Why David Is The Most Evil Character In The Last Of Us

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okay so when we look at the last of us I think a lot of us are hit with how Marley gray that it is Joel's actions are questionable aliens up going down a dark path and people have to do bad things to get by but we can all understand why this is no matter how dark things get with the protagonists there is at least some debate in it with even the ending of the first game being like well I get it at the very least however in the case of David I don't think there's any point where you can actually sympathize with him a devious and manipulative man he attempts to groom Ellie into joining him in his cult in both the show and game we learn minor things about them and in case you don't know David's one of the main antagonists in both I think he's being put in place to show that man is the worst predator of them all and amongst this new world he's managed to abuse people and do what he wants David is far worse than the infected and he even sees them as being something to admire before the world fell apart he would have had to have moved silently and likely would have evaded the law due to his manipulative abilities though he definitely twists situation to his benefit post-apocalypse he has even more power because of the way the world is he's taken his followers away from the overlooking guise of Federer and isolate them far away from everyone else in a habitat that not many people would venture to he's very much built the cult Iran himself and like most cult leaders he's abused his power to allow him to carry out his dog fantasies describing himself as a man with a dark heart we see how he's letters flock into a life of cannibalism and that they've been shunned into silence even when witnessing abuse now in the show we learn a little bit about his past and discover that he actually used to be a teacher knowing what we know about him this has an extra layer to it as he could have used this role to Prey Upon people this very much plays into why he likely became a preacher as well these positions of power give him access to young girls and it also means that people will listen to him and turn a blind eye to what he's doing when all the issues happen with the Catholic church we discover that many people knew about it but they just covered it up instead of actually damning the person committing the indefensible tax religious figures are often thought to very much be vessels for God and thus in this position few people question them I think this is why David chose to become a holy figure and you know what he says I don't get the feeling that he's even religious and instead he views the cordyceps as the higher power he's a charlatan masquerading as the leader of a cause that he doesn't believe in because it makes him Untouchable at one point James questions that it might be God's will to let Ellie die but we see his own choices overriding this so that he can get to her David very much brings the perfect portrayal of his character to get what he wants as well I think that both the show and game do an excellent job of painting him out is a very meek and meager character who's completely unassuming when playing as aliena fighting alongside him and due to how valuable he is I think many players will see him as a great Ally in these moments hell even fooled me and upon my first playthrough I was thinking he seemed like one of the quote unquote good ones up until this point we'd fought against Federer Bandits and some the worst people imaginable that were happy to kill a kid just to get an extra bit of food David on the other hand seemed like he genuinely wanted to Hell belly though and he even sent off his right hand man to get medicine for her as players were very much meant to see him as the people in his town do and be on his side however the turn comes early on when he actually plays his hands slightly and reveals that his men have had run-ins with Joel and Ali in the past had you all been in fighting shape she wouldn't be out getting medicine for him unless he wants to offer her something else away from him in this world most people are in it for themselves and in the game we even get the feeling from geology's ditch those that have slowed him down we saw this with Henry and Sam too when the Run truck was chasing them and on the whole staying with someone if they're wounded is the exception and not the rule David incorrectly assumes that at least like this too but getting someone away from their families also a tactic that abusers use psychologists have outlined patterns like this before and in toxic and abusive relationships there tends to be some key characteristics these involve getting the victim away from their friends and family and thus they're more likely to stay with the person because they have no one else to turn to in David's Town Ellie would very much be viewed as the enemy too the stories of her and Joel have circulated at this point and I can't imagine that the town's folk will take too kindly to her around these pots thus Ellie will very much be stuck in a strange place that she doesn't know with no one else to turn to David will be the only person that she has unless you'll be able to manipulate and abuse her without anyone stepping in to help out it's a sad and sadistic plan that puts early in the most danger that she's ever been in whereas she found a surrogate father with Joel David is very much a dark version of that and I don't think it's a coincidence that he refers to himself as that in the entry we see as a girl named Hannah Montana father who was killed by Joel and David's done a similar thing to what he planned to do with Ellie I think that she's very much used in the episode to show what could potentially happen with Ellie and we watch as a congregation refuses to speak up even though he's hitting her in front of them it's likely that they would never to speak up to him at all and you really feel for the girl in this moment and I don't think it's any coincidence that this interaction comes the night after he just met Ali this slap is very much him casting her to the side because he has a new Target that he wants to control now at the start of the episode they say it's too cold to bury her father but it's possible there might be another layer to this the ground being too cold to dig up sounds like a bit of BS and it's possible I can't bury his body because they've eaten it this would also mean that Hannah's ate her own dad and that David was complicit in doing this it's just got a creepy subtext to it the people just eat down on their meals without speaking up they are just happy to have something to eat and if it's a choice between a hot meal and speaking up and starving then they'd likely rather go with the former David has weaponized this and often in Cults you will find behavior that fits along with this too one of the first things an abuser will do is also restrict food as it will allow someone to control those below them Nexium did it or Kelly did and pretty much every figure like this carries out something similar we do know food is scarce too so it might not be intentional but potentially David chose for them to settle here because of that reason there's also the fact that it's out in the snow and thus anyone who tried to leave would have to deal with the environment too so your choice is to stay there and be fed or face the harsh Frozen landscape that surrounds the town I think all of these aspects are what makes David the most evil character in the game and show because of how devious he is appearing as a mild-mannered man he's managed to manipulate people into thinking that he's not a threat when in reality he controls every aspect of the life that people have in his town if you put yourself in their shoes too you can easily see why some have just chosen to stay silent and he's preyed upon this weakness to mean that he can basically do what he wants if they speak against him they could be speaking against God they stop him it might mean they're unable to eat and if they try and leave then they have to contend with what lies around them they've already lived through fedra and several writers and now just want some Safety and Security in exchange for silence it adds so much complexity to the show but either way I think we can agree David's a second evil man I think most people would rather face up against the infected than be stuck in a town with him as the leader but he's used to be able to control them masquerading as a religious man he's tapped into people's fears and has used them as a way to control how they live it's a harrowing thing and had Ellie ended up stuck with him then who knows what would have happened his death scene is meant to be brutal for a reason and seeing her cut away into him is done by the creative team to show just how evil he is it's complete Overkill and yet you can definitely understand why his death is portrayed like this in the end he's one of the most evil characters I think I've seen in video games before and the worst thing is that most players wouldn't have suspected a thing on their first run through I think when making this video something that stuck with me is just how much of this actually translates to real life things like clickers and blow photos don't exist in our world but people like David do they come across as kind and gentle Souls but lurking beneath them's a dark and evil side put in a position of power they can destroy someone's life worse than an outbreak like this have occurred and in fact it would make them more powerful without law enforcement and having people in vulnerable positions means that they can Thrive and get what they want it's terrifying to think about and I think it's a reason why David sticks with so many people long after they finish the game to me he's the most dangerous character we come across and he's a chilling and evil villain with or without the infected as always I'd love to hear your thoughts on the character and what you think about David in the shown game comment below and let me know and if you want something else to watch then make sure you check out our video on screen right now if you want to support the channel then please join our membership program by clicking the link below it'll give you early access to some videos and we're also going to start doing some extra stuff that really really pays you back for all your support hopefully see you over there and without the way thanks for sticking through this I'll be four I'll see you next time take care peace
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 100,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Of Us, The Last Of Us Ending Explained, The Last Of Us Breakdown, The Last Of Us Explained, Joel, Ellie, HBO, TLOU, Last Of Us, Ending Explained, Joel Explained, Episode Breakdown, Clickers, The Last Of Us Characters, episode 8 breakdown, The Last Of Us episode 8, The Last Of Us episode 8 breakdown, The Last Of Us episode 8 explained, all cutscenes, ending, hbo, the last of us 2, david, david in the last of us, most evil character, most evil character in the last of us
Id: YcEArz5_38A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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