The Last of Us is ALMOST Perfect

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I finished watching HBO's The Last of Us and I gotta say it was pretty good actually I've finished watching it for a while now and I've been meaning to make a review on it but honestly this has been a really difficult one for me to talk about not because I think the show is bad by any means the show is actually really great it's just that there's not a whole lot to talk about Let Me Explain If you're a fan of The Last of Us video game then you'll be happy to know that this live-action adaptation is extremely faithful to it it follows almost a beat for beat retelling of the game with some new sprinkled in between like there are YouTube videos where people compare shots to the game and shots of the show and put them side by side and they're pretty identical and that's kind of insane how detailed they go and try to recreate everything from the game and I can't really Express how big of a deal this has been considering that in the last few years we've been getting a lot of adaptations where the show winners really don't respect the source materials and think they can do a way better version of a beloved story and away they've made a worse one How could a guessed that but the last of us really isn't like that at all they really put a lot of time and effort into making this show the best live action adaptation they could make and I think they did a pretty good job at it they even changed the story a fair bit to try to make it work better in live action they expanded on sections and characters that weren't really expanded upon in the game which is kind of weird considering you spend way more time in the game than you do in the show first and foremost the acting in this show is fantastic with the highlights being Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey leading they were both handed the assignment of being Joel and Ali and they knew exactly what the to do with it the visuals were also great the world looks exactly the same as how I remembered it being in the game and mixed in that with the music they used and you get the same tone that they set in the game which to me is the harder thing to get down when you're adapting but therein lies a slight issue I had with the series and this is going to be a weird complaint I feel like this is a show made for people who were fans of the game but might be better for people who didn't play the game if that makes any sense I'm not saying that people who played the game won't enjoy it I think they will enjoy it a lot with all the little details they've added in it it's just that as someone who knows the whole story before going into the series there weren't really a whole lot of things that surprised me the best way to describe it is re-watching a really good TV show honestly the best moments I had with the show were the new things they've added in knowing what happens in the game I thought the show wouldn't be able to do anything that could surprise me but I was thankfully wrong about that there were a lot of moments in the show that are entirely brand new and it was a betterment for the show because these were the moments that I really didn't know what to expect like episode 3 of this series is a whole last new thing that wasn't in the game and that was great IGN is probably like episode 3 three of The Last of Us really makes you feel gay that's really gonna sound so bad with no context for this I also wish that they did a little more with the infected we see in the series like I know that this is a show about how people are the worst monsters and the actual monsters but like I want to see more of the monsters too the little bit we do get to see of the infected are great I really really think it's great but I just wish we got to see a little bit more of them my last big complaint of the series was the ending and it's not about the ending from a story perspective I love how the game ended in that regard and I love how the show ends in that regard as well my issue with it was the pacing of the last episode I think that someone on staff must have put on a speedrun of that section of the game because that happens fast as like the last episode is one of if not the shortest episode of the whole season the last episode should have been more of a build up towards its climax but it really doesn't have that at least I thought I wanted there to be more context behind Jules decisions of that episode but we really don't get that like I know what his reasons are from playing the game but I really don't see that much in that scene in that hospital also for context of people who have played the game I remember that hospital scene being a lot dirtier in the game that it was in the new remake and the show which is not gonna be good for season two for a show that made us spend a lot of extra time to further develop characters that weren't really developed in the game they really didn't go further on a scene that is probably the most important in not only the game but also the franchise as a whole I know I just talked a lot of but overall the show is really good like it's just that it's the show that I've already seen before I really do think that it is the best live action video game adaptation there is but there's not really a whole lot of competition out there however I don't think it is the best video game adaptation that would probably go to either Arcane or cyberpunk Edge Runners unless there is something that I'm missing or forgetting about like I know somebody in the comments is going to be like what the man Uncharted is the best video game I can't even make the joke without laughing but I would recommend the last of us to others both to those who have played the game and to those who really don't know anything about it it's a good watch but if you have seen the show let me know what you think about it if you think that this is a really good adaptation or not I'm really curious if I did a good job or if I'm just out of my mind if there is also a TV show or movie that you'd like to have me watch and review let me know I'd watch and review just about anything good or bad I would also appreciate it if you would subscribe I just kind of went into this not really knowing where this was going and I feel like things are going much better than I thought they would and would like to continue doing a lot more of this but anyway that's about it I hope you guys continue watching this and I'll continue posting more thanks thank you
Channel: SprayJuice
Views: 160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last of Us, Review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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