The Last Of Us | Season 1 | Review

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hey guys my name is Ewan and welcome to my review of The Last of Us TV series now I know for a fact that you don't need me to be able to figure out that it's the best adaption that there's ever been all you have to do is go on the internet for no more than 10 seconds and you'll see The Last of Us news plastered all over the place obviously that's for good reason though before we get properly into this review I think it's common courtesy to give you a pre-warning that I will be comparing the show to the game a lot as I played the game alongside the show I don't mean that as in I played the game and watched the show side by side and multitasked or whatever but in reality the way I did this was I would watch The Last of Us episode one and then I would play the game up until the point where the show left off which actually led me to really appreciate just how accurate the show is to the game not only in dialogue or script but also in camera angles movements and set design I'll go more in depth on these things later on though but obviously after each week I'd then have to wait for the next episode so I could repeat that process of watching and then playing until I would get to where it left off in the show which at times was hard because all I wanted to do was play the game but I also didn't want to spoil the show for me I wanted to make a review which had a unique perspective of somebody who played the game after the show even if after the show meant like after each episode because I loved it so much anyways let's stop babbling I'm getting ahead of myself roll the intro with something as big as taking on one of the most popular video games in the world and making that into a show you'd expect this to turn out like any other video game to TV adaption Super Mario Bros 1993 but in reality we somehow ended up with what everyone is now considering to be the absolute highest standards for adaptions and I can safely say I agree with that too however that's not to say it's perfect I'll talk about what I mean by this later though for now let's focus on the positives of The Last of Us needless to say Ellie and Joel played by Bella Ramsay and Pedro Pascal are some of the most popular video game characters to exist so when people found out that they were coming to HBO for a series which would surround the events of the game there were a lot of mixed reactions some acted as though the world was going to end if it didn't translate well to TV whereas others like me were purely excited to see how it could do or if it might ruin the characters for some long-term fans of the games but you know by now I think it's pretty safe to say that nobody has been disappointed by how the character's arcs went throughout the story I think the best thing to do right now is analyze both Ellie and Joel's characters one by one and then I'll tell you about my thoughts on how they were portrayed in the show firstly Pedro Pascal really smashed this roll out of the ballpark I think it really was perfect casting for the role he really let us see a side of Joel that isn't really emphasized in the game and it really does wonders later on in the show to bring emotions out of the audience the side I talk about of course is this completely distraught broken man who has been trying to deal with the loss of his daughter for 20 years but ultimately hasn't gotten anywhere with overcoming that tragic event but in the show they lean into this a lot more and Pedro Pascal really Nails this portrayal of Joel just incredible acting on his part the emotionless and dark way in which he delivers his lines and acts strangely enough show a lot of motion throughout the show and really makes the audience feel bad for him before I get into the portrayal of Ellie's character I feel I have to mention that when Bella Ramsey was announced as the person who was going to play Ellie I wasn't too thrilled by that as she didn't look anything like the character she would be playing and you know at the time she was a relatively Unknown actress to me however as soon as the show started I quickly came to realize that the way in which Bella portrayed Ellie is so accurate and so good that I didn't really care about how much she didn't really look like the Ellie from the games I also saw this reaction online from many other people so hopefully that teaches us not to judge the casting too fast the way in which Bella delivers her lines as Ellie especially when she's angry or swearing are most definitely the best part of her character as in the game Ellie constantly uses bad language and this is probably something everyone can recognize her character from she was also great as the comedy relief of the entire show in times where I didn't even think it needed comedy but it really did help to feel more realistic wouldn't have picked anyone different to play early now I'll keep this short and sweet exceptional job on both sides 10 out of 10 performance here's the thing okay they were just extremely underutilized in the show and extremely over utilized in the game that's the best way to put it unfortunately the infected were some of the best aspects of this show but unfortunately they sort of Fade Into the background a lot more after episode five just with a few appearances every now and then but not as much as everyone would have liked to have seen I personally would have liked to see more horror aspects in the infected as in the games you're always having to sneak past clickers and Runners but you don't really see any of that past episode 2. I have seen some reports saying that the people working on season two know people want to see more infected and they have been saying that that will happen next time so we'll have to see otherwise the amount of infected was good for the pacing of the show it just could have been done more like in the games but certainly not exactly as much in the games that was one of my biggest annoyances in it each time I'd have to sneak through infected areas it became more of a chore than a major contribution to the story overall still fun but just really tedious it's pretty clear that they're really stuck to being as accurate as possible to the game while also taking some Liberties story-wise however for the most part they did an incredible job the entire story made sense and it all worked well considering a lot of the writing and script was just taken from the game at least the major lines were I think there were points in which they wasted a lot of time that could have been better spent on the main character's Dynamics or sneaking through more infected areas the episode in which I think really didn't add a lot was episode 3. now episode 3 was probably one of the most emotionally heartbreaking things I've seen in a while and it was incredible it really was but it wasn't necessary at all it was a long way to show how Ellie and Joel got their truck to be able to travel wherever they needed to go I really don't think it was 100 necessary to the story to spend as much time with those characters in episode 3 when they don't particularly contribute to the overarching story the show follows but hey it was an amazing episode nonetheless it's weird to say that such an incredible episode was so I I don't want to say pointless but it almost was it was just long and could have been better used to flesh out jolinelli's Dynamic a bit more the world of the last of us as a whole is incredible the set designs and the CGI background look commenced the infected particularly the clickers costumes design was insanely awesome although there were some parts in which I think they could have maybe done some more things the game did to add a little more spice to it for example in the last episode it felt particularly rushed as if they really just wanted to get Joel into the hospital so he could go all John Wick on everybody to save Ellie in the game before they make it to the hospital they have to go through this flooded returnal and there's this big sequence where Joel gets Swept Away by the water and Ellie who can't swim jumps in to try and save Joel but ends up almost drowning now throughout the game it emphasizes that Ellie can't swim so when this happens it's a big panic and it adds a lot more to the Final Act of the game the show doesn't even deal with the fact that Ellie can't swim and completely misses out that sequence which would have been incredible to see obviously that's a small thing I didn't like it didn't ruin the entire show for me but there are definitely points It suffers from being too rushed or too slow throughout the show overall the ending was faithful to the original game and it was done really well I'd say that's my favorite show of the Year already so something really amazing would have to come along to blast that show out of the water for me to change my mind about what my favorite show is this year you know overall I give The Last of Us series a 90 rating and the game also gets a 90 rating because both have unique qualities that either drags them down or most of the time elevates it to a more amazing level there's always that little bit more of improvements that could be done to each of them which is why I went for a 90 rating but oh my God it was a spectacular show I recommend everyone watches it at some point but anyway that's about it I hope you all enjoyed my review if you did please remember to like And subscribe maybe even comment and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Euan Anderson
Views: 645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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