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[Music] [Music] a couple Petty things I don't like about the 562 uh nonetheless they are a it is a thing um and that's why you fuel up these saws on the downhill they've only got a three uh a 3/4 inch wrap so if you fuel up like if I was to turn the saw like this see what happens it falls over see that so just fuel it on the downhill and it it straightens itself out the these are just little things the 3/4 wrap it doesn't sit flat when you when you fuel it up not a big deal uh but nonetheless it is is just a little tip that uh as I start running these saws because I love this saw okay so we're on to our next one here friends there's no place to fall it uh actually no there's not it's too tall believe it or not the gravestones are just beyond R Rob is there so I don't take my rope up when I don't need to if I had limbs all on the back of this this Alder you see it up there friends if if there was if there was on the back of this this Alder you see it up there friends if if there was if there was uh limbs all falling down on my my rope I would take it up with me but there's not actually so I'm actually just going to leave it here down on the ground like this how's that feeling the back yeah it's okay yeah it's all right I uh I just uh I keep going but I got a little home gym now so I've found that through all the years of just I guess just abusing it and not giv back to it Rob I I I have the time to give back to it now and it will allow me to continue to do it at the same time if need be like today so um I pick and choose my stuff Rob real carefully my jobs you know and uh I really do it for me buddy you know I tell you it's appreciated and I I appreciate you being here you're welcome green here some of okay that's very cool let's go aler snag straight up it's a little healthier than that last one you can obviously tell by looking at it you can tell by listening to it you can see that it's got configuration in the needles or not needles but seed pods are still on it it's still a snag and it's actually friends these things can do weird things they can they can do weird things so we're just going to go way up and we're going to feed it through this maple Crown we're not going to try and make it move anywhere or do nothing just keep it in the zone Keep It In the Zone usually four steps one 2 3 4 throw 1 2 3 4 go one 2 3 4 go right we're getting there this one's got pretty strong look to it we got a hole for foliage we should be good we just got to pick it apart friends but I will show you a couple things as I get up higher that I like to do when you've got a stem that's been lean right it's leaning that means you've got tension and compression wood hey this tree is acting quite nice it's behaving she starts to lean pretty good there but there's no there's no problem I've got lots of room I don't need to do what I did there see we're already at the height to that one you see so we're good friends we just can't end up in the creek that that's the idea here this tree is behaving quite nicely you see here here's the Deadwood here so we're getting into it now I like this thing that Hogan taught me like that [Applause] see straight down boom right to the creek floor see this sha Clank bar out there I like that my boy taught me that one that's how the single stem boys do it out there you see if you throw this too high you're you're actually kind of working against yourself this is getting a bit crispy now oh yeah here we go here it is here look at this friends this is very interesting look see this look at that very interesting to me this thing was loaded or something it tried to live look this is interesting look at this see here it tried to live it was it probably bent over so we're going to have to cut this stuff off fast right in the hole and I'm going to wrap it too and I'll show you what I mean by that I'm starting to whack my stems in my my pick's in pretty good now sorry friends because the wood's hard and dead oh I like this very much so sometimes I'll go like this with my thumbs see this and it keeps the it keeps the the Rope the scare strap from slipping and rolling off I'll just go like this with my thumbs when I'm getting into precarious kind of thin thin thin trees then just pull yourself in like this and do a quick little toss and then put your thumbs here again see friends we're almost at the top try and not skank your back strap do know what I mean by that try and not skank your back strap this is the tension wood here try and skank off to the side climb off to the side just it's just it all helps in these situations see we don't we don't even really need to go much higher there's a hole right there for it so this is I'm quite grateful for this but look at this look look what we're dealing with so I'm going to show you what I do here on stuff like this okay going to show you yeah it's it's actually getting soft yeah we're we're peeling now I'm I'm done look it this is interesting now it's all it's all starting to change now yeah oh yeah she's changing I I may let this go right in there oh she's moving look at that yeah uh I'm letting her go I I may just yeah I I'm going to cut a couple of these limbs off and let this thing go oh dear yeah see we're we're actually not we're not tied in anywhere okay and uh we're we're at the point where we're done now this is it this thing I think I'm going to flick it over there and get it out of my way I am actually here and get it out of my way I am actually yeah [Applause] get beautiful I'm not going any higher it's starting to lean out I'm not going any higher it's starting to lean out I don't need to go any higher so [Music] okay I'm going to show you a little something what I do this thing's actually uh is is acting funny now so here's what we do I'm sinking right into my picks like I'm talking right in I want to almost fast cut this here's my rope see my rope here I'll show you what I do because don't think for a minute that this isn't compressed and tensioned it is it just is friends you you can't deny it just throw a strap on her just clove hitch it friends like this shank right like this why not wh why would you not boom just hit it like this back it up with a half inch sha Clank get set and let her go see this I'm just going to shoot it right in through there at the tips of these crowns this thing's moving around boy wow and this undercut ain't going to be pretty I'm not going out in front of her just crack did you hear that [Music] there it goes okay here we go I fluked Out friends we go so if you think if you think that's fun youd be right not a drop in the freaking Creek right down in the water bed where we where the work zone is crowns are clear but look at friends there's nothing here look at that not even a Dutchman blind undercut H bu that saw is pulling that was a pretty nice one Robbie okay so you guys see what I'm what I'm talking about here see just wrap it it could have split on me but it didn't but what's that what's that right there let's go down just don't don't be afraid to you know do your thing oh this is dry okay good do I have a little thing I can clip this into or what is that going to work probably not I guess I'll just do this again no shortcuts bucking here we go now my picks are sunk right in to the freaking tree so longer chunks and then better hey Rob oh yeah okay she moving up there yeah she's moving a't she yeah here we go so some people uh when a tree's been loaded they just go for it I uh I just don't bother at my age now I've uh I've gotten pretty lucky Through The Years friends and I've seen stems blow guys blow guys apart I've seen it happen so I knew a guy on Bowen Island he actually uh he blew his pelvis so I just I just don't bother I'll put uh I'll strap the tree you know what I mean ahahahahahahahahah [Applause] oh yeah a so friends through the years especially out Fallen you you develop different uh shock loading undercuts which means like you'll notice here when an undercut slaps just a conventional or humble slaps the whole undercut is designed to slap and throw the wood off but depending on the angle when that happens you can either be pushing a little bit to the side mainly you're pushing back though right so I'm going to put this here and I want I'm going to show you guys watch very closely as this undercut closes as I throw it off I put it on Instagram and a couple of tree guys reached out and said that's very interesting by just removing it's like a Swanson but not really uh it's kind of a double Swanson actually but but watch what happens watch the forces that take place at where the force is given watch this I can follow this now I just do this that's all it's just something I do when a tree's been dead for a while I just do it it's Peace of Mind allows you to relax you hear cracks these Hardwoods crack all the time it doesn't freak you out if you hear a big crack you can see the wood here now see a little bit of white wood there now friends and hinging power see it's starting to give us some signs of okayness little here but there's a crack look this is what I'm talking about this is exactly what I'm talking about look look it see this I've seen these trees open up on people and and break their pelvises and put them in put them in a bad way just from you're better off to cut undercut and back cut this way you know what I mean like you're undercut against this cuz this is tensioned and this is compressed make sense does that make sense all right let's get a cut in this thing friends [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's that me get the [Music] [Music] rock well that's very interesting you remember when I talked about that barber chairing my stra the [Music] trees let's talk about this for a second friends do you remember me when I when I was talking on the GoPro there when I talked about strapping the trees when you cut a tree that's been kind of on a lean where it's got compression and tension and people ask me why do you strap the tree below your cut or above this where's my where's my undercut where's my hinge wood anyways oh there it is there oh look at that look at that Rob that's why right there so there's my hinge wood see this check right across here that's why I freaking hardwood when it's compressed any wood when it's compressed or tension you know you have both you can't have one without the other really so year and years and years of growing a certain way it's going to be tensioned on the back right on the back of the stem will be tensioned and on the underneath for you there is going to be compressed under there and you'll get these splits look at that Rob it's split so just wrap your freaking wrap your freaking Cuts friends and I've seen them blow up on guys Maples blow up and pin them to the tree guy busted his pelvis on H Bowen Island actually years ago and he just chunking out a big tree just like this friends and it just opened right up like that like this Rob this is the perfect example you seeing that it's incredible [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I like that so isn't that interesting hey there's that crack right there across the tree so strap your Cuts friends strap your Cuts thanks Rob you're very welcome thank you you're a freaking wild man I just thought I'd create a little bit more of a mess for you there cuz I knew you didn't quite have enough you see the SM on his face I'm smiling too no it's good I I'm surprised I wonder what that well there you go look at that one up go up close on that so you know what this is this is every chunk I sent every chunk I sent off that last tree I strapped rob you saw me do that with my rope that is why it'll blow up in your face when you least expect it you can hear it on the undercut cracking you can hear crack crack especially when the Sap's running it'll blow you and it'll it'll eat up your scar St up and pin you to the tree it's horrible I've seen it happen to guys and there it is and that's why we do it especially a tree that's been leaning and compressed over do you know what I'm saying friends compressed and tension and and the the tension is on the back of the tree you're better off to undercut this way if you can or or you know we unfortunately we had to put ours right in the laay because of our hole but if I had any option to kick it off to the side of this I would have put my undercut tweaked over this way a little bit so at least it would have combed this split does that make sense yeah so just things to think about like this would have been way better putting an undercut here against the split interesting thanks Rob thanks for watching did you hear Donnie Walker broke his foot yeah he broke his foot crazy guy fell off a ladder or something like that Donnie come on heal up buddy anyways friends good to see you thanks for watching work hard be honest and be kind catch you on the next one
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 68,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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