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hey i'm jay from the clubhouse welcome back to another episode of yandere simulator mix series where you guys ask some questions in the challenges or tell me mister you guys have about the game and i try to answer them in this video we have a lot of illnesses open today so let's get started alright so before we start today's episode a lot of you guys were saying in the last video that when I killed a student the evil girl was saying some new dialogue that you guys have never seen before I don't know what she's saying but I know it's something naughty because she's so damn even so we are going to check it out right now okay so let me boost my reputation real quick and then let's talk to the evil girl game is my stream you know I get all crazy when you get close to me okay there you go we asked her to follow us I'm going to go up to the roof kill Midori bada bing bada boom let's see what she said you watching the sequel girls alright hmm oh my god this can't be happening Yeah right look at that face so cut them even that was beautiful don't worry I won't tell anyone what I saw and she gave me the winky face in that new dialogue I could have sworn I heard her say something like that McCord hold on he just over here I want to talk to you one more time hold on girl evil girl we can't talk to her anymore okay I don't know if that's what she said let me try doing something else like setting kokoa on fire and let's see if she says anything different okay so I just watched my last video and what had happened I actually felt and punched somebody in the middle of a crowd so I don't know exactly who said it but a lot of people are predicting that it's her because she's the only one usually says [ __ ] like that but I think it just has to be her witnessing a corpse instead of me killing them in front of her so I'm just going to end somebody's life woo wall she's not in the picture and then when she sees the corpse maybe she'll say something different then okay so you he's right there let me turn the door real quick okay and then let's go here I'm going to forgive my sin then I'm going to teleport to the roof hide my knife whoo and you we still right there okay so those people witness what happened what Kirsch II didn't see anything yet follow me please and then let's see what happened as soon as she sees this corpse come on girl a corpse fascinating I wish I could take a closer look but no yep she did say something different okay cool so in order for her to say that new line of dialogue she just has to see the corpse you can't witness you in the act of ending a life because then she'll say what she said the first time he just has to see the corpse on its own without you doing anything to it so for anybody who was wondering who said that or why it triggered that yeah you just got to have the corpse on the ground already and then she's going to say fascinating I wish I could take a closer look but no anyway let's get on to the myth student slash teachers now react to you holding body parts so if you clean up all evidence but hold one body part when the day ends can the police identify a body that was actually something that I thought was kind of weird when I started playing this game the fact that when there was body parts all over the ground students would just walk over them like it was carpet or something but now when you're holding a body part students will react to it what I'm going to do right now is I'm going to dispose of all the body parts actually I'm going to forgive my sins there you go so I'm going to dispose of all the body parts except for one and then we're going to see what happens look [ __ ] how can nobody notices somebody's definitely notice his hair flopping around on this cello face I have a feeling though that the police are going to identify the body especially if you're holding like a bloody hand the fact that the students and teachers can now notice you holding a body part like even if you're just holding a hand it could be anybody's hand but in this game I'm pretty sure they're going to identify it let me know your predictions in the comments below I'm going to dispose of this last one right here okay and I don't need to change my clothes because I forgave my sins so activate and right now I'm just going to mop up all the blood and then we are going to hold a body part and we're going to end the day [Music] okay so I got all the blood mops up there's no blood inside of this room and then I'm going to pick up this arm there you go we're going to end the day and let's see what happen the school day has ended teachers must walk through the school until any lingering students to leave while walking around the school a teacher discovers a mysterious blood stain oh yeah more blood and I could have sworn I cleaned all the blood stain [ __ ] out of here the police arrive at school the police are unable to locate any corpses on school grounds the police are unable to locate any murder weapon the police question you on dairy town book is not linger 20 crimes even though I'm clearly holding a severed bloody arm in my hands the police didn't have enough evidence to perform an arrest yeah a hole severed arm isn't enough evidence the police investigation ends and students are free to leave okay so I guess we're free to go but what happens if the students and teachers notice you holding the arm then you end the day will the police arrest you we're going to figure that out right now okay so here we are again guys I dispose of the weapon and all the body parts this time I'm going to have the whole head so they can identify it if the police do come we are going to go up onto the roof and we are going to show these students look at them reacting to this head you guys see that oh my god this can't be happening okay we've got three witnesses we are going to end the day with the head in our hands and let's see if they can identify the body the police arrived at school the police are unable to locate any corpses on school grounds okay there you have it guys it doesn't matter if it's a hand a leg even their frickin head the police are unable to locate any corpses on school grounds so that is officially be wrong all to the next one how to trap kokoa in the greenhouse forever one get Kaukauna to follow you to go all the way to the greenhouse three build a bucket with gasoline four set it as a trap above the doors five teleport outside the greenhouse she will never be able to get out this is a glitch that's probably going to be fixed soon because I believe when you could first set the traps above the doors you could glitch one of the buckets on top of like the single doors but the trap is only supposed to work for double doors and the greenhouse does have double doors so you can trap Katonah in there if we can place a bucket on there and then we're going to have to teleport out because we're not going to be able to open the door so so the last step to trap there you go and we can't open the door so but we can teleport right outside and there's tikona she kind of looks like a little lab rat in the cage I kind of feel sorry for her let me actually go to class and then I'm going to go back to the greenhouse and let's see if she's still there nah she's not there damn it for the door still closed so how the [ __ ] did Kokoda get out of there okay guys I think the only way this can work is after we set the trap we don't teleport the class we don't do any of that stuff all we do is fast-forward time the normal way and she's going to be stuck in there forever so if you want your very own cocoon elaborate all you got to do is take her to the greenhouse set the bucket trap above the doors teleport out and she'll never be able to escape as long as you don't go to class or do any activity or anything that'll load the screen anyway on to the next one this one involves the gym teacher one activate an easter egg accept ebola to kill a random student like my waifu three take the corpse to the gym teacher four go up to her and you'll see she's not smiling anymore and if you point the camera at her she'll react like a normal teacher not like she normally does I guess since we activated the Easter Egg we got to use the weapon at the test - the easter egg so that okay I don't know if this is going to work because she got dismembered [ __ ] whatever we'll take the torso to the gym feature and then we're going to see how she reacts so right now she's smiling I guess it's not really a smiles like a half a smile we're gonna show her this hello please nope okay I guess it doesn't work with dismembered body parts let's try different Easter eggs okay this time we're in cirno mode and this time i think it'll work and let's see she's smiling right yep she's smiling now I bring the corpse to her and she is not smiling you're right [ __ ] she was just smiling a second ago I guess dead bodies really put a front on her face okay right now we are in slender mode and goddamn I forgot how Paul she is what NBA teams you play for let's kill my waifu what's in the goddamn she's attached to our needs and before we show the teacher let's see the smile on her face there you go look at that smile probably excited about the TV dinner he's going to heat up after work and let's show her the body that is so [ __ ] stupid all right guys this is dumbest bug she has a smile on her face before we show her the body and then once we show it to her she has a frontal face it's stupid as hell but it is true so for anybody who was wondering hat there you go onto the next one the next one is going to be a three-in-one myth meaning that I can do all three of these easy so I'm going to do it all in one sitting so the first one is Jay I have a question can you pour the water or gasoline on yourself and the next one is what happens if you throw a match on a bucket of gasoline and the third one was telling me to kill a person in the third floor haunted bathroom and after I'm done killing them the ghost is going to say some new dialogue and for some reason it got a decent amount of likes meaning that people didn't know if it was true or not and they wanted to see me do it so I'm going to do all three of those right now so let's go so the first one was asking if you can pour some liquids on yourself the only thing that you can do is pour it forward like this so you can't really pour it on yourself I guess maybe what you're asking is if the door opens can it go on me and the answer is no because you can't open the door yourself you're gonna have to wait for someone to walk through it so what we're going to do right now we're going to put the bucket on top of the door we're going to wait for cocconi to answer her phone in the front of the school and stuff like that we're gonna walk through and then you're gonna see that she's not able to get way all right there you go cocoon is coming I'm going to run exactly at the same spot she is and BAM ran under the water she got wet and they're each on clean as a whistle I don't even think that it's even implemented into the game for her to get wet with a liquid but somebody was asking it and it got a decent amount of likes meaning that a lot of people wanted to see me do it but yeah that one was easy to debunk the second one is what happens if you throw the match in a bucket of gasoline realistically I think if you threw a match on top of a bucket of gasoline it would light on fire instantly but in the world of this game I don't think diddly shits going to happen but we're just going to try it out anyway all right so here we go we've got the matches in hand we got the bucket of piss over there so BAM nothing absolutely nothing that one one right in there - look at that it's floating inside the bucket of gasoline you guys sell that [ __ ] well let me see if I can do that again there you go yeah it's tooling around like some Disney [ __ ] hi I'm Raven from back so raven and you're watching Disney Channel yeah guys if you throw the match directly into the bucket of gasoline nothing's going to happen now let's go on to that last myth talk to good ol Midori our good old guinea pig whoops I didn't mean to compliment her well maybe I did because she looks awesome today can you follow me please no she can't follow me right now because [ __ ] it's almost class time okay so we got Midori right over here ton and the guinea pigs like poo and nothing corpse right here in the haunted bathroom ghost says nothing it would have been crazy if the ghost actually did say something though but if the ghost actually did say something I think it would be along the lines of balls but anyway guys that was a three-in-one myth all of them were easy to answer and all three of them get the easy debunk onto the last myth of today's episode can you shake a kona on fire after you use the gasoline water and blood bucket traps on earth that's an interesting question because I think it matters in which ones you use first and which one you used last because I think if you used the gas first and the waters and the blood of course she's going to notice the one that is on her most recently if you use the gasoline last then I think you can set her on fire but that's the beauty of this series guys we're going to try it out right now and we're going to see if it can work so we're going to put the gasoline first the water on the second door right here and I remember there was a key on the keyboard to turn the water into blood hold on let me see I can't remember which one it is [ __ ] let's Crouch no this one there you go got it and we are going to put the blood bucket on the third we're talking smiles I think the cool thing about this is that kokoa is going to say three different lines gas for the water and for the blood so let's see this it's getting a splash the gas first oh [ __ ] what [ __ ] I think the crouching thing took effect right yeah okay I forgot to do that glitch crouching thing [ __ ] me okay there you go we got the blood on her for this one this must be water it's all blood what there was clearly water in that bucket this is the blood bucket right here the one that she's about to go into hold on [ __ ] we got to move this bucket damn it Kaukauna really there you go yeah so all of them are blood I think I know what happened you know how I turn the bucket of water into blood maybe it did it - all three buckets so let me actually try it again and this time I'll fill the blood bucket the legit way okay guys this time I'm doing it the quote-unquote legit way I'm saying it with air quotes because I did some of these two victims but I think the fact that I did the key on the keyboard to change the water into blood in the bucket automatically I think that's what [ __ ] me over it changed every single bucket into blood but now we're just going to put all this blood specifically into the one right over here so let's do this alright here we go guys first one up is the gasoline what is this it smells like gasoline yep sure does okay now she's going to go through the water this has to be the water for sure all right here she comes for buffing number two BAM the gasoline still on earth okay so maybe we can let her on fire wait gasoline so like gasoline now that [ __ ] was water girl and now the genius cocconi is stuck behind the bucket again great ah okay so it doesn't overtake the gasoline so the gasoline is the strongest thing and we can still set her on fire so to answer the question if you set up all three traps what are the gasoline one with water one with blood the gasoline still takes over all that stuff and we can still set her on fire so that is true and with that said that is going to do it for this episode of yandere simulator myths if you guys have any more comments questions challenges are missed you want potentially featured in the next video please leave them in this comment section below and I will choose the most creative and unique ones but if you guys enjoyed this video please give it a like and tell a friend today that Jay from the Cub Scouts is the dude
Channel: Kubz Scouts
Views: 4,052,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kubz scouts, kubz, scouts, yandere simulator, yandere simulator kubz scouts, yandere simulator myths kubz scouts, yandere sim myths, yan sim, yandere sim, yandere dev, yandere simulator glitches, yandere simualtor bugs, yandere simulator easter eggs, elimination, rivals, commentary, yan sim kubz, yandere sim kubz, bucket elimination, fire, gas, water, traps, senpai, winning yandere simulator, game link, video games, anime, japanese, japan, 2017, indie games
Id: oibRqODEzi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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