The last second hand book haul for a while :(

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good morning oh no no no no no no okay glasses glasses glasses focus ellie okay uh welcome back to my second channel where we upload videos every friday and sunday sorry about that and today i thought i would go through um because charity shops are still closed we're still in lockdown we're going to be for the foreseeable future charity shops are not going to come back into our lives for quite a while and i'm not upset about that at all so i went through all my books and i tried to find all the books that i purchased since the last time i filmed one of these videos so i thought i'd show you because i have been getting a lot of requests for another secondhand book haul so i can't remember how much i paid exactly for all of them but i normally pay anywhere between like 33p and a pound the occasional one that's a little bit more sometimes a hardback and but i'll try and remember as we go on so the first one we picked up from the charity shop is a street cat named bob because it's one of my favorite books and films of all time it's just so emotions you cry it'll make you so happy rest in peace bob rest in peace um so i've already read this i only had it on kindle though and as you know i'm trying to create a collection of physical books of every book i've ever read so i picked this up it was 99p how to perfect condition doesn't look like it's ever been read next one i picked up um was 50p and i read this the longest time ago and it's confessions of a gp by dr benjamin daniel and this came out i think i think this came out way before adam k's this is going to hurt 2010 yes i'm pretty sure yeah yeah definitely before adam case i think this is like one of the first kind of books like this that i read and it was so good so i picked that up that can go in the collection right this would have been a three for a pound jobby i think it's called a gentleman in moscow by amore towels hopefully i'm pronouncing that correctly and i'm not too sure what it's about it's one of those that it's either two for a pound or three for a pound so you know you have to pick up an extra book if you have read this um and you think it's good let me know please convince me on this one because it's just on my shelf and we have yes um we have the golems eye by jonathan stride it's the bartimaeus trilogy this is the second book so i read the first book because it came in that mystery ebay books and the funny thing is i think it was for christmas this guy was like um do you want a book as one of your christmas presents like yeah sure can i get the second one which is this the problem was is that they don't seem to sell this edition like this type with the window in the front and they're all different now and the first one i had was like this with the window and i was like i don't mind them being different but it'd be amazing we keep them the same anyway couldn't find it for love nor money this edition of the second book got got me the other edition of this book and then when i went to the cherry shop three for a pound books what do i see it was this i was like oh so i grabbed it and i went to scott and he was like oh totally we'll go and exchange that other book i really want you to have the same book of every edition i was like really he was like yeah definitely it's like 33b so um i got to go and choose another book from um waterstones to exchange it for so i picked um dr sleep by stephen king he was like i don't care he was like now you get two books i'm like yeah i know it's great so yeah got that can't wait to start that next i pick up picked up american psycho by brett easton ellis um i'm pretty sure i've watched the film i just saw and it was one of those i think it was like 50p or something so we picked it up let me know if that's any good pretty sure this was a three for a pound one as well it is the book thief by marcus who knows here you go do sack i'm really psyched like the sticker is going over his name um i think that's how you pronounce it but i have heard so many people talk about this book it's now a film never seen the film but everyone screams about it and when was it published 2005. um so i went up with this on instagram everyone was like really happy that i picked this book up it's like a lot of people's favorite book of like all time so excited for that one oh yeah this was one of those um three for a pound so i had to pick one up it's a big boy he's like not thick not big boy isn't thick big boy not that kind of big boy but as in size comparison to the face comparison to like normal paperbacks it's one of those really chunky ones it's called the devil's poetry by lewis cole and i don't know it just sounded interesting and it was on a table and i will show you the book that i actually went for there was only one book on this table for three for a pound that i absolutely wanted see why when you see it and i had to pick up two more so i just like like this one this one will do next we have a little bit of a nice you know chilled not a heavy read at all and that is schindler's list which is by thomas cannelly um so yeah you know if i need uplifting or something i don't know jesus um so i picked that up and that was a one pound obviously the film is just phenomenal the next one i got is um the wasp factory by ian banks and i read the back and it just sounded really intriguing like super interesting is i will read it to you two years after i killed life i murdered my young brother paul for quite different reasons then i disposed of blythe and then a year after that i did for my young cousin esmeralda more or less on a whim that's my score to date three i haven't killed anyone for years and i don't intend to ever again it was just a stage i was going through i mean that don't sorry i read that really badly oh film all morning because you were there and then the clouds came i was like great proud my friend for filming do you mind ma'am off yeah we got the wasp factory that sounds really good next up i think this was 159 a lovely hardback i love a hardback that doesn't have a dust jacket and it's just it's just beautiful and it's called the versions of us by laura barnett um it just sounds really interesting i'm pretty sure it goes through two different timelines could be wrong could be completely wrong two timelines of what would have happened if a different decision was make jesus go away if a different decision was made and so i picked that up also i picked up this is a lovely hardback it's the diary of jack the ripper it was 1.59 hey it was 1.59 and they had a couple of versions actually one with a dust jacket but the one with the dust tracker was really like terrible condition uh this one without the dust jacket was all right we've obviously got some um sunlight damage on the front it looks like all that could just be how it is but i doubt it um and a beautiful spine we love a good classical looking spine um pretty sure though they still don't know whether it's real what they found to be the diary of jack the ripper um so go through them trying to authenticate um what they found and i don't know i just thought would be an interesting read so i got that i got three for a panjobi table that i only wanted one of it's literally because this is like the hardest thing to find in a charity shop i thought it'd be way easier and especially on three for a pound you just don't find them and that's stephen king and never mind just stephen king a stephen king hardback on a three for a pound table girl i'm buying it no matter what i am buying that uh so i got from a buick eight by stephen king i have absolutely no idea what it is about but if you break it down it comes down to 33p it is in fantastic condition for a hardback like beautiful nothing wrong with it i couldn't pass that up i mean i will pray for the day that i find like a hardback of the shining because i've looked at how much it costs secondhand online to buy a hard edition of the it's like one of his masterpieces this is one of his greatest pieces of work of all time it's so expensive to find in nice condition as well do you know if you begin to charge shops or car boots you're just like waiting for that moment that you will literally stumble across like one of those kind of books and i think the shiny western king in heart back in goon condition is something i would just scream scream about finding like on a chariot in a charity shop or on a table with car boot so yeah but so pick that up very nice talking of stephen king the last one i'm going to show you is um this the institute and i really really really am excited about starting this i got this from abe books looking at king novels it is hardback it's still in great condition we've got some like scuffing and stuff around the edges but really like it's not bad at all and this was three pounds with free postage so three pounds all in all um and it was just i couldn't believe how cheap it was in such good condition so i picked that up as well yes i want to read all the kings now as you know that was pretty short and sweet the sun joined us as a guest in this video thank you very much you can leave now and i will leave too so that's going to be the last second hand haul you're going to have for a while but so many people wanted it i was like okay let me just go and find all the books i've purchased since the last video the last haul video and show you and now there's not going to be any more of these videos unfortunately until charity shops open back up which i've heard a rumor might not be till march or later i'm fine i'm doing fine everything is totally fine so i love you and leave you uh thank you so much for joining me hit the subscribe hit the like the bell the bell is important for some reason and i will see you on friday i'm gonna get my we're gonna get back on track next week i don't know what happened it was like a glitch in the matrix this week i don't know what was going on i knew it was friday i had a live stream for psycho traveler i was like it's friday and i knew in the back of my head he's like yes friday we have loaded on ours and then literally after that live stream was like oh good nice i'm gonna have some lunch had to sit down and then i was like like what the hell like there was a complete glitch in time for me like i knew it was right i knew it was friday for some reason it's like yeah it's friday as you were sorry i suck all right loving leaving shutting up now and i'll see you in the next one bye bye oh no no no no no no [Music] ah they're all gonna fall they're all gonna fall no no no no no stop it all right how do booktubers do this oh god no stop falling no over there stop filming me oh god i'm exhausted that's so heavy how do booktubers do this
Channel: AlysOtherLife
Views: 3,714
Rating: 4.9641256 out of 5
Keywords: book haul, booktube, second hand book haul, charity shop book haul, charity shop haul uk, second hand books uk, book haul 2021, cheap book haul
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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