THE LAST OF US REMASTERED 4K All Cutscenes (Game Movie) Ultra HD

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[Music] tommy tommy listen to me he is the contractor he's the contractor okay i can't lose this job i i understand let let's talk about this in the morning okay we'll talk about it in the morning all right good night hey scoot monday at work huh what are you still doing up it's late oh crud what time is it it's way past your bedtime still today honey please not right now i do not have the energy for this here what's this your birthday you kept complaining about broken watch so i figured you know you like it i think this is it's nice but i i think it's stuck it's not what no no no oh ha-ha where did you get the money for this drugs i sell hardcore drugs oh good we started helping out with the mortgage then yeah you wish so [Music] you know that baby girl [Music] hello sarah honey i need to get your daddy on the phone uncle tommy what time is it i need to talk to your dad now uncle tommy hello what was that all about oh dang it i forgot to give this to him dad daddy you in here seem to be somehow connected to the nation where the heck are you we've received reports that victims afflicted with the infection show signs of increased [Music] oh god dad dad what is going on [Music] where the hell are you call me on my way there you are sarah are you okay yeah does anyone come in here no who would come in here don't go near the doors just just stand back there dad you're kind of freaking me out what's going on it's the cooper's so many ride with them i think they're sick we're kind of sick jimmy dad come here come here you shot him sarah i saw him this morning there was something bad going on and we have got to get out of here do you understand me yeah tell me come on [Music] you have any idea what's going on out there i got some notion oh [ __ ] you got blood all over you let's just get out of here we've seen half the people who said you lost their minds can we just please go i'll go with parasite or something you gonna tell me what happened later hey sarah how you holding up honey i'm fine can you hear us on the radio yeah sure thing thanks no cell phone no radio yeah we're doing great a minute ago newsman wouldn't shut up they say where to go they said uh army's put up roadblocks on the highway no getting into travis county we need to get the hell out take them 77 did they say how many are dead probably a lot i found this one family all mangled inside there right i'm sorry just christ how did this happen they got no clue but we ain't the only town first they're saying it's just the south now they're going on about the east coast west coast holy hell that's lewis's farm i hope that some [ __ ] made it out i'm sure he did are you sick no of course not how do you know they said it's just uh people in the city we're good didn't jimmy work in the city that's right he did we're fine trust me all right let's see what they need you think you're doing keep driving i got a kid joe so do we have room hey keep driving tommy stop seeing what i see someone else would come along you should help oh this is bad everyone and their mother had the same damn idea we could just backtrack man let's go [Music] we can't stop i can't [ __ ] drive through them go back up there they're behind me too there they're there hold on daddy hey hey get back get back okay ugh [Music] hold on tight those people are on fire keep looking at me baby [Music] we're gonna get out of this this way go [Music] jesus god damn it we're almost there we're almost there baby they're getting through them keep going find a way out of here come on we're almost there [Music] daddy it's okay baby we're safe we're safe hey we need help stop please it's my daughter i think her leg's broken right there okay we're not sick got a couple of civilians in the outer perimeter please advise daddy what about uncle tommy we're gonna get you to safety and go back for him okay sir there's a little girl but yes sir somebody we've just been through hell okay we just oh no sarah move your hands babe i know baby i know listen to me know this word you're gonna be okay baby stay with me all right i'm gonna pick you up i know baby come on baby please no baby sarah baby [Music] don't do this don't do this to me no no no no no no no [Music] please please [Music] the number of confirmed deaths has passed 200. the governor has called a state of emergency hundreds and hundreds of bodies lining the streets panic spread worldwide after a leaked report from the world health organization showed that the latest vaccination tests have failed bureaucrats out of power we can finally take the necessary steps los angeles is now the latest city to be placed under martial law all residents are required to report to their designated foreign riots have continued for a third consecutive day and winter rations are at an all-time low a group calling themselves the fireflies have claimed responsibility for both attacks their public charter calls for the return of all branches of government demonstrations broke out following the execution of six more alleged fireflies you can still rise with us remember when you're lost in the darkness look for the light believe in the fireflies [Music] [Laughter] hmm i'm coming how was your morning want one no i don't want one well i have some interesting news for you where were you tess west end district hey we had a drop to make we we had a drop to make yeah well you wanted to be left alone remember so i'll take one guess the uh whole deal went south and the client made off with our pills is that about right deal went off without a hitch enough ration cards to last us a couple of months easy you want to explain this i was on my way back here and i got jumped by these two [ __ ] all right yeah they got a few good hits in but look i managed give me that these [ __ ] still with us that's funny at least find out who they were yeah look they were a couple of nobodies they don't matter what matters is that robert [ __ ] sent them our robert he knows that we're after him he figures he's gonna get us first son of a [ __ ] he's smart no he's not smart enough i know where he's hiding like hill you do old warehouse in area five can't say for how long though well i'm ready now yeah oh i can do now [Music] the checkpoint's still open well you got a few hours left until curfew we better hurry up then [Music] wait are you serious we gotta serve the damn papers this morning attention citizens are required is mandatory look at that ration line hasn't opened yet it must be running low again [Music] [Music] hey jesus seems like more people are getting infected that just means more people are sneaking i gotta sell new papers they shouldn't give us any static up there just play cool all right see you ready what's your business here at the day off visiting a friend all right live run through thanks so much for the easy route patch yourself up all right [Music] they're gonna close all the checkpoints we're gonna have to go around the outside outside of the wall or we could just let robert go cute hey tess you see that [ __ ] i was there hey how's the east tunnel looking it's clear i just used it no patrols and where are you off to gonna pay robin you too who else is looking for him uh marlene she's been asking around trying to find him marlene what do the fireflies need with robert you think she'd tell me well what did you tell her the truth i got no idea where he's hiding good man hey you stay out of trouble all right military is going to be out in force soon yeah see you around [Music] marlene looking for robert what do you make of that i don't like it you better find him before the fireflies do this is us hey guys how's it going shit's stirring up out there how are we looking over here uh it's been quiet no signs of military are infected that's what i like to hear joel give me a hand with this y'all take it easy out there oh god this place freaks i need to watch what you throw away down here there'll be lights let's grab our gear our backpacks are still here from last time i'm not a lot of ammo make your shots count you ready yes ma'am come on oh be careful what am i not got a trick question ain't been out here in a while it's like we're on a date well i am the romantic type you got your ways got it great bring it over ladies first lady you must be thinking of someone else it's all relative this way down through here do you think robert still got our guns for his sake he better look once we get our merchandise back it should be easy to unload speaking of merchandise when's that next shipment due well we're meeting bill next month more pills lots of ammo supposedly hold up spores where the hell are all these coming from place was clear last time they're coming out of something stay alert there's our culprit body's not that old better keep your eyes and ears open i should be able to fit through here you okay yeah damn ceilings falling apart be careful this way easy my mask broke don't leave me to turn please what do you want to do poor bastard runner all right that's all of them let's hope so let's head back into the city some fresh air that's the one thing i love about the um [ __ ] hate the smell of the city why don't you ask bill to get you some of them air fresheners hey if they weren't expired that'd be a good idea here cover the entrance i got it hey little man make sure the coast is clear no soldiers none of robert's men yeah you know he's expecting us well that'll make it more interesting good to go come on hey thanks hey pretty little how are you doing today now right now terrence no no it's it's good looking now you hear me okay can you do that where do you think you're going [Music] who's that an old headache don't ask i'm looking for robert you come through here half hour ago he went back to the wharf is there now here we go let us through you guys need to turn around and head back if you know what's good for you our beef isn't with you we just want robert you don't want to do this turn the [ __ ] around and leave now i'm not going anywhere without robert [ __ ] i don't bash your skull unless you turn around and get your dumb ass out of here [ __ ] this take cover you ready yeah i'll cover you get the angle on them nicely done texas you too how the hell did he get all these guys robert's good at one thing all right give her a hand there you go over here joel mora roberts guys how do you know they're coming two of our guys died trying to take tess out i guarantee that she and joel are on their way here right now to get robert jesus we shouldn't have taken this job not our call let's spread out and make sure no one's creeping around in here i meant to tell you it's down on jordan street all these soldiers showed up with a group of about five sieves all in handcuffs let me guess fireflies yep i lined them up against the wall executed all of them [ __ ] yeah i hear it's like that all over the city they're cracking down on them hard i got a cousin seriously yeah idiot thinks he's gonna save the world not bad let's search the area hey consolidated crazy south warehouse supplies are locked up good let's do another once over and then head out it's getting close to curfew what about robert who's he holding up with tonight guys too paranoid to stay here by himself [ __ ] if i know we'll check in with the others and come up with something okay good take down the docks are this way let's do this uh [Music] there's our boy that cocky son of a [ __ ] let's go wrap this up going outside the wall of suicide that office robert must run in there let's go get the [ __ ] back you just want to talk robert we got [ __ ] nothing to talk about put your gun down go [ __ ] yourself he's running robert joel this way come on he ran in here the hello robert yes joel no hard feelings right none at all all right we missed you look whatever it is you heard it ain't true okay i just want to say guns you want to tell us where the guns are yeah sure but it's complicated all right look all right just hear me out on this i gotta you were saying i sold them excuse me i didn't have much of a choice i owed someone you owed us i'd say you bet on the wrong horse i just need more time just give me a week you know i might have done that if you hadn't tried to [ __ ] kill me who has our guns i can't you just give me a couple of [ __ ] has our guns it's the fireflies uh hold the fireflies what look they're basically all dead we can just just go in there finish them off we get the guns what do you say come on [ __ ] those fireflies let's go get them that is a stupid idea well now what we go get our merchandise back how i don't know we explain it to them look let's let's go find a firefly you won't have to look very far there you go queen firefly why are you here business you're all looking so hot where's robert i needed him alive the guns he gave you they weren't his to sell i want them back doesn't work like that tess the hell it doesn't i paid for those guns you want them back you're gonna have to earn them how many cards are we talking about don't give a damn about ration cards i need something smuggled out of the city you do that i'll give you your guns back and then some how do we know you got him well i hear the military's been wiping you guys out you're right about that i'll show you the weapons yes sir i gotta move what's it gonna be i wanna see those guns follow me we got to get out of here now we gotta move through here i know a way around this come on is that your people what's left of them what do you think i'm turning to you guys this way so why now we've been quiet i've been planning on leaving the city but they need a scapegoat they've been trying to rile us up it's like they did we're trying to defend ourselves hold up soldiers that's the way out the door under the bridge i ain't a big fan of these eyes we can sneak by them even though i know that's not your style we'll see how it goes let's get moving we need to get to that door [Music] whatever thank god you're here go on where are we going marlene this way it's not far now how you holding up i'm running on fumes but i'll make it the place is right ahead attention curfew is now in full effect anyone caught outside without proper authorization will be arrested and prosecuted the hell are we smuggling i'll show you joel give me a hand with this come on now you know the [ __ ] away from hey let her go well you're recruiting kind of young art she's not one of mine oh [ __ ] what happened don't worry this is fixable i got us help but i can't come with you well then i'm staying ellie we won't get another shot at this hey we're smuggling her there's a crew of fireflies that'll meet you at the capitol building that's not exactly close you're capable you hand her off come back the weapons are yours double what robert told me speaking of which where are they back in our camp we're not smuggling [ __ ] until i see them you'll follow me you can verify the weapons i can get patched up but she's not crossing to that part of town i want joel to watch over her whoa i don't think that's the best ellie how do you know them i was close with his brother tommy said if i was ever in a jam i could rely on him was that before or after he left your little militia group he left you two he was a good man i could just take her to the north tunnel and wait for me there jesus christ just cargo joel no more talking you'll be fine now go with him don't take long and you stay close let's go whoa i heard all the shooting but what happened the fireflies same thing's gonna happen to us if we don't get off the street you're the pro i'm just following your down here [Music] where are we going up there that'll get us to the north tunnel how are we supposed to reach that just give me a minute no that's a first so what's the deal with you and marlene anyways i don't know she's my friend i guess your friend you're friends with the leader of the fireflies what are you like 12 she knew my mom and she's been looking after me and i'm 14 not that that has anything to do with anything so where are your parents we're anyone's parents they've been gone a long long time so instead of just staying in school you decide to run off and join the firefly is that it look i'm not supposed to tell you why you're smuggling me if that's what you're getting at you don't know the best thing about my job i don't got to know why to be honest with you i'd give two shits what you're up to look great good is it what are you doing killing time well what am i supposed to do i am sure you will figure that out your watch is broken [Music] [Music] you mumble in your sleep i hate bad dreams yeah me too [Music] you know i've never been this close to the outside look how dark it is can't be any worse out there can it what on earth do the fireflies want with you hey sorry it took so long soldiers [ __ ] everywhere how's marlene she'll make it i saw the merchandise it's a lot undo this yeah let's go i think it's a bit strange that they're having us do their smuggling marlene wanted to do it herself they weren't their first choice well the second for that matter she's lost a lot of men beggars can't be choosers yeah i just hope there's someone alive to pay us someone will be around come on [Applause] [Music] who's waiting for us at the drop-off she said there's some fireflies that have traveled all the way from another city girl must be important what is the deal with you are you some bigwig's daughter or something something like that how long is this all gonna take if everything goes as planned we should we get out there i need you to follow our lead and stay close yeah of course climb up and check if the coast is clear now hold up there's a patrol up ahead all right we're good come on up come on kid watch your step it's raining but it doesn't get it holy [ __ ] i'm actually outside don't do anything stupid move turn around on your knees you scan them i'll call it in put your hands on your head this is ramirez at sector 12 requesting pickup for three stragglers understood look the other way we can make this worth your while shut up what's the eta couple minutes [Music] oh [ __ ] i thought we were just gonna hold him up or something oh [ __ ] look jesus christ marlene set us up why the hell are we smuggling an infected girl i'm not infected no i'm just lying i can explain you better explain fast [Music] look at this i don't care how you got infected it's three weeks old no everyone turns within two days so you stop bullshitting it's three weeks i swear why would she set you up [Music] go holy [ __ ] i got two dead uniforms follow me quickly when i give you the signal we run now run ellie it's gonna be another sprint you ready sure yeah god damn it they're everywhere holders right there i see him i see him they must have gotten through protect it [Music] just stay back don't see anything down there i'm sure they came this way stay down don't let him see you jesus [Music] what was the plan let's say that we deliver you to the fireflies what then marlene's she said that they have their own little quarantine zone with doctors they're still trying to find a cure yeah we've heard that before contest and that whatever happened to me is the key to finding a vaccine oh jesus that's what she said oh i'm sure she did hey [ __ ] you man i didn't ask for this me neither tess what the hell are we doing here what if it's true i can't what if joel i mean we've come this far let's just finish it do i need to remind you what is out there i get it this way if we cut through downtown we can hit the capitol building by sunrise we hope holy moly i guess this is what these buildings look like with clothes they're so damn tall so what happened here i bombed the hell out of the surrounding areas to the quarantined zones hoping to kill as much of the infected as possible uh what the hell was that test you hear that yeah sounded pretty far away though are we safe for now come on damn that's quite a drop now there's the capitol building yeah we need to get around this mess this is the downtown area it was now it's a giant wasteland hey tess coming it's been ripped apart body's pretty fresh yeah it might be let's not stick around [Music] give me a hand with us you all right let's search for supplies oh boy just see if there's a way through it's clear come on ellie all right kid you're up come on come on big guy let's go clickers [ __ ] go go um [Music] i think that's it hell are you okay other than [ __ ] my pants i'm fine let's go give me a second there you go ladies all right come on the stairwell's blocked should we go back up ah this is crazy just don't look down are you serious come on ellie yeah okay all right come on down let's just get out of here after we get back i can take it easy for a little while you want to take it easy and you always brush me off and believe it when i see it over there is him [ __ ] god we're almost out okay joel you take point i'll watch the rear ellie no matter what you stay right on his heels sure you stay sharp i got it [Applause] ah [Music] holy [ __ ] we actually made it everyone okay yes let's move you guys are pretty good at this stuff it's called luck and it is gonna run out where we going tess capitol building's in this direction how do we get up over this truck let's see what we can find joel over here [Music] they're coming i know okay let's go you got something on your shoe gross so marlene thinks you're immune well that's what she believes well how were you bitten i mean you must have been somewhere you shouldn't to find an infected in the zone yeah i i'd sneak out i was in this military boarding school you'd sneak out you know explore the city i was in the mall when i ran into infected that place is completely off limits how the hell did you get in there i had my ways anyways one of those what you guys call runners bit me and that was that i see okay how do we get out of this place let's find out all right watch your head hurry up i'm alive oh i'll make my way around look they're here [Applause] help oh [Music] oh [ __ ] tess how are you holding up just a bit winded look this way this will get us to the roof how about you kade you okay it's fine okay are you still breathing do small panic breaths count yeah they count right and i'm okay we gotta find a way across there she is that's our building stand back all right now watch your step as you're going up because it's going to be a little so is that everything you hoped for jury's still out oh man can't deny that view come on this way hey let's pick it up we're almost done stay focused yes ma'am it's right around this corner come on let's keep moving kid look at this there's a firefly logo on his arm um just so it's out there i can't swim [Music] look it looks like it's shallow on the right side follow me i'm glad marlene hired you guys what do you mean i know you guys are getting paid for this but i'm trying to say thanks yeah sure thing no no no no what happens now what are you doing tess oh god maybe they uh maybe they had a map or uh something to tell us where they were going how far are we gonna take it as far as it needs to go where was this lab of theirs she never said she only mentioned that it was some place out west what are we doing here this is not us what do you know about us about me i know that you are smarter than this really guess what we're shitty people joel it's been that way for a long time no we are survivors this is our channel it is over tess now we tried let's just go home i'm not i'm not going anywhere this is my last stop what luck had to run out sooner or later are you going home no don't don't touch me holy [ __ ] she's infected let me see i didn't mean show it to me oh christ oops right give me your arm this was three weeks i was bitten an hour ago and it's already worse this is [ __ ] real joel you've got to get this girl the tommies he used to run with this crew he'll know where to go no no no that was your crusade i am not doing that yes you are look there's enough here that you have to feel some sort of obligation to me so you get her to tommy's [Music] they're here damn it i can buy you some time but you have to run you want us to just leave you here yes there's no way i will not turn into one of those things come on make this easy for me i can find no no just go let's [ __ ] go ellie i'm sorry i didn't i didn't mean for this get a move on we know you're in there drop your weapons and come out with your hands up [Music] what the [ __ ] i can't believe we did that stop we just left her to die stop you stay close to me we have to move just keep pushing forward she took out two of my men oh my god copy that tess you take out the door you with me yes sir [Music] they're gonna be here soon we should move keep your head down [Music] [Music] oh he's got a gun fireflies put him down [Music] stay down i don't know how many more there are i got visuals on the target there's there's a soldier over there i wasn't lying to you did you spot him no place is empty going over this way [ __ ] i'm not here [Music] we'll figure something out get on really really okay [Music] i'll go all right hey look um about tess i i don't even know here's how this thing's going to play out you don't bring up tess ever matter of fact we just keep our histories to ourselves secondly don't tell anybody about your condition they think you're crazy they'll try to kill you and lastly you do what i say when i say it we clear sure repeat it what you say goes good now there's a town a few miles north of here the fella there that owes me some favors good chance he could get us a car okay let's get a move on now there we go yeah it'll be faster to go through here man what nothing it's just i've never seen anything like this that's all you mean the woods yeah never walked in the woods it's kind of cool why don't you just take me back to marley she was up to the task why'd she drop you off on us well maybe she's better now okay i don't mean to upset you but your friend's chances of survival weren't too high to begin with she's a lot tougher than you think you don't matter because i doubt i can get either one of us back into the city in one piece trust me i wish there was some other option there we go hey you bill where do you usually meet him huh different places you've never been here have you i know this is where he lives but no way never been here personally and that's smoke you think that's him sure as hell better be well let's go check it out then come on down here just watch your step it's a good drop are you all right i'm trying to learn how to whistle you don't know how to whistle does it sound like i know how to whistle [ __ ] oh [ __ ] let's jam from the other side here boost me up no that's not such a good idea well i can't boost you up how else are we gonna open it all right give me your foot now just open it nothing else sure thing careful okay let's see okay good job thank you so let's say we get a car from this buddy of yours then what well then we go find tommy marlene said he's your brother and more importantly he was a firefighter he know where to take you oh okay he lives far from here which is why we need the car what is it [Music] what the hell was that that would be one of bill's traps your friend a bit paranoid maybe no that's putting it lightly what's the deal with this guy well he helped us smuggle stuff into the cities he knows how to find things well let's hope we don't blow up trying to find him just watch your step you'll be fine [Applause] bill what just happened we want to build stupid traps there that fridge that looks like that's a counterweight okay cut that rope and it'll bring me down on it [ __ ] here they come how's it looking good time ellie hold on [Music] you all right yeah come on you can do it [Music] god damn it come on it's not cutting just hurry hi over here [Applause] ellie they're getting close captioning not available [Music] drop your ass on [Applause] guys [ __ ] [Applause] all right [ __ ] they're coming over come on they're getting through keep going this way all right boom belly move i'm going it's open come on [Applause] man that was close uh thanks for the heroics and all ah ellie hey what joel bill what are you doing turn around and get on your knees just calm down a second turn around all right get on your knees don't test me just take it easy goody fight anything sprouting oh god damn it i'm clean [Music] you come into my house you set off all my traps you're damn near break my shooting arm who the [ __ ] is this punk and what's she doing here i am none of your goddamn business and we're here because you all joel some favors you can start by taking these off i owe joel some favors is some kind of joke i'll cut to the chase i need a car well it is a joke joel needs a car well if i had one that works which i sure as hell don't what makes you think i just give it to you huh yeah sure joel go ahead take my car take all my food too while you're at it by the looks of it you could lose some of that food listen to me you little [ __ ] [ __ ] you you handcuff i need you to shut up all right whatever favors you think i owe you ain't worth that much actually bill they are well it don't matter because i don't have a car that works but there is one in this town parks there are parts in this town meaning that you could fix one up all right i'm gonna do this there's some gear i'm gonna need all right it's on the other side of town now you help me go gather it and maybe i can put something together that runs but after this i owe you nothing that's fine a couple days from now we'll probably be dead anyway good follow me whole goddamn town's booby trap best stay right on my ass can't miss it knock it off all right whatever supplies you may want or need i suggest you grab them all right thank you ellie take a look around see anything we can use all right all right really come on don't leave the door open i got it we have to cross to the other building up the stairs let's move it just stay with me can't believe you agreed to this [ __ ] bill what you should have done but just left him back there you weren't kidding about him yeah he's one of a kind what kind of trouble are you in where the hell's tess it's just a job simple drop-off what are you delivering that little brat ha ha [ __ ] you too [Laughter] oh you know i hope you know what you're doing are you kidding me with this guy where are we going bill i had the safe house more of an armory wait i thought we were gonna fix up a car we you know how to fix bill just there's one side oh i've been meaning to take care of that relax it's nothing so you didn't answer my question about tess i mean i thought the two of you were inseparable she's busy like might be trouble in paradise something like that all right here we go so why don't you fix one of these cars oh my god you're a genius i mean the whole time why on earth hadn't i thought about fixing one of these cars okay don't be a dick their tires are rotted and their batteries are dead are you done i can't even begin to think what the inside of the engine blocks look like only one's making new car batteries all right you gotta check the barricades again you neglect the simple [ __ ] and now you're paying for it you know what that means taking all the supplies from the warehouse now he's talking to him then it'll take bill joel this way you picked a hell of a place to hold up didn't you you know as bad as those things are at least they're predictable but normal people that scare me you of all people should understand that what does that mean nothing are you sure that gates gonna hold them well i locked it they don't have a key so which way we're here it's in the cellar [Music] all right down here well here we are you don't touch anything and you close the door let's gear up uh-uh what i need a gun no you don't joel i can handle myself no just stay here fine just wait around for you two to get me killed well this goes on record is the worst [ __ ] job you've ever taken it's up there how in the hell is tess okay with his suicide mission it's actually her idea really well the broad's not as smart as i thought she was what [ __ ] her seriously you got to take that kid back to where you found her i can't just take her back and send her packing let her find her own way but let me tell you a story once upon a time i had somebody that i cared about a partner somebody i had to look after and in this world that sort of shit's good for one thing getting you killed so you know what i did why isn't the [ __ ] up and i realized it's got to be just me bill today it ain't like that it's [ __ ] it is just like that hey when i said you we walk down the steps what'd i say i'm just fixing your stupid pile don't touch god damn it you keep babysitting long enough and eventually it's going to blow up in the face can we please just get on with it here let's get on with it all right before we go any further i got something i got to show you what you got new toy from the toy box this is a nail bomb now you gotta be really careful this thing blows it shreds anybody standing nearby so we got shotguns and bombs the hell are we doing with them well every few weeks this military caravan rides through town i assume they're out looking for supplies i mean you'd be amazed at the [ __ ] that they overlook anyway a few months back they were rolling through and they get overrun by this horde of infected they were all over the truck the plows were out in the side of the high school still sitting there with a battery in it so we take that battery and we put it in another car bingo i wanted to get it but it seemed too dangerous with all the infected on that part of town but [ __ ] it joel needs a car what if it's damaged yeah those trucks are like tanks it's just sitting there actually my work kid i swear to god if you took anything hey man i don't need any of your [ __ ] trust me joel you are keeping an eye on her right like a hawk wow nice place you got here now if you got anything to confess this would be the place to do it all right time to sack up yeah come on oh man yeah come on you don't need to be looking at that i've seen worse all right then past this gate it's all new territory to me i'm on it hey you guys hear that keep quiet [Applause] [Applause] he's easy you weren't kidding about this place were you this way it's tight on the other side what about going through here what the doggy door be very careful of course maybe you should have given her a gun okay bill there's more of those clicker things inside the house oh [ __ ] i ain't seen this yet just stay down careful what the hell left this here you got friends in town no although i got some idea who might have come through here school's on the other side of this house let's get inside come on ellie hey joel yeah give me a hand with this what i tell you there's that truck sticking out of the school right there come on there's a bunch of them up there ellie run guys get up well that was easier than i thought it'd be they must be holed up somewhere else well let's not test our luck how do we get inside someone left a ladder on the bus here get me up there and i'll drop it to you [Music] [Music] we have to get inside to get the batteries come on phil [Music] grab this please tell me you're done tim what [ __ ] empty guys phil where to uh bill where anywhere but here you play the whole ass come on we'll sneak out the back [Applause] down the hall i bet we can cut through those classrooms gotta get past those guys help me open this all right ready more on the way barricade the door this ain't gonna hold it for life i don't sound good oh no what the [ __ ] is that i got this over here there jeez what was up with that big guy it's been infected for a long time we call them bloaters bloater okay got it i hate to interrupt your little biology lesson but can we get the [ __ ] out of here please get on top of these please let's go people all right all right come on joe behind you [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] i got it i got it trash hold me up we're sitting ducks here there's another ladder over here keep going i'm right behind him inside the house now so that worked out well okay uh i'll go check out this side of the house bill somebody had the same idea they stole my [ __ ] well then what the hell is plan b you ought to be thankful you're still drawing breath that was plan a b c all the way to [ __ ] z and furthermore tell tess that she could take testing and shove it right up nothing jesus what you know this guy or something frank who the hell's frank he was my partner he's the only idiot that would wear a shirt like that [Applause] [Music] he's got bites here [Music] i reckon he didn't want to turn so yeah i guess not well [ __ ] him look what i found it's got some juice in it that's my battery [ __ ] [ __ ] get out get out okay jeez batteries drain but cells are alive meaning meaning we push it get it started the alternator will recharge the battery is that your guess look you wanted a plan b is as good as it gets what are you thinking thinking you drive and we push ready bill i found this in there and i uh i figured you should have it that's how you feel well [ __ ] you too frank [ __ ] idiot you ready to go you won't be okay with this yeah not a problem you're doing a good job i figured you should know that i won't let you down with this all right let's do it we're in first i already did it just keep your foot on the clutch and when we get to i know how to pop a clutch how the hell did you i don't care just don't [ __ ] it up all right ellie get ready now hit it hit it perfect hey good job kids [Music] back to the truck [Music] look if we just make it to the hill just over the edge [Music] you know [Music] all right ellie get ready all right ellie start it up go go [Applause] all right this'll do stop just keep it running all right that girl nearly got us killed you gotta admit she did hold her own back there you ain't gonna make it oh oh uh here what's this you'd be amazed at how many cars still got gas in them appreciate it look bill um about your buddy back there uh that's a tough deal we square we're square and get the [ __ ] out of my town [Music] so [Music] oh man hey what happened to sleeping okay i know it doesn't look like it but this here is not a bad read only one problem right there to be continued i hate cliffhangers where did you get that uh becky bills i mean all this stuff was just lying there what else did you get well here let's make you all nostalgic you know that is actually before my time that is a winner though oh man well better than nothing oh i'm sure your friend will be missing this tonight [Music] light on the reading but it's got some interesting photos ellie that ain't for kids whoa how how the hell would he even walk around with that thing get rid of that hold your horses i want to see what all the fuss is about oh why are these all stuck together i'm just [ __ ] with you bye-bye dude [Music] you know what this isn't that bad [Music] but she tried to get something i'm not even tired well perfect screw it starting to die easy holy [ __ ] are we gonna help him put your seatbelt on ellie what about the guy he ain't even hurt lord hear me ugh oh ah yep all right i think that's the last of them you okay yeah i guess so good we need to get the hell out of here you know the drill look around see if there's anything we can use all right go see if you can get a prop doper with some um there's some pretty gnarly stuff in here ellie okay go all right i got it i got it i got it look [ __ ] hunters see this could have been us and that is a lot of people that didn't make it i knew i should have turned the damn truck around we lived barely come on let's get out of here how did you know no what about the ambush i've been on both sides [Music] i'll take that as a yes take it however you want i guess this is where the [ __ ] sleep i mean slept all right here's the bridge that's our way out of here hey ellie slow down wait for me what right here how about you let me go first and keep your voice down oh good something else you can drop me crazy that's awesome [Music] what was that oh no ellie get down where did you learn to shoot man i'm about to hit you wow yeah you're really upset well if you want some lessons you know i'm more than willing to help you out yeah whatever where the hell are those guys they're supposed to be here now they're on the highway shift wouldn't be surprised if they cut another batch of tourists spots a gold mine lucky bastard see if there's anything you can forage while we wait hey did you hear that yeah man what the [ __ ] was that that bridge looks pretty far we'll get there whoa it's strange seeing a checkpoint with no soldiers well this is what most zones look like this place has been abandoned for a while now yeah me too just keep it down while we're going in this area okay we're up all night new head honcho i don't know now that we have enough people watching all the exits he says we can set up a larger perimeter what is that i don't know maybe we find some gas get some more generators going i like to restore one of those old projectors watch some movies or something that [ __ ] ain't happening i've heard that expansion talk way too many times and every time we try it ends up with a bunch of us getting killed how do you know maybe things will be different now keep your expectations in check you live longer hmm [Music] oh man get out of here there's more of them all right i don't think they saw us oh there's our bridge we're a little closer i think just keep at it come on [Music] i can't make that jump if you get me up there i can move that plank oh this place stinks yeah words all run did you go to coffee shops a lot i did all the time and what would you get just just coffee do you think those hunters are gone we're about to find out it's clear ellie come on down fancy you ever stayed a place like this before it all went to [ __ ] i mean i bet we can get up there oh it's too high let's see what we can find hey i'm not complaining i bet you're not we done here we got on the floor to check man check for what i haven't seen it clicker in weeks that's cause we're thorough we're gonna keep being thorough let's wrap this up right all right whatever oh man hey it looks like there's a ladder inside this elevator hold up let me try to open it let's see where this goes just in case so you find me something to climb on okay here we go are you okay no you scared the [ __ ] out of me no stay out there i'll make my way up to you i'll try [Music] down finish it i got it nicely done you fit not today you not today all right spread out make sure we didn't miss any more of these [ __ ] uh uh i shot the hell out of that guy huh hey you sure did i feel sick and you just hang back like i told you to well you're glad i didn't right i'm glad i didn't get my head blown off by a goddamn kid you know what no how about hey ellie i know it wasn't easy but it was either him or me thanks for saving my ass you got anything like that for me joel we got to get going lead the way wow look at that that's a a backdrop people would take their pictures in front of it yeah i know what it is okay then some on your mind ellie i wasn't trying to disobey you back there you were taking a really long time and i thought maybe he's gotten into trouble it don't matter what you thought i need you to listen to me i do it's just that whatever joel that door looks like a way out hey you see a way to get up there nope um i'll be able to get there with this [Laughter] hey how about a hand you sure you can trust me with that ellie push push harder there how's that let's go all right now i'm gonna jump down there and i'm gonna clear us a path what about me you stay here this is so stupid we'd have more of a [ __ ] chance if you let me help i am and you seem to know your way around a gun you reckon you can handle that well i sort of shot a rifle before but it was at rats rats with bbs well it's the same basic concept lift it up all right now you're going to lean right into that stock because it is going to kick a hell a lot more than any baby rifle yeah go and pull the bolt back grab it right there just hug it there you go as soon as you fire you're gonna want to get another round in there quick listen to me if i get into trouble down there you make every shot count yeah i got this all right and just so we're clear about back there it was either him or me you're welcome yes i should have known better if you're gonna steal you better make sure you get away with it right i would have been they're all dead they're all [ __ ] dead what the hell is he yapping about take [Music] you talk to the boss yeah he wants everyone to hold their ground watch the gate all right you heard him search the area do not let anybody through he's got to be wrong about the crew being dead i don't see some tourists taking out the entire crew what if they did maybe some military coming back don't be an idiot [Music] uh all right come on down how'd it do [Music] how about something uh a little more your size it's for emergencies only okay [Music] now the safety's on uh do you know how to switch it off i do okay you just you gotta respect it this is not joel i'll be careful okay [Music] all right do your thing ellie on it stupid chain is stuck hold on i am there it's good thinking [ __ ] get down get down busy couple of days huh whatever man damn no food old pair of shoes we got nothing let's go [Music] oh man ain't nothing we could have done i know it's just oh man let's just get to that bridge well at least they finally killed that couple i was sure they made in that truck how the [ __ ] did they wipe out the entire crew over there [Music] oh man come here early okay there you go i stayed at a place like this back in the boston qz military preparatory school yeah nice way of saying orphanage i wonder what happened to all these kids this place has been out for a good stretch they ain't kids no more meaning they're either hunters trying to kill us or they're dead or they got away but you don't believe that i believe in getting out of this city come on we're okay they can't see us oh leave him alone oh easy son just take it easy it's all right they're not the bad guys lower the gun man you hit hard well i was trying to kill you yeah i thought you were one of them too then i saw you if you haven't noticed they don't keep kids around survive all the fittest ah you're bleeding that's just nothing i'm henry this is sam i think i caught your name was joel ellie how many are with you they're all dead hey we don't know that there were a bunch of us someone had the brilliant idea of entering the city looked for supplies those [ __ ] ambushed us scattered us now it's all about getting out of [ __ ] hole we can help each other kelly safety and numbers and all that she's right we could help each other we gotta hide out not too far from here be safer if we chat there all right take us there follow me sorry about the whole gun thing don't worry i would have probably done the same thing where are you from all the way from hartford really i heard some bad stuff going on down there we got to be careful we're right next to one of their lookout areas it's just you and your daughter we're not related we're more like um i promise someone i'd look after yeah i can appreciate that wait wait everyone be quiet get away from the windows they're gone man that [ __ ] truck has been hounding us ever since we got in this damn sam what are you doing nothing get rid of it my backpack is practically empty what's the rule about taking stuff it weighs like nothing the rule what is it we only take what we have to that's right now come on how far is this place we're close real close [ __ ] what'd you find ellie you watch our back looks like someone was up there stay with her so where are the others they wanted to give it another once over i'm sure we didn't miss anything all right keep an eye out over there i'll check this area i'll search out here man it's back here how old are you me 14. how old are you uh the same oh you're 14 huh i'm close all right i am here we are welcome to my office how long have you guys been holed up in here a few days we found a bit of food though here blueberries found a whole stash of them you want some no hey man relax we're safe so why haven't you left been waiting for the right opportunity man here check this out [Music] look at these sons of [ __ ] every day they congregate down there guarding that damn bridge come night time it's down to a skeleton crew after sunset that's a window most of them gone sneak right past them that could work oh it'll work it'll definitely work wow all right ready ow blueberry hurt you it's been a while since that boy even cracked a smile she doesn't seem bothered by all this so where were you heading you heard the fire flowers are based on the west somewhere we're gonna join up with them yeah something funny oh it seems like there's a lot of people putting their stock on the fireflies these days yeah maybe there's a reason for that so you don't know where they are and you're just gonna drag him across the country to find him i tell you what how about i worry about my brother you worry about your girl easy we're looking for the fireflies too this is us there's an abandoned military radio station just outside the city any survivors from our group they're supposed to meet us there tomorrow you and the girl you want wanna join us it goes down tonight i guess we best rest up then [Music] he says it's time to go [Music] now we're gonna be moving fast okay so no matter what you stick to me light glue like light glue got it good good all right you all ready yeah okay all right y'all stay close okay you tried this before uh yeah that's comforting relax old man i just hope you know the way okay let's try to take him out quietly hey up all right how you doing i'm just trying to keep warm how's it looking out there let me put down some infected no sign of those tourists you think they're still in the city yeah they're still around all right do another round about your back yeah you too all right check it out we're good sam let's go all right come on there you go come on [ __ ] hurry hurry okay i'm sorry we're leaving what what's this [ __ ] hey now what the [ __ ] henry we stick together come on the [ __ ] do we get out of here run oh [ __ ] how many bullets do you have left they're gonna kill us what are the chores do we have we jump no it's too high and you can't swim i'll bust you up you run past them you'll keep me afloat ellie no time to argue henry he's awake hey you we're alive okay see what'd i tell you huh he's good everything's fine you know sam's the one who spotted you you guys are taking quite a bit of water henry he's pissed but he's not gonna do anything you sure about that stop joel he left us to die out there no you had a good chance of making it and you did but coming back for you putting him at risk stay back if it was other way around with you had come back for us i saved you you say me too we would have dropped it's fine nice i'm okay you know for what it's worth i'm really glad we spotted you now that radio tower it's on the other side of this cliff okay place is gonna be full of supplies you're gonna be really happy you didn't kill me hey we're gonna search this area see what we come up with that was intense you cool yeah let's go find that radio tower hey maybe we can find something in that boat over there keep your eyes peeled way ahead of you kid for a second there i thought you might shoot him yeah almost did they're all right i think it's good to have him around i think you're right did everyone have boats back then got a 60-foot yacht really no sarcasm making progress hey i bet this goes all the way through give me a hand with this all right same time come on let's do it all right come on kids go all right here we go hey flashlights out sam stay close someone's finally learning do you think they'll join us all the way to tommy's well i don't know we're just gonna have to see how everything pans out hey this way looks like there's a map up ahead right here time to get going i i gotta say i'm impressed no other [Music] it's a choice of alarm i don't hear anything someone used to live here don't look like that's the case anymore who would stay in here someone thought they could keep a place like this safe calm down hey same with the post over there okay okay do it just gonna you know stand there did you see that let's keep it down buddy okay yeah sorry [Applause] [Music] wow well i guess we know what happened to these people so you know there was a clicker they've been gone for a while we keep moving forward all we can do is hope there aren't any more of them i know yeah i'm cool that was me i must have triggered some kind of safety gate or something henry see if we can lift this so this is awkward yeah i know it's like every time what hey this thing isn't budging man just go get out of here sam you stay close to him henry we gotta [ __ ] move you keep him safe go yeah yeah i know all right come on kid see if we can find a way out of here yeah [Music] you did it we're gonna keep going you good yeah look at this place it's like a classroom how can they keep it safe i wish i knew god knows they didn't deserve it but there are a lot of them here people i mean it looks like it oh thank god we gotta keep running get away from the door maybe put it together [Music] we'll hurry up then all right go everyone upstairs let's go damn thing's stuck here give me a boost i can get through that window open it from the other side make it fast come on sam you're not staying in here what about you i'll be fine come on go [Music] get ready go fresh air look at this oh are you [ __ ] kidding me thanks for the warning on the other side guys so where's this tower we're close come on let's go hey how you doing though man that was a close one huh yeah not one of our finest moments but we made it out hey look at that yup what'd i tell you huh let's find a way around to it how about you how you holding up business as usual right when i was with henry i took out a couple of infected by myself you'd be proud yeah it was pretty intense back there huh oh yeah totally how did you two end up together oh i you seem to get along well yeah well now i just boss them around isn't that right joel lots of friendly people lived here first few months after the outbreak they had a lot of looting everyone got paranoid you remember any of that joel yeah everyone barricaded themselves in their homes and supplies started running low that's when you saw what people are really capable of oh doggies they're gonna want to stay away from those it's not like it is in the zone these are wild what is this oh this is an ice cream truck an ice cream truck yeah henry told me about these they sell ice cream out of the truck what no way joel that's true this thing drive around and play real loud creepy music and kids would come running out to buy ice cream you're totally [ __ ] with me mmm serious man you lived in a strange time i told you so all right yeah sailing's falling apart [ __ ] sniper do you see where it came from somewhere down the street all right now y'all stay here no before you start i need you guys to keep him busy i'm gonna go around and see if i can't get the angle on it okay hey be careful [Music] [Music] show yourself [Music] we're gonna pay for that uh get away from us [ __ ] oh that was intense you all right sam yeah i'm okay thanks joel look at this all right we did it we should move all right sam henry sam are you okay yeah yeah i'm fine you sure i said i'm fine come on come on let's move [Applause] you're okay still here anybody hurt uh now we're good i think it's time we quit this place come on let's go [Music] shut the hell up that's serious [Music] it's tommy's birthday and that's all he wanted to do is just went to harley's and drive cross country oh man i could die happy if i could just ride one around the block what was it like it was good it was real good good can you believe this guy come on man give me details describe it you know what you two deserve a little privacy no no ellie ellie this isn't just any regular motorcycle okay you get on that bad boy you feel that engine nothing like it oh yeah how would you know seen it in my dreams [Laughter] i don't think anyone from my group is gonna show up yeah worst part about it all explaining to sam well it's safe to say those two have officially bonded what are you doing taking stock of all the food we found today i see and how are we doing on canned peaches did henry send you no why would henry send me to make sure i'm not [ __ ] up somehow i'd say we all did pretty good back there especially you is everything all right everything's fine okay well have a good night how is it that you're never scared who says that i'm not what are you scared of ah let's see scorpions are pretty creepy uh being by myself i'm scared of ending up alone what about you those things out there what if the people are still inside what if they're trapped in there without any control of their body scared of that happening to me okay first of all we're team now okay we're gonna help each other out and second they might still look like people but that person is not in there anymore henry says that they've moved on that they're with their families like in heaven do you think that's true i go back and forth i mean i'd like to believe it but you don't i guess not yeah me neither oh all the serious talk i almost forgot there if he doesn't know about it you can't take it away all right i'm pooped i'll see you tomorrow that smells good good morning where's sam i let him sleep in for once oh well if you want him to join us you can go wake his ass up okay sam sam [ __ ] he's turning that's my [ __ ] brother screw it [ __ ] really gotta feel right oh my god see ya oh no see henry stay there henry what are you doing i'm gonna get that gun from me okay oh okay okay easy is this your [ __ ] this is nobody's fault in me it's all your fault henry henry no oh my god [Music] jackson county means we're close to jackson city right shed me more than a few miles you ready to see dear old brother i'm just ready to get there you nervous i don't know what i'm feeling uh so much for this road you just follow the river it'll lead us straight to tommy's come on what happened between the two what do you mean you and tommy you're not together so clearly something went down i just had a bit of a disagreement that's all ah what was it about tommy saw the world one way i saw the other and that's why he joined the firefly yeah your friend marlene promised him hope that kept him busy for a while but just like tommy he eventually quit that too how was it the last thing you saw i believe his last words to me were i don't ever want to see your goddamn face again who's going to help us i suppose we're going to find out well they're without his help just keep going whoa what's that right there is a hydroelectric power plant it uh it uses the river's movement and turns it into electricity look i know what it is i don't know how it does all it [Applause] well that gets us halfway if we get the other one up we'll make it across um [Music] huh all right i need you to i know step on the [ __ ] palette oh give it a spin [Music] to be careful crossing that thing i will teamwork that's too small great i forgot to leave that stupid robot on his grave what should i do with it um what i want to talk about no why not how many times do we need to go over this things happen and we move on it's just that's enough all right i'm sorry let's get the tummies oh i'm so hungry i know i am too all right let's get past this place then we can scrounge up some food [Music] don't even think about reaching for your weapon tell the girl to drop hers now ellie who's the lady says hey please tell me you're lost oh we didn't know the place was occupied we're just trying to make our way through through to where you're all right but you know these people know him he's my goddamn brother tommy holy [ __ ] how you doing baby brother god damn yeah let me look at you [Music] you're [ __ ] old easy it's going to happen to you too [Music] this is maria be nice there she sort of runs things around here ma'am thanks for not blowing my head off it would have been embarrassing considering you're my brother-in-law we all got to get wrangled up at some point ellie right yeah what brings you through here uh that's kind of a long story why don't we bring him inside yeah you hungry starving [Music] false alarm they're friendlies we've been dealing with raids a lot of bandits in this area it's been quiet for a few days what the hell are you doing here i thought i'd find you in jackson been trying to bring the plant back to life we had it working before but one of the turbines went south we have electricity joel a had we'll get her running again no way you guys have horses we got a whole lot of them hey tommy give me a hand with this sorry i'll be right back can i no of course he likes when you cut his ears you ever had one i actually have what have you ridden a horse winston this soldier back in the zone he gave me lessons you know if you want we can take them riding later that'd be awesome there hey thanks tommy no sweat all right let's continue the tour earl yeah why are you here weren't you supposed to head back this morning still waiting on houzzer and the rest of the boys to relieve me you know we'll be fine just go home to your family it's just a couple more hours i'll tough it out all right let's take it easy now maria yeah go ahead we're in the control room steve's about to start it back up you want to come check it out i'd rather eat with ellie it's my turn anyway i'll go i'll come with you go with mariah come on ellie let's give the boys some space i'm sending tommy over stand by this will be the sixth time of them trying to get the turbines back online we've been here just a week and it feels like forever uh i got something for you last year i went back to texas back home most of our stuff is long gone most of it here it's a little faded but still looks pretty good i'm good you sure i mean i've said i'm good okay i'll hold on to it for you tommy i need to talk to you privately yeah okay let me just check on my guys real quick come on i don't know what you heard but you should see the town we're over 20 families strong now it was maria and her father they set up this place with the idea of being self-sustained we had crops and livestock remember how we thought no one could live like this doing anymore what do you do for protection adults take turns guarding the perimeter we've got electrified fence when you plant something i think you still got to deal with infected though right he doesn't but it's the world we live in or maybe you don't have to be you sound like marlene these two geniuses are gonna bring this plant back to life we think we got it this time you don't believe us i didn't say that i'll bet you a million bucks it worked sure make it two uh we're almost ready they just need to finish putting the shield back on no rush to the left watch it okay that's good slowly all right that's good tommy's here okay good to go ready go ahead hit it here we go god damn we did it boys nice work boys somebody get on the horn and give maria the good news see that pretty impressive looks like you're at 2 million bucks all right let's go talk that's quite the crew you got here that's a good man this place gives him a second chance give this all a second chance so why'd you leave boston i've been on quite the adventure little brother i reckon it's got something to do with that girl he's got everything to do with that little girl well go on then she's immune mean to what i know i've seen her breathe enough spores to take down a dozen men and nothing i wouldn't believe that neither but i can show you all right but why bring her here i was supposed to deliver to the fireflies the way i figure they're your boys you finish the job you collect the whole damn payment i haven't seen a firefly in years you know where they are now i'm not asking for much time i just want some simple gear enough to set me on my way what makes you think i'd do this for you this isn't for me tommy this is for your damn cause my cause is my family now you ain't talking about some walk in the park here jesus boy have maria get some of your born-again friends to do it they got families too tommy i need this you want some gear sure but i ain't taking that girl off your hands this is how you gonna repay me huh repay you for all those goddamn years i took care of us took care that's what you call it i got nothing but nightmares from those years you survived because of me it wasn't worth it i bring you the cure from mankind and you want to play the pissy little brother we ain't back in boston you lay your hands on me again it won't end well for you the hell is that we're under attack you still remember how to kill right yeah [ __ ] bandits stop them don't let them into the building ah you guys see anything we got him let's get to the bridge but break it into the building can you get out of there we're gonna come to you they're here tommy maria i'm all right the kid's with me i was too damn close you okay yeah yeah yeah i'm fine oh man they were coming in from every direction that maria was like we gotta run and so we dove over these tables and this huge guy blasted with the shotgun hey are you hurt no god damn it i need to talk to you absolutely not you tell him to go find somebody else do you have any idea how many men we lost here today what's that all about i need you does that have anything to do with me talk about it later did he tell you where the lab is we'll talk about it later later right one [ __ ] up and then i turn into one of those widows okay i have to do this i don't know what else to say fine maria here we go you if anything anything at all happens to him it's on you she's thankful you know yeah i know i'll take that girl of yours to the fireflies you don't have to worry about it it's best this way you know maybe some real good will come with this i need to talk to ellie say again i didn't hear you joe what is it that girl of yours she took one of our horses and rode off which way come on i just saw her riding on out of here go back inside help the others clean the place up okay careful out there there yeah [Music] she couldn't have gotten far we'll find her don't worry stubborn kid she usually pull these stunts nothing like this what's going on how many do you see two goddamn mini go around i'll cover you look by the ranch that's our horse she's got to be there there he looks clear [Music] be careful ellie ellie up here is this really all they had to worry about boys movies deciding which shirt goes with which skirt it's bizarre get up we're leaving and if i say no do you even realize what your life means huh running off like that putting yourself at risk it's pretty goddamn stupid well i guess we're both disappointed with each other then what do you want from me admit that you wanted to get rid of me the whole time tommy knows this area well i'm sorry i trust him better than i trust myself stop with the [ __ ] what are you so afraid of that i'm gonna end up like sam i can't get infected i can take care of myself how many close calls have we had well we seem to be doing all right so far and now you'll be doing even better with tommy not her you know what maria told me about sarah ellie [Music] you are treading on some mighty thin eyes here i'm sorry about your daughter joel but i have lost people too you have no idea what loss is everyone i have cared for has either died or left me [Music] everyone [ __ ] except for you so don't tell me that i would be safer with someone else because the truth is i would just be more scared [Music] you're right you're not my daughter and i sure as hell ain't your dad and we are going our separate ways get it together we're not alone i got two walking there's more inside already go look down there where is this guy uh hang back all right house is clear let's get back to the horses we're clear you want a hand up i got it [Music] so [Music] there she is kids will be watching movies tonight where is this lavaliers it's all the way out university of eastern colorado no big horns heli get off your horse give it on back to tommy i'm gonna hang on to this fella that's all right with you well don't make me repeat myself what are you doing your wife kind of scares me i don't want her coming after me sorry for stealing your horse come back to town let's discuss it at least you know me my mind's all made up university eastern colorado how do i find this lab it's in the science building looks like a giant mirror you can't miss it [Music] take care of that weapon this place for you here you know you're good i'm good how do you slow brother right it's called turnover and if you clear the 10 yards then you're back at first down first down that's right man it's confusing you just got to play it a couple of times it don't make sense [Music] okay none of these buildings look like a narrative well ahead of central grounds should be able to see most of the campus from there there's that time of year i'll stay with callus i hate that name how many people you think are there fireflies i mean i reckon it takes quite a crew to run that operation you think there will be other people my age not sure stay with the horse yes i don't want him running off i'll be right back looks like someone jerry rigged this thing no juice see if i can get the power back on um [Applause] and there's that yeah you imagine being up there all by yourself it would have been cool i'm just saying well when i was a kid i used to want to be a singer shut up oh serious sing something come on i won't laugh i don't think so please let's go huh and those monkeys yeah a whole mess of them that was kind of awesome first time seeing a monkey first time seeing a monkey we have seen someone by now maybe these guys like to keep a low profile yeah maybe all right let's try that gate i'll be right back i'll be here there it is this won't budge watch yourself you too [Music] uh uh more infected i'm fine uh all right let's try the gate you did it yeah come on first i think they were fireflies no no i don't think so [Applause] well bill used them as a form of defense maybe they're doing the same yeah i could see that yeah i'd expect to see someone by now let's get inside over there yeah it looks like nice rusted shut i'll have to find another way maybe we can get over it screw back all right not what i had in mind but it'll do all right we're inside come on kiddo give me your hand there you go thanks let's look around butterflies care for mankind over here anyone let's keep it down until we figure out what's going on nothing useful ain't nothing but a bunch of medical mumbo jumbo i don't get it looks like they all just packed up and left in a hurry maybe not all of them stay close there are no bodies that's good right we found out where they went [ __ ] um so it's probably clickers right oh clickers don't hide jesus yeah no fireflies either well maybe in all that research they turn into [ __ ] monkeys just keep searching we'll find something it's four pallets of lab equipment all packed who made a bigger sacrifice than you right there oh my god i'm sure glad we didn't mess with them monkeys he didn't see where they went i know let's just keep looking you're looking for the fireflies they've all left yeah no [ __ ] i'm dead or i will be soon got me some time to reflect been years that felt like we were that [ __ ] thing was a giant wasted time i'm not gonna do this anymore come on looking for the others they've all returned to st mary's hospital in salt lake city you'll find him there still trying to save the world good luck with that do you know where that is i know the city is it far it ain't close horseback what fireflies get down the [ __ ] are these guys don't matter we know where to go let's get the hell out of here all right i guess you want to do this the hard way come on [Music] what do you want me to do [Music] one two three let's get to the damn horse i don't see anyone let's go [Music] joel how are we doing can you handle the window [Music] [Music] all right just stay here [Music] those were my friends you killed [ __ ] come on out [Music] [Music] we gotta get you out of here i'm okay you're not okay joel now come on move it there's no one here hurry you're doing good keep at it here lean on me no well can you walk yes then [ __ ] walk [Music] come on [Music] behind you what early the kid's got a gun [Music] here stand up put your arm around me all right let's go i swear to god i get you out of this you're still singing for me you wish [Music] wait here i'll get the door take your time come oh on come on just get the horse all right [Music] can you get one [Music] i think we're safe [Applause] [ __ ] here oh get up you gotta tell me what to do come on you gotta get up [Music] [Music] this won't last very long you'll just startle it where'd you go there you are easy easy oh man oh great everything's cool this place is not creepy at all oh who's there out hello we just want to talk any sudden moves and i put one right between your eyes ditto for buddy boy over there what do you want um name's david this here's my friend james but from a larger group women children they're all very very hungry so my women and children all very hungry too well uh maybe we could uh trade you for some of that meat there what do you need weapons ammo clothes medicine do you have any antibiotics we do back at the camp welcome to following i'm not following you anywhere buddy boy can go get it he comes back with what i need the deer is all yours anyone else shows up you put one right between my eyes that's right two bottles of the penicillin in a syringe make it fast go on i'll take that rifle of course back up it's probably gonna be a while you uh mind if we take some shelter from the cold bring him with us there you know you really shouldn't be out here all on your own i don't like company i see what's your name why look i understand it's not easy to trust a couple of strangers whoever's heard you clearly care about them sure it's gonna be just fine we'll see you had another gun [Music] hey i sorry like my rifle back no you have your pistol hope you know how to use that thing i've had some practice no matter what we have to keep them out let's hope they don't find him cover the windows okay [Music] every shot now you weren't kidding you're a better shot with that thing that i have give me a hand with this [Music] this way [Music] come on i'm blocked cover the stairs all right stay close hey kid you all right i'm fine flickers get out of there [Applause] here come here boost me up okay ready are you be quick keep a lookout i know jeez looks like someone already fought those things and lost we're looking for these boys doesn't matter grab the gear and look for an exit keep your eyes open for anything we can do see anything get ready it's a bloater uh like we killed all of them more like disbelief listen now infected no infected what'd i tell you all right let's head on back check on that buck of ours well you handled yourself pretty nice back there i'd say we make a pretty good team we got lucky lucky no no no such thing as luck now you see i believe that everything happens for a reason sure i do and i can prove it to you now this winter that's been especially cruel a few weeks back i sent a group of men out nearby town to look for food only a few came back he said that the others had been uh slaughtered by a crazy man and get this he's crazy man traveling a little girl you see everything happens for a reason ah don't get upset it's not your fault i'm just a kid james lower the gunner no way david i'm not going to let her a gun now give her the medicine they always won't be happy about this well that's not your concern where the [ __ ] out of the way won't survive long out there i can't protect you no thanks [Music] let's get out of here come on okay joel [Music] i only managed to get a little bit of food but i did get this move your arms [Music] here we go sorry hold on that's it oh you're gonna make it [Music] [ __ ] they tracked me i'm gonna draw them away from here i'll come back for you [Music] david said videos [Music] over here [ __ ] [Music] oh man oh [ __ ] okay she fell down the hill somewhere i don't see her though there's the exit uh [Music] there you go there you go oh huh how are you feeling here you should eat i know you're hungry i've been out for quite some time what is it it's deer with some human helping on the side no not my promise it's just a deer meat you're a [ __ ] animal it's awfully quick to judgment considering you and your friend killed how many men they didn't give us a choice and you think we have a choice is that it you kill to survive and so do we we have to take care of our own by any means necessary so now what you're gonna chop me up into tiny pieces i'd rather not please tell me your name you're so full of [ __ ] on the contrary i've been uh been quite honest with you now i think it's your turn it's the only way i'm gonna be able to convince the others convince some of what that you can come around you have heart you're loyal and you're special oh [ __ ] you stupid little girl you are making it very difficult to keep you alive what am i supposed to tell the others now ellie what tell them that ellie is the little girl i broke your [ __ ] finger how did you put it tiny pieces see in the morning helly ellie where'd she run off to [Music] ugh over there where keep running oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you up you wait here the girl is she alive what girl i don't know no girl [ __ ] focus right here right here i'll pop your goddamn knee off a girl she's alive this is david's newest pet where [Music] you're gonna mark it on the map and it better be the same exact spot your buddy points to market it's right there you can verify it go ask him come on i'll tell you hey [ __ ] you man he told you what you wanted i told you [ __ ] that's all right i believe him no wait wait wait come on oh i warned you i'm infected i'm infected really so are you right there roll up my sleeve look at it i'll play along what you say everything happens for a reason right what the hell is that she would have turned by now it can't be real looks pretty [ __ ] real to me [Music] i can do this what the girl she's infected and she got out this is bad david [Music] ugh stay focused it's fine [ __ ] uh how did you do it that's all right nowhere to go you want out gonna have to come get these keys admit add me back there that was good kid it's gonna be all right you know you keep surprising me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh what is this is any stuff here oh christ i gotta find her i gotta find her holy sh really uh um i knew you had heart you know it's okay to give up ain't no shame i guess not just not your style is it you can try [ __ ] begging you think you know me huh let me tell you something you have no idea okay it's me it's me it's me look look it's me [Music] um [Music] so ellie ellie did you hear me no what look hospital this is where we get off let's go kiddo you feel that breeze huh i tell you on a day like this i just sit on my porch pick away my sex drink yeah once we're done with this whole thing i'm gonna teach you how to play guitar all right i reckon you'd really like that what do you say huh haley i'm talking to you huh oh yeah sure that sounds great i dreamt about flying the other night oh yeah yeah go home tell me about it so i'm on this big plane full of people and everyone is screaming and yelling because the plane's going down so i walk to the cockpit open the door but there's no pilot i try to use the controls but i obviously have no clue how to fly a plane and right before we crash i wake up i've never been on a plane isn't that weird well you know dreams are weird look at that another city another abandoned quarantine zone there's that hospital the firefly mentioned come on kiddo well we could use that ladder everything all right yeah i'm fine yeah he just kind of seemed extra quiet today oh sorry no it's not it's fine here we go ellie ellie what the ladder come on oh my god ellie ellie you gotta see this what is it what the hell is [Music] you see this [Music] where's it off to here come on let's go slow down kiddo come on [Music] oh man wow look at those things [Music] so this is everything you were hoping for [Music] it's got its ups and downs but you can't deny the view though [Music] we don't have to do this you know that right what's the other option go back to tommy's just be done with this whole damn thing after all we've been through everything that i've done i can't be for nothing look i know you mean well but there's no halfway with this once we're done we'll go wherever you want okay well i ain't leaving without you let's go wrap this up this place takes me back oh so it was right after everything went down i ended up in a triage just like this and everywhere you looked you just saw families torn apart whole damn world seemed to have turned upside down in a blank is that after you lost sarah yes it was i can't imagine losing someone you love like that losing everything that you know i'm sorry joel that's okay ellie yo i got something for you here maria showed this to me and i uh i stole it i hope you don't mind well no matter how hard you try i guess you can't escape your past thank you this time it's gonna be different i just know it what do you mean they're gonna be there the fireflies i'm sure of them [Applause] wow [Applause] [Applause] we killed him i think we got on i think you're right endurance arrive oh boy let me go ahead and you follow my league okay right behind you okay come on jump you're gonna catch me i got you see you didn't even need me let's get the hell off this thing oh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] hands in the air she's not breathing hands in the [ __ ] air come on welcome to the fireflies sorry about that they didn't know who you are and ellie she's all right they brought her back you came all this way how'd you do it it was her she fought like hell to get here maybe it was meant to be i lost most of my crew cross in the country i pretty much lost everything and then you show up and somehow we find you just in time to save her maybe it was meant to be take me to her you don't have to worry about her anymore we'll take care i worry just let me see her please you can't she's being prepped for surgery the hell you mean surgery the doctors tell me the cordyceps the growth inside her has somehow mutated it's why she's immune once they remove it they'll be able to reverse engineer a vaccine a vaccine but it grows all over the brain it does find someone else there is no one else listen you were gonna show me where's stop i get it but whatever it is you think you're going through right now is nothing to what i have been through i knew her since she was born i promised her mother i would look after her then why are you letting this happen because this isn't about me or even her there is no other choice here [Music] yeah you keep telling yourself that [ __ ] [Music] march i'm out of here he tries anything shoot him [Music] toys this gift joe [Music] get up i said get up go move where where top floor the far end got any what for me [Music] you right uh so is uh yeah that's it i'm coming ellie he's in here uh [Music] sweet jesus doctor what are you doing in here i won't let you take her hey you [ __ ] animal gary shut the hell up [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] you can't save her even if you get her out of here then what how long before she's torn to pieces by pack of clickers that is that she hasn't been raped and murdered first i need for you to decide it's what she'd want and you know it look you can still do the right thing here she won't feel anything [Music] [Music] oh what the hell am i wearing just take it easy drugs are still wearing off what happened we found the fireflies [Music] turns out there's a whole lot more like you really that are immune to dozens actually ain't kind of a damn bit of good neither they've actually they've stopped looking for a cure i'm taking this home i'm sorry wait let me go please you just come after [Music] well [Music] looks like we're walking should be a straight shot through here all right it's actually kind of pretty ain't it yeah all right now watch your head going through feeling my age now don't think i ever told you but uh sarah and i used to take hikes like this i think uh i think the two of you would have been would have been good friends i think you really would have liked i know she'd liked you i bet i would [Music] it's a little bit further now [Music] [Music] yeah thank [Music] all god come on [Music] hey wait ah back in boston back when i was bitten i wasn't alone my best friend was there and she got bit too we didn't know what to do so she says let's just wait it out you know we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together i'm still waiting for my turn ellie her name was riley and she was the first to die and then it was tess and then sam none of that is on you you don't understand i struggled for a long time with surviving and you no matter what you keep finding something to fight for now i know that's not what you want to hear right now swear to me swear to me that everything that you've said about the fireflies is true [Music] i swear [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 192,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, the last of us remastered 4k all cutscenes, the last of us remastered 4k game movie, the last of us remastered 4k full story, the last of us remastered gameplay, the last of us remastered walkthrough, the last of us remastered ps4, the last of us remastered full gameplay, the last of us remastered movie, tlou remastered all cutscenes, tlou remastered ps4 pro, tlou remastered walkthrough
Id: mvoVZcXCeX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 274min 19sec (16459 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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