a big ol book haul! 💫 thrift haul, classics, & childhood favorites

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hi friends thank you so much for being  here i'm august and this is cozy rosy reads   first ever giant massive thrift haul i have  accumulated quite a few books um some have   been borrowed book sales thrift stores and then  from my local indie bookstore and these have been   accumulated since january obviously there are  a lot of books here but i wanted to share them   with you because i'm really jazzed about them and  there's some really cool ones in here that i'm so   excited to get my little grubby little hands on  so i'll just tell you a little bit about the plot   where i found them what intrigued me about them  and all that fun stuff so uh let's get into it i   think on this channel i'd like to do thrift store  hauls pretty regularly but then do like a really   big massive one like once every three months  because then it's just like here's everything   linked below i will add one of my vlogs where i  actually did showcase the books that i found at a   little free library and more of like an antique  estate sale haul that i had that i threw into   that so those books that i found there are not  included in here so if you want to see even more   juicy stuff go ahead and check out that vlog so  keep an eye out for that uh new videos are out   every tuesday and thursday so subscribe like  stay tuned we're talking about so many awesome   bookish things here the first book i want to tell  you about is one that i actually just started   reading and i'm so excited about it because  it's so cool and i feel like it's extremely   underrated despite the author being incredibly  famous and a really big historical figure and   that is flower fables by louisa may alcott also i  apologize if you hear squeaking in the background   i don't know if my camera's picking it up but  there is something outside that is squeaking i'm like is it a truck so i apologize that's  really obnoxious anyway oh this is so cute this   is a tiny little copy this was actually louisa  may alcott's first book that she ever published   and she is the author of little women which i have  yet to read maybe one day but um i am absolutely   in love with this this is one of the cutest  books i think i've ever dipped into and it   would be great for all ages if you were into  fairies flowers secret gardens cottage core this   book is definitely for you it literally follows  these little fairies and these little adventures   they describe how they use little toadstool  mushrooms as umbrellas and it's just really   divine and cute and i think it'd be great to read  aloud to little ones i think it's great for us   older people who loved fairies and gardens growing  up it is just so calming and quaint and just full   of nature and it's absolutely beautiful i read  the first two chapters of this and i'm absolutely   loving it i'm slowly making my way through reading  like a chapter every few days but it basically   follows this little group of fairies who are kind  of ending the day and they decide to go around   in a circle and tell about all the adventures  and things that they learned throughout the day   so it just bounces between each little fairy and  the little adventures and stories they went on   so wholesome so cute highly recommend i think  this is some of louisa may alcott's work that   should definitely be talked about more i  really have never heard of this this book   is really tricky to find i try to find it on  used websites or like places where i could buy   thrifted used books but i feel like there aren't  a whole lot of like used copies in circulation i   could be very wrong but like the places i was  looking didn't have them so i did have to buy   this online but it was five dollars so um and  it's a very like indie publisher the quality is   not great but whatever so just so you know that  is where i got this one this next book i can 100   000 say that booktube made me buy it i saw a  used copy at my local indie bookstore while i   was there and i was like ah should i get it should  i not and i didn't so next time i went there i was   like okay if it's still there i'll get it and it  was it was meant to be but i'm also excited but   also terrified to get into this one and that is  because it is a little life by hanya yanagihara um   if you haven't heard of this book um i i honestly  don't know what to say so many booktubers have   made vlogs of themselves reading this book and  it just completely devastates people it's one of   those books that has been kind of described  as trauma porn uh which again not cool like   people are very explicit in saying that this has  every trigger and content warning imaginable so   like please be very careful in going into it  i'm not recommending it by any means because   i have no idea what's in here all i know is that  it follows four young men and their lives together   their friendship and their independent lives and  how they've grown through the years but it just   includes every kind of content and trigger warning  possible and i've heard that this is kind of like   yeah it's torture you kind of start the book with  falling in love with the characters and then the   rest of the book is just how can we just make the  reader emotional about this how can we completely   devastate them so it is a really big book the  content is going to be very difficult to read but   at the same time i've just been so curious to see  how my emotional reaction would be because i have   yet to read a book where i've cried i've teared  up but i've never cried over a book or characters   i haven't been hit in that way i've definitely  felt emotions but never full-on water works so i'm   really curious that this will do it but i'm also  extremely nervous to get into it but again 100   booktube made me buy it and i found this copy  used for six dollars so that's pretty good   this next book i also found used at my local  indie and i it almost made me cry when i saw   it because it was such a blast from the past  one of my favorite all-time childhood books   and i had recently gotten rid of it over  the past like five years i passed it on to   somebody else and then just recently i started  thinking about it and wishing i had a copy   because it's a book that i would  have loved to revisit and that is   the anybody's by n e buddy this is a like middle  grade y a story about a young girl named fern   who finds out one day that she was swapped at  birth and she really is a part of this really   extraordinarily quirky family and she spends  the summer with them and there's like fairies   and adventures and all these little quirky things  very magical realism and i just remember loving it   as a kid like geeking out about this book so i was  so excited to find a copy and i am really looking   forward to diving into this and kind of almost  further understanding the books that have shaped   me as a reader like what i enjoy now because i'm  such a fan of magical realism and really quaint   calming quirky kind of books so i am so excited to  reread this one so happy i found a used copy and   it has definitely been very well loved and that  makes me really happy wow okay um i did decide to   go in alphabetical order here and next is another  childhood favorite that i found used on facebook   marketplace which was awesome i just recently  started looking on facebook marketplace for some   books and got it shipped to my house really really  quickly and that is aquamarine by alice hoffman   first off i knew about aquamarine because of the  movie i mean jojo sarah paxton emma roberts yes so   when i found out it was a book when i was younger  i read it and i remember being really disappointed   by the book because i loved the movie so much  and i was comparing it but now that i'm older   i i had no idea alice hoffman wrote this book i  had no idea i have read several of alice hoffman's   books including practical magic here on earth  and absolutely love her writing style so it just   blew me away that she wrote this like why a middle  grade story that follows two teenage girls and how   they befriend a mermaid over the summer and try to  help her find love i'm really excited to read this   again now knowing that alice hoffman wrote it and  also trying not to compare it to the movie because   the movie is just like so much summer light fluffy  fun um so yeah that's another one aquamarine super   tiny a little blast from the past this would be  a great little summer beach read this next book i   found at my local indie bookstore again in their  one dollar book pile and i was so geeked about it   and that is atlantis by jeffrey ash this is  a absolutely stunning book that chronicles   the story and history of atlantis and with these  gorgeous illustrations it's just a very accessible   uh kind of history text filled with artwork and  historical figures i know absolutely nothing   about atlantis but it's always been a topic that's  really intrigued me i kind of wish i knew a little   bit more kind of going into this book but i think  this is going to be a fantastic starting point to   understand the cultural and historical context  of atlantis and the cover reads lost lands and   ancient philosophy meat and atlantis where plato  began the search for our origins i'm really   excited for this one i think it's going to be a  lot of fun and i just love the mixed media in here   as well it's just so accessible colorful really  well designed and just stunning very stunning   all right moving on i did buy this next book full  price for my local indie bookstore support local   independent bookstores friends and that's  just because i could not find a used copy   anywhere because it is still hyped people still  want to read it and i want to read it because   i want to know what i'm missing okay here  we go that is call me by your name by andre   ossimon this story follows a young boy who  falls into a relationship with a slightly older   man maybe in his like early 20s uh if you've seen  the movie very beautiful and i've just been really   curious about this book because i've heard so  many people rave about the writing style and   the storytelling and i am just really looking  forward to reading this one kind of diving into   it firsthand for myself so i can formulate my own  opinions on it because comparing a book to a movie   like i can say like oh i love the call me by your  name story from the movie but i really want to   fully understand my thoughts on it and express  them a little bit better this one's kind of like   a little bit of a cult classic so i would love  to kind of formulate my thoughts on it and form   an opinion i'm really looking forward to reading  this one this next book has been on my birthday   wish list my christmas wish list my goodreads  want to read list for so long and i have yet to   receive a copy so i i don't know how this happened  but again local indie bookstore i went in and   this was just sitting there in the used book  section looking so divine looking so pristine   i dropped everything and was like squealing in  my head and doing a little dance and that is   creatures by chrissy van meter oh my gosh can we  talk about this cover can we talk about this cover   i have so many expectations for this book which  is a little frightening for me but when i read   the concept of this book and the plot i just  fell in love with it already it seems like the   perfect book for me it follows this woman who on  the day that she's supposed to get married her   husband or groom to be is missing at sea and at  the same time a dead whale has washed up on the   beach of this small town that they live in and it  just dives into love loss mortality poetry like   all of these topics that i  feel like are just i love   see i love creatures i love relationships  and this poetic language that seems to be   just on the first page i'm so excited this  seems like it has absolutely everything that   i want and love and look for in a book i have  really high hopes i really do think this is a   five star prediction favorite book of all time  hopefully i'm not raising the bar too high with   my expectations i have already decided that next  month april is my birthday month and since i do   random generated tbrs i never know what i'm going  to read until i do my like generator wheel and   right now it's all based on colors the front color  covers of books so i thought in april i'm going to   ditch the generated tbrs and read what i want so  i get to just pick all the books that i've been   wanting to read and get to so this is definitely  going to be on there so follow along stay tuned   because i will be doing a birthday month tbr  sharing all the books that i personally want   to read in my birthday month and then of course  follow for the wrap up to see my actual thoughts   on it but i am so geeked about this one i'm so  jazzed about it and i i can't i can't wait to   dive into this one it's like i'm saving it for  a special occasion because i really have such   high hopes for it next is a book that i found  at a library book sale and they were having a   25 cent sale and my partner and i went and we  ended up leaving with i think a total of like   13 books or something it was great and i'm  really intrigued with this one because it   is a graphic novel and that is the harlem  hell fighters written by max brooks who also   wrote uh world war z and then it's illustrated  by canon white whose art style just seems   just just looking at it you can tell this is going  to be a gory story you can tell this is going to   be a really intense story but this book follows  the harlem hell fighters which was a troop during   world war one made up entirely of black soldiers  i am so excited to get into this because it is   like a historical fiction and graphic novel form  i don't know what else to say about it other than   i don't really know if there's a specific plot  but i'm sure we're going to be introduced to   characters and really uncomfortable scenarios in  here and war scenes and discussions about war and   especially from the perspective of black soldiers  and the discrimination despite being a soldier   and being a patriot i think it's going to be  a very fascinating and enthralling read so i'm   really looking forward to this one and i'm really  happy that i was able to find a graphic novel   at a used library book sale as well i feel like  that's something that i don't typically see and   is definitely an adult graphic novel which i'm  really looking forward to diving into next is   another book found at that 25 cent library book  sale and this one intrigued me so much because   it seems like it has that kind of vibe i don't  know if there's a specific genre keyword for this   type of book but like books like the night  circus or church of marvels where it takes place   in kind of like the dirty late 1800s early 1900s  industrial revolution but with like circus tense   and like gothic macabre elements of almost  like magical realism fascinations with like   apothecaries and small shops and like tinctures  and stuff you know what i'm talking about like   that specific genre where there's just like books  that have that kind of like texture and feel   does that make sense if you know what i'm talking  about let me know and let me know if there's like   a word for it cause i just want to call it like  gross dark circus or like kind of gothic kind   of vibes i don't know that is the hourglass  factory by lucy ribchester when i looked this   up on goodreads it really did not have a lot of  people who've read it which i thought was really   interesting um it came out in like 2015 i believe  but in the goodreads description it says soon to   be a full feature film with like meryl streep and  i was like what so i looked it up and i couldn't   find anything online about this i'm like was there  even an announcement did they just make that up   i don't know maybe it's in the works and it's  low-key honestly don't know what the plot is let's   take a peek london 1912 the suffragette movement  is reaching a fever pitch and inspector frederick   primrose is hunting a murderer on his own beat  a crosstown fleet street reporter is chasing an   interview with trapeze artist ebony diamond  fascinated by the tightly laced acrobat follows   her to a corset shop that seems to be hiding  secrets of its own and then it just kind of goes   into this stuff and there's a mysterious hourglass  factory it is a pretty thick book it just seems   like so much fun this is a book that i think the  ambience pulled me in more than the story itself   which i mean i'm just a big sucker for ambience  anyway like just give me a good setting give me a   good mood where i can really like sink my teeth  into with all of its senses i'm really looking   forward to this one i think this would be a really  fun kind of like fall autumn october read just   because it does remind me a little bit of like the  night circus and the church of marvels which was   a really wonderful read as well this next book  i kind of went to my parents house one day and   was looking at all of their bookshelves and was  like can i borrow this and then i borrow all that   and it's just a lot of classic literature  that i feel like i need to read it sometime   soon in my lifetime and that is of course if beale  street could talk by james baldwin this is such a   cute little copy it is so it's so darling it's so  tiny i read giovanni's room in january absolutely   loved it i loved it i was astonished that i had  never read james baldwin before i was astonished   that i was intimidated going into james baldwin  because i thought the writing style would be   inaccessible to me i don't know why maybe that's  just because like kind of classics intimidate me   for sure but now that i've dived into them i'm  like oh my gosh i need to read these they're not   as scary as i thought they would so i'm really  excited to get into if beale street could talk   um this is one that has just been talked about so  much has so much context and historical value um   so i'm really really looking forward to reading  another james baldwin very soon this next book   i also found used at my local indie bookstore  and i was baffled that i never heard of this   book before or this historical figure and that is  eludo equianos the interesting narrative and other   writings so eluda was a slave to a very notorious  british i believe he was a yeah he was a slave to   an officer in the british navy and then he was  able to purchase his freedom and when he was a   free man he actually traveled to central america  and was a plantation like overseer and from there   he kind of realized like oh my gosh this is really  messed up why am i doing that he became a really   big leading figure in the anti-slavery movement  and wrote these incredible diaries and details   of his experience as a slave being kidnapped in  africa and then being made a slave to this navy   british figure i'm definitely intimidated to read  this just because of one obviously the dense and   horrifying topic and discussion of slavery from  a first-hand account but also two i did start   reading the first few pages and the language is  very intimidating i feel like this is gonna be a   very dense book it's going to take me a long time  to read and understand and really get as much out   of it as i possibly can so it's definitely an  intimidating text but i think it's super super   important very disappointed and kind of like the  education system and maybe like the literary world   that i never heard of this man and his incredible  narrative and stories and the fact that it's so   densely detailed in here like everything  everything is in here a little portrait   and illustration and these original writings  of when it was published this is just amazing   to me and he was able to purchase his freedom in  1766 so like i just i can't wrap my mind around   the cruelty of humanity and wrap my mind  around that there are texts that have been so   well preserved and were able to be published  and we can read them now in the year of 2021.   that's mind-blowing to me so that is the  interesting narrative and other writings   next is another book taken from my parents shelves  this is a definitely very aesthetically pleasing   book that i'm very excited to get into and that  is a lust for life by irving stone this copy is so   stunning i don't know if i ever had a dust jacket  but like why would it because the entire book   is covered with a painting by van gogh so this  book is a historical fiction about van gogh's life   and throughout it are his actual paintings these  pages are so thin and flimsy but we have all of   these as etchings and illustrations are in  here just absolutely throughout i would say   it's almost like once every like few pages and oh  my gosh it's beautiful but yeah has dialogue all   this historical context of van gogh's life but  in this fictional story or passing of his time   or i'm not quite sure if it follows just one  specific year or a whole period of his life or   i have no idea but i am very excited to get  into this one especially just because i love   that the paintings and drawings are included  in here i think it's a beautiful collection   and i'm really excited about it this next one i  found at the 25 cent library book sale i was so   excited to find it because it is a classic i have  recently when i go thrifting or anywhere i've just   been keeping my eyeballs open for classic pieces  of literature because one i've not read enough   to i don't own very many classics and i think  it's very wise to when you see one for hella cheap   like just get it even if i don't end up reading in  my lifetime maybe i can pass it on to someone else   but anyway this one is madame bovary by gustav  flaubert flobert flaubert gustaf labart i gotta   stop saying it first off i love this this edition  i love i love this i like the i like the cover   and i like that it's a paperback madame bovary  is just a book that you hear about all the time   at least for me but i have no idea what it's about  i have no idea what it follows or what it what it   talks about um it's just one of those ubiquitous  texts that you hear referred to all the time   and you're like oh yeah i should i should read  about it but it's never at the forefront of my   mind when i think of classics ever at least for me  personally it's basically about this young woman   and her romantic tales and how it's just kind of  like i believe it like kind of gets her in trouble   and she's kind of ostracized from society for just  living this like passionate romantic life so i'm   curious to read it honestly when it comes to men  writing about young women i have issues with it i   have a lot of issues with it but i would still  give this a chance uh it's a pretty dense book   who knows if i'll enjoy it will i get to it soon  probably not but at least i have a copy of it and   a gorgeous one at that okay friends i  just realized that when the wind comes   that's when the squeaking starts so right now  i think we're okay but if a gust comes we're   in trouble i think it's like a squeaky  we got a big truck now and there's the wind oh i hate it i'm so sorry friends it's irking  me and if you can hear it i'm so sorry now i   got this motorcycle dude just like swerving on his  bike my neighborhood is just it's bikers it's all   bikers and trucks okay the next two books i'll be  chatting with you all about are from the 25 cent   library book sale good finds super jazzed about  them this next one is so interesting to me   and it is mother lunch bye oh i'm covering  it kirsten scott i could not get the sticker   off please ignore it's so ugly but this is such a  gorgeous piece of literary fiction and it follows   relationships between mothers and daughters it  literally opens i believe with the mother telling   her daughter how she lost her virginity so it  talks about sexuality it talks about relationships   romances teenage hood and just kind of growing up  and i absolutely love stories about femininity and   kind of growing into that position especially from  a mother-daughter perspective but it is just done   so beautifully i read i got really excited  and started reading the first like chapter   of it i love it i love the writing style i'm  definitely saving this one for summer time just   because i don't know the cover being underwater  it just seems like a really lovely piece to read   on the beach or in the hot summer sun i'm not  fully sure why i'm getting that vibe from this   book but i'm so excited to dig into it i do  love pieces of literary fiction that just   discuss really in-depth topics but they do it in  a way that's still so modern and accessible to   everybody it's so relatable and even though  it's a story that you can't 100 relate to now this next one i actually am currently reading  the first in this duology series and i am loving   it i am reading the first book over on my kindle  on the libby app so thank you libby i love having   like free access to library books on a kindle it  is a game changer it's it's so incredible please   look into libby if you haven't already it's such  a wonderful resource for ebooks and audiobooks and   i love that books can just so easily be accessible  to everybody and anybody with a library card and   that book is of love and evil by anne rice i have  yet to read a book by anne rice i have found many   a copies of her books that i've thrifted or found  at littlefree libraries and i start reading them   and then i'm like oh i like this writing style i  like the vibe i like where this is going but then   i find out it's like number xyz in a series and  then i'm like oh well i'm not ready to read this   because i want to read it in order so then i've  donated them back because it just doesn't make   sense i tried to get my hands on interview  with a vampire which anne rice also wrote   this halloween time last year and unfortunately  everybody else wanted to read an interview with   a vampire so i was not able to get my hands on it  so i'm so excited that i found this copy and it is   large print i am so happy i have been loving large  print books it just makes the experience so fast   and even on my kindle i i set my font size bump  that baby up like you just read so much faster   when the text isn't squished together and then you  can't find where the start of the next sentence   sentences because they're so compact you know  what i'm saying anyway i'm absolutely loving   the first book in this duology series and it's  called angel time and i believe the whole series   is called yep it's from the duology the songs of  the seraphim and i am loving angel time and rice's   writing is just impeccable it's beautiful  it's illustrious but at the same time it's so   easy to read and you feel the action you feel  the tension immediately but this series follows a   young man who is an assassin he kills  people for a living he's a hit man   and he's really dissatisfied with his life he  lives very isolated life his family has all   passed away and he is just surrounded by books  his entire life as books and history and then   he gets a call from his anonymous person that he  calls the right man and he goes on these hit jobs   and he hates cruelty he hates doing what he does  but he still finds this kind of like satisfying   beauty out of it and throughout the whole story  so far i'm only like 20 into that book but he   finds a lot of comfort and safety in going  to churches and praying to god even though   he doesn't believe in god so i really love that  aspect of spirituality and the sense of like   god is just love love is this universal it's  a feeling rather than like the actual um oh no i lost a word on the tip of my tongue  and now i'm i'm i'm i'm taken aback now   i'm so frazzled what was the word i'm looking for  not spiritual not sacred it's another s word i   think about text if i think of it later editing  august please please put it in here because   because i'm i'm blanking i'm blanking so hardcore  but um yeah i love that it discusses religion   and spirituality in a way where it's not just  specifically about christianity or catholicism it   is just about this overarching universal feeling  of love and purpose and uh the story basically   follows this man as he is then introduced to an  angel and the angel tells him like just because   you're an assassin like you still deserve love  and you still have a purpose in this life let me   show you and i don't know how it quite gets from  point a which i just described to point b which is   then traveling to like 15th century rome i don't  know but i love it and i love the writing style i   love how easy i'm just thrown into the world the  first book angel time absolutely loving it both   of these covers are so stunning i'm not a series  reader and i'm definitely not a fantasy reader   but this is more of like magical realism almost  and really deep discussions about religion and   faith and purpose and feeling unconditional love  from this angel from this above being or maker   so i'm really really enjoying this already i love  that it's just a two book series that's definitely   something i can get into i'm not like i said i'm  not a series reader but this is one that i can   definitely do so once i finish reading angel time  i'm going to immediately hop into this one of   love and evil because wow i i'm really liking  it this next one is another one that i bought   full price from my local indie bookstore because  again i could not find a copy used anywhere and if   i did it was very pricey and it was actually less  expensive to purchase it brand new and support my   local indie bookstore and that is the picture of  dorian gray by oscar wilde i mean do i need to   say any more i think it's so awesome how so  many people nowadays and even booktubers or   people who mainly just read like contemporary  or fantasy or literary fiction are now being   introduced to classics and this is one that most  people are saying if you want to be introduced   to the classics world without being completely  like intimidated and terrified of it this is a   really great place to start and i'm just really  really looking forward to this one this follows a   young man who is quite narcissistic and absolutely  loves the way that he looks and he commissions a   portrait to be made of himself and asks like  i hope i never age and i never want to age and   something it's almost like kind of like a deal  with the devil and so while he never ages this   portrait of himself does and it reveals his true  age but it's forever on display uh for everyone   to see and i've heard that it's quite comical i  believe this also has like a a gay relationship   in it and it talks about sexuality in a way that  late 1800s when this was written was definitely   not talked about not discussed so i'm very excited  to get into this one and understand the cultural   hype of this book the cult classic feeling that  feeling of reading a piece of classic literature   and really formulating my own opinions on it i  think that's the biggest um thing i take away from   getting into classics now in my reading experience  is so that way i can actually have an opinion on   it and understand why this has shaped so much of  our literary and cultural world yeah that is the   picture of dorian gray we only have four books  left friends this next book i found again from   my dad's bookshelves and uh i'm very curious about  it i'm also very nervous i tried to read a book by   this author many years ago i would say like six  years ago and i couldn't get into it i had to   put it down and i kind of like just dnf'd it did  not finish it that is queer by william esperos uh   william s burrows yes i've heard so many things  people say like oh yeah i enjoyed it but like it   was weird it is quirky it makes you feel uncomfy  things uh and this book basically talks about   male male relationships sexuality i think this  also dives into addiction as well yeah i think i i   think i tried to read william espero's book naked  lunch i think that's the one i tried to read and i   was like what is happening william s burroughs  is an author whose again name is just kind of   so familiar to me and i hear all the time and i  when i see it i recognize it but i don't recognize   the actual literature and i can't put two and two  together of like william s burroughs oh yes this   book i enjoyed it so i want to have an opinion  on it his name is so synonymous with famous texts   but i have yet to experience it fully so that is  queer the next two books were found at the 25 cent   library book sale and yeah let's just get into it  this one is some of my lives by rosamond bernier i   never heard the name rosamond is it bernier burnt  bernier or bernier apparently she had quite a few   relationships friendships acquaintanceships with  a lot of famous artists including pablo picasso   andre matisse carl lagerfeld all of these famous  artists and she just describes it in this book   of all of the people that she's met and wow yeah  we got some old photos there as well so this is   a literary scrapbook from an extraordinary array  of writings ranging from scholarly articles for   american publications to her many contributions to  the art journal less yell which she co-founded in   1955 so this is a multi-faceted self-portrait of a  life informed and surrounded by the arts this just   sounds like such an incredible life and incredible  story of this woman that i have never heard of and   i am just so excited to get into this i absolutely  love memoirs this is going to be a great place   to actually understand who she is and why she had  so many friends or relationships with very famous   historical figures but yeah i am really  looking forward to this one the next book is   trains and lovers by alexander mccall smith  another large print book we love to see it   and this book just called to me because of its  quaint feelings it just kind of gives me this   like comfort feeling of a time and a place and  an ambiance and all of that basically it follows   this i believe it's just a couple or two couples  who go on a train they're going to a destination   but throughout it they just converse about  relationships and it talks about how people   meet strangers on trains and become entangled in  each other's lives for a brief moment and then   never to be seen again this is something that  i can definitely relate to when i lived in   canada i would travel a lot by train just  to get back to the u.s border and when i   did that i would sit next to really fascinating  amazing people and we would talk the entire time   obviously pre-covered when you could sit  next to someone have a full conversation   and it was just a wonderful experience i don't  remember their names but i so vividly remember   the conversations we had and the feelings i got  when i left the train of humanity of connections   and realizing once you disembark from that  train they still have lives and you're going to   your own life yeah i don't know it's just  it's just a very profound feeling also   another sticker library sticker i couldn't get off  maybe one day i will but for now like it's so bad   yeah it's a lot of like romantic relationships so  in this there are gay and straight relationships   there's people from kind of all over the world who  meet on this one train um i am really excited for   this one i feel like it would just be kind of  a comfort read uh but we shall see i'm really   looking forward to this one and the last book that  we have friends is from my dad's bookshelves again   woman in the dark by the shell hammett so despite  how short it is it does seem like it's just filled   with so much suspense and this author i don't  know much about him but apparently he was kind   of like the father of american thrillers mystery  suspense this was originally published in 1933 and   it follows this woman who just shows up and is  completely frightened for her life and fearful   and these people try and help her and figure  out what's going on who done it what's happening   but despite how short it is i feel  like this is going to be kind of like a   film noir almost of this like mystery suspense  i don't know much about it at all but i'm really   looking forward to it so that is the last  book here this stack seems very unstable   there we go well that is it my friends that is  my giant haul all of these seem so incredibly   fascinating and riveting and important all in  their own independent kind of ways and i'm so   excited to get to them and read them and then tell  you about them my thoughts on them have you read   any of these books would you recommend them are  there any books on here that really caught your   eye that you want to read if so let me know i  am so so happy to chat with you all down in the   comments about books and sharing what we found  what what are some books that you found recently   that you had never heard of or you've been wanting  for a long time and finally got your hands on   i would love to hear i obviously have some  reading to do so i am going to put these   back on my yield shelves thank you so much for  joining me my friends i hope you enjoy some   wonderful reading recommendations get inspired  to pick up a good book stay cozy my friends bye
Channel: cozy rosy reads
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Keywords: thrift, haul, hauls, book, books, shop, store, thrifted, thrifting, used, secondhand, thrifter, thrifty, frugal, cheap, free, read, reading, cozy, rosy, calming, calm, ambience, quiet, discussion, recommend, recommendations, recommended, bookish, bookstagram, booktube, winter, march, spring, 2021, cozyrosyreads, august, booktuber, booktubers, new, indie, hipster, classic, childhood, favorite, favorites, reads, novels, fiction, nonfiction, memoir, history, historical, comforting, hauling, big, book haul, thrifted book haul, thrifted books, library
Id: s6lDtcIiad4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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