make you a great nation watch this i will bless you i will make your name great and here's the part that only real people can get excited about and you will be a blessing y'all miss that see only only immature saints shout over what they get mature shanks because shanks shout because god's put me in a position what i'm about to be doing for others what god did for me all right i got to separate the real from the fake look down your row and tell them stick close to me look around you tell them stick close to me because when i come out of this next season i'm about to be the one blessing everything connected to me i know you can't high five your neighbor just reach over and give them an air high five and shall stay connected to this ministry because everything under the sound of my voice is about to be blessed somebody shall bless he says i will bless those who bless you yeah oh god i i feel my help coming i i will bless those who bless you i i will yeah bless those thank you god who who blessed you see if you had any sense you you would have got a seed in your hand and came and laid it at his feet right there if you had any sense you would have wrote a check while i was preaching and came and laid it at their feet if you had any sense you would have just grabbed some money and just put it right there at their feet because god said to the person who walks in unmerited favor i'ma bless whoever bless you if you don't need nothing you can be seated if you don't need god to open a door you can be quiet but if it's some stuff you need god to do in your life i just need you to shout make me a blessing i need you to just shout make me a blessing i dear six folks crazy enough to just sow a seed into your man of god now i detect people to put your pastor's cash out on the screen and shout today i'm blessing my blessing this man's word has shifted my life the anointing on this church has transformed me if you're better and you know it you ought to praise god because of the anointing on this church everything in my life has shifted i'm blessed to be a blessing it is i will give me a little right here i will bless those i see it right there i will yeah bless those who bless you i will bless those yeah who bless you i will bless those yeah who bless you i will bless those who bless you i need a hundred folk to just put on your social media if you knew like i knew you would be nice to me i don't know who i'm preaching to give me a little bit more on this mic if you knew like i knew you would be nice to me because there's so much favor on my life that whoever blesses me god's about to bless them i'm gonna give you 60 seconds in this room and online we're about to be a blessing to the man and woman of god tech people i need you to flow with me put that cash app on the screen put the way to give to the pastor on the screen every week we can give to the house but this week we're about to show it to the man and woman of god because god is about to anoint their head with oil so your cup can run over and whenever there's overflow everything attached to them is blessed somebody ought to just type overflow somebody out of shall break through somebody out of your miracles signs wonders he's about to do exceeding abundance [Music] he says i will bless those who bless you with all your might somebody shout bless shout blessed here's the problem but i'll curse those [Music] see see my problem with the 21st century church is we shout on foolishness but we sit on substance so because we've become a slave to response that's a beautiful phrase a slave to responds we can only worship and shout based off of who talks back to us see a slave to response means i preach for a man not for his [Music] and because we become a slave to response we preach an inaccurate gospel now notice i didn't say we preach an incomplete gospel we preach an inaccurate gospel make that make sense pastor mike we say stuff like and at midnight paul and silas prayed and sing praises unto god so much so that their doors open and i need you to touch five people and tell them doors are getting ready to open that's true but it's incomplete and because it's incomplete it's inaccurate because the scripture says end at midnight paul and silas prayed and sing praises unto god and suddenly god caused an earthquake if you leave out the earthquake you preach an inaccurate gospel and you have people believing if they shout the door will open because we say stuff in church like when praises go up blessings come down what scripture is that that's not even biblically in the bible i understand the principle that is sowing and reaping but honestly sowing is down that's a whole other phrase so when we leave out the earthquake what does that mean what does that mean it means while they were shouting on earth god was moving in heaven [Music] and most people stop here and i will bless those who bless you but here's a prophetic word of warning i'll curse those who curse you this is why you don't even have to fight folk who keep putting a mouth on your name my oil is a repellent you can cut it down up here my oil is a repellent okay watch this here finished this scripture for me he anoints my head with my cup so let me show you what we do at the church we skip the anoint my head with oil because we don't fully understand it and we run to my cup running over because it makes it look like i'm getting a blessing when you have to understand when he says he anoints my head with oil help me god the shepherd would pour oil on the sheep's head because sheep eat grass and sheep never forget i said this are dirty dumb and dangerous sheep would get in stuff all day there would be an abundance of flies dirt and maggots on the sheep's face the shepherd discovered if i anoint the sheep the oil would be a repellant which means when something got on the sheet it wouldn't stick to the sheep the oil ain't just so you can sing well the oil ain't just so you can preach well the oil is so nothing the devil throws that you can stick to you somebody ought to shout it won't stick somebody type it won't stick this is why you survive rumors lies and truths cause it won't stick this is why they can hate on you all they want to it won't stick this is why 30-plus years later you're still stronger than ever because what the devil meant for evil god worked it for your good it didn't stick oh that you would bless me enlarge my borders that word borders translates to mean limits all my women gonna get excited when i say this when you think limit then credit card and every sister said amen in other words increase my capacity [Music] increase my capacity the anointing on jeffrey's life is just cold i'm i'm sitting there the whole while he's singing like this different this ain't manufactured this this ain't tall this is organic it's powerful so what do we have to say now increase his capacity strengthen his family so london and brazil and africa can experience see if god doesn't increase your limit your net a break [Music] why is the mount so prosperous because he increased his limit [Music] i'm going to say something and i'm learning the older i become i like taking the road less travel because soon as i said increased limits somebody thought favor blesses oil increase my pain threshold so i can stop complaining about stuff i should be praising amen the talented tip maker from tarsus paul tinculates us with tough theology paul says because of the surpassing greatness of the revelation was given to me a thorn in my flesh and i kept asking god to take it away take it away i kept asking god take it he take it away i kept asking god take it away take it away and all of a sudden paul got some sense that said i learned to rejoice with the thorn can i ask you a question did the pain change or did his mindset change [Music] increase my limit since i since i last saw you gosh has been doing crazy stuff in my life right so i wrote we wrote a song big boom b it goes number one then we write i got it i got it goes number one first album goes number one last year i won new artists of the year this year i won artists of the year and let me and don't clap don't clap just yet just yet because i want to show you about increasing my limit mama this is good this is so good the day after the stellars i had to perform somewhere that next day everybody was calling me what are we doing what are we doing i said i'm at my pastor house i went to my pastor's house for about three or four days turned phones off nothing cause success makes sick people sicker y'all miss what i just said success will make sick people sicker if you give an addict a million dollars he'll kill himself [Music] if you give a kid a corvette he'll kill himself if you put a thief in the bank he'll steal more if you give a cheater more money he'll cheat better because success makes sick people sicker first stop i made was to my pastor house me and my wife i slept downstairs in his house i didn't get a room i didn't get a sweetener i slept downstairs like a kid like a kid and every day i'll say okay so he's like get it out what you feel and i just feel like i'm that guy like i got all my pride out in a safe place don't nobody want to see me don't know about at all and then then i had to perform right then when i was performing i was like oh then it he was like yeah get it out get it out because when you leave leave the sickness here see see venom is toxic only 10 of venom is toxic 90 of venomous protein [Music] ninety percent of what killed you helped you it was the ten percent that took you out that might be why god said don't touch the ten that might be why he told adam and eve y'all can have 90 of this garden don't touch that little bit because it's the little bit that takes you out i'm grateful we got a man and woman of god who have mastered staying away from the 10. [Music] enlarge my limit here's the next one and i got to stop keep your hand on me [Music] keep i didn't understand this scripture this one verse until my little son got four years old and we walking through walmart and this is around the time when they tell you don't touch nothing and kids want to do what touch everything and literally i got a buggy in one hand i got my hand on mile's head and then only daddy's understanding and i'm gripping his head and as we walk in i'm turning his body who that but i'm just come on come on come on come on and the whole while we get to the rail his eyes light up and i'm pulling him away and i said god i thank you for the seasons you kept your hand on me the hand the hand the hand the hand the hand is so critical it's so critical because the hand represents authority [Music] one scripture says at his left hand was goats at his right hands was sheep what's the difference between a sheep and a goat what they eat goats don't have an appetite they eat whatever and my sheep know mine [Music] so keep your hand on me let's go home the text says and god granted him what he asks can you stand to your feet all in the comments i just want you to type lord do it lord do it lord do it lord do it and god granted him what he requested i want to say this i don't come to the mount to preach i come to the mount to be exposed you got me you will only live at the level you've been exposed to bishop i honor you so much because i understand fully it's the pain of being you that produce the power of being you it's the pain of being you that produce the power of being you so so when i come to the mount i don't come to the mount to preach i come to the mount to sit in the back and just listen to him talk i come to the mount to look at that wall with everybody on the wall i get to look at it every time i come i pick back up where i stopped i just look i come to the mountain to see that if i do this right my kids will honor me and honor god and honor my ministry because i've seen church tear so many families up i come to get exposed i come to see that if people get on one accord and love god they can change a city that prisoners and politicians and presidents can walk on this stage and feel loved i come to get exposed yeah come to get exposed i got a building my church don't even know about yet that we're almost closed on the deal's done they waiting on me to sign it i told my cfos i can't sign until i come back from the va she's like why i said i gotta go get exposed and i'm sitting here not cause i couldn't see it and it looks just like this but i couldn't see it i had to come get exposed anyone know what's crazy familiarity breeds contempt and sadly sometimes you miss what you got cause you're so used to it you actually think every pastor loves people you actually think every pastor stand there and hug you you actually think every first lady is welcoming i'm gonna miss some nasty people some mean arrogant bougie nasty people i thank god for the gift of this house are y'all hearing me [Music] watch this but i know bishop this hurt [Music] i can't wait to hit a book and read the book of what this cost you i can't wait this hurt my wife's gonna say to me the other day oh i can't stand this stretch mark i said baby that's the down payment for them five kids running around here they look good to me like a sexy zebra she's like leave me alone i said no baby i said that's the cost of them five kids we got i know it hurt because the birthing greatness jbaz is painful god i thank you for the sacrifice of our leaders and god i say our leaders because i view them as such so god in this moment i ask that you replenish everything that they poured out [Music] god i pray with long life you're satisfied god i speak by faith this prayer jpegs god that you will bless them honorable keeper protect them i speak by faith god that you will do exceeding and abundant above all they could actually dream or mention [Music] i pray that the generations that are coming out of them will be blessed every city [Music] every son every daughter god i ask that you keep ahead your protection around their hearts [Music] god people have no idea how much betrayal they probably faced monthly weekly how many churches they birthed that have went rogue or how many sons they've sacrificed everything for but weren't faithful or loyal [Music] god i pray right now that you will make an example out of this church for the good that if you honor god and honor your man of god and everything in this church will be blessed god i lift up this music department i lift up the ministry the elders and the deacons and every member watching online i speak by faith greater is coming it is in jesus name we pray can we lift up a shout of praise in this room come on come on you can do better than that i want you to lift up a shout out praise come on i want you to take 60 seconds and praise god even in the comments just give god your best praise right there i want to read something to you in the back can you put first chronicles chapter four verse 10 out of the message version on the screen out of the message version i want them to see this because it's going to bless your life out of the message version uh is jabez prayed to god of israel watch this now jabez prayed to the god of israel bless me oh bless me whenever you see a word twice that's what they call the emphatic principle that means pay very close attention to this bless me oh bless me look at this give me land jesus large tracts of land and provide this is what messed me up bishop your personal protection or in other words god don't send an angel you do it y'all miss what i just said personal protection don't let evil hurt me and here he is god gave him what he asked i speak that over your life in jesus name let's praise god for who's ever coming come on clap your hands [Music] clap your hands clap your hands clap your hands [Music] clap your hands i'm turning it over to somebody you got it [Music] [Music] [Music] have heard such an awesome word as this today and not take advantage of the crossover at the bottom of the screen opportunities of you to make a definitive decision are being presented all you got to do is text accept to 71441 and you can become a believer in christ today it only takes a moment to become a christian but a lifetime to fulfill that commitment it's as simple as abc they admit that you are a sinner we all have sinned and come short of the glory of god be that you believe in the death burial and resurrection of jesus christ and then see confess that jesus christ is lord take advantage of the crossover and text accept to 71441 perhaps maybe you've already been a believer but because of hurt because of pain today you were provided another crossover opportunity and you want to rededicate your life all you got to do is text restart to 71441 and you can rededicate your life we all have sin that is true but if we sin confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness accept the 71441 text restart the 71441 but man what benefit would it be for you to do all of that and not have some type of firm foundation where the valley does end at the mount and church is supposed to change lives and maybe this sunday of crossover is an opportunity for you to become a part of the fellowship all you need to do is text mount up to 71441 and we welcome you into the fellowship man on behalf of bishop and elder in the family celebrating 31 years man what greater gift could we give to the first family than you making a definitive decision a spiritual decision to accept jesus christ as your personal lord and savior if israel be lost jacob would not lose his reward like the people of god say amen come on put your hands together once again and say amen i tell you on last night bishop i i was at the norfolk state and elizabeth city university game and native son had the opportunity to be escorted on campus and not escorted off campus there are days when we are leaving from the field house and i call the chief of police and i say the team is ready to leave will you have the escort in place when we got to tidewater drive yesterday evening an escort was there to lead the vikings into dick price stadium man it was such an honor to be able to stand with elizabeth city state university on yesterday i didn't have to be there until pre-flex time and when i do the prayers and things of that nature but i get there early and while i was walking on the field with the players number 91 came up to me and said pastor i was a walk-on i wasn't even supposed to be playing but i'm here now and i'm playing a division one team this i never saw in my dreams yo that's the type of leadership we sit under people that stretch us beyond ourselves and allows us to see that there is something greater than what we have everybody shout exposure that's all elizabeth city state university got last night was exposure because the score was definitely exposing but yet many freshmen many kids left dick price stadium as we rolled back to elizabeth city on last night saying there is something bigger than what we have bishop elder dr kimberly dr keisha pastor lj thank you for 31 years i owe my life to a god who trusted you to teach me how to cross over we praise god for you and we celebrate your life happy anniversary guys [Music] [Music] well good morning um i feel like i'm emotional already just the spirit that it's set but um we just want to say on behalf of tmp um a few words and so i would first start off by saying that i remember when i was pregnant i thought the hardest part was going to be giving birth and now i know that the hardest part is not necessarily giving birth but raising these three low rugrats is the real hard part but bishop and elder remember when you guys thought that birthing a church was the hardest part and now nine sites later you are still standing and so absolutely y'all can clap on that um your grandchildren go to school and and they brag on who you are just like we brag on god and the amazing god that he is [Music] and so when you walk in the room your light shines so bright that people want to help you because of the vision in your heart because they know it's good ground but i just want to say that you have challenged us you have checked us and you have charted us into new territory you have modeled us to help people that you know talk about you and now as the a site you have shown us the product of raising legacy so we thank you this morning we thank you for believing in us we thank you for placing us at tmp we thank you for the vision in your heart both as parents and as spiritual leaders and it just means more than you know so thank you for the conversations behind closed doors but also just allowing us to take this role and to um hopefully continue to make make you proud so we love you and on behalf of tmp we thank you so she talked she yeah you can clap for her you can clap for her look she almost talked my clock all the way down to zero but she mentioned um about the nine sites and i just want to mention i talked last night a little bit about something called an emotional legacy there's also i read something called a leafy legacy and it talked about how you can plant for legacy and i think bishop for years has already been planting for legacy as we stand up here today i'm grateful i know keisha is grateful and i know everybody all the partners at tmp are grateful for being a church plant and it talked about how when people plant trees a lot of times you may not you may not the planter may not get the benefit of the fruit and the timber and the shade and the oxygen um and so again i'm just grateful for being a plant bishop and i see all the trees here out here today if the trees just stand up let me get the trees the church plants if all of us can stand up y'all just imagine 10 years 50 years 100 years from now all the generations that will be benefited from these trees that bishop has planted so bishop i think that you have been planting for legacy and i'm grateful for it and i appreciate it thank you all so much happy anniversary [Music] bishop elder on behalf of the newest uh site the mount virtual bishop uh hopefully you can laugh at this but uh you know i think the mount virtual has elder to thank probably more than you [Music] just for the simple fact of how she thinks but i think the mount virtual has you to thank for your heart that you would stretch yourself even more thinly to ensure that people all around the world got the exact same thing that happened here in chesapeake virginia at a place in your life where if you don't do anything else if you don't start another thing your legacy is secure you've done enough that your name will be written in history for the things that you've done in this area and around the world but for you to think it not robbery because i remember the original conversation and i remember how you looked when we talked about it you were the first person ever that i'd ever even talked to about doing technology in a way that would potentially bring people from outside of the walls and allow them to stay home and your heart was if i can reach more people for god i don't care if all the people are in the seats or not and that was remarkable because this is pre-pandemic before anybody else was thinking about how to actually do it on this level in a predominantly black church of all places you were already looking that far ahead and so it just says so much about you how much you care about people how much you care about people being connected to god so to both of you on behalf of the mount virtual we thank you for being for being intentional about keeping people connected because it's one thing for people to just view you it's another people another thing for you to actually place your dna in people all around the world so we just salute you and thank you for that um just this week we had the opportunity we had a partner coming up from jer from georgia literally driving the parking lot just to come here and see the building where she worships at every sunday virtually and i called bishop on facetime and he had audacity after all that he had been through with nsu that day to jump on facetime just to tell that partner happy birthday and so that's the kind of leaders that we have we salute you we thank you we honor you so on behalf of the mount virtual we got a little something for y'all you know get you a little bit more of that oatmeal you like elder and a couple more scooby snacks bishop so and to the entire first family we just thank you for your sacrifice by how you continue to share your sales with us each and every day now this time everyone else has an opportunity to sow into our spiritual leaders so this is a special giving moment where you can be a part of the giving up on the screen right now you'll see where you can cash out sign legacy kwb and that'll go directly to our leaders as well you can go on our website and if you go to the website you can go to the backslash giving and you'll find a special drop down for bishop elder's anniversary on today but whatever you do don't let this day pass where you do not get to sow into two of the best leaders on this side of heaven i promise you you'll be sowing into good ground and not just that we just want to show them love and just show our gratitude for all that they do but at this time you're probably counting and you've seen all throughout the weekend we've had all these special presentations um all these moments that have occurred but there's one last presentation that we want to do and it's with the girl that brought bishop to the dance and so we're going to ask you to go ahead pay attention to the screens in the room and if you're at home pay attention to this video as we get ready to present bishop from the mount at chesapeake [Music] [Music] [Applause] so i was just so surprised that they picked somebody like me that wasn't that cookie cutter christian you know married and happy little you know wife and stuff like that and this was probably one of the best experiences i could you know ask for so when bishop came to my house to give me the scholarship for college i was really shocked i was really surprised and it's a moment that i won't forget and what bishop did that and that's why i was so emotional that he did that that he did that for for my family he was there he was in the middle of doing something or had something planned and he said if i could meet him at the church he would be there and he was he was there [Music] [Music] amen bishop i don't know if you could catch it or not but just to make the point drive it home for you each one of those people represents what i feel is one of the most important parts of your legacy which is every life that you impact every time you think it not robbery to to give and to just give and give and give and it seems like every time anyone can turn around you're coming up with something else i i love the the one thing i love about being on staff with you is you walking down that hallway and say hey it's this lady i don't know her name and you start describing her she about five five three and she got her hair like this but i need to find her so we can bless her it's amazing to watch you two and how you bless so many people and they just represented what you've done in one year just one year just some of the blessings that y'all have been able to do and we are just so excited to be a part of such a benevolent church but for the room for the people at home to everyone that's connected to this body of believers i'm going to ask you at this time to stand to your feet put some hearts in the chat and get ready to receive the best leaders on this side of heaven come on y'all can do better than that i want you to give it up for bishop tim w brown and elder valerie as they come in their own special come on [Music] [Music] [Music] are you waiting for me to say something uh [Music] this whole weekend has been amazing y'all um bishop we got home last night he said girl you talked more last night than you ever talk and i'm usually when we give him remarks i just say i don't have anything to say and pass it on to him um and and i feel full right now i just want to say thank you hopefully all of you have streamed or been a part of friday night and saturday and you'll understand my thanks and um being so full as i said when you pick the thing legacy i mean no one wants to think about you know when they're laying in the coffin and what people are saying but that's kind of what you think about you know when you think about legacy it's like you're at the end of the journey and you know what what has your life been about and um i have been thinking as we said in the last couple of years you know what do i want people to say when i'm not here what is my legacy going to be and you guys have just been showing us that all the things that we've done as i've said before that we have forgotten about and we just did it because it was the right thing to do at the time with no intent no motive and i know he preached the sermon um you know liv make a mark that can't be erased but you don't really think about those things when you're doing it i mean i don't think you do i think you you just do it because you really feel that's the right thing to do but then when it comes back to you and the ways that you've shown it to us it just makes you very humble it makes you recognize as pastor mcclure has just seen it god has definitely had his hand on our head and turning us this way in that way and even on our heart to make us feel a certain way and so i've been honored and blessed to know that god has been there every step of the way even when i didn't know that that was happening but as you look back on your life you know it was nobody but god because i i don't even have a mental fortitude um or even the purity of heart i'll even go there to even say that that was the right thing to do so you know it was god all the way and i just thank him each and every day for for just using me in that way using us in that way and bringing you here to be a part of the mount to help us do the things that he has done so i love you guys thank you let's just continue this ride until we can't ride no more how about that love you guys [Applause] [Music] oh wow we're getting ready to leave um thank you sir man um i just love your energy i guess that's because that's that's me i just believe whatever you're gonna do if you can't give it everything you got sit down i don't understand people to come to the platform i'm gonna try you know oh just give it whatever you got and um [Music] i'm telling you what's amazing is to to sit here and listen to pastor mike talking about he come here to get exposed is like yeah right but um i can literally listen to him all day i've never seen someone that's so gifted to be articulate intelligent and anointed that's an unusual gift when you can deal with my heart and my head and um thank you sir for what you all don't know is the reality is he was not taking any engagements and um he had decided he was just staying home because of covet you saw him do stuff with the stellars but he had not preached anywhere and when when i understand when our staff reached out to his church he said man that's going to put me in a tough position because i got to go to bishop i didn't know who the who the anniversary preacher was and you know i'm just so proud that that as big as big has gotten i can text him and he gonna answer the phone literally like i am somebody that he looks up to and so i'm just so grateful to him thank you to staff just man just unbelievable how they dream and you know the reality you hear me say this and i know it's a play on the word i know it's not good theology moses parted the red sea with his staff and i just want to thank god i only want to call names for everybody staff is just unbelievable at this church and i don't know what elder and i did to to deserve the staff that we have i mean as churches go we've had no turnover i mean when i look at staff that has been here 15 20 years that's unheard of in a church setting and so thank you all you know and once again i don't want to call anybody's name because i i don't want to i don't want to forget anybody so thank you to everybody this is how we're going to end i i i know y'all been up here but can family come up here on the stage [Music] they don't have to come if they don't want to come i mean if they you know they sleep and everything but y'all make your way i'm gonna let you come up here six months earlier than would and and i'm to say this [Music] to every site pastor senior site pastor thank you pastor alvin and later tracy thank you pastor ferg thank you coach mike lady brandon thank you lady jessica pastor carl thank you pastor tian lady tasha thank you elder dineen thank you chief thank you pastor brim and lady brim to your family i asked god to show me how to end when it's all said and done this is all you got i don't care how big you get i don't care how many revivals or meetings you do this is all you have and without being too transparent one night we were having a family moment it's been about three four years ago we were having a family moment and i sat there that night and i didn't say anything they did all the talking and finally they said we heard nothing from you and i sat there and i said church took my family when i was a child and when god called me to preach i told him he would not have a problem with me with his money with women the only thing i asked god to do is keep this group together and that night if y'all remember i said i'm upset with god because i feel like he is not honoring what i asked him to do die satan you can come after my health i don't care come after the money i don't care but can you just leave this alone i believe that night was a turning point that took our family to a whole nother level because the one thing i keep telling them is when they roll elder and i in whoever it is that puts us at the altar when they roll us out and drop us six feet in the ground or wherever y'all put us do not argue over a house do not argue over cars do not argue over watches because god has been too good to the bloodline for us to argue over stuff that ain't worth as my mama would say a heel of beans so i need to say in front of them [Music] man i am proud of them [Music] i'm proud of dr keisha i don't know how the girl can write a book while she having a baby while she dealing with being a physician assistant in this season how she can get cussed out at work because of an anti-vaxxer and yet still be able to do what she does i'm proud of my daughter kimberly who is day by day amazing me with what she's pursuing i'm proud of the new uh part of her destiny that stands on the stage that it kind of messed me up a few weeks ago because i guess i was kind of out of the loop and she's in atlanta saying this is where we gonna raise our family and i'm looking at land and i'm like wow they buying land they buying land y'all trees and then i'm proud of all of you all but this brother has just kind of messed me up over the last month because [Music] i've only seen him really cry cry cry twice one was when his grandfather died because he is his granddad his mama's daddy and the next generation absolutely he is eddie g in the next generation you're not going to change what he thinks he's going to be consistent you're going to know he's not going to talk behind your back he's going to say it he is him and we were having a family moment that night and this brother that was the second time pastor ferb i had ever seen him get emotional he said y'all think because i'm different than y'all that i don't have relationship with god and then he looked at everyone from his mother to his father and said i'm the family intercessor i'm the one that gets the prayer through in this family and i'm like whoa bro and i mean i saw something rise up in him that night as as authentic but it was respectful but he says just because i ain't the one that's running around on sunday and falling on the floor and all that stuff y'all think i'll have no relationship with god he says i'm closer to god than all of y'all and it was the way it rolled out of his mouth with so much conviction they said i just want to say i'm proud of the father you are the husband you are and the pastor that you are without a doubt [Music] and girl 32 years huh i don't even know what to say thank you for um a couple of weeks ago i guess about a month ago i have this thing that i asked elle to sometimes say are you happy and there are times don't be clean when she'll ask don't ask that question today and she'll say don't ask no question that you don't want to know the answer to and that night we had a real husband-wife moment and she said to me that there are days when living with you is h e double hockey sticks but it was the way it came out of her mouth that day to say wow because she said you go from zero to 60 sometimes i just want to ask a question and you go from zero to 60 she's right and she has been i figured all y'all would say that lynnwood see don't say that because linwood has not seen the 0-60 yeah he probably will but i just want you to know i love you and thank you girl for tolerating the zero to 60 for 30 two years to the mount we love you let's just see what god is doing thank you so much for celebrating with us i know it was a overbearing day but it can be a long day but i had a ball thank you all so much all right somebody give me direction am i supposed to pray benediction all right now unto him is able to keep us from falling present us faultless before the throne of god to the only almighty god be glory and majesty dominion and power [Music] i call all of us blessed in the city blessed in the field bless when we come bless when we go in jesus name amen love y'all to life [Music] you
Channel: The Mount Global
Views: 252
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 2owXetuMGZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 274min 1sec (16441 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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