The Last of Us: Episode 6 - Review

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all right it's been another week which means another day of escapism let me say that again escapism and an infected zombie apocalypse our world is so I can't swear in the first few seconds of videos algorithm and all it's gonna give you a fair spoiler warning I'm gonna talk about things that happened in episode six of The Last of Us this episode jumps three months after Joel and Ellie have licked their emotional wounds after last week's tragedy well last week to us three months to them but that three month time Jump brings us to what looks like winter and winter in the game takes place after the events of this episode as it relates to the game anyway that's why I was like wait a minute did we skip are we not gonna have that Arc with Ellie that I really like the arc I think it's a very important chapter of her life but again the show does a really good job at keeping people who've played the game on their toes to kind of shake it up a bit to where you don't feel like you're just watching the Motions play out long story short they run across some folks on horses they have this dog it's like all right the dog is gonna sniff you out if the dog senses anything if dog smells anything that is any fungus dog is going to find a new chew toy called you let the games begin that was actually a really intense scene because you're like it's gonna Ellie's not technically like her body fights it off but it's huh you're scared Joel's scared you're kind of more scared because he looks scared like dude you're supposed to be the rock what are you doing not the Rock is in the actor but the concept you're supposed to be the anchor you're supposed to be the one we all get behind you're our tank man don't look freaked out turns out it's all good it's all fine they go to the town and that's where Joel's brother Tommy is they give each other a big hug you know it's like they have tension but I like that it shows that it's like dude zombie apocalypse you can have beef with your brother you can also give him a really big hug because you're glad he's alive you thought he might have been dead at this point they're a community of Communists their words not mine Jill seems very uncomfortable with the whole thing I get it it's the same feeling I got with like the Dharma Initiative and I was watching Lost which is very easy to say as I'm in my house behind my camera talking about an episode of Television I'm sure the chips were actually down I'd feel like yeah you want me to shovel [ __ ] all day long great thank you for the food in the shelter things are very easy to say until you're there but I totally get Joel's apprehension I get one why he doesn't feel comfortable in this setting because he's he's made it on his own out there for so long it's like I don't know if I want a boss that's not the only reason that's the surface level apprehension with him he's actually um Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsay had a couple of great emotional scenes in here great monologue and emotional heavy dialogue when Pedro Pascal's talking with Tommy and he's like I I'm not the one to to take her on this Mission you know it shouldn't be me it should be you but I get it the dude sees a girl there it reminds him of his daughter he's like I he can't bear the thought of losing a daughter again on the other hand Ellie can't stand the concept of being abandoned by a father figure who is Joel so it's like that that concept was always in this show but this is the episode that's like it's front and center they're coming face to face with these emotions they're coming face to face with the concept of we can either deny this reality entirely or we can accept it and proceed accordingly but in that scene where Joel is spilling his heart and basically pleading to not keep going with the mission couldn't help but see that as his that's his Jesus in The Garden of Gethsemane moment he's like if we can go ahead and not do the thing um let's go ahead and do that instead oh I have the choice oh I'll do the thing [ __ ] responsibility paraphrasing maybe that was in the original Bible but this was a great Joel and Ellie episode they came face to face with each other in the concept of each other and after that they're laughing joking you're like oh they've accepted the father-daughter dynamic that is them then yeah they're like oh the fireflies aren't in this town they get attacked dude stabs Joel with a bat I mean the bat broke off so it's basically a wooden Spike but yeah it gets stabbed and it leaves off with Ellie like I don't know what please don't leave me don't die don't do this end of episode what a great way to end great way to end an episode this was actually one of the rare times I don't usually look at the hey next week on The Last of Us I was like I have to I have to see I gotta see the sneak peek next week's episode is actually the flashback episode with Ellie we get the DLC episode which I can see why it's important there this is going to be the episode that sets up La in the next episode's going to be Ellie's basically big Coming of Age story as this episode shows she's becoming more efficient she's good at keeping watch at night but this is a real sink or swim kind of scenario she's in now but this episode was what I've Loved about the show so far which was Joel LA and their emotional Dynamic this father-daughter dynamic neither of them wants to recognize now they've been forced to come face to face with it right so the Last of Us episode six have you seen it what did you think about it whatever you thought comment below let me know and as always if you like what you've seen here and you want to see more click right here to see more [Music]
Channel: Jeremy Jahns
Views: 245,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, joel, ellie, episode 6, tommy
Id: OA6rfwrIN9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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