Outfit of the Day x 5 - OOTD Teacher Vlog

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hey guys and welcome to the month of April where apparently it snows in central PA so today is Monday and it is a delayed start and I am really excited at the fact that it's a delayed start but then I'm also very very excited about this video this week because you guys seem to really really love outfit of the days and being able to kind of see what it is that I'm wearing and when Poshmark contacted me to sponsor a video and dish for me to share like their app with my community I thought this was a perfect opportunity for me to share some really great fashion inspiration with all of you now some of you guys know that I am NOT a fashionista I am NOT someone who really likes to go out and go shopping and I am also a big believer in not buying a ton of clothes I don't like to spend a ton of money on clothes I don't that's just kind of my personal preference so when Poshmark kind of came out there and I started using the app and this is before they even contacted me but I started kind of looking at the app and looking at what other people had to offer I have always been one of those people that wants to be a thrifter and have wants to be able to go to a thrift shop and be able to find some of these really cool key vintage you know awesome pieces and I'm just not that person I have a tendency to get really flustered when I'm in kind of stores and I get really irritated because I'm looking for something very very specific so Poshmark kind of it does this for me and it's a really great app where I can pretty much just go on and I can look up some of those name brands that I love like anthropology and made well and j.crew and I can put in my sizes and kind of filter everything out and really be able to kind of see what are some of those pieces that people have to offer that are either like gently used or that they are brand new sometimes I know for me I have some pieces of clothing in my closet and I know you guys do - don't lie but you definitely have some pieces in your closet that you bought brand-new and you've never worn them right or you tried them on you took tag off and it just didn't quite fit right or you've wanted either maybe one or two times so Poshmark is an online marketplace it's an online marketplace for where we can go on and we can buy and we can sell gently used to new clothing and I think this is a really great way of shopping and I think this is a really great way to be able to stay on trend without breaking the budget I know there are a lot of people out there that are on budgets I am on a budget because we just recently bought a house and you know it's just how we live and that's ok so I don't try to go out and spend a ton of money on clothing and I think parsh mark is a a really great way for me to be able to find some of those really key and beautiful pieces that are name-brand but that they don't break my budget at the same time definitely would recommend for you guys to download the free app Poshmark and create a closet go on and look for some of those key pieces that you think are going to be absolutely perfect to start transitioning you into spring as we're starting to get out of the winter months hopefully and that you can also kind of create your own closet to be able to sell some of those pieces that you have sitting in your closet and that are clogging it up and you're never really going to wear because it doesn't fit you or you know you just thought it was cute but it just didn't look right on you because I'd guarantee you that there is somebody somewhere out there that will definitely benefit from one of those key pieces so create a closet it's so quick to be able to put items up for sell so this week I'm gonna be sharing my outfits with you every single day now today because it is a delayed start we get to wear jeans on delayed start days so I am kind of wearing an outfit but I am wearing it with jeans now typically I don't get to wear jeans during the week I only get one Friday a month to be able to wear jeans so I've know a lot of school districts out there allow Friday's as come in their jeans day so you can wear this as like a Friday outfit or you could just dress it with some really nice like olive green pants I would definitely pair this outfit with some trousers that are like olive green from j.crew that I love but the shoes shirt everything else would remain the seams okay so the very first thing that I have on you're gonna notice is this mommy like short sleeve the t-shirts this is an H&M divided I think that's the like line itself but it's an H&M divided t-shirt I really like it because it's loose-fitting it doesn't kind of hug my body too much which I'm not really into the hug hugging because I don't like people to see this piece but I really like kind of this detail here where it's almost like this layered around the neck I think it's really pretty and I really like this color this is kind of the color that I'm looking for a lot for spring and for summer I think it's really pretty I like the pastel of it and it's almost like that like a neutral ish color but not a grey or white so I really like this t-shirt it's really simple to be able to kind of add it as a layer then I have this cardigan which I absolutely love this is from Madewell it's a very thick cardigan and it has a tendency to you can kind of see it starts to kind of bunch up but I have to get out my little wool comb and comb it out but it's beautiful it goes down to almost right above my knees and it has a really nice kind of pocket here but I really like it it doesn't have any kind of colors to it so it just kind of lays really pretty it's very warm and comfortable and I feel like it just makes that Mabi really kind of stand out more for my pants I have on these are j.crew broken-in boyfriend jeans I really like these these tend to be a little bit professional for me because they don't have a ton of holes in them typically like when I go out to look for like boyfriend jeans they have holes like all through the knees and all through the thighs and I just can't wear those to work so I really like these are not too tight they're pretty loose-fitting especially down here at the bottom and I think they're really cute just kind of rolled up and you can even roll them down so sometimes I will wear them all the way down especially like during the winter months when it was super cold outside I would wear them all the way down just to kind of add that extra warmth layer to it so but for now I just kind of roll them up I think they look cute like that [Music] they're pretty simple they have a little bit of kind of tear here but nothing that I don't think looks unprofessional so they work really nice for me I really like them again they're just not not too hugging or tight and then my shoes I tend to get lots of comments about my shoes people love them because they have almost like this little 3d effect where they have like these diamonds or squares I don't know I can't really describe that but these are Michael Kors kind of slip-on shoes yeah so these are just some Michael Kors slip-on shoes I really like these they have a little bit of cushion down at the bottom which is really nice so they're extremely comfortable to be able to wear to work and I like them because they're professional they're cute and they're comfortable and I mean they don't hurt my feet which looks which is really really nice as far as jewelry goes I'm pretty minimal like I don't wear a ton a ton of jewelry so I have these two necklaces from Stella and Dot one of them is a little arrow neck necklace another one is a heart I like them because they're pretty small and dainty I will usually wear my badge on a lanyard so I don't like to wear really not long necklaces because and it just starts to get tangled and it bothers me so I like these little smaller necklaces and I typically will layer it or just wear one of them by themselves so that is it y'all that is my outfit of the day for Monday again I if it was dressing it up I would just put on some like olive green trousers I think they would look just just as nice with this and again I feel like I look like an adult I look professional and yet I'm comfy I'm all about the comfort okay so I have some time this morning I am going to start to get some of my things cleaned up we don't have a very long day today just because it is a delay so pretty much the kids are gonna come in they're gonna go to lunch and then they're gonna come back we're gonna have J a and then they're gonna go to special and then go home pretty much so that's our day today so I'm gonna sit down and try to get a few things planned out because we do have a busy week this week so I need to make sure that I am focused and I have everything written down that I need to get accomplished this week so it is currently my special right now and I working on trying to create the name tags for je BizTown i want to get those done today i'm gonna get them laminated cut and placed on their little clips that they're gonna be wearing so we decided to go a little bit fancier if they gave us like the sticker ones that you could just kind of place on but i think we want to go a little bit fancier i just put like there Junior Junior Achievement logo at the bottom I also put the G BizTown logo at the bottom and then I have their like name their company name that they came up with and then their position in that company so I have my crew done I need to get the other two teachers there's grabbed their papers from them so that I can type them in and get those printed before I leave today so that I can have it done and then that's something else that's just checked off my list which makes me feel so so good I did want to share with you guys a couple of things because um I am a little bit of a weird plant person um y'all should see my house right now because it is starting to get loaded with plans and I just love them I just left the wig made me everything feel I like the way that they look however I cannot have plants like real plants in my classroom because I'm just not gonna take care of him the way that I take care of them at home plus my husband helps me at home and I have no husband here at school to help me so um which I'm sure you would gladly do that right so I went on to Facebook marketplace which is like another one of my favorite places like shop I like to like look through other people's things I find it fascinating to be honest and I found um two trees that I went and picked up this weekend and my husband like sprayed them off because they were a little bit dusty but I think they look so nice and the kids have like seen them and they've kind of spotted that they're here and they have commented about it which makes me feel good so I'm gonna show you guys her trees so here's the first tree I really like it it's a good length there wasn't actually a bigger one than this that he was selling and I ended up going with this smaller one and I really liked it I put some lights on to it just to kind of give it a little bit more of a look but it hides the mess of a wall that's back here so you can see I still haven't taken off all the paper y'all I'm so lazy it looks nice I think it looks really nice over here now and then the second one is upfront I placed it over here for right now but I think I like I like how it looks like look at that doesn't that look lovely what do you guys think I think it looks really really nice there it is the kids stuff is everywhere just ignore it so yes I don't have much longer for my break so I'm gonna try to get all of these name tags like typed out I can't talk y'all what's wrong with me I'm gonna get all these name tags typed out and so that I can print them right after school and get busy on that so I I'm gonna let you guys go and drinking coffee by the way it's like my time to drink another cup of coffee remember that time when I try to get rid of coffee out of my diet that lasted blank a month good morning everyone it is Tuesday morning and I'm in a little bit of a funk so I have a couple of gift cards to be able to go to Starbucks and I am gonna go to Starbucks they have a gluten free breakfast sandwich and I'm about to get me one of those hopefully this will help to kind of cheer up my day and make it just a little bit better I've just walked into the classroom and I've literally just sat my stuff down and turned my lights on but I wanted to show you guys my outfit before we kind of get started with the day so I actually have a meeting today during my lunch time with my principal and I don't know I just felt like I needed to dress up like look oh my my lips all busted so I felt like I needed to dress up just a little bit more for my principal I don't know why I just decided that I was gonna wear a blazer today typically I'm more of a cardigan girl but sometimes that every once in a blue moon I will wear a blazer so this is what I have on today today's outfit is a kind of tan ish it doesn't look so tan on camera but it is kind of a tannish blazer this is from forever 21 and I've had it for years I have invested in probably one really really nice blazer that is black and it's a little bit shorter than this and then I have a this one and then I also have a great one from forever21 that are really nice and they look nice and they're extremely comfortable because they're not so stiff like other blazers but this is kind of what it looks like underneath the Blazer and this one's a little bit longer which I like I don't ever wear it buttoned I always just leave it open but underneath the Blazer I have this little peplum top that I really really love this one is from Nordstrom I bought this online maybe a year and a half two years ago probably so it has like these little holes in the front which are really cute I just like the little detail in it and I do wear just kind of like a tan tank from Free People that I've had forever and it just kind of allows it to it you don't see me anything it has like this little v-neck cutting which I really like because I don't really like tops that are really close up to the very top but I think it's really cute if I end up getting hot I do take my jacket off but typically I mean I tried to layer things that are pretty light especially now during spring and then for the pants I really like these it's like an olive green style just trousers I just recently purchased these so if you guys are like looking for some nice trousers I definitely recommend them I like how loose-fitting they are they're not really tight down at the bottom like you can see that it has I have to roll it up quite a bit but it has like this really like loose feel and I have fat ankles so if it's loose on me like I know it's gonna be loose on other people but I really like these these are a brand from Tarte these are a target's trousers they came in like a tan they come in a black and then they come in this olive green which I thought were really really nice I really like how I can roll them up and they just kind of look very relaxed and I don't know they looked chill for my shoes I am a little bit of a spoiled brat when it comes to my mom every year my mom will buy me like a nice pair of shoes because I just will not spend money on shoes these are my Tory Burch flats that she just bought me left for my birthday in July last year and I love because they're so comfortable they truly have like stretched out really nice so they are very very comfy I'm a little bit bummed because I scuffed them up so bad so if you guys know what I can do for the leather here to be able to kind of replace that I don't know what to do but ice kept one of them up really really bad so that kind of stinks but they're just kind of you were nude flat which I really like because it goes with a lot of different things I better not forget to put this on did I tell you guys that yesterday I went to I had these off for the video like to film like my first outfit of the day and I went to the bathroom TMI probably but when I came back I was locked out of my room because I forgot to put my stinking badge on so I put my badge on so I don't get locked out of my room again I am now going to get unpacked and I'm gonna enjoy my gluten-free sandwich and coffee before we have to get started with the morning good morning everyone it is Wednesday morning and I've been a failure of a vlogger this week I feel like um it's only Wednesday it's only hump day so I still have quite a bit of the week left but y'all I came down with the worst headache yesterday I was already feeling very blah and kind of having a rough start to the day and I just got worse and I went home and I just sat to the point where I didn't even tuck in my babies and I always tuck in my babies for nighttime like I always go tuck Ian in I tuck in Blaine singsong read a book and it did not happen yesterday I just could not I still actually feel a little bit like here a lot of it's like around my sinuses so I'm assuming it's just like sinus pressure so I'm about to take some medicine this morning anywho so it is Wednesday morning tomorrow is a JEA pistone day and we got some kind of exciting kind of nerve-wracking news No but tomorrow the senator senator I can never say that right senator Wagner is going to be at je BizTown he is going to be inaugurating our mayor which is kind of exciting for her like I would be so nervous but I don't want to tell her that she's gonna do great because she is phenomenal by the way did we tell you that a fourth grader is our mayor she's brilliant she's a fantastic fourth grader she is probably more mature than my sixth graders so kudos to her I'm very very proud of her and some of the accomplishments that she's already been able to make this year because she has been such a she's so driven and so motivated and we all as a class can kind of see that from her and we know that she's just a born leader for us so that's nice it was very very nice that the kids kind of saw that and they voted for her to be the mayor anywho so senator Wagner is going to be at jay-bez town inaugurating our mayor and then we are also going to have a bank there from what I'm understanding they're going to be taking some videos and some pictures because they are one of the contributors for jay-bez town so they make donations to Jane so they're going to be there doing some video footage and some photography to be able to use it for promotional purposes so all very exciting but it just kind of like makes us want to be right on like we need to be on our game tomorrow today is the day where I am gonna go over we're gonna review checkbook practice we have all of our packets envelopes ready to go I still need to print out the name tags I haven't been able to print them out because I didn't have any cardstock and I can't forget to forgetting to bring cardstock I did bring card suck today today we're gonna have some more cheque book practice and then we're also gonna have some price setting practice yesterday we talked a lot about price setting and supply and demand and quantity and the quality of products and being able to kind of pay off our loan because at the end of the day the businesses what their entire goal is is that they want to pay their loan off at the end of the day so that is kind of their their whole like motivation for the day so we're gonna continue talking about setting prices and get and get them doing some more practice with that I have a few things that I have to make in order for us to do all of those things I need to print out the name tags I need to finish up the checkbook practice which I did not do last night and then I also need to make a price setting page which again I did not do last night but I sat down with the other two teachers and I wrote down the things that I needed to do I need to check my si PM's work from yesterday kW is doing the parent home letter for today I need to separate the foot photographed forms for je BizTown so we know which kids can be photographed and which ones cannot be photographed okay I need to get busy but before I do that I wanted to show you guys my outfit of the day the first Wednesday of every month is wellness wouldn't day for us so along with our like one Friday I'm like one jeans day Friday a month we also get a jeans day on Wednesday for wellness Wednesday but here's the catch so our we have to have a t-shirt that we purchased and it has like it says wellness Wednesday and it has like my district logo on it you have to buy and wear that shirt in order to wear jeans that day but just fine so I bought it I think this year I didn't buy it last year but I bought it this year so the outfit that I'm wearing has jeans in it but I did want to kind of share this with you because I would totally pair this with some black pants that's about it that's the only difference I would make I would still wear like a grey t-shirt I'm totally for that I'm all about the t-shirt life and then everything else would pretty much stay the same so you can either use this as a Friday look or you can use this as I'm just gonna swap out the genes for black pants and wear it that way because I would definitely wear this outfit with black pants alright so for starters I have a great t-shirt it is a v-neck t-shirt obviously this is from the district so it has like an embroidered stitch here but it's pretty simple just a short sleeve great t-shirt nothing super super fancy again I would totally wear this on any other day I have a j.crew scarf I love this scarf it is so pretty so I think it's like a plaid design you can see it has the white and then it has like a lighter gray it's very dark gray in color it has these little ponds at the end so I like this scarf I think it's pretty and then to put over my shirt because I tend to get cold is this forever21 cardigan I really like it it's a very very very light grey almost white and it has a little cherry embroidered patch I guess is what you would say this is and I think it's so cute I got this actually when I was in New York over the summer with my sister and her husband so I just wear this because I think it's cute and it keeps me I feel cozy and warm again the cardigan comes down I like them to come down probably a little bit past my hip like I said before I would now like I said before I would definitely just wear this outfit with some black pants I have some black slacks that I tend to wear and then I have I think like they're almost like gene material I guess but they're really nice and professional-looking that I would also wear with these but these are in Ann Taylor Loft jeans I like them because they're not incredibly skinny so down at the bottom it's very loose-fitting and I don't it's not a bootcut but I can't I guess it's like a straight leg so a straight leg and Taylor Loft jeans in a dark wash which I really like and then I paired them with these really old shoes that I have so for my shoes I think I have had these four oh my gosh probably four or five years maybe how long have I been teaching I've definitely had them since I've been teaching so probably five six years now going on six years I don't even know what bring it I think I got these from Francesca's and they're almost like loafers and they're just the leopard prints yeah leopard print loafers you can see they're pretty worn but I really like them they're comfortable and I don't know they just look cute I think I do need to invest in finding some new ones but this is just kind of what I would pair with it so that is my outfit of the day pretty simple nothing super fancy I can just pair it with some black pants and you know that's your vibe like I am so comfy I love being comfy when I go to work but I still feel like like I look semi-professional do you know what I mean I'm also very excited today because one of the items that I purchased on Poshmark is coming in today I think she ended up shipping it probably I was on Monday and so it's coming in today that's pretty fast shipping that's not bad at all and then I had another item that I ordered that I'm really excited about and that is gonna get here on Thursday so I'm gonna get to wear both of the parsha mark items that I purchased which I'm pretty excited about anyway alright I'm focused I need to go ahead and get some things printed out I need to finish up my checkbook practice and get some work done I left a mess yesterday I don't even want to show it to y'all y'all don't even you seem okay maybe a peek I will catch up with you guys hopefully before I have to go to my meeting this morning creating prices I'm trying to get that practice in there too like yeah so the kids are gonna have to create make their own prices for their business so they have to write so they like the whole goal of je Pistone is that they're trying to pay off their loans so they calculated how much of their how much for that first date is their salaries that people are gonna be making and then how much of business cost do they have so how what are some the items that they have to take in to consider that gonna cost them money so they took out a business loan for that amount so the gold for Thursday or tomorrow is that the kids pay their loan off and hopefully make some sort of a profit so I'm giving them like another practice where they have to go through and as a business create the prices so I give them a loan amount I give them what they have to sell and then the quantity of what they have of each item and they have to figure out how much are they gonna sell each item for to be able to be in a profit we talked about that so I told him I was like we started the conversation and I had the book what is it called the wild robot escapes and so I showed them the book and I said how much do you think this book is and so the kids started priced and like setting out prices and I wrote them all down on the board and they were all pretty much pretty similar they went from like twelve to eighteen dollars and so in the back it's at 1699 I said well this book cost 1699 I was like why is it that you would purchase this book for the amount of money that you talked about it so we kind of shared out some ideas of why they would purchase that book for that amount of money and then I showed the most sheet of paper I was like would you pay 1699 for this sheet of paper well why not well no we wouldn't pay for it because there's a ton of it you know what it means so we started talking about yeah and the value of it and it's just not worth the amount of money so the kids had to do that and I have one group that blew my mind because they were like well you know it said colored pencils so we thought about a colored pencil and we thought about the value and how much it would be worth and what I would pay for it and I said 50 cents so they priced it for 50 cents and then they set a poster that go man a poster we ended up pricing it more we had only three in quantity um so we felt like the what is it called Krabbe what is the word that we used yesterday no not to supply and demand but the initial cost like their cost of what they would have ended up paying or it would have been higher than some of the other items like the colored pencil so they priced it higher I think they put it down for like $8 so they did such a great job and they took like they talked about their reasons for pricing things the way that they priced them and I had them kind of present that to the group and everybody kind of understood it a little bit better so I'm gonna give them another chance to practice what about today well the kids are gonna get to buy stuff so during their breaks they're taking out money and they're going out and they're purchasing things in Jay I'm still working really really hard I'm trying to get my items together this morning but I just remembered that I have a CIA meeting this morning and I'm hosting it because the person who normally leads it she's out at a different meeting and we haven't been able to meet for like two months so I decided to send out a message to everyone who is part of the CIA committee to come to my room so that we can talk about e-portfolios that is something that we were discussing as a district for the CIA committees and that would give us an opportunity to kind of brainstorm and get a feel of where everyone else what everybody else thinks should be included into an e-portfolio and what they believe in a portfolio is so we're gonna have a little bit of a brainstorming session today I have some little poster boards here like the little half sheets actually I think these are just like cardstock I really really like these especially for anchor charts these are some of my favorite to use and then we have some post-it notes just kind of all the way around and some markers that I'm setting out so we're gonna just have a little bit of a brainstorm session this morning I have about 20 minutes for me to be able to get a few things done to continue working on the computer I talked to my husband a little bit this morning so I'm a little bit behind because of that look at my little tree isn't it cute I got to turn the light on all right I'm gonna get some stuff done the kids are gone and they have gone home for the day and tomorrow is Jay IBAs town so I am actually feeling really really good about myself they did great with their checkbook practice which I was very very impressed with they did great with setting prices which is something that they're going to have to do tomorrow they did a really really good job with their creating their prices for their businesses which is something that they're gonna have to do tomorrow they're really excited I think I'm really excited to be able to see them dress up for the most part I am so organized and ready to go for tomorrow which I am so pleased about because it's been very very stressful here is a look at my table I ended up moving a couple of things around and I like this little setup so far so we'll see how it end up going I always tend to change things and tweak things as I go along I have my main binders that I'd like to use over here on this side my binder that has all of my lessons opened up even though I'm not gonna use it for tomorrow I will have it ready for Friday so I don't want to stress about it tomorrow I'm a couple of things that I need to take home with me I have a few of my board items up here but yeah this is kind of what it looks like so I have like this little plastic case here that we put I put some of my like note cards and that type of thing and I have my iPad sitting in there I like that I think it looks really really nice but here's kind of a little setup I'd like it so far I also have my friendly letters for my businesses I have all of the permission slips ready to go business envelopes are ready to go the only thing that I have to do is go home and print out their name tags laminate them and then have those ready and inside of their envelopes for tomorrow what I think I'm gonna sit down and do right now is just kind of make sure I have everything kind of checked off so I'm just gonna grab a sticky note I'm gonna paste it over here like on the table and I'm just gonna write down other things that I need to have I think the only thing that I did forget to do is that I need I have like one kid who does not have permission slips so he needs to bring it tomorrow so I'm gonna double-check with that in the morning I also need to make sure I have emergency phone number so I'm gonna get that together tonight their name tags need to get tonight and then I have one of my CEOs went out to group so she needs to sign a piece of paper for me that's really about it so I'm gonna write all those things down on a big sticky note have it over here so that I can just check it in the morning when I come in I just made it home it is windy as all get-out like my it's really windy outside but I just made it home and my husband took the boys out so they're not here right now but I did get my package in from Poshmark so I wanted to open it up with you guys and so you can see one of the shirts that I purchased so this is how it came in just one of these I don't know packages like the envelope packages let's open it up alright let's open it up and see what I got ooh the color is beautiful less color is absolutely gorgeous it's coming out a little bit brighter on the screen then what it actually is but it is actually a very very pretty color obviously it's not a brand new shirt so I mean it's not new and it doesn't look like it's been overly worn I really like it I think it's really really pretty nice all right so you guys are gonna see me wear this tomorrow after I washed it obviously good morning everyone it is Thursday morning and it is Jay BizTown day it is a very exciting day for the Mac team because as fourth fifth and sixth graders we are all going together as a team to Jay APIs town which I am really really stoked about I cannot wait to get there and kind of see the kids in their businesses and running them like everything that they've learned all the hard work that they've put in for the last it's been what two months now they are really gonna reap the rewards for it so kudos to them I am so excited I can't wait to see all of the amazing things that they do and how well that they do in their businesses but today so today is a very exciting day for us I am also very very excited because the outfit of the day that I'm going to share with you is one of the shirts that I actually got from Poshmark so I am really into like Madewell anthropology j.crew those are typically my brands that I am all about and I was able to go on and just kind of in your little search bar you can type in the brand that you like and then all of the different products for that brand pops up and you can even filter it by your size so I was really really excited when I saw this color because I'm trying to create this capsule wardrobe idea where I am finding really key pieces that I really love and adding it to my wardrobe I have been really into this color lately I don't know why I really like it I think it suits me really well and it's lucky bobby pink I guess is what I want to call it I'm really bad with describing colors but it's like a Mavi pink color and I really like it because it's simple it's a lightweight sweater I don't know I'm really excited to like share it with you so this is obviously I made well brand since I was talking about it and I got it in yesterday from Poshmark and I'm even more excited because the next shirt that I purchased off of Poshmark is arriving today so without further ado let's get into my outfit for today okay so like I was saying this is a very light knit sweater so you can kind of see it a little bit more up close it has this really pretty woven design and it almost like it's just stitched or crocheted I don't know how to which one to say it as I like how it fits it does have a little bit of a bigger arm around here but I like that I don't know why I just do I think it looks nice I think the way that it kind of Falls looks really nice on me it has this really like enhanced line that comes down here you would almost imagine it on the inside but it's reversed so you can see it on this side but I really like this a little detail coming down the middle here it's a little bit longer in the back again I like that because it covers my tuckus nobody wants to see all of that and it is a long sleeve so I just typically will roll them I see the sleeves up and wear it like so I do have a shirt underneath it so typically it like Pope's that pokes out because it's one it's my free people like racerback tees now for my pants these are a dark blue j.crew frankie pants trousers I really like these I think they fit my body type really well I have very like wide hips I have a very large tuchus and I have very big legs so I really like the fit of it it doesn't fit me you type actually it loosens up and I don't wear wash my clothes every single day so I try to get at least two to three good uses out of them before I throw them in the washer I feel like it just kind of keeps my pants and my shirts looking nicer so very simple very easy like pants and I love them they're my absolute favorite all right and then for my shoes I have these cole haan that I've had for years and years and years I call them my driving shoes because they have kind of this detail in the back where they say that that's meant for driving so I call them my driving shoes but I really like them it's in this like camel color they're extremely comfortable especially now that I've broken them in so much so I invested in these gosh I can't even tell you how many years ago and they're still they still look great now not to say that I won't didn't have to purchase some new ones because they are starting to get worn like right here in the front but I tried to buy shoes that I think I'm gonna invest in for a while and then I'm gonna get some really good uses out of them and my cole haan have definitely been that type of shoe that has really allowed me to get good investment out of so that's my shoes very comfortable shoes today I knew that I was gonna be on my feet all day today so I wanted to make sure that I just comfortable I had some other shoes in mind for today but I was like no I think I'm gonna end up regretting that decision so I were pretty much comfy clothes because we're gonna be up walking around in businesses helping kids and businesses so I need it to be comfy I really like this shirt I think it suits me I don't know you guys may think very differently about that but anyways so this morning what I need to do is get - my name tags stuffed into the envelopes for all of the businesses so last night I stayed up a little bit later didn't have a headache thankfully I am going to stuff the bags with the meantime so I did stay up and get those printed and laminated so we can have some really nice looking badges something that I did decide to do last night that was gonna save me a ton of time um because we are sorting everything by businesses we have to put the name tags in here their checkbooks are already in here and they're busy on people they're they're busy for work is already in here the only thing that I needed to do was like sort to the nametags so I figured what I would go ahead and do is I have a checklist that has like all of the kids and all of the names at like where what business they're in what job position that they have so when I created these I just put them into little baggies based on business so that way I already have them already double-checked so now all I have to do is just place them inside of the envelopes versus me having to like sort them out this morning so it saved me a bunch of time which I am very very excited about so for instance like this is for the lab um I already had this like right here in front of me so all I have to do is stick it in pretty easy stuff I love that all right so I'm gonna spend the next couple of minutes trying to get all of these inside of the envelopes so something that I always try to do whatever I'm going on a field trip especially this type of field trip which is my first I've never been to je bist town so I quite I don't quite know what to expect so I try to think of all of the things that could possibly go wrong um while we are out of this field trip luckily I don't have to really make it any of my parent bags if you've watched me in the past I usually have like little parent emergency kit bags that I will give them that has all kinds of like band-aids and wipes and sanitizer and I put little treats in there and little candies in there I try to think of anything like a bag like a just a small grocery bag that goes inside of it anything that I can think of that will be beneficial for parents while we're out and about but because we're at a location where we are all inside and we are all kind of secluded to the small area when I say it small like it's a small area I would say it's about the size of a cafeteria so like and then all the businesses are inside so it just kind of makes it a little bit smaller but because we're all in there all day long I don't feel need to have like an emergency kit now I will have definitely have my first aid kit that the nurse will give us but I try to think of some other things that I might need so one of the things that I figured that I would need to take with me are extra name tags just in keys I screwed something up or I forgot a kid I don't think I forgot anybody but just in case I did we wanted to go a little bit fancier in the past I think they've done just kind of the stickers and they've wrote written on there their names their business and their job description so we have to have those three pieces of information on there we went a little bit fancier this year so I created little name tags like this and then what it does is it has first and last name it has the name of the business that they created here and then it has their job description so it could be Bridget's Pakman emblem Bank CEO so that's kind of the idea and then the kids are just gonna have it hooked on to their shirts all day so I've put these inside of the bags and I do have three that are extra so I'm just gonna take a sharpie like a small sharpie with me place these in my backpack so just in case I need to have an extra one I have three extra ways I try to be prepared another item that I wanted to make sure that we that I had extra of just in case something must happen were checkbooks so I'm taking a few extra je BizTown checkbooks just in case something happens the kids screw something up I don't know something spills on it I don't know I try to think of everything so I'm taking an extra checkbook along with a calculator I think I'm gonna take about six of these we do have some learning support in our classrooms that are just not they're just not ready for doing the math inside they're in in their head or on their checkbooks so we're gonna just accommodate for them and we're gonna take some calculators just in case so we need to check their checkbooks check their checkbooks check their checkbooks all day long so that's kind of one of the roles that the teacher is gonna be doing is we're gonna go around checking their checkbooks because I can't purchase things if their checkbook is not on point so we need to make sure that these are on point and the kids are doing great with them they know how to fill them out they are doing a great job of filling out their deposit tickets but the only thing is is that they're adding and subtracting and correctly in their registers like by offices like its sense that they're off but they can't be off so we're taking some calculators to kind of accommodate for that little situation that we might kind of encounter so that is pretty much all that I'm going to be taking for this field trip I am just gonna take it inside of my backpack that I normally carry I just kind of emptied out a couple of the contents but for the most part I'm just gonna take my bag and we have a huge crate look at this a huge crate like this that has all of our envelopes in side of it wow that's loud probably for you isn't it but we have that huge crate in order to take all of our envelopes and our friendly letters things that we need to give to the je people once we get there so that's kind of it I've got it pretty easy I do have in here kind of a folder my little je BizTown folder that they did give me that has like my checklist here it has a couple of other pieces of paper that they've given me so I kind of keep that here so that I do check it off some of the things that they wanted to make sure that we had pipework and envelopes check got that done check books checked check books check I love that friendly letters are done student name tags are done lunch sacks I'm gonna check those off once the kids are coming through medication I'm about to go and grab that and then we have directions for our bus drivers I also have my checklist for my permission slips which are all in alphabetical order and inside of these envelopes like this for the entire magazine and then I also have checklist for their photography and their release virgia a BizTown I have the what is this called business card for the J a person that is our person for to a pissed him and then I also have the jobs so everybody's name first and last their job and their business that they belong to and then finally I went on to our skyward system and I printed out emergency contact phone number so I do have that available as well made copies for all the teachers so they do have those and they can place them in their bags but I have this kind of handy-dandy folder for all of my information that I need to get to in case I need to get to it in case you guys were wondering how I made the badges here is the clips that I'm using I just buy a ton extra so anytime that I see them you know I buy a lot of them so that I can kind of have them just in case sometimes these will come apart right here so it's always nice to just have a few extra in hand so I won't just end up storing these for another time when I need them and then the laminating pouches that I have are like this there are five million eating pouches and they have just a little hole up here at the top just that that allows for the clip to easily go inside of this makes my life so much easier than having to sit there and like punch holes to be able to get this to go through so I really like these laminating pouches I use them a lot I think I've purchased these in the past as like I think they're like luggage tags or something to that extent but I also have little plastic hoops that are used to using kindergarten that I would like make them at the beginning of the year and the kids I would have the kids information my information on there and then I would hook it on their backpack so they knew exactly where to be going it worked out really well and I really like these because they're easy to use good morning everyone and welcome to Friday morning today is pancake for parents day so parents are gonna be coming in we are kind of hosting breakfast for them so we're making pancakes we're serving them we're mingling with them it's just a great opportunity for us to kind of come together as a community and just kind of spend a little bit of time together so that is really really exciting I am gonna be heading over there in just a few minutes but I wanted to take this minute it's like take a minute or so and talk to you about you a PEZ town yesterday I came out of je and I was exhausted like exhausted to the point where I basically was just like to my little friend that stays on Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm like sweetie how it's harder you know she was I really tired I was like how upset would she be if I asked you to go home today and she was like I was gonna ask you mrs. Beckmann I'm like score so I literally came home and I just took my shoes off and I just wanted to sit I was so exhausted by the end of it but it was a great experience the kids came in they did such a fantastic job they were just like in awe by everything and I really liked how they organized it because they came in they walked in they sat around their businesses they did like the opening pieces of it where the J a representative just kind of stood up there and kind of explained their duties for the day what are their gonna be doing in the first twenty minutes they just kind of spent his downtime they got their badges for their like break colors and then they got their debit cards they also got to sit down with their folder and like kind of look over their duties for the day so everybody was a little bit stressed at the very beginning of it but I think like once about like 15 20 minutes started passing by they all started kind of getting into the groove of it so he stood up we did our Pledge of Allegiance and then it was open for business so it was so exciting the kids did such a great job I took some really great pictures and they all they're so stinking cute like I loved seeing them in their positions and they took so much ownership of their jobs and they were really into it and they were really focused so it was very exciting it towards like the third break because when they do two rounds of breaks the first one the kids are expected to go to the bank they're having to deposit their savings account check so they're taking money out of there they're also depositing their first paycheck and they're getting $2 cash back so they have to do that and they have to go eat their actual lunch so they don't have a ton of time to shop during that time and so like during that the first ever it was like a stoplight and we had like the red group the green group and the yellow group so by the time the last group is going you could tell the kids were starting to get kind of antsy and it was so nice because I think this is like part of it it wasn't like she was wrangling her kids back together but right after the third break everybody came back out they sat in front of their businesses she went back over you know alright this is now gonna be the time we're gonna second paychecks this is what you're gonna is you're gonna be doing this is what you're going to be looking for and so they had about ten minutes in their businesses again that's just like a quiet time to be able to look over their checkbooks right there first their next deposit ticket for their next paycheck so it was just done so wow like it was it worked so well and all of our business businesses paid off their loans so kudos to them today what we are gonna do is we're gonna take it kind of slow today because we are all very very exhausted I think we're more exhausted than the kids are because they all seemed like they were off like excited yesterday by the time they got back maybe they'll be a little bit more tired today so today what we have going on is we're gonna have like a normal math time for the most part I need to kind of do some quick checks with some of my kids and then in the afternoon we're gonna change it up a little bit we told the kids to do the three P's we're gonna have pancakes in the morning which is what we're doing for the breakfast so pancakes in the morning PJ's so we're telling them to wear PJs and then we told them that we were gonna give them popcorn so we're gonna have some time for reflection we have our je journals where we are giving them some questions to think about and some time to be able to reflect this is going to go for our career readiness standard so we're gonna be giving this to our counselor so she could put it inside of their files for the end of the year so that is kind of our focus for today it's gonna be a very easy kind of day nothing like too crazy busy fancy and the next week SPSS a week I am very excited to go back to my PBL so I wanted to show you my outfit of the day I got my shirt my second shirt in from Poshmark and I was very very excited about it I love this shirt even though I said told myself I need to wear lighter colors I always gravitate toward these towards these colors and I'm just like I don't know I really really love them I think it's very cute so let me show you my outfit really quick I need to have a little bit of a disclosure I feel like a hypocrite in this video because I tell you guys we only have like one net Friday a month where we get to wear jeans and then we have one Wednesday a month where we get to wear jeans well somehow I am now wearing jeans three times this week so I'm really sorry it just is the week that it is I don't know but during delays our principal just kind of made a new thing that we would get to wear jeans on delays which we had a delay this week so that kind of added that in there it was the beginning of the month and then last night he sent out a message I guess it's for the pancake for parents that we get to wear jeans because everybody's kind of here a little bit early so I'm wearing jeans today all right so here is the shirt that I got from Poshmark I really like it has the diamond stitching around and it has like a tan and a blue woven in I really love love love this design I love the colors of it it's not coming out so much on camera but I do really like how it looks it is a elbow I guess would you say like a quarter length quarterly maybe I don't know half half half of a link I really like how it just kind of ends where it is and then it's very like big and just bellowing which I also really liked here's the back it is a little bit of a higher neck which I don't typically like to wear higher necks they end up bothering me a little bit but because I do love this sweater itself I think it will be okay I'm gonna survive for my jeans I am wearing my broken-in j.crew boyfriend jeans once again but this time I didn't roll them I just kind of left them go all the way down to the very bottom I just like the look it's very casual very easygoing but again I still feel like I look professional and presentable for when parents are coming in this morning my shoes I have these Tory Burch green shoes that my mom bought me a few years ago I really like them I think they're super cute they're hat they're in this like green color I don't know how to call it like an olive green I guess so they're in this olive green color they have like the Tori Burt's symbol and gold in the front and I think they're really cute they're extremely broken in I really like them because they're super comfy as far as jewelry goes I still have my two necklaces that I've been wearing pretty much all week long I never took them off so this is what I wore all week so I have my two stella necklaces I did change it up on my wrist a little bit today actually my Apple watch died and I forgot to charge it yesterday because I was so tired so I have my Yoda wooden watch I really you really love this watch and I cannot for the love of me remember which one it is I want to say it starts with it F but I honestly cannot remember I will have it linked down below so that you guys can go and look at it but this is a yo'd wooden watch that I really love has the rolls goes on the inside this is a Stella and Dot bracelet that I've had for years it's just gold and then it's woven with the black I guess yarn is what you could say it's not really yarn but it's string and I really like this one as well fingers wedding engagement so I also have this O ring from the Hana mags line I believe it is mags London line and this is from the Mitchell acts like I've watched their videos and I loved them so I saw the ring and I really liked it and I bought it that is it for the most part y'all I don't where ever where we earrings I feel like now ever since like I've turned 30 like I can't wear earrings because they hurt my ears so I don't wear earrings ever if you haven't noticed that so guys I think I'm just going to go ahead and end this video here for today I'm not gonna be doing much for the day and then I'm just gonna go home because my son is we need to drive an hour away from my son to do a little presentation so I'm gonna be like go go go today but I truly do hope that all of you enjoyed this video please go down and check out the Poshmark app if you have not done so already it is a free app that you are able to download with any mobile device or on your iPad it's a great opportunity to start doing some spring cleaning take out some of those clothes that you just don't ever wear anymore sell them because then you can use that money to buy something new and fresh something that you're gonna really love like I did and put it into your closet give the video a thumbs up if you guys enjoyed this type of vlog I would love to know if you enjoyed this but yeah I will see you guys next week bye
Channel: The Lettered Classroom
Views: 12,910
Rating: 4.8985505 out of 5
Keywords: education, ootd, teaching, outfit of the day, teacher style, teacher outfit, poshmark, my closet, ja biztown 2018, poshmark closet, madewell, jcrew boyfriend jeans, teacher vlog, what to wear, the lettered classroom, what to wear for school, education major
Id: cjbd4ap0JPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 58sec (3418 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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