The Last Tree cut in Nova Scotia.

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friends it's the last tree of the day and I haven't been around green trees for 3 days like everything's been dead and burnt so this is the last one but they can't leave it it's just it's freaking them out the soils are running away and the Dynamics have changed he wants it out he doesn't want it on his neighbor's shed so I'm just going to try and save out some of them greens High stump it and uh send it down towards the host it's actually got to lean back so there is going to be some nursing uh we're going to nurse it over with some wedges as you can see it's got a dog leg in it and it's laying back a bit but it should be a hard it should be a hard uh thing friends I'm going to show you one way to cut down a a tree that's leaning back if you've got enough room if you do it smart this is why your first cut your depth is so important your First Cut is the most important when you go to cut a tree down is your first cut there's three Cuts right your face cut which includes or your undercut which includes two cut cuts and your third cut is your back cut so I'm going to show you a way to maintain wood on a tree that's leaning back for wedm just this is just one way friends this is where your First Cut is so important you screw this first cut up if to deep it's just not good you got to have this right okay friends so what I mean by this like this tree is leaning back so could you imagine if I put my undercut too deep well you're not going to get a back cut in it because it's going to sit back on your saw instantly this was almost a candidate for a back cut first so I want you to watch what I'm doing here on this undercut I'm going to build this undercut because we need it to stay right on course so I'm just cleaning out the Dutchman here and making a making an undercut that is super super clean because we can't have any mistakes I even knock a piece off the top right here you'll notice watch what I do here I take a little piece off the top you've seen me do this before the old-timers used to do this actually see that see why I do that ra to knock old school [Applause] [Music] KN want to show you something else I talked about this on the channel this tree is leaning back now if I come in even I'm I'm losing my wigs been it's gone I lose my WIS space see I'm I'm I'm cut right up you see that right like I'm cut up but I got wood over there so if I go over here and have a look I got see the whole hold that watch see see how you can see I got wood I'm a little loow coming in but that don't matter oh that's a Hollywood that's Hollywood baby see what I'm saying so if you take up if you go in like this I'm going to explain this friends to you because I know some of you are wondering what I'm talking about Okay small tree leaning back the lean is back so if you come in even like this and just start bringing your back you know eating all this wood up coming in even you're eating up all this wood and and it is going to sit on your saw faster than if you come in like this eat this wood up like I just did then once you once you end up over here you've got this big plate okay still holding the tree up like I just showed you it's still I've got all this wood here okay so this is what I have sorry friends let me get this straight I want to explain this this is what I have okay okay before I even set set a wedge I've got this great big piece of Hing wood my bar is in here and I've got room for a wedge here on an angle or coming in this way even better but all those trees were in the way so I just struggled beside my saw here does that make sense friends so all you're doing is you got all this eaten up and you got this big huge piece of wood here holding the tree up it allows you to have your bar in there and a wedge on an angle so there's no reason now we've got a stump it's built there's really nothing more we can do fellas and fets the thing's got a piece of wood right across the whole stump so there's no more wood to be cut it's cut up we've built a stump and no rush sorry and no rush and no rush you you just you know like do you know what I mean Brandon about coming in even you take up too much wood it would laid back it would have laid back so if this tree was leaning forward it would be gone it's cut up so that's what I mean by cerion we have to coer it yeah okay so I'm just going to tap this tree over now and it's going where it's going probably going to go right on that yellow flower by his foot [Applause] so there's our our stuff so there's our our stuff and there's where our wedge is so if you come in if you come in even with your bar instead of like this all this wood gets eaten up you go like this it sits back You've Got No Room for wedm so I mean you saw I was kind of fighting with it anyway it's a small tree so just be cognizant of that friends it was almost worthy of a back cut first almost or someone's going say you could have B cut it too Billy Ray I could have farted on it too this is a 572 dude this is your song Oh you grabbed the wrong one these are lovely aren't they oh yeah so friends do you know how important it is for me not to destroy these little green trees around here right now I'm like so hippie mode right now trying to save all these little green sprues not because of of any other reason that we've just cut down and they got burnt down it's the buffer between the neighbor so I'm just like I'm so that's why I high stumped that tree so I could save out those little beautiful little trees so friends we just bone this thing out and I Buck it into firewood with a 24-in bar by the time I'm finished bucking this thing I'm almost crippled it's too short of a bar for me and uh anyways whatever um look at me already I'm bent over this is a these little 572 boy oh boy they're sure a robust saw if you're looking for a good strong robust power saw with zero issues um I'm loving mine this is this is Brandon's and I'm just boning out this tree right now but I'm going to take you guys for a walk next door [Music] oh [Music] m [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh what do you think of that darl excellent absolutely excellent we come close to those bottle caps didn't we uh yes we did you got it I'm closest um and Brandon is good on angle and I'm like in line yeah yeah oh boy we had rain for friends for like 3 days maybe more and I miss my son when it goes but it's back now for a little bit Brandon you're uh you're filing good job Brandon asked me a couple of question while while he was there with me in Nova Scotia and he asked me what would you do in a situation like this and he showed me his chain and he said he was just doing a cleanup filing and he said what would you do with that on the on the working corner I said well I would remove it he said not the answer I wanted I said I know it's not the answer most want but if you want to cut steady through for the whole day then you remove it and you you get that bur off of there and you create a strong working corner you understand a strong working corner under that sea you you don't want this vulnerable and some flapping disc on there you want it strong and sharp edge Like a Knife CU that's what it is it's a knife so Brandon good job um he filed it in the morning before I got there and that was the saw I was using so he done real good anyway friends that was the last tree that we cut at at Daryl's place in Nova Scotia that was it the job is over we saved that one to the end and uh wooden experience wooden experience I went to Peggy's Cove and uh New Foundland and and and Kate Brenton and and Nova Scotia and just the Eastern Canada thank you for having me and uh thank you for the hospitality it was wonderful and uh it's nice to see Neighbors help neighbors out down there Troy and that and you guys it's just it's just good to see so um Daryl's going to get us some photos and and some short videos of the Regeneration that's going to come up there friends he actually called me yesterday or the day before he textt me and said there was a a bit of regen coming around his area there but he said nothing across the street where where this blanket of debris is where they came in and mashed all the trees down and threw all the debris all over mulched he said there's nothing so very interesting to me anyways it's a crazy day today I'm jumping in one of my trucks and I'm going down to see Morgan and we're getting that crew cab on the go you friends when I asked you friends to reach out or when I reached out to you and said hey does anybody want to support the the uh uh the resurrection of the crew cab this is how you can you can buy an axe a special axe from buck and Billy Ray and you did I think we sold about 10 or 12 axes and we got some scratch together to get that get that truck going well it's at Morgan's and we're going we're going to Morgan's today to get that cab going so it's happening friends it was just a matter of letting Morgan uh get a space created for that that crew cab we're going to we're going to share some information and and some footage on that let me know in the comments down below friends if you want to see us kind of how this process goes I'm going to film it anyway but I just want to bring you guys good stuff so you guys kind of get what my life is but but I remember when I I I says I'm going to sell 10 or 12 axes and you folks came running in I want to thank everybody that came in I called them the kookies the kookies because we don't have a sponsored Channel we don't have patreon we don't have memberships we have nothing here we have our members our messengers of kindness who are a small group of people monthly that help out we have our super Chatters and we have Google and buck andilly so all this helps this Channel and helps me do these little things in life work hard be honest friends and be kind and I'm grateful that you're here we'll catch you on the next video I'm heading down to Morgan's right now we're going to strip that cab
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 23,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uX4-oKcE0Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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