The Laziest - Suprisingly NOT Lazy At All

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so we've gone over the hero and we've gone over the worse but what about the laziest is this the worst gumball episode let's see so we start off with Nicole giving Richard a few chores to do while she's at work with Richard not just accepting but being very enthusiastic about chores oh and if you haven't noticed they have oval eyes instead of circle eyes yes this is a season 1 episode it's been a while since I covered one of these it sounds less like lazy and more like a spying nice arrest to support such a thick upper body Richard Dunne responds with the same answer as to why I don't have her face revealed yet these season 1 episodes didn't happen as intense of a snarky feel as later seasons so a lot of these episodes can end up looking simple by comparison they're innocent however don't let that fool you there are quite a few season 1 episodes that are heavily criticized and considering that I'm covering this in my pursuit to find the worst episode this is one of them so why how about you little bank robbers take your loot to the safe house huh we're just taking out the trash aren't we yes enter gumball and Darwin who are the other major characters within this episode their dynamic here is that this episode dies into the depths of how lazy Richard can get to son we don't really know Richard at this point he's been in a responsible 2/3 the end address the spoon the painting of which I'd argue that the latter three episodes the dress the spoon the painting have at least a moderate appearance of Richard so before that he's either in the background bumbling around or he's T posing off-camera who knows so it can be a little bit of a tricky situation to show him in such a negative light tricking his children to do his bidding so that he can get some more sleep as if he doesn't have enough already it also makes other episodes look a lot worse in the hindsight they're obviously not happy about the fact that despite Richard promising to play with them he tricks them into doing his chores as a guise for actually spending time with your family once describing that he's lazy gumball and Darwin decide they want to out lazy their dad I'll do your church for a whole day and if you lose yo mind for the rest of your life sounds like someone should be working in the game industry with that level of benefits of consequences mindset putting comical exaggeration to the side I don't find a setup to this to be that bad I think it's quite tame compared to the negatively received episodes that come later it's like spongebob we're a bad episode from the first three seasons is nothing like the bad episodes that come after those because the tone of the episode and a level of subtlety that makes what bad episodes are to be bad is so radically different that the bad episodes stand out significantly later on although it could be because we damper down the shortcomings of first seasons of shows both spongebob and gumball are great examples of that so cue gumball and Darwin futile efforts to beat Richard at his own game watching TV trying to ollie on someone and eating junk food speaking of that one minor thing about gumball that I really touch upon is their personification of anything and everything it's actually fundamental to this show and it's something that while rough now would become a polished part of the show [Music] another part of this that interests me a lot is how tiny details like eyelashes or Richards whiskers would go on to be heavily refined later on they definitely hit the ground running to start and then work on the details as they go on I also enjoyed a quick nature and lack of meta humor here the lack of meta humor is what makes it have its punch when it comes back do you hear that season five and six they go off to try to find someone who can out lazy Richard in Elmore there really aren't that many choices but maybe this guy all the way on the right can be a contender dude hasn't stopped looking in this same direction since the scene started it's either a thousand-yard stare or he too is upset that McDonald's released the spicy chicken nuggets and you see the box and the articles yet you can't find it anywhere like why show me the picture of what can be if I can't get it hi Billy Mays here for mighty putty the easy way to fix filling sealed virtually anything fast and make it last so they learn about lazy Larry who is exactly who you would expect him to be however my minor gripe with this episode actually has to do with the running gag here not once in this episode do they dive into visually the summer of 83 and I always found that to be annoying be on Larry explaining it briefly it is pretty much an afterthought disguise essa main point I suppose it could be a hashtag relatable moment like if you and a friend went hey remember that summer back between ninth and tenth grade and without any further information they understand you it's specific enough to date but not specific enough to know the contents of what happened maybe it's a commentary on how shows can often draw in and completely alien unconnected piece of lore that you just have to trust a show on because there's nothing surrounding or connecting it that leads up to or shows results that came from said event but I see it as one of the best examples of loss potential considering what Larry turns out to be I would imagine the summer of 83 is tantamount in the current mindset of Larry and why he works so many jobs and it's so crucial to the upkeep of Elmore I'm not saying that we need to have a three-part special just for our minor character like Larry but I do feel like if this episode we're in seasons 4 and beyond they would have been a little bit more ambitious as all I'm trying to say rather than keeping it up in the air and reminding us that it is there and we will never know that cannon things that happened that irritates me more than Richard tricking his kids and you know what wait a minute this episode was put in the same conversation as the worse and the hero seriously when you think of a family casting their children to the curb because they don't see the intrinsic value of someone who's been documented to do a minimal amount of work or the family coming together to provide pseudo arguments for why their category is the most oppressed how do we put this episode about richard tricking its children into doing chores in the same category I'm seriously reconsidering that if this episode doesn't give me a reason why I should put this in the same name as those other episode right now I'm gonna I was the laziest guy in Elmore until I lost my title to Richard Watterson oh yeah I totally forgot about that part yeah so um to put it bluntly gumball and Darwin ruined Larry's life they take away his job his car girlfriend house within a minute or so all for a competition with Richard and while it does make gumball and Darwin look absolutely horrible I'm going to shoot this episode some well-needed bill I'm going to be the defense attorney here they do pull out all the stops to make it comical like for example putting their begging into a song on a radio that a DJ dedicates to Larry or when they replace the eggs in the carton creating a different vocal effect to emphasize their split voices apart coming together it's not a flat-out minute of the episode playing it straight that gumball and Darwin are hovering over Larry and ruining its life and even this part is so quick that the episode dives into other territories pretty quickly you can easily move on to the next thing unlike another trio in which the episode would have taken this minute and stretch it out into an entire episode sometimes I can't say that I feel that level of hatred towards this episode as others have but I do understand that ruining a man's life for an unnecessary competition will make some people feel uncomfortable about the implications here especially considering that Larry gives off undertones that he worked his butt off to get where he is now and that he doesn't appear the most confident and really is afraid to lose it all okay now I see why this is considered one of the worst episodes especially since Larry doesn't even show up sorry whoa whoa whoa excuse me blueberry shortcake I care about the summer of 83 I care and I think that would be a fantastic episode I can picture it now we have a young Richard and Larry who were rivals but were considered to be the lowest of the low on the kids social totem pole so they didn't have any friends and at the time the kids decided to have lazy offs during the summer in which knavery would win all the time however Richard being on the other side of Elmore did not know of such a competition and was just lazy for fun one side of Elmore considered Richard to be the laziest and the other side considered Larry to be the laziest so they have a lazy off in which the senior citizens from earlier our judges and also a younger version of themselves and it's a fierce competition well as fierce as a lazy off can be which ends with Larry imagining his life being the laziest kid who turns into the laziest teen who turns into the laziest adult imagining Richard's life to be a living nightmare this image of his potential future self shocks him so bad that from that point on he works off the weight he applies for every job in Elmore with the photo of his past self as a reminder to work hard or become what he would have become to Richard he wins and thus have a smug outlook towards Larry considering himself to be superior which makes them both rivals to this day but yes getting back to what actually happened Larry doesn't come back in this episode despite the scale of destruction that gumball and Darwin did to his life he comes across as a huge butt monkey in this episode and that's saying something considering other episodes and all of it happened for basically having to do it Richard in the summer of 83 supernatural powers so in addition to teasing us with the summer of 83 and ruining Larry's life that cherry on top of the pissing people off cake has to go to Richard hearing Nicole's car and pretending to work as a ruse for forfeiting the lazy off to throw his kids under the bus as they celebrate Fanning working hard the entire day - now trick Nicole again it makes the hero look really interesting with episodes like these it's super annoying to see this but it does have a valuable lesson gumball Darwin play with people your own age they seem to have some ambition and generally don't want to screw you over do I consider this to be the worst episode no but it might be the worst episode in season 1 it's certainly not the best performance of any major character here however this wasn't offensively bad to me it still retains that season 1 charm of being comical even when discussing matters like these but what is the worst episode of the amazing world of gumball - you let me know in the comments down below until then special thanks to the supporters of February and until next time take care alpha [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Alpha Jay Show
Views: 294,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2mXCbbRqhVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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